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General => The Shed => Topic started by: ACE on January 26, 2011, 20:58:02

Title: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: ACE on January 26, 2011, 20:58:02
We are loosing half the public toilets, big mistake as loads of people retire here and they need them close together. Most of the libraries, tourist information centres, great for holiday makers! 500 to be made redundant on the council with no hope of another job without moving away.

Think about it if you feel the need for a holiday here. You will not only be walking about on your own with your legs crossed but you will also be lost. You won't even be able to tear the flyleaf out of a book when you feel the need to duck down behind a bush. Not even in the botanical gardens as they are going too.

They are even charging the free bus pass holders on some routes which they class as scenic tours. Theatres and concerts halls are going to close if nobody takes them on,  these old buildings have suffered years of neglect from the council owners, so they will be knocked down to provide even more retirement homes.  If you think you are likely to have an accident, book the ambulance early as it is likely to already in use.

But the weather will be nice and in the summer with the light evenings you won't  be needing streetlights anyway. Oh and leave your car at home as the visitors parking permit will be about £90 for the week plus the £120 it will cost on the ferry.

The best bit is if you bring your passport, you can park at Southampton Airport (it's on the way)and fly to Spain it will be cheaper.

Come on then what are you losing in your area?
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: rugbypost on January 26, 2011, 21:19:40
Nothing at the moment Ace the monthly news letter will be out week friday so will wait and see.King was saying that no one should expect a high pay rise , and yet no one is willing to up set the bankers over there bonuses. I understand they are allowed to gamble   but at what cost to everyone
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: SMP1704 on January 26, 2011, 21:25:34
Nothing definate but rumours are the the public hall will close, following a recent refurbishment, same with the still being refurbished leisure centre and library.

But the parks will be lovely as the council have just entered into a 10 year deal with Laing.............

Couldn't make it up ::)
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on January 26, 2011, 21:48:32
I'm sure you can look up West Sussex cuts........................

My question is has ANYONE on these councils, and even higher up the fiscal mountain, thought about taking a pay cut? I think not. I'm not talking about not voting on the annual rise that seems to be endemic.

Must have at least one holiday abroad etc. etc. keep the old pension pot going!

Would they even consider it knowing there are so many people that depend on services that they are able to offer. I think not.

Hubby and I have taken drastic pay cuts as the revenue on our business is simply just not there. If the pennies aren't there we can't have them!

We are taxpayers, employing all of these folks, tis time for frugal living for a while.

The old chestnut rears it's head again, you can pick your friends, but not your local council!

Sadly, Ninny

Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Digeroo on January 26, 2011, 23:04:45
The problem with closing public loos is that people find unsuitable places instead.  Venice has very few public toilets and they close very early, but any dark corners stink something awful.  

 I don't think there will be many opportunities for those made redundant elsewhere because there will be lots of people made redundant everywhere else.  They are looking at closing our library.   I think they are expecting volunteers to run it for no pay.

They have been threatening to cut the funding for my disabled daughters residential home.  They seem to expect the staff to be paid the minimum wage with no holidays etc.  I don't know what sort of care they think that people on the minimum wage would give.

£120 for the ferry seems a lot, it is such a short distance.  It seems to cost more than the channel tunnel.

Having worked at an organisation with some employees on local authority pension plans the contributions were crippling.  When ever they had a payrise or promotion it upped their pension but there were no past contributions to cover for it so the future contributions became ever higher.  In my opinion they need to get rid of the pension plans and making people redundant is just an excuse.
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: dtw on January 27, 2011, 00:05:24
Why are councils making cutbacks?
They haven't put the poll tax down.
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: jennym on January 27, 2011, 04:10:30
The old chestnut rears it's head again, you can pick your friends, but not your local council!
Sadly, Ninny

Erm - you CAN choose your local council - use your VOTE!  ;D
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: ACE on January 27, 2011, 07:19:16

Erm - you CAN choose your local council - use your VOTE! 

True, vote them out, then watch them get co-opted back in by their mates >:(
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: saddad on January 27, 2011, 07:37:49
Come on then what are you losing in your area?

