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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: saddad on March 05, 2011, 15:13:53

Title: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: saddad on March 05, 2011, 15:13:53
Having gone through all the varieties in the box...

2.Black Cherry
3.Orange Banana
4.Charlie Green
5.Giant Belgian
6.Gardener's delight
7.Garden Peach
8.Green Tiger
9.Potato Leaf White
10.Stripped Stuffer
11.Yellow Murden
12.Black Mavr
15.Big Orange
16.Silvery Fir Tree
17.Fox Cherry
18.Violet Jasper
19.Psu Blue
20.Joyau d'oxara
21.Broad Ripple Yellow Currant
22.San Marzano 2
24.Auntie Madge's
25.Whipper snapper
26.Garten Pearle

   The rest ( about 30) will have to wait there turn.. some of these are new to me, some I'm bulking up.. some are all time favourites  ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: markfield rover on March 05, 2011, 15:37:06
Are you sure that is all?
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: Deb P on March 05, 2011, 15:41:56
I think he's being quite restrained myself... ;D
Is that just for your small greenhouse.........! ;)
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: saddad on March 05, 2011, 15:57:35
Well if I get the skin on the polytunnel I might venture another dozen ...  :)
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: Deb P on March 05, 2011, 16:04:40
I'm waiting for a new garden shed at our house so I can move and re-skin my polytunnel for the allotment as well.......still waiting! :-\
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: goodlife on March 05, 2011, 17:01:02
Ohhh...saddad..I can see some good swapping material listed there..I do hope you save plenty of seeds ;)
And I was going to keep it simple this year and only allow one GH for make me want to grow more now ::) some sort of greedy virus is going around ;D
"I must not give up for much other things to grow" ::)
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: saddad on March 06, 2011, 00:06:32
What would you like?
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: goodlife on March 06, 2011, 09:52:57
 :o..oh no...saddad..not now..I've got my 'to grow' list more and less sorted for this year and I'm not going to start it again..but you grow all those lovely toms and save plenty of seeds..and we have 'the talk' later on in the year..  ;) ...tempting as your offer is... :-X
About half of the varieties are new to me... ;) ;) ;) ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: saddad on March 08, 2011, 09:16:26
Time for some tomato porn I think...  :o


Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: plainleaf on March 08, 2011, 09:32:59
it might also help if got names correct to.
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: goodlife on March 08, 2011, 09:48:23
Ohh...not picture tell thousand words and all that.....
OH..AHHH...that looks beautiful ; teaser you Saddad ;)
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: markfield rover on March 08, 2011, 11:07:30
Have you grown the Litchi tomato aka Morrel de Balbis? If not are you tempted?
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: lottiedolly on March 08, 2011, 11:33:08
 :o hardcore tomato porn  :o

 ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: saddad on March 08, 2011, 11:56:32
Have you grown the Litchi tomato aka Morrel de Balbis? If not are you tempted?
Always...  ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: pumkinlover on March 08, 2011, 13:28:55
A few q's

1. How many of each plant do you addicts grow?

2. do you keep the varieties apart?

3. how many green houses/ tunnels are we talking about?

4. do you take special precautions to get true seed?

5. how do find the time?

6. Is it contagious?

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: grannyjanny on March 08, 2011, 13:34:09
Is it contagious ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D, I could go on ;).
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: goodlife on March 08, 2011, 13:55:47
1. I grow one of each variety..usually.. ::)
2. Not usually..only a 'normal' planting distance
3. Umm...two for me..that's one large that will take 20-30 varieties and 1 small that dipending of varieties should take about 10...or so.. ;D
4. Not necessary..If its for HSL..yes..I use fleece around truss until fruit is set..but usually no, only if it is flower type that has the 'dangly bits ' exposed..
5. with difficulty.. ;D I don't go away during spring summer other than day trip or two..and by 'living' outside during summer and only going indoors to eat and sleep ;)
6. OH YES!!! ; mustn't have a life other than allotment ::)
 ;D ;D ; are welcome to join the 'sad' tomato growers club ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: saddad on March 08, 2011, 14:03:01
Are there any you like the look of Anne?  :)
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: pumkinlover on March 08, 2011, 14:10:15

My little list pales into insignificance.

