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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: xena on May 31, 2010, 12:25:01

Title: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: xena on May 31, 2010, 12:25:01
We went to a well known DIY store and i was having a browse around their gardening section and they were selling Radish plants ::) i kid you not :o now is it just me or is that strange? I was under the impression that they dont transplant and you sow from seed its not like they are difficult to grow...
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: redcoat on May 31, 2010, 14:08:22
Yup, I saw them at a local garden centre.  A strip of approx 20 seedlings for £3.49!!  Too close to grow to maturity and as you say, rubbish results if you try to transplant.

It seems no coincidence that they have dug up some land to 'grow your own- from £5 per week' to locals who have got the gardening bug.
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: queenbee on May 31, 2010, 21:36:36
Hi Xena,

I can believe what you saw today, I was today looking round a rather expensive Garden Centre and guess what, apart from raddish I also saw carrots and beetroot in modules, I spotted a lady picking up the carrots and was about to tell her the truth but my husband stopped me. It is a con and is targeting people who really have no knowledge of veg growing. The one consolation is that these people will not buy them again next year.

Regards Queenbee,
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: Vinlander on May 31, 2010, 23:39:08
I saw potato plants for sale in 4L pots!

I'm so cynical these days I didn't even look at the price but the going rate for a 4L plant in that place doesn't bear thinking about.
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: jjt on June 01, 2010, 00:29:33
Maybe someone else wrote about this already but about a month ago I saw a DIY chain selling tomato plants with fully formed ripening tomatoes on them. Sweet peppers too. I also didn't register the price, I was too shocked. For me it's just confirmation that the world, this bit of it anyway, has gone completely insane. No further grasp on reality. I swear I give up.
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: euronerd on June 01, 2010, 03:10:03
Once again, corporate greed.
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: PurpleHeather on June 01, 2010, 07:00:33
Is it any different to people renting an allotment for a year, hiring a rotovator to turn it over then planting nothing?

We have had them, the trouble is they are taking up space wanted by those who are keen gardeners.
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: redcoat on June 01, 2010, 08:01:36
Is it any different to people renting an allotment for a year, hiring a rotovator to turn it over then planting nothing?

We have had them, the trouble is they are taking up space wanted by those who are keen gardeners.

There is an unintended upside to this though.  The waiting lists for allotments are very long because they include a large percentage of grow your own fashionistas who give up quickly.  The serious gardeners get to the top of the list more quickly and with any luck will follow someone who has spent a fortune clearing the ground, putting in a shed, raised beds and the like.  Also, because the lists are long, more pressure can be put on councils to provide more land for allotments.

One of my bugbears is that some people have 3, 4 or more plots because they took them on when allotments were not popular.  Nothing can be done about it though, but wait   ::) ::)
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on June 01, 2010, 11:04:23
It's a combination of corporate greed and people who know nothing about gardening, want to be part of the fashion for allotments, and want to buy one rather than growing one. People go to these expensive garden centres and buy all the big plants for a garden, it's being extended to veg now. It's like watching these telly chef programs, then going to the supermarket and buying the meal rather than cooking it. They'll soon learn though, you don't keep an allotment going without a serious time commitment!
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: froglets on June 01, 2010, 11:09:26
"I saw potato plants for sale in 4L pots!"

No doubt planted on from the chitted potatos in a sprinkling of compost in module trays I saw earlier in the season.
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: Borlotti on June 01, 2010, 11:42:34
I had a look in Morrisons and about 3 struggly sweet pea plants for 75p, strawberry plants £1 and tomato plants either 75p or £1, also some dead looking lettuce modules.  I was adding up in my head the money I save, fresh mint is expensive in the supermarket.  Courgettes were two for £1.50 but mine haven't even got started yet, but will wait.  Resisted the strawberries as will wait until mine are ready, if the birds don't get them first.  Bettter net them soon.  Punnets of blackberries are expensive even when in season, just adding up all the money I have saved.  ;D ;D ;D ;D  I don't mind buying veg plants from nursery if my seeds have failed or plants have been eaten and I need replacements but do try and grow from seed.  Can't wait to have a vase of sweet peas every day, think of the money I save on growing my own flowers.
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: Jokerman on June 01, 2010, 11:49:41
Hi Xena,

I can believe what you saw today, I was today looking round a rather expensive Garden Centre and guess what, apart from raddish I also saw carrots and beetroot in modules, I spotted a lady picking up the carrots and was about to tell her the truth but my husband stopped me. It is a con and is targeting people who really have no knowledge of veg growing. The one consolation is that these people will not buy them again next year.

