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General => The Shed => Topic started by: PurpleHeather on May 11, 2010, 20:07:11

Title: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: PurpleHeather on May 11, 2010, 20:07:11
I did not agree with every thing you did and said but I at the end of the day,  you acted perfectly correctly. In accordance with protocol and the constitution.

I think you are a thoroughly decent bloke. The fact that people did not like you was mainly because you were honest.


Working class

You flew into a temper easily when things were not going your way.....That was because your parents did not employ a Nanny to train you not to.

Tony, Nick  and David all had parents who could afford their Mary Poppins or Nanny McFee.

It does make a difference.

I think you did your best.


Forward................Let's see how things will develop..........
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: caroline7758 on May 11, 2010, 20:41:35
Must say I thought his resignation speech was very dignified. I should think he's breathing a huge sigh of relief now.
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: valmarg on May 11, 2010, 20:56:17
Must say I thought his resignation speech was very dignified. I should think he's breathing a huge sigh of relief now.
As is the rest of the country.

The worst prime minister/chancellor or the exchequer we have ever known.  Good riddance to rotten rubbish.

Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: PurpleHeather on May 11, 2010, 21:08:12
Must say I thought his resignation speech was very dignified. I should think he's breathing a huge sigh of relief now.
As is the rest of the country.

The worst prime minister/chancellor or the exchequer we have ever known.  Good riddance to rotten rubbish.


I rest my case.......No constructive remarks......Pure venom

Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on May 11, 2010, 21:09:27
It's a difficult job, whatever your political persuasions might be, sorting out the mess you inherit from one party to the other.  I wouldn't like it! We'll all find something to congratulate him on or moan about.

Ninny x
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: caroline7758 on May 11, 2010, 21:22:15

The worst prime minister/chancellor or the exchequer we have ever known.  Good riddance to rotten rubbish.


What, worse than Thatcher? :o
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: Mr Smith on May 11, 2010, 21:30:24
And twelve years later it is still the Tories bloody fault and by the way today a pit in Nottinghamshire called 'Welbeck' was shut down so I suppose that is the Tories fault, thank you Gordy for the debt you have left us with, at least we can say we have a bigger one than Greece,
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: grawrc on May 11, 2010, 22:03:15
A statesman, a great politician and a thoroughly honest man. Worth 100 Tony Blairs in terms of integrity and dedication.

I wish him well. He deserves better than he has got.

And one of our great Chancellors of the exchequer.

History will rate him greater than he is rated today.
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: redimp on May 11, 2010, 22:03:41
I did not agree with every thing you did and said but I at the end of the day,  you acted perfectly correctly. In accordance with protocol and the constitution.

I think you are a thoroughly decent bloke. The fact that people did not like you was mainly because you were honest.


Working class

You flew into a temper easily when things were not going your way.....That was because your parents did not employ a Nanny to train you not to.

Tony, Nick  and David all had parents who could afford their Mary Poppins or Nanny McFee.

It does make a difference.

I think you did your best.


Forward................Let's see how things will develop..........
Here here and lets leave all the snide, nasty comments to the sites little Hitlers who know no better.
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: :( on May 11, 2010, 22:55:24
Here here and lets leave all the snide, nasty comments to the sites little Hitlers who know no better.

A Godwin in less than 10 posts  8)
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: Cherryblossom on May 11, 2010, 23:40:54
 Goodbye GORDON BROWN bless you,  an honest politician has no place in the government. You were to nice to stay. Thank you .
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: betula on May 11, 2010, 23:49:31
Hmmm a labour guy getting rid of the 10p tax,not what I would call Labour.

If I had my way every one of them that claimed a penny over what they were entitled to in expenses would never have been allowed to stand again.

After many years spent as a Labour Activist I was happy not to vote for any of this seedy lot.

Give this lot six months.
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: tonybloke on May 11, 2010, 23:57:21

Here here and lets leave all the snide, nasty comments to the sites little Hitlers who know no better.

A Godwin in less than 10 posts  8)

yes, but not the end of the discussion!!
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: betula on May 12, 2010, 00:09:53
Slightly off topic but I noticed on GB's trip to BP and back and David Cameron's trips the security was dreadful,members of the public getting very close to the cars stuck in traffic to take pics of them.

