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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: vegmandan on April 07, 2011, 23:30:24

Title: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: vegmandan on April 07, 2011, 23:30:24
Just walking back from the plot and an enormous Military plane flew really low straight over my allotment.
Happens all the time up here but this one was pretty low.
Managed to get the camera out in time and did a vid below.
Total pain they are !!
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: Fork on April 07, 2011, 23:33:41
Low level flying practice....they need it!
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: Duke Ellington on April 07, 2011, 23:35:36
Poor sheep!! >:(

Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: Paulines7 on April 08, 2011, 00:04:56
We often get the Hercules aircraft overhead as they practise their take-off and landing on Salisbury Plain.  In the past some have been so low that they just seem to skim over the roof of our house.
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: cambourne7 on April 08, 2011, 00:13:24
We have them coming over every day and a few times a day at the moment because of the current situation in Libya we also get F16 fighters (in pairs) and gun ships but these are not every day but when they do appear its a few times that day.

Unlike airlines military planes dont seem to have the same flying curfews. But Harriets well used to it so they dont wake her up thankfully :)
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: Digeroo on April 08, 2011, 01:28:04
Things are quiet here at the moment but I can totally sympathise.  When they were bombing Kosovo they used to take off about 10 - 11 pm and then come back from about 3  -4 am night after night.  So did not have a full nights sleep for months and months.   It was very difficult holding down a job when you feel tired all the time.  Worse than that they used to rev up the engines ages before they took off.  I still wake between 3 and 4 years and years later.

I have found in the past that ringing the local military air traffic control and logging a complaint had a good effect if they came directly overhead.  Even better if you can pursuade several people to complain.
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on April 08, 2011, 01:37:14
Worse if anything, I remember being halfway up a climb in Scotland when a couple of planes suddenly shot by just below me. Guaranteed to make you wobble!
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: Alex133 on April 08, 2011, 07:24:27
I love the sound of them - it's exciting, but they don't fly particularly low over here or that often - small, noisy private planes are far more irritating. 
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: OllieC on April 08, 2011, 07:49:02
It's the price we pay for being able to kill lots of people in order to prove that we are morally superior.
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: BoardStupid on April 08, 2011, 07:54:06
Mostly we have rig helicopters flying overhead but on 1 occasion last year I watched 2 tornadoes playing in the sky on full reheat ... I was spellbound, what a sight to behold. Must put the fear of god into whoever they are flying towards in anger !!!!
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: pumkinlover on April 08, 2011, 08:47:22
Try walking in the Yorkshire Dales or Peak District ???

And the amount of fuel they use?
Still no matter because we make up for it by having low energy  light bulbs ;)
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: Palustris on April 08, 2011, 08:55:40
We get up to 7 helicopters flying in formation around us from the European School of Navigation in Shawbury. So low at times you can see the pilots moustaches quivering!
Like Robert I have stood on a mountainside and watch a plane fly below us. In my case though it was a Vulcan bomber. They flew down that valley so often that the grazing sheep did not even look up.
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: antipodes on April 08, 2011, 09:43:22
pfff, our site is next to a large sort of common, wood, and there are a**holes that ride quadbikes around that all the time, or trail bikes, they are a right pain in the neck. You just pray for them to hit a pothole  ;D
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: Obelixx on April 08, 2011, 10:11:12
We get occasional air force planes going over very low and we're just at the right distance from their base to get the occasional wallop in the ears as they break the sound barrier.   It hapened a lot during the Yugoslavia wars but much less now.

The worst problem is micro-lights.   They have really noisy engines and tend to fly over us at weekends when we want peace in the garden.  We're not allowed to use lawnmowers and other noisy tools outside on Sundays so I fail to see why these idiots can buzz about with impunity.

Hot air balloons are a different problem.  Our dog can hear their burners long before we see them coming and she has to bark a lot just in case they land in our garden.   Not that they could but she doesn't know that.  Fortunately we have no immediate neighbours so we can be noisy or quiet as we see fit and our dog's barking disturbs no-one but us.
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: Melbourne12 on April 08, 2011, 17:17:49
It's the price we pay for being able to kill lots of people in order to prove that we are morally superior.

