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General => The Shed => Topic started by: goodlife on September 29, 2011, 09:21:09

Title: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: goodlife on September 29, 2011, 09:21:09
Why is it..
That cyclist don't use the cyclist paths when there is those available?..nobody walking on there..just straight and long cycling should be heaven for a good pedaling..instead they are balancing on the edge of the road being danger to themselves and nuisance for drivers.... >:(
That motorcyclist take liberties to mingle between cars as they see 'fit'?..coming from behind the cars and squeezing in between without warning..and drivers get blamed if something goes wrong.. >:(
That drivers in supermarket car parks don't care about which way the traffic is supposed to go?..regardless of the signs..nor things like indicators seem to work anymore on carpark situation.. >:(
That when you receive message from courier company of the allocated delivery time..the order never arrive?..and when you want to contact them there is only automated line to deal with..and they want you number from the 'calling card' from failed delivery..BUT I didn't get the failed delivery nor the card in first place!!!.... >:(
That when you are trying to contact supplier for the failed delivery..supplier has automated customer service?.. and will be 'very happy' to return their call to the number customer leaves within 10 mins. ...well 'happy' call didn't materialized.. >:(
So that's my last 24 hrs in 'short form'.. ::)..rant over for now.. ::) I wonder what next 24hrs will bring...
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Dandytown on September 29, 2011, 09:24:58
Let me know if you are in Nottingham today and I'll stay off my bike  ;)

I recerved a card yesterday from FedEx telling me they tried to deliver a package.  Went to get it the next day as per their instructions and the driver had taken it our again. cotrary to the instructions.  I had to meet him to get the parcel so that I could sow my green manure in this fine weather.

Got it in the end  :)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: goodlife on September 29, 2011, 09:26:36
 ; long as you stay on cyclist paths you'll be safe.. ;D
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on September 29, 2011, 09:35:22
Why is it..
That cyclist don't use the cyclist paths when there is those available?..nobody walking on there..just straight and long cycling should be heaven for a good pedaling..instead they are balancing on the edge of the road being danger to themselves and nuisance for drivers.... >:(
That motorcyclist take liberties to mingle between cars as they see 'fit'?..coming from behind the cars and squeezing in between without warning..and drivers get blamed if something goes wrong.. >:(
That drivers in supermarket car parks don't care about which way the traffic is supposed to go?..regardless of the signs..nor things like indicators seem to work anymore on carpark situation.. >:(
That when you receive message from courier company of the allocated delivery time..the order never arrive?..and when you want to contact them there is only automated line to deal with..and they want you number from the 'calling card' from failed delivery..BUT I didn't get the failed delivery nor the card in first place!!!.... >:(
That when you are trying to contact supplier for the failed delivery..supplier has automated customer service?.. and will be 'very happy' to return their call to the number customer leaves within 10 mins. ...well 'happy' call didn't materialized.. >:(
So that's my last 24 hrs in 'short form'.. ::)..rant over for now.. ::) I wonder what next 24hrs will bring...

Just slightly sexist this...  ;D Why can't it be grumpy old person as I'd echo everything above here!!

As a cyclist I particularly agree with keeping the maniacs off the road when there's a decent cycle path available.
All lycra and "look at me - speedy" attitude. ( ( should be fined.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: goodlife on September 29, 2011, 09:37:31
Code: [Select]
Why can't it be grumpy old person..because I don't commit being old... yet.. ;)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: elvis2003 on September 29, 2011, 09:39:09
I am forced to cycle in the road as joggers wearing earphones take over our cycle paths round our way! Id much rather be in the road the way people drive
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: elvis2003 on September 29, 2011, 09:40:55
I am forced to cycle in the road as joggers wearing earphones take over our cycle paths round our way! Id much rather be in the road the way people drive
rather be in the cycle paths i meant!!!
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on September 29, 2011, 09:43:33
I am forced to cycle in the road as joggers wearing earphones take over our cycle paths round our way! Id much rather be in the road the way people drive
rather be in the cycle paths i meant!!!

I fancy getting myself one of those double horns for the bike (the type my dad had on his car years ago). I have a trailer to hold a 12 volt car battery.. Wouldn't it be lovely to pedal up behind the joggers and give the B***ers a blasting!!  :o  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: betula on September 29, 2011, 09:45:26
I would love to cycle but save the lives of people on bikes evey day.........wobble wobble in front of you........pull well out in case they fall into my path.

Crawl behind them when I can't pull out into oncoming traffic :-X :) I agree a bike is a great way to travel but only on cycle paths .
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on September 29, 2011, 09:45:43
Code: [Select]
Why can't it be grumpy old person..because I don't commit being old... yet.. ;)

Skip the old bit then.  ;)  ;)

Personally at "making my way towards" 60 I'm quite happy to be "old" and wise and "get out of my way you lot!!"  ;D
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Ellen K on September 29, 2011, 09:47:08
Why do supermarkets always put their slowest staff on the express checkouts?

Why can't you just buy a face cream for old women with dry skin? - instead you have to decode L'Oreal's marketing jargon to work out which one you are supposed to buy.

Why do all the clothes in the shops look like old rags before you have even washed them once?

Why are all washing machines cold fill only?  Sometimes I want to do a hot wash and not have it take 2-and-a-half hours.

Modern life is rubbish.

< /rant>
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on September 29, 2011, 09:49:11
I would love to cycle but save the lives of people on bikes evey day.........wobble wobble in front of you........pull well out in case they fall into my path.

Crawl behind them when I can't pull out into oncoming traffic :-X :) I agree a bike is a great way to travel but only on cycle paths .

Some of us who haven't got cars can't only use cycle paths...there are so few of them about.... we wouldn't get far at all. Public transport is squeezed in our area so there are fewer routes available. It's walk / cycle or not allowed out of our homes.

Sorry to slow you speedy guys but there are times when we just have to do what a cyclist does.... try to keep out of your way as much as possible but......
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: goodlife on September 29, 2011, 09:57:04
I would not rant about the cyclist if it would be a case of sharing the road...but when there is pavements..clearly marked for cyclist to use..nobody jogging or with prams..just straight long country to speed and pedal as much as they can get out of their 'little' legs...but no..some even have their shopping bags on the handle bars and doing some serious wobbling.. ::)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on September 29, 2011, 09:57:57
Why do supermarkets always put their slowest staff on the express checkouts?

Why can't you just buy a face cream for old women with dry skin? - instead you have to decode L'Oreal's marketing jargon to work out which one you are supposed to buy.

Why do all the clothes in the shops look like old rags before you have even washed them once?

Why are all washing machines cold fill only?  Sometimes I want to do a hot wash and not have it take 2-and-a-half hours.

Modern life is rubbish.

< /rant>

Those were the days my friend. My mum's twin-tub was a doddle. In with the hose-pipe, hot water on (when the boiler was well stoked) and one fill did the weekly wash.

As for face creams.... I'm not sure one has been invented that'd make much impression on this old wrinklies weather-beaten mug.

I don't need to buy newly distressed clothing.... mine often looks that way.  ;D

The joys of getting older. I'm looking forward (but no rush thanks) to owning one of those 8mph pavement scooters, wearing dark glasses and my walkman then setting off through over into and around town on it. ( (
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: meter rat on September 29, 2011, 09:59:20
Why is it when I cycle, people let their children run all over the cycle path that is adjacent to the footpath. Cars park in  the cycle laneon the road. Motorists who will not move over to a low motorbikes to pass, some deliberately even move more to the middle of the road. Car mirrors are in line with the panniers on my bike. Women who are more interested in the scrating (Ilkeston for crying) brat in the back seat of the car, than concertrating on the road. I agree with the bit about cars that seen to have inoperative indicators. Cyclists who ride without lights are a danger to themselves. Parents who allow little Johnny to say out at night riding his/her bike without lights, then won't allow their children to do anything dangerous like going climbing with a youth club.

Yes I am a motorcyclist  ;D and ride a bike, rode bike to the allotment last night and to youth club. That was last night and this mornings events,  going to work. The trip home will no doubt involve the person coming out of Tescos without looking and sliding around on the horse poo that is prevelent in the area.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on September 29, 2011, 10:07:26
I would not rant about the cyclist if it would be a case of sharing the road...but when there is pavements..clearly marked for cyclist to use..nobody jogging or with prams..just straight long country to speed and pedal as much as they can get out of their 'little' legs...but no..some even have their shopping bags on the handle bars and doing some serious wobbling.. ::)

Oh good.
So I'm not alone in thinking that if a pavement is empty, the road full of fast moving motors and parked cars often on both sides if not just the one, then it's not a bad idea if I go carefully and not fast, to cycle on the pavement out of the way. I feel less threatened and cars can continue to rush head long into the next traffic hold up without taking my handlebars with them.

Please note: when there are pedestrians on pavements I never put them at risk - I stay off.

I'm very happy to do my best to stay out of the way. I just want a bit of space on the planet and will happily give way to anything faster but I simply can't stay shut indoors all of the time.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: goodlife on September 29, 2011, 10:07:38
Arrggh!...don't start me with children.. ::)
Children should be banned from cars until they are old enough to their mid-30's?
Then all the screaming issues should have calmed down.. ;D
I do admit..I have met odd few well I shouldn't call them all..and parents... ::)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: ACE on September 29, 2011, 10:16:13
Cycle paths shoud be banished from the kingdom. Get back on the road where you belong and as for it getting to dangerous to share the road with killer vehicles. It's called natural selection.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: BarriedaleNick on September 29, 2011, 10:22:24
As a cyclist in London who rides every day I can say without a doubt that cycle lanes are a figment of a fevered imagination!  If they do exist they are almost totally useless.
I ride on the road and I prefer it that way -  I am twice as quick on a bike as a car over the few miles I ride to work...
I could rant about the thousands of people a year that motorists kill and injure but it's far more important to worry inconvieniencing a few drivers..

Just for your amusement...

From the beeb
From treehuger
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: meter rat on September 29, 2011, 10:25:41
It's called natural selection. Cull the motorist who can't make progress in traffic.  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on September 29, 2011, 10:41:04
As a cyclist in London who rides every day I can say without a doubt that cycle lanes are a figment of a fevered imagination!  If they do exist they are almost totally useless.
I ride on the road and I prefer it that way -  I am twice as quick on a bike as a car over the few miles I ride to work...
I could rant about the thousands of people a year that motorists kill and injure but it's far more important to worry inconvieniencing a few drivers..

Just for your amusement...

From the beeb
From treehuger

There are some wonderful (joke) cycle lanes obviously planned & designed by non-cyclists. We have one or two down here on the sunny south coast.

I am trying my best not to offend anyone.... I choose to cycle and not to own a car (there are already too many of them plastered across almost every surface IMHO).

