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Allotment Stuff => Allotment Movement => Topic started by: Squash64 on June 21, 2010, 13:54:23

Title: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: Squash64 on June 21, 2010, 13:54:23
I just wondered what is the general feeling about alcohol on allotments.

The reason I ask is because as I was driving off the site I noticed two men who have adjoining plots quickly put something into a car.  I had to go over to speak to one of them about the condition of his plot and saw that what they had put in the car was two empty litre bottles of Stella.  It was obvious that they hadn't wanted me to see them drinking.  One of the men is young, early twenties and has already boasted about how he goes binge drinking with his mates.

Am I being an old fuddy-duddy in thinking that drinking litres of lager is not what they should be doing on their plots, especially as both plots look neglected?

I told the younger one that drinking alcohol in the heat in the middle of the day on the site was not good and he tried to say that he'd been drinking water until I pointed out the bottles in the car.

What do you think, am I being concerned over nothing?
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: elvis2003 on June 21, 2010, 14:01:53
I think you could be over reacting a little bit,its their business what they do on their plot,unless they are breaking rules etc etc. We have twice enjoyed a bottle of wine at our plot,at the end of a busy lottie day,later on when most people had gone home,and it was very nice indeed,and very well deserved
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: OllieC on June 21, 2010, 14:12:39
I'd be more concerned about them drink driving. 2 pints of nelson would see most people over or near the limit. If they'd had a couple the night before as well then it's very likely...
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: goodlife on June 21, 2010, 14:16:38
Personally I don't have anything against a state of the allotments are totally separate issue and can be dealt with within rules..but as for drinking..well if it is not banned by rules there is nothing stopping it unless that persons behaviour is becoming problem...but then is the behaviour that is the issue..not the cause..
We have few people having a drink or two, after hard day at digging, around barbecue quite regularly....and never any complains have been made about it..
Squash..I know you mean well..and it is stupid for them to drink in middle of the day..but that's young stupid men...and maybe one day they learn their lesson by doing so..maybe not ::)...but it is much better to ignore..let them cannot change them..but if the allotments become a issue...that's committees job.. ;)..and eviction because they are not doing their land will sort the drinking bit too...
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: Fork on June 21, 2010, 15:27:50
I occasionally have a beer on a sunny Saturday or Sunday afternoon after a few hours graft in the garden.....only ever one though because of the drive back home.

This is a not an every weekend thing,just now and again and its only happend twice this year so far.

We have had a chap removed form the site though for regular drinking and bringing his mates along for the ride too.
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: macmac on June 21, 2010, 15:32:47
I think I'd be more concerned that one of them was driving !after consuming alcohol.
My OH just helped tidy up a vacated plot so it can be relet and guess what they found in the shed ?Loads of empty beer cans .That's probably why the plot was in such a mess  :(
I think one glass of anything alcoholic (whatever your tipple)is most pleasing after working your plot but you always get folk who overdo it
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: BarriedaleNick on June 21, 2010, 15:51:55
There are a few on my site who enjoy a can or two while watering their plots or even a bottle of wine with a barbeque in the evening.

Nothing wrong with it IMHO as long as their behaviour remains unaffected and they aren't rude to anyone.

I also don't think it's an issue for people to drink in the middle of the day, if that is their choice - whether they be stupid or not, regardless of their sex..
A cold beer in the heat of the afternoon is one of life's wonderful things!
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: lottiedolly on June 21, 2010, 16:23:07
Firstly, i have to say i am one of the lucky ones and my allotment is a 2 minute walk from my house.

I often take over a couple of bottles of lager or cans of cider, as hubbie and i after a hard couple of hours grafting like to sit , discuss and look at the work we have done, have a rest and drink the lager or cider, before staggering up onto our tired legs for the walk home.

I cannot condone drink driving and if you are drinking 1lt bottles of alcohol then you are over the limit and should not be driving.

If you are not driving then what is the harm
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: Squash64 on June 21, 2010, 18:43:24
Looks like I am a fuddy-duddy then!

Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: shirlton on June 21, 2010, 19:29:46
Join the bloomin club Betty ;D
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: macmac on June 21, 2010, 19:48:54
Join the bloomin club Betty ;D
Can anyone join ? :)
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: Jeannine on June 21, 2010, 22:18:33
The lottie that we had in the UK sold it in the lottie shop and the folks sat in the shop or community hall drinking it,probably against the law to sell it but they did it quite openly.

Here it is illegal to drink in any public place so no picnics with drink etc and at the weekends  cops are at entrances to the big parks and public lakes areas checking trunks for alcohol, if you have it and it is sealed you have to turn it in or turn around, if an open bottle you would be charged. It sound tough but kids are driving at 16 here and it does stop partying on the lake beaches. I will quickly add that that isn't always the kids.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: Sparkly on June 21, 2010, 22:45:27
I do not think it isn't anyone's business if someone has a drink on their plot unless their behaviour is inappropriate or they are causing a nuisance. Commenting on what people are doing on their plots is likely to get you a reputation as being nosey and won't do you any favours when you want people to take your side on committee issues. Sorry, but true! I know you mean well, but it won't help your cause.

I don't drink on my plot and haven't noticed any other allotmenteers on our site drinking either.

