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Produce => Edible Plants => Chillies Ahoy => Topic started by: Glen on March 03, 2010, 09:59:49

Title: Chilli's under lights
Post by: Glen on March 03, 2010, 09:59:49
Hi all,

I started my chilli's off at the start of last month and have been growing them under 3 x 20w Day Light Fluorescent tubes. The lights are on for 16hrs per day.

All the plants are doing well and are about 4 to 5 inches tall and are fed once a week with Chilli Focus.

However, it looks like some of the plants are starting to produce flowers. Is this normal for such young and small plants to do? Should they not be producing more leaf growth?
Should I remove the flowers and will this have a bad effect on the plants?

Sorry for all the questions - Any advise would be really appreciated.

Many thanks.
Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: chriscross1966 on March 03, 2010, 12:42:08
THey think it's midsummer so it's time to flower, remember chillis come from nearer the equator so they get less day-length variation than the lower latitudes..... might have been better off at 14 hours but that's hindsight for you, it's 20-20.... off the top of my head I guess don't reduce the daylength now, it'll make them think it's autumn, remove the flowers and switch to a feed with less potash and more nitrogen and phosphate plus trace elements, try to get them growing again..... or flog them all as "Bonsai chillis" at a carboot and spend the money on more plants from somewhere else.....

Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: Glen on March 03, 2010, 14:36:56
Hi Chris,

Thanks for the info. Hind sight is a wonderful thing! ha

The research I did on the internet said to have the lights on for 16hrs. Also you recommend a different feed, do you know of any particular brands which would be effective?

In your opinion, do you think I will be able to get them produce vegetative growth again? I don't really want to get rid of them as I have grown them from seed and spent a lot of time nurturing them and have some 20 or so plants.

Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: markp2511 on March 03, 2010, 14:50:22
The research I did on the internet said to have the lights on for 16hrs.
Are you sure that was for growing chillis, and not some other 'vegitation'?   :-X
Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: Glen on March 03, 2010, 15:29:07

I read a few different theories which said anywhere between 14 hrs right through to 18hrs (Chilli king), so I opted for the middle and went for 16.

What amount of light would you recommend?


Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: BarriedaleNick on March 03, 2010, 16:56:19
The research I did on the internet said to have the lights on for 16hrs.
Are you sure that was for growing chillis, and not some other 'vegitation'?   :-X

That would be 18 on 6 off then 12/12 for flowering!  Not that I know that of course...
Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: BarriedaleNick on March 03, 2010, 17:03:37
What amