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General => The Shed => Topic started by: tonybloke on May 11, 2010, 18:36:06

Title: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: tonybloke on May 11, 2010, 18:36:06
W T F is that all about?

if this was on the cards before the election, would many folk have voted Lib-Dem, knowing they were electing the Tories? I doubt it!! >:(
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Bugloss2009 on May 11, 2010, 19:02:32
they did say Vote Nick, Get Dave

but on a positive note, for a few hours yesterday it looked like Vote Nick, Get Harriet, or even vote Nick, Get Balls   :o  ;D
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: OllieC on May 11, 2010, 19:23:19
Nick's job was to best represent the views of those who voted for him - and our vision didn't involve the sodding Tories. Still, lets see what happens before we get too hot under the collar!
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: cornykev on May 11, 2010, 19:41:32
I thought you'd have voted Tory Ollie.    ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: manicscousers on May 11, 2010, 19:45:53
just sent a complaint by filling in the contact form
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Jeannine on May 11, 2010, 19:55:24
Brown has just resigned and Cameron is said to be on his way to the Palace? Xx Jeannie
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: manicscousers on May 11, 2010, 19:56:30
How dare the liberals decide who I voted for, never again  >:(
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: PurpleHeather on May 11, 2010, 20:13:00
Sound like what you are saying is that the TRIBAL method is old hat and what we need is a way of voting for A.......B...C or others..

After all

I may say I want A to win if not B

You may say I want X to win if not A

The method we had dates back for loads of time but we now have technology in place for people to make multiple selections

We need to Utilise it.

Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: OllieC on May 11, 2010, 20:20:15
I thought you'd have voted Tory Ollie.    ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: macmac on May 11, 2010, 20:25:25
I'd just like somebody to start running the country properly.
I won't hold my breath >:(
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Mr Smith on May 11, 2010, 20:34:10
Never mind the 'New Labour' Lib Dem deal that is never going to happen,   Alex Salmond must be in dream land when he suggests that HIS party the Scottish Nationalist Party and Plaid Cwmru which is a Welsh nationalist party could support 'New Labour' in their hour of need, roll on an English Parliament for the good folk of England, 
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Cherryblossom on May 11, 2010, 23:45:41
 Its time the politicians grew a pair & started running the country the way we would like it run.  Fairness to ALL.
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: ACE on May 12, 2010, 07:31:18
Oh come on! What did you expect. I take it you were accompanied by a responsible adult when you went to vote, you knew that it would be a hung vote when you picked out a party that only stood a snowballs chance in hell of getting in. The country wanted Brown out, this is what you got.

Out of the frying pan into the fire.
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Paulines7 on May 12, 2010, 09:08:57

Out of the frying pan into the fire.

Couldn't agree more ACE.  We now await the £6 million of cuts, the high unemployment that will go with it and a return to a recession.   :o

The only saving grace with the Lib/Con pact is that the Tories have had to shelve their inheritance tax cuts which would have given 3,000 of the richest people in the country, £200,000 each.

Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: OllieC on May 12, 2010, 09:21:37
I put a lot of effort into campaigning for the Lib dems - canvassing, leafletting, poll station telling, and donated a more than tiny amount of money. I was naturally disappointed with our performance... But the electorate gave us what we got and you have to make the best of it. The facts are that nobody won, overall people are fed up with New Labour, cuts are needed, and that the Lib Dems will at least act as a counterbalance to the more right wing parts of the Tory party; as a moderator to the old Thatcherites.

I still have blisters on my feet from the last few weeks (I reckon I walked about 50 miles a week for the last 2!), and this sticks in the throat a bit. Having spent so much effort fighting our new bedfellows, I can't help feeling some ambivalence but trying to be objective I really think this is the most sensible outcome in the interests of the country.

Labour did so much good, but they have also wasted huge amounts of money on pointless projects and have eroded many of our civil liberties. Let's hope some of this can be fixed now.
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: OllieC on May 12, 2010, 14:46:33
Compare this to what we would have got under just the Tories... I think we've done pretty well!
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Old bird on May 12, 2010, 15:06:20

That is - perhaps - the best of all worlds!

I was not happy voting Tory - I wasn't particularly happy - although I did - voting liberal - so I am happier at the outcome and their plan of action that I would have been had either party won outright!

Hope it all works out according to plan now!

Hey Ollie - I walk probably 60 miles a week - every week - sometimes more!  You need to get the blisters healed and start doing it more regularly!

