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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: Jayb on December 15, 2011, 11:58:44

Title: Christmas veggies
Post by: Jayb on December 15, 2011, 11:58:44
Just having a cuppa and my thoughts are wandering to Christmas day cooking. I’m going to be roasting a turkey with usual trimmings,  but got me thinking about what home grown veggies to have with it. My plan at the moment, roasted potatoes and parsnips, mashed potato and swede, carrots, sprouts and either broad beans or peas from the freezer. I may swap something for leeks or celeriac. Onions will go in the stuffing.

Love to hear what ‘home grown’ vegetable and fruit goodies others are planning? Anyone have home grown meat?
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: manicscousers on December 15, 2011, 12:14:59
As we're having a big family Christmas, yaaaay
Our daughter is doing a 4 bird roast  ???, we're doing minted lamb shanks  and my sister is roasting a ham.
We are supplying kestrel spuds, celeriac, parsnips, swede, onions and sprouts. Unfortunately, all our carrots have been eaten so she is buying some.
We're having a  boozy trifle with our williams pears in wine, I think that's about it  ;D
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: Steve. on December 15, 2011, 12:38:05
We are having a Turkey crown this year and it will be roasted on a bed of home grown Leeks, red onions, carrots and garlic (just a little) with some thyme, rosemary, sage and any other herbs I can grab. While the crown rests, the rest will make our gravy.

Vegwise, Roasted King Edwards; parsnip and Pumpkin roasted together with sesame seeds; Savoy Cabbage fried in butter with a little water, Boiled Sprouts, drained and sauteed with chesnuts, Purple sprouting Broccoli au natural.

Homemade stuffing.

BIG plates!   :o

Boozy trifle here too, drizzled with a homegrown/made blackcurrent coulis (optional).

Anyone hungry?  ;D

Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: manicscousers on December 15, 2011, 12:41:29
Ah, I forgot the butternuts, roasted with the parsnips, celeriac etc . Just as well it's lunch time  ;D
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: Robert_S on December 15, 2011, 13:02:13
I am hoping the only shop bought things (apart from sundries) in our x-mas dinner will be the chicken and parsnips, the rest will be allotment grown...carrots, potatos, leeks, cabbage, french beans, maybe some kale.

Also prawn cocktail (is it just us that has this as a traditional x-mas starter?) with some home grown salad leaves...mizuna and rocket, and lettuce if any survives between now and then...looking like a possibility!

Am planning to get into wine-making next year, so hopefully will have some of my own vintage to share with the rellies next christmas.
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: Steve. on December 15, 2011, 13:09:43
Ah, I forgot the butternuts, roasted with the parsnips, celeriac etc . Just as well it's lunch time  ;D

Ooops, forgot the butternuts too. Probably already enough for the plate anyhow so I'll save them for another meal over the Yule. However, I'm quite jealous of the Celeriac, mine failed this year..all leaf, nowt underneath!

Am planning to get into wine-making next year, so hopefully will have some of my own vintage to share with the rellies next christmas.

Just restarted the wine making hobby this autumn and currently have 4 gallons of Elderberry and 2 of Damson still slow fermenting, should be good for Christmas next year.

Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: saddad on December 15, 2011, 13:51:26
I trade veg for Trout with a keen fisherman... almost "allotment meat"... presumably some allotment chickens meat a sticky end...  :-X
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: antipodes on December 15, 2011, 15:28:53
Sprouts from the garden this year! and home grown pumpkin spiced and sauteed. Onion and garlic for stuffing will be home grown, as will herbs and the gooseberries for the sauce with the duck (frozen back in July, what foresight!).
The carrots will be from the market and spuds too (eaten all mine). But I will buy them from the local market gardener so we are staying local ;-) except for the oranges I guess!!! and a pomegranate for decoration if I can find one.
Dessert will be Xmas pud (home made) - they don't like trifle much, my lot  :(  I will probably make some rum balls though and mince pies. Just in case we haven't quite filled up every square inch!
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: Digeroo on December 15, 2011, 15:46:07
I have sprouts and have saved some red ones as well as green.  Then there will be carrots, parsnips, maybe PSB, potatoes, red currants zapped in apple juice, maybe some fried apple slices.  And fried Tromba D'Albenga squash.   Then there will be some frozen raspberries. 

All I need now is to buy some turkey and bacon and mince pies.  Christmas will be cheap this year.

Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: cornykev on December 15, 2011, 16:25:06
Kestrels for the roasties, carrots, parsnips and maybe shallots.  :D
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: Melbourne12 on December 15, 2011, 17:01:47
For the first time in 30 years, we're not hosting Christmas lunch.  Hurrah!  But we will be contributing some home-grown sprouts picked on Christmas morning, and home-grown fruit from the freezer.