Plumpton king
Yellow perfection -(don't like it much but just to use up)
Broad ripple current
Red Pear
Andine cornue
Costoluto Genovese
Gardeners Delight (OH favorite)
Money maker
Roma vf
Elaine's mystery
broad ripple yellow current

Now that doesn't look too bad. I think I'm ok

In fact that loks very tame and probably bit boring to you addicts.  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: pumkinlover on March 08, 2011, 14:13:39
The dark ones fascinat me David- what do they taste like?
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: goodlife on March 08, 2011, 14:14:36
I like look of those dark egg shaped ones...and the red pepper look alikes..and those perfect red beauties next to white wonder/great white?
And..what's those white round ones on front..they look good too.. ::) ::)...they all look lovely and edible ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: goodlife on March 08, 2011, 14:20:06
pumpkinlover....not boring at all..
Have you grown Elaine's mystery before? it proper name for variety or jself named mystery variety..? What is it like?
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: pumkinlover on March 08, 2011, 15:00:29
My friend brought it back from a foreign holiday and I was amazed how good it  was, not grown it for a few years so will do some this year and if viable seed will save some to swop!  I seem to remember largish toms-not a plum, but tasty.
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: saddad on March 08, 2011, 15:16:20
I think the "blacks" have the best taste of all Anne.... but I'm very fond of Green ones and white ones...
BTW don't grow "Broad Ripple Yellow Currant" in a greenhouse (the plants are too bushy) and they will cross with your other varieties... potato leaf ones are also prone to crossing...  :)
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: Deb P on March 08, 2011, 18:02:26
Yeah, I learned the hard way about currant varieties too....they were very bushy and went EVERYWHERE and I found seedlings growing all over the place the next year where I'd missed a few and they had rolled off to goodness knows where! ::)

I usually grow only one plant per variety, in two greenhouses; one at home, one (at the moment) at the lotttie. I grow mine in raised pots on top of growbags, three per bag, and don't take any precautions to avoid cross pollination, it doesn't seem to have been a problem so far. I try and find the time to keep on top of feeding etc, usually use Sunday as a 'pinch out and feed' reminder day. And yes, it is very addictive! I am getting my tomato seeds sown tomorrow, I had thought
I was doing rather well in limiting myself this year, but then Jeannines' seed parcel came along and then the HSL seeds arrived, who wants to have a guestimate how many different varieties I will end up narrowing it down to tomorrow?! ;D

Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: pumkinlover on March 08, 2011, 18:36:45
Thanks for advice David.

I've planted the seeds - tried to put about 4-5 in each pot. 

OH thinks you should grow one variety - Gardener's Delight. Good job he doesn't know about you guys.

Still got a wardrobe base full of bottled toms from last year- what do you do with yours?
I usually grow plenty of plants about 30 but they have tended to be only 2-3 varieties- so there is room for variety expansion.
I always grow in GH as if I put a tom outside we get blight, sort of superstitious about it now!

Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: saddad on March 08, 2011, 18:52:51
Chop and heat into slop, with or without basil... use as a pasta base or anywhere you would use tinned tomatoes...  :)
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: ruud on March 09, 2011, 10:14:35
This is what i have sown the last few days;Green bush italiaan
                                                             canadian dwarf
                                                             Stor gul
                                                             Red star
                                                             Giant raspberry
                                                             mountain princess
                                                             Chennai from india
                                                             Gloire de france
                                                             Hawaiian pineapple
                                                             Delhi also from india
                                                             San marzano
                                                             Bulgarian nr7
                                                             Baby beefsteak
                                                             Butter and bullheart
That will be it for now,but you never know.Must be thinking about a second tunnel?
 ;D ;D ;D 
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: goodlife on March 09, 2011, 10:52:24
Ruud...Are you starting Atkins diet?...pork chops, beefsteak, butter and bullheart..are you sure its not your shopping list..did you get it mixed up? ;D ;)
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: saddad on March 09, 2011, 12:55:18
What wouldn't I give for another polytunnel or six...  ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: marcitos on March 09, 2011, 16:08:21
Sown these this year. Thai Pink Egg, Green Grape & Ildi are my favs. they never reach home.

