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General => The Shed => Topic started by: pumkinlover on July 27, 2012, 23:25:51

Title: The Olympics
Post by: pumkinlover on July 27, 2012, 23:25:51
Well I for one and even Mr PKL (AKA Mr grumps) are enjoying the opening ceremony.
I had no idea who Danny Boyle was when they kept saying that he had planned it but he's done a good job I think its superb :D
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: lisaparkin on July 27, 2012, 23:32:05
I'm watching too....fantastic ;D
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: lillian on July 27, 2012, 23:37:23
I think we done good. Nothing to be embarrassed about ;D
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: pumkinlover on July 28, 2012, 00:02:11
Well I've got to admit it looks a bit like the Queen is a bit past her bed time ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Duke Ellington on July 28, 2012, 00:45:07
Well done Danny! Very entertaining ;D


Ps not sure about Paul Mac though :-X
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on July 28, 2012, 00:56:22
A great ceremony, make one very proud to be British.

Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Crystalmoon on July 28, 2012, 02:40:31
I think Danny Boyle did really well with the ceremony, very interesting & unusual, great atmosphere etc. Fantastic achievement to get so many volunteers rehearsed to such professional standards. Lovely to see so many children helping, especially the hard of hearing choir & sick children from G.O St hospital.
The copper petals sculpture that became the huge Olympic flame was truly awesome & I loved the cyclists dressed as birds - I am very glad no real birds were released this time.

....... sadly I have to agree with Duke, I think Paul Mac was actually quite terrible in comparison to all the other music acts, such a shame as it really did notice after such a brilliantly performed evening by everyone else. 

The Queen also looked quite disinterested when the GB team were entering the arena....I was surprised the camera stayed on her for so long while she was checking her nails!!!! Opps  ::) Bless her  ;D  as Pumpkinlover says it probably was way passed her normal bed time & it has been an exceptionally busy year for her hasn't it xJane

Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: betula on July 28, 2012, 08:28:14
Her Maj does pretty well for her age.........

Thought the opening was wonderful but considering our financial situation we have to think how much has this cost the tax payer.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Froglegs on July 28, 2012, 09:48:44
Talk about ..Lets airbrush history!!!!!  ::)
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: cornykev on July 28, 2012, 10:07:22
You've just got to love it even the KNOCKERS.   :D
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: caroline7758 on July 28, 2012, 10:09:28
Yes, I too was pleasantly surprised, and I too thought it would have been better without Paul McCartney- and Arctic monkeys, come to that. Shame Danny Boyle didn't get to take a bow.
Hats off to those drummers!
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Poppy Mole on July 28, 2012, 10:30:43
I thought it was brilliant - all we need now is for our athletes to enjoy the success that they deserve.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Digeroo on July 28, 2012, 11:27:17
Thought the bit with the rings was brilliant, as is the flame with a little flame for each country.
A nice gesture the coming together of separate parts.

Why did they dub in the queens voice?

OH found it very hard they kept flicking from one thing to another, he got very confused.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Paulines7 on July 28, 2012, 11:27:48
What a wonderful spectacle; everyone worked so hard and everything flowed so well.  Brilliantly organised.  Who is Danny Boyle by the way?  I had never heard of him until last night.

I loved the Rowan Atkinson sketch.  When the orchestra was announced, we thought it would be a boring five minutes so OH went out to refill our glasses of wine.  Fortunately, I was able to rewind it for him and we both sat there laughing.  We also loved the James Bond helicopter sketch involving the Queen.

Paul McCartney was dreadful.  Perhaps he had a sore throat, though last time I heard him sing I thought he had lost his voice.  There should have been other singer celebrities who could have sung with him, perhaps standing next to him and drowning him out!  

As for the Queen, I felt really embarrassed that she let our country down so much by not even a smile.  I know she is old and Philip even older but I really think she should stand down now.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: BarriedaleNick on July 28, 2012, 11:36:09
I do seem to be in the minority but I thought it a bit of a mess and lacking in direction.  Even the musical elements seemed to be out of order somewhat and I felt the comedic element was a little flat.  To me the opening ceremony is a waste of time and money and far too much attention is paid to it. 
Get on with the sport and let it speak for itself..
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: ACE on July 28, 2012, 11:52:01
Nice touch from the germans
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: jimtheworzel on July 28, 2012, 12:21:46
Paul Mcartney was crap, but it could have been even worse- they could have picked Rod Stewart !!
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: pumkinlover on July 28, 2012, 13:54:01
I went to bed after Seb's talk is that why I seem to have missed Paul McCartney.?

