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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: RenishawPhil on July 21, 2011, 21:35:34

Title: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: RenishawPhil on July 21, 2011, 21:35:34
Am getting worried its going to be to late. My pumpkins have started flowering now(the female ones). So have been fertlising them with our courgette which are going mad. Leaving a few to go massive in.order to make marrow curd. Our onions are massive to.

What a wierd year!

Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: Hector on July 21, 2011, 21:52:28
Mine haven't :(
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: picman on July 21, 2011, 21:59:10
I have both 'Barbara' and 'Avalon' squashes with flowers and fruit forming I got them in early under fleece .
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: strawberry1 on July 21, 2011, 22:01:56
Burgess butterball has but lots of leaf and no flowers on hunter
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: RenishawPhil on July 21, 2011, 22:08:19
I was about 4 weeks getting them in. If they do anything I suppose I can always cover them if it gets late in season with polythene to make a mini polytunnel
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: Ophi on July 21, 2011, 22:48:41
I have courgettes but no flowers on the squash as yet.  They are running nicely though.
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: Deb P on July 21, 2011, 23:02:21
No flowers on my butternut squash yet either, a few on the pumpkins but they are still bulking up their foliage more than anything..... ::)
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: cambourne7 on July 21, 2011, 23:27:16
suspect mine have had it i have flowers and no leaves !!
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: hippydave on July 22, 2011, 01:29:00
mine are the same, the squash are all leaf and no flowers im not expecting great things from them this year but still hope they will prove me wrong.
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: shirlton on July 22, 2011, 06:54:55
The squash that we grew amongst our fruit trees last year that did so well are still the same as they were when they went in over a month ago.They all had abucket of muck under them.
The bon bon that I grew out in the open is moving and all the squash I put in at Walsall are starting to move.Although that is more sheltered.
I'm wondering if the weather has anything to do with it.
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: lottiedolly on July 22, 2011, 09:00:45
my courgettes are romping away but my winter squash is looking all forlorn and trying to put out a flower and i am not holding out on getting any crop this year. i am putting it down to the odd weather this year  :'(
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: goodlife on July 22, 2011, 09:11:07
Only male flowers here.. >:( Once we get spell of warmer weather..IF..female flowers should start appear..we are bit more delicate for the cooler temperatures.. ;D..aren't we girls? ;)
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: antipodes on July 22, 2011, 09:19:05
Yeah it's been cold and wet here - the pumpkins flowered early so I already have loads of pumpkins growing! But the courgettes have been really slow, only just now flowering, I have had 3 courgettes so far... from 2 plants.
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: Paulines7 on July 22, 2011, 09:27:22
My squash plants are the same as Cambourne's, flowers but no leaves!

I have two Cavali courgette plants that are producing fruit but nothing yet from my yellow courgettes.

I blame the weather this year.
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: cambourne7 on July 22, 2011, 09:31:31
weathers been so weird my courgettes failed to germinate at all as did a few other people i know in fact there is only one person i know with any courgettes in the area and they have just one plant...
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: artichoke on July 22, 2011, 09:50:28
Everything I have planted - courgettes, summer and winter squashes - has been flowering and fruiting for several weeks except butternuts that just look miserable.

A runaway success, literally, is Marina di chioggia. It's all over the place and has set several fruits, one the size of a (smallish) football already. If  it tastes as good as it looks, it  will be my winter squash of choice in  the future. Sorry to boast, but courgetty-squashy things have worked  well  this year so far.

I germinate my cucurbit seeds before putting them out (damp cloth etc). I am just too dispirited if I sow seeds that never appear!
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: Morris on July 22, 2011, 10:16:35
That's interesting about the Marina, I 'd have thought it wouldn't like a cold wet summer but just goes to show until you experiment you never know.

My courgettes have been excellent, they got out early when it was hot (remember then?). Masses since early June.