Good luck to the motorists... they'll need it in years to come one way or another. Just leave me a bit of space to carry on pedalling (out of your way as much as I can).  ;)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Ragdoll Lady on September 29, 2011, 11:14:21
I am seriously giving up on life. Just saw an elderly gentleman being shouted out by a load of feral youngsters because he dared to try to mount the only flat bit of kerbstone in his electric wheelchair as he was crossing the road and they had to move off the kerb and discontinue their conversation! No consideration for anyone else! Had I been him i would have ran over their feet on purpose! iI am also getting sick and tired of people of all ages so ingrossed on their mobile phones or plugged into their ipods that they just walk infront of your car whilst crossing the road without even looking to see if its clear, then when you give them a huge blast of your horn you get looked at and sworn at!
I have arthritis and fibromyalgia and am always very sore and I get fed up with people always bumping into you in shops. People hitting you with baskets and ramming you with their trolley and bunching up behind you in the queue and knocking into you. I am pretty tall and not too slim so are they really that blind they cant see me?????? And for kids running about in shops etc running into things whilst the parents pay no attention to them........Thats my moan for the day folks... :)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: SamLouise on September 29, 2011, 11:25:13
Must .... resist .... posting ....(

If I start on my rants on modern times, I'll be here for the day! ;D (although I'm not a driver or a cyclist so can't really comment on that one, phew!)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: grannyjanny on September 29, 2011, 11:36:49
I sometimes think that the 'well ill', we look OK so there can't be anything wrong with us should perhaps wear signs ;). Years ago my friend & I used to cycle to Altrincham about 7 miles & of course we could see the pot holes, as drivers couldn't. As mums of young children we didn't risk going over them & the number of drivers who papped & shouted at us was terrible. 
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: schmelda on September 29, 2011, 18:07:45
I choose to ignore a cycle way on a pavement on my way to work every day.  Why, you ask?
1.  I would have to stop and give way at several junctions, whereas on the road I have right of way.
2.  The cycle way stops part way down the road.
3.  The junction leading to this cycleway has a spot for cyclists at the front, but no way of getting onto the cycleway (which is straight ahead).
4.  I am a road user, so I have every right to be on the road.

I also choose to ask cyclists "what's wrong with the road?" when they choose to illegally cycle on the pavement and put pedestrians in danger.  Particularly when there's a cycle way on the road.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on September 30, 2011, 00:24:46
Must .... resist .... posting ....(

If I start on my rants on modern times, I'll be here for the day! ;D (although I'm not a driver or a cyclist so can't really comment on that one, phew!)

But... just once in a while it does you good to type the whole lot out and get it out of your system.... even if, on second reading, you decide not to post it.  ;)

 ( ( on... have a rant... you know you'd love to.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: pansy potter on September 30, 2011, 07:34:30
This is probably nowt to do with bicycles or the road but here goes anyway.
Old women(thats people of my age) with shopping trolleys are my pet hate. I avoid them whenever possible.
We were stood looking at a card rack when one of them there trolleys was pushed into the back of my legs. Of course I fell back and landed on my wrist which broke. When I managed to get up all we could see was the woman running out of the shop with her trolley. Probably off to find someone else to barge in to.
What hurt the most was that I couldn't garden properly for 6 weeks.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: pumkinlover on September 30, 2011, 07:37:24
Sorry to hear about that PP, hope all sorted now :)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: betula on September 30, 2011, 09:41:55
That is bad..............poor you. >:(
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: taurus on September 30, 2011, 10:41:35
I don't no if its just local to Swindon, but my pet hate about cyclists is the habit of cycling towards you on my side of the road.  And not having high viz vest or lights at 4.30 am in the morning and then getting stroppy because you've nearly run over them.
Pedestrian's who insist on walking 4 abreast on the cycle track as well as the designated paths.  And then expect you to move over onto the grass to pass them.
Drivers who can't park a car without using 2 spaces, who's cars aren't fitted with indicators.
The inability of all age groups to say 'Please and Thank You' (not all people) or 'Excuse me' when they need to get by.  I'm at the age now that I no I embarrass my family as I now say very clearly when barged pass, that good manners are clearly dead in this area. ;D
Dogs with out collars and leads in public places.
I'll stop now, as I'll only get depressed and then have to eat another piece of chocolate to cheer myself up  ;D ;D ;D ;)
Hope your all keeping well and enjoying this late sunshine, regards, Taurus.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: goodlife on September 30, 2011, 11:24:03
...and what is it with 'modern' cars that their wheels don't turn properly? You see more and more drivers taking over almost two lanes before they are able take turn..just as they approach to the turn off, all of the sudden you find the car front of your going all over the place.... >:(
...and this awful weather.. >:( I'm already acclimatised for cooler temperatures and been wearing fleeces for week now..and now I'm having to start 'stripping' off again.. ::) Well its frost warning for next week... ;D..about time too..
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: grannyjanny on September 30, 2011, 11:30:11
Just said to OH how glad we haven't had a Summer like the last week. My body cannot cope with it ::) ::) ::). I even got my crocheted blanket out to put on the back of the sofa ;D.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on September 30, 2011, 11:58:14
The warmth is lovely..think of all the fuel you're saving to start with.  ;)

Motorists, pedestrians, cyclists......they come in all shapes and sizes with a huge range of attitudes. The ones I dislike are those that behave selfishly and appear to have no regard or thought for others.

It was once a mark of value to give way, show consideration, let others go first (where safe and practicable) but too often these days it's a free for all. An aggressive society.

"Good" seems to be = I got there first, pushed you out of the way and saved three seconds of my time. Wide spread road bullying and impatience.  :(

Pansy - what did the shop have to say about it? Haven't they a duty of care to customers? Anything on the CCTV camera? Hope you're OK now.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Poppy Mole on September 30, 2011, 12:02:46
Just had a serious rant at a "posh" man in town for parking on a yellow line in a narrow street - it is there for a reason!!!! I had difficulty turning out of an even smaller side street, luckily I have a normal sized car, a Yummy-Mummy in her 4x4 wouldn't have been able to get round at all.
His reply was " I know It's on a yellow line" At that point polite words failed me.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: grannyjanny on September 30, 2011, 12:06:51
Aden Roller, I have a faulty thermostat, body not house ;) ;D so struggle with heat but am fine when the weather is cool or cold.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on September 30, 2011, 12:07:52
Poppy - every other day I find a car plonked across a dropped kerb at our local shopping parade. This results in people with pushchairs/prams, wheelchair users and people of pavement scooters having to go to the far end away from the main road's pedestrian crossing in order to get back up onto the pavement.

This is the one thing that really makes me mad. Often the perpetrator simply hasn't thought.. or so they say when I challenge them.  ::)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on September 30, 2011, 12:08:49
Aden Roller, I have a faulty thermostat, body not house ;) ;D so struggle with heat but am fine when the weather is cool or cold.

Sorry to hear that.  :(

May the cool go with you.  :)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: pansy potter on September 30, 2011, 15:06:20
Pansy - what did the shop have to say about it? Haven't they a duty of care to customers? Anything on the CCTV camera? Hope you're OK now( Quote by Aden Roller)

This happened about 4 years ago but I will never forget it. The shop assistants were great.After all it wasn't their fault.  They had to put it in the accident book. O.H just took me to the hospital to get it sorted. I just steer well clear of anyone with a trolley.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on September 30, 2011, 22:24:18
Pansy - what did the shop have to say about it? Haven't they a duty of care to customers? Anything on the CCTV camera? Hope you're OK now( Quote by Aden Roller)

This happened about 4 years ago but I will never forget it. The shop assistants were great.After all it wasn't their fault.  They had to put it in the accident book. O.H just took me to the hospital to get it sorted. I just steer well clear of anyone with a trolley.

Trollyphopbic? Sounds difficult. ( (

As a cyclist I find carrying a small rucksack really useful. To start with I keep a waterproof pair of trousers and a coat in there as well as my baccy (disgusting habit).
The rucksack has the unintended advantage of making sure there's just a bit of extra space between me and the person behind in queues and busy shops. One quick turn and I've cleared a space!!  ;D
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: SamLouise on September 30, 2011, 23:55:49
The carrier bag thread made me realise that I'm a grumpy old woman when it comes to supermarket checkouts these days.  Not because of the queues, but because of this ....

'Hello, how are you today? Sorry to keep you waiting, would you like some help with your packing? Would you like stamps, phone top ups, gift cards? Did you find everything you wanted in store today?  Anything else I can help you with? Shall I come to your home, unpack it, put it all away cook and eat it for you?' I just want to say hello, be served and get out!

And people who can't use the self service tills. Honestly, it's not a chemistry exam ... they're really not hard to use, LOL

Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 01, 2011, 02:03:41
To be honnest I find the phrase: "Have a good day!" just a little hard to stomach...all the more so if I'm having a bad one... which I might be if we're shopping.  :-\

If it was meant with all sincerity it'd be very nice to think someone cared. But, let's be honnest, does the checkout person really give a st**f whether I do or I don't have a good day?

Why can't they stick to a very English, "Thank you. Goodbye"

(I do like the Americans really.... well one or two of them......I've not met them all)  ::)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: goodlife on October 01, 2011, 06:38:16
( ( started well..woke up 4am for weird of the glass panels in our shower cubicles shattered.. :o everywhere... >:(
So now I'm waiting the morning to progress so I can start major cleaning.. ::)..make tons of noise...I'm sure more than just odd 'not so nice' words will escape from my lips.. ::)
What next..( (
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 01, 2011, 07:02:22
( ( started well..woke up 4am for weird of the glass panels in our shower cubicles shattered.. :o everywhere... >:(
So now I'm waiting the morning to progress so I can start major cleaning.. ::)..make tons of noise...I'm sure more than just odd 'not so nice' words will escape from my lips.. ::)
What next..( (

The smiley at the end made me laugh... sorry.  :-[ It's not funny starting the day too early with a problem.  :(

Reminds me of: "No. NO... I don't want a 4'x2'x18" fish tank upstairs in your room. It's too heavy and there's too much water if it leaks. No!"

Arrived home days later to discover..... yep, you OH had given in and 20 yr old son had the tank in place.

Days Nights later: "Bang... followed by quite a bit of noise and rushing about at 2am... for some people.  :'(

I went to the ground floor and moved the computer, put a bucket in its place and went straight back to bed. Next morning they were all surprised that I said very little. What was there to say? "Told you so"  ::)

The insurance went up this year by almost £100 as predicted.  >:(
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: goodlife on October 01, 2011, 08:04:31
Morning cuppa to calm nerves.. ::) least it wasn't fish that would have pushed me over the edge.. ::)
Took good hour to find paperwork for the shower..and now 'all' I have to do is wait shops to open and start doing some telephone calls.. ::)
Apprantely glass is not covered by 'lifetime guarantee'... ::)..that life time was short..2 yrs.. ::)..and it wasn't cheap cubicle neither.. ::)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 01, 2011, 08:16:23
Morning cuppa to calm nerves.. ::) least it wasn't fish that would have pushed me over the edge.. ::)
Took good hour to find paperwork for the shower..and now 'all' I have to do is wait shops to open and start doing some telephone calls.. ::)
Apprantely glass is not covered by 'lifetime guarantee'... ::)..that life time was short..2 yrs.. ::)..and it wasn't cheap cubicle neither.. ::)

Insurance claim?
I'd suggest checking the cost of a replacement first - once you've taken off your excess and considered hike in next year's home insurance costs you just might be better off to grin swear and bear it.  :(

Not a good start to the day. Here'shoping it gets better rapidly.  ;)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: pumkinlover on October 01, 2011, 08:40:55
Oh dear( (
I think you will be digging deep into the pockets to get that one sorted.
A small piece of glass fell off our cooker and it was nearly 90 quid, only 6" x 20" sort of size. Not worth claiming on insurance! :(
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 01, 2011, 09:58:26
Oh dear( (
I think you will be digging deep into the pockets to get that one sorted.
A small piece of glass fell off our cooker and it was nearly 90 quid, only 6" x 20" sort of size. Not worth claiming on insurance! :(

I discovered a £100 increase for this years home insurance renewal and that is likely to stay in place for at least 3 and maybe 5 years until I have several years claim-free.

