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General => The Shed => Topic started by: Jeannine on July 16, 2012, 01:34:59

Title: Olympics..soon
Post by: Jeannine on July 16, 2012, 01:34:59
Hi,  I am not there so would appreciate some feedabck about the run up.

I guess you are all getting excited now and the country must be buzzing with pride.

I woulds love to hear your experiences.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: katynewbie on July 16, 2012, 07:09:45
Sorry to disappoint you, but I am dreading it. It will be on the tv constantly and all over the newspapers and I will be bored stupid within hours. I am just glad I don't live in London!
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: BarriedaleNick on July 16, 2012, 07:38:00
A lot of people seem quite angry and annoyed about the whole thing and how corporate it has turned out to be.
Most people I know are ignoring the whole thing - I guess I'll watch some of it as I do like my sport but to be honest I've had enough of it aready.

I dont see a nation buzzing with pride at all - mostly were wondering where the billions of our money has been spent.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: ACE on July 16, 2012, 07:38:46
Hysteria on all the local television stations as the torch passes through their patch. Makes a change from hospital knocking and skateboarding dogs.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Melbourne12 on July 16, 2012, 07:50:56
The public response does seem a bit underwhelming.

I suspect it's partly because a lot of the public announcements are vaguely threatening.  "Don't travel", "Expect delays", "This road reserved for VIPs", that sort of thing.  We're travelling in to Tower Hamlets (close to the games site) to see our son and d-i-l next weekend, and fully expect to have machine guns poked in our earholes by officious policemen.

And the corporate sponsors are behaving quite oppressively.  There's been a special law passed to prevent anyone but the sponsors using the O word and a number of other words and phrases and the various logos including the rings.  Unfortunately it's been applied quite heavy-handedly, so small shops have been threatened with prosecution for having games-related window displays.  Village fetes have been prevented from having games-themed celebrations.  This does tend to dampen enthusiasm.

Sorry to sound so negative, but the organisers seem to have engendered an atmosphere of fear and resentment rather than one of joy and celebration.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Digeroo on July 16, 2012, 08:05:14
Just watching the news about the Olypics.  Its all about security.  Seems they could not recruit enough security staff.   ???   Some of the teams are now arriving, not much of a welcome for them.  

You can only take in 100ml of liquid.  I wonder how much they will charge for buying water?  No umbrellas.   ???   Too difficult to buy a ticket anyway.

My OH enjoys watching the volleyball, looks like they will all be blue with cold this year.

Sorry we are all too miserable through lack of sunshine, and too soggy in the rain.

I would like to know who is getting rich because of the Olympics.

The best bit so far for me was the little lad who made a paper torch at school and sold it for charity on ebay and it has been doing the rounds raising more money.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: chriselst on July 16, 2012, 09:45:37
I have never been able to get too interested in the Olympics, but the current incarnation does leave a very bad taste in the mouth - and that isn't caused by the McDonald's fries which are the only chips anyone is allowed to sell at an Olympic venue.

The aggressive way they protect the sponsors, even to the extent of passing new laws, allowing the sponsors to avoid paying tax between March and November this year, changing the names of venues, pursuing products and small companies, and even grannies knitting to raise money.

The Olympic torch relay was massively underwhelming, despite loads of people where I live lining the streets to see it.  Seems they only make an effort when going to get extra press, ie if they are in a big city or have a big celebrity to run with it.  They couldn't even be bothered manning the advertising trucks when it rolled by us.

It is going to be the most expensive Olympics ever, massively over budget at a time when we have no money, and the legacy will not be anything like what they wanted it to be.

They have started using the special Olympics routes in London this morning, lanes in roads reserved for use by official Olympics vehicles.  Of course they couldn't wait until the rush hour had finished before they turned them on for the first time.

The weather is just unfortunate, but it should be an excellent games once they actually get down to the sport.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: betula on July 16, 2012, 10:04:55
Where I work we had a letter informing us of road closures when the torch came to town we were told not to use the logo.Thousands turned out to see the torch go past but I am seriously concerned re all this money being spent.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: artichoke on July 16, 2012, 11:29:14
I am afraid I am another with negative views. My daughter in Greenwich (hospital consultant) urgently needs my help with her young children when school closes this Friday. Usually she enrolls them in various play schemes but because so many green spaces are closed for Olympic events, these schemes are cancelled.

The more I look into travelling to Greenwich from East Sussex to help, the more dismayed I am by the problems. Driving and parking is impossible, and to get there by train I have to change at London Bridge (extreme security measures are said to make changing trains a 2 hour ordeal and even official advice is Just Don't Do It) and alight at Maze Hill, the eye of the storm as far as the equestrian events in Greenwich Park (also closed, of course). It's a complete nightmare.

Has anyone any local information about London Bridge? I know they had a chaotic rehearsal of security measures last week, and caused hours of delays for commuters and ordinary travellers.