Old Bird


Old Bird
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: PurpleHeather on May 12, 2010, 18:43:15
WE.....The voters, it seems wanted, that lot to sort them selves out and give us a mix of the good bits .

From what I can see of the result that is about what we got or near enough.

Now then, if you were given a ballot paper which offered you a choice of  say 5 candidates and you put them in order of your preference so that the first one got 5 points the second 4  and so on..

In the end the candidate with the highest score won.......Would that suit you?

Perhaps you could leave out candidates you definately did not want so that you did not need to use all your votes..... Just give your prefered candidate 5 and leave it at that.

I think that makes sense.......The technology is available to do voting that way. Why not use it?

Personally I would like more referendum type votes. I can only remember one, that was when Ted Heath was PM, where we voted whether or not to go into the Common Market. We voted for it.

I wonder how we would all vote if we had a fererendum on 'going to war' each time..... That would be interesting......

Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: redimp on May 12, 2010, 19:20:06
WE.....The voters, it seems wanted, that lot to sort them selves out and give us a mix of the good bits .

From what I can see of the result that is about what we got or near enough.

Now then, if you were given a ballot paper which offered you a choice of  say 5 candidates and you put them in order of your preference so that the first one got 5 points the second 4  and so on..

In the end the candidate with the highest score won.......Would that suit you?

Perhaps you could leave out candidates you definately did not want so that you did not need to use all your votes..... Just give your prefered candidate 5 and leave it at that.

I think that makes sense.......The technology is available to do voting that way. Why not use it?

Personally I would like more referendum type votes. I can only remember one, that was when Ted Heath was PM, where we voted whether or not to go into the Common Market. We voted for it.

I wonder how we would all vote if we had a fererendum on 'going to war' each time..... That would be interesting......

That is alternative vote which is as much as the coalition will give us.  I wanted bigger constituencies and preference voting (again ranking candidates but ending up with a few and not just one) which is what the Lib Dems campaigned for.
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: valmarg on May 12, 2010, 22:56:55
Personally I would like more referendum type votes. I can only remember one, that was when Ted Heath was PM, where we voted whether or not to go into the Common Market. We voted for it.

Your memory is somewhat wrong.  The British public were never given a referendum on whether we should join.

It was Harold Wilson that held the referendum, and it was not on whether we should 'join' the Common Market, but rather, having joined whether we should stay in.  I know, I voted in that referendum.

We were conned by Heath on whether we should join, and we were conned by Wilson on whether we should stay in.

What was on offer then was a Common Market, not a federal Europe, with all our laws being overridden by an unelected. moneygrubbing elite in Brussels.

Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: djbrenton on May 13, 2010, 08:53:23

Personally I would like more referendum type votes. I can only remember one, that was when Ted Heath was PM, where we voted whether or not to go into the Common Market. We voted for it.

Minor correction. We were never consulted about joining the Common Market. The referendum was on whether we should remain in it with all the penalties leaving would have incurred. By that time we'd already broken our historic trading ties with places like New Zealand.
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Kea on May 13, 2010, 10:36:00
I notice Cameron called it the Lib Con coalition ...surely it's the Con Dem coalition.
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Bugloss2009 on May 13, 2010, 10:43:49
I notice Cameron called it the Lib Con coalition ...surely it's the Con Dem coalition.

Lib Con Coalition = Colonic Libation  ;D
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Jeannine on May 13, 2010, 16:58:31
Why doesn't the man with the most votes win..period XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Paulines7 on May 13, 2010, 17:35:38
Why doesn't the man with the most votes win..period XX Jeannine

Because even though the Tories had the most votes, all the other parties added together amounted to more votes.  Any bills that the Tories tried to put through could be outvoted by everyone else and some of them that they had planned in their manifesto, would definitely have been over ruled by the other parties.  

Now that there is a Lib/Con coalition, they will be able to get some of their bills through, but the one that was designed to make the richest people in the country much better off had to be dropped as it is against what the Libs stand for, ie. to help the less well off people in society, not the richest.

I hope this answers your question Jeannine.

Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Bugloss2009 on May 13, 2010, 18:00:47
Cameron and Clegg

anyone thinking Ant and Dec?
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: OllieC on May 13, 2010, 18:09:45
Cameron and Clegg

anyone thinking Ant and Dec?

Not really, no.
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Bugloss2009 on May 13, 2010, 18:18:39
don't worry, you will
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: OllieC on May 13, 2010, 18:21:27
I saw that somewhere else & didn't get it then - must be missing something. What's it referring to, just the fact that they're a double act ??? Like, erm, Bill & Ben?
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Baccy Man on May 13, 2010, 18:37:44
I saw that somewhere else & didn't get it then - must be missing something. What's it referring to, just the fact that they're a double act ??? Like, erm, Bill & Ben?