I daren't look.....  :-X
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: lillian on January 27, 2011, 08:25:51
Two thirds of Suffolk libraries face closesure. Rural bus services maybe axed....... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: caroline7758 on January 27, 2011, 16:54:58
If you live in Birmingham: (

 >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Mr Smith on January 27, 2011, 17:52:11

             Thanks for the update ACE,  having been going over to the I-o-W for a number of years with the caravan cheers  you have put me right off just glad we have booked up for Whitstable and Herne bay with the caravan this June, :)
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: tonybloke on January 27, 2011, 18:37:47
well, the council cut back a few trees nr the golf course!
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Paulines7 on January 27, 2011, 18:58:51
ACE, we are coming to the IOW in May as one of the places I have always wanted to visit is the Botanical Gardens.  I hope they are still open then.    

My question is has ANYONE on these councils, and even higher up the fiscal mountain, thought about taking a pay cut? I think not.

Must have at least one holiday abroad etc. etc. keep the old pension pot going!

Would they even consider it knowing there are so many people that depend on services that they are able to offer. I think not.

Hubby and I have taken drastic pay cuts as the revenue on our business is simply just not there. If the pennies aren't there we can't have them!

We are taxpayers, employing all of these folks, tis time for frugal living for a while.

The old chestnut rears it's head again, you can pick your friends, but not your local council!

Sadly, Ninny

From my experience, the majority of local government workers do not earn a lot of money and like others in the public and private sector often find it difficult to make ends meet.  Pay cuts could mean that they could get into difficulties paying their mortgages and end up with considerable debt.  

As for holidaying abroad at least once a year, I don't know where you are coming from.  My OH and I were married for 26 years before we could afford a trip abroad.  We only went then because our son was getting married in Cyprus and we wanted to be there.  My OH has been a civil servant for over 40 years and I have been a civil servant, a local government employee as well as a worker in shops and offices and as a carer in the private sector.  When did I earn the most money?  Answer.... when I was self employed.

Ninny, I am sorry that your business is not doing well.  Why not give it up and get a job doing something else?  Despite the recession, there are always vacancies for care assistants or support workers and training can be done on the job.  At least it would give you an income.   :D

I don't know what cuts my council will be making, but their cash from the government has probably not been cut so much as elsewhere because we have a Tory MP.   ::)
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: SamLouise on January 27, 2011, 19:08:48
This was on the front of our local rag today:

Sam's Council wields axe in cost-cutting budget

PARKING fees will rise, public toilets will close and up to 20 jobs will be lost as cash-strapped Sam's Council prepares to wield the axe in next month’s budget.

The authority has identified the need to make savings of £2.1m during the next financial year in the wake of devastating cuts to its Government grant settlement.

Other cost-cutting proposals revealed yesterday (Wednesday) include a half-hour reduction in the working week for all council staff, cuts to employees’ mileage allowance and a hike in the cost of planning applications.

But despite the cutbacks the authority has pledged to freeze its share of council tax for the second year running. And discretionary services including The Playhouse, Pets’ Corner and The Local Museum will stay open.

Pretty shocked about the IoW cuts, Ace.  Some of those changes are going to have a rotten effect on tourism for your little island. I love my visits to the IoW (usually every 3-4 years) so I guess now I'm gonna have to bring my own bucket to carry around for when I'm caught short!
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: telboy on January 27, 2011, 21:48:49
I also enjoy the I.O.W.
Was there New Year - walking hol!
Ace, did you know you were paying £3.50 a pint for Goddards (before VAT rise)?
The hotel I was staying in were selling beer for £1/pint 2nd.Jan. to get rid. Could
you drink Carling or Worthington gas. No, nor could I!
Glad to be home.
(and the dogshit in West Ventnor has to be seen to be believed)
Rant over.
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: ACE on January 28, 2011, 07:59:38
The dog bins are not emptied anymore, but that is not an excuse for lazy owners, mostly old retired codgers who can't bend down anyway. But they do an extendable handle scooper, so still no excuse.

The countryside rangers are getting their cards now. I suppose other services needs the money more than they do. But our countryside is one of the draws for visitors which keeps the hoteliers  working, so another well thought out idea. I think our council have wasted £30 million on madcap ideas these last few years and now with nothing in the pot they need to save £18 million to break even.

We will all be leaving soon as there will be nothing here to keep us, all I ask is that the last person to leave is to turn the light off.
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: lillian on January 28, 2011, 09:01:43
Two thirds of Suffolk libraries face closesure. Rural bus services maybe axed....... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Add to the above the proposed clossure of it 7 out of 18 of its household waste and recycling centres.  >:(
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Ellen K on January 28, 2011, 09:08:16
Ninny, I am sorry that your business is not doing well.  Why not give it up and get a job doing something else?  Despite the recession, there are always vacancies for care assistants or support workers and training can be done on the job.  At least it would give you an income.  