Reading the Olympics soon..... thread I suggest that we have a little order to the proceedings-

May I respectfully suggest that this thread  (The Olympics )has the the pro- Olympics comments (with a little well deserved negativity such as references to somewhat bored monarchs!) mind you after sky diving in everything else was going to be a bit tiresome for her ;)

The real Olympic- sceptics can post away with abandon in the already Olympics soon......... thread.

So to reiterate.
The Olympics for Happy clappy comments

The Olympics soon....... for Olympic sceptics.

ps I have checked with LOCOG and they are happy with this suggestion (just thought I'd better run it by them)

Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: theothermarg on July 28, 2012, 14:33:21
Well I am very Humbug about these things. I hate sport and used the tracking of the flame to know which places to avoid and only started watch because I had poped into Daughters to get a bit of advise on my new phone ???and she was about to watch it
but from the start I was captured and watched till the end ;D although did not enjoy the rapper and was let down by Paul as I'v been a Beatles fan from the 60's and feel he should retire as I have. the Queen did seem a bit off but I understand she has one of those faces that look glum whennot actually smiling (as I have) and like to think the camera caught her at the wrong moments.
I did know who Danny boyle is as I enjoyed Slumdog Millionnaire
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: GrannieAnnie on July 28, 2012, 14:37:03
I've never enjoyed an opening ceremony as much as the one last night. Kudos to you Brits for doing it right. Loved the Queen skydiving. We roared over here. And having the young children in many parts was so sweet.
But they're going to tear down the Stadium after the Olympics?? :o
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: tomatoada on July 28, 2012, 15:40:56
Nice touch from the germans
Did he mean to give a Nazi salute?
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Squash64 on July 28, 2012, 16:30:38
I've just watched most of it on catch-up.

I loved seeing all the different countries come in, even though I've never heard of some of them. ;)

I loved seeing Doreen Lawrence holding a corner of the olympic flag.

I didn't love seeing Mohammed Ali.  Poor man, he made me feel really sad.  :(

Haven't seen Paul McCartney yet, I have that 'pleasure' yet to come.  ::)
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Poppy Mole on July 28, 2012, 16:32:07
Nice touch from the germans
Did he mean to give a Nazi salute?
Of course not - once again it is just the knockers picking up on a mis-timed shot.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: SamLouise on July 28, 2012, 17:00:09
I really wanted to like it but like BDN, I just didn't, really. I was very much looking forward to it but after about fifteen minutes I was already thinking, I hope this picks up. I enjoyed the forging of the five rings (Peter Jackson, is that you?) but quite a lot of the ceremony choices left me feeling deflated. I know that in the end it's all down to personal taste and it's not that I wanted to see five thousand acrobats pinging about for hours on end but I did want more so for me it's a no and I'm disappointed about that.  I thought the music choices were awful and Paul McC, really, bow out gracefully, man. I know it was very, very late for Queenie but I really wanted her to smile or wave to the crowd or Team GB just once before it wrapped up. Also, over four hours long? Good grief, that's a bit too long! Still, the majority of watchers are pleased and proud and that's important.

Now, GO TEAM GB and bring on the sport! ;D ;D

Edit:  I really, really liked the cauldron (crucible? not sure what the official name is) I thought it looked amazing.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Borlotti on July 28, 2012, 17:10:14
I thought it was brilliant, so much in it that I will have to watch it again. Good that Great Ormond Street Hospital was on, as it is the best in the world and so many different people involved, just brilliant, and I am the first person to moan usually.  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: grawrc on July 28, 2012, 17:47:21
I really enjoyed it although occasionally the BBC video editing got in the way of what was going on. I think it must have been a truly splendid spectacle for those fortunate enough to see it in the stadium. I expect the queen was smiling from time to time too - we just didn't get to see those bits.

If I have a criticism it would be  Rowan Atkinson - funny for a bit then quite frankly boring (yes I got the joke 10 minutes ago) and of course Paul McCartney who looked and sounded like the elderly gent he is. Not that I have anything against elderly gents but, given how good he was when he was younger, I found him a slightly pathetic pastiche of his former self.