Ich stimme. Sie sollten gestoppt haben diese Flugzeuge vor langer Zeit. Dann sind sie gezwungen werden, wachsen kopfkohl für unsere sauerkraut.
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: OllieC on April 08, 2011, 18:00:17
I think Mel is saying something German - not sure if it's some kind of latent guilt over the treaty of Versaille or respect for the fact that their economy is doing so much better than ours at the moment. Hey ho - military might makes you right!
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: Mr Smith on April 08, 2011, 18:22:16
At the rate we going  you won't have to be concerned about anything military in this Country because it will all be gone in the next twelve month, but put your fate is  in the hands of the French and NATO and good look to you, ;) 
                I'm just so happy that the Kraut economy is doing so well,
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: Melbourne12 on April 08, 2011, 18:33:27
... the treaty of Versaille or ...

It's Versailles
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: grawrc on April 08, 2011, 19:15:41
... the treaty of Versaille or ...
Mmmmm ...... But fewer and less serious errors than in your German. Did you use Google translate? Yes it's just about that bad!!

I wasn't going to comment but why give Ollie a hard time for a typo.
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: tonybloke on April 08, 2011, 19:24:49
local heliport ( offshore supply), effing yanks on their way from Lakenheath & Mildenhall to bomb / shoot the f*ck out of somewhere foreign with oil, and the flights in and out of Norwich International airport, apart from that, not much to disturb the peace
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: OllieC on April 08, 2011, 19:33:13
At the rate we going  you won't have to be concerned about anything military in this Country because it will all be gone in the next twelve month, but put your fate is  in the hands of the French and NATO and good look to you, ;) 
                I'm just so happy that the Kraut economy is doing so well,

Well if we stopped sticking our noses in other people's business it wouldn't be so bad, would it - I'd like a smaller military but I also believe that we're overstretched and the men & women in the one we have should be looked after better than the way they are at the moment.
I know we disagree on many things Smiffy - but I actually do have a lot of respect for the people in the front line of our armed forces - I just don't think they should have been sent to the places they've been sent lately. It's not their fault and I think it's terrible that after what we expect people to do for our country they have to depend on charity when they come home. I've helped quite a few ex soldiers in the charity work I do (helping people who feel depressed or suicidal) & every time I'm further convinced that there has to be a better way to resolve disputes.

p.s. So it was meant to be German? Ha!
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: SMP1704 on April 08, 2011, 19:37:51
Reading those posts and watching that vid, almost makes me glad I live under the Heathrow landing flightpath ::)

Like the sheep in the valley, I am used to the Airbuses and 747s etc but the noise that really ruins my allotment bliss are the lads on their mopeds - sounds like angry wasps.  Remember that scene from the Great Escape where Steve McQueen runs wire across the road - that's whats in my head as they race up and down the road  :o :o

Should be grateful though, at least it takes their mind off of shed burning and general vandalism (touch wood)
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: non-stick on April 09, 2011, 08:44:17
We get incessant "essential training " flights from Chinooks from nearby Odiham. When they come in low, which is often, the whole house vibrates. Question the flights at your peril round here as the military can do no wrong brigade are all over you. It's got worse over recent years.

Pales into insignificance though compared to the small planes and private helicopters that wheeze asthmatically slowly overhead on an clear day.

90% of the UK is unbuilt on but they like my house for some reason!!
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: Barkie on April 20, 2011, 12:43:18
Yeah, can't hear yourself think here for baaa-ing and bleating so I thought If I can't beat em I'll join em and bleat about the racket they make. I used to work on a helicopter airfield and lived on the flight path for the local aircraft show which was interesting.
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: BoardStupid on April 20, 2011, 14:59:37
90% of the UK is unbuilt on but they like my house for some reason!!

Probably use it for target practice  ;D
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: Morris on April 22, 2011, 10:58:42
Since 9am this morning we have had:

Heavy-duty professional lawnmower and strimmer in the churchyard just across the narrow lane from our garden.

