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Allotment Stuff => Allotment Movement => Topic started by: blackkitty2 on October 25, 2010, 22:03:17

Title: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: blackkitty2 on October 25, 2010, 22:03:17
Hi there.

Recently the supervisor of my allotments has launched a vendetta against myself. To cut a long story short he refused to assist in replacing a gate and I had to contact the council who then came and replaced it. The supervisor was not happy that I 'went over his head'. The gate was a health and safety problem and also so badly broken that it could not be locked. After being verbally abused by said supervisor all went quiet for over a month.

I have now heard on the grapevine that he contacted the local council about me selling pumpkins from my own home. They told him it is suplus stock so he got no joy there. Also the posters I put out were removed by myself after a visit from the local community warden. How was I to know it constituted fly tipping. I'm just a dimwit plot holder!

The fact that I am selling the pumpkins for charity seems not to have deterred him and he is obviously out for my blood. How can I make sure that this guy leaves me alone to my growing?  He is harrassing me and I do know that is against allotment regs.......Does anyone have any ideas as I am at my wits end.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Andy H on October 27, 2010, 20:42:16
Hiya Blackkitty, how is he harrassing you and how is he out for your blood?

If he is breaking allotment regs then complain to the council if they are in charge.

Also contact your LOCAL paper about raising money for charity and naming him for causing problems.

It is a very quick and effective way of shutting people up!

Name him on here and more details and perhaps more advice will come forward, also name the allotments as someone at the same or near may be able to help you.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: blackkitty2 on October 28, 2010, 19:36:50
Thanks for replying Andy.

It's been a terrible day...Ooops before I forget thanks everyone for looking at my post and my manners for not introducing myself as a 'newbie' on the forum. I'm under quite a bit of stress but raising money is going really well at over £60 for Parkinson's disease already.

As for the how we are being harrassed about selling the pumpkins. Let's just say that he is clever and gets his minions to spread misinformation. That's just for starters - complete strangers come up to us on our allotment and tell us the rumours spread. I digress.

He has singled us out as 500 yards down the road another plot holder is selling stuff for profit but they weren't reported. Just us. He was too cowardly to come and ask what we were doing and where the monies were going.

I haver contacted the council about the matter even though the Chairman of the local allotment association told me not to. He seemed agitated when I said I had contacted them. I'm not stupid and I didn't follow his advice. I still contacted the council. To be continued.....
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: blackkitty2 on October 28, 2010, 19:52:15
Let's just say you get a sense of what people are like on the phone. I cried (very weak of me but my ma only died 6 weeks ago) and told him the situation but he spoke over me (no 'I'm sorries for your loss'). He then stated that the site supervisor was 'very upset' about the situation with the pumpkins. Excuse me but surely I kinda take priority in the 'upset' stakes!

Enough ranting. I will contact the paper like you suggested as it all sucks and I just want to grow my fruit, veg and flowers and do a bit for charity. I'm not the only one he has threatened too. Some poor old plotty asked for his hedge to be cut by the council and he was threatened with eviction when he asked 'just where do my dues go' when his request was refused.

You asked where the allotments are....Being petrified I will only give clues har, har. My locality is known for a famous character played by Kevin Costner and Rusell Crowe. There is a famous tree down the road in a famous forest. The allotments used to be an iron age fort. The Maun valley trail is not too far away. Blah, blah.....

If I wasn't so darn afraid of being evicted I would throw him to the wolves. Someone told me he needs his wings clipping.

Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Andy H on October 28, 2010, 19:55:51
having read again the first post, It is only the plots supervisor so tell him to shut up and mind his own business and see what he says.

Contact your local paper to advertise the fact that you are selling pumpkins for charity and how much raised so far. not mentioning anything about the problems so it doesnt look like a dig at him.

local papers like that sort of happy story with a picture of you surrounded by pumpkins and some kids too if you have any (or borrow some)!

If then later he has a go at you then write down all you remember and ring the paper back up and they can run a story running him down for being a killjoy at fund raising for a great cause etc!

