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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: sticks on February 16, 2012, 08:03:26

Title: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: sticks on February 16, 2012, 08:03:26
When should I expect to see some heads on my PSB?

The variety is T&M 'Early Purple Sprouting' and I was expecting to have seen at least a few heads starting to form by now. The plants are pretty big with plenty of foliage on them and are netted over to protect from the pigeons. There are new leaves forming regularly at the top of the plant and I keep getting quite excited that these are going to reveal some broccoli but they never do  ???
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: shirlton on February 16, 2012, 08:06:41
We saw a few tiny purple shoots on their way yesterday. Every year I wish that I had put more in. Our new plot is quite sheltered so next year we will grow more. There is nowt like the first picking of PSB
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: goodlife on February 16, 2012, 08:29:37
Code: [Select]
When should I expect to see some heads on my PSB? Soon!.. ;D We need little bit of warmer weather and they will romp away..
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Stevens706 on February 16, 2012, 08:38:20
Mine have had small tight heads for a while but they are just sitting there at the moment waiting to sprout.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: RenishawPhil on February 16, 2012, 13:49:34
Well we had 4 plants desimated by pigeons. Had netted but it wasnt high enough.  Managed to put netting up higher and rest of plants should be ok. They very big but nothing on them yet!
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Pescador on February 16, 2012, 13:58:58
Hi Sticks,
I also have T&M Early Sprouting. Sown 19.3, pricked out 15.4 and planted out 4.5
Some very tight buds starting to show, but I think they're a good 3 weeks away yet.

Let's have a race!!
Post when you harvest?!!
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: sticks on February 16, 2012, 14:36:25
My packet says harvest December to March so I guess I was expecting some by now. I have 16 plants (just because I had the room last year) so I guess I'll have PSB coming out my ears in a few weeks time!

Pescador, the race is on!
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Pescador on February 16, 2012, 15:56:12
Note to self: Buy polythene tunnel, heater and lighting set-up.

Just checked my notes from last year and I didn't start harvesting till 1st April!!
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: goodlife on February 16, 2012, 16:40:21
Code: [Select]
Just checked my notes from last year and I didn't start harvesting till 1st April!!Ah..but everything was late last year for winter starting so early and being so cold.
This year is different story, so I suspect you will be croppin much earlier.. ;)
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Poppy Mole on February 16, 2012, 17:02:38
I've had 2 meals off of mine & was thinking that was it as nothing much is happening, so perhaps I am being too keen as this is my first year for them & I can't remember when my husband used to bring it in.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Hazelb on March 07, 2012, 15:53:36
glad I read this thread..I was starting to think my purple sprouting was beyond hope and was going to dig them up.

