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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: goodlife on February 25, 2011, 10:27:25

Title: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: goodlife on February 25, 2011, 10:27:25
I spent hours last night trying to narrow my list down for what to grow this year.
I know some you have already started , but my propagators have only become empty again so the mad 'panic' starts this weekend..I'll have to put my glasses on, get plenty of pots and compost in to warm up and 'cooking' starts.
I've narrowed down my list of possibles..and once I've been in greenhouse..thoroughly calculated all space for maximum squeeze ..I'm hoping to grow these:
Persimmon, Sebastopol, Sibiriche Orange, Amana Orange, Caro Rich, Mexican, Green Raisan, Greenwich, Lime Green Salad, Green Bell Pepper, Nyagous, Highlander, Black Aisberg, Black Krim, Chocolate Stripes, Japanese Trifele, White Tomasol, Snow White Cherry, Egyptian, Zapotec Pleated, Fablonelystynj, Auting Red and Yellow Pear..phewww ::) ...and...Patio, Early Girl, Dok Hodny, Siberian Early, Tiny Tim, Venus, Tumbling Tom Red and Yellow... ;D
 And after that I'll get cumbers, melons and squashes going ;D ;D ;D..but that is long long away ;D This year I'm not using 'surrogate' growers for seeds..just me..
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: saddad on February 25, 2011, 10:47:27
So many tomatoes... so little space!!  ;D
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: BoardStupid on February 25, 2011, 10:54:37
Shirley, Alicante, Tumbling Tom, Sungold, Gardeners Delight (Freebie) and Tigerella.

Plus any interesting seedlings that I find on my travels :-)
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: 1066 on February 25, 2011, 11:04:20
I've started to think about this too and  becasue of the seed swap on here and various other bits and bobs from friends I have lots to choose from, but have no greenhouse. One thing I have decided is to heck with just growing cherry toms (I got fed up a couple of years back with lousy summers things never fully ripening), bring on the Marmandes and the like  ;D
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: BarriedaleNick on February 25, 2011, 12:09:49
Red Alert and Harbinger for earlies
Sungold - the only cherry i grow
San Marzano for saucing
then some Shirley and Tigerella for the plate..
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: Lottiman on February 25, 2011, 12:58:15
Shirley,Gardeners delight,Roma,Battito. Goodlife your list sounds amazing :)
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: kippers garden on February 25, 2011, 14:52:47
Moneymaker in my greenhouse and Outdoor girl outside at my allotment.

Wow, where do you grow that massive long list?
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: manicscousers on February 25, 2011, 15:40:12
golden sunrise and tigerella for earlies, moneymaker for the plant sale, marmande, oxheart, black krim and roma, might squash a couple of gardeners delight in there somewhere  ;D
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: Vinlander on February 25, 2011, 16:09:57
Mostly Green Tiger and Piccolo/ino - free seeds from the best-flavoured fruit you can buy (M&S).

Possibly a few Jester and Santa for variety (my seed from earlier examples of best fruit I could buy at the time). Pity I lost my Dolche seed two years ago.

I have a few Highlander seedlings - interesting to see if they turn out to be same/similar to Green Tiger.

I will definitely grow a bunch of Sungold from cuttings - as soon as I find some decent plants on sale.

I will have a load of Gardener's Delight but I haven't decided whether I have the space for seedlings right now - though the seed is a reasonable (cheap) price- it's probably easier to do cuttings from bought plants here too.


PS. definitely no so-called "blight - free" types - utterly tasteless - like everything else bred for anything except flavour.
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: Poolcue on February 25, 2011, 16:24:02
So far Gareners Delight,Sweet Million,San Marzano,Minibel,Sungold and Koralik.
Still got my tumblers to go in
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: antipodes on February 25, 2011, 16:32:10
Oh Lord! I only grow outdoors so it will be:
Marmande and some big Yellow Beefheart ones from saved heirloom seed, a small Green Tiger type, Gardener's Delight (Last year I found them a bit of a pain, they got so huge! but now I can stake them this year in full knowledge of their girth! They are prolific yielders...), Moneymaker which personally I love! A couple of Tigerella from saved seed and some Roma that  I just couldn't resist. I suppose I will do about 3 of each...
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: goodlife on February 25, 2011, 16:57:30
I would love to grow outdoor toms..but blight always gets them ::)
I saved some seeds from some beatiful looking cebrino tomatoes..tastes horrid though..and for experiment I think I'll grow plant of that too ;D..They are F1 but as the plants in that GH were all same variety..I'm hoping the fruit will come true to, I hope they look same but texture and flavour would come out better ;D ::)
I've so many new to me varieties to grow this year so I'm bit 'sad' that I don't have room to grow any from my 'my grow every year' list...all favourites are out of action.
I could just eat some now ;D
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: pigeonseed on February 25, 2011, 21:06:15
The names of all these tomatoe is making my mouth water!