He would probably then sneak into the smelly hole he came from and never speak to you again.

You also have the option of harrassment complaint particularly if he is being "rude" to you.

many ways to play it really, but dont worry about someones words, they are just that and you can smile and just say P off.

If all else fails then hit him! (just kidding)!

Keep us informed but surely it is not against the rules to sell surplus for charity??? only profit although most sites dont mind if it is excess, or am I wrong about that? someone must know, I dont do rules and regulations and small print unless I have to!
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Unwashed on October 28, 2010, 20:00:58
Hello blackkitty2, welcome to A4A. 

What does your Tenancy Agreement say about you selling what you've grown?
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Andy H on October 28, 2010, 20:03:48
Then he too needs to go to the papers for a sympathy vote and to slag down the killjoy!

In fact tell everyone to do it AFTER you get you "advert" in there!

If he is dragged through the mud enough he will realise people wont stand for being bullied and trodden on.

Make him look like the thingy he really is.

I had firm words to our supervisor once and thats all it needed, basically he threatened to weed kill round plots if grass got to long, I made it clear what I would do if he went near my plot.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Tee Gee on October 28, 2010, 20:16:49
having been there myself I think I know what you are going through!

I have to ask how was the supervisor elected to the post?

In my/ our case it was a clique the post was handed down from one of the clique members to the next rather than by any democratic means.

The council were quite happy because the post was filled but the members were not and neither was the district allotment federation who saw him as a pain in the a**e.

He has since died and I won,t speak I'll of the dead but his mate has inherited the post and he is a  miserable old bu**er who has also gone power mad like his predecessor.

 And that' s the thing the post does not command any power, it is simply a liaison position between him and the council.

What I am really concerned about is his mate and I guess successor particularly when the name Adolph springs to mind.

Can't you get a petition going with a vote of ' No Confidence' and elect a new supervisor I know there are moves afoot on our plots to ensure that Adolph does not get the post when our current incumbent  gives up the post!

Check your constitution and go from there
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: blackkitty2 on October 28, 2010, 20:18:59
Thanks everyone for replying. I can feel those tears welling again goddamit!

The local paper is such a good idea as the pumpkins look fabulous and we have completed Jack Sparrow, Grandpa Munster, Bela Lugosi, the Benicio Del Toro new Wolfman, a headless cheerleader (nice!), the original Frankenstein, Cujo (80s Stephen King adaptation) and for ourselves (married on Halloween) and soon 3 characters from True Blood and the serial killer Dexter. Also multiple traditional scary scarecrows with pumpkin heads and cute stuff with howling wolves and the like.

Lots of work but they look fantastic.

I will get emailing the local paper as they love stuff like what we are suffering through. When someone whipped a 3 foot koi from our pond they were gagging for the story especially with the human element of it being a 15 year old pet. Sadly 'Ramases' never came home, even with the reward we offered. Sniff.

Many thanks again as I now feel more positive and less teary. My late ma' would have kicked his a** given the chance as she hated bullies and injustice. She loved our carvings too.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: goodlife on October 28, 2010, 20:32:16
Here in Notts. we know lot of folks in another only need to drop a name and word will soon go around..what it good for one is good for another ;) It don't hurt to fire all guns at once.
That kind of bahaviour is not to be if you feel like "spilling more beans"..I'm all 'ears' ;) ;D
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: blackkitty2 on October 28, 2010, 20:36:49
Hi Tee Gee.

Yep spot on - he was handed the post and who ever voted for him was on the committe clique. As for anyone outside of that circle of the damned getting a look in on things well...Actually apparently noone else would do the supervisor job so we got him and his croney friend/side-kick from hell.

I asked if I could go to a committe meeting when I spoke to the site Nazi about a gate that needed fixing (the cause of the original hostility - well he refused to contact the council, so I did and got it fixed har, har). Anyway he told me that as I was 'not a committee member' then I was not entitled to contact or any say to do with the allotments as that - I quote - 'better be careful about what I was talking about as it was none of my business'. Gee I think he might just have been threatening us there.