Blizzard , Wapsipinicon, Thai Pink Egg, Wild Pear, Gallapagos, Lemon Tree, White Beauty, Snow White, Cream Sausage, Ildi, Green Grape, Eva Purple Ball, Green Zebra, Moonglow, Gold Nugget, Brown Berry, Orange Banana, Black Master, Sun Dried, Garden Pearl, Alicante, Moneymaker, Cosfior, De Colgar, Alaskan Fancy, Sub-Arctic Plenty , Koralik, Gardeners Delight, Black Cherry, Reisetomate, Latah, Micro Tom, Wild Tomato, Wild Peruvian,  Orange Fleshed Purple Smudge, White Tomesol, Balconi Yellow, Balconi Red, Purple Ukraine, Black Russian, Potirion Ecalarte, Garden Pearl, Roma
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: Twoflower on March 09, 2011, 16:15:36

Must not read.........must not read, i'll only want more  :'(
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: saddad on March 09, 2011, 17:51:35
Go on... you know you want to  ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: ruud on March 09, 2011, 22:22:20
I am getting old goodlife it was my shopping list ;D ;D ;D.Saddad you never have enough of it,not enough space not enough polytunnels not enough seed but enough hungry mouth to feat ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: bappelbe on March 10, 2011, 09:26:47
I have sown Stupice, Brandywine, Black Cherry, Costluto F and Sungella, my mother has Maramande and Gardners Delight (we will share the seedlings)

One question for those who have huge quantities, what space do you give them?
I have a 18ft polytunnel, half of which (1 row lengthways) goes to tomatoes, is there a spacing trick to fit more in?

Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: saddad on March 10, 2011, 09:41:36
Do you have 4' vertical sides? If so you should get a staggered double row in... We grow most in a 12' greenhouse and the border takes about 12 bottomless pots... (one side... we have peppers on the other side)  :)
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: bappelbe on March 10, 2011, 10:04:42
I don't have 4ft vertical sides but I think that with some adjustment to my tomato support srtucture I might manage a staggered double row as the sides are steep.
I might also look at a row in the centre of the tunnel, how far apart would rows have to be? They would probably shade each other.

(my engineering brain is working - this could be dangerous ;))

Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: saddad on March 10, 2011, 10:08:19
We put them in Florist buckets and have about 6" between the rims.. so the plants are about 2' apart.  :)
They don't tend to shade each other if they are kept as cordons. Some of the very vigerous ones can touch leaves across the gap which needs watching as it can encourage botrys and the spread of other lurgies...  :-X
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: pumkinlover on March 10, 2011, 13:12:10
We put them in Florist buckets and have about 6" between the rims.. so the plants are about 2' apart.  :)
They don't tend to shade each other if they are kept as cordons. Some of the very vigerous ones can touch leaves across the gap which needs watching as it can encourage botrys and the spread of other lurgies...  :-X

Any advice on use of cordon's please. I always grew all varieties as cordons, then last year decided to start growing bush (determinate?) as bush and cordon (indeterminate) as cordons.  Not always sure which varieties are which (and whether I've got it the right way  round! :-\)

However when I couldn't get in the greenhouse, I got pruning!

still ended up with great crop- got loads bottled left, but would like to know what you guys say. Do you check each variety and grow each as type or do you cordon everything to make sure enough room and prevent botrytis.