What if these people were carrying guns or worse.

I don't rate them but do not want to see them as sitting ducks  ???
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: medicinejack on May 12, 2010, 01:12:08
They did have some nice veg in the no. 10 garden though.
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: :( on May 12, 2010, 01:23:52

Here here and lets leave all the snide, nasty comments to the sites little Hitlers who know no better.

A Godwin in less than 10 posts  8)

yes, but not the end of the discussion!!

A Quirk's Exception then.
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: Jeannine on May 12, 2010, 05:11:17
I have no political preferences at all so my comment does not come from favouring a tory, lib dem , labour or anything else.

Regarding Mr Brown, he stuck me as a pretty decent man who seemed way out of his depth with the job he had to do, he went in at a bad time and did his best , he presented to me as a very honest man . It is a rotten job at best, rarely does one hear positive things about a PM these days,sadly we only seem to hear the negative. Personally I felt sorry for him.

But what do I know..just a feeling I got.

I did not feel the same about his predecessor,his body language gave me the impression he was untruthful most of the time.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: jono on May 12, 2010, 05:48:00
Just to put my 2p in!  Myself and my partner are an old fashioned family type, we have two kids 7 weeks old and 3 1/2 years old, I go out and work my socks off so that she can stay at home and give our kids the love they need in the first few years which we believe in invaluable! Anyway Mr Brown brought in Tax credits which has helped us to be able to do this. We live on the bread line a lot but our kids know love that Mr Cameron etc could only dream of getting from their parents! He also introduced Sure Start centres which have proven to be a great help with new parents, young families and single parents!
Finally he has had to deal with the floods, disesse's and terorism! all after inheiriting a government from Mr Blair after he jumped ship! It is not Mr Browns fault or Labours for that matter for the reasons out troups are in Afganistan! Mr Blair had his head well and truly lodged up Mr Bush's arse and got us into this blood mess, Mr Brown has tried his hardest to get things straightened out!
By the way I am a non voter! All politicians are crooks and liers! If I took money that was not mine or lied in a job interview then got the job and did none of what I said I would to I'D BE SACKED and most definatly ARRESTED!! One rule for one one for the people at the top!! They chose to get into politics knowing it would involve traveling to london, buy a train ticket not a second home!! If a builder had to go to london because work in his local area dried up do you think he could buy a house up there and put it through his books???? HELL NO!! And a last point if I borrow from a bank I have to pay back with interest!! How have they secured a loan with no interest and no repayments!!
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: Paulines7 on May 12, 2010, 09:17:59
A statesman, a great politician and a thoroughly honest man. Worth 100 Tony Blairs in terms of integrity and dedication.

I wish him well. He deserves better than he has got.

And one of our great Chancellors of the exchequer.

History will rate him greater than he is rated today.

I couldn't agree more Grawrc; I admired and respected him too. 
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: melann on May 12, 2010, 10:14:29
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: valmarg on May 12, 2010, 16:52:58
Here here and lets leave all the snide, nasty comments to the sites little Hitlers who know no better.

You're not calling me one of Gordie's bigots, are you reclanger? ;D

Hope you've managed to get the hook out of the roof of your mouth. ;D

Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: PurpleHeather on May 12, 2010, 18:29:02
This was never intended as a spouting point for political activists.

It was intended to recognise decency. Regardless of political persuasion.

I also thought Ted Heath was basically a decent sort  too. Just for the record.

Decent people are never well thought of in politics though are they?
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: Jeannine on May 12, 2010, 18:59:15
Me too, he seemed an all round nice fella.

I met Mr Brown when he came to our school when the floods wrecked it, he was  ver charming and do you know he almost seemed shy.

Positive thumbs up from me  PH XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: valmarg on May 12, 2010, 19:28:54
Sorry PurpleHeather, buy my original post was not venomous, but pure mischief.  I am not a political activist, in fact I am pretty much indifferent to the political landscape. I admit I always vote becuase, being female, 100 years ago a lot of women went to a lot of trouble to secure me that right, and I do not take that lightly.

