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General => The Shed => Topic started by: OllieC on May 01, 2011, 16:43:54

Title: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: OllieC on May 01, 2011, 16:43:54
The Met Office is predicting 5C at night for Guildford on Tues 5th May - anyone further North preparing for a ground frost?
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: caroline7758 on May 01, 2011, 17:16:32
2C here for Tues night.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: manicscousers on May 01, 2011, 17:35:28
3 here monday and tuesday
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: grawrc on May 01, 2011, 17:50:29
3 here monday and tuesday
Same here. Thursday looks OK. Might even rain!!
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: tim on May 01, 2011, 17:57:49
THURSDAY the 5th??

1 deg.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: OllieC on May 01, 2011, 18:04:47
Oh, I meant Tues 3rd. Silly me.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Unwashed on May 01, 2011, 18:39:32
1 ºC Wednesday and Thurdsay nights here in Newbury according to
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: shirlton on May 01, 2011, 18:40:25
3 here too
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Fork on May 01, 2011, 18:45:51
Depending on the time of night..anything between 0c and minus 2c  :(
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: saddad on May 01, 2011, 20:20:39
Still not too late... keep looking at French and Runners put out... if this wind doesn't strip them of their leaves a late frost will sort them out...  :-X
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Fork on May 01, 2011, 20:27:12
Too late to do anything about my earlies..but my late potatoes just coming through.Syrawberries in full flower too  :(     not set any bean seed yet!
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: galina on May 01, 2011, 22:38:33
Have just checked.  Looks like from Tuesday night the fleece will come out.  I haven't got enough to cover all the potatoes.  Will cut all grass I can and mulch as well, that should help.  It will go down to +1C here in Northants, but that is enough to freeze-burn potato foliage.  I have a few cloches as well. 

Even newspaper works well as frost protector.  Big sheets, single layer, overlapping and weighed down with the occasional small handful of soil. 

Our fruit trees have just set apart from apples which are still flowering, hope the baby fruit will be ok.  Pears are the worst for getting frosted after setting,  plums seem to get away with it better.  Goosegogs are fairly big already this year.

Thanks for the warning. 
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: tricia on May 01, 2011, 23:33:26
Where do you all live? Here in Torbay the lowest forecast temperature for the next 7 days is 7C - just as well since all my beans, corn and celeriac were planted out a couple of days ago!

It's been very windy today though so I'm sure they were all glad of their fleece cosy!

Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Urlybird on May 02, 2011, 01:00:23
The Met Office is predicting 5C at night for Guildford on Tues 5th May - anyone further North preparing for a ground frost?

Surely you jest good felllow, according to my calendar, supplied by, (hehehehe) the 5th of may is actually on Thursday of this week, but fotunately, both on Tuesday night & on the 5th may, min temp here is 6*

Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: shirlton on May 02, 2011, 07:10:07
We are going to earth up the tatties later today just in case
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Bugloss2009 on May 02, 2011, 09:09:51
Three Degrees! Me Chilis! When Will I see You Again?
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: goodlife on May 02, 2011, 10:06:10
It was quite 'fresh' last I mulched all my vunerable ones with fleece and weedtops..chopped all the comfry down as well and piled that with some cauli leaves on top of potatoes.. ;)
Now I'm going to get lawns cut today and spread that as well..sorted! ;D pays not to be impatient with sowing tender stuff..sorry..but can't help but gloating, I haven't sown any of that stuff yet..told you so :-X ;)
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: PurpleHeather on May 02, 2011, 19:01:22
Even though the results on googling

metcheck uk

In your area says no frost. You could get some. If it says frost you could be lucky.

At this time of year most things like spuds and cabbages will survive a mild frost.  Nipped they could be but not a terminal condition, the outsides may discolour but the centres will usually come back.  So don't worry too much unless you have outside things like tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. They don't survive temperatures below 5 degrees and should not be out before the end of May, alone without a cover.

So go out before dawn and give them a cuddle.

Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: OllieC on May 02, 2011, 19:46:40
It's saying 4 now for here on Tues night - that's enough for me to take the toms & cucurbits into the kitchen overnight. My grandfather always said his grandfather said not to put tenders out before May 15th - and I reckon he's right most years.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: davyw1 on May 02, 2011, 19:48:57
It's saying 4 now for here on Tues night - that's enough for me to take the toms & cucurbits into the kitchen overnight. My grandfather always said his grandfather said not to put tenders out before May 15th - and I reckon he's right most years.

