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Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: Bubbles26 on July 02, 2012, 15:04:32

Title: My crazy main crop spuds
Post by: Bubbles26 on July 02, 2012, 15:04:32

I planted Desiree main crop at the beginning of april, the plants are romping away at over and meter tall and all with flowers - So I was interested to see what was under there.

I dug up one plant got 12 spuds all good sizes - about handful size or slightly smaller. So how much longer do I leave them or will it not matter?

My 1st and and 2nd earlies are pretty poor none showing any signs of flowering :( - so much for my dreams of new spuds.

Any thoughts??

Title: Re: My crazy main crop spuds
Post by: Digeroo on July 02, 2012, 15:26:17
I have tried various varieties of potatoes and for every use Desiree is my favourite, even used as an early.
Title: Re: My crazy main crop spuds
Post by: Flighty on July 02, 2012, 15:31:23
Do bear in mind that some varieties hardly flower, if at all.
Desiree is a maincrop potato that wouldn't normally be lifted until about 22 weeks after planting. 
Generally I don't lift any variety until after the foliage has started dying back. 
Title: Re: My crazy main crop spuds
Post by: Alex133 on July 03, 2012, 07:36:11
You're 1st and 2nds should be well ready regardless of flowers - suggest you check them.
Title: Re: My crazy main crop spuds
Post by: antipodes on July 03, 2012, 10:01:15
Yes Bubbles, my earlies (Belle de Fontenay) did not flower at all, and only slightly died back - but the spuds underneath are wonderful. I also planted a variety that is a 2nd early come maincrop, has been in since mid-March and I dug up one plant last week and there are plenty of spuds ready there too!
I would recommend that you leave your Desiree in place and start harvesting the others - Desiree can swell to a very large size if conditions are right and you may get a really excellent harvest by leaving them in longer.
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