Claim-free makes a huge difference to cost. It seems insurance companies are happy to give you insurance as long as you never use the policy!
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: goodlife on October 01, 2011, 10:40:22
We try to avoid insurance claim.. ::)
Luckily the shop we bought the cubicle from is going to try to sort it with manufacturer for us. They already warned that they try to play 'ball game' and avoid getting involved.. ::) Apprantely this sort of things do happen now and then..nothing new for our at the time being its going to be just waiting game and shower curtain as temperary measure.
At least I survived my morning shopping with any further accidents.... ::) No rants now..for a day..I promise..  ;)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 01, 2011, 17:38:04
Here's wishing you the best of luck with getting the problem sorted amicably and without full cost of a replacement.

It sounds promising.  ;)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Morris on October 01, 2011, 18:20:43
A rant thread is quite handy, think it should be expanded to men as well and kept permanently in place...

Daughter No 1 (at university) lost her iphone a couple of weeks ago. Left it on the table in a restaurant. We decided not to claim on the insurance because of hike in premiums etc. Lucky girl was given a reconditioned but still good ebay iphone, which she has had for less than ONE week. And guess what....

An email today, 'minor' oops, I think not, she has left this one at a friend's last night and is hoping she can get it back, no news so far.

Grrrr.  That will be her last iphone until she pays for it herself.

 >:( >:( >:(

PS Goodlife I hope your luck turns for the better and that you get the problem sorted.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 01, 2011, 18:29:53
A rant thread is quite handy, think it should be expanded to men as well .............. and kept permanently in place...

You mean it isn't available for men to rant or it should be available so men can be ranted about?  ;D

Personally I think it would be sexist if us men were to take any nothice of gender when it comes to ranting. Both sexes are pretty good at it and it's good for you in a controlled environment so I'm going to rant here whenever I feel the need.

Permanent? It will be if we keep it going.  ;)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's can rant too!
Post by: goodlife on October 01, 2011, 18:43:24
 ;D everybody is free change the heading for the subject on their message.. ;D...and keep the rants coming.. ;D
I've just spent day clearing the glass bits off..huh..what a job..only thing that glitters now is the shiny surfaces..spotless.. ;) ;D
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 01, 2011, 18:47:49
You see some good may come of it in the long run.  ;)

I'm sure there's a proverb that says that more succinctly...if only I could think of it.  ::)  ;)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Borlotti on October 02, 2011, 10:30:05
Well this really annoys me or should I say worries me is the young pizza delivery boys on scooters that don't know how to drive them and do wheelies, and boys/men on motor bikes who wear a helmet but don't cover their arms or legs, sometimes in shorts and tee shirt, and they are always the ones that drive too fast, how painful would that be if they came off.  I feel like shouting at them, but with the noise of the bike they probably wouldn't hear or care.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Kea on October 02, 2011, 13:24:35
This is probably nowt to do with bicycles or the road but here goes anyway.
Old women(thats people of my age) with shopping trolleys are my pet hate. I avoid them whenever possible.
We were stood looking at a card rack when one of them there trolleys was pushed into the back of my legs. Of course I fell back and landed on my wrist which broke. When I managed to get up all we could see was the woman running out of the shop with her trolley. Probably off to find someone else to barge in to.
What hurt the most was that I couldn't garden properly for 6 weeks.

That happened to me in the local in a suit....I think I must be invisible. I wasn't dawdling; in the way or anything. Got me right in the achillies tendon x2. 18 months later and guess what, I have achillies tendonitis...why would that be I wonder.....then I remember that incident. I had to abandon my shopping that day and go home.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: claybasket on October 08, 2011, 11:14:00
Hope nobody minds me have a wee rant about the surgerys receptionist,I ordered double scripts as Iam away on HOLIDAY  ;D for three weeks,took the scripts to chem ,got drugs,next day discovered diabetic drug not there, the chemist said not on script :o ,asked how can this be ? ::)got to surgery asked why is has happened, :-was told by the whinney bimbo,oh! I don't know ::),ask politely while getting madder,think you should find out and get me a new script,this is not a packet of aspirins that have gone astray IS IT!  :-X was told come back in TWO DAYS that would be Sunday ???,Iwas rageing by now I was still speaking english quite well, (Glaswegain)I replyed, NO! you will go asp get the script I will sit down, if this is NOT put right YOU are going to regret this so VERY much MISS  >:( >:(was fixed in 3 mins,all sorted, 8) not usually like that RANT over :)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: goodlife on October 08, 2011, 11:29:54
Ohh..well done with the medicine! Our surgery's receptionist are all..hmm..don't really know how to describe ::)..stupid is not strong enough word.
Often they make mistakes and like in your case they 'hide' behind their own rules...48hrs wait for the prescription.. ::)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: grannyjanny on October 08, 2011, 11:33:53
Doctors receptionists would need a thread all of their own ;) ;D.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: louise stella on October 08, 2011, 11:59:27
Don't get me talking about doctors got so bad I changed mine earlier this year!  .....and they thought that Hitler was a threat to world domination!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 08, 2011, 13:42:56
Why is it..
That cyclist don't use the cyclist paths when there is those available?..nobody walking on there..just straight and long cycling should be heaven for a good pedaling..instead they are balancing on the edge of the road being danger to themselves and nuisance for drivers.... >:(
Because cyclist as a general group do not believe the Highway Code or the Road Traffic Act applies to them

That motorcyclist take liberties to mingle between cars as they see 'fit'?..coming from behind the cars and squeezing in between without warning..and drivers get blamed if something goes wrong.. >:(
Why not, if you can slip down the line you speed up the traffic because  you are moving and not making the queue longer.  Motor bikes dont take up as much room as a car. What drives me up the wall is people crawling along below the speed limit, and even worse selfish brianless morons that dont pull all the way up to the line at traffic lights.

Do these people not realise that by keeping ten or fifteen feet behind the line
a) they are occupying two or more car lengths, and therefore hogging more road than the rest of the queue. Where there are lights close together, they are preventing somine getting over the previous set of lights onto the end of this queue, and thefore slowind someons journey down.
b) they effectively shorten the time the lights are at green by the time time it takes all the cars to traverse the gap in front of them and the lights and therefore are strangling  the traffic flow and
c) the detectors in the ground wont see the queue of cars if they dont pull up to the line, and therefore they make everyone wait longer for the lights to cycle to that lane by default, rather than the lights spotting the queue and changing more quickly.

Not pulling up at the line =  significantly increasing congestion and slowing the traffic down, and therefore poor driving and selfish behaviour. And whats the point? If they wanted you to stop fifteen feet away from the lights, thats where they would have drawn the line, not right next to the lights. If you are guilty of doing this, people, then you are a useless, selfish, idiot driver!!!


That drivers in supermarket car parks don't care about which way the traffic is supposed to go?..regardless of the signs..nor things like indicators seem to work anymore on carpark situation.. >:(
Because supermarket car parks are private land , and the Road Traffic Act doesnt apply to it, anymore than it applies to my living room or back garden. Which is why parking 'tickets' from private parking companies  (actually unsolicited invoice') are legally unenforceable.

As for the rest im not qualified to answer :D
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 08, 2011, 14:49:18
Well thanks for that lincsyokel2... as a cyclist I am now part of a group who do not believe in the Highway Code or the Road Traffic Act.  ???

Stereotyping is not the best brush to paint a perfect picture. 
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: non-stick on October 08, 2011, 17:22:42
Well thanks for that lincsyokel2... as a cyclist I am now part of a group who do not believe in the Highway Code or the Road Traffic Act.  ???

Stereotyping is not the best brush to paint a perfect picture. 

Well we fit in with all the motorists that think laws are for others. I cycle on the path on a couple of roads round here because of the way drives cut the bends. Way too many near misses. I wonder how injuries to pedestrians caused by cyclists stacks up against cyclists injured by drivers.

I also ride a motorcycle, fully kitted out, and asked the police whilst on my bikesafe course what the rules on filtering were - they said as long as it's done sensibly it's fine. As someone said earlier it doesn't affect trqaffic flow. Mind you I'm talking of filtering in slow moving traffic not like the organ donors at 80+ mph on motorways
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 08, 2011, 17:41:29
Well thanks for that lincsyokel2... as a cyclist I am now part of a group who do not believe in the Highway Code or the Road Traffic Act.  ???

Stereotyping is not the best brush to paint a perfect picture. 

Well we fit in with all the motorists that think laws are for others. I cycle on the path on a couple of roads round here because of the way drives cut the bends. Way too many near misses. I wonder how injuries to pedestrians caused by cyclists stacks up against cyclists injured by drivers.
One of the more interesting statistics the last government kept a lid on is the fact that although the seat belt laws may have been responsible for a drop in injusries to drivers in cars, research by a pair of swedish scientists showed that drivers who wear a seat belt drive slightly more dangerously (faster, brake later, take more risks) because they feel safer  with the belt on, and there had been a corresponding rise in the number of cyclists and pedestrians injured by cars.

I also ride a motorcycle, fully kitted out, and asked the police whilst on my bikesafe course what the rules on filtering were - they said as long as it's done sensibly it's fine. As someone said earlier it doesn't affect trqaffic flow. Mind you I'm talking of filtering in slow moving traffic not like the organ donors at 80+ mph on motorways

I ride a quad bike, i skipp up the middle in jams, duck in, then go. In doing so i do not contribute to the length of traffic queue, or any potential delays..
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 08, 2011, 18:14:04
Life full of rush isn't it.

How did people cope when nearly everyone walked?  ;)

Personally I think speed (or too much of it) is at fault in a large number of road accidents.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: manicscousers on October 08, 2011, 19:01:00
The care system sucks !!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 08, 2011, 22:14:32
Life full of rush isn't it.

How did people cope when nearly everyone walked?  ;)

Personally I think speed (or too much of it) is at fault in a large number of road accidents.

If speed was responsible for road accidents, every F1 Grand Prix woudl have 20 fatalities, considering they reach up to 220 MPH.

Even the governments own stats show speed is a contributing factor to only 20% of accidents.

The real cause of RTA's is poor driver skill, and lack of training and experience - people driving a vehicle beyond there abilities. Thats why an F1 driver can do 220 MPH safely.

Which is why Speed cameras, deployed under the pretence of 'road safety' are a con trick played on the public as a cover to generate revenue. Speed Cameras do not address the root cause of RTA's, and thefore do not improve road safety.  Theres is not one single scientific study anywhere in the world, that shows Speed cameras have had a major beneficial effect of Road Safety, not one, anywhere in the world, in the 15 years speed cameras have been deployed.  

The main reasons road deaths have fallen is due to better vehicle construction, better driver training and better road layour practices, and better road surfaces. In fact road deaths were falling all over europe long before speed cameras, and the introduction of speed cameras did not cause a faster fall, as you would expect if they had had an influence, in fact road deaths levelled out for the first few years of speed cameras, totally contrary to what  you would expect to see.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 08, 2011, 23:54:05

If speed was responsible for road accidents, every F1 Grand Prix woudl have 20 fatalities, considering they reach up to 220 MPH.

Perhaps some of the slight differences between F1 Grand Prix and local roads might be:

Although speed alone is not the cause of accidents there have been fewer serious injuries and no deaths in our local "Home Zone" where motorists are supposed to drive no faster than 20mph. Prior to that we had a number of children missing from school as they had been hit by cars unable to stop in time as well as two complete non-attenders who died.

The care system sucks !!!!!!!!!!!!

In West Sussex there are many who would agree with you.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 09, 2011, 09:48:05

Although speed alone is not the cause of accidents there have been fewer serious injuries and no deaths in our local "Home Zone" where motorists are supposed to drive no faster than 20mph. Prior to that we had a number of children missing from school as they had been hit by cars unable to stop in time as well as two complete non-attenders who died.