As far as a tenancy is concerned, well brace yourselves. Noone has signed one for years as the site supervisor told us not to about 3 years ago. Apparently because the council would not change their rules on shed/greenhouse size then we were not given any tenants aggreements. I didn't know until the other day the havoc this might cause and how damaging this could be in the long run legally.

Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Digeroo on October 28, 2010, 20:43:01
Welcome blackkitty2 to A4A.  You seem to be having a lot of stress at the moment.  I think that the idea of Andy M to get a good story in the paper is a good idea.  I think that you should ignore anything negative this person says to you and respond to anything he says with a positive remark.  So 'I hear you are selling pumpkins ' reply oh yes I have raised £££ for this charity'.    

For a good laugh find a copy of the fllm 'Grow your own. '  
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: pumkinlover on October 28, 2010, 20:51:48
I love "Grow your own" but I find it like the "Full Monty" in that it makes me laugh and cry! So much emotion :(
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Unwashed on October 28, 2010, 21:00:14
As far as a tenancy is concerned, well brace yourselves. Noone has signed one for years as the site supervisor told us not to about 3 years ago. Apparently because the council would not change their rules on shed/greenhouse size then we were not given any tenants aggreements. I didn't know until the other day the havoc this might cause and how damaging this could be in the long run legally.
You only have to sign a new Agreement if you want it to replace the previous one.

Have you ever signed a Tenancy Agreement?  When did you get your plot?

What havoc and damage are you thinking about?  If you don't have a written tenancy agreement it's very difficult for the council to show that any rules apply to you so there's no reason why you shouldn't sell your produce, and it's nothing whatsoever to do with your site steward or anyone at the council if you do.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: blackkitty2 on October 28, 2010, 21:17:06
Hi Unwashed and thanks for your help.

You know how you get when you read a website and it winds you up when you are stressed and irrational? Yep me at the moment so I won't think about such stuff when you have pointed out the obvious that no signed tenants agreement means no rules apply. Yippee. Thanks Unwashed!

When myself and the hubster first took on the original plot I did sign an aggrement but that was it. And that was 10 years ago. Another never appeared after that.

As for talking to the site supervisor. He's too busy getting his side-kick to shout abuse and is completely unapproachable. He even let some guy starve his chickens for 3 weeks when we had all that bad weather at the beginning of the year. Everyone fed the chickens to keep them going - his answer prior to this was that the guy was leaving enough food and water for a week so there was no problem. I mentioned the RSPCA but was told he would deal with things which meant everyone else fed them.

I think that I will watch 'Grow your own' again as I loved its take on the allotment community. Sadly our allotments have no community which is a shame. Everyone keeps to themselves and the air is rife with scandal, gossip and loads of men of a certain age escaping their wives. Except mine, he's shackled to the kitchen sink - pumpkin cutter in hand.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Unwashed on October 28, 2010, 21:24:22
When myself and the hubster first took on the original plot I did sign an aggrement but that was it. And that was 10 years ago. Another never appeared after that.
If you signed an Agreement when you first took on the plot then that is still in effect.  Can you find it?  It may well say you can't sell stuff.  If you can't find it you could ask your council for a copy of their copy.

