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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: jud1255 on August 11, 2010, 19:54:43

Title: which new potatoes to plant now
Post by: jud1255 on August 11, 2010, 19:54:43
as above , which new spuds can i plant now , i mean new spuds not old one's   cos ive read somewhere that we can plant new spuds in august .
One nursery told me, there all new ones if they just come out of ground.
please tell me i can plant / sow now. Hope im correct if not when's the earliest for planting new ones  . also can you give some names and where to get them .
Many thanks from a newby to gardening, its my 1st season.
 The wife got some earlier this year from poundland  and they were gorgous , we just finnished them . and looking forward to the next crop.
again thanks for looking
ps when will they be ready
Title: Re: which new potatoes to plant now
Post by: Jeannine on August 12, 2010, 00:53:41
 You can't plant in the same way as your earler ones.

See the thread on growing Christmas potstaoes, there are some good tips there.

XX Jeannine

Title: Re: which new potatoes to plant now
Post by: jud1255 on August 12, 2010, 11:42:06
You can't plant in the same way as your earler ones.

See the thread on growing Christmas potstaoes, there are some good tips there.

XX Jeannine

ok cheers jeannine, yes ive learnt they got to be protected from frost so reckon they'll be in greehouse when my toms av done.
all i need now, is some names /variations of NEW potatoes as this subject  is a little confusing to me.
Reading the forum  early's, lates, 2nd's,  christmas etc . These dont say / explain whether old or new .
Which ?,When ?, where ? , where from and how , i now know HOW and WHERE, all i need is the rest.
Which (names) and where from
again thanks , "jud"
Title: Re: which new potatoes to plant now
Post by: Kepouros on August 12, 2010, 17:46:19
You could us your own early potatoes from this year`s harvest, but this is not the best idea  because they prefer to have a rest before they are started into growth again.

The seed supplied professionally for Christmas harvest comprises tubers from last year`s harvest which have been kept in cold store for late sowing, and they are taken out in time to allow the tubers to `wake up`for autumn sowing. The most suitable varieties to use are mainly second earlies. Four varieties which spring to mind are Charlotte, Juliette, Maris Peer and Duke of York, although many others are equally popular
Title: Re: which new potatoes to plant now
Post by: Jeannine on August 13, 2010, 07:42:31
Charlotte is my fabourite.

The grden centre were right, new postatoes are those that have just been dug,

Usually potatoes are all planted about the same time, the first ones to be ready are called earkies, then  come the second earlies, then the midseason/maincrops and late season maincrops/ The latter two lots are pulled out late in the season about now actually and thet are the ones that store over the winter, the early ones don't store as well.

Let us know what you have access to and we can tell you', you need earlies ars second earlies for planting now ideally.

This laet I don't think you will find any so use some of your own that you have lifted OR pick up a few new pots from the grocery store if you are going to do them in the greenhouse.
XX Jeannine

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: which new potatoes to plant now
Post by: jud1255 on August 13, 2010, 09:59:08
jeannie, i disagree with your remark as follows : "The garden centre were right, new potatoes are those that have just been dug". in theory yes but no not all potatoes are new just because theyve been dug up. eg red are reds old potatoes  new are new eg boiled tattys and butter  and salad tattys etc . But thanks for your comments , i also know now that i  just cannot re-plant the ones ive dug up without first saving for  a few weeks 4 them to rest.  "Plus ive eaten them all cos they were gorgous !."
regards  Kepouros,
thanks i am investigating the  4 brands , Charlotte, Juliette, Maris Peer and Duke of York, ive been to the nurserys and wat they got look like old ones  eg for chips n mashed spuds , they said they got more coming in next few wks .
i know its my 1st yr in the garden but i know the difference between new spuds wi parsley sauce and old spuds for chips  , its the new im after. hopefully this makes sense to you all . Oh i just remembered jersey's are new ones as well .
again thanks,  i dont wish to offend but i am thick when it comes to gardening, ha ha.
 just that i can see a lot of confusion regards this topic (new and old).
have a good weekend all
PS  The wife just got some new tattys for sunday dinner  and they are M PEER so i can confirm Maris Peer is definatley new spuds . Thanks again
Title: Re: which new potatoes to plant now
Post by: chriscross1966 on August 13, 2010, 14:18:06
No you aren't thick, you're confusing "New potatoes" as a description culinarily and horticulturally. New potatoes can be any variety dug a bit young and used straight away. However if you want something that will taste really good done this way then you want specific varieties, and which one will depend on your soil.

