Allotments 4 All

Photo Gallery => The Gallery => Topic started by: Admin aka Dan on February 24, 2004, 14:52:19

Title: Posting images
Post by: Admin aka Dan on February 24, 2004, 14:52:19

I am thinking about the possibility of allowing people to post images to the site directly.

This would mean that you could just click on a attach button, and the image would appear in your post, stored on the allotments4all site !

No need for hp photo or yahoo etc.

I am trying to gauge if people would be interested in this, unfortunately I would have to charge for this.

There would be no compulsion, and I would not stop people posting images as they do now for free, this would just be an easier option for anyone who wanted to take it up.

Let me know if you think it's a good idea, and if you would pay for the facility.



Let me make myself a bit clearer - any charge would be optional, only made to people who wanted to post images directly, everyone would still be able to access the site, and post images the current way for free.
Title: Re: Posting images
Post by: Mimi on February 24, 2004, 15:33:50
Thanks for the continual upgrading of the site Dan. Personally (after initial difficuties) I now have no problems posting, so I am quite happy to leave things as they are.  However I would go with the majority if it means we can still post to this site.

                               Cheers Mimi  
Title: Re: Posting images
Post by: Dandy_Lion on February 24, 2004, 16:04:01
Hi Dan, feel the same as Mimi. Now that I have mastered posting piccies, no real need, but if the majority want to have it, then I would be happy to pay.
Keep up the good work, and thanks for asking us what we would like!!
Title: Re: Posting images
Post by: Ragged Robin on February 24, 2004, 16:27:32
Despite initial probs I dont have difficulties anymore................. if that isnt asking for trouble I dont know what is!

Otherwise happy to go with the majority.
Title: Re: Posting images
Post by: Gardengirl on February 24, 2004, 17:39:50
All I can say Dan is that I agree with what all the others have said.  Had difficulty at first but no probs now.
Title: Re: Posting images
Post by: tim on February 24, 2004, 17:49:29
Great idea - I'm sure it would be a lot simpler, but I'm content as is. = Tim
Title: Re: Posting images
Post by: eileen on February 24, 2004, 20:27:49
Good idea Dan. I've never tried posting a 'photo but the easier the better as I'm a bit thick!!  :-[
Title: Re: Posting images
Post by: Garden Manager on February 25, 2004, 15:03:31
Sounds a great idea - some people have trouble getting images posted.

However i for one am happy as things are since I have no problems posting pictures. Viewing them is another matter, you would have to make sure the software you use to veiw/post store the pics was compatable enough to allow everyone to use it.
Title: Re: Posting images
Post by: Admin aka Dan on February 25, 2004, 15:29:50

I think the only problem viewing pictures arises when the server they are stored on - for example some people use hpphoto - has a glitch, or people post temporary links.

Do you have particular problems with some pictures?

What browser / operating system do you use?

I now someone views the site via television (don't ask me how they do it) - and I'm not sure how compatible that is!


Title: Re: Posting images
Post by: Garden Manager on February 25, 2004, 16:03:46

Browser - AOL/Internet Explorer

Operating system - Windows XP Home
Title: Re: Posting images
Post by: allotment_chick on February 25, 2004, 16:32:28
Hi Dan - perhaps, if the majority decide on the status quo, we could have a tutorial on 'how to post images' for newbies and technophobes (like me) ?
Title: Re: Posting images
Post by: busy_lizzie on February 25, 2004, 18:56:18
I am one of the people that are having problems.  I feel such a thickie as I have been given lots of advice (thanks everyone), but still don't seem to have mastered it.  (I blame the menopause)!  So, if you can do anything to help me do more posting of my pics, some easier way, even for me.  I for one would welcome it.  Thanks Dan!  busy_lizzie :-[ :-[
Title: Re: Posting images
Post by: Admin aka Dan on February 26, 2004, 15:12:22
I've enabled image attachment on the new test board at,

Have a look at it, and see what you think, I will say again that this would be in addition to free image posting as we have now.




If you try it out, note that the image uploaded must be less than 100K in size.
Title: Re: Posting images
Post by: Admin aka Dan on February 26, 2004, 15:14:43

There is already quite allot of advice and help about posting images in the gallery.

I am not avoiding helping, but I've found that any explanations I give always end up being to techy for people to follow.

Much better advice than I can give is given by fellow members !