Next year we're planning to have home-reared chicken to eat, but I'd better not count them until they're hatched ...
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: green lily on December 15, 2011, 19:25:30
We'll be having roast leg of organic lamb from up the road with our  own rosemary, garlic redcurrant and/or mint jelly [au chois]. Roast veg: squash onions[shop], carrots and parsnips, PFA spuds roast and baked or possibly boiled, Sprouts [then I can haul out another couple of plants ] ;).. Xmas pud made by my daughter ,mince pies [homemade mincemeat of course]. No home- made booze unless we get out some vintage sloe gin.  Keep it simple, do it well ;D
Mind you I might thaw some apricots as an alternative to pud- a bit more astringent me thinks
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: Mrs Ava on December 15, 2011, 22:30:02
Locally shot pheasants and local duck with lottie sprouts, carrots, celeriac, cabbage and marrow or roasted squash.   I will use leeks and garlic in the stuffing.  No 'snips as they totally failed this year and I didn't grow as many spuds and alas they are all finished.  :(  Also an array of berries for the trifle all washed down with sloe gin, sloe vodka, mirabelle gin and medlar vodka.  Still have plenty of cooking apples in store so will probably make a spicy apple sauce to go with the ham.
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: claybasket on December 15, 2011, 22:54:47
were having leg of lamb and gammon,veg from lott,pots, carrots cabbage,swede,sprouts,and parsnips,we,also have prawn cocktails,and rasps ,with fresh cream on meringue.Then lie about feeling like a old stuffed chair ;D
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: queenbee on December 15, 2011, 23:21:21
Potatoes, sprouts, onions for the stuffing. Pickled Gherkins and Shallots. Turkey Crown and for afters Raspberry trifle, followed by home made xmas cake. Boxingday will be the day I make turkey soup, I can honestly say that this for me is better than the dinner, I love turkey soup with all my own veg.   
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: tricia on December 15, 2011, 23:47:36
Freshly pulled I will only have celeriac and leeks. Lots of watercress too - unless we get a sharp frost which is unlikely here on the southwest coast. Frozen, I have a choice of french beans and sweetcorn. Also have frozen raspberries, rhubarb, morello cherries and gooseberries.

But then, I only have a small walled garden with four raised beds (1 metre x 1.60 each) which is more than sufficient for a one person household. Oh - almost forgot the squashes and herbs  :).

Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: Steve. on December 16, 2011, 09:34:15
It's fairly obvious from this topic....Allotmenteers eat well !!

Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: willsy on December 18, 2011, 23:28:07
Not sure what meat we will cook yet, but have ham, chicken and lamb in mind. Veg from allotment, sprouts, cabb, broadbeans, carrots and swede, funny shaped parsnips but taste just as good. Raspberries, strawberries, redcurrant jam, homemade pickles and sauces.Just makin my mouth water thinking about it. Any way you all enjoy what ever you are cooking and a happy new year 2012 to one and all.
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: powerspade on December 19, 2011, 07:22:28
I have had a bit of a disaster I came home last week to find that while I was away the freezer had broken down so all my frozen stock of peas, runner beans,broad beans baby carrots, blackcurrents raspberries  are now on the compost heap, This is the first time for years I shall have to put up with shop bought veg :(
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: pumkinlover on December 19, 2011, 08:49:21
Sorry to hear that Powerspade, your own veg are irreplaceable :'(
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: brown thumb on December 19, 2011, 10:13:48
we will be having a turkey butterfly and gammon  from the lotty will be roast potatoes new baby pots if theres any growing in the plastic carriers whats in green house minted with home grown mint carrots  swede  psb parsnips, sprouts and onions and sage stuffing with either xmas pud (bought) or pavalova with a mix of summer berries lottys i might throw in a butternut as well
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: Hi_Hoe on December 20, 2011, 19:31:56
spuds, parsnips, kale, cabbage, beetroot, leek, kohl rabi and a few 'erbs all form allotment. All washed down with our homebrewed wine, cider and lager. only the meat and the crackers will be bought in!
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: Lottiman on December 20, 2011, 20:13:32
Wilja for the roasties,parsnips,roast onions,runner beans. :)
Title: Re: Christmas veggies
Post by: galina on December 21, 2011, 00:59:24
Sorry you lost your Christmas veg Powerspade.  Hope you can get decent fare where you are. 

We make a Christmas salad, a traditional family recipe with apples, potatoes, beetroot and peas from the garden.  The prawn starter will be on a bed of lettuce, cress, endive and rocket from the cold frame, cloche and greenhouse.  I harvested some tomatoes very late from the greenhouse which have coloured up and still taste decent.  Just enough for a few slices each as well.  For the turkey dinner, potatoes, parsnip, squash, apple, garlic and onion for the stuffing,  beans from the freezer, but will have to buy sprouts and also run out of carrots.  For sweet course there will be meringue nests with soft fruit from the freezer and cream.  Leeks and leftover turkey in a nice sauce will feature at some point after boxing day too.   Kale is looking good, but don't want to harvest at this point, as we still have so much other veg.

Digeroo I envy your red and green sprouts.  This will look so festive.   :)
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