Jersey Royals are a variety called International Kidney grown in specific parts of jersey with a lot of seaweed used as compost.

Any seed potato at this time of year will look pretty old.... in general seed potatoes don't give much idea about what they'll turn into except for colour and in the case of some very primitive varieties, general shape....

If you can find a place that sells them loose get 2 or three of each first early they can sell you and plant them in 10" pots using a soil/compost recipe you won't have problems releating and see what works well for you this year... then do more of that and any new ones next.... repeat....

Title: Re: which new potatoes to plant now
Post by: jud1255 on August 13, 2010, 15:49:45
cheers i just been and bought  1kg of charlotte and 1kg pentaland javelin @£2-25 / kilo, so fingers crossed now.
I did want maris peer but they aint got none.
Also maybe some use to other members i just come across this 25kg for a tenner.
now that looks cheap to me ! not sure how much shipping is as yet
Title: Re: which new potatoes to plant now
Post by: jud1255 on August 13, 2010, 18:57:59
cheers i just been and bought  1kg of charlotte and 1kg pentaland javelin @£2-25 / kilo, so fingers crossed now.
I did want maris peer but they aint got none.
Also maybe some use to other members i just come across this 25kg for a tenner.
now that looks cheap to me ! not sure how much shipping is as yet
careful !, they are £19-50 +£6-50 shipping , still cheap though just over a quid a kilo
Title: Re: which new potatoes to plant now
Post by: chriscross1966 on August 14, 2010, 00:52:45
2 kilos??? I've just sorted my late plantings out and from memory I did 4 pentland javelins, and two each Red Duke of York, Sharpes Express and something else that slips my mind right now.... anyway, a total of ten spuds, not kilos..... YOu must have an enormous number of pots available..... and a massive greenhouse.....

Title: Re: which new potatoes to plant now
Post by: Jeannine on August 15, 2010, 01:57:35
I didn't understand what you meant in your description of news , soryy but you lost me. Unless you mean new to mean earlies.

Good luck with your planting . I do agree with Chris though you must have tons of room for potatoes in August.

 I usually do  one or two to a five gallon bucket.

 I often do plant them almost straight from the ground,  they usually get a week or two as I am busy doing other things and that is one that can wait a while.I have done  it for years. This year I planted two lots of Charlottes, some  were chitted and soft as they had been sent from overseas as a surprise and took a while to get to me and  I was a bit concerned that they may have been too soft. As we were doing a post on this I went ahead and  did my usual anyway, they were planted two days after I dug them up which made it for the planting time we had agreed, the older ones are about 2 inches taller than the others at the moment.

It will be interesting to see what happens.

Good Luck, I always find it a fascinating project.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: which new potatoes to plant now
Post by: jud1255 on August 15, 2010, 10:01:44
Thanks all yes im sorted now , im gonna put some in tubs the rest im risking in the garden  while ill do my best to protect them.

Thanks again
to all concerned av a good wkend
Title: Re: which new potatoes to plant now
Post by: chriscross1966 on August 15, 2010, 22:15:05
All of mine were regular GH bought seed from when they had them on sale/free back in June... picked up a few packs and put them in the cupboard under the stairs on the windowsill (faces north and isn'/t very big)..... they were in a bit of astate when I planted them out but I've seen plenty worse and they all grew happily.... the Javelins are nearly a foot tall now and the big pots are almost full......

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