Also pleeeaaase stop this listing- I feel like a tomato inadequate now!!! Never realised there were so many varieties :-[
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: goodlife on March 10, 2011, 14:09:57
Pumpkinlover..I read from somewhere that there is about 5000+ varieties in we've got still long way to go..and thinking of that lot I do feel inadequate.. ;D..heaven help us.. ::)
Yes..I do keep each varieties in check and grow cordons as such and bush types as does involve careful labeling just cannot remember which is which.
If you grow bush type as cordon you do still get some fruit but not as much, and growing cordon as bush will over take whole will trail everywhere..
When you shop for your seeds..determinate is bush..semi-determinate grows into large bush but because of it being large it can be grown as small cordon too, it's sort of in between type. Indeterminate is cordon.
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: goodlife on March 10, 2011, 15:39:34
some seed porn in action ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: saddad on March 10, 2011, 16:18:51
I have a book with 400 varieties illustrated... it's in French, but the pictures are great...  :)
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: goodlife on March 10, 2011, 16:27:54
So are you going through that book and ticking the varieties off...'done that and that...' ;D
Tatiana's tomatobase is killer for of these days I'll give up and make the far I've managed to resist..don't know how ::)
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: saddad on March 10, 2011, 16:43:49
Je ne comprende pas... well not much... but words for early and late (precoce? and tarde) turn up regularly..  ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: pumkinlover on March 10, 2011, 20:42:45
I love your petri dishs goodlife! do you tear off the bit of paper when the seed germinates or are you doing viability checks?

sorry I am asking so many q's but I am fascinated by this thread.

As for Tatiana's tomato base- well what can you say! Unbelievable.  ;)
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: goodlife on March 10, 2011, 22:39:08
Code: [Select]
do you tear off the bit of paper when the seed germinates soon as seed is showing signs of germination I pick it up with my little 'picker up' tool..and put it in Jiffy plug.
I find it easier than pricking out seedlings..and there is less disturbance too..and less mess.. ::)
I was given quite a pile of out of date packets of different seeds and as I'm not sure how many will germinate I just emptied whole I can easily then take out the viable ones.
Normally I just sow 3-4 seeds per variety to get one or two to grow.. ;)
I just have to go and buy some more of those fancy chocolaty deserts to get more glass dishes.. :-X ;) I wouldn't eat those 'naughty', creamy, chocolaty and utterly delicious things otherwise.. ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: markfield rover on March 11, 2011, 08:30:29
goodlife- good news Sainsburys are doing bogof on those 'special' tomato germinating test pots.
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: goodlife on March 11, 2011, 08:37:13
Ohhh...good to know..does that involve having to "empty" them first?.. ;) ;D...or are they brand new, unused, empty, just glass type 'test pots'... :-\?
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: goodlife on March 11, 2011, 08:40:19
That picture doesn't speak truth about my diet btw... :-X Not all yogurt pot lids, desert pots, take away containers are all mine...honestly.. ::) ;) ;D ...just to make records straight... 8)
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: lottiedolly on March 11, 2011, 09:11:52
some seed porn in action ;D

Aaaarghhh  :o must not look, too young for such a vision, so you admit you have made your seeds porn stars now  ;) , you are very naughty goodlife  ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: markfield rover on March 11, 2011, 09:22:35
Sadly the pots are full of lemon cheesecake (the ones in my fridge  anyway) dirty work but someone has to do it!
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: Deb P on March 15, 2011, 09:00:33
I am getting my tomato seeds sown tomorrow, I had thought
I was doing rather well in limiting myself this year, but then Jeannines' seed parcel came along and then the HSL seeds arrived, who wants to have a guestimate how many different varieties I will end up narrowing it down to tomorrow?! ;D

Answer: 46...... ::)

Oh, plus another 10 or so that I'm growing just for our plant sale.... ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: pumkinlover on March 16, 2011, 13:27:46
Seeds arrived fromHeritage Seeds today 5 more to add to my list! ;D
Orange fleshed purple
Black Krim
Pink Brandywine
Black Prince
Black cherry

of course everything is still under control ;D
I think I may try goodlife's sowing method :)
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: Uncle_Filthster on March 16, 2011, 16:08:16
Last year most things got blight as I was restricted to those rubbish tomato greenhouse things and growing outside so only a few for me this year as I still need to get some kind of greenhouse/polytunnel type thing sorted for them.