Also why do all the announcements in French as well as English? Is that Olympic protocol?

Anyway I thought it was clever, it was spectacular and it presented a stylised show version of many facets of Britain.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: ACE on July 28, 2012, 19:17:56

Also why do all the announcements in French as well as English? Is that Olympic protocol?


For the IOC french is the first language and english is it's second language, so I expect it is diplomacy. Funny you would think greek would be the first language, but I don't suppose it is high on anybodies lists to learn.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: GrannieAnnie on July 28, 2012, 19:45:59
About the Queen's stiffness: we decided she didn't want to take away any of the honor of the day to the participants by showing off. 

Though I did wish for fun when she was supposed to be in the helicopter that she would have given that little Queenly wave to the earthlings as they flew down the Themes.

We went to bed after the USA team marched in so didn't see how she reacted to your team. 

Anyway, we sat amazed at how extensive the agrarian set was and how quickly it was dismantled. The choreographing must have been a nightmare.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: rosebud on July 28, 2012, 20:24:08
 I was not going to watch only sky+, BUT i started to watch & that was it i stayed till the end.
  I thought it was spectacular, the young athletes lighting the flame was such a lovely touch  (well kept secret)  it was just amazing watching all those petals join as one.
The only downside i found was Paul Mac, he was absolutely dreadfull i thought maybe he had,  had a sherbet or 2.  Why do these peeps want to carry on let some younger person perform...
                   WELL DONE GREAT BRITIAN.
 That was the best ever Olympic Opening i have ever seen.
Please leave our very hard working QUEEN alone.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: kt. on July 28, 2012, 23:18:37
Haven't watched any part of the olympics.  Too busy but not that bothered neither.  Went to see the torch when it came near here but thats about it for me.  Not enough hours in the day at the moment.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Ru1 on July 28, 2012, 23:35:51
I agree with Rosebud that Paul McCartney was awful  :o :o

I loved the rest of it however.

Especially Rowan Atkinson who was funny in his normally weird way  ;D ;D

For someone who doesn't usually enjoy the opening ceremonies, I was pleasantly surprised  :) :)
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: daveyboi on July 28, 2012, 23:53:25
Paul McCartney was awful

Not sure whether it was different on the live transmission but on the iplayer catch up it seemed to me they had a technical sound issue
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Deb P on July 29, 2012, 10:56:09
My tuppence worth... Came home from work knackered and totally prepared to be disappointed and a bit embarrassed by the opening ceremony, also a bit nervous in case there was a right disaster and there was a total muck up. I sat watching with my mouth hanging open! I thought the taped sections following the Thames and the involvement of everyone watching the Olympic flame was really well done, and the 007 entrance by the Queen, I was amazed she went along with that, can you imagine any other monarch doing that! Overall I thought it was stunning, and actually worked hard to show the quirky mixture our country is, really hard to do, and obviously hard to please everyone. Now all our competitors have to do is WIN SOMETHING!!!!
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: ACE on August 03, 2012, 11:58:53
Well, you can't help getting caught up in it all. Cheering GB etc. Now the competitors are doing thier thing which is what it's all about anyway, regardless of the organisation. A couple of little moans though, Have all the pundits got a university degree in 'stating the bleeding obvious' oh they do get on my tits. Also the bbc have it tied up with all the coverage, repeating the good bits over and over. So why don't they leave it out of the news programmes. I want proper news on whats going on in the world, not second  hand reports on something that is fully covered elsewhere. I have to revert to google news to get my fix.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on August 03, 2012, 22:57:33
Not everyone has computers Ace, some of the old school still has to watch it on telly on the news, perhaps not totally comfortable with pressing all those buttons on the remote nowdays  ;)

Lappy here is tuned in all day, so I can watch the bits I want and have a loud screech when necessary to set the aviary birds a few gardens down into turmoil  ;D

Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: elhuerto on August 04, 2012, 08:54:48
One thing I've found really sad is that some of the competitors feel the need to apologize for not posting a better time or claiming a better medal. There must be millions of couch potatoes like me whose only sprint is the one to the fridge between races. Please don't apologize.