Yes Ninnyscrops take Pauline's advice and give up your revenue generating tax paying business and go and work in the public sector. The problem is that too many people have already done that and now we have massive public spending with no tax revenue to pay for it.  Of course Gordon Brown thought that this didn't matter because City of London activities would make up the shortfall in GDP and it did ... for a while.

Some of the links posted on these threads make interesting reading.  Disastrous as it is, you also have to recognise that some of these quangos (like CAB) took for granted that the flow of tax payers cash would be limitless and became complacent.  We are reaping what GB sowed unfortunately and of course it is going to hurt.
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: BarriedaleNick on January 28, 2011, 09:15:27
It's going to be painful in Lewisham esp for those on lower incomes (obviously I suppose)..
60 million over the next few years is the stated aim with 446 redundancies..

The riot squad has already been called during one council meeting and I expect there to be much more confrontation before this is done..
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: lillian on January 28, 2011, 09:28:17
Two thirds of Suffolk libraries face closesure. Rural bus services maybe axed....... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Add to the above the proposed clossure of it 7 out of 18 of its household waste and recycling centres.  >:(

Not to mention the proposal to cut 60+ lollipop ladies and gents. Reducing Park and Ride.
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Paulines7 on January 28, 2011, 09:32:06

Yes Ninnyscrops take Pauline's advice and give up your revenue generating tax paying business and go and work in the public sector.

I didn't say that at all.  The jobs I was talking about are with charities such as Mencap or Turning Point who find it difficult to keep staff and always have vacancies.  They are not in the public sector who, as we know, will be laying off carers and support workers.

If Ninny's business is as bad as she is saying, there will be no tax to pay so she might be better off doing something else, especially if she has a mortgage to pay.  I had to give up self employment when the recession came along in the late 1980's as my income fell well below that of the personal tax allowance.  
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Ellen K on January 28, 2011, 15:24:47
^^ yes those sound like ideal jobs for the carers who are being laid off by the council  - a win win for both employers perhaps?  Is that what you mean?

There was someone talking on the radio the other day about the demographic changes we've seen under the Blair-Brown administration (like Thatcherism, it has its legacy).  No 1 is record breaking levels of youth unemployment.  The second is adults whom he described as "disappearing off the economic grid" i.e. Adults who had good jobs and paid oodles of tax but took early retirement or redundancy  and now pay in a lot less or nothing at all.  I can tell you what some of them did:  what they have always done and set up their own business.  But in the past you would expand your business, rent premises and take on a few staff etc.  Now it is all about doing as much as you can as a sole trader or partnership.  If at all possible, stay under the VAT threshold and never never never take on staff, it is too risky.   But seek out any work you can get from the councils as they pay top wack for everything.  Harvey-Jones must be spinning in his grave. we have gone from a natiom of business empire builders to microniches in one generation.   No wonder we are in the poo.
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on January 28, 2011, 18:05:11

From my experience, the majority of local government workers do not earn a lot of money and like others in the public and private sector often find it difficult to make ends meet.  Pay cuts could mean that they could get into difficulties paying their mortgages and end up with considerable debt.  I was really talking about the higher earners Pauline, not the everyday service providers. I'm sorry if it didn't come across as that.

As for holidaying abroad at least once a year, I don't know where you are coming from.  My OH and I were married for 26 years before we could afford a trip abroad.  We only went then because our son was getting married in Cyprus and we wanted to be there. Same here, in fact we flew up to Cairo with our daughter earlier in the month for the first time in a long time, she is now 30 and the last time we flew together she was 3.  

My OH has been a civil servant for over 40 years and I have been a civil servant, a local government employee as well as a worker in shops and offices and as a carer in the private sector.  When did I earn the most money?  Answer.... when I was self employed. We've always been employed in the private sector, but is was hard experiencing the automatic annual pay rises and how they filtered over to more expenditure for us.

Ninny, I am sorry that your business is not doing well.  Why not give it up and get a job doing something else?  Despite the recession, there are always vacancies for care assistants or support workers and training can be done on the job.  At least it would give you an income.   :D We still have an income, but as I said early, drastically reduced from an already low one. We've always said we're in business just to make a living and not a lifestyle, if that makes sense.