I'm sorry about the stress, I do understand.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: lavenderlux on October 29, 2010, 08:07:25
I am sorry you are feeling stressed over the situation on your allotment site but think you've caused some of these problems yourself.
You say you'd contacted the 'chairman of the local allotment association' ie someone higher up than your site manager and he advised you not to go direct to the council - was this perhaps because the council had already been contacted, but you ignored this?  Council's aren't able to act instantly for repairs and maybe the matter was in hand.
You say you put up posters for your pumpkins but your 'local warden' told you to take them down - did you put them up on the allotment without asking (we have 'wardens' as well as a person in charge of our site) and we wouldn't be very happy if plot holders put up posters on our site without asking as this would indeed be 'fly posting'
The standard regulations on allotments are (I believe) that the produce is for your own use and not for selling  As for you having no site rules, the ones in place when you took over your plot would apply
Being an allotment site manager is not an easy task and it also takes a lot of time and not many people want to take on this task.  As for your site having no ‘community’, for a site to have a community/community activities someone has to arrange this and this also takes up a lot of time – if your site has an agm why don’t you raise the matter then.  If you don’t have an agm then you can contact the chairman of the local association in writing to ask for one.
Contact your local paper to make it known you are selling pumpkins to raise funds for a local charity, however no journalist and paper would publish a story of a dispute which was just one sided, without getting the full facts/views from the other party(s) involved
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: mike77 on October 29, 2010, 10:17:03
"As for your site having no ‘community’, for a site to have a community/community activities someone has to arrange this and this also takes up a lot of time "

I usually find talking to people helps create a community! Wheres the effort in that?
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: :( on October 29, 2010, 10:55:15
I am sorry you are feeling stressed over the situation on your allotment site but think you've caused some of these problems yourself.
You say you'd contacted the 'chairman of the local allotment association' ie someone higher up than your site manager and he advised you not to go direct to the council - was this perhaps because the council had already been contacted, but you ignored this?  Council's aren't able to act instantly for repairs and maybe the matter was in hand.
You say you put up posters for your pumpkins but your 'local warden' told you to take them down - did you put them up on the allotment without asking (we have 'wardens' as well as a person in charge of our site) and we wouldn't be very happy if plot holders put up posters on our site without asking as this would indeed be 'fly posting'
The standard regulations on allotments are (I believe) that the produce is for your own use and not for selling  As for you having no site rules, the ones in place when you took over your plot would apply
Being an allotment site manager is not an easy task and it also takes a lot of time and not many people want to take on this task.  As for your site having no ‘community’, for a site to have a community/community activities someone has to arrange this and this also takes up a lot of time – if your site has an agm why don’t you raise the matter then.  If you don’t have an agm then you can contact the chairman of the local association in writing to ask for one.
Contact your local paper to make it known you are selling pumpkins to raise funds for a local charity, however no journalist and paper would publish a story of a dispute which was just one sided, without getting the full facts/views from the other party(s) involved


I just find it amazing that people here automatically jump into the defence of a complete stranger posting here for the first time. No disrespect to the OP but noone here has the full story. Theres always another side that isnt heard. It happens quite often here when people get into disputes with neighbours, associations, the council, etc they come here, post the tale of woe and its just assumed its all true, the other party is evil and they get all kinds of suggestions from the ridiculous to the downright illegal. I hope nobody here ever does jury service.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: blackkitty2 on October 29, 2010, 12:03:05
Ok now I will try to clarify things. I only asked for help and advice and yes it could well be argued that I caused some problems but I will attempt to clarify.

We didn't put anything on the allotment sign wise. We placed them in our local commuinty and as soon as we were told to take them down we did. I now realise that there is a law in that respect and we should have been more careful. We did what was asked of us and we really did not know we had done anything wrong. I didn't even know what 'fly posting' was until I looked it up on the internet.

Secondly when I told the Chairman that I had contacted the relevant person at the council he stated 'I will contact them'. He went really quiet when I told him I had contacted them. Seems weird to me.

As for the gate repair I waited a whole month with a broken gate allowing access by anyone before I contacted the council after the site supe refused to help. The gate could not be locked and it actually injured us at one point. Did I have a choice? The council fixed it in less than three weeks. If he had indeed contacted them I wouldn't be here moaning. Now I'm having to defend myself here. Sigh.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: blackkitty2 on October 29, 2010, 12:12:54
Just as an addendum I really, really appreciate the work that the supervisor used to do. He was a good guy and so nice to us but something happened in the last year. I guess it got too much for him and he got frustrated and angry. But aren't we all now?