I am looking into alternative routes, but they seem to take hours - and a lot of the bus routes I might use are being altered for the duration.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Crystalmoon on July 16, 2012, 12:05:44
I am sorry to say this but I am seriously worried about the future of the UK after the Olympics are over.
I doubt it will generate the income that had been hoped for what with the awful weather & now all the worry about insufficient security I suspect many foreign visitors will actually stay away.
Not to mention how insane it will be trying to be a tourist in London - I imagine all the usual sight seeing will be a nightmare experience due to traffic/travel delays - so we will lose out on our usual income from tourists who want to see Big Ben etc. Our economy will slump due to UK residents not being able to shop in London etc too.
So much money has already been spent this year on things like the Jubilee etc. The events happen once but the financial cuts to our services/NHS etc will last our whole lifetime  :-\ 
My son works in Regents Street & lives at Canary Wharf they have been told to walk to work, how ridiculous is that!!!! Our transport system has been at breaking point for years just trying to move UK residents around London so it is bound to fail with all the extra bodies piling onto tubes/trains/buses.
The UK could have really benefited long term from large investment in to public transport but it hasn't happened, instead places like Trafalgar Square have had huge expensive yet hardly noticeable face lifts!
Sorry for the rant but the long term negative affect of the games really worries me xjane
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Flighty on July 16, 2012, 12:11:40
I have no interest in it whatsoever!
And this is typical of what will undoubtedly continue to happen  -
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Flighty on July 16, 2012, 12:33:17
And as for things like this -

Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: BarriedaleNick on July 16, 2012, 12:41:48
I was just about to post that same link Flighty!!

Artichoke - my OH uses LB everyday and there isn't really a way round but she will be using the new overland from Shoreditch to New Cross and then picking up the Southbound LB trains but not all routes go through New Cross..
Can you not go via Lewisham DLR and bus it down to a train station on your line??
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: chriselst on July 16, 2012, 12:44:25
And as for things like this -

Hideous isn't it?

"Olympics organisers have warned businesses that during London 2012 their advertising should not include a list of banned words, including "gold", "silver" and "bronze", "summer", "sponsors" and "London"."

So businesses trying to advertise are not allowed to make mention of the city they are in or the time of year it is.

Utterly, utterly pathetic.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: chriselst on July 16, 2012, 13:37:31 (

Only 17 of an expected 56 G4S staff turned up for work in Manchester this morning.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: artichoke on July 16, 2012, 14:09:49
Thanks, BarriedaleNick - I have been looking into changing at Sevenoaks or Orpington for a train to Lewisham, and then a bus along Trafalgar Road.... For all I know, it will take as long as going straight to London Bridge and changing for Maze Hill, but I am working on the timing....

How can anyone copyright the word "summer"????
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: louise stella on July 16, 2012, 14:59:14
And as for things like this -

Never realised "summer" was a banned word........but then again it's not like it's a word we'll be using this year!
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: louise stella on July 16, 2012, 15:02:06


Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Trevor_D on July 16, 2012, 15:07:31
Sorry to disappoint you, Jeannine, but no, we're not getting at all excited about the Olympics. Everyone I've spoken to since the day we won the bid is convinced that it's all a huge waste of public money.

When the sporting bit actually starts, people's attitude will probably change. I, for one, admire the time and dedication the sportsmen put in, and we want them to do well.

But there isn't much patriotism, or pride in our country around at the moment. Perhaps it partly the weather, but perhaps it's mainly down to the fact we all know the country is run for greed and accumulation of wealth.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Flighty on July 16, 2012, 15:11:12
Well said Trevor!
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Digeroo on July 16, 2012, 16:01:30
banned words, including "gold", "silver" and "bronze", "summer", "sponsors" and "London"."

Summer banned?.  Perhaps that is why it constantly raining. ;D
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Squash64 on July 16, 2012, 16:22:54
The USA athletic team will be training at the Alexander Stadium here in Birmingham from tomorrow.  This is just the other side of our allotment fence.  There have been all sorts of rumours about security but we haven't been notified of anything definite. 
Have to wait and see what happens tomorrow.

Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: manicscousers on July 16, 2012, 17:42:08
Can't wait to see Bolt running around in a fleece and everyone wearing wellies and kagouls  ;D
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Jeannine on July 16, 2012, 17:45:50
I am shocked and completely toppled. I expected to read about all the excitement and fun things going on like folks wearing their national colours,showing flags etc.

It was such a fantastic thrill when it was here for the winter games,everyone got involved from the kids in schools to old folks in care homes. There is a care home at the end of my short road and the folks had their mobility scooters decorated.

I can't remember speaking to one person who was negative, the town I live in was bulging with pride. I have a friend who was a volunteer bus driver, she took the athletes up to the slopes she was over the moon for being picked for that job. Our local branches of seniors centres had loads of their folks being used as volunteer greeters in Olympic city.

Kids in school were wearing team colours, they also had a day when they wore the dress of their birth country and even did geography lessons based on their individual roots.

I saw babes in  arms dressed in team colours with Mums dressed to match.

Restaurants were selling special food of all nations as a tribute to the athletes.

I remember having my car detail cleaned for a treat and I was offered the bronze, silver or gold  pockage and a percentage of the cost was donated to a fund for comforts for athletes families. We even had folks opening their homes to athletes families from some countries were money was tight and families didn't have much money for accommodation.

It seemes to be the difference between night and day and I simply don't understand why it would be so different.

It makes me very sad to read this.

Do I deduce from the mood of the postings that no one is trying to go and see any of it to.