But that wasnt caused by speed  - that was caused by lack of control of the vehicle by the driver.  The speed they were travellling at is immaterial, the person driving wasnt in control, thats the point you tackle, reducing the speed limit merely leaves an incompetant person driving a car at a slightly lower speed, but they are still incompetant and just as liable to cause an accident.

Speed does not kill. If speed killed, why can you travel at 600 MPH in a jumbo jet and live? This is not playing with words, this is an important distinction. If you want to improve road safety, you have to attack the causes of accidents, which is driver error, not speed.   A COMPETANT, WELL TRAINED driver doesnt need to have his speed dictated to him by law, he will always  drive at the appropriate, safe speed, whatever that is.  Thats the only reason you need speed limits, because some drivers are not competant enough to choose an appropriate speed for the situation.

This line of thinking is born out byt he fact the government are going to raise the speed limit on motorways to 80 mph, which has beeen the de facto in real life limit for 30 years. Modern cars i fact can be quite safely driven at 120 mph on the road layouts of motorways, but drivers ar enot traned well enough to handle this., but 80 is perfectly safe.  This is also born out by the  german autobahn sections where there is no speed limit at all, and the accident rate on those sections is no woprse than the rest of the roads in germany.

This really is the difference between curing the illness and just sticking a plaster on it and covering it up. Real road safety is only achieved by policies that do the former, and not by the latter.  

All the evidence points to the fact that the slogan 'Speed Kills', the cornerstone of goverment road safety policy for 30 years, is wrong, misleading, and they know it, but choose to ignore it and promote a 'road safety' policy that  they know doesnt really attack the problem but instead is a conventiant cover for revenue generation and target achievment  

Look at it sensibly - a law that manages to incriminate 55% of the population must be wrong, because no sensible person can propose that 55% of the population are criminals, clearly this is absurd. The law must be wrong, not 55% of the people. If 55% of the people had been convicted of fraud or assault, you would most certainly be forced to examine whats going on.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: BarriedaleNick on October 09, 2011, 10:23:17
"A COMPETANT, WELL TRAINED driver doesnt need to have his speed dictated to him by law, he will always  drive at the appropriate, safe speed, whatever that is."

So you do agree that certain speeds are unsafe and therefore, by definition, dangerous even for a COMPETANT, WELL TRAINED driver.  I thought you said speed was immaterial.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 09, 2011, 13:22:06
"Speed does not kill. If speed killed, why can you travel at 600 MPH in a jumbo jet and live?"

Perhaps there are fewer cyclists and children in the way?  ::)

I think I will give up this game of semantics. I know I'd sooner be hit by a vehicle travelling at 15mph than 50 if I had the choice. Preferably not at all but no matter how careful I try to be I can't choose how people travel around me or my children.

The results of lack of vehicle control at high speed kills. I know several families who have first hand experience.  :(
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 09, 2011, 13:52:40
"A COMPETANT, WELL TRAINED driver doesnt need to have his speed dictated to him by law, he will always  drive at the appropriate, safe speed, whatever that is."

So you do agree that certain speeds are unsafe and therefore, by definition, dangerous even for a COMPETANT, WELL TRAINED driver.  I thought you said speed was immaterial.

All speeds are safe, - shuttle crew survive 17,000 MPH on reentry (well all but one, and that was hardware failure). The only thing that makes speed unsafe is an incompetant driver, and they are unsafe at any speed.

If you think speed is relevant, explain why road deaths were falling all over europe before speed cameras were invented. Then explain why the graph evlled off when speed cameras were introduced? and then only started to fall again years later.

Why has not one single scientific study ever found speed to be the primary cause  of RTA's ? Why do the governments own statistics (ONS) show that speed was only a contributing factor in 20% of accidents, and that driver error was the main cause?

You are either pro road safety or you are not, and if you are you need to get the government propaganda used to justify speed cameras out your head and see the true problem, which is driver training.

Our money is being used to buy a product called 'Road Safety', and a tool to do it with, Speed cameras'.. If it were a fridge or a cooker, we could demand our money back under the Trades Descriptions Act. The tool weve been sold provably, by many sources of information and statistics, does not work. Its does not do what it says on the tin. It does not do 'Road safety',  proven by all the facts and statistics. We have been sold a duff tool, and if i were a drill id take it back to B&Q and demand my money back.

Do you want our tax pounds spent i nan effective way, or are you happy its being wasted on policies that provably dont work, and are a cover to justify taking more money off us ?

Personally, i demand value for money and road safety policy that works.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 09, 2011, 13:54:44

The results of lack of vehicle control


thats the primary cause. You can kill somone with a car at 3 mph IF YOU ARENT IN CONTROL!!!And the reason you arent in control is down to driver skill, training and experince!! Nothing to do with speed!!!  And so thats the issue you have to deal with!!! Not speed!!!

Again, i challenge you to show me one single scientific study that has shown speed is a major factor in RTA's. I challenge you to explian why the governments own figures only show 20% of RTA's have speed as a factor - if they know this, why arent they addressing the maijor reasons for that cause the other 80% of RTA's? Explain why the deployment of speed cameras has had no provable effect on the graph of RTA's per year europe wide.

Please address these issues if you think Im wrong, otherwise all you are doing is avoiding uncomfortable truths, and peddling incorrect government an dpolice propganda used to hide the truth that speed cameras are really about revenue generation. If you want to accept duff road safety and believe the crap they tell you , thats up to you, but i want real road safety that works, i have grandkids.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: tonybloke on October 09, 2011, 14:22:29
And people who can't use the self service tills. Honestly, it's not a chemistry exam ... they're really not hard to use, LOL

true, please carry on helping your local supermarket to out-source their till staff ( to the customers)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: tonybloke on October 09, 2011, 14:29:44
@LY2, speed doesn't kill = true
it's the sudden deceleration that kills.

human organs can (usually) survive a 70mph>0mph in an inch deceleration, but not 80mph>0mph, simple!!

feel free to experiment.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: BarriedaleNick on October 09, 2011, 14:41:03
All speeds are safe??

So why did you say "drive at the appropriate, safe speed" - surely that implies that some speeds are not safe.
I don't think it would be safe to drive at 600mph down my road but by your logic that would be OK.

Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lewic on October 09, 2011, 14:44:50
Code: [Select]
please carry on helping your local supermarket to out-source their till staff ( to the customers)

Too right! If I am forced to use one and am not in a hurry I deliberately faff around cluelessly so an assistant is forced to come over and help. If more people did this then they might get rid of the wretched things.

I feel sorry for the elderly who may not be as savvy with new technology, who are being excluded from society as everything becomes computerised. Oh and what about those square magic-eye barcode things that are popping up everywhere? How long before you need a smartphone to access a doctor or buy food?
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: grawrc on October 09, 2011, 15:01:40
Well the self-service tills at B&Q always seem to object to something so the human assistant is kept pretty busy! I don't bother any more. I just queue for the human and play games on my smart phone!  ;) :P
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: tonybloke on October 09, 2011, 15:04:20

The results of lack of vehicle control


thats the primary cause. You can kill somone with a car at 3 mph IF YOU ARENT IN CONTROL!!!And the reason you arent in control is down to driver skill, training and experince!! Nothing to do with speed!!!  And so thats the issue you have to deal with!!! Not speed!!!

Again, i challenge you to show me one single scientific study that has shown speed is a major factor in RTA's. I challenge you to explian why the governments own figures only show 20% of RTA's have speed as a factor - if they know this, why arent they addressing the maijor reasons for that cause the other 80% of RTA's? Explain why the deployment of speed cameras has had no provable effect on the graph of RTA's per year europe wide.

Please address these issues if you think Im wrong, otherwise all you are doing is avoiding uncomfortable truths, and peddling incorrect government an dpolice propganda used to hide the truth that speed cameras are really about revenue generation. If you want to accept duff road safety and believe the crap they tell you , thats up to you, but i want real road safety that works, i have grandkids.
you seem to have an issue with speed cameras. don't you have a reliable speedometer in your vehicle?
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 09, 2011, 15:18:23

The results of lack of vehicle control


thats the primary cause. You can kill somone with a car at 3 mph IF YOU ARENT IN CONTROL!!!And the reason you arent in control is down to driver skill, training and experince!! Nothing to do with speed!!!  And so thats the issue you have to deal with!!! Not speed!!!

Again, i challenge you to show me one single scientific study that has shown speed is a major factor in RTA's. I challenge you to explian why the governments own figures only show 20% of RTA's have speed as a factor - if they know this, why arent they addressing the maijor reasons for that cause the other 80% of RTA's? Explain why the deployment of speed cameras has had no provable effect on the graph of RTA's per year europe wide.

Please address these issues if you think Im wrong, otherwise all you are doing is avoiding uncomfortable truths, and peddling incorrect government an dpolice propganda used to hide the truth that speed cameras are really about revenue generation. If you want to accept duff road safety and believe the crap they tell you , thats up to you, but i want real road safety that works, i have grandkids.
you seem to have an issue with speed cameras. don't you have a reliable speedometer in your vehicle?

You forget, tonybloke, that some people have no speed limits it's all a matter of how good they think they are at controlling their vehicles. Presumably there's no such thing as an accident either? Or... only incompetent road users have them?

Yeah right.  :P

Personally I'd vote for anyone able to impose and enforce a 20mph speed limit on roads where children play and walk/cycle to school. It works here and in some other countries around the world.

My personal belief is that purposely breaking a speed limit is selfish, arrogant and dangerous. It shows a lack of care/consideration for others. There's always a reason or an excuse for ignoring speed limits - these days it appears to be a matter of choice. It's a shame the victims of road traffic accidents caused by others who speed and loose control do not get the choice. 
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 09, 2011, 18:56:42
All speeds are safe??

So why did you say "drive at the appropriate, safe speed" - surely that implies that some speeds are not safe.
I don't think it would be safe to drive at 600mph down my road but by your logic that would be OK.

Thats because  your road isnt suitable. You can drive round a Grabnd prix Track at 2209 MPH, because its  built for it.

Clearly, its not possible to control a vehicle at 600 mph on a domestic street. It may well be safe on a suitable track. SO there again, its not the speed, it the road and the driver.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 09, 2011, 19:06:57

The results of lack of vehicle control


thats the primary cause. You can kill somone with a car at 3 mph IF YOU ARENT IN CONTROL!!!And the reason you arent in control is down to driver skill, training and experince!! Nothing to do with speed!!!  And so thats the issue you have to deal with!!! Not speed!!!

Again, i challenge you to show me one single scientific study that has shown speed is a major factor in RTA's. I challenge you to explian why the governments own figures only show 20% of RTA's have speed as a factor - if they know this, why arent they addressing the maijor reasons for that cause the other 80% of RTA's? Explain why the deployment of speed cameras has had no provable effect on the graph of RTA's per year europe wide.

Please address these issues if you think Im wrong, otherwise all you are doing is avoiding uncomfortable truths, and peddling incorrect government an dpolice propganda used to hide the truth that speed cameras are really about revenue generation. If you want to accept duff road safety and believe the crap they tell you , thats up to you, but i want real road safety that works, i have grandkids.
you seem to have an issue with speed cameras. don't you have a reliable speedometer in your vehicle?

No i have an issue with faulty road safety.

See I cant understand why you are arguing the issue. Do you not want our roads to be safe? If so, then surely you want a road safety policy that works, do you not ? So why are you defending the total reliance on speed cameras when they DONT DO THE JOB!! How can you justify speed cameras for road safety when they dont catch drunk driver, or untaxed drivers, or uninsured drivers, or drugged drivers, or stolen vehocles, or cloned vehicles or joy riders.