I wish he had come to us and we were able to talk about it and get back on an even keel. He just started shouting at everyone and became mean, controlling and now vindictive. I so wish that he had been reasonable like he used to be but it just vanished.

We used to talk to him and have a good laugh but somewhere he lost his way and started to threaten people with eviction on the slightest whim. It saddens me and I do sympathise, I really do, but he has now pushed his luck and needs to take stock of his actions.
I only wish that he could be even the slightest bit approachable and all this could have been sorted. As it is he contacted the council without even coming and stating the regulations about surplus and listening to us. He went for the jugular which shows his liason capabilities have vanished along with our faith in him.

This has all made me very ill and I hope that those of you who supported me continue. I now know this stuff is rife on allotments.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Borlotti on October 29, 2010, 12:42:19
I go to my allotment for peace and quiet, luckily all the people are very friendly, and no arguments YET.  Our allotment Sec. is a good hardworking bloke and emails us when Council compost or rubbish truck is coming, so feel sorry for you.  The only moans we have is where the compost is left (some people have to walk further), some people take too much and it is delivered in the week, so working people moan, but they are only little moans.  Feel sorry for the allotment Sec. as he organises it, never had it before and people still moan.  Best not to get too upset about the problems on your allotments, perhaps the man is ill, that can make people bad tempered and unreasonable, or perhaps it is time he retired.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: elvis2003 on October 29, 2010, 13:20:15
have you tried talking to him face to face? if he IS having a hard time with something,he could probably do with some support. if you really do appreaciate all his hard work (unpaid) show him how much,just saying.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: cornykev on October 29, 2010, 17:31:02
Best of luck BK, as you said he used to be a nice bloke so maybe something has changed in his life, I hope you get support from the council and your fellow lottie holders and most on here will give you a sympathetic ear, there's always one that will find the negative, well I'm off now before I get accused of being a bully.   ;)      ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Andy H on October 29, 2010, 19:48:46
simply just DON`T let it worry you, go to your plot and relax and enjoy, I say that sat here hardly able to move after over-doing it 2 days in a row!

If you think you can sell pumpkins for a good cause and get away with it then do it and go to the paper with your story as a sneaky advert and enjoy!

The End!
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Duke Ellington on October 29, 2010, 21:16:28

I just find it amazing that people here automatically jump into the defence of a complete stranger posting here for the first time. No disrespect to the OP but noone here has the full story. Theres always another side that isnt heard. It happens quite often here when people get into disputes with neighbours, associations, the council, etc they come here, post the tale of woe and its just assumed its all true, the other party is evil and they get all kinds of suggestions from the ridiculous to the downright illegal. I hope nobody here ever does jury service.

I hope you never become a counsellor!!! ::) I think I would rather shoot myself in my eyeballs than see you for advice. 99.9% of the problems posted here are just one side of the story. We can only work with what we are given. ::)

Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Andy H on October 29, 2010, 21:55:59
come on black kitty keep posting!
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: :( on October 29, 2010, 22:14:05
99.9% of the problems posted here are just one side of the story.


Thats exactly my point so advice eg to name and shame, go to the papers or whatever is stupid because its based on only half the story and following that advice might end up causing bigger problems.

Your eyeballs are safe but if I ever need career advice Ill be sure to go to someone qualified to give it.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Andy H on October 29, 2010, 22:16:37
go to the papers if you think you are right
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Duke Ellington on October 29, 2010, 22:30:01
Perhaps you should have been specific and directed your comments to those that gave the advice you disagreed with.
I think it was you that said "I hope nobody here ever does jury service"
Good advice was given as well as bad.

Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: :( on October 29, 2010, 23:58:42
The context for my comments was

It happens quite often here when people get into disputes with neighbours, associations, the council, etc they come here, post the tale of woe and its just assumed its all true, the other party is evil and they get all kinds of suggestions from the ridiculous to the downright illegal.

which is a general observation that theres a kneejerk reaction here to jump to the defence of the perceived *victim* without any evidence other than some words written on an internet forum that they are in fact a *victim*. Thats all.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Jayb on October 30, 2010, 14:37:43
The context for my comments was

It happens quite often here when people get into disputes with neighbours, associations, the council, etc they come here, post the tale of woe and its just assumed its all true, the other party is evil and they get all kinds of suggestions from the ridiculous to the downright illegal.

which is a general observation that theres a kneejerk reaction here to jump to the defence of the perceived *victim* without any evidence other than some words written on an internet forum that they are in fact a *victim*. Thats all.

I guess there would not be many posts if every time someone started a thread it was generally assumed and they were told their post was not true. I see this as a site that operates largely on mutual trust. We perhaps rarely know the whole story, but I like to think the majority of the posts are valid and genuine and I take them on face value.

In my opinion, one of the super qualities of this forum is how collectively it rallies around and offers support, ideas, information, advice, friendship, encouragement, fun, etc. Though it is useful to have a reminder that not everyone is genuine.

I agree any account can have several faces and I guess human nature lets us add, by making our own assumptions and guesses, as to what else may be. Though sometimes these may be far from the truth. I feel this is one reason that gives rise to the varied answers posted, which can be drawn on or ignored as the reader sees fit.

I hope blackkitty finds enough support and advice on the a4a to help resolve and move a difficult situation forward. Good luck.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: pumkinlover on October 30, 2010, 15:31:34
Well said
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Melbourne12 on October 30, 2010, 16:58:23
I guess there would not be many posts if every time someone started a thread it was generally assumed and they were told their post was not true. I see this as a site that operates largely on mutual trust. We perhaps rarely know the whole story, but I like to think the majority of the posts are valid and genuine and I take them on face value.

In my opinion, one of the super qualities of this forum is how collectively it rallies around and offers support, ideas, information, advice, friendship, encouragement, fun, etc. Though it is useful to have a reminder that not everyone is genuine.

I agree any account can have several faces and I guess human nature lets us add, by making our own assumptions and guesses, as to what else may be. Though sometimes these may be far from the truth. I feel this is one reason that gives rise to the varied answers posted, which can be drawn on or ignored as the reader sees fit.

I hope blackkitty finds enough support and advice on the a4a to help resolve and move a difficult situation forward. Good luck.

Good post, if I may say so.

Personally, I found something didn't quite ring true about the original post and the OP's subsequent posts.  But that's just based on my assumptions and guesses, as you say.  I may be spot on, or a million miles from the truth.

So I too wish blackkitty well, but I shan't be venturing any advice.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: betula on October 30, 2010, 18:32:16
I prefer to work on the premise that all these kinds of posts are true ,someone has come to this forum for support and we should give it. :)

If subsequently it is found to be a load of rubbish so be it.

I would rather have egg on my face than start making wild guesses that could possibly hurt someone very much  :)
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: tonybloke on October 30, 2010, 19:25:05
why was mine and kev's posts deleted from this thread?
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Duke Ellington on October 30, 2010, 19:36:03
type it again quick tony ???
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: betula on October 30, 2010, 19:44:22
And mine  :)
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: blackkitty2 on October 30, 2010, 19:44:53
Update time....... :P

Well I looked at everyones superb advice and support which has made me much happier. I actually slept last night until the dog exploded (not nice) and I spent an hour shoveling up (not the dog har, har just the nasties). At least last night wasn't like thursday when I didn't sleep at all and watched the whole 4 hour Cleopatra with Liz and Richard in.

Back to the update. The local paper took our pics this morning and the guy was astounded by our carving and said it was art. He was very supportive and said that we would be contacted on monday for an interview.

Yesterday another plotholder popped past in his car and we 'talked' about the situation. He told us that he was aware of the situation and that the site supervisor was a good friend but that he has 'issues' that needed sorting out. He also mentioned that the supe had anger problems and that his home life was not good. I proposed to the 'liasion guy' (his description) that he put it to the supe to meet and sort things out. He seemed genuinely shocked that I proposed this and we parted with him saying 'I'll put it to him'. He also stated that he couldn't understand why we had been 'singled out' when 2 others plotholders were openly selling pumpkins down the road.

