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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: KevB on October 24, 2010, 13:52:50

Title: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: KevB on October 24, 2010, 13:52:50
If you could only plant say 6 -10 herbs what would they be ? and if you have the time WHY?

Thanks for the input.

Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: Duke Ellington on October 24, 2010, 14:12:16
(flat leaf because I prefer it to the curly type) and I find it freezes well. I use it in so many recipes. You can also overwinter your plants with a little protection.

Its a shrub that lasts for years and is very resilient. Again I use for many rosemary flat bread, roasties, roast lamb.

I alway grow this one during the summer. I start it off in the greenhouse. I use it in my curries and spicy foods. I freeze it but I think freezing it loses some of its flavour.

Love it in salads. I grow garlic chives too. It seeds all over my herb bed though!

I love this one with fish and is easy to sow directly in the ground.

My all time favourite is my Bay Tree
I would be lost without bay leaves . I use them in stews curries etc.

Got to stop typing now because  this post is starting to jump all over the place when a posting gets too long!!!!!

Duke :)
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: Trevor_D on October 24, 2010, 15:03:46
The annuals I always grow are: parsley (curled & flat) and basil.

And perennials: rosemary, thyme, oregano, marjoram, welsh onions, chives & bay.

I've never had any success with coriander - it always runs to seed.

The WHY bit for all the others - they're easy and I use lots of them!
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: Jill on October 24, 2010, 15:21:13
Rosemary, sage, tarragon, chives, thyme, flat leaf parsley and basil.  Use all of them regularly in cooking.
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: Borlotti on October 24, 2010, 16:07:56
MINT in new potatoes.  Can't have enough mint.
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: manicscousers on October 24, 2010, 16:11:40
mint, basil, rosemary, sage, thyme and parsley  :)
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: Trevor_D on October 24, 2010, 16:27:54
Oops - I forgot mint!! One of the most important, not just with new potatoes, but salads, and brilliant in pasta. It even goes with strawberries.
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: chriscross1966 on October 25, 2010, 00:12:43
Oregano, parsley, basil, mint, thyme, chives.

They're the ones I use lots of I guess... especially oregano and basil

Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: Vinlander on October 25, 2010, 00:40:28
The ones that are easy but not readily available fresh in the shops - especially the ones that are least good dried...

In first place: Lovage - great in stews or salads - love that curried celery taste.

Second: Basil - available (a bit limp) but very expensive in the quantities I use.

Third: Vietnamese Coriander - grows like a weed and pickable 8 or 10 months of the year - so handy when you run out of real coriander or can't be bothered hiking to the shops.

Honourable Mention: Dill is worth the effort unless you can get it readily in the shops (ethnic ones or you live near the big West End food halls).


Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: jennym on October 25, 2010, 02:27:47
Wouldn't be without rosemary, thyme, sage, mint (all perennial) and then basil and parsley.
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: antipodes on October 25, 2010, 12:26:03
Thyme, my fave, then mint, parsley, tarragon (the russian variety is mild but self seeds, bargain!!) rosemary and coriander which again self seeds. I tried in vain to do basil and now only do a pot on the windowsill. Sometimes i find it a bit too strong anyway.
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: PurpleHeather on October 25, 2010, 12:46:44
I love my fresh herbs, they taste so much better than dried ones> Grown in tubs I can prolong the growing season in the green house with some.

Parsley, Mint, Chives, Thyme, Sage and Oregano.

Having a bay bush by the back door I get the fresh leaves as required. I probably put more in the recyle bin than I use since it grows fast. I just wish basil was easier to grow.

There are so many varieties of individual herbs. Mint for example, some smell right but don't work as well when used for cooking.

I like rosemary and lavender too.
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: Sparkly on October 25, 2010, 13:12:56
I have a big herb bed at the plot, but admit I use it more for the insect-attracting flowers than the leaves! I do use quite a bit of parsley in many dishes; also bayleaves in stock. Rosemary and thyme are nice with roasted veg. I also like mint. I would say I use a very small proportion of what grows as they can provide alot of leaves! I would like to grow decent corriandor as we use more of that, but it never seems to work for me!
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: asj on October 25, 2010, 15:20:25
Bay, rosemary and thyme, sage, parsley, chives.  Indispensable - mint, preferably Moroccan mint which I find is the very best.  Not always easy to find, but well worth the search!
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: Sally A on October 25, 2010, 16:28:17
I love growing them, but haven't used half of them  :-[  The ones I use most in order of use is:-

1) Basil
2) Mint
3) Parsley
4) Oregano
5) Chives

I also grow, Lemon Balm, Sage, Rosemary, French Tarragon, Thyme, Borage, Lavender - but tend to use these more as decorative, and when I walk by, I'll have a feel and a sniff.