Can I ask .. what do you all think could have been done differently, done in a way that the country and yourselves would have been excited and would have thought it all a fantastic event as we did here.

XX Jeannine

Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: schmelda on July 16, 2012, 17:59:00
I tried to go and see some of the sport.  Applied for several tickets and got nothing.  Friends of mine applied for several hundred pounds worth of tickets and got none.  Work for the right company and you're guaranteed tickets.

I think the two big issues for me are the fact that hardly anybody got tickets, and also the whole sponsorship thing - for example, local car washing companies can't offer a bronze, silver or gold package - they're banned words.  For the torch relay we saw more of the sponsors than the actual torch.  They've built the biggest McDonalds in the World in Olympic Park (and nobody else is allowed to sell chips!!!)

I am looking forward to the games, but will have to watch them on the TV - same as every other year  >:( So they could be anywhere.

I have, however, got tickets to three sessions at the Paralymplic, which I am looking forward to immensely.  Hopefully it'll be less corporate.  8)
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Jeannine on July 16, 2012, 18:11:04
I have just been on the Radley handbag site and they are selling a line called. The British has the radley dog and a string of Union Jack decorations on it, surely this is suggesting the games.??

XX Jeanninw
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: cornykev on July 16, 2012, 18:15:29
I'm sorry to hear it too Jeannine, it doesn't matter what this country try to be proud of, Olympics, Jubilee or any other event, people are always knocking our country, I am very sad but will be putting up my flags, your more patriotic than these lot put together, nuff said.   :(
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Flighty on July 16, 2012, 18:17:19
Jeannine it would probably have been a different story it had been held here 12 years ago.  
Now it's only about money, which at a time of austerity and recession is simply wrong.   The corporate sponsors greed and control is, I'm sure, resented by many people.
Getting tickets proved difficult and expensive. Many people going will find the security aspects unsettling and what they have to pay for food, drink, etc. exorbitant.  
It will bring few benefits to ordinary people despite repeated, and mostly worthless, assurances and promises by politicians and others. In fact for some it has had, and will have, just the opposite effect.
It is sadly part of the present day world that I simply want no part of.    
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: manicscousers on July 16, 2012, 18:19:32
Maybe I'm being dense but, how does an olympic 'legacy' help the ordinary people of this country the way the NHS (cuts galore), our police force (cuts galore) and our armed services do ?
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: katynewbie on July 16, 2012, 18:22:12
What Manics said, also, the obscene sight of the games being sponsored by two companies which are largely to blame for the obesity epidemic across the western world just makes my blood boil!
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: BarriedaleNick on July 16, 2012, 18:23:26
Jeannine - I think the issue is that it seems completely detached from us everyday normal Londoners.
First up was tickets - no one I know got tickets to see what they wanted - so many have tickets to sports that they are just not interested in and most seeemed to get nothing at all - see above post.
Then it is the corporate involvement and the brand police - Corpoates pay far less than the taxpayers for the games but seem to get all the breaks.
We have bus lanes which have been converted to olympic lanes causing massive disruption already - and cyclists are not allowed to use them anymore.
Take LOCOG, the organising committe, thier board is made up entirely of men (aside from Princess Anne) and they are almost all corporates or Sirs or Lords - not representitive at all of London or the UK.
Ground to air missiles being placed on housing blocks with very little consultation.
As is posted above, all the talk makes it sound like we are preparing for war.  Everything is very negative - from issues at Heathrow to security warnings to travel chaos warnings.
You can't take food or water in really - just a small bottle of water and a sarnie..
I have never forgiven them for destroying an 100 year old allotment site (even though they now say they will reinstate it at a later date..)

This should have been a people's games not the bloody Macdonalds and Coke games..
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: shirlton on July 16, 2012, 18:25:30
Too many money grabbin sos and so's involved in it for my liking
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Flighty on July 16, 2012, 18:26:25
Manics no Olympic legacy has benefited ordinary people in recent times, and in most cases it has left the countries concerned well out of pocket.  For the IOC and corporate sponsors however it has been a very different story.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: BarriedaleNick on July 16, 2012, 18:28:00

Not mine..from

Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Flighty on July 16, 2012, 18:28:29
Barrie well said!
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Digeroo on July 16, 2012, 18:40:15
Just seen the cartoon mega.   ;D ;D

Did not know Dow was a sponsor.  Now I am definitely not interested.  Three years on there is still signs of damage to plants on my lottie from weedkiller in manure.


Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Borlotti on July 16, 2012, 18:49:43
Not really bothered, and that is sad.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: tomatoada on July 16, 2012, 18:54:05
Well Jeannine you did ask.   I am glad you did because all the above I agree with.  I would love to feel patriotic and say three cheers for the games.  But no because of what has been stated. The banning of certain words would be funny if it was not based on greed.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: manicscousers on July 16, 2012, 19:05:19
Also, what happened to our freedom of speech. Banning the use of the word  Summer, it's laughable, if I felt like laughing. I thought politicians were elected to represent the views of the people, obviously not me, and lots like me.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Flighty on July 16, 2012, 19:20:47
Whose Olympics are they, anyway?
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: artichoke on July 16, 2012, 19:24:51

And have you read about the cleaners? Housed in squalid shipping containers so nasty that people desperate for employment have given up?
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: manicscousers on July 16, 2012, 19:33:15
It's like reading about a third world country. They'll be censoring the internet next so's we can't read stuff like that, So much for United kingdom   :-\
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Flighty on July 16, 2012, 19:36:45
Jeannine I hope that people do enjoy watching the Games, either live or on TV, but I'm also sure that for some there will be an underlying, or perhaps even overriding, sense of unease of what it now clearly represents.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Flighty on July 16, 2012, 19:38:39
Manics in some respects we are a third world country! 
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: artichoke on July 16, 2012, 19:43:39
And the destruction of the Manor Gardens allotments was an early indication of the devastation to come, for me. We all signed petitions, wrote to MPs etc, and were completely ignored.

Sorry, this message has been hanging about on my computer while I cooked supper (rice and chicken with allotment spinach, onions and peas and mangetouts, delicious) so might be too late.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: artichoke on July 16, 2012, 19:46:42

OK it is Daily Mail, but the photographs speak for themselves.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: caroline7758 on July 16, 2012, 20:01:15
Just to add another bit of negative info. My husband works for NSPCC. They were charged with all the safeguarding training of volunteers for the games. This was planned  (by LOCOG) far too late and is only happening now, and when the trainers have expressed concerns about some of the volunteers Locog have kicked up a fuss because it's too late to get replacements!

My son and girlfriend live and work in London. Emma has been told to work at home during the Games, but when she tried to get Virgin to install Broadband in their flat, she was told they weren't allowed to do any work in her street until after 30th September because of the Olympics!They are coming up to visit us on the first day of the games and are wondering what unearthly hour they will have to leave to get across to Kings Cross for the train!
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Jeannine on July 16, 2012, 20:40:56
Oh my goodness, it all sounds terrible, guns on roofs, folks in containers, banned words.. it is like reading about some distant off country who are way down the ladder on culture, caring and all the decent things a good country should do.

Why are there guns on roofs, w eare not getting this info here, it would sound as though they are expecting big trouble.

Pardon me for saying this as I actually love England. When we moved back there in 2000 we realised it was a mistake as England was not the place we remember and we had to leave. It seemed to us to have deteriorated since we last lived there and it wasn't for us but what I am reading here is far far worse than what  we saw when we were there. It seems almost impossible to believe that the England I grew up in is going this way.

What on earth is happening, Some mentioned NHS cuts, gosh the NHS was so poor when we were there it was high on the list of why we should leave, how much worse can it get? England at one time had the best healthcare in the world.

Someone here said Engand is almost a third world country, was that a serious comment. Just how bad has it got? And why.

Well with all that has been said my base reaction is I feel sorry for the England I have alwys loved and will be flying a flag for her during the games alongside my Canadian one for our athletes.

I cannot begin to tell you how sad and upset I feel now, and yes I did ask.

Nothing stays the same in this world so shall pray that somehow England gets itself going in the right direction and the pride will be restored.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Flighty on July 16, 2012, 20:54:47
Jeannine I said that in some respects Britain is a third world country and it was a serious comment.
In recent years our rankings in education and heathcare have plummeted and London is the dirtiest (most polluted) city in Europe.
Respect for, and trust of, bankers, doctors, politicians, the police and press is now at an all time low.
I'm proud to be English but at times now really ashamed of this country.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Nigel B on July 16, 2012, 21:01:37
The closer to the Olympic games we get, the more I wish we'd just cancel them and use the money to save the NHS.
Sport seems to be about the last thing catered for with these games.

The guns and missiles atop buildings, the warship in Albert Dock(?), attack helicopters, airborne snipers, the 17,000 British troops and untold numbers of US and Israeli special forces are all there to scare us into thinking the Taliban's air-force is on its way or something.
Its the total militarisation of Britain, and no-one gives a stuff.  :-[
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Jeannine on July 16, 2012, 21:24:44
Thank you Flighty, I am so sad for must be heartbreaking.

Nigel, thank you, I had no idea, trying to scare, well it is working in me and I am thousands of miles away.

I shall keep watching the news for any signs of trouble.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: katynewbie on July 16, 2012, 21:29:44
Jeannine, I am sorry that we have shocked and disappointed you so much. For most people here it is hard enough to find a job, keep it and then pay bills and survive. This Olympic malarkey is a long way away from most of us and an irritant for those close to it. The torch procession around the country has made some people get into it a bit, but once the torch has gone, that's it! Having read all the responses to your original post I think it's fair to say that most people sound fed up or angry, or both and that would be a fair description of how everyone feels in the country right now, unless you are a multi-millionaire banker. Not many of those on A4A!

Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: pumkinlover on July 16, 2012, 21:31:53
I was so looking forward to the Olympics, but reading this is putting me right off ???
I had no idea it was that bad.  ??? ??? ???

We are disappointed that the indoor cycling has been reduced so much, taking out a lot of the events that our cyclists do well in and slashing the chances of getting a good crop of gold medals.

I've booked a fortnight off work to be able to watch the cycling and gymnastics mainly and some athletics, not bothered about the rest.
I just think about the athletes and all the work that they do and how fantastic it is for them.