Irrespective of how I voted last Thursday. I just did not like Grodon Brown, and am not sorry to see him go.

His record as chancellor of destroying the private sector final salary pension schemes, but not having the courage to do the same with the public sector schemes has not done him any favours.

But. all water under the bridge.

Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: amphibian on May 12, 2010, 19:30:42
Me too, he seemed an all round nice fella.

I met Mr Brown when he came to our school when the floods wrecked it, he was  ver charming and do you know he almost seemed shy.

Positive thumbs up from me  PH XX Jeannine

You should have heard what he said about you when he got in his car.  ;)
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: superspud on May 12, 2010, 19:45:07
Sigh. I have no doubts that by the time  of the next election most of this will be said about David Cameron and the Tories. No one will ever be flavour of the year with everyone, no one will ever do the job to everyones satisfaction, if they could and they all got it right we would never need to vote one party out and another in, look what the Tories did to the old iron lady, they couldn't wait to stab her in the back and get shot of her yet everyone now waxes lyrical about her and how great she was for the country. Its the same all the time, those can can, do, those that can't moan or take up teaching.

If I thought I could do it any better than those before me I would take up politics instantly, funnily enough I look at the pics of those that become PM then when they leave office, sadly I see a marked decline in their appearance and how grey thier hair gets. It is one hell of a responsibility and not for the feint hearted.

Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: caroline7758 on May 12, 2010, 20:47:09
yet everyone now waxes lyrical about her and how great she was for the country.

Er, who does?? Won't rant because that's not what this thread's about but..... :o
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: katynewbie on May 12, 2010, 21:30:35

Not a rant, just a comment...I have been a lifelong Labour supporter and have felt thoroughly let down by the party in recent years. I think Mr Brown was a decent man left with a poisoned chalice by Blair. I hope he has a happier future ahead of him with his family.

Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: redimp on May 12, 2010, 21:36:47
I loathe Thatcher.  Nuff said.

PS - I can and I took up teaching but am now out of the classroom.
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: Mr Smith on May 12, 2010, 21:48:01
Here here and lets leave all the snide, nasty comments to the sites little Hitlers who know no better.

You're not calling me one of Gordie's bigots, are you reclanger? ;D

Hope you've managed to get the hook out of the roof of your mouth. ;D



            Valmarg,  when Brown referred to the lady in Rochdale as a bigot it was the worst comment I have ever heard in my life especially from a Preachers son and a wannabee squatter, but then again I would rather not be referred to as a Stalinist,
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: amphibian on May 12, 2010, 21:52:15
it was the worst comment I have ever heard in my life

Then you must have had the most sheltered life imaginable.
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: valmarg on May 12, 2010, 22:27:07
Here here and lets leave all the snide, nasty comments to the sites little Hitlers who know no better.

You're not calling me one of Gordie's bigots, are you reclanger? ;D

Hope you've managed to get the hook out of the roof of your mouth. ;D



            Valmarg,  when Brown referred to the lady in Rochdale as a bigot it was the worst comment I have ever heard in my life especially from a Preachers son and a wannabee squatter, but then again I would rather not be referred to as a Stalinist,
Oh my sainted aunt ??? where did Stalin get in on the act of this election. ::)  I certainly never mentioned him.

By some coincidence today is the anniversary of Winston Churchill becoming Prime Minister in the coalition government during the war.  Hope this coalition works as well. ;D

Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: caroline7758 on May 13, 2010, 08:05:06
Valmarg, I have heard several times over the last few days Brown being said to have stalinist tendencies.
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: tonybloke on May 13, 2010, 08:22:29

A Quirk's Exception then.

I think we're on our own, here weequeenie!!
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: djbrenton on May 13, 2010, 08:50:02
So we've had Hitler, Stalin and Churchill. Where are Roosevelt  and Mussolini in all this?
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: tonybloke on May 13, 2010, 09:13:46
So we've had Hitler, Stalin and Churchill. Where are Roosevelt  and Mussolini in all this?

I think that Godwin would be proud!!
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: Old Central on May 13, 2010, 10:25:11
Sorry could not resist this quote form the new Business Secretary.


Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: amphibian on May 13, 2010, 11:07:24

A Quirk's Exception then.