I'll wait a bit longer  ;D
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: peanuts on March 07, 2012, 16:30:47
We've been eating ours since early December (SW France though) and it has looked incredibly healthy until our very cold weather in February when it was below -10 several nights in a row.  Daytime temps are usually above freezing, but the purple shoots didn't like it not surprisingly and it has suffered every since.  I'm hoping we will have some to eat again in a week or two though, fingers crossed.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Kea on March 07, 2012, 16:35:46
I've been eating PSB since before Christmas still going strong but the cold snap recently caused quite a bit of damage but they are recovering. I don't know what variety they are, i bought them as plants just labelled PSB but I think their days are numbered I've had quite a lot off them they must be an earlier/perhaps later variety.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Melbourne12 on March 07, 2012, 18:32:18
Ours are late this year, too, in spite of the mild weather in late Feb.  Still looks like another week or so.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: connectedcats on March 07, 2012, 18:56:26
I didn't get any in for this year, but my black kale has been throwing flower shoots. I'm picking the plants over quite regularly, they are very tender and tasty, and taking the tip shoots out means more break from lower down.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: winecap on March 07, 2012, 20:18:50
I grow a very early variety called Rudolph which is ready in time for Christmas. Its just about coming to an end now but I really like it and switched to it about 3 years ago. I grow a white sprouting broccoli for later on, and eat kale in between. The good thing with the early varieties is that they hang on much longer and don't come all at once.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: green lily on March 08, 2012, 20:51:31
My PSB is definitely a late strain but out of 5 good-size plants 2 are now producing their first heads so I would expect a meal by the end of next week then it'll go on until I'm sick of it and glad the asparagus is on its way.. ;D ;D
I've had mine covered with mesh since I planted them out last Oct. otherwise they'd be pigeon food by now.. ;)
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: telboy on March 09, 2012, 17:38:05
Had plenty of white but no purple yet!
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: LesH on March 09, 2012, 17:54:59
 I picked enough yesterday for three of us to have a meal, this was the first picking of the season and only involved three plants.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: cleo on March 09, 2012, 18:05:40
Should get my first pick this weekend,but not expecting a bumper harvest as my plants are scrawny,pathetic specimens.  Last year was not my finest but I`m much more optimistic this year :)
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Digeroo on March 09, 2012, 18:51:29
Some produced before xmas  but they seem to have died off now.  I have two plants producing so had three meals.  Rest still thinking about it.  It all died last year, so I am very hopeful of better this year.  The year before mine started very late I had almost given it up.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: shirlton on March 09, 2012, 19:09:21
We are having our first tomorrow.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: lin on March 09, 2012, 23:32:42
I am in Manchester and just checked my purple sprouts today and they are getting more showy so I reckon I will be able to harvest some soon, but I don't think I planted enough either, would have been good to have a few more sprouting, oh well note for next year! Lin
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Pescador on March 24, 2012, 14:04:58
Hey Sticks, How's your PSB doing.
I harvested 1kg today. The warmth and sun this week have really brought them on!!
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Chrispy on March 25, 2012, 21:26:39
I've just harvested my first ever PSB, I did grow it last year, but it got decimated by the pigeons.

It's just joined the PFAs in the steamer  :D
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: sticks on March 26, 2012, 09:55:48
I have a few bits starting to come through, although not enough to feed even myself let alone a family of four! Hopefully I should have plenty by the end of the week.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: antipodes on March 26, 2012, 10:40:11
I've been eating my "White Eye" for a week now. It's the first time I have grown that and I am sorry I did not order some seeds of PSB for this year as it's actually delicious and the only thing actually edible in the garden just now.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: sticks on March 27, 2012, 07:52:08
I harvested our first PSB last night. There's only just enough for a few pieces each with our dinner tonight, which is a bit dissapointing from 16 plants - maybe I have them planted too close together.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on March 27, 2012, 21:42:35
How far apart are they? There may be a lot more to come; they go on for some time.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: sticks on March 28, 2012, 07:47:23
There is 60cm between each plant, which I'm sure is what the packet suggested - then again the packet said to harvest December to April!

I need to free up the space for my maincrop spuds pretty soon so I don't think they'll see it through to the end of their harvesting period.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: claybasket on March 28, 2012, 08:01:36
I planted  15 psb they look massive but no sprouts yet! my pal has small weedy things and they are belting out sprouts, and like everyone else soon we will need the space :(
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on March 28, 2012, 17:31:53
I put PSB three feet apart. They're big plants.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: sticks on March 28, 2012, 22:10:01
I might rearrange my 2012 plan for when I plat my next PSB crop out then - three feet would seem about right looking at how scrunched up the leaves are on my plants.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on March 28, 2012, 22:50:57
( (

We've been harvesting for a couple of weeks now. This was last night's haul. I plant them about 15 inches apart. I tried to overwinter the excess plants in the greenhouse but that didn't work at all so now they are out at the plot and I picked one crown yesterday from a tiddly 10 inch plant and it should go on to produce more sideshoots.

They keep well in the fridge for a few days, so once they do produce and you can't eat them all at once, chill them  :).

Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: artichoke on March 30, 2012, 17:26:41
Mine has all come at once so I have blanched and fozen them. They'll get eaten over the next few weeks, and I find they taste the same as fresh.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Kleftiwallah on April 02, 2012, 14:33:07

Round about NOW !(

Cheers,     Tony.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: RenishawPhil on April 02, 2012, 18:58:17
Had our first lot this weekend

Just had a few weeks in sri lanka and thought it would have come and gone by now!!

So lucky it had just started, very tasty to
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: cambourne7 on April 02, 2012, 21:30:05
when do you know its ready?
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: shirlton on April 03, 2012, 07:19:03
Left Betty to pick mine while we were away and she has been ordered to grow it next year. I don't think there is anything like the taste of the first pick of PSB. Its so easy to grow and needs hardly any attention.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: saddad on April 03, 2012, 07:27:41
when do you know its ready?

From when you can see the spears until the yellow flowers open...  :)
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Digeroo on April 03, 2012, 07:47:23
If any start to show a hint of yellow then I cut them off as quickly as possible and it may produce some more.  Be brutal.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: antipodes on April 03, 2012, 10:43:27
So surprised that in France no one knows what it is! My neighbour said to me, is that still producing spears? He thought it was calabrese left over from summer!  I said it was "spring broccoli" and that the English eat it. He was amazed.
I got another bag full yesterday so I have frozen it. We are getting a wee bit sick of it! I just ordered some seeds to start sowing again for next winter!
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on April 03, 2012, 21:58:12
([/U (
when do you know its ready?


Similar or the same as this  ;)

Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Duke Ellington on April 03, 2012, 22:17:40
What month do you sow PSB seeds?

Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on April 03, 2012, 22:27:15
I'd sow them the back end of this month up to early June, Duchess - once planted late in summer a good watering and netting and a long wait  ;)

Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Duke Ellington on April 03, 2012, 22:56:47
Ta!! Ninnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnys :)
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: steve76 on April 03, 2012, 23:01:56
 Hi all
antipodes you say you freeze yours how's best to do this do you blanch or just put it in no fuss??? Iam getting half to a carry bag every picking and love the stuff, would love to be able to have it longer than the season allows..

Many thanks
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on April 03, 2012, 23:22:59
Not a freezer of PSB here, as we don't plant too many plants that we have a glut. I think they are too delicate, a little like asparagus, best eaten fresh.

Someone will be along to give you their best tips.

Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: pigeonseed on April 04, 2012, 19:03:39
How come yours are as tall as a house, Tony? What have you been feeding them??  :o ;D

I'm really enjoying this year's - delicious. And getting loads of about 8 plants too. I couldn't see what the fuss was about when I grew them last year - maybe they're an acquired taste.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: boydzfish on April 04, 2012, 20:08:11
I had almost given up on mine as well - planted last autumn but there are a couple of sprouts now so I won't dig them up for the compost bin!!!
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: artichoke on April 05, 2012, 09:26:06
I have found that if I blanch mine very briefly, plunge into cold water, and freeze, it is very like fresh broccoli. I use this to extend the season a bit - I wouldn't keep it frozen for months, just days or weeks.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Bing on April 07, 2012, 22:06:46
mine PSB has  been infected with bugs, they hide under leaf and inside the purple head.

I used slat water to wash them but still have them after boiling.

how to avoid the bugs? anyone?
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: antsuxx on April 10, 2012, 12:38:41
 :)  My  4 ramainling plants almost ready for picking, took a photo but dont know how to post on here.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Kleftiwallah on April 10, 2012, 12:42:38

Worth waiting for.


Demolished it last night with Barnsley chop, carrots and spuds.     Cheers,     Tony.
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: Deb P on April 10, 2012, 13:01:30
Good pickings from my four netted plants, so I will be having them tonight! Yum!
Title: Re: Waiting for purple sprouting broccoli
Post by: strawberry1 on May 06, 2012, 17:36:40
I picked the last yesterday and all 7 plants are now chopped up in the compost bin. I have a dilemma in that I only have an 8 x 4 bed but it is a good bed and under a very sturdy and high cage. I am certainly not growing 7 this year but I have some rudolf and some red arrow on the go. I also have doric sprout doing well and now samson calabrese, so I have to make some cold calculating decisions as the other beds ar spoken for. My thinking is for 2 x samson, 2 x doric and 2 psb BUT which one gives best value for space ie red arrow or rudolf?

My last lot were an afterthought, so I got a great set of psb plants from ebay but unlabelled
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