Sadly the supe is quite frankly beyond help which is a real shame.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Squash64 on October 30, 2010, 19:46:26
why was mine and kev's posts deleted from this thread?

Am I the only one who thinks it's wrong to delete posts from a thread?  Fair enough if they have foul language or are offensive in a personal way, but if someone is just expressing an opinion what's wrong with that?
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: blackkitty2 on October 30, 2010, 20:03:27
Update part 2.

The council contacted me with a very helpful email stating that they take allegations of harrassment seriously and to keep an incident log. Ok been doing that for a while now. This will then be reported to the appropriate team. They were quick to reply which is very good of them.

I hope that it does not get that far as I am praying that maybe things will calm down down. If it does continue then I will not hesitate in my actions. I hate saying such things as I am not malicious normally. As it is I have at least one incident of us being effectively stalked then agressively spoken to with absolute hatred and contempt. Rendered speechless by the ferocity of he words rather than their content. Really hateful and aggressive. They were waiting for us on another plotholders allotment and started the agression even before we could speak. Not nice. I digress.

Oh also I found my tenants agreement which is rather extensive. I did find one thing on it though that was of interest concerning me contacting the council to replace the gate. Anyway it states that the plotholder should make 'every endeavor to ensure that the gate is locked'. The gate was broken so we couldn't lock it so I did 'every endeavor' to get it locked. Covered there I think.

Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Jayb on October 30, 2010, 20:27:55
I prefer to work on the premise that all these kinds of posts are true ,someone has come to this forum for support and we should give it. :)

If subsequently it is found to be a load of rubbish so be it.

I would rather have egg on my face than start making wild guesses that could possibly hurt someone very much  :)

I agree betula,  I assume all posts are genuine, perhaps my post was not clear. I’m afraid I had no practical advice to offer BK, hence my good wishes.

As far as I can see 3 posts have been removed, which I am not keen on.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Unwashed on October 30, 2010, 21:21:37
Oh also I found my tenants agreement which is rather extensive.
What does it say about selling produce?  What does it say about what you can use the plot for.  You need to know whether what you're doing is legitimate or against the rules because if the latter you're best option might be just to ask the council nicely if they have any objection, though it's none of their business if it doesn't break any rule.  Dealing with aggression and bullying is difficult and I share Andy's take on it as it is never acceptable, whether you're breaking a rule or not.  Chin up.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Melbourne12 on October 30, 2010, 23:40:01
why was mine and kev's posts deleted from this thread?

Presumably because someone complained about them.  I can smell a troll under the rickety-rackety bridge ....
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: betula on October 31, 2010, 11:29:14 may be deleted   ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Borlotti on October 31, 2010, 11:46:02
I expect Kev made one of his terrible/funny/lovely/rude jokes.  ;D ;D ;D  Come on we want to hear it.  B..dy .ell, don't people on here get wound up.  Pleased I have got my allotment where it is and the people make it for me, if they weren't nice and friendly I don't think I would want to go there.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: cornykev on October 31, 2010, 12:05:03
I don't know why my posts or others were deleted, I have had no PM so I find this very rude, thats me done, good bye.  >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Trevor_D on October 31, 2010, 12:17:35
Kev, I read your post before it was deleted. It was one of your usual funnies - certainly not cause for it to be deleted. I, for one, am happy to stick up for your right to be funny - or rude - if you want to, because we all know it's not personal or offensive.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Grandma on October 31, 2010, 12:45:05
Please don't go, cornykev. All of - (or at least those of us with a sense of humour!) - enjoy your posts. 
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Borlotti on October 31, 2010, 13:06:20
If Kev goes I won't know what to cook for dinner.  >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: betula on October 31, 2010, 13:17:33
Don't go Kev,certain people would love that,don't give them the satisfaction.