I don't know what cuts my council will be making, but their cash from the government has probably not been cut so much as elsewhere because we have a Tory MP.   ::)

Our worries are elsewhere at the moment though, daughter is still in Egypt and they've announced the curfew but she just rang to say she obsiously can't text or communicate on the net.....but she is safe. 
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Bill Door on January 28, 2011, 18:12:34
Denbyvisitor I have looked at your post for a while and think you may have the wrong information.

At one point you say "that some of these quangos (like CAB)".  Now I don't know if you are aware that the each local CAB is a registered charity and not a quango.

The CAB do a lot of very decent work to help a lot of people in the community that need help.  In fact one could say that they are the forerunner of Camerons "Big Society".  CABs have been running since the 1939.  Probably if you took the time to ask you would find out that the majority of "staff" in the local CABs are volunteers and receive no pay.

Well done and thank you to all those volunteers for dealing with problems in the community that some little people only stand back and sneer at.

Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: ConfusedRhubarb on January 28, 2011, 18:32:42
It's going to be painful in Lewisham esp for those on lower incomes (obviously I suppose)..
60 million over the next few years is the stated aim with 446 redundancies..

The riot squad has already been called during one council meeting and I expect there to be much more confrontation before this is done..
@BDNick - You are right of course, its will be most painful for those on low incomes as they are most dependent on local authorities. But... Lewisham's cuts are no worse overall than any of their neighbouring councils, and they have had some well publicised consultations, and haven't been hiding their plans.  - so the real difference is that Lewisham's residents know what the cuts are.
Is that what Alanis Morrisette was singing about?
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Mr Smith on January 28, 2011, 18:43:24
The dog bins are not emptied anymore, but that is not an excuse for lazy owners, mostly old retired codgers who can't bend down anyway. But they do an extendable handle scooper, so still no excuse.

The countryside rangers are getting their cards now. I suppose other services needs the money more than they do. But our countryside is one of the draws for visitors which keeps the hoteliers  working, so another well thought out idea. I think our council have wasted £30 million on madcap ideas these last few years and now with nothing in the pot they need to save £18 million to break even.

We will all be leaving soon as there will be nothing here to keep us, all I ask is that the last person to leave is to turn the light off.

                   And the next move on the 'Island' will be to make all the screws redundant, and  the only life on the island will be the garlic farm, :)
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: ACE on January 28, 2011, 18:58:51

                   And the next move on the 'Island' will be to make all the screws redundant, and  the only life on the island will be the garlic farm, :)

First, nobody local works at the garlic farm after he killed one of his workers with some banned chemicals. They are all eastern europeans working there probably on basic rate wages.

Secondly, the prisoners are out and about working unsupervised in churchyards etc, well supposed to be working, one of them gets his missus to pick him up each day and then drops him back  in time for the van to take him back to the nick.
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: caroline7758 on January 28, 2011, 19:22:15
You're right about CAB's, Bill- thanks (I work in one). But it's no surprise that the local authorities are choosing to withdraw their funding when they see the government withdrawing theirs by reducing legal aid and ending the funding of the Financial Inclusion Fund (900 CAB jobs threatened) and vinvolved (the organisation for youth volunteering).

I had to laugh when I heard on the news tonight that the government is closing down irresponsible debt management companies and advising people who are struggling with debt to seek help from CAB's. >:(
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Mr Smith on January 28, 2011, 22:39:36

                   And the next move on the 'Island' will be to make all the screws redundant, and  the only life on the island will be the garlic farm, :)

First, nobody local works at the garlic farm after he killed one of his workers with some banned chemicals. They are all eastern europeans working there probably on basic rate wages.

Secondly, the prisoners are out and about working unsupervised in churchyards etc, well supposed to be working, one of them gets his missus to pick him up each day and then drops him back  in time for the van to take him back to the nick.
Unsupervised Lags working  on the island what is the world coming too,  definitely not coming down might get mi caravan and new motor  nicked, :)
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: ACE on January 29, 2011, 08:51:39
Unsupervised Lags working  on the island what is the world coming too,  definitely not coming down might get mi caravan and new motor  nicked, :)

You would be out of luck there  mate. They are closing the gyppo sites as well. ;D Oops, sorry that should have read 'honest, hard working, tax paying travelling folk'
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Bill Door on January 29, 2011, 11:39:49
Yes Caroline7758.  It makes me mad when Councils off load a lot of community help that they should do onto CAB and other charities. Then they have the gall to tell each local CAB that they have to prove their monies worth before they get a grant to help run their premises.  Councils get a lot of work done on the cheap.  As you say so do the Government.