The other thing that's got me is the "medal feeding frenzy" of the BBC - I'm sure we all want to see Brits doing well but the pressure from the BBC couch is becoming overbearing - the extreme was the swimming pundits last night "disappointed" with a Bronze from Rebecca Adlington. It seems like they're turning it into a numbers game with the medals table becoming an obsession.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Spireite on August 04, 2012, 13:06:25
I'm loving watching the whole olympics...had a chest infection this week so not well enough to do anything in the garden...[other than measure my biggest pumpkin...which grew 1 and a half inches in 24 hours!!!!]
I wish I had the fitness to even complete/attempt these courses/sports...let alone get a medal in them!!!
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: gp.girl on August 04, 2012, 19:49:23
WOW - we're third in the medal table :o  ;D
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Toshofthe Wuffingas on August 04, 2012, 20:17:49
I'm no sports fan at all but I used to fence and was lucky enough to get given tickets to the men's epee and women's sabre finals. It was fantastic!!!
I watched the best fencers in the world fight each other. The finals of the women's sabre played Queen's 'We Will Rock You' with the audience giving the 3 beat clap as the contestants entered. I'd fight an army single handed after such an entrance!
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: gp.girl on August 04, 2012, 21:50:34
And now there are 13!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Flighty on August 04, 2012, 21:58:49
Make that 14!  :)
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Spireite on August 04, 2012, 22:07:55
Go GO Gadget Mo....It looks as though Royal Mail need to buy some more gold paint!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: gp.girl on August 04, 2012, 22:16:33
And the footballers lose on penalties  :'(

At least it wasn't Germany again
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: lillian on August 05, 2012, 07:57:12
Had a most enjoyable day parked in front of the TV and planning another one today. Synchronised swimming, diving, artistic gymnastics, track cycling and athletics.  ;D
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: ACE on August 05, 2012, 08:19:01
Synchronised swimming,

I don't really know how this is classed as a sport, I know you must be fit to do it but sport it ain't. Bring back poodle clipping, that used to be an olympic sport (
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Jeannine on August 05, 2012, 08:42:04
Excuse me but going back a couple of pages I haver taken offence to the suggestion that  the pessimists post on the Olympic soon thread... I started that thread and my comment was full of very excited positive happiness for the Olympics, and I didn;t turn negative although I did post on it several times. 

So my comment goes here and it is negative, I did not like the opening ceromonies, just simply did not like this one.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: shirlton on August 05, 2012, 09:01:49
We didn't intend to watch it at all but have been hooked by it. Even cheering them on(but don't tell anyone)
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: cornykev on August 05, 2012, 09:13:52
What an evening of Patriotic fun and jubilation, medals and more medals, oh what a night better than late December back in 63, even the knockers are watching now as they seen well informed on the goings on, I think Ace would have been waving his flag if Cowes have been chosen for the sailing, sour grapes I think.   :-* ;)
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Kea on August 05, 2012, 09:15:18
I went on Wednesday. My husband is a big table tennis fan but I'm not. I thought I'd be a bit bored I went for the experience. We saw the men's quarter finals so saw all the eventual medal winners in action. I'm now hooked I was glued to the rest of the tt games.
We also went to the,handball in the afternoon and spent the rest of the day in the olympic is amazing it's impossible to comprehend how big it is and the planting is just fantastic. The olympic stadium is surrounded by a sea of golden flowers but dotted with blue and maroon. It takes your breath away. Annoyed though that some people walked into it to have their photos taken squashing it down.
Other areas also have interesting planting.
I loved the opening ceremony except for the woman who couldn't sing at all mumbling,and flat Abide with Me. Why not Kathryn Jenkins or Russell Watson?
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: ACE on August 05, 2012, 11:11:57
I think Ace would have been waving his flag if Cowes have been chosen for the sailing,

No it would not do to have it in Cowes, if they shut the roads and it stopped Piggy Watson on his swill  round, it could get a bit smelly in town.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Paulines7 on August 05, 2012, 11:36:05
I sat and watched the opening ceremony again at the weekend with my 7 and 10 year old grandchildren.  I fast forwarded through the procession of the athletes as it was a bit boring for them and went on to the cycling doves.  They loved it all and were fascinated by the industrial revolution.

Isn't it strange how some people hated the opening ceremony whilst others really loved it.   A bit like marmite really!   ;D

To me it showed the true history of Great Britain and I didn't think it was too left wing as some reports in the press have said.

