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General => The Shed => Topic started by: Carol on November 25, 2010, 20:40:26

Title: Early Snow
Post by: Carol on November 25, 2010, 20:40:26
Woke this morning to quite a snow fall.  about 4 to 5 inches deep.  It snowed off and on most of the morning and now we have a hard frost.   I even had to cancel an appointment because of the dodgy roads and that was after OH dug my car out of the drive.   Winter has started early this year.


Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: Paulines7 on November 25, 2010, 21:07:41
Well, you keep it up there please Carol.   ;D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: ACE on November 25, 2010, 21:53:59
Bit rough over on the north island is it? ;D

Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: valmarg on November 25, 2010, 22:04:42
Will you really keep it 'north of the border'.  This coming Saturday is our monthly 'treat'.  We like to go to Bakewell Farmers' Market, then to Chatsworth Farm Shop.  We then go to Sainbsburys in Matlock, back to Ashbourne and M&S food only store.

Possibly a bit sad, but we do acquire some wonderful food.  (Being a daft old pair of foodies.) ;D ;D

Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: pumkinlover on November 25, 2010, 22:11:45
Maybe see you at Bakewell Farmers market :D.
Don't you just love the mushroom stall?
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: valmarg on November 25, 2010, 22:25:42
Wow, yes.  It is just so fantastic.

We tend to get there early, ie about 9.00a.mish

Give us a pm, and perhaps we can meet up.

It really is a wonderful Farmers' Market.

Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: saddad on November 25, 2010, 23:08:04
As a "foodie" Valmarg do you know a source of brandy snap baskets? Sainsbo's don't stock them anymore but they tend to be milk-free and so a good base for a posh dessert for intolernat so and so's like me...  :-X
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: Carol on November 25, 2010, 23:12:10
Hopefully, if it doesn't snow any more and the gritters have been out, I hope to get to M & S tomorrow for some food.   

Snow has to cover most of the country by the weekend by the way.

 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: pumkinlover on November 26, 2010, 07:20:58
That would be nice Valmarg, but we plan to go a bit later this Saturday. I'll PM you another time as it would be nice to meet! We go fairly regular if 'm not working. :D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: manicscousers on November 26, 2010, 09:38:03
Saddad, last time we were in morrison's they had brandy baskets, going today so will have a look for you  :)
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: calendula on November 26, 2010, 10:18:28
could make your own?  8)
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: saddad on November 26, 2010, 10:22:36
Too much faff...
the others often have "desserts" that I can't join in with and like merangue (?) it is just something "quick" OH can get out of the cupboard...  :-X
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: valmarg on November 26, 2010, 14:50:17
As a "foodie" Valmarg do you know a source of brandy snap baskets? Sainsbo's don't stock them anymore but they tend to be milk-free and so a good base for a posh dessert for intolernat so and so's like me...  :-X
Sorry saddad, it's not something we eat, but with a bit of luck manics will be able to help.

I would find it extremely difficult to cope with your dairy intolerance, but I'll have a look in the library to see if there are any suggestions, that might be helpful.

Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: calendula on November 26, 2010, 15:07:38
we've hijacked, sorry but tesco's have them - 6 for £1.79
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: calendula on November 26, 2010, 15:12:43
or you could just stuff the snap and just have the brandy  ;D

not snowing here yet  8)
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: valmarg on November 26, 2010, 15:21:24
or you could just stuff the snap and just have the brandy  ;D

Now that sounds my kind of recipe. ;D ;D

Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: saddad on November 26, 2010, 15:23:29
If they did single malt baskets then I'd take that advice... not snowing here yet either...  :)
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: cornykev on November 26, 2010, 15:29:28
No snow to report.     ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: plot51A on November 26, 2010, 16:41:21
Snow here, last 3 days. But not settled, just slushy wet so doesn't really count. Mind you, the city was really quiet this morning (unlike the rest of the week with people shopping like there's no tomorrow, madness) and lots of the market stalls were shut  ???  ???

Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: grannyjanny on November 26, 2010, 16:58:44
Saddad have you tried Worthenshaws Freedom frozen dessert yet? No dairy, soya, nuts or cholestrol. Made from rice milk with coconut oil.
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: manicscousers on November 26, 2010, 17:28:43
Sorry, david, matt's got chickenpox, emergency babysitting  :-\
will look next week  :)
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: Carol on November 26, 2010, 19:57:09
That thread was well and truly hi jacked, wasn't it.   

I know all talk of snow is boring but I will wait and see what you all have to say when you get your area dumped with the white stuff  then you wont be able to go to your Farmer's Market.   

Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: Paulines7 on November 26, 2010, 23:32:32
That thread was well and truly hi jacked, wasn't it.   

I thought that too, Carol.

We had snow for two hours this evening but it is melting on our paths.  At least we don't have to go out as I stocked up on groceries yesterday.   ;D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: grannyjanny on November 27, 2010, 08:14:49
Sorry for my bit of high jacking ladiies :). Had a small flurry here in Cheshire.
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: pumkinlover on November 27, 2010, 09:08:23
That thread was well and truly hi jacked, wasn't it.   

I know all talk of snow is boring but I will wait and see what you all have to say when you get your area dumped with the white stuff  then you wont be able to go to your Farmer's Market.   

Sorry if I have transgressed! it was not deliberate, still really a newbie :-[

Lots of snow here too!!!
Any way just off to the shhhh. farmers market.

If you never hear from me again I will be lost in a snow drift? please come and help dig me out ;D ;D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: ACE on November 27, 2010, 09:38:51
They are having a laugh! snow forecast for the Isle of Wight? I had better drag the Yeti in pink knickers out of her sleeping pit and send her out to stock up on supplys.

She will head for the farmers market as well and get my favourite treat RISSOLES!  all the sweepings from the shop rolled into one. Lovely.
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: saddad on November 27, 2010, 09:45:07
We have about half an inch here...  ;D
Don't worry I hi-jack threads all the time..  :-[
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: goodlife on November 27, 2010, 09:48:26
Ohhhh..Christmas came early..good 6 inches on ground ;D Came early hours in the morning and all within 3 hrs :o
Yesterday I did all pressie shopping and now snow..I feel more festive than I probably feel at the day ::) Maybe I should warm up that mulled wine and get on with the season and greetings ;D November 27, 2010, 09:43:32 is not too early is it ;D?
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: Sparkly on November 27, 2010, 09:57:16
No snow here yet (Manchester). It was forecast for tonight, but now just midweek. Will wait and see! I like the snow, but not when I have to go to work!! I work in Bury and most of the kids bus in from the surrounding areas and it causes havoc. Last year it was a nightmare with buses not running etc and most of our kids are on A level courses with Jan exams so missing classes is not good! The travel wasn't too bad for me as it is mainly motorway (except one day when the motorway was closed!), but not good for many of the other staff and kids who live in the surrounding villages.
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: Fork on November 27, 2010, 10:15:09
Woke up to around 4" or 5" of snow this morning..first of winter.
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: cornykev on November 27, 2010, 10:50:38
Cold and Frosty this morning but no snow, I was the only one in our road with the savvy to stick a blanket on my windscreen, so I been to Tesco's and back while the rest are still scrapping theirs, I bought myself 5 bags of cheap salt for my front, sorry to digress.  :-\      ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: I love digging on November 27, 2010, 11:07:53
Started snowing here yesterday afternoon - about an inch - but it's now all well and truly frozen.  It's soooooooo cold!
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: SamLouise on November 27, 2010, 12:17:28
It's bleedin' cold here, -4 when I got up this morning (which I know is probably like the caribbean to those in Scotland, LOLOL) but as yet, no snow! For those with north pole temperatures and consistent snowfall, I appreciate how the novelty wears off very quickly but for a soft southerner like me; I LOVE the snow.  I'm sure I said words to the same effect this time last year, such is the bore that I am!! We've got a light sprinkling forecast for Wednesday - the first of December, how lovely :D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: Carol on November 27, 2010, 19:56:44
Well I couldn't get to any shops today,  snow was non stop from 10 last night and over a foot has fallen.  It reaches the top of my wellys.   

I am tired out with feeding the birds.  and  it is still snowing....

Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: calendula on November 27, 2010, 20:13:19
Cold and Frosty this morning but no snow, I was the only one in our road with the savvy to stick a blanket on my windscreen, so I been to Tesco's and back while the rest are still scrapping theirs, I bought myself 5 bags of cheap salt for my front, sorry to digress.  :-\      ;D ;D ;D

ice and  salt - save some of it for a few Margaritas  ;D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: valmarg on November 27, 2010, 23:00:36
That thread was well and truly hi jacked, wasn't it.   

I know all talk of snow is boring but I will wait and see what you all have to say when you get your area dumped with the white stuff  then you wont be able to go to your Farmer's Market. 

I think hi-jacked was an over reaction.  To hi-jack something evokes a violent act, ie airoplane, etc.

Personally I think I may have gone off at a bit of a tangent.  Nothing violent or untoward.