In the period that Speed Cameras habe been running, convictions for speeding by these cameras has gone up ten fold, yet RTA's have not dropped correspondingly. Doent that tell you something? - thats there isnt a connection between the two? At the same time, convictions for dangerous driving have dropped to a tenth of what they were before speed cameras. Now thats nothing to do with road safety, because you cant catch dangerous drivers with a speed camera, it requires a copper in a car on the street. Whats happening is that the coppers are sitting in the police station with there feet up letting the cameras catch speeders, whilst all the rest of the  poor drivers who affect road safety are being largely unpoliced.

It seems to me that the people arguing with me dont actually give a toss about road safety, they  just believe what theyare told without thinking it out for themselves, like sheeple. The difference here is ive given this some thought, and done my own research, and concluded Government and police road safety strategy is massively flawed and not doing the job.  And there is a massive body of independant evidence to support this view. There is no independant verifiable evidence to support the view you are peddling, execept the police's own fiddled and mathematically manipulated figures (and thats another thread entirely, they way the fiddle the numbers - google 'regression to mean value' if you want a clue))

So tell me why you are objecting to people like me who want the focus of government switched to the real causes of  poor road safety. Obviously you are happy with being sold a duff product and millions of pounds being wasted on effectively a revenue generation exercise, with no real improvement on road safety for the millions of pound spent.

Please try and answer some of the points i made if you reply, its  only courteous, i answer your points, and you simply ignore all my arguments except a selected one liner you have a cheap shot at. Tonybloke does the same, its poor debating and an insult to the effort i put in to present my argument in a logical manner with evidence. Lets have some evidence to support your views, eh, or shall we just assume there isnt and you really are wrong wrong wrong ?
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 09, 2011, 19:10:52
I wish you luck with your campaign lincsyokel2  ;)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 09, 2011, 19:12:53
All speeds are safe??

So why did you say "drive at the appropriate, safe speed" - surely that implies that some speeds are not safe.
I don't think it would be safe to drive at 600mph down my road but by your logic that would be OK.

Thats because  your road isnt suitable. You can drive round a Grabnd prix Track at 2209 MPH, because its  built for it.

Clearly, its not possible to control a vehicle at 600 mph on a domestic street. It may well be safe on a suitable track. SO there again, its not the speed, it the road and the driver.

So perhaps this means reduce the speed and you have a safe road user?
Obviously not.  ::)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 09, 2011, 19:16:07
All speeds are safe??

So why did you say "drive at the appropriate, safe speed" - surely that implies that some speeds are not safe.
I don't think it would be safe to drive at 600mph down my road but by your logic that would be OK.

Thats because  your road isnt suitable. You can drive round a Grabnd prix Track at 2209 MPH, because its  built for it.

Clearly, its not possible to control a vehicle at 600 mph on a domestic street. It may well be safe on a suitable track. SO there again, its not the speed, it the road and the driver.

So perhaps this means reduce the speed and you have a safe road user?
Obviously not.  ::)

You train the driver to recognise  the road conditions arent suitable. You  are getting back to forcing peopel to slow down using the blunt instrument of law (bad, amkes peopel resent being forced and more likely to ignore) and teaching them to do it because they recognise the conditions areinapproriate and adjusting ther espeed because they know its the correct thing to do (good, no compulsion, more responsible, less likely to have accidents)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: tonybloke on October 09, 2011, 19:23:16
I have no issues at all with speed cameras, I think they are a great way of raising revenue from folk who don't have reliable speedometers in their vehicles, or those who are just too ignorant to stick to the speed limit.

the safety cameras the police use round here have number plate recognition technology, and do detect un-taxed / insured cars, don't they have modern technology in the land of the cabbage?

road safety and speed cameras are separate issues, why are you getting them mixed up?

(I have driven at 160 mph on a race-track, and used to compete in Drag racing at Santa Pod, so I ain't afraid of speed, by the way.)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Ellen K on October 09, 2011, 19:30:19
^^ Speed cameras - yes, they are a tax on stupidity.  Keep to the speed limit and let others fill the Treasury's coffers.  Works for me  :)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 09, 2011, 19:38:51
I have no issues at all with speed cameras, I think they are a great way of raising revenue from folk who don't have reliable speedometers in their vehicles, or those who are just too ignorant to stick to the speed limit.

the safety cameras the police use round here have number plate recognition technology, and do detect un-taxed / insured cars, don't they have modern technology in the land of the cabbage?

road safety and speed cameras are separate issues, why are you getting them mixed up?

(I have driven at 160 mph on a race-track, and used to compete in Drag racing at Santa Pod, so I ain't afraid of speed, by the way.)

No, speed cameras are peddled as the all singing solution to road safety, thats why they are actually called 'Safety Cameras' and peddled by organisations called 'Road Safety Partnerships'.  The clue is in the name.

So you ignored all the other points in my posts because you have no answer, and cant show im wrong? or was it out of pure ignorance?

Im so pleased for you you arent afraid of speed. I have an allotment and im not afraid of cabbages.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lottie lou on October 09, 2011, 19:47:36
The results of lack of vehicle control at high speed kills. I know several families who have first hand experience.  :(

Yes I agree.  My dad, a passenger, was killed by a girl travelling at 80mph when she received a text message
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Hector on October 09, 2011, 19:51:00
Linksyokel...doesn't matter if you are a fab driver. If you are hit by a pratt at 30 you usually still survive without organ/brain damage....faster idiots cause more problems.

Having worked on a head injury unit I know what speed can do.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: tonybloke on October 09, 2011, 19:58:21
So you ignored all the other points in my posts because you have no answer, and cant show im wrong? or was it out of pure ignorance?

speed does not kill, it's the crashing at speed that does, simple! so, by slowing down the traffic, the likelihood of an accident is not diminished, but the likely outcome of a crash will be improved.

and by the way, ignorance cannot be pure.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Carol on October 09, 2011, 20:18:36
I'm a grumpy old woman and I hate Smart Arses.  saying no more, this thread is turning a bore.

Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: pumkinlover on October 09, 2011, 20:25:32
Will we ever find out if Goodlife got her shower cubicle repaired?????
it's been giving me sleepless nights  for weeks ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 09, 2011, 21:17:15
I'm a grumpy old woman and I hate Smart Arses.  saying no more, this thread is turning a bore.


And so say all most of us I think!
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: claybasket on October 09, 2011, 21:37:18
I'm a grumpy old woman and I hate Smart Arses.  saying no more, this thread is turning a bore.

[/quoteWell said just ripe out my veins  with my TEETH >:(
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 09, 2011, 22:25:00
Linksyokel...doesn't matter if you are a fab driver. If you are hit by a pratt at 30 you usually still survive without organ/brain damage....faster idiots cause more problems.

Having worked on a head injury unit I know what speed can do.

Its perfectly possible to kill somone at 3 MPH. You cant possibly blame speed in that case, and not take into account driver skill. And the same applies to all accidents.

For the third, time, because you keep ignoring it:   Even by the  police's own statistics, speed is a contributory factor in only 20% of RTA's - and thats the POLICE telling you this!! Who do you actually want to repeat it to you before you believe it - Secretary of State for Transport ??
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: saddad on October 09, 2011, 22:27:43
Its perfectly possible to kill somone at 3 MPH.

As we see in cases where cars reverse off drives over toddlers... or crush partners against a wall...
But speed makes a hell of a mess of anything you hit...  :-X
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 09, 2011, 22:27:48
So you ignored all the other points in my posts because you have no answer, and cant show im wrong? or was it out of pure ignorance?

speed does not kill, it's the crashing at speed that does, simple! so, by slowing down the traffic, the likelihood of an accident is not diminished, but the likely outcome of a crash will be improved.

and by the way, ignorance cannot be pure.

Lack of knowledge or information: "he acted in ignorance of basic procedures".

Freedom from adulteration or contamination.
Freedom from immorality, esp. of a sexual nature.

So i dont see why you cant have ignorance that has not been adulterated by prejuducial knowledge, and is moral ignorance, ie refusal to acquire or accept certain knowledge. Such would be the nature of pure ignorance.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: tonybloke on October 09, 2011, 22:56:59
For the third, time, because you keep ignoring it:   Even by the  police's own statistics, speed is a contributory factor in only 20% of RTA's

ONLY 20% of road accidents? that seems enough, don't you think?

is there also some study into the number of serious injuries / deaths that happen at speeds exceeding the speed limit vs those at slower speeds?
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Hector on October 09, 2011, 23:14:00
Linksyokel...doesn't matter if you are a fab driver. If you are hit by a pratt at 30 you usually still survive without organ/brain damage....faster idiots cause more problems.

Having worked on a head injury unit I know what speed can do.

Its perfectly possible to kill somone at 3 MPH. You cant possibly blame speed in that case, and not take into account driver skill. And the same applies to all accidents.

For the third, time, because you keep ignoring it:   Even by the  police's own statistics, speed is a contributory factor in only 20% of RTA's - and thats the POLICE telling you this!! Who do you actually want to repeat it to you before you believe it - Secretary of State for Transport ??

I am not aware of ignoring anything but think we need a wee bit of perspective here...this is a forum thread...not Crown Court :) . I don't know if you realise it but your tone comes across as accusatory......not the stuff of genuine debate.

Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 09, 2011, 23:37:00
Linksyokel...doesn't matter if you are a fab driver. If you are hit by a pratt at 30 you usually still survive without organ/brain damage....faster idiots cause more problems.

Having worked on a head injury unit I know what speed can do.

Its perfectly possible to kill somone at 3 MPH. You cant possibly blame speed in that case, and not take into account driver skill. And the same applies to all accidents.

For the third, time, because you keep ignoring it:   Even by the  police's own statistics, speed is a contributory factor in only 20% of RTA's - and thats the POLICE telling you this!! Who do you actually want to repeat it to you before you believe it - Secretary of State for Transport ??

I am not aware of ignoring anything but think we need a wee bit of perspective here...this is a forum thread...not Crown Court :) . I don't know if you realise it but your tone comes across as accusatory......not the stuff of genuine debate.

heres a link

even in 2006, speed was a contributory factor in only 5% of accidents.  There is a huge mass of evidence that shows you are on the wrong track. If you want to reduce road accidents, and make the road s safer, you need to addres sthe MAIN causes of road accidents, which is driver training, road layout and vehicle safety. THESE are the three main areas where improvements have caused the drop in road deaths. Why on earth do you want to concentrate o nthe one factor, speed, that has the minimal effect of road safety? Do you not want to improve it? 

The group most likely to cause accidents are under 25's - again, THIS is the group that shoudl have the resources dircted at it, not wasted on randonly siting cameras on the offchance you catch peopel speeding. Everyone speeds, even only montarily, its impossible to deny you do. But that momentary speeding is not the cause  of accidents.

Car accident statistics reveal a young population for who speeding is disturbingly commonplace.

    77% of young drivers will break the speed limit when overtaking.
    66% of young drivers will break the speed limit because they are in a rush.
    33% of young drivers will break the speed limit simply because it is night.
    47% of young drivers will break the speed limit in town areas.
    61% of young drivers will break the speed limit in country areas (where they are most likely to be involved in a fatal car accident).

So instead of wasting millions on cameras,  some of it would be better spent on compulsory advanced driver training for anyone under 25. In fact I woudl make it so that you cant drive after the age of 25 unless you have taken such a course.