I think Ceres was on line when the posts were deleted ??

Maybe she would like to tell us why a certain member seems to be able to post what they like and others are deleted???
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Squash64 on October 31, 2010, 13:29:01
Kev, you're not serious about going are you?


I'm serious, you mustn't go, it wouldn't be the same without you.


 :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(

Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Lottiman on October 31, 2010, 13:34:34
kev dont shoot through mate your one of the people who make this site !
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: betula on October 31, 2010, 13:35:20
For Kev
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: betula on October 31, 2010, 13:47:01
And another one for you Kev..I ain't in love with you but you get the message   ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: SamLouise on October 31, 2010, 13:52:31
Kev, you numpty, stop being such a drama queen else I'll take away your wand and glitter(

I don't know why the posts were removed, and as I've said in PMs, I can only assume it was to try and halt any retaliatory posts which might have caused unnecessary rows and upset but it seems the actual removal has caused more upset in itself.  Let's please try to put this to bed now as it's never pleasant when members bicker.  Also, let's try to remember the original topic of trying to advise blackkitty on the problem in question.

Btw - welcome to A4A, Blackkitty :)
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Duke Ellington on October 31, 2010, 13:56:15
I really love that Chicago tune it brings back loads of memorys! :D
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Mr Smith on October 31, 2010, 14:00:39
What have I missed? more deleting for something and nothing, Kev pick that dummy up, ;D
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: grannyjanny on October 31, 2010, 14:31:42
I do hope BK isn't put off A4A by the goings on ;).
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: cornykev on October 31, 2010, 18:32:19
I meant good bye to this thread you daft twonks, now you've made me post again you numpty's, still not had a PM for a reasoning behind it, I just wished who ever done it would grow some balls and tell me, nuff said, sorry BK and all the best.   ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Squash64 on October 31, 2010, 19:55:33
I meant good bye to this thread you daft twonks, now you've made me post again you numpty's, still not had a PM for a reasoning behind it, I just wished who ever done it would grow some balls and tell me, nuff said, sorry BK and all the best.   ??? ??? ???

 ;D  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: grannyjanny on October 31, 2010, 20:01:13
Thanks Kev. We can all breath a sigh of great relief ;) ;D.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on November 03, 2010, 17:51:54
What exactly do the allotment rules say about selling produce? We're not supposed to do it individually, but there's no rule against the Association selling it, and it does. I'd be very surprised if you couldn't give it to to a friend or partner, who could then sell it.
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Nigel B on November 03, 2010, 18:25:49
I read somewhere about the government, or maybe the last one, intending to start to encourage the selling of surplus produce from allotments.... All to do with food miles and local communities getting local produce and shizzle............
Such a shame I have the memory of a goldfish....

Don't suppose this rings a bell with anyone else, does it?  :-\
Title: Re: Allotment supervisor has vendetta against plot holder
Post by: Nigel B on November 03, 2010, 18:35:36

Hang on............

I remembered something!  :o ;D

Right. It was from amongst some Written Ministerial Statements I was browsing when trying to get our own allotments up and running... (And yes, I do feel like a complete anorak.)....
.Anyways, the paper is HERE (Clickerty-click)... (
... And the paragraph that stuck in my mind is as follows.......

Brighton and Hove city council put forward a proposal requesting a freedom that would allow surplus produce from allotments to be sold to local markets and shops. In response the Government have been able to clarify that there are no legal restrictions on allotment holders selling genuinely surplus produce. This clarification was made on 3 March within a package of measures that set out the Government's support for gardeners and growing food in the community. This package also provided clarification to the London borough of Waltham Forest, Birmingham and Sheffield city councils, who have also put forward proposals about allotments under the Act, highlighting existing powers around allotments and the opportunity offered by new "meanwhile" lease arrangements that will make it easier for people to take control of abandoned land while it is waiting to be used.

Hope it helps to clarify somewhat...........
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