Best wishes

Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Ellen K on January 29, 2011, 13:02:01
^^ I do know a bit about CABs as a close friend works as a volunteer in one of their offices.

Yes they are a charity but they have become dependant on funds from the taxpayer when (with hindsight) it would have been wise to seek more money from other sources.  It suggests that in the link to the BBC article on this thread.

Also, I have to say that they do good work if you've got some forms to fill in, that kind of stuff but when I've heard my friend recount stories of some of the advice they give, I have been alarmed.  No better than asking on an internet forum when people believe they have received definitive advice from people who should know what they are talking about, or at the very least state that they can't advise.
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: caroline7758 on January 29, 2011, 13:56:12
Some CAB's in affluent areas raise a lot of money themselves, but those in areas where they are needed most have to rely on funding from other sources, mainly the local authority (who as Bill says are getting services on the cheap and will have to pick up the pieces if vulnerable clients have nowhere else to go). Maybe we should ask the banks to fund us as their irresponsible lending has caused many of the problems our clients have?
Most of our funding sources are themselves (or were!) funded by the government- what other sources would you suggest, DB?
As for the standard of advice, I'm concerned to hear your concerns. Maybe your friend should raise it with the manager?
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Ellen K on January 29, 2011, 15:39:14
^^ to answer your points in turn:

- do you really believe that by contributing 600k pa, Birmingham Council is getting CAB's services "on the cheap"?

- perhaps debt problems are as much to do with irresponsible borrowing, I don't think you can credibly blame it all on the banks.

- presumably CAB as a charity can look at getting funding the same way other charities do.  There are some charities which receive no public money at all so it can be done.

- my friend has expressed concerns but part of the problem seems to be down to culture.  For instance, I worked in clinical research for many years and know quite a lot about some bits of medicine.  But I am not qualified to give medical advice.  It can face you with ethical issues sometimes but all you can say is "I am not qualified blah blah but you must go and see your GP about this, or whatever, immediately."  But there seems to be no such culture in the CAB.

You see this everywhere, somebody is faced with seeing their job disappear and they immediately want to tell you how bad this is going to be FOR YOU when this happens.  But times change and some services that were valuable in the past have less value now.    I don't know if CAB is one of those cases but it might be.  Or it could be a casualty of the councils taking the easy option and cutting all their 3rd party contracts rather than taking the hit internally.  Maybe some of both.
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: caroline7758 on January 29, 2011, 16:27:25
Don't want to get into an argument, but I'll just say £600,000 for 5 centres is nothing and less than £1 per head of population in Birmingham, and that every CAB is different- although they all use the same, very detailed and up-to-date information system and thorough training and, in my experience, do refer on to specialists (if any are available, which is going to be a problem with ever more cuts to legal aid etc) when required.
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Ellen K on January 29, 2011, 16:47:42
^^ nah, for 600K you could employ a (very) small group of properly qualified people rather than relying on some 3rd party charity/volunteer group with its own agenda giving out half assed advice.

I'd set it up for that price if anyone from BCC is watching!
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Mr Smith on January 29, 2011, 16:50:40
Unsupervised Lags working  on the island what is the world coming too,  definitely not coming down might get mi caravan and new motor  nicked, :)

You would be out of luck there  mate. They are closing the gyppo sites as well. ;D Oops, sorry that should have read 'honest, hard working, tax paying travelling folk'
      Ace ,  we will be still down there anyway just to see the brood, :)
Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: Bill Door on January 29, 2011, 17:25:12
So DenbyVisitor

We know you haven't looked at Birmingham CABs accounts at the Charity Commision.  Had you done so you would have seen that some of your earlier questions had been answered.

We also know that you are prepared to stand on the sidelines and snipe without proof.  For that matter you are prepared to see a friend "seemingly" get bad advice and not make sure that the error is corrected.

It would also appear that you are prepared to set yourself up for community support without a plan or knowing what the problems that need to be covered are.  With no idea of the costs that will be involved.

And no I don't think that the CAB gives "half assed" advice.  If you still think they have and you have the evidence to show it then as an upright citizen you should approach the CAB manager and bring this "half assed" advice to their attention so that the appropriate upskilling can take place.  I hope to hear that you have done this.

Title: Re: What are your council cutbacks?
Post by: caroline7758 on January 29, 2011, 22:13:19
Well said, Bill!
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