There is a great variety of contributory factors that lead to road traffic crashes, most important of which are: the level of driver training; the general attitude of drivers; driver behaviour and the level of driver self-discipline, self regulation and law compliance. All of these relate to human factors in the road traffic environment.  None of these are addressed by speed cameras, and money spent on cameras diverts money away from these areas, hardly a good strategy for road safety.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 10, 2011, 00:50:13
Don't you just hate it when grownup children visit and then go home leaving a mess behind them?  :(

I love my son and it was nice to see him but we really could have done without a huge heap of fishing gear hanging from the washing-line and plastered across the lawn. The outdoor all-weather sleeping bag washed well in our 11kg load drum but the machine decided it was an uneven load when it came to spinning the thing so left us to haul it out and plonk it on the line overnight.  :(

Now most of the gear is packed away in our garage so there's another fine heap to negotiate when I want to get the bikes out.

But.... he will come and get it all tomorrow when it is properly dried out...he says. We'll see.  ::)

Good side was (other than seeing him) his partner is a veterinary nurse so the cat had a bit of TLC for free.  :)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Hector on October 10, 2011, 20:27:02
Discovering, when you go for a shower, that OH has stored 20 golf bags in the bathroom...................
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: tonybloke on October 10, 2011, 20:44:28
discovering the OH has totally re-organised the pantry!
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: katynewbie on October 11, 2011, 10:07:36
My rant is about supermarket checkouts. In particular, the customers who seem amazed that they will be asked to pay, fumble in the bag/pocket/rucksack for money, remember that they have money off coupons so search for them, then cannot find their loyalty card etc etc etc...
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 11, 2011, 10:30:28
And my most concerning rant is........ Why must banks take so very long to move money electronically?  >:(

I'm not panicing - yet.  ???
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: manicscousers on October 11, 2011, 10:48:47
Student loan, enough said !!!!
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Deb P on October 11, 2011, 11:29:26
Discovering, when you go for a shower, that OH has stored 20 golf bags in the bathroom...................

20 golf bags, really! ;D ;D ;D

My current moans are verbal 'Americanisms' generally, but three in particular make my hackles rise.....

1) Being called a 'guy' as in 'Are you guys ready to order yet?' Sloppy, lazy and blooming incorrect as well, as I am a lady....

2) The response to 'How are you' ....which has somehow universally become 'Good'...Arrrrgh! It is 'I'm fine thank you' or not if you're not of course.

3) The phrase 'Can I get'....used instead of 'Please can I have', or 'I would like', as in 'Can I get a cup of coffee'...also usually neglecting to say please as well. I always reply 'I don't know, can you? Are you capable ?'

Rant over, I am now officially a moany old woman and do not give a jot! ;D
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Poppy Mole on October 11, 2011, 11:29:51
Why must banks take so very long to move money electronically?

I agree it's crazy my business account needs 2 days before it will send money but my private account does it instantly  ??? ???
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 11, 2011, 11:37:05
Why must banks take so very long to move money electronically?

I agree it's crazy my business account needs 2 days before it will send money but my private account does it instantly  ??? ???

Small amounts no problems but paying for a bungalow and... still waiting to hear that the money arrived. First lot sent 5 days ago.  :o
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Digeroo on October 11, 2011, 12:34:25
I hate the expression How are you doing?  Rather than Good Morning.  I ask how am I doing what?  Just under forty years ago I went to California and heard Have a nice day? continually.  It now seems to have arrived in Swindon big time.

But my big annoyance is car parking spaces which are not wide enough.  So when you get back to the car you cannot get into it.  Also road which suddenly direct you to turn off without there being a prewarning sign.  There are several in Swindon, it leads to traffic suddenly lurking across the lanes to get into the correct one.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: meter rat on October 11, 2011, 12:52:15
I agree with creeping Americanisms. I hate the use of cute and awesome in describing things.

And what is it with disabled persons and family parking bays. These people get twice the space of normal bays and they still are unable to get in to a bay centrally. Had a set to this morning with a woman who had parked over the hatched lines of the the disabled bay then insisted that I was in the wrong as I had parked next to her preventing her access to the car and making her late for work. I also have an issue with people who know they need their swipe card to gain access to the carpark at work but don't have it handy, it's in their handbag, pocket, under the seat, glove box ect. Anywhere but around their neck where it should be. I don't often use the car for work.

To days rant over.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 11, 2011, 14:01:36
Discovering, when you go for a shower, that OH has stored 20 golf bags in the bathroom...................

20 golf bags, really! ;D ;D ;D

My current moans are verbal 'Americanisms' generally, but three in particular make my hackles rise.....

1) Being called a 'guy' as in 'Are you guys ready to order yet?' Sloppy, lazy and blooming incorrect as well, as I am a lady....

2) The response to 'How are you' ....which has somehow universally become 'Good'...Arrrrgh! It is 'I'm fine thank you' or not if you're not of course.

3) The phrase 'Can I get'....used instead of 'Please can I have', or 'I would like', as in 'Can I get a cup of coffee'...also usually neglecting to say please as well. I always reply 'I don't know, can you? Are you capable ?'

Rant over, I am now officially a moany old woman and do not give a jot! ;D

The way languages evolve is a fascinating subject.

Normally, languages evolve very slowly, except when one culture mixes with another - for example, english  was modified in waves as the Romans, Vikings, Saxons and Normans all came conquering, and bringing new words with them. However, its usually a very slow process ,with only one or two words a year creeping in. In japan, for example, it now very 'chic' to slip english words into your conversation.

The effect of the globalisation of communications by the internet has caused an artificial mixing of languages and cultures  unlike anything ever seen before. The number of new words being borrowed into languages is now collosal, as well as the number of entirely new words being invented, and words beeign adapted. For example, 'tweening', 'spamming', 'trolling', 'shooping',  'meme', 'email', 'hard boot' - theres literally hundreds of new words been created in the last 15 years.

Furthermore the borrowing of words from one language to another is now huge - you gave 'guy' as an example.  As someone who has lived on the net since day one, i restrict my use of netisms on here, other wise half of you wouldnt know what im talking about, but what you are seeing is a new language evolving, a global language of the internet.

The good thing is that its basically english and one day it will cause the extinction of the French language.   8)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 11, 2011, 14:47:41
Discovering, when you go for a shower, that OH has stored 20 golf bags in the bathroom...................

20 golf bags, really! ;D ;D ;D

My current moans are verbal 'Americanisms' generally, but three in particular make my hackles rise.....

1) Being called a 'guy' as in 'Are you guys ready to order yet?' Sloppy, lazy and blooming incorrect as well, as I am a lady....

2) The response to 'How are you' ....which has somehow universally become 'Good'...Arrrrgh! It is 'I'm fine thank you' or not if you're not of course.

3) The phrase 'Can I get'....used instead of 'Please can I have', or 'I would like', as in 'Can I get a cup of coffee'...also usually neglecting to say please as well. I always reply 'I don't know, can you? Are you capable ?'

Rant over, I am now officially a moany old woman and do not give a jot! ;D

The way languages evolve is a fascinating subject.

Normally, languages evolve very slowly, except when one culture mixes with another - for example, english  was modified in waves as the Romans, Vikings, Saxons and Normans all came conquering, and bringing new words with them. However, its usually a very slow process ,with only one or two words a year creeping in. In japan, for example, it now very 'chic' to slip english words into your conversation.

The effect of the globalisation of communications by the internet has caused an artificial mixing of languages and cultures  unlike anything ever seen before. The number of new words being borrowed into languages is now collosal, as well as the number of entirely new words being invented, and words beeign adapted. For example, 'tweening', 'spamming', 'trolling', 'shooping',  'meme', 'email', 'hard boot' - theres literally hundreds of new words been created in the last 15 years.

Furthermore the borrowing of words from one language to another is now huge - you gave 'guy' as an example.  As someone who has lived on the net since day one, i restrict my use of netisms on here, other wise half of you wouldnt know what im talking about, but what you are seeing is a new language evolving, a global language of the internet.

The good thing is that its basically english and one day it will cause the extinction of the French language.   8)

Language is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the interpretation and use of words involves a process of free creation.  ::)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: BarriedaleNick on October 11, 2011, 17:16:36
I can thoroughly recommend for all your modern lingo needs.
It's pretty funny but very entertaining and informative if you cut through the inevitable dross..
manolescent, carnevoyeur and floss d'oeuvres are recent entries..

Can I rant about the four wheel drive that turned left on me without indicating just ten mins ago.  The guy looked at me like I was explaining quantum physics when I suggested that indication was very much de rigueur in that situation.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 11, 2011, 17:39:01
Ill tell you something else that pees me off.

Vegetarians expect you to accomadate there needs and cook a special meal for them, but if you go to a vegetarians to eat, they wont go out there way and cook meat for you, you get palmed off with more vegetarian rubbish. I think thats the ultimate in selfish..........
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Ellen K on October 11, 2011, 17:43:39
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 12, 2011, 06:47:15
I hate the expression How are you doing?  Rather than Good Morning.  I ask how am I doing what?  Just under forty years ago I went to California and heard Have a nice day? continually.  It now seems to have arrived in Swindon big time.

But my big annoyance is car parking spaces which are not wide enough.  So when you get back to the car you cannot get into it.  Also road which suddenly direct you to turn off without there being a prewarning sign.  There are several in Swindon, it leads to traffic suddenly lurking across the lanes to get into the correct one.

Cyclist suffer dodgy roads too - cycle paths that stop abruptly dumping them onto fast flowing traffic or ones that are so short they aren't worth the grit plastered tarmac they are made of. Then there's those with lamp posts or telephone boxes in the middle of them.

Sometimes the road sails on but the cycle lane vanishes for miles into the country-side making the journey unnecessarily long rather than direct town to town.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: betula on October 12, 2011, 07:56:53
Cyclists who try to justify the fact that they don't use bike lanes  ;D(sorry) ;D

I so agree about the vegetarians....I volunteer at a museum and for father's day we did a fund raiser,a hog roast and beer.We had lots more customers than expected and we volunteers were rushed off our feet.A group of veggies started to complain to me that there was no veggie option.One was never advertised and they were quite rude really.While sweating to keep up was in no mood for them trying to spoil the nice atmosphere of the day.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Ellen K on October 12, 2011, 10:39:15
I went to a friends BBQ, expecting not to eat anything.  But the hosts had bought a few of those aluminium tray BBQ things so that any vegetarians could cook food without getting meat fat all over it.  I was charmed by their thoughfulness and good grace.

OK rant mode engaged: I hate it when people ask you if you have any dietary preferences then just ignore them and serve you beef lasagne (step forward just about every airline I have ever flown with).
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: louise stella on October 12, 2011, 12:33:48
Ill tell you something else that pees me off.

Vegetarians expect you to accomadate there needs and cook a special meal for them, but if you go to a vegetarians to eat, they wont go out there way and cook meat for you, you get palmed off with more vegetarian rubbish. I think thats the ultimate in selfish..........

We're not all like that! 
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: OllieC on October 12, 2011, 13:11:36
I enjoy meat and don't think vegetarians are much more ethical than me - unless they avoid dairy and the astonishingly cruel practices associated with it (far worse than beef or sheep farming). Still, different people are veggies for different reasons - many just don't like the thought of eating flesh.

BUT... that's my view and I respect anyone else's ethical decisions. I don't feel that I have the right to expect someone to do something they're uncomfortable with. It's quite likely that as a flesh avoider, you don't like handling flesh. I can't imagine being such a rude guest to expect someone to do something they're not comfortable with just to give me something for which I have no real dietary need.

Anyway, it's nice to go without meat now & again - I love cooking for veggie friends to expand my cooking repertoire.