As for the games themselves, I have watched more events than at any other time in my life.  I have particularly enjoyed the cycling events, probably because I have become a follower of the Tour de France over the past few years.  

Great Britain has done really well and may the athletes continue to add to their numerous medals.  It is unheard of to be in third place and to be above all the other European countries including Russia.   ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Digeroo on August 05, 2012, 12:13:52
I should have liked to see more badminton and table tennis.  Just cannot seem to work out when they will be on TV.  Finally saw a great badminton match between a french guy and one from Hong Kong.  But the booing and hissing in the back ground was terrible and the commentator decided we already knew what was going on and so refused to tell us.

Still seen no table tennis.

I would like to see a re-editing of the TV coverage of the opening ceremony for those of us whose brains have slowed down a bit.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: daveyboi on August 05, 2012, 12:14:04

So my comment goes here and it is negative, I did not like the opening ceromonies, just simply did not like this one.

XX Jeannine

Any particular part or all of it?
I am interested as this is the first "did not like" comment I have heard.

btw I hope this does not go into a big argument on here
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: daveyboi on August 05, 2012, 12:16:59
I should have liked to see more badminton and table tennis.  Just cannot seem to work out when they will be on TV. 

Full schedule is here
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Borlotti on August 05, 2012, 12:33:47
Anyone know when Federer is playing Murray as I need to go out.  Sorry but I just can't get to like Murray.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: lillian on August 05, 2012, 13:32:48
Anyone know when Federer is playing Murray as I need to go out.  Sorry but I just can't get to like Murray.


Has the whole schedule
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: cornykev on August 05, 2012, 15:11:37
I forgot about Piggy Watson Ace, I suppose you have a point, another Gold in the sailing.   :D
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: cornykev on August 05, 2012, 16:23:17
Another Gold in the Tennis, go on Tim, sorry Andy, bronze and silver in the gymnastics.   8)
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Jeannine on August 05, 2012, 20:02:44
daveyboi, in answer to your question about why I did not like the opening ceremonies.

May I first say there were bits that were superb but overall I found it rather boring.

The very beginning was drab and colourless, agreed it made sense when it moved further along but to me it was a bad start.I thought the reference to the war was unnecessary,yes it was part of our history but I felt it added nothing to the show and bearing in mind that there were countries competing that fought us at war I think  it would have been better left out. I think this could lay down a dangerous precedent for future Olympic ceremonies

There were tons and tons of children bouncing on beds, entertaining perhaps but I think it got boring pretty quickly despite what was happening around them.

They brought in an orchestra and Mr Bean, surely we could find someone better than him for such an important occasion, funny, well not for me, but I guess I can see why some folks like him, I just think not then and there. I would have thought the orchestra doing last night of the proms would have been much more rousing and significant. I think this was a big feature of Britain that was overlooked as they had an orchestra right there!!

At one point I expected to see allotments on show, definitely depicting the British way of life but then the pigeons and whippets would have had to be there too so I guess you have to draw the line.

Paul Mc..made me very sad, he is getting on now and he didn't do very well,my heart went out to him as I feel he struggled, to the world though I think it looked poor.Perhaps someone else that was younger could have done a better job.

I think the show was rather like the curates egg, good in parts,and the good bits were excellent but overall it was up and down for quality .

Overall it came across to me as a series of small shows, some OK some very good and some poor,  they chucked allsorts in the mix wether entertaining  or not even an attempt or two at humour which fell flat for me  but they did not flow from one thing to another well.

I loved the torch,  very very impressive and I gave it top marks, however they dropped later when I realised it is where it can't be seen by everyone. There are millions of overseas visitors in the UK right now that didn't;t get tickets so for them and of course for the locals too it had to be a let down.

I admired all the hundreds of volunteers and  they all gave their hearts to what they were doing, it was the production that was all wrong for me.

I love the opening ceremonies and have always said wow after watching them, this one lacked the wow factor.

However, it is done now and maybe the closing ceremonies have something with a wow factor .

I guess things like this come down to a personal feeling, I was dissapointed.