But having read some of the articles that you have put on here I'm not sure how I feel now, I was not impressed when the coca-cola lorry came through Chesterfield on the relay. I did not realise that it is just the tip of the iceberg for how commercial it has become.

I feel a bit naive now!!
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Flighty on July 16, 2012, 21:36:59
Jeannine thanks.  I'm sorry that most of us that have commented have been so negative. 
I'm sure that had we had a good spring/summer with lots of sunshine and a lot less rain we would all be a lot happier. We would be in our gardens or on our plots and we wouldn't be thinking about all this.
As I said in my first comment I have no interest in the Games but I hope that it proves to be a success,  there are no major upsets and that we even win a few medals.   xx
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Melbourne12 on July 16, 2012, 22:29:39
If you want to know whose goods and services to avoid: (
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Jeannine on July 16, 2012, 23:10:05
You know this thread has opened a door to emotions that I didn't know was there.

Work took John to Canada and it became our home. I never felt I had left England and always had the feeling I was a visitor here.

When John retired , going "home" was the logical thing to do. My heart was there although I had lived many years abroad.

After only a very short time we realised we were not going to be happy in England and although we gave it a very good shot, 9 years in fact, we eventually had to move back here.

England just did not feel like home as I expected and frankly I was very glad to leave. As soon as we set foot in anda I felt the feeling of home I had longed for.

I still love England and now feel as though I abandoned her for better things, it makes me feel bad but it is true. It wasn't when we first left but definately was the case when we returned to Canada three years ago.

England used to be a great country, the folks were friendly and neighbourly, the NHS and Social Services were the envy of the world, so what the Dickens has happened.

We realised straight away that something had changed, we felt like tourists most of the time we were there, not folks coming home as it was so very different.

We are back now were we feel at home btu I would like to know what has slowly happened in England to make so many foolks so negative.

The few things that stands out in my minds from when we were there choice of Doctors, you get what is in your community and if you don't like them you are stuck. The post code thing about some medicines, I never understood that but t seemed unfair. Non existant customer service. mm..must shut up

So why?

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: gwynnethmary on July 16, 2012, 23:44:15
Basically Jeannine I think it has a lot to do with the insularity of our lives and the fact that it's so hard to feel as if you belong to a community in your own locality.  When people are working different hours it's harder to get to know your neighbours, and so many of us live on housing estates with no real centre-we're just a collection of houses-we come and we go, but with very little meeting up.  I also think the Thatcher years have a lot to do with it, fostering the attitude of every man for himself rather than "we're all in it together".
Having said all that, when you look around the rest of the world, we are very fortunate in this country in so many ways.  Our NHS has a many failings, but it's still a whole lot better than most other systems.  And yes, the greed  that seems paramount in the games has put a lot of people's backs up, and it keeps on raining, and raining, and raining.......
I haven't done much travelling abroad.  We've been to France quite a few times, and also to Sweden, but although England is crowded, dirty and often downright annoying, I'd never want to live anywhere else.  I guess at the end of the day, home is where the heart is!
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: betula on July 17, 2012, 00:06:47
I am glad you are now happy Jeannine. :)

For all its faults I love my country and if the bloody sun would come out I would love it a whole lot more ;D

Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Digeroo on July 17, 2012, 00:54:03
We all enjoyed a party for the Queens Jubilee.  It cost rather less.  And somehow I think we felt it was for everyone and not just for someone to try and make a fast buck at our expense.

People had something for the people by the people in their own communities.

I am sure that people in the events will support the athletes.  And hopefully the visitors will
have a good welcome.

Don't mind us, we are all suffering from a major lack of vitamin D.

Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: schmelda on July 17, 2012, 07:53:21
I'd like to stick up for the NHS - it's a pretty d**n good system- how many other countries offer free health care, and a good level of care at that?

I work for an NHS Trust - I can see a lot of money that is wasted on stupid things, a lot of money could be saved without compromising patient care, if the powers that be think about it.  They also need to tighten up on health tourists coming in and make sure that they get their money - millions being lost there.

As much as I'm disappointed about the corporate-ness of the Olympics, I am looking forward to the games.  Maybe we'll feel differently once they have started and the medals start rolling in  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: BarriedaleNick on July 17, 2012, 08:07:41

In a clear display of idiocy LOCOG tries to insist you can only link to them if you have nice things to say!!
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Jeannine on July 17, 2012, 17:09:51
We got lots of coverage of the Queens Jubilee celebrations and it was wonderful, just like the England I remember.

Anyway, I wish everyone in the games good health and good luck and stay happy.

I wish all of you a safe Olympics with nothing bad happening.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Crystalmoon on July 17, 2012, 17:30:58
Hi Jeannine, yes I felt very differently about the Queen's Jubilee, really brought a patriotic tear to my eye watching/attending some of the events that went on. It felt British, like it was about us & our Queen  ;D
Despite the awful weather we did celebrate in our thousands & for the pageant down the Thames the Royals stood out in the pouring rain for us for many felt like they cared about us, that we all mattered & were part of the same clan so to speak.

In contrast the Olympics feel like an alien invasion by sponsors & money grabbers  :(
No-one I know managed to get tickets.

