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Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: queenbee on September 07, 2012, 20:23:50

Title: Compostm Manure & all that stuff
Post by: queenbee on September 07, 2012, 20:23:50
My plot has suffered from lack of nutrients in the soil due to very wet weather here in the North of England, I have had a very poor show of nearly everything. I am stripping it bare this autumn and digging it over (well OH is) My query is that I am a bit suspicious of manure round these parts and it is not easy to come by, I don't have nearly enough home made compost. should I just cover the soil over with weed supressent and leave till spring then fertilize with Gro More. What would you lot do? 
Title: Re: Compostm Manure & all that stuff
Post by: chriscross1966 on September 07, 2012, 20:54:42
Can yo get council green waste compost?... Around here it is pretty cheap if you shovel it yourself off the piles at the recycling yard... 30 quid a ton, and that's about 4 cubic metres....
Title: Re: Compostm Manure & all that stuff
Post by: RenishawPhil on September 07, 2012, 21:51:20
Don't you have farms in the area to get trailer loads of muck from??
Title: Re: Compostm Manure & all that stuff
Post by: queenbee on September 07, 2012, 23:17:02
chriscross, when I think of what goes into my brown bin I am not so sure. I have in the past used this and have found all manner of things that I would only put in my dustbin. Do you think it is sterilised before it is sold to us.
Title: Re: Compostm Manure & all that stuff
Post by: Toshofthe Wuffingas on September 07, 2012, 23:23:55
I'd sow some autumn and winter green manure. The roots will hold the nutrients from being washed down, The leguminous manures will fix nitrogen and you will have a bulk of organic matter in the spring. The cover will help suppress weeds too.
Title: Re: Compostm Manure & all that stuff
Post by: bionear2 on September 07, 2012, 23:45:06
Most "council compost" is produced by stacking green waste into huge berms, where the bulk produces fast hot action.As a result it is usually weed-seed free and sterile, though pretty much without nutrient value.
I have had some odd things in it that have survived the "burn" and screening, but overall it's good soil conditioner, and great for topping off your seed rows so seedlings get through easily.
Title: Re: Compostm Manure & all that stuff
Post by: elvis2003 on September 07, 2012, 23:56:49
I'd break the soil up in clumps to welcome the frost and concentrate on producing my own compost for next year,its not an overnight process
Title: Re: Compostm Manure & all that stuff
Post by: caroline7758 on September 08, 2012, 10:02:17
A related question- is it worth adding pelleted chicken manure in autumn?
Title: Re: Compostm Manure & all that stuff
Post by: Digeroo on September 08, 2012, 12:15:15
I have been giving chicken pellets to my brassicas they seem to like it.  Those who got it are doing a great deal better than those without, so they have all been given a small handful each now.
Title: Re: Compostm Manure & all that stuff
Post by: taurus on September 08, 2012, 13:43:55
If you have what was the old wyvale group near you they are selling boxes of green manure seed at 50p instead of 3.99.  theres different ones to suit different requirements.  Just got back from ours at Swindon won't tell you how much I've spent in the last 2 days  ;D ;) ;D ;).
Title: Re: Compostm Manure & all that stuff
Post by: davyw1 on September 08, 2012, 14:41:28
You don't really need farmyard manure to get results, Although i have plenty of it i have not used it for years. ( you wont win a prize as to why not).
If your OH is digging the garden over then get him to double dig it, bringing the bottom soil to the top, then when done lime every where except where your potatoes are going and leave it to over winter.
Next year when you make your beds rake in Groworgamic manure and if you want Calcified Seaweed pellets ( i do ) a couple of weeks before you plan to plant out.

For Brasicas
When you put out you seedlings put a circle of Growmore or Fish Blood and Bone if you are organic or even both if you like around each plant but make sure the Growmore does not touch the plant stem as it has Ammonia in it so it will burn the plant.
By doing this all the nutrients are going to leech down to the roots and not an empty space.

Onion Bed
Again a couple of weeks before planting rake in Groworganic and FB&B and a light sprinkling of Sulphate of Ammonia.

If you have any doubts about this method will willingly post pictures of my results
Title: Re: Compostm Manure & all that stuff
Post by: queenbee on September 08, 2012, 20:54:39
Thank you all for your advice regarding manuring and all that stuff. I like the idea of green manuring I have never done this on my plot before, I also may give the double digging and liming a go. I will have to discuss the digging bit with OH, he may refuse as the old knees are giving him gyp at the moment. Again thanks again for all your suggestion I really have appreciated it.   
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