Oh, and if I organised a hog roast then the vegetarian option would be the bap with a lettuce leaf.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: pumkinlover on October 12, 2011, 13:16:36
we did a fund raiser,a hog roast and beer.We had lots more customers than expected and we volunteers were rushed off our feet.A group of veggies started to complain to me that there was no veggie option.One was never advertised and they were quite rude really.While sweating to keep up was in no mood for them trying to spoil the nice atmosphere of the day.

Does beg the question -why would a vegetarian go to a hog roast?
Ill tell you something else that pees me off.

Vegetarians expect you to accomadate there needs and cook a special meal for them, but if you go to a vegetarians to eat, they wont go out there way and cook meat for you, you get palmed off with more vegetarian rubbish. I think thats the ultimate in selfish..........

We're not all like that! 

-we mostly grow vegetables on this forum and a good vegetarian meal is harder to make than a meat one, at least in my opinion. As you are not reliant on the meat to make the meal tasty.  I do not like bought in vegy burgers or anything like that, but to make a good vegy chilli burger with own produce takes more time and skill than a meat alternative.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 12, 2011, 14:09:33
we did a fund raiser,a hog roast and beer.We had lots more customers than expected and we volunteers were rushed off our feet.A group of veggies started to complain to me that there was no veggie option.One was never advertised and they were quite rude really.While sweating to keep up was in no mood for them trying to spoil the nice atmosphere of the day.

Does be the question -why would a vegetarian go to a hog roast?
Ill tell you something else that pees me off.

Vegetarians expect you to accomadate there needs and cook a special meal for them, but if you go to a vegetarians to eat, they wont go out there way and cook meat for you, you get palmed off with more vegetarian rubbish. I think thats the ultimate in selfish..........

We're not all like that!  

-we mostly grow vegetables on this forum and a good vegetarian meal is harder to make than a meat one, at least in my opinion. As you are not reliant on the meat to make the meal tasty.  I do not like bought in vegy burgers or anything like that, but to make a good vegy chilli burger with own produce takes more time and skill than a meat alternative.

its not a case of that, its a case of if i go to the trouble to accomadate a vegatarians feeding habits , then when they feed me I expect them to accomadate mine, and I eat meat, thank you very much.  I showed them courtesy by making an effort, i expect them to reciprocate and make a similar effort for me. Its the definition of a good host. Fobbing me off with a vegetarian meal is unacceptable.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: GrannieAnnie on October 12, 2011, 14:52:36
Discovering, when you go for a shower, that OH has stored 20 golf bags in the bathroom...................

20 golf bags, really! ;D ;D ;D

My current moans are verbal 'Americanisms' generally, but three in particular make my hackles rise.....

1) Being called a 'guy' as in 'Are you guys ready to order yet?' Sloppy, lazy and blooming incorrect as well, as I am a lady....

2) The response to 'How are you' ....which has somehow universally become 'Good'...Arrrrgh! It is 'I'm fine thank you' or not if you're not of course.

3) The phrase 'Can I get'....used instead of 'Please can I have', or 'I would like', as in 'Can I get a cup of coffee'...also usually neglecting to say please as well. I always reply 'I don't know, can you? Are you capable ?'

Rant over, I am now officially a moany old woman and do not give a jot! ;D
We Americans are also fed up to here with Americanisms. Even the news people are saying, "Back to you, guys," and have picked up a Britishism (I believe it is yours) "Miss __ has gone missing." When did gone missing become correct? Whenever one of our grands visits I get into usage battles with the word "like" which she uses at least once in each lengthy sentence to which I respond "No like".  I'm sure I'll go down in her memory as the fussy old GrannieAnnie who corrected her ignorant English (well, American) all the time :-[
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: tonybloke on October 12, 2011, 16:46:56
 > LY2
its not a case of that, its a case of if i go to the trouble to accomadate a vegatarians feeding habits , then when they feed me I expect them to accomadate mine, and I eat meat, thank you very much.  I showed them courtesy by making an effort, i expect them to reciprocate and make a similar effort for me. Its the definition of a good host. Fobbing me off with a vegetarian meal is unacceptable.

you ignored this post?

Ollie C
I don't feel that I have the right to expect someone to do something they're uncomfortable with. It's quite likely that as a flesh avoider, you don't like handling flesh. I can't imagine being such a rude guest to expect someone to do something they're not comfortable with just to give me something for which I have no real dietary need.

Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 12, 2011, 17:36:39
> LY2
its not a case of that, its a case of if i go to the trouble to accomadate a vegatarians feeding habits , then when they feed me I expect them to accomadate mine, and I eat meat, thank you very much.  I showed them courtesy by making an effort, i expect them to reciprocate and make a similar effort for me. Its the definition of a good host. Fobbing me off with a vegetarian meal is unacceptable.

you ignored this post?

no, the first part of my reply is the clue............

Ollie C
I don't feel that I have the right to expect someone to do something they're uncomfortable with. It's quite likely that as a flesh avoider, you don't like handling flesh. I can't imagine being such a rude guest to expect someone to do something they're not comfortable with just to give me something for which I have no real dietary need.

No one needs to be vegetarian, its neither a biological necessity nor in most cases a medical necessity, ergo forcing someone to eat something they prefer not to, and being  unwilling to accomodate them after they previously accomodated you is the hieght of being a inconsiderate selfish host.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: OllieC on October 12, 2011, 17:51:25
LY - any chance of you getting yourself on Come Dine With Me? I'd enjoy watching that one...
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: BarriedaleNick on October 12, 2011, 17:59:39
I like vegetarians!
I couldn't eat a whole one though..
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 12, 2011, 18:32:53
LY - any chance of you getting yourself on Come Dine With Me? I'd enjoy watching that one...

Are you watching the current Celebrity one ?
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Hector on October 12, 2011, 21:19:34
Something that makes me rant is carnivores that assume all vegetarians are the same :)

I cook meat for my husband and guest but do not eat meat myself.

I bring my own option to places where there is unlikely to be a veg option. Basic manners if its a charity event

Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 12, 2011, 22:03:39
Something that makes me rant is carnivores that assume all vegetarians are the same :)

I cook meat for my husband and guest but do not eat meat myself.

I bring my own option to places where there is unlikely to be a veg option. Basic manners if its a charity event

Im not a Carnivore. Im an Omnivore. Thats another false assuption vegetarians make.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: grawrc on October 12, 2011, 22:11:38
What a storm in a teacup this vegetarian issue is!

(I don't find veg cooking tricksy or hard btw. It's just the same thing really without the meat. Getting meat absolutely right can be much harder especially if some like it blue some like it well-done! ;D ;D ;D)

If you're like me you only invite friends for dinner - veggie or not - and I don't usually invite the same friends more than once every month/couple of months. So if you're not happy with the menu, you could discuss it with them and/or offer to bring something to suit your type of eating.

As above but decide to meet at a restaurant where all sorts of food are available.

You could accept that a veg option once in a while isn't so bad. (personally I have about 2 veg days a week because having an allotment means I have a lot of veg to get through)

You could tell them you never want to see them again - you prefer meat/ veg.

If you're really unhappy you need to do something. This is actually one area where you can make things better ................ ............  or worse!!
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Hector on October 12, 2011, 22:14:29
Something that makes me rant is carnivores that assume all vegetarians are the same :)

I cook meat for my husband and guest but do not eat meat myself.

I bring my own option to places where there is unlikely to be a veg option. Basic manners if its a charity event

Im not a Carnivore. Im an Omnivore. Thats another false assuption vegetarians make.

Oh lighten was a joke!!!! Hence the smiley!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Hector on October 12, 2011, 22:17:51
You are correct, no one needs to be a vegetarian. No one needs to be an omnivore...its about choice.  I respect others choices and friends respect mine.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 13, 2011, 00:13:26
Personally I'm just so very thankful that all of us are lucky enough to have choice about what we will or will not eat each and every day.

Imagine having nothing to choose from.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: tonybloke on October 13, 2011, 02:11:25
You are correct, no one needs to be a vegetarian. No one needs to be an omnivore...its about choice.  I respect others choices and friends respect mine.
erm, actually a friend of mine is meat-intolerant, it gives him all sorts of stomach problems when he eats meat. he does eat dairy products and fish, though.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Hector on October 13, 2011, 07:24:57
You are correct, no one needs to be a vegetarian. No one needs to be an omnivore...its about choice.  I respect others choices and friends respect mine.
erm, actually a friend of mine is meat-intolerant, it gives him all sorts of stomach problems when he eats meat. he does eat dairy products and fish, though.

That's a real shame :(  If you want some veggie recipes when he's coming for dinner, feel free to give me a shout.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 13, 2011, 09:51:50
You are correct, no one needs to be a vegetarian. No one needs to be an omnivore...its about choice.  I respect others choices and friends respect mine.
erm, actually a friend of mine is meat-intolerant, it gives him all sorts of stomach problems when he eats meat. he does eat dairy products and fish, though.

But thats a medical problem, and like I said, no one needs to be vegetarian barring medical problems.

However, bear in mind what made us smarter than the rest of the  lifeforms here was cooking and eating meat, and we've had at least 12 million years as primates to adapt to it. The other point here is that modern vegetables are nothing like the sort of vegetables that were kicking around 3+ milliion years ago. Todays vegatables have been highly selectively cultivated to massively increase there nutritional value. If you tried being vegetarian 12 milliion years ago, you'd have a very short, sickly life, but no problem getting a job as a size zero model................
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: tonybloke on October 13, 2011, 10:28:23
However, bear in mind what made us smarter than the rest of the  lifeforms here was cooking and eating meat, and we've had at least 12 million years as primates to adapt to it. The other point here is that modern vegetables are nothing like the sort of vegetables that were kicking around 3+ milliion years ago. Todays vegatables have been highly selectively cultivated to massively increase there nutritional value. If you tried being vegetarian 12 milliion years ago, you'd have a very short, sickly life, but no problem getting a job as a size zero model................

I thought it was the ability to control fire, and the use of tools that gave humans the evolutionary advantage?

and is it 12 million years, or 3 million years, there's a little difference in the 2 figures you quote!!
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: betula on October 13, 2011, 10:33:10
Thought this was Gumpy woman's rant anyway ;D
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Deb P on October 13, 2011, 10:42:05
As a grumpy woman who chooses not to eat meat married to a total meat addict, hopefully that qualifies me to comment  ;D....all I could think about reading the last bit of this thread was a classic episode of 'Mock The Week', the bit at the end where they have to 'spontaneously' had to come up with 'Something you would never hear said in a restaurant'.

Frankie Boyle :"Yes sir, there is a vegetarian can f**k off!"  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: louise stella on October 13, 2011, 13:04:51
Thought this was Gumpy woman's rant anyway ;D

.....but we seem to have lots of grumpy ole men!
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 13, 2011, 15:56:17
However, bear in mind what made us smarter than the rest of the  lifeforms here was cooking and eating meat, and we've had at least 12 million years as primates to adapt to it. The other point here is that modern vegetables are nothing like the sort of vegetables that were kicking around 3+ milliion years ago. Todays vegatables have been highly selectively cultivated to massively increase there nutritional value. If you tried being vegetarian 12 milliion years ago, you'd have a very short, sickly life, but no problem getting a job as a size zero model................

I thought it was the ability to control fire, and the use of tools that gave humans the evolutionary advantage?

and is it 12 million years, or 3 million years, there's a little difference in the 2 figures you quote!!

Goldfish have been shown to use tools, along with Dolhins, almost every species of bird, Whales, and practically every Primate and many other mammals from squirrels to marmosets.  The  point was because we developed a bigger brain, we coudl make better tools, including weapons for hunting. And therfore develop hunting strategies that provided many days food for many people in one go, rather than wasting large amounts of energy foraging for nuts, fruit and berries every day.