Black krim
Black Russian
Cherokee purple
Lemon tree
Yellow tumbling tom
San marzano
Principe Borghese
Ananas noire

No doubt I'll buy a gardeners delight or some other cherry variety when they pop up in the shops as young plants
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: pumkinlover on August 06, 2011, 21:15:07
Thanks to the posters in this thread -YOU know who YOU are ;) ;) ;)
I now am growing some of these fantastic varieties.

I am finding the black ones really tasty but just the skin is a bit tougher- is this normal.  I do not mind by the way, but OH will comment.

I carefully took the skin off a peice of Black Prince to give to OH today and he refused to eat it on account of the strange colour ??? oh dear more for me ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: goodlife on August 06, 2011, 21:24:35
Code: [Select]
Black Prince to give to OH today and he refused to eat it on account of the strange colour
Mine too :o Oh said black tomatoes look like raw meat.. ::) Although he likes the taste..the look puts him off.. ::)
So now what I cannot eat I use for cooking..then the colour is not relevant ;)
I haven't noticed mine being that though..perharp it is to do with growing conditions ???
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: goodlife on August 06, 2011, 21:30:56
Ohh..and to add to that..little 'story'..
My lotty neighbour grew first time in her life something else than usual red and round tomato..
I gave her few heritage variety plants..she has never grown beeftomato..or didn't know other colours than red exist in toms.. :o..bless..
Anyway..I was told..' I've never ever tasted tomatoes like that'..O-ou.. :-X Thought she didn't approve.. ::)
But no..she meant it in positive way..she's grown tomatoes 40 years..and I had pleasure to introduce her into world of weird and wonderful heritage varieties.. ;D She is now converted to try even more new ones next year.. ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: pumkinlover on August 07, 2011, 13:52:20
Well I made tomato soup last night with the colourful ones and just telephoned OH to ask if he had some for lunch- yes its very nice "tastes of tomatoes"!!!
Glad your plot neighbour likes them too! :D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: Deb P on August 07, 2011, 14:53:52
My latest new favourite is Violet Jaspar for taste...thay look a bit odd, (purple and green stripes) but taste really lovely! ;D
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: antipodes on August 08, 2011, 10:41:43
I am just getting better and better with toms every year! It's so rewarding, and yes slightly pornographic  ;D ;D
First year I have ever got the beefsteak types to look like they should! I was very good pruning etc and feeding them this year. And I have a good smattering of varieties: Gardener's Delight for cocktail tomatoes, Some small Italian ones that I bought a plant of but which are highly prolific and early, some real "Coeur de Boeuf" that are delicious, Moneymaker and Tigerella for salads and Marmande and some Evergreen green tomatoes for slicing. And in my organic veg box I got some terrific Black Russians and some kind of orange beefsteak which was just delicious, so needless to say I am keeping all the seeds!!
To be honest, I think they are the real reason I do my plot! They are the highlight of my year.
Title: Re: My Tomato list 2011
Post by: pigeonseed on August 08, 2011, 22:06:21
I'm envious antipodes - but it does give me hope I could keep improving methods and perhaps do better. I don't want to give up but I've always had problems ripening them before Autumn and in recent years terrible blight.

I was very excited about plum lemon variety this year, and most of the plants were knocked out by blight in June. But one plant survived till July, and I managed to ripen one or two fruits indoors. They do look amazingly lemonish.

The other one I liked was nova, which tasted lovely. They're the red ones. They've been almost unblighted.

I think I'll try your chitting method next year too, goodlife. It looks so orderly and organised! (for porn!  ;D ;D)

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