I have not got above 4 on a night yet but hoping to before summer is over.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: cornykev on May 02, 2011, 20:41:20
It was May 11th that caught us with the frost last year and it WILL harm your SPUDS, also my strawberrys and beans will be under threat.   :-\
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Angel on May 02, 2011, 20:52:29
Yip........Me  :( 

Heck, just planted up hanging baskets. Will have to put them all in the greenhouse !
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Chrispy on May 03, 2011, 13:09:45
The forcast for last night was 6 deg, the actual temp according to the thermometer on my shed was 3.5 deg and they are still forcasting 4 deg for tonight in Guildford, so it looks like I will be sharing my home with a load of pepper plants, just wish the OH was away for one more day!
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Ellen K on May 03, 2011, 14:03:56
Frost here last night in Charnwood & NW Leicestershire.  Clear skies all day then the wind dropped and down it came.  Spuds under fleece and plastic greenhouse seemed to withstand it.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: gypsy on May 03, 2011, 16:32:15
Well, my earlies are too tall to earth up and cover. I don't have any fleece, so hope 4 degrees is an accurate forecast. Even so, I should have known better, will plant them later next year. The maincrop ones are only just in, so could be worse.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Digeroo on May 03, 2011, 17:14:58
We had quite a hard frost last wednesday night though the forecast was for 5C possibly as low as -2C.   I had a sheet over my mini greenhouses and it was covered in ice.  The forecast is not for ground level it is for about a metre off the ground.  There were a lot of sad looking spuds around out site but most of the plants have survived with just a few scorched leaves.   I lost a couple of strawberry flowers where my covers blew off the centres went black.

Our forecast tonight is for 3C so I am covering up tonight again.  It did not go below 3 last night though the forecast was for 5C. 

You do not need fleece you can cover them with newspaper, cardboard, plastic or an old sheet.   Basically you can whip if off again in the morning so it does not matter if it is opaque.   I covered some of mine with last week with weeds and straw but it was not good enough and the frost caught the plants round the edges.

A few years ago I got very caught by a frost on 6th June so I am always very wary.  There was a terrible run on replacement packets of runner beans.

Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: grawrc on May 03, 2011, 19:21:51
Just put a fleece tunnel over my newly planted herb border in the garden. The spuds and strawberries on my plot  can take their chances.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: small on May 03, 2011, 20:48:15
My tatties are quite tall now, I pop upturned buckets over them, fine so long as you can get them off early. I've done this for some years and it works for me, only 30 plants though. Mind you, this is the first year I've done it with a pair of playful cats on the premises - I reckon they may turn a few back over in the night...
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Digeroo on May 04, 2011, 05:51:23
Not sure I understand the weather.  Last week our nearest met office monitoring point was at 3C while we got -2 but today they are at 2 while we are at a balmy plus 3 even on the ground.  So the covers were unnecessary here.   

I once heard on a gardening programme many years ago that courgettes prefer a temperature above 7C so I have always tried to oblige.  So I tend to be running about with plastic bottles and bits of fleece for some weeks to get the early friuts.

I pop upturned buckets over them
You must have a lot of buckets to cover 30 plants. 
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: ACE on May 04, 2011, 06:16:17
It went down to 12 here last night , do you think my bougainvillea will be alright.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: taurus on May 04, 2011, 06:32:35
Swindon, light frost here at 6 am.  Have been told we will have frosts through till the end of May.  :'( :'(
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Alex133 on May 04, 2011, 06:51:06
Minimum 1-3c here last night. Met Office had said 5c - but thought they might be a bit out with wind dropped and clear sky so most things fleeced.

Would help if you add your general location under the photo section on profile - otherwise have to look you up to see what part of the country you're talking about.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: taurus on May 04, 2011, 07:01:49
Swindon, Wiltshire. Didn't set it up as I'm an old fart and not any good at the tech bits.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Alex133 on May 04, 2011, 07:30:44
Much easier than adding your photo - on your profile page, modify profile, forum profile info - just type where it says 'personal text'.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: RobinOfTheHood on May 04, 2011, 07:34:44
Frost on the cars and the lawn, good job I put the paraffin heater on.