The torch is coming to my home town tomorrow but I won't be seeing it as I am actually going to a very delayed Jubilee garden party in a neighbouring village. I feel much more excited about the Jubilee event than the torch. xjane

Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: caroline7758 on July 17, 2012, 17:31:48
Another example of LOCOG meanness; (
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Jeannine on July 17, 2012, 18:04:06
It makes me wonder and chuckle that if you were all growing the tomato variety Olympic would the brand name police come and pull your plants up. And what about the blogger who has planted an Olympic garden with varieties of veg called Sprint, Prizewinner etc, her blog is full of the 5 rings that are the Olympic logo.

On another note, I used to be the area chair for BC Special Olympics, we could use the name but not the 5 ringed logo.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: pumkinlover on July 17, 2012, 18:22:53
OOopppsssssssss, a local community group held a mini Olympics on Sunday!!!
We were given a poster to advertise it and it's still in the Allotment notice board.

I suppose they will be knocking on my door anytime now ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: BarriedaleNick on July 17, 2012, 19:12:51
Good article here - sums it up

Alos loving this - found in Hackney

Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: pumkinlover on July 20, 2012, 21:27:12
If this is the sort of thing that they are worrying about instead of sorting out the real issues well..........[attachment=1]

anyway too late now they- have been and gone!
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: non-stick on July 21, 2012, 06:07:34
Blimey reading through this thread has put a real dampener on my mood. To echo one earlier sentiment I love my country and it's far from the picture painted on here. Yes it has it's faults but then so does everywhere else. I suppose I'm lucky I actually live somewhere with a sense of local community where people know their neighbours and a 5 minute walk into town can take an hour cos you bumped into someone you know.

I for one can't wait for the Games to start and am fed-up with all the negative press. I have managed to get hold of some tickets, not for mainstream sports I wanted to see but still gives me the chance to be involved in something special. Two friends of mine got to run the torch relay and had the time of their lives.

The Jubilee was just as rammed down our throats as the Olympics and caused chaos getting in and out of London. For me, who couldn't give a hoot about hereditary privilege, that was hell on earth. Still others enjoyed themselves.

Anyway - two more days of the TDF to watch and hopefully history in the making before the Olympcs start!!
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: pumkinlover on July 21, 2012, 08:22:40
Well said non-stick! and it is sad that TDF hardly gets a mention- the achievement of even competing is awesome  :)
fingers crossed for Bradley Wiggins  :)
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Melbourne12 on July 21, 2012, 08:36:26
Well said non-stick! and it is sad that TDF hardly gets a mention- the achievement of even competing is awesome  :)
fingers crossed for Bradley Wiggins  :)

Allez Wiggo!

Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: pumkinlover on July 21, 2012, 08:37:46
 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: BarriedaleNick on July 21, 2012, 09:10:35
I'm at stpanceas, headed for Paris,  vive le tour
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: ACE on July 21, 2012, 10:08:25
I'm at stpanceas, headed for Paris,  vive le tour

Give him a cheer from me, although there is only a bit of water between us he might even hear me. ;D
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: non-stick on July 21, 2012, 10:34:33
I have to admit the british media are getting on my wick re the tour. Usually barely give it a mention but now the cries of chickens being counted before hatching is doing my head in. I have everything crossed for a successful time trial and then tour round paris tomorrow - capped by a Cav sprint finish and Wiggins-Froome 1-2. I love the TDF!!!

Then we get Hoy, Pendleton, etc in the Olympics - bring it on.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Jeannine on July 22, 2012, 01:51:20
Wonderful to see someone who is looking forward to the games, it would be an awful situation of no one enjoyed them

There was a TV clip about the firm who is doing the security here. I was  amazed when the spokesman admitted he didn't have enough people but answered yes to the question of does he think he should be fully paid.

Stay safe folks, much much more inportant than anytning.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Vony on July 22, 2012, 06:41:39
I just think it's a shame that the BBC choose to highlight all the negatives about the
Olympic games, instead of embracing the good things.

 1) O.K. G4S security was wrong,
 2) We need to use the troops
 3) someone wanted to grab the torch,
 4) train from Weymouth was three hours late,
 5) The coach driver got lost on his way to the stadium

Typical gutter press  constantly searching for everything negative.

Constantly rammed down our throats
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: non-stick on July 22, 2012, 11:15:59
We had a big BBQ party yesterday (birthday weekend) and one my friends lent me his torch so that people could share in what he was lucky enough to do. Seeing the excitement amongst the kids as they had photos taken with it (and a fair few adults as well) showed that there are quite a few getting excited.

Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: ACE on July 22, 2012, 12:02:19
I just think it's a shame that the BBC choose to highlight all the negatives about the
Olympic games, instead of embracing the good things.

 1) O.K. G4S security was wrong,
 2) We need to use the troops
 3) someone wanted to grab the torch,
 4) train from Weymouth was three hours late,
 5) The coach driver got lost on his way to the stadium

Typical gutter press  constantly searching for everything negative.

Constantly rammed down our throats

It lets the rest of the world know what a shambles we are and so they should.