I felt like that 1066, I decided I was only going to do tigerella. Then two people gave me mini cherry ones for Christmas. Then i got HSL membership for christmas...

... now i'm doing plum lemon, pink plum, nova, minibel and tigerella!

Where will I find the window sills for them all? Is it easy to add windows to a house? Hammer?
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: elvis2003 on February 25, 2011, 21:49:08
OH is the tomato grower in our house,12 varieties last year,plus the 4 new ones santa brought him,at least this year the cuces and gherkins will be grown in the coldframe to give him more room in his greenhouse (coldframe still to be built,and new brassica cage and bean frame moved and and and.....)
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: tricia on February 25, 2011, 22:33:27
In the process of chitting Stupice, Harzfeuer, Harbinger, Marglobe, Striped Stuffer, Rio Fuego Nana, a saved seed Beefsteak and saved seeds from some lovely flavoured cherry toms from Lidl. Far too many, so will Freecycle some plants - and as I shall only grow outdoors this year I'm praying for a blight free growing season.

Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: jennym on February 26, 2011, 07:57:37
Just a few here too, Roma, Jester, GD, a beefsteak type I can't recall name of. I get blight here too so start them off early and grow them on in pots as big as I can, and put them out end of Mayish.
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: pigeonseed on February 26, 2011, 13:58:05
It's hard to beat the blight, isn't it? I'm going to try some in pots outside the sunny south-facing front of the house. Maybe the extra light and warmth will help ripen them earlier.
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: Debs on February 27, 2011, 10:42:37
Sowing mine indoors today:

Golden sunrise, Costoluto,  San Marzano, Red Pear,  Roma, u/k plum & u/k other

Note to self: Must remember to label seeds this year !!

Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: chriscross1966 on February 27, 2011, 18:48:54
San Marzano, Costoluto F, Korol G, REd Cherry, Gardeners Delight, Black Cherry, Sungold, MOrtgage Lifter, Heinz, Tigerella, Black Krim, Black Russian, Black Plum, Garden Pearl, Giant Spanish, Giant Spanish Yellow and Ferline..... think that's it....
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: valmarg on February 27, 2011, 19:22:08
So many tomatoes... so little space!!  ;D

And how. ;D

Small early varieties we gow are Stupice, Favorita and Bloody Butcher.

Yellow varieties are Yellow perfection and Golden Sunrise.

Beefsteak - Mortgage Lifter, Costoluto Fiorentino, Brandywine and Mountain Pride.

Plum tomatoes Olivade.

Bush tomatoes - Red Cap and Legend.  Also a variety I received in a seed swap Red Cluster Pear.

Another from a seed swap Rose de Berne.  Having googled it it does seem interesting.

Looking forward to going out and picking some to go with breakfast,

Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: pigeonseed on February 27, 2011, 20:52:12
Looking forward to going out and picking some to go with breakfast,
Oh lovely! Hardly seems possible at this time of year, does it?
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: kt. on February 27, 2011, 22:59:44
Cherry tomato:   Gardeners Delight,  Berry F1,  Golden Cherry (yellow cherry tomato)