Anyway, to get back to your original thread, yes we got about 5" of the ruddy white stuff Friday night, so we considered it unsafe to go on our monthly trip.  Very unhappy.


Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: betula on November 27, 2010, 23:13:03
Woke up to a sprinkle or so of snow this has quickly turned to ice so like walking on as skating cold burns ya lips   :(

We have the Farmers Market on the third Thursday or something like such I always miss it   ;D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: ACE on November 28, 2010, 07:41:16
Typical! scare mongering by the met office, I bet loads of people stocked up for the duration and not a drop falls here, I bet Tesco told them to predict heavy snow here to cause a bread shortage. ;)
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: Manouche on November 28, 2010, 07:53:16
None here either in sunny Portsmouth. It's quite a rare occurence here although we did get the white stuff last year. 
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: Grandma on November 28, 2010, 08:13:55
Not a flake here so far - just cold and frosty.

( ;D ;D ;D at the thought of our Kev putting salt on his front!!!)
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: busy_lizzie on November 28, 2010, 11:41:21
Has just stopped snowing here after blizzards last night.  Seems like we have had continued snow for the last 48 hours.  I thought it would never stop, but this morning we have blue skies  and even a bit of sun. Never known it to be so deep.  For the past two nights the sky has been white with snow clouds which was weird to see. Going to venture out soon to see if anything is open today. There is a Farmers Market in Jesmond, Newcastle today, which if the Metro is on might go to. It might be a wasted effort, but it is good to be out and about despite the bad weather. Just hope my Christmas brussel sprouts are busy sweetening up under the snow at my allotment. busy_lizzie
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: cornykev on November 28, 2010, 11:49:38
Two white frosty mornings but the sun is out now, still have the salt on the ready though, lol  @  grandma.     ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: Lottiman on November 28, 2010, 11:57:30
Kev if  ya don't get any snow go get a large portion of chips :P :P ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: valmarg on November 28, 2010, 18:29:02
Doncha just hate this time of year?  The fact that the snow/ice has come early just makes me feel a bit more despressed.

Looking on the bright side in a month's time Christmas will be past, we will have passed the Winter Solstice, and we can all look forward to lighter days, and what we are going to grow next year.

The downside is January and February.  :( :( ???

Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: ACE on November 29, 2010, 08:16:32
Scare mongering again, earliest snow for years! didn't it snow in january?
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: luckycharlie on November 29, 2010, 08:27:08
Scare mongering again, earliest snow for years! didn't it snow in january?

    You're right as usual Ace  ;D ;D ;D

X Chas
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: mat on November 29, 2010, 08:32:46
Doncha just hate this time of year?  

Sorry, No, I like the dark evenings, heating & lighting on, curtains closed, all cosy watching a good DVD in the evening.  The deep snow is the icing on the cake - makes it feel nice and christmassy.  May go out later for a slide down the hill behind me!

Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: Poppy Mole on November 29, 2010, 09:31:59
There is a saying in this part of the world  that goes:-
"If the ice in November will hold a duck, then the rest of the winter will be slush & muck"
It'll be interesting to see how true it turns out.
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: betula on November 29, 2010, 09:39:20
The thing I hate is the huge fuel bills........being all cosy is an expensive option .

Nice to look at  :)
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: ACE on November 29, 2010, 12:31:24
The thing I hate is the huge fuel bills........being all cosy is an expensive option .

The've got goose fat in lidl's, just right for smearing on your chest before you sew your vest on for the duration ;D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: stooriefit on November 29, 2010, 15:36:52
Wee poem for you ,

Winter's came
The snaw hus fell
Wee Josie's nose is froze as well
Wee Josie's frozen nose is skint'it
Winters diabolical in'tit ??
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: tonybloke on November 29, 2010, 15:58:46
The thing I hate is the huge fuel bills........being all cosy is an expensive option .

Nice to look at  :)

we just chuck more wood on the woodburner!!
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: betula on November 29, 2010, 17:27:15
Have not got round to the wood burner yet   ;D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: goodlife on November 29, 2010, 19:03:55
We've had our stove going on non-stop for is only small one but it does kick out heat..enough to not switching central heating on during day. soooo cold and horrible outside...I've had enough of the snow after 1 day..I wish it would be spring ::) ;D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: valmarg on November 29, 2010, 19:05:42
There is a saying in this part of the world  that goes:-
"If the ice in November will hold a duck, then the rest of the winter will be slush & muck"
It'll be interesting to see how true it turns out.