2 x chainsaws and one of those giant chippers in the neighbours garden at the other side of the house. They are having their massive leylandii 'hedge' - at least 60' tall - reduced, a much needed job. Though I would take the whole thing out and start again if it was me. The tree surgeon is a scary sight, standing on one of the stumps cutting the next tree. He is wearing a hard hat but I can't see any harness.

So I am indoors at computer on A4A with windows closed as the racket is pretty near unbearable. At least they are synchronising their efforts, and the peace will be extra-blissful when they are finished.

Edit: Now, on the principle I expect of if you can't beat them, the  neighbour opposite is power-washing her car with the radio full blast, so I can feel the base throbbing (I am sitting at the slightly quieter front of the house now nearer to her) and hear the music when the others have a quiet moment.

I think perhaps a therapeutic trip to the garden centre is called for - or earplugs anyone??  ;D
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: GrannieAnnie on April 22, 2011, 12:03:01
I just returned from the peaceful 1800's in Amish country, Pennsylvania where we rode a slow coal fed train and drove behind slow horse-drawn buggies. Except for the train whistle echoing across the valley it was a quiet afternoon. The restaurant newspaper explained why they don't allow telephones in homes (it keeps interactions face to face, no interruptions of family time, no gossiping). Not sure that would stop the latter, but there is something to say for peace and quiet and slowing life down.
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: louise stella on April 23, 2011, 20:26:50
Just walking back from the plot and an enormous Military plane flew really low straight over my allotment.
Happens all the time up here but this one was pretty low.
Managed to get the camera out in time and did a vid below.
Total pain they are !!

Blimey - that's low!
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on April 24, 2011, 01:00:32
I see the problem. I remember a Concorde going over low once - I've no idea what it was doing there - and it made a hell of a racket. They used to rattle the windows when I was in Cornwall.
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: Nigel B on April 24, 2011, 02:40:30

Well if we stopped sticking our noses in other people's business it wouldn't be so bad, would it - I'd like a smaller military but I also believe that we're overstretched and the men & women in the one we have should be looked after better than the way they are at the moment.
I know we disagree on many things Smiffy - but I actually do have a lot of respect for the people in the front line of our armed forces - I just don't think they should have been sent to the places they've been sent lately. It's not their fault and I think it's terrible that after what we expect people to do for our country they have to depend on charity when they come home. I've helped quite a few ex soldiers in the charity work I do (helping people who feel depressed or suicidal) & every time I'm further convinced that there has to be a better way to resolve disputes.

This ^^^

I know... Lazy answer.... But hey... :P
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: non-stick on April 24, 2011, 08:08:57

......... her car with the radio full blast, so I can feel the base throbbing (I am sitting at the slightly quieter front of the house now nearer to her) and hear the music when the others have a quiet moment.

Ah the sounds of summer (or nice weather). We had that on Good Friday, neighbour had workmen round fitting windows (at least they waited tll 10am and not 07:45 as for rest of week). When they weren't thumping the walls with great big hammers of cutting bricks or drilling we had the radio on and them "singing" along.
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: galina on April 24, 2011, 08:47:05
We always know in advance when a conflict starts, because of the increased training flights of extremely low flying fighter jets.  Last batch of flights were just before Libya and we 'knew' weeks in advance that we were definitely going into Iraq.  Brain rattlingly noisy.  They are actually quite difficult to see, because they are gone by the time the noise hits.  You have to look 'ahead' of the noise.  They always fly in pairs and you can see the second one more easily.  They are flying unbelievably low.  We also get low flying large transport helicopters, chinnook I think,  on final approach to a local airfield and other less noisy traffic.  The small sports aircraft and motor gliders are very quiet by comparison.

Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: gp.girl on April 24, 2011, 09:23:27
We get the Saturday afternoon relay lawn mowing brigade. Why they can't do it all at the same time has baffled me for years  ::)

And the Gatwick airport 'low flying where they shouldn't be' contest.

OH maintains that I can't have an antiaircraft missile  :'(
Title: Re: Anyone else had their peaceful gardening bliss ruined ?
Post by: Digeroo on April 24, 2011, 10:41:20
I hate bonfires days on end.  Someone had one going for three days.  Lit it and disappeared.  If they are not prepared to put up with it why do they thing other people want to.
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