And controlling Fire was a product of having a bigger brain, not a cause of it.

The difference is we have a large frontal lobe, which controls all sorts of advanced functions, and a Broca's area, which controls speech. Even chimps dont have much of a Brocas Area, which is why they couldnt speak even if they had the vocal equipment to.  And it was the high nutrition diet from switching to meat eating that must have been one of the main causes of the massive development of human brains. There wer eother contributory factors as well, such as the move away from brachiation and quadropedism.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: tonybloke on October 13, 2011, 15:59:48
And it was the high nutrition diet from switching to meat eating that must have been one of the main causes of the massive development of human brains.

must have? are you an evolutionary biologist, perchance?

and you missed the opportunity to respond to the slight difference in timespan, 3milion years vs 12 million years.
you really must try harder ;)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: ACE on October 13, 2011, 16:11:04
There wer eother contributory factors as well, such as the move away from brachiation and quadropedism.

Now I know why my dog is useless with a spanner when the car needs fixing, but loves tightening his own nuts.

edited at 16.30 reason for editing forgot smiley but then I thought it ain't that funny so left it out again
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 13, 2011, 16:44:30
And it was the high nutrition diet from switching to meat eating that must have been one of the main causes of the massive development of human brains.

must have? are you an evolutionary biologist, perchance?

and you missed the opportunity to respond to the slight difference in timespan, 3milion years vs 12 million years.
you really must try harder ;)

Hominims are evolved from the Catarrhines, the earliest known catarrhine is Kamoyapithecus,  from a specimen found at Eragaleit in the northern Kenya Rift Valley, dated to 24 million years ago, which puts it in the Oligicene. So pick any point from there up to the appearance of Paranthropus aethiopicus 3 million years ago as the starting point of human development.

You need to do a lot more research on the subject before you even begin to look like you might know what you are talking about.......................

No im not an evolutionary biologists, but  I am vastly better read on the subject than you apparantly are:

Sorry, i cant find a link to one done in crayon, using pictures, you'll just have to plough through the long 3 syllable words.

Im not a Chef, but I excel at indian, thai, japanese and vietnamese cookery, and im not Black, but i play ragtime guitar.  You analogy was banal, and entirely unsuprising, it was nearly along the lines of  " 'e 'asnt go any fookin' kids, wot the  'ell does 'e know abaht it?".............
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: manicscousers on October 13, 2011, 17:09:25
syllabul  sp?
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: ACE on October 13, 2011, 17:10:09
Back to the rant. My bug is people like this (
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: manicscousers on October 13, 2011, 17:12:51
Still the care system and the people who pay out the keep the student loan money for the interest !!!!!
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: tonybloke on October 13, 2011, 19:49:49
No im not an evolutionary biologists, but  I am vastly better read on the subject than you apparantly are:

when I took my degree in science, we at least had to be able to spell words like 'apparently' LOL

Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: betula on October 13, 2011, 19:53:06
Manics...I know someone who has not had the loan through...his Dad will be paying his rent,money he does not have really. >:(

What is going on ??
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: manicscousers on October 13, 2011, 19:57:46
My son in law started his second year, he's 33, got a wife and 2 children and they put his forms in in march, still hasn't come through. Luckily, my daughter is a nurse and very good at managing but he has to use his car to get to uni and has a few hours work, it is putting their family under a great strain. He has been told it will be after half term now . There are courses to do with his degree he has to book and they just haven't got any spare cash  :-\
Just don't know how to help, they're too big for us to go see the school
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Hector on October 13, 2011, 21:04:42
However, bear in mind what made us smarter than the rest of the  lifeforms here was cooking and eating meat, and we've had at least 12 million years as primates to adapt to it. The other point here is that modern vegetables are nothing like the sort of vegetables that were kicking around 3+ milliion years ago. Todays vegatables have been highly selectively cultivated to massively increase there nutritional value. If you tried being vegetarian 12 milliion years ago, you'd have a very short, sickly life, but no problem getting a job as a size zero model................

Speech is not entirely controlled/formulated in the Brocas area of the brain. There are also well recorded research papers on chimps/Bonobos who can use sign in a creative way to generate new/expanded meaning.

Modern vegetarians are well nourished and proven to be less prevalent to many serious conditions, including Bowel Cancers.

They are as intellectually diverse as omnivores, and are not any more prone to being size zero models.

As with any person, so called category of person...they are diverse...just like any other so-called category.

This was an interesting article

Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 13, 2011, 21:12:29
No im not an evolutionary biologists, but  I am vastly better read on the subject than you apparantly are:

when I took my degree in science, we at least had to be able to spell words like 'apparently' LOL

See, on every forum, theres always the Internet Grammar Nazi. The guy who has no debating skills, beyond picking holes in the keyboarding. It is indeed the most pathetic way to try and look clever there is, because in the end, its like going to Nuclear Disarmament Treaty negotiation and arguing about the coffee, and it deserves a meme, of which im quite happy to supply.  Enjoy.

Grammar Nazi.

Noun:Grammar Nazi(plural Grammar Nazis).
Slang; A person who habitually corrects or criticizes the language(s) or spelling(s) used by other people, especially in situations where it is unnecessary e.g. an informal conversation or forum.

Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: claybasket on October 13, 2011, 21:46:44
That sucks ??? hope he gets help, its wrong when a person is trying to better there life and the future for there family I feel sorry for him,our daughter went though the same type of thing, she did get through it ,has a good job now,best of luck.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 13, 2011, 22:10:00
No im not an evolutionary biologists, but  I am vastly better read on the subject than you apparantly are:

when I took my degree in science, we at least had to be able to spell words like 'apparently' LOL

See, on every forum, theres always the Internet Grammar Nazi. The guy who has no debating skills, beyond picking holes in the keyboarding. It is indeed the most pathetic way to try and look clever there is.........

Sometimes there are quite a few of us on here who are not the least bit concerned with trying to impress others.

Many of us, I believe, visit for a little bit of a chat and light relief not to impress, trumpet play or inform everyone else how wonderful we are.

But there again you will no doubt know differently.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: manicscousers on October 13, 2011, 22:14:59
That sucks ??? hope he gets help, its wrong when a person is trying to better there life and the future for there family I feel sorry for him,our daughter went though the same type of thing, she did get through it ,has a good job now,best of luck.
Thanks, claybasket  :)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Hector on October 13, 2011, 22:45:27
Manics, that's just pants :( Hope they get it sorted soon.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 13, 2011, 23:04:17
No im not an evolutionary biologists, but  I am vastly better read on the subject than you apparantly are:

when I took my degree in science, we at least had to be able to spell words like 'apparently' LOL

See, on every forum, theres always the Internet Grammar Nazi. The guy who has no debating skills, beyond picking holes in the keyboarding. It is indeed the most pathetic way to try and look clever there is.........

Many of us, I believe, visit for a little bit of a chat and light relief not to impress, trumpet play or inform everyone else how wonderful we are.

Ah, so you dont think thats the object of picking up on trivial typos "oh look at me, im smart, i picked up a trivial typo, even tho I had no idea what the rest of the post was about...."?
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: betula on October 13, 2011, 23:21:04
Call a truce lads...............please :-*
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 14, 2011, 00:17:43
Call a truce lads...............please :-*

Thanks Betula - a very good suggestion.

I certainly don't come here to argue with anyone.  :)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: GrannieAnnie on October 14, 2011, 03:45:30
Spelling mistakes are all a tempest in a teapot. Who really cares?
But, by the way--did you notice there's a misspelled word in the red and black Grammar Nazi poster?? ;D
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: grawrc on October 14, 2011, 06:14:36
 ;D ;D @ GrannieAnnie!!

For all grammar nazis - an oldie but a goodie : (
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: grawrc on October 14, 2011, 06:47:13
... or there again ... (

This is the shortened version btw!!  ;) :P
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on October 14, 2011, 07:18:35
... or there again ... (

This is the shortened version btw!!  ;) :P

Warther good I thought.  ;)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: lincsyokel2 on October 14, 2011, 09:41:30
Spelling mistakes are all a tempest in a teapot. Who really cares?
But, by the way--did you notice there's a misspelled word in the red and black Grammar Nazi poster?? ;D

yes......thats the point........its called satire.............
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: GrannieAnnie on October 14, 2011, 12:06:20
Spelling mistakes are all a tempest in a teapot. Who really cares?
But, by the way--did you notice there's a misspelled word in the red and black Grammar Nazi poster?? ;D

yes......thats the point........its called satire.............
Ah, got it. Late per usual
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: tonybloke on October 14, 2011, 16:03:49
yes......thats the point........its called satire.............

what is, the poster?
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: GrannieAnnie on October 14, 2011, 21:07:48
yes......thats the point........its called satire.............

what is, the poster?
The red and black Nazi square posted by Link on previous page.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: goodlife on November 11, 2011, 09:38:08
.that's IT..I'm claiming this post back...
( (
I woke this morning in BAAAAD mood >:(
Our young neighbour decided to some DIY at 1.30 last night..drilling, sawing, hammering...
( (
..and now the house is quiet..all in sleep and propably stay like it until mid-day.. ::)..but even the weather is calm..I can 'feel' freak gust of wind coming on that may bang the gates shut...loud..
( (
I'm not going to be only one waking up with "one foot wrong side of the bed".. ;)
..ahh..I feel almost better already.. ;D
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: pumkinlover on November 11, 2011, 09:41:05
Totally sympathise- you need to have a pleasant word with him.

However your post was so funny :) :) :) so sympathetic laughter ;)
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: betula on November 11, 2011, 09:43:19
At least you don't live by the Cathedral bells...........and the quarter going off 24/7 :-X
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: goodlife on November 11, 2011, 10:00:51
Code: [Select]
At least you don't live by the Cathedral bellsOh I think I would take that..I'm good with sleeping through loud noises..usually..particularly noises that are expected or you hear all the time (used to be city girl)..and I do have clock in livingroom doing 'gong' noises but I'm so use to it so I don't really hear it.
Our street is quiet unexpected noises are sooo notieable. I bet neigbours other side have heard it too..and they've already given mouthfull over the party in early hours in the morning other week.
Trouble of the residents are all middle aged or elderly..some seriously ill..those who are not retired are working, some working at nights or odd hours. So one youngster with her visiting friends and not so considerate manners is going to cause havoc amongst us.
After the last party she did came around with apology and box of chockies.. :-\..but where is the brains rest of the time? >:(
I try to think that I was in her age once too... ::)..If I can remember..
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on November 11, 2011, 22:58:16
When I moved to live next to a busy Bristol street as a student it took several weeks to get used to the traffic noise. During the holidays at home I found it so quiet that every sound woke me up!!

Having said that I slept in the attic room right through the 1983 hurricane that felled trees at the end of the garden, removed the workshop roof and brought one of the chimney stacks down.  ::)

I guess it depends on how tired you are?
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: GrannieAnnie on November 12, 2011, 02:51:24
I was surprised to hear England has hurricanes, then googled and read about your 1703 hurricane that lasted many days and killed so many sailors, maybe 1500. Now that would be something to rant about.
Title: Re: Grumpy woman's rant...
Post by: Aden Roller on November 12, 2011, 09:19:04
I was surprised to hear England has hurricanes, then googled and read about your 1703 hurricane that lasted many days and killed so many sailors, maybe 1500. Now that would be something to rant about.

Oh yes we get them!! That and nearly everything else there is to have in most other parts of the world.
I guess that's why the English are always so willing to talk about the weather.   ::) ;)
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