I think we're on our own, here weequeenie!!

Godwin's law refers to the use of Nazi analogies, the OP merely referred to little Hitlers, which is a phrase, a comparison at most, and certainly not a Nazi analogy. Godwin's law surely did not apply here.
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: :( on May 13, 2010, 11:26:47
Godwin's law refers to the use of Nazi analogies, the OP merely referred to little Hitlers, which is a phrase, a comparison at most, and certainly not a Nazi analogy. Godwin's law surely did not apply here.

Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's law of Nazi Analogies)[1][2] is a humorous observation made by Mike Godwin in 1990 which has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1."[3][2]'s_law ('s_law)

Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: Dirty Digger on May 13, 2010, 11:40:32
I wasn't a Gordon Brown fan though in reality, even less a fan of the Tory party. The Thatcher era was a disaster as much as Brown's leadership, however, it's amazing that even after Browns "Bigot" comment, the Tories were still unable to get a clear majority.

Had Gordon not shot himself in the foot with that remark, we would likely still have a labour Government.

I don't trust the Tories one little bit, though now GB has stepped down, the Millibands are just as untrustworthy as both his predecessor and the entire Tory party put together.

Personally, i'd like to have a Prime Minister who didn't think his upbringing was akin to a right to rule the country.
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: Old bird on May 13, 2010, 12:12:10
Glad that I have avoided all political programmes on telly/paper.

I am sure that there will always be haters and non haters of politicians - they by the very nature of their JOB will appear to do good for some and bad for others.

I cannot see why people need to slag individual politicians off (except when they are stealing tax payers money) after all they are only doing a JOB!  Some people on here seem to be very animated in their love or hate of Gordon Brown - I would save such extremes of views for things that REALLY matter - like family, life or death.  At the end of the day how many people in this country are dying of starvation!

Old Bird
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: rosebud on May 13, 2010, 14:22:51
 Goodbye to Gordon, he really was a nice man.
Sorry labour lost but now we have all lost. The tory distroyers are already talking of VAT, at 20% thats just for starters.

Gordon Brown you will be sorely missed. Enjoy your wife & family.
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: kt. on May 13, 2010, 14:38:01
The worst prime minister/chancellor or the exchequer we have ever known.  Good riddance to rotten rubbish.


Totally agree.   Here here 8)  All in favour of his resignation say Aye....   Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye............. 
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: lillian on May 13, 2010, 17:05:46
Goodbye to Gordon, he really was a nice man.
Sorry labour lost but now we have all lost. The tory distroyers are already talking of VAT, at 20% thats just for starters.

Gordon Brown you will be sorely missed. Enjoy your wife & family.

 If Labour had remained in power they would be making cuts, raising VAT and tax. The public debt is way to big to ignore.  Cancel that foreign holiday and spend your money in the Uk. Your country needs you ;D
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: silly billy on May 13, 2010, 17:52:08
VAT is going up to 20% and the tories will be making £6 billion in cuts, can't wait for 2 year waiting lists for the nhs and interest rates of 20%+. Oh how I've missed the tories.
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: valmarg on May 13, 2010, 21:58:53
Valmarg, I have heard several times over the last few days Brown being said to have stalinist tendencies.
Well that certainly passed me by.  I didn't like the man, but to his credit, he didn't murder his countrymen as did Stalin.

Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: campanula on May 13, 2010, 22:54:05
Sadly though, the concept of democracy itself is under scrutiny. Even dismissing electoral irregularities, the usual gerrymandering boundary changes, massively unequal compaign budgets and so on, we all suspect that the country is actually governed by faceless CEOs in global conglomerates. Our politicians, far from being public servants, are largely bought and paid for, shamelessly touting 'influence'  as 'consultants' (pimps). Has anyone noticed the preponderance of finance and business backgrounds possessed by the majority of new MPs. No surprises there then. Lobbyists, undeclared interests, the crass croneyism, vulgar venality and hypocritical cant employed by the spivs and wideboys of the bullingdon boys - christ, heartsick already anticipating more cowardly evasions dismissing the inevitable repossessions and job losses. Market economics are heartless, morally repugnant and, in the longer term, fiscally reprehensible. The fu###rs!
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: manicscousers on May 14, 2010, 08:35:24
VAT is going up to 20% and the tories will be making £6 billion in cuts, can't wait for 2 year waiting lists for the nhs and interest rates of 20%+. Oh how I've missed the tories.
at least we don't have our own home to lose this time  :-\
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: amphibian on May 14, 2010, 08:57:59
VAT is going up to 20% and the tories will be making £6 billion in cuts, can't wait for 2 year waiting lists for the nhs and interest rates of 20%+. Oh how I've missed the tories.