Everything survived. :)
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: OllieC on May 04, 2011, 07:35:22
It was a min. of 7.5C in the end - totally tropical!
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Fork on May 04, 2011, 07:47:17
I was up with the sun this morning in an attempt to "wash" the frost off my potatoes and strawberries.

I dont know just how cold it was last night but the taps on the allotment were all frozen with a thin layer of ice on the old baths next to them.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: taurus on May 04, 2011, 07:50:16
Thanks Alex. Wow my son will be impressed  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: raisedbedted on May 04, 2011, 08:09:17
Here in Surrey it was down to 2 degrees with a frost over grass and rooves.  Garden is littered with upturned buckets covering everything.  That must be the last one... 95 dahlias about to come out of greenhouse......
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Poppy Mole on May 04, 2011, 08:56:48
Woke up & saw the frost on the grass, so rushed out in dressing-gown & slippers to hose off the potatoes before the sun got there, forgot the strawberries       :( :'(
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Chrispy on May 04, 2011, 09:11:59
It was a min. of 7.5C in the end - totally tropical!
I had a min of 1degC Ollie, you are less than 2 miles away so 7.5 seems just a bit high.

Everything on my plot was fine, and the peppers spent the night in the kitchen.

Had a wander round the site, the spuds on 2 plots at the bottom of the hill where the cold collects were a bit droopy but that was about it.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Alex133 on May 04, 2011, 09:25:52
Does washing the frost off plants really work??????????
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Squash64 on May 04, 2011, 09:35:22
There were no signs of frost at the allotment this morning but the water in the cats' water bowl was frozen over.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Fork on May 04, 2011, 10:03:01
Does washing the frost off plants really work??????????

Some say it does....lost my runner beans on 17th May 2009 even after a good wash.

Washed my potatoes early this morning but they still look very sad,droopy with that "frozen and thawed out" look.....just like everyone elses!
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: BarriedaleNick on May 04, 2011, 11:09:51
We got away with it here in London - It was cold but no frost on the plot....
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: OllieC on May 04, 2011, 12:23:16
It was a min. of 7.5C in the end - totally tropical!
I had a min of 1degC Ollie, you are less than 2 miles away so 7.5 seems just a bit high.

Everything on my plot was fine, and the peppers spent the night in the kitchen.

Had a wander round the site, the spuds on 2 plots at the bottom of the hill where the cold collects were a bit droopy but that was about it.

How interesting - we can't both be right. I reset the max/min last night at around 11. The sensor is 2 ft off the ground & quite near the house - if you're exposed & on the ground it could account for a couple I suppose but not a difference of 6.5! It is fairly new but seemed accurate before. Might have to check it in the fridge.

p.s. I'm not even that far from you, near the police station. Allotment is at the Lido.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Digeroo on May 04, 2011, 15:07:13
We had quite a hard frost at the lottie everything was white.  The condensation in my bottle cloches was rock solid, though the plants inside are fine.  Even managed to have some problems with things that were covered, next time I must make sure the covers do not touch the plants.

The effects seem to be very random some potatoes had a problem and the next one not.  The people with plot near trees seem to be ok. 

I reckon it was -2C.    Even under protection some of my strawberry flowers have gone black.  The flowers on the few that were not covered look very sad. 
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: brownowl23 on May 04, 2011, 16:32:05
Sidcup didnt get away with it. all frosted here. Trust it to frost the one day I couldnt get down to the lottie to fleece.

Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: Chrispy on May 05, 2011, 15:21:15
Just noticed a few black leaves on some of my spuds, so I wandered down the hill to the other side of the site where I saw some droopy looking spuds yesterday, and now they are totally black and shriveled.
I can definitely say we had a frost in Guildford on Tues night, if rather patchy.

It was a tropical 8.5C last night, amazing how quick it can change.
Title: Re: Anyone got a frost forecast for Tues 5th?
Post by: PurpleHeather on May 05, 2011, 20:35:37
That is brilliant

Where on earth do you get a weather forcast that far ahead we can only get it for the next few days and that is usually wrong

Next time the 5th of May is on a Tuesday is 2015

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