Summer squash, enormous plants, nothing off Bennings Green tint, Zephyr just a few small ones.

Winter squash: Festival have suddenly produced lots of female flowers and I am hoping for a good set. There is one pink banana swelling but still quite small. Crown Prince hasn't made many female flowers and I haven't managed to get any to set yet because of the heavy rain spoiling the boys.

Fingers crossed for a long, hot autumn, is all I can say.
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: tricia on July 22, 2011, 13:55:43
Of 8 various squash plants I have one fruit on a bush buttercup which is maturing - otherwise dozens of non-pollinated fruit which drop off due to lack of male flowers.


Cavilli and climbing courgette both prolific but only one frugosa so far.

Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: picman on July 22, 2011, 17:07:01
Found in the Squash jungle !
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: 1066 on July 22, 2011, 17:27:13
Nice one Picman  :)

I'm picking lots of courgettes, the summer squash ar eproducing now, but the winter squash are a mixed bag - some have finally started to put on some good growth, a few have flowers and teeny squash, others are still debating life.  ::)
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: Crystalmoon on July 22, 2011, 18:26:30
For the first time ever I havent had a single courgette yet :o
My butternuts have hardly grown since going in :'(
Luckily Im trying a new squash this year, Boston & the plants are huge & there are signs of a couple of fruit but I think Im going to be very lucky to have half a dozen winter squash at this rate.
Last year I had over 20 butternuts from 2 plants!
Can only blame it on the weird weather as the only other year the butternuts failed it was a cold wet & grey summer.
Hoping we get a mini heat wave any day now ;)
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: George the Pigman on July 22, 2011, 20:42:15
I sowed my squash and pumpkin seed at the end of May in the (unheated) greenhouse as I do every year. They grew well initially  but after the seed leves had formed they went into suspended animation and it was ages before the true leaves appeared. As a result they were only about 2-6 inhces high when I planted them in my allotment back at the beginning of July. So no flowers yet.I blame the cold June we had!
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: knottygal on July 22, 2011, 23:30:45
I have a pumpkin outdoors that is romping away, has a grapefruit-size pumpkin on it and loads of other tiddlers but the summer and winter squashes planted out the same time in late May have hardly grown at all and are only just starting to flower.
I had a spare winter and summer squash to give away but stuck 'em in the polytunnel when I realised how sulky the outside ones were and I have 3 or 4 set on each, think a poly cloche top is in order for the squashes and maybe even the courgettes next year...
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: cambourne7 on July 23, 2011, 14:40:50
I cant see my stunted little things producing anything and i am abandoning them .....

Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: LinnetLegs on July 23, 2011, 16:15:20
same here - slow start but there is some growth now on courgettes (Cavilli, Soleil, Defender) olden Hubbard has several fruits about 6 inch in diameter, various winter squash are starting to fruit but everything seems so slow. The Atlantic Giant pumpkin won't be much of a giant :(

On a positive note, I have a couple of water melons in the greenhouse, the biggest is about 5 inch in diameter  8)
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: louise stella on July 23, 2011, 17:08:57
Same down here in Kent !  Courgettes struggling - but the Pumpkins are going great guns!  But on the plus side - I usually have too many courgettes - so the few I have had seem more precious somehow!
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: PeterVV on July 23, 2011, 17:48:39
my squah have little yellow balls behind the flowers which seem to be getting eaten, and they have bushed up and sent runners out - about 3 foot. I think these may be either summer squash or pumpkin, I am afraid I got my seeds mixed up! the balls are yellow in colour?
Title: Re: anyone elses outdoor squash not flowered yet?
Post by: RenishawPhil on July 23, 2011, 18:30:59
my squah have little yellow balls behind the flowers which seem to be getting eaten, and they have bushed up and sent runners out - about 3 foot. I think these may be either summer squash or pumpkin, I am afraid I got my seeds mixed up! the balls are yellow in colour?

They could possibly be pumpkins
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