Why London? there were lots of places that could have been rejuvenated with a nice stadium, cleaned up slums etc. All easy to get to and not the traffic issues that are a common thing in the capital anyway. These games are just big business, a token run through with the torch and that's your lot. Don't dare try to cash in yourself, because 'we are all in it together' and the big society are not included. The volunteers need their heads testing, the millions that are being made off their backs will be salted away to pay bigger bonuses to the fat cats.  I for one want the border control people to go on strike, they have been treated very badly. Lets get the newspapers to work us up a frenzy, then the worm might turn.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Nigel B on July 22, 2012, 16:54:16
Yeah ACE, but what do you REALLY think? :D
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: ACE on July 22, 2012, 17:07:30
Yeah ACE, but what do you REALLY think? :D

That the money should have been spent on something worthwhile like the NHS, schools etc.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: tomatoada on July 22, 2012, 17:18:29
I do agree.   I am still shocked at the choice of sponsors.
I think the allotments should have been fenced and kept as a show place for visitors.  But I too think the choice of  venue is wrong.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: JENIAN on July 22, 2012, 17:28:10
Yeah ACE, but what do you REALLY think? :D

That the money should have been spent on something worthwhile like the NHS, schools etc.

The NHS needs ergant influx of cash to workers on the front line but that will not happen.......... YET :-[ 
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Melbourne12 on July 23, 2012, 09:56:44
Just for a laugh, we went the long way round to visit our son and d-i-l yesterday afternoon, via Stratford and the DLR.  Stratford station has been extended quite astonishingly, although whether the costs of that have been counted in the budget for Seb Coe's Little Sportsday I rather doubt.

As you travel south from Stratford on the DLR you get a very clear view of the stadium and the park.  I didn't realise just how small it all is.  The stadium is obviously stadium-sized, but the surrounding running tracks and fields are very modest. 

It certainly didn't look like 9 billion pounds worth to me.

Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Digeroo on July 23, 2012, 12:31:33
I heard there were still tickets.  Decided to try and book.  Said there were tickets costing £20.12. But in the end the cheapest were several hundred.  No wonder they are unsold.
And you cannot wear a tshirt with pepsi on it.  You can only pay with a visa card.  Which is odd since Lloyds (an official sponsor) changed my credit card to mastercard a few years ago without asking permission.

I agree about the news focusing on bad news.  Enjoyed news in Austria where even bad news has a good twist.   So flooding concentrated on neighbourliness and near miss disasters.  A flooded telephone exchange concentrated on how fast they managed to get a temporary replacement up and running.   Every news broadcast has several success stories.  

We certainly need more good news and less bad.

I  think the allotments as the centre piece of the olympic village would have been great.

Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on July 23, 2012, 23:01:50
Well we've got the Olympics and not a lot we can do about it now. About the money spent, yes it could have gone to better causes but the top guys and gals would have creamed it off along the way, I think somehow, too.

We've got road closures because of the cycling, and special lanes we have to avoid, but it's only for a short time.

Despite the above, I still wish all our lads and lasses who have worked so hard to get into the team all the very best.

Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Jeannine on July 24, 2012, 01:48:47
Just for the record Ace I have to say, there is virtually no bad press filtering through here, the only negative stuff I have seen and that was them talking to the head boy of security, was on the British channel here.

I do think the allotment would have been an absolutly great part of the area though, so very typically British, I think it would have fit in wonderfully.

XX Jeanninme
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: dtw on July 24, 2012, 08:50:57
Let's hope our brave troops manage to stop any terrorists from attacking us.
As G4S could fight their way out of a wet paper bag.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: lillian on July 24, 2012, 08:53:23
I heard there were still tickets.  Decided to try and book.  Said there were tickets costing £20.12. But in the end the cheapest were several hundred.  No wonder they are unsold.
And you cannot wear a tshirt with pepsi on it.  You can only pay with a visa card.  Which is odd since Lloyds (an official sponsor) changed my credit card to mastercard a few years ago without asking permission.

Some Paralympic tickets are still available at reasonable prices. Going to the Para swimming and open ceremony. Can't wait. :) :)
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Deb P on July 24, 2012, 11:13:10
Saw a bit on telly this morning about the IOC having their bash at Buckingham palace with Queenie last night..  also admitted that the enforcement of sponsors rights to sole use of words and Olympicish symbols was 'over zealous' and they had been asked to be more lenient......way too late mate!!  I am disgusted about how this has been policed, it could not have undermined the British publics spirit any more effectively.

I watched the documentary about Tom Daley last night and actually felt much more positive about the whole shebang as a result....this is what we should be getting excited about, concentrating on the sportsmen and women getting the chance to represent their country.....come on team GB!!! 8)
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: SamLouise on July 24, 2012, 12:11:51
For a chuckle; Borish Johnson's Olympic Welcome:  ;D
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Digeroo on July 24, 2012, 16:01:48
 ;D ;D   Mega I nearly wet myself. ;D ;D ;D

The bit about the digestive biscuits just creases me up.

Heard yesterday games are expected to make a profit.  Of course they will, the tax payer pays and someone else makes the profit.

On a more positive note watched interesting programme about diver Tom Daley.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Jeannine on July 24, 2012, 20:47:39
So, how does he get away with that?