If you think they are drink driving that is a separate issue.
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: lewic on June 21, 2010, 22:54:18
I sometimes drink on the allotment, as a treat after working, especially in digging season! And its great to have friends round under the pergola for a few bevvies in the sun. It usually stops me doing any work, but its been too hot for that recently anyhow, so thats my excuse!

BTW I am glad I dont live in Canada - arent beaches made for partying? I suspect the youth are experts at hiding booze and finding other things to get high on  ;)
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: Digeroo on June 21, 2010, 22:56:29
I don't drink myself but can not see any harm in someone having a drink on their alloment.  People often have a can of something and I presume that it might be beer.  As long as they are not driving or leaving the cans or ring pulls lying around the place or getting disorderly I do not see anything wrong.  But things are very quiet around here and there is very little problem.

Lots of youngster come to have improptu parties along the river Thames.  I also have no problem with that as long as they take away the empties and litter and do not chase the wildlife.  I get a bit annoyed finding that they have burned the grass with one of those instant BBQs.  They need to sell them with heat proof bottoms or little legs.  Mind you the swans are pretty ferocious and do not take kindly to being messed with.   It does get a bit of a problem when they start jumping off the bridges into the water.  It is not always possible to be sure what it underneath.  Luckily the last bus is just after 6pm.   There are some areas in the centres of towns which are alcohol free zones but anywhere else is not a problem.  
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: Jeannine on June 21, 2010, 23:13:43
The reason is that they are family areas, with hundreds of people on sometimes  so boozy partying and  small children don't mix well.Plus  water and boats etc are better without.

I don't want to appear judgemental but it is refreshing to be in a situation were people are having fun without some of the behavior that  can come with excessive drinking, and most of us have seen it,  it makes for less problems getting home.

In this case I prefer it this way, sad perhaps that the one bottle of wine with a picnic is taboo but I do understand the need

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: Digeroo on June 21, 2010, 23:25:36
Judging by the state of the litter bins there are large numbers of alcohol drinkers and families picnicing around here.  Most of the time it is not a problem.  Let's hope it stays that way. 
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: betula on June 21, 2010, 23:30:17
Drinking on the allotment is not a problem.

Drunks being unpleasant are..............have to say I have never seen anyone drunk on allotments though.
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: Squash64 on June 22, 2010, 05:15:41
Thanks for all the replies - it seems that I am very much in the minority about drinking at the allotments. 

I can understand how pleasant it must be to enjoy a drink at the end of the time spent working on the plot.  What concerned me yesterday was the fact that both these men have plots which are quite seriously neglected and instead of doing some work on them they were drinking lager.  Not just a can, but a whole litre bottle. One of them was then going to drive home, the other lives within walking distance.

I suppose I'll have to close my eyes to it......

Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: shirlton on June 22, 2010, 07:00:20
I would have problem with anyone getting drunk on the allotment. If they were driving then this would be an added concern. I think that there is a difference between having a beer whilst you are working or after having a good dig and coming to the allotment just to drink. have you thought Betty that they might not be allowed to drink at home. ;D
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: Squash64 on June 22, 2010, 07:24:40
have you thought Betty that they might not be allowed to drink at home. ;D

I don't think that's the case Shirl.  The car driver lives on his own, the young man (24) lives with his parents.  He has told us about how he and his dad get drunk and that he binge-drinks with his mates.  I'm worried that they will start drinking on the site and that it will get out of hand.
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: Trevor_D on June 22, 2010, 07:46:57
We have two items in our Terms & Conditions: no-one is allowed to be on site while under the influence of alcohol or drugs; all members are responsible for the behaviour of guests. They seem to cover any problems, though I've never been aware of any.

Uncultivated plots are another issue: that's what plot inspections are for.
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: grawrc on June 22, 2010, 07:48:37
I think you just have to let them get on with it even if you don't like it. If, on the other hand they become drunk and abusive or aggressive, time to have them warned and, ultimately removed. Same applies if their plots are neglected.

We have quite a lot of social drinking going on but it never seems to get out of hand. I quite often provide the wherewithal - plum, rhubarb, blackcurrant or elderflower wines - but don't participate myself since I have to drive home.
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: guerriero75 on June 22, 2010, 08:28:16
You cant beat a nice cold beer at the lotty, then again it all depends if you have to drive or not, luckily I live 5 min walking distance from my house and several times from 1 beer as become errrmmm lets skip 2-3 and go for 4 but  was joined from many others lotty buddies.
Now where it gets interesting its we have now started to brew our own beer at the lotty :P and it as happened before that after a spot of barbeque and several refreshing beverages ie ale ....our other halves had to come and wakes us up under the plum trees...ohhh dear.

I think the point of alcohol and lotty its  that people dont have to get abusive and most important not driving home...well the rest its ok I guess.
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: lewic on June 22, 2010, 08:37:04
1 litre is less than 2 pints, so if it was drunk over a couple of hours a young healthy bloke would probably be well within the drink-drive limit.

They may have been sitting there trying to find inspiration for what to do with their plot (I do a lot of that). Maybe you could go and chat to them and offer some seedlings/tool loan/expertise? Sounds like they are harmless, just young and inexperienced!
Title: Re: Alcohol on allotments?
Post by: jokey on June 22, 2010, 11:38:30
as long as they are not harming anyone else, live and let live

lifes too short ;)
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