Title: Re: Posting images
Post by: tim on February 26, 2004, 20:44:43
Dan - what nonsense - we've gained SO much from your patient hair pulling advice.

Must try the 'new' picture thing, but can't immediately figure how to approach it. = Tim

PS - Gave my vote without really appreciating the workings of your system. Rather, what I was finally used to.
Title: Re: Posting images
Post by: Garden Manager on February 26, 2004, 21:19:04
Was going to test this out, got a picture ready and everything, but couldnt do it.

Please see my other post in 'News - test of new software' thread for details.
Title: Re: Posting images
Post by: Garden Manager on February 26, 2004, 22:16:48
just tested image posting on the test site. Looks good. Easy to do. Should help you folks who have problems posting by other means.
Title: Re:Posting images
Post by: shifty581 on February 28, 2004, 17:25:36
Dan I have been on your site for abut 3 weeks, y am I still just a gest,  Tony Shoo
Title: Re:Posting images
Post by: tim on February 28, 2004, 17:52:25
For the same reason that I am??  I wouldn't feel too slighted! = Tim
Title: Re:Posting images
Post by: flowerbaby_uk on February 28, 2004, 21:57:29
if i post pic is happy to pay cos will be easier ,know u have tried to help peeps dan as have seen the threads with advice to be honest for me easier for me to pay and just get put on  hey dan we gets enough for free so why not
Title: Re:Posting images
Post by: ina on February 28, 2004, 23:40:18
I am not authorized to open the page of the image attachment link. Never mind really, I can manage just fine via hpphoto.
Title: Re:Posting images
Post by: Garden Manager on March 01, 2004, 10:39:25
Is Direct posting of images set up now?

I cant see any buttons for it on the 'post message' page.  Only the old image posting button. Or do we us this for direct image posting?  What happens over paying for it?

Questions, Questions, Questions......... ???
Title: Re:Posting images
Post by: Admin aka Dan on March 01, 2004, 12:36:55

What do you mean, can you see the image tim posted in this thread (;action=display;threadid=1604) ?

Do you mean that you can not post an image directly to the site ?


Title: Re:Posting images
Post by: Admin aka Dan on March 01, 2004, 12:41:00
Is Direct posting of images set up now?

I cant see any buttons for it on the 'post message' page.  Only the old image posting button. Or do we us this for direct image posting?  What happens over paying for it?

Questions, Questions, Questions......... ???


Direct posting is not generally enabled.  It is enabled for people who donated to the site over the past few months.

As you have found out, everyone can still post images as before.

Glad you find the text size more comfortable.


Title: Re:Posting images
Post by: Garden Manager on March 01, 2004, 19:13:00
Thanks I did wonder. I understand that you had to charge us for this service.  I was wondering if there was any way those of us who dont use paypal could use it by making a one off payment.

You seem to be sayin only those who contribute by paypal can use it when there could be members who would use direct imaging and pay for it, but dont currently use paypal.  Perhaps you could increase contributions this way?

Personaly i am happy posting images by the old method.
Title: Re:Posting images
Post by: The gardener on March 07, 2004, 13:23:25
I'm as mystified as anyone here, i.e. sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

Like Dan I think it is where we 'source/store our pictures that might be the problem.

I have occasion to visit another forum and they do not seem to have the same problem/s possibly because everyone stores their pictures at the same location.

What they have done is ( I guess) is made arrangements for use of space to store pictures for the said purpose of transferring them to a forum.

How this has been arranged I do not know, but the site they use is;

I hope this information ( or something similar) can be of assistance in resolving this 'glich'

Title: Re:Posting images
Post by: kenkew on March 07, 2004, 16:32:33
This should be a link to the pic's of the plot I took on 18 months ago.
Title: Re:Posting images
Post by: tim on March 07, 2004, 17:09:57
Nice lottie plottie! What's all the green stuff growing in April?? = Tim
Title: Re:Posting images
Post by: kenkew on March 08, 2004, 08:12:15
Top left are spuds. Then shallots, Bottom left are peas, and then French beans. The beans turned out to be the best on the whole site last year. My first season on this plot too. Still lots of weed and grass evident, tho. This year I've doubled the size of the growing area and made a plastic greenhouse which I plan to use as a seed plot followed by peppers, tom's and Chinese lantern plant.
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