Seems to be a reference to a daily mail article.
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: OllieC on May 13, 2010, 18:39:58
I saw that somewhere else & didn't get it then - must be missing something. What's it referring to, just the fact that they're a double act ??? Like, erm, Bill & Ben?

Seems to be a reference to a daily mail article.

Ahhhh, thanks BM, that makes sense...  ::)
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Bugloss2009 on May 13, 2010, 19:19:05
oh if it was in the Mail, I take it all back. Well, not really
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: cocopops on May 13, 2010, 19:31:12
Shoot me down if you wish.  I live in France so I could have voted but chose not to, I will vote in the local elections here, which I am entitled to.

The last government did nothing for my family.  We worked hard, paid our taxes and employees according to the guidelines.  We had no control over disiplining the lads we employed even though several reps told us that when my OH was off site the sat down and did nothing.  To finish a job I was 8 months pregnent and painting a house.  Not allowed to sack them incase they sued us  ???

Tax credits, on record we were allowed what seemed an enourmous amount.  I questioned this, got dates, times etc.  Got a letter over here saying they had over paid and needed to pay x-amount back.  If we defaulted and came back to the UK then we would still owe it.  

I accidentaly got the tax credit form for the people that bought our house, they managed to get a big mortagage and managed to get a £6k rebate. They even stole my OH identity through bank accounts and mobile phones.  His name was Mr Khan, dare I say this, well yes!!

Time for change, yes.  Glad it is between the two parties.
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Mr Smith on May 13, 2010, 19:43:51
Apparently Gordy went ballistic when he knew that the Libs had thrown their lot in to go along with the Conservatives, personally I hope it will be a good working coalition for the country and the right decisions are made and hopefully Eric&Ernie will have a long and happy career, ;)  
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: valmarg on May 13, 2010, 22:04:26
Amen and fingers crossed to that.

Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: campanula on May 13, 2010, 22:24:44
your point being, cocopops, what exactly?
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: cocopops on May 14, 2010, 00:11:19
your point being, cocopops, what exactly?

 ??? what don't you understand? 
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: amphibian on May 14, 2010, 08:55:54
We had no control over disiplining the lads we employed even though several reps told us that when my OH was off site the sat down and did nothing.  To finish a job I was 8 months pregnent and painting a house.  Not allowed to sack them incase they sued us  ???

So which laws did the last government impose that caused this to be the case?

It's pure nonsense too, you can fire someone that doesn't do their job, the only thing that protects them is your misplaced belief that you can't. Did you even put them on a warning?

What makes you think they could sue you, on what grounds?
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: cocopops on May 14, 2010, 09:18:39
We were members of the Federation of Small Business'.  Their legal advisors warned us against it.  We used their contracts and did everything by the book.  It is ok to say of 'course you can sack them'.  It is totally different when you are the one being warned against it.
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: saddad on May 14, 2010, 10:26:45
Why doesn't the man with the most votes win..period XX Jeannine
That was partly how Hitler got in ... although 3 Million more Germans voted for somebodyelse... (Several anybody elses which split their 20M votes....)  :-X
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Bugloss2009 on May 14, 2010, 10:57:26
how on earth did Samantha Cameron get £400,000 a year working for the posh version of Clinton Cards? and a 4 day week too
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: OllieC on May 14, 2010, 11:09:49
how on earth did Samantha Cameron get £400,000 a year working for the posh version of Clinton Cards? and a 4 day week too

Haha, i was pondering the same question yesterday, so I had a look on their website. You can buy a notebook for £400!!! I can't imagine a world in which I would whink that was a good purchase.
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Mr Smith on May 14, 2010, 22:11:50
 And I'm also confused about the money Bambi Blair picks up these days advising the world on the bleedin obvious, which is how to f-kc up a country over a decade, ;)
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: redimp on May 15, 2010, 01:15:43
And I'm also confused about the money Bambi Blair picks up these days advising the world on the bleedin obvious, which is how to f-kc up a country over a decade, ;)
Hmmmm- how to feck up the world in a decade?  When was the last time you heard of Acas?
Title: Re: Vote Lib-Dem, elect a Tory??
Post by: Mr Smith on May 15, 2010, 08:52:20
I 'm well aware what ACAS do so what is your point fella,
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