Regards Queenbee,

I always grow my beetroot from modules,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: campanula on June 01, 2010, 21:03:19
I finally sent my Garden Organic membership back this month after being a member for over 11 years. Firstly, the mag started arriving in polythene bags - not biodegradeable either. Then, the content got less and less with MANY more ads. This month, they are advertising garden vegetable plugs including rocket! Already disgusted beyond belief, I also read that they are now allied with a bloody garden Centre. Myles Bremner  CEO, - were you a banker? What a massive sell out .
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: Borlotti on June 01, 2010, 21:06:04
I saw two small sprigs of Rosemary in a plastic bag, imported, for 75p.  My lovely old Rosemary bush at the allotment must be worth hundreds of pounds.  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: Twoflower on June 01, 2010, 21:15:48
Is it any different to people renting an allotment for a year, hiring a rotovator to turn it over then planting nothing?

We have had them, the trouble is they are taking up space wanted by those who are keen gardeners.

YES they have the next door allotment to me!!!!!! i went down on friday morning and sweated glowed for three hours and then they came down and ate fish and chips in the shed. What really got me though was the chip paper on my plot on saturday morning >:(
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: artichoke on June 02, 2010, 11:54:01
I have just come back from a week in Holland, and was stunned to find in a small local supermarket HUGE plants of tomato, courgettes, aubergines and more, all with ripe fruit on them. Went to a garden centre to buy leek seedlings (yes, I grow them from seed, but it is a fad of mine to buy seeds and plants to take home) and saw exactly the same, it seems to be an established trend. Also huge pointless floppy lettuce plants crammed in a small box

Leeks were good strong seedlings, though, and join my patch of German ones from a month ago, and French ones (on last legs, planted last summer).
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: antipodes on June 02, 2010, 13:29:43
Until I got the hang of it, I admit that I bought many plug plants, then I realised how easy it was to grow from seed. HOWEVER there are quite a few people on my allotments that have fabulous plots and I have realised that many of their crops are bought as plants from the local nursery!!! Perhaps if they only want 6 or a dozen of something, it is easier... It must get expensive though! This year I have done everything from seed, (well not spuds or onions) and I have had much better success than in the past, even have lettuce going at the mo which has always been a flop for me.
Some people just have more money than sense, or perhaps more than a strong will?
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on June 02, 2010, 19:00:36
I finally sent my Garden Organic membership back this month after being a member for over 11 years. Firstly, the mag started arriving in polythene bags - not biodegradeable either. Then, the content got less and less with MANY more ads. This month, they are advertising garden vegetable plugs including rocket! Already disgusted beyond belief, I also read that they are now allied with a bloody garden Centre. Myles Bremner  CEO, - were you a banker? What a massive sell out .

I feel the same way. I'm in the HSL, but no way am I paying the extra for what GO has degenerated into.
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: katynewbie on June 02, 2010, 20:26:27

I know what you all mean, I think I am a beneficiary of the fashionistas, got my new plot in December and at that time think I was 20th on the list. People must have looked outside at the snow and thought the better of it! I have cheated twice this year cos I was so busy digging I forgot to sow brassicas and now have some lovely plants growing which I bought at our own site plant sale. I feel like I have given a bit back to the site!

Radishes as plug plants? Have a word with yourself!!!

Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: landimad on June 02, 2010, 20:53:16
I'D sell the shine off my boots if I new it would sell ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: Jeannine on June 02, 2010, 20:56:24
Just the same here, saw someone planting out  2 foot tall pepper and tomato  plants  two or three weeks ago,  both with flowers dripping from them, lasted a few days then wrinkled up in the cool night air. Same person did have a go with seeds though and they have come up beautifully. I haven't got the heart to tell them you can.t grow brassicas one inch apart in 4 inch rows though.

Saw someone else plant a 4 foot area with about 10 pumpkin plants  all with flowers on, told me it was not worth growing them from seed as the packet was as much as a plant... zipped my mouth!!

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: cideristhefuture on June 02, 2010, 22:01:42
what about 8 radish for £2.49 :o
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: Suzanne on June 02, 2010, 22:40:14
Only small disadvantages when growing from seed.

1. The addiction that goes with buying seed in the first place - can't be doing with just the few packets I really need there is always another "must have"!
2. I try and only sow what i need and a few spares - but get really miserable when they all do really well and I have to find good homes for them or compost them. Its like giving away puppies.

Does save  money though - unless you indulge the seed addiction too much.
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: Jeannine on June 02, 2010, 23:31:51
Oh Suzanne," I gave away puppies" yesterday.. unwanted tom plants went in the trash.. XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: powerspade on June 03, 2010, 05:27:19
Many garden centres cater for "mugs" I have visited them but rarely buy plants from them. Everything is so expensive. The last time I bought anything from a garden centre was about 3 yrs ago, while visiting my family in Bristol I noticed that the local garden centre was closing down - that day I did pick up a lot of bargains.
Large brimmed hat for £1.00
Lime 50p
masses of veggie seeds @ 20p
altogether saved myself a bomb
Most of the time centres and supermarkets are out to Conn people trouble is they usually succeed - some people never learn
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: PurpleHeather on June 03, 2010, 08:08:54
It is all a matter of providing a service in exchange for reward with commercial outlets of all sorts.

We have replaced videos with DVDs and our vinyl collection with CDs. We buy several packs, jars or tins we will not use for weeks because they are on 'offer'. Swapped our Kitchens, Bathrooms and household furniture because they have become out of date rather than worn out.

Hands up any one who has never bought an item of clothing or footwear on a whim then left it unworn in the wardrobe, cupboard or drawer...........Few hands will be held up with total honesty.

Yet come Christmas we will  dispair because we have to buy presents and just do not know what to buy. Then end up buying overpriced but prettily packaged 'gift sets' the recipient will not use.

We call it mean to share or re-use a tea-bag, yet many will provide two cups of tea. Over fill kettles and heat up more water than we need.

An odd lot, us humans.

Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: superspud on June 05, 2010, 21:42:01
It is all a matter of providing a service in exchange for reward with commercial outlets of all sorts.

Hands up any one who has never bought an item of clothing or footwear on a whim then left it unworn in the wardrobe, cupboard or drawer...........Few hands will be held up with total honesty.

We call it mean to share or re-use a tea-bag, yet many will provide two cups of tea. Over fill kettles and heat up more water than we need.

An odd lot, us humans.

I can admit to not doing that, I never have enough money after the wife and kids do their shopping, I own 2 yes 2 pairs of jeans, 1 pair of shorts, 7 t-shirts and 1 pair of trousers. What it must be like to have new clothes every day!, sigh. Oh and the wife shares her t bag with me as my step dad is a yorkie and I love very strong T.  2 tetley bags per cup is nearly there......

Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: cornykev on June 06, 2010, 09:57:49
How about £2.50 for a single healthy looking Tommmie plant (beefsteak) in one of the nurserys in Enfield.     ???  :-[  :-X  :'(       :( :( :(
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: plot51A on June 06, 2010, 10:00:19
My best sightings are

60p for a single cabbage plant (At a National Trust property plant stall)
£1.50 for a single sweetcorn plant  :o at a garden centre!
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: Obelixx on June 06, 2010, 12:53:15
The thing is that people only sell what someone will buy.  If a line is unsuccessful, they either drop it, repackage it or change the marketing and publicity to make us want it - just like fashion, gadgets and all those tender bedding plants people buy and plant out far too soon.    

I confess I did buy some beetroot in modules a few weeks ago because my own sowings failed after a late frost and I wanted a headstart.  They are doing well, as are the salads I bought in modules for the same reason.  Now, of course, we're having a heatwave so I can't do a successional sowing but no doubt the rest of June and July will be cool enough.
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: Kea on June 06, 2010, 13:06:18
A new allotment holder near me has built a fence around his plot like he was building Fort Knox each strong 3" square post has a metaspike, the fence is tightly strained. Inside he has built large raised beds 1/4 plot size each (it is a small plot) and 12" deep. I don't know why they are so deep because without filling them with any additional soil he has planted soft fruit and rhubarb directly in them. ??? ::) :o
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: gordonsveg on June 07, 2010, 08:06:56
Seen in local garden centre ,1 potato plant in pot £3.99,wish I had thought of it.
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: goodlife on June 07, 2010, 08:15:41
Code: [Select]
don't know why they are so deep because without filling them with any additional soil he has planted soft fruit and rhubarb directly in them
..maybe he is thinking of turning it into a softfruit feature..and in winter, when it rains ...water feature..2 in 1.. ;) ;D..will keep the roots moist.. ;D

Go nosy and ask him why... ;D ;D..just keep your face straight when he explains it sort of innocent way....maybe he knows something we don't. ;)
Go on.....
Title: Re: Can't believe what i saw yesterday....
Post by: Kea on June 07, 2010, 17:14:37
Well next time I see him maybe I will.
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