XX Jeannine

Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: ACE on August 05, 2012, 20:26:39
You must have been looking at it from the wrong angle and taking it apart in to bits would not help you to see the full picture. Yes it was a dismal start, but that was the point of how we have risen above it all. We cannot be in denial about wars, the object of the games is to show we can all get on regardless, the national health bit was showing the world what a great thing we have. Mr Bean was showing we can laugh at ourselves. Even The queen did that. Allotments! why? whippets and pidgeons are a stereotype northener. We are multicultural as the reference to the Windrush depicted. The musicians were terrible, but that could have been down to the sound mixing. The beating our own drum all the way through was a good touch.

Sit back and watch it again, like you would at a good artist's painting and appreciate the message.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Jeannine on August 05, 2012, 20:52:55
Ace, I have watched it twice since and although I understand the concept better and hear what you say, overall I am still dissapointed.  I might add I really tried and stress that there was much that was good. It came across to me "in bits" that is one of my points of dissapointment.

I am however very positive about the Olympics generally and feel great that there are so many folks now enjoying them, I was getting a bit sad about the negatives evryone told me about
XX Jeannine
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Carol on August 05, 2012, 22:16:46
agree with Ace.  I enjoyed the opening ceremony especially Mr Bean and the shots going round London was excellent.  I really thought it was well done.  Only thumbs down was Paul McC.   I switched off.   The Olympics has been wonderful as well and watched it a s much as possible.   The GB team  have done really well.  I admire them all after all their years of training for this moment.  Well done.

 ;D ;D

Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: daveyboi on August 05, 2012, 22:19:19
Thanks for your reply Jeannine and I can understand your point of view.

I wonder did you get the UK commentary with it over there?

Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: pumkinlover on August 05, 2012, 22:44:35
Excuse me but going back a couple of pages I haver taken offence to the suggestion that  the pessimists post on the Olympic soon thread... I started that thread and my comment was full of very excited positive happiness for the Olympics, and I didn;t turn negative although I did post on it several times. 

So my comment goes here and it is negative, I did not like the opening ceromonies, just simply did not like this one.

XX Jeannine

I think you are refering to my post Jeannine, I can assure you no offence was meant.
I was totally taken aback by how other people felt about the olympics, I had booked my days off for the Torch relay  coming to Chesterfield and the olympics fortnight for about a year and although I was so unhappy at the loss of Manor allotments I was focused on all the positive aspects of the olympics- Jess Ennis and the Track cycling which we love to watch.

The Olympics soon thread you started Jeannine soon became  the focus of the lack of enthusiasm being shown by many people and did enlighten me to a lot of things I was not aware of such as the sponsors like Dow and Pepsi/coca cola/ Mc Donalds.

I rarely watch the opening ceremonies as prefer the "action" but did actually enjoy this one, so started another thread to that effect.
It was a bit tongue in cheek of me  a bit later to sugest that they anti-olympic comments were put in the thread Olympics soon... and the pro Olympics  posts  went into the Olympics one. I never meant any offence at all, and I thought that the comment about LOCOG approval made it clear that it was in so called "humour".
Anyway I never meant to cause offence, and will continue to enjoy the achievements of the atheletes.

Now who is going to watch the closing ceremony ;)

Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: betula on August 06, 2012, 09:05:19
I do not understand the need to put positive and negative reactions in separate threads.

Negative, this lot has cost the country a fortune at a time when our country is supposed to be broke.Look at all the cuts the Cameron has put upon us.I was Reading about hospital closures a few weeks back...the list goes on.Suppose that is OK though as long as we get a couple of weeks of games?

Positive..........great entertainment.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: shirlton on August 06, 2012, 09:47:58
I agree good entertainment but did it have to cost the country so much money.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: gazza1960 on August 06, 2012, 11:03:24
As the title said "Olympics" im baffled how folks bother to bore us with political bias, when we won the right to show the Olympics this country was skint and going thru grief  even then, so to pick out Hospitals suffering(I work as a volunteer at one so see it first hand 3 days a week) all we want to read is how entertained or not we have been since the kick off,yes,I enjoyed the OC,and no matter how well the Beeb dislplayed the events we all have our favourites and there will never be enough to satisfy our specific sporting likes.!!!!!.

I think the Overall TV coverage has been successful,and everytime Jo foreigner has been interviewed live he always seems happy with his visit to our shores,that said,the sportsmen and women have given a big thumbs up to our treatment of them so after the dust settles and we are left to count the cost in the aftermath im
happy to say this country and its sportsmen have done us proud.

IMO  !!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: pumkinlover on August 06, 2012, 13:39:36
I do not understand the need to put positive and negative reactions in separate threads.