My dad used to quote that Poppy.  He reckoned it was pretty accurate.  Hope it is this winter. ;D

Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: calendula on November 29, 2010, 19:07:07
We've had our stove going on non-stop for is only small one but it does kick out heat..enough to not switching central heating on during day. soooo cold and horrible outside...I've had enough of the snow after 1 day..I wish it would be spring ::) ;D

but we need the seasons, this cold will kill off nasties and if it were spring all the time it would be a world we don't know - gardening would be very hard  :)
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: goodlife on November 29, 2010, 19:19:52
Code: [Select]
this cold will kill off nasties
Oh I know that.. and I'll be soon amongst one of those nasties that will kneel over soon ::)
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: lisaparkin on November 29, 2010, 21:22:57
There is a saying in this part of the world  that goes:-
"If the ice in November will hold a duck, then the rest of the winter will be slush & muck"
It'll be interesting to see how true it turns out.

I have never heard that'll think I'm being thick, but, does that mean it'll be a bad winter?  Whats with the 'duck' bit?
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: tonybloke on November 30, 2010, 09:03:58
There is a saying in this part of the world  that goes:-
"If the ice in November will hold a duck, then the rest of the winter will be slush & muck"
It'll be interesting to see how true it turns out.

I have never heard that'll think I'm being thick, but, does that mean it'll be a bad winter?  Whats with the 'duck' bit?

Erm, Ducks are water fowl, and require open water to land. Wild-fowlers used to row up and down stretches of water to keep them clear of ice so ducks could land, then they'd drive them into nets to catch them. These stretches of water were known in norfolk as 'decoys'. The nearest one to here was Fritton Decoy, now it's only the name of the pub in Fritton.

Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: SamLouise on November 30, 2010, 09:04:27
Woo hoo!  Houston, we now have snow!! ;D ;D  Just outside Epping, Essex and we got our first sprinkling late last night.  Woke up to a little bit more this morning :)  I think we've got more forecast a bit later but nothing that will see me buried up to my knees, lol.
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: TividaleJo on November 30, 2010, 09:06:53
We got our 1st snow fall during the night not that much but they have forcast it for the day as long as it lets me get home @ 4  i will be happier
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: goodlife on November 30, 2010, 09:47:38
I've been snowed in..cannot get car out anymore..and council do not clear little side roads on our area. What a is truly off ::) ;D ;D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: cornykev on November 30, 2010, 14:51:22
I woke up with 1/2 inch this morning ,  ;)  anyway back to the snow, just a light dusting overnight with a few 20 min blizzards during the day, its still  trying hard now but not settling, I was on snow plough duties at work in the car park this morning.    ;)       ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: Squash64 on November 30, 2010, 14:57:18
I woke up with 1/2 inch this morning ,  ;) 

 ;D  ;D at Kev's half an inch!

Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: davyw1 on November 30, 2010, 15:16:09
We have had five days of it so far so its getting quite deep in parts, had to clean 3 or 4 inches off the pollytunnel every day apart from this morning. We were suposed to get quite heavy downfall last night but got rain instaed, What a pleasent change that was and still got a couple of feet of it.
Hail, rain snow, thunder and lightning, we have had the lot, still not to worry we have the worst to come when it gets to winter.
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: cornykev on November 30, 2010, 16:17:25
Oi!      I heard that.     :-[ :-[ :-[       ;)
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: Poppy Mole on November 30, 2010, 16:18:19
There is a saying in this part of the world  that goes:-
"If the ice in November will hold a duck, then the rest of the winter will be slush & muck"
It'll be interesting to see how true it turns out.

I have never heard that'll think I'm being thick, but, does that mean it'll be a bad winter?  Whats with the 'duck' bit?

No Tony it means wet & mucky (warm)
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: SamLouise on December 01, 2010, 08:17:33
Booooo, there's no more snow for us!  Very light sprinklings yesterday and overnight but it's almost all gone now.  I'm sure everybody will be more than aware of it in our area when I go A over T on the ice that's formed! ;D ::)
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: grawrc on December 01, 2010, 08:28:14
The Forth Road Bridge is closed, the airport is closed and my car has a 50cm snow blanket.
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: calendula on December 01, 2010, 11:07:47
I woke up with 1/2 inch this morning ,  ;) 

 ;D  ;D at Kev's half an inch!

especially when he's got 5 bags of salt lined up for it - painful  :o  ;D

anyway we've had 2 days of it now and can brag 12 inches  ;D
Title: Re: Early Snow
Post by: cornykev on December 01, 2010, 19:10:35
I blame it on the cold weather.   :-[ :-[ :-[
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