I did see black pepper seeds for sale, but didn't succumb - anyone tried them?
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: artichoke on October 25, 2010, 18:20:45
Sow coriander in late summer. It is surprisingly hardy over the winter, and doesn't flower then. And the ones that flowered earlier in the year keep coming up and are very useful. I move them from their self sown sites into a group, or row, for the winter.
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: cleo on October 25, 2010, 18:54:10
Has anyone mentioned  summer savory(the bean herb)?-no wonder it never sells.
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: Digeroo on October 25, 2010, 19:03:46
I think I have about that number.  So its parsley, rosemary, thyme, bay, sage. I also have mint and chives but could manage without.  And I grow celery as a herb.
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: kypfer on October 26, 2010, 09:36:21
I enjoy minty toothpaste and chewing gum, but not in my vegetables  :o

One perennial I don't see in the list is fennel, not the "Florence" (bulbing) type, but the tall feathery-leaved roadside "weed". Having aquired a taste for it with fish, I'll often incorporate it in all sorts of stuff, from chicken to salsa ... works for me  ;)
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: Jeannine on October 26, 2010, 19:38:09
Mint for spuds.. sage for homemade sausages..ditto marjoram, oregano for spaghetti sauce, rosemary for lamb, dill for pickles and lavender for the smell!!

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: pigeonseed on October 26, 2010, 22:26:13
I love coriander, it goes to seed more slowly if you underplant it with tomatoes or beans, in my experience. If you add coriander leaves at the end of any dish, for me, it makes that dish much more special and luxurious.

I like flat-leaved parsley because it's so large and produces so much, you can use as much as you like in anything. It's nice as a salad leaf.

And I like sorrel. In salads, wilted and served as a veg with fish... or makes a super-sour sauce. Lots of vitamin C. (on the downside, you can almost feel it stripping your tooth enamel as you eat)
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: ARV on October 26, 2010, 23:09:23
Pretty much the same as everyone else.
Rosemary - with roast tatties, lamb and also in a tomato sauce with chicken
Sage - with Pork, in Stews etc. Also used it in a herbal tea.
Thyme - Stews, a few leaves on salads.
Bay Leaves - In Stews and Curries. Also in with pickled Garlic
Marjoram - again in stews and casseroles. in almost any tomato/italian dish. I've also used leaves in sandwiches to add a little more flavour.
Tarragon - with chicken or fish
fennel - with fish
Mint - with boiled spuds and Peas. Also in Mojitos and Pimms
Lemon balm - only really used it in Pimms, but any suggestions welcome
Chives - in homemade dips and potato salad

I've tried growing Coriander, but it goes to seed, which isn't all bad as i saved the seeds and now use them in curries!! Next year i'll try growing it under the toms.
The Basil i've tried growing outdoors doesn't do too well either. i normally end up buying a pot from the supermarket (when reduced in price) and planting that out. keeps going a bit longer than if i just leave it in the pot indoors.

Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: artichoke on October 27, 2010, 09:41:20
Ah yes, sorrel - grew it for the first time this year, and have just noticed it is perennial - is that right? It flowered, and I thought it would behave like spinach beet and die off, but it has since sent up masses of fresh green leaves. I am now expecting it to behave like docks, and live for ever.

I like it folded into an omelette at the last moment, barely wilted. It is a shame it goes such a gloomy khaki colour when cooked, but the omelette and lots of fresh parsley (I agree with you about flat-leaved parsley, of which I have mountains) disguise this.
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: pigeonseed on October 30, 2010, 12:51:13
Yes sorrel is perennial and keeps getting bigger. You can divide the root to propagate I think. That's how I got mine from my mum.

It does die down when the weather gets very cold, and then grows back in spring.

All my coriander has gone to seed now as well - it looks very pretty at the moment, foamy white flowers, bobbing about in the breeze. But no good for leaves any more  :(
Title: Re: Whats the most useful Herbs in the UK
Post by: artichoke on October 30, 2010, 20:19:12
Interested in your sorrel the moment, my coriander is fresh and green, as I hoped. I expect it will die down when we get regular frosts.
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