There's no need at all Betula, I never thought anyone would take it seriously- especially as the bit about LOCOG approval was obviously rubbish.

If anyone has taken offence I am apologising but it was not meant to cause any problems :-[

I was just sad that there is so much negativity - though I now understand why  a lot of it exists-  most of which had been put in "the olympics soon thread" I sort of felt it we could  have the the upbeat posts all together and move away from the negative ones once the olympics had started and we were starting to feel good about some aspects, that's all I meant by it. It was not anything more than that, if anyone feels that I was trying to tell them which thread to post in I'm sorry I made you feel that way.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: betula on August 06, 2012, 14:51:43
I forgive you pumpkinperson LOL ;D
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: lillian on August 06, 2012, 18:17:06
Synchronised swimming,

I don't really know how this is classed as a sport, I know you must be fit to do it but sport it ain't. Bring back poodle clipping, that used to be an olympic sport (

I think you need to be more than just fit as the train for up to 10 hours aday in and out of the water :)
Just watched the catchup video of the women duet on the bbc sport site. Totally amazing...

Like to see you have a go Ace ;D
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: BarriedaleNick on August 06, 2012, 18:19:10

Like to see you have a go Ace ;D

I'm not sure I would  ;) ;)
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: ACE on August 06, 2012, 18:50:48
Rubber hat, peg on my nose and a big cheesy grin, plus an assistant to pull me under, I could do it. I will need a proper swimsuit as Ace in speedos might make the lady judges biased.

Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: lillian on August 06, 2012, 19:08:58
So we will be seeing you in Rio 2016 Ace? ;)
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Digeroo on August 06, 2012, 19:41:39
I feel very negative about certain aspects of the olympics including the OC and the financing, but I feel that is certainly not towards the athelete and their fantastic achievements. 

The BBC has a tremendous bias towards certain sports.  You get huge amount of coverage of some athletes, spending ages watching them tweaking their knicker elastic and others hardly get a mention or just  a couple of seconds at the end.  Then other bits are shown over and over and over again.   I want to see more of the actual events and less of people sitting in studios being paid a great deal to pontificate about it.

And Federer should have been disqualified like the badminton players for not trying hard enough. 

And when did the Union Flag turn blue?

Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: cornykev on August 06, 2012, 21:15:37
Thats my only complaint the flag turning blue, ??? then again when have I liked red, he spits on the floor.    ;)
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on August 07, 2012, 00:22:41
Hubby and I will be at the Closing Ceremony as our son bid for tickets when the first bids opened. He won and our two children gave them to us as a Coral Wedding Anniversary present, our anniversary will be on the 13th, the day after.

We are looking forward to it so much, and both being born and bred Londoners (albeit lived most of our lives in Sussex now) who knows where we'll end up after the ceremony!  :D

There are so many positives as to hosting the games, in my humble view, it will lift a lot of children to be able to believe in themselves and have a go. It's not just about sport, it can be anything, and it's not just for the children. We ALL should have a go at something, bettering ourselves and lifting our own spirits.

This year I have knitted and knitted and knitted, having never knitted anything since my grandma taught me how to plain and purl, tiny woollen dolls for a charity, 30 completed. I was knitting one at cricket and a Brownie mum mentioned about tiny teddies for the little Brownies' first time on camp, I've done my 8th one for them. This year I feel I've found something new I can do, and didn't do it once but kept on going, learned a few new stitches along the way too, not all perfect but I'm getting better.

Despite all the harsh times we are going through I would love to hope the Olympics will leave each and every one of us thinking of what we can achieve, if we want to.

Here's Ninny's Olympic team cheering on our lads and lasses that are doing so well for their country.

Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Jayb on August 07, 2012, 07:05:53
They are gorgeous Ninny  :)
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Poppy Mole on August 07, 2012, 07:21:08
They're great!
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: pumkinlover on August 07, 2012, 09:10:25
Love the little teddies and peeps!!
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: bridgehouse on August 07, 2012, 09:19:08

Love them, enjoy yourselves. and have a day to remember.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: tricia on August 07, 2012, 22:18:08
It's just great to hear such positivity - well done and Happy Anniversary. Hope you have a wonderful time on the 12th.

Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on August 07, 2012, 23:26:44
Thank you all  :) I will take some pics . Daughter wasn't too pleased that her photos of the football yesterday weren't up to standard as she borrowed my camera and it was on the foliage setting  ::)

Knitted more teddy cases today as I'd like to give the Brownies as many golds as we win, tough work trying to keep up with Team GB and NI though!

Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Jeannine on August 10, 2012, 18:00:30
Davey we got both the UK  commentary and the Canadaian one, it was interesting to see the difference.

Pumkinlover, I was not offended you sillyone I was teasing you  :D

I am now looking forward to the closing ceremonies.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: manicscousers on August 10, 2012, 19:06:19
I'm looking forward to the paralympics, the athletes have done us proud  :)
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: manicscousers on August 12, 2012, 10:05:49
Can anyone tell me why the paralympics aren't within the olympics, I'm a bit confused, I would've thought the closing ceremony should be after them, too ???
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Digeroo on August 12, 2012, 10:31:54
I think they have their own opening ceremony. 

Perhaps for those of us with adled brains we will be able to understand what it going on better.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: ACE on August 13, 2012, 07:39:55
Got bored with the closing bit, went to bed. Wailing women ain't my bag.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: shirlton on August 13, 2012, 08:18:01
Enjoyed most of it. Thought George Michael was great.I used to love the Ray Davis but I think he along with Paul Mcartney should go quietly.The Who were as good as ever.
Haven't been to bed that late for ages ;D
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Duke Ellington on August 13, 2012, 08:30:02
I loved it but like Shirl I think it's time for some artists to put their slippers on and take a break! I think Ray Davies uses the same hair dye as Paul Mac. I didn't think much of the spice girls either. George Micheal was excellent and loved Elbow.

A great games!!
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: claybasket on August 13, 2012, 08:34:23
It was a wonderful and fitting end, to a wonderful Olympics,it was good to see Ray Davis, he took me back  ,I had a lump when John Lennon was on the screen singing Imagine , Muse I thought was brill ,they were all great, makes me so proud well done team GB.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Spireite on August 13, 2012, 10:02:22
Eric Idle stole the show  ;D The Who were great....unfortunately a lot of the younger acts were flat...Gary Barlow did well and found his bit very poignant.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: elvis2003 on August 13, 2012, 11:58:00
we were very proud scousers with all the beatles references,however,were where the stones? not to mention cliff and the shads?
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Jeannine on August 14, 2012, 21:27:12
Sorry, it was a big let down for me, the best bit was just before they turned off the flame , that was exceptionally good. The rest came over as very poor miming in most cases, a lot of folks just walking oddly and  a lot of pauses where we kept saying,," do something"

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on August 14, 2012, 21:28:11

An amazing time, so much to watch and listen to. We were near the flame but I don't think the news coverage picked up the huge and sad "oh" from the spectators as the last little flame died.

The late ending meant we had missed our train home, despite every effort on our part to get to a terminus that was open, so our daughter picked us up just before 4am and we arrived home at 5am. Didn't bother going to bed and watched the sunrise, a perfect start to our anniversary. Apart from the tickets,  the children cooked us supper. They also bought us a little bottle of coral pink champagne, a coral rose to plant in the garden and a betting slip from......Corals. They spent £2 on a £1 ew double on Font of Knowledge for their Pa and Linda's Icon for Ma. All foreign language to us but it appears one came in 1st and the other 3rd, so perhaps we've won a little something.  ;D

The garden had greeted us too, a begonia, a hollyhock, lots of fuchsia and a fading Queen Elizabeth rose all in a beautiful coral colours.

Just a perfect day.............

Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: daveyboi on August 14, 2012, 21:51:42
What a lovely picture glad you enjoyed your day out and anniversary.
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: manicscousers on August 14, 2012, 21:57:40
Glad you had a wonderful anniversary, Ninny. Brilliant picture  :)
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: pumkinlover on August 15, 2012, 07:25:13
Glad that you had such a wonderful time Ninny's ;D
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: ACE on August 15, 2012, 08:26:47
Great pic, shows how good we are at kettling ;)
Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Duke Ellington on August 15, 2012, 09:35:45
Ninnysssssssssssssssssssss Happy Anniversary. I love that photo did you use a really good camera?

Title: Re: The Olympics
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on August 15, 2012, 13:32:32
A Canon Ixus Duchessssssssssss  :)
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