Allotments 4 All

Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: merv on September 03, 2003, 15:20:11

Title: Data Base
Post by: merv on September 03, 2003, 15:20:11
HI guys.

I'm trying to put together a data base of Allotment Rental costs in the UK (ex NI)

Does anyone know if there is such a Data Base in existence, and if so where can it be accessed?

One of the reasons for this is to see if there can be a scale of "Just and Fair" Allotment rentals.  I appreciate that there may be a wide differential due to metered water etc etc., but do feel that it could be a useful tool to keep down unjustified demands by Authorities/Landlords.

Thanks for your help! :)
Title: Re: Data Base
Post by: Ceri on September 03, 2003, 15:51:37
have you tried the national association If they don't have such a list they might be able to provide you with a list of member sites and you could contact them individually.
Title: Re: Data Base
Post by: merv on September 04, 2003, 17:20:36

Thanks Cerig.  have emailed them and am waiting for a reply.  :)
Title: Re: Data Base
Post by: carloso on September 25, 2003, 01:48:36
tCosts !!!!!   i had the shock of my life when moi been a newby applied for an allotment in a tiny village where moving to
On speaking to the lady (very nice and helpful she was too !!!) it came to that question!  "How much would the allotment  be" in anticipation  sweat pouring from my forehead " 8 quid" she replied promtly
Blimey thats not bad a month i said, She promptly coughed and i thought oh dear thats a week and just before i passed out i heard " thats a year not a month" wow what hobby comes that cheap for the main base item!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Data Base
Post by: Beer_Belly on September 28, 2003, 12:33:29
The costs seem to be a lot higher here in Holland. I've just got the bill for 2004

Rent                                95.13
path/ditch maintenance  14.90
Contributions ?               20.42
Key                                   5.00

Total                              135.45 euros

Title: Re: Data Base
Post by: teresa on September 28, 2003, 13:10:52
Hi BB.

Does seem high for what some of us pay,
Mine was going up to 12.50p but now its back to 8.50p. the new fencing idea gone up in smoke.
We dont pay for a key a piece of string holds our metal gates together the rest of the fence is wooden posts and two rows of barb wire.
We dont get bills if you dont go to the meeting in the pub once a month you dont know when to pay rent or anything else.
All lottie holders are responsible for the paths around lottie and we dont have any ditches to be dug out.
What do get for your 135.45 euro's?
I can understand payment for key here when you give up lottie you give your key back and money is refunded.
Even the paths and ditches maintance but the rent seems high and the contributions could include admin charges? is yours private or govement ran?
Title: Re: Data Base
Post by: merv on September 28, 2003, 16:42:12
Hiya  :)

Allotment costs are generally higher on mainland Europe.

What we should bear in mind here with regard to a Local Authority plot, is that any increase should not exceed that of other leisure services.
Title: Re: Data Base
Post by: Mrs Ava on September 29, 2003, 02:16:40
Ours is three pounds a year!  The site secretary apologised for the price!  THREE QUID!  and she apologised because there isn't any piped water, we have to help ourselves from the stream!  As a certain orange antique loving celeb would say, 'cheap as chips!'  ;D
Title: Re: Data Base
Post by: Beer_Belly on September 29, 2003, 09:16:21
That's basically the rent only and it pays for the maintenance of the ditches and the main paths. I had to pay 150 euros to the bloke before me to take on his greenhouses, coldframes and waterpump.
Title: Re: Data Base
Post by: merv on September 29, 2003, 15:09:43
Yo BB  :)

Yuppers thats about right.

Usually the tenancy gives you 1 month to get rid or sell your shed, greenhouse etc to the incoming tenant.

After the month anything on the site becomes yours by right as the tenant.
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