Salad tomato:   Shirley,  Ferline F1

The only reason for growing gardeners delight this year is because I got free seed with a magazine.  I have grown moneymaker in the past and intended to grow Vanessa F1 this year...... but Shirley and Ferline were 1/2 price at the time of purchase ;) ;)
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: plainleaf on February 28, 2011, 02:29:41
here are a few i started already:
white wonder
great white
white tomesol
true black brandywine
cherokee purple
san marzano
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: goodlife on February 28, 2011, 21:01:43
I noticed some tomato varieties keep popping up in quite few of your lists...they must have earned their 'place'..and indeed they do get into my GH as regulars too..good 'old' gardeners delight and tigerella..particularly 'gd' is hard to beat ;D
Does anybody know who, where and when it was developed?
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: northener on February 28, 2011, 22:17:43
Sungold and Fantasio(surprised no one mentioned them)
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: lottie lou on February 28, 2011, 22:37:41
Biggies: Black Seaman, Marmande
Middles: Tigerella, harzfeuer, Harbinger
Tinies:   Polen, Rosada, Black cherry and possibly 100s & 1000s if I can find my seeds
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: plainleaf on February 28, 2011, 23:49:15
goodlife i don't know why anyone would grow gardeners delight. Since it's taste is insipid.
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: chriscross1966 on March 01, 2011, 00:17:54
Sungold and Fantasio(surprised no one mentioned them)
I thought I did for Sungold.... I've got 10 seeds going.....
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: goodlife on March 01, 2011, 08:53:19
Code: [Select]
goodlife i don't know why anyone would grow gardeners delight. Since it's taste is insipid.Gosh..I'm suprised you say so.. I find it really nice..I have never found it insipid :o Actually most of the toms I've grown have been half decent providing they've been picked/eaten in right stage of ripeness for that variety or the plants not been over watered as this will dilute the flavours too.
Hmm..I don't know what else to say now ::)..are we talking about same 'gardeners delight' ;)..well we all have our favourites and not all taste same for different mouths...plum lemon is one that I grow for the looks but it is variety I don't really enjoy eating, doesn't do much to my taste buds ::)..
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: Bubbly Berry on March 01, 2011, 09:23:51
Sungold & Gardeners Delight both lovely lickle toms  :)
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: petengade on March 01, 2011, 09:52:47
I noticed some tomato varieties keep popping up in quite few of your lists...they must have earned their 'place'..and indeed they do get into my GH as regulars too..good 'old' gardeners delight and tigerella..particularly 'gd' is hard to beat ;D
Does anybody know who, where and when it was developed?

Found this.
 love them straight from the plant's_Delight
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: lottiedolly on March 01, 2011, 10:36:01
For the greenhouse

San Marzano II, Tigrella, French Black,

For a hanging basket - trial

Balconi red or similar

For outdoors

Gardeners Delight, Black Seaman and a selection of russian ones that i have been given to see how they grow outdoors
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: superdupa on March 02, 2011, 18:08:35
Set mine away yesterday they are,
shirley x 20
federline x10
ailsa craig x5
gardeners delight x5
sweet million x5
sungold x20
money maker x10
outdoor girl x10
wont use all will  give some away  and intend too swap,will still have 30 plants growing
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: green lily on March 02, 2011, 21:12:56
 I'm growing Delicious and Amish for the polytunnel and GD and super marmande outdoors. I have moneymaker seed but never been excited by it so don't bother. I find a few plants spread out do better than cramming them in. Also have butternuts squashes, peppers ans cues to fit in the tunnel.... so mustn'y
t be greedy ;)
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: 1066 on March 05, 2011, 08:39:26
This is my long list, and thanks to the seed saving circle on here it is considerably longer than last years long list   ::)

Black Cherry
British Green Tiger
Blaby Special
Galina  ;D
Green Doctors
Mexican Honey
and some Tumbling Tom for the neighbours

Have yet to make the final decisions........
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: vegmandan on March 06, 2011, 00:47:25
I'm sorry, but as usual I have to try a daft variety and this year it's the P.G Strain which was grown to over four pounds per single tomato. ???

Well you've got to try something stupid haven't you ?

Apart from that it's just : Shirley,Gardeners Delight and Sweet Million.for me.
Title: Re: Tomato time again..what are you growing?
Post by: goodlife on March 06, 2011, 09:45:06
Code: [Select]
Well you've got to try something stupid haven't you ? Oh no..not stupid..who says growing have to be boring..what ever tickles you fancy... ;D
.where did you get the seeds from? Are you after growing record breaker or is it just for fun?
All those lovely toms people are going produce..can you imagine how it would look if we all would have our crop on same stall for sale..I bet it would look like magic..and the queue of people of staring the weird and wonderful, proper tomatoes..not the pale and sickly supermarket sort... ;D ;D
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