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Tin Shed on July 24, 2012, 22:35:35
Tickets are certainly still available for the Para Olympics  - have just bought two tickets for the athletics ......and the OH's ticket only costs £5 and mine was £30 ;)
They are only for a 3 hour session, but I really want to see the Olympic complex before it gets takn down.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: lillian on July 25, 2012, 07:38:19
My tickets also included a zone 1-9 travelcard and there is a dedicated train travel website for olympic ticket holders. Price of a return train ticket from norfolk to London at a very reasonable  £16 :)
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Digeroo on July 26, 2012, 06:50:42
Somewhat surprised that there were so few spectator for ladies football.  Why were the tickets so difficult to buy?

Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Digeroo on July 26, 2012, 22:43:40
So, how does he get away with that?

I presume it is a spoof.  I am sure that Boris has nothing to do with it.  Just bits of him cut from thousands of clips.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: elvis2003 on July 26, 2012, 22:51:18
Im still in shock that macdonalds is the chosen so called restaurant to sponsor the event,what a missed chance to promote healthy eating along with healthy living
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Digeroo on July 27, 2012, 07:06:42
I am more in shock to discover Dow is a sponsor.  Is this why Aminopyralid was relicenced?
According to Wikipedia the sponsorship extends to 2020.  So I assume we will be eating Aminopyralid in our food until then,

They are also connected to not paying compensation for the BHOPAL tragedy. They were also behind DDT and agent orange.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Flighty on July 27, 2012, 07:22:39
Sadly the Olympic ideals have long been subverted by the IOC and corporate sponsors in the cause of monetary greed.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: SamLouise on July 27, 2012, 08:13:58
I'm feeling quite excited now :) Very much looking forward to the opening ceremony (even more so after the sneak previews this morning on the news)  :D
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: tricia on July 27, 2012, 11:48:38
I'm feeling quite excited now :) Very much looking forward to the opening ceremony (even more so after the sneak previews this morning on the news)  :D

Me too - can't wait :) :)

Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Jeannine on July 27, 2012, 19:05:40
Me too, it is morning here for us so glad we are retired,.

Oh and I rang my bell by the way  lat night and we have Canadian and British flags flying side by side.

XX »Jeannine
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Melbourne12 on July 28, 2012, 13:17:36
Since this seems to have become the official thread for griping about Seb Coe's Sportsday, I thought that people might be interested in this: (

My son was part of this crowd, which is a regular last-Friday-of-the-month cycling event.  Normally the police facilitate the ride, or at least aren't aggressive with the cyclists.  Yesterday, because of these ridiculous games, it was different.  The group were south of Blackfriars Bridge, literally miles away from the Stratford stadium, when a car tried to drive through the group.  It happens.  As I say, normally the police sort it out good-humouredly.

This time the policeman and policewoman simply strode into the cyclists, who had stopped for a traffic light, and pushed them to the ground.  As my son pointed out, if you're standing astride a bicycle and someone pushes you violently in the back, you'll end up in a tangle of limbs and bike frame on the floor, and it hurts.

The girl with the red-dyed fringe made the mistake of remonstrating with the policeman who had so unexpectedly assaulted her, and got knocked about again for her pains.

The old guy in the hell's angels getup on the mobility scooter apparently can't walk very far, but he's obviously not lacking in upper body strength, as the out-of-control policeman found out.

The police justification for this is section 12 of the Public Order Act.  
Quote from:  amendment to Public Order Act
If the senior police officer, having regard to the time or place at which and the circumstances in which any public procession is being held or is intended to be held and to its route or proposed route, reasonably believes that—
(a)it may result in serious public disorder, serious damage to property or serious disruption to the life of the community, or
(b)the purpose of the persons organising it is the intimidation of others with a view to compelling them not to do an act they have a right to do, or to do an act they have a right not to do,
he may give directions imposing on the persons organising or taking part in the procession such conditions as appear to him necessary to prevent such disorder, damage, disruption or intimidation, including conditions as to the route of the procession or prohibiting it from entering any public place specified in the directions.

Enjoy the sporting circus.  Don't step out of line.  Especially enjoy the cycling.  Just don't ride one yourself. This is Britain.
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: peanuts on July 28, 2012, 13:28:23
Living in SW France, without a  tv, and with an Applemac that is just slightly too old to be able to access French tv direct, we are unable to watch the Olympics, and obviously not the opening ceremony . . . . but I've just rung my 103 yr old mum, who is more excited and voluble than she has been for two or three years (and she is generally in excellent and with-it form).  She told me she had just seen some of the mens' athletics, and it is only the beginning, and she is spoilt for choice - she is just thrilled with it all, so  that makes up for us not being able to see any, unless we go to French neighbours, of course!
Title: Re: Olympics..soon
Post by: Melbourne12 on August 11, 2012, 08:55:58
I didn't think that I'd bother to watch any of the Olympics on Youtube or iPlayer, but this clip contains the highlight of the games for me: (

The organisers, apparently without irony, had asked Sepp Blatter to present the medals for the women's football.  It was of course the unlovely Mr Blatter who said that women's football should only be encouraged if the players wore skimpy shorts and tassels.

Anyway, to my great delight, at 3min 10 sec into the film clip, the crowd boo him to the rafters!  Couldn't have happened to a nicer fella!
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