The high interest will provide a great opportunity for their city chums to cash in on our misery.
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: Old bird on May 14, 2010, 11:10:04
Have I missed something - who has announced huge interest rate rises?

I can understand the VAT increase you need to be spending money on "stuff" not food so will affect people with money to spend and - for everyday amounts 2 1/2 p in the pound is not going to really hurt that much!!

Sadly though, the concept of democracy itself is under scrutiny. Even dismissing electoral irregularities, the usual gerrymandering boundary changes, massively unequal compaign budgets and so on, we all suspect that the country is actually governed by faceless CEOs in global conglomerates. Our politicians, far from being public servants, are largely bought and paid for, shamelessly touting 'influence'  as 'consultants' (pimps). Has anyone noticed the preponderance of finance and business backgrounds possessed by the majority of new MPs. No surprises there then. Lobbyists, undeclared interests, the crass croneyism, vulgar venality and hypocritical cant employed by the spivs and wideboys of the bullingdon boys - christ, heartsick already anticipating more cowardly evasions dismissing the inevitable repossessions and job losses. Market economics are heartless, morally repugnant and, in the longer term, fiscally reprehensible. The fu###rs!
Campanula to be honest there are so many big words in this quote that I don't understand what you are saying - but I am assuming that you are not happy?  What has Christ got to do with it - has he been elected?

Sorry to be flippant - I - obviously couldn't give a stuff - what will be will be!

Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: caroline7758 on May 14, 2010, 12:35:11

I can understand the VAT increase you need to be spending money on "stuff" not food so will affect people with money to spend and - for everyday amounts 2 1/2 p in the pound is not going to really hurt that much!!

Not according to Save the Children: (
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: grawrc on May 14, 2010, 15:23:55
I think i am missing something here too. Our deficit, I thought, was down to bailing out the banks. The baks are making huge profits and paying huge bonuses. Why aren't they paying us back? Why do we have to pay twice for some other b*gger's c*ck-up?
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: redimp on May 14, 2010, 18:16:59
Have I missed something - who has announced huge interest rate rises?

I can understand the VAT increase you need to be spending money on "stuff" not food so will affect people with money to spend and - for everyday amounts 2 1/2 p in the pound is not going to really hurt that much!!

Sadly though, the concept of democracy itself is under scrutiny. Even dismissing electoral irregularities, the usual gerrymandering boundary changes, massively unequal compaign budgets and so on, we all suspect that the country is actually governed by faceless CEOs in global conglomerates. Our politicians, far from being public servants, are largely bought and paid for, shamelessly touting 'influence'  as 'consultants' (pimps). Has anyone noticed the preponderance of finance and business backgrounds possessed by the majority of new MPs. No surprises there then. Lobbyists, undeclared interests, the crass croneyism, vulgar venality and hypocritical cant employed by the spivs and wideboys of the bullingdon boys - christ, heartsick already anticipating more cowardly evasions dismissing the inevitable repossessions and job losses. Market economics are heartless, morally repugnant and, in the longer term, fiscally reprehensible. The fu###rs!
Campanula to be honest there are so many big words in this quote that I don't understand what you are saying - but I am assuming that you are not happy?  What has Christ got to do with it - has he been elected?

Sorry to be flippant - I - obviously couldn't give a stuff - what will be will be!

Must be a Tory - only a Tory would fail to see VAT as being the most regressive tax of them all.  The most progressive taxes are Income Tax and Inheritanc Tax and which are the ones the Tories like to cut - says it all!!!
Title: Re: Good bye Gordon Brown
Post by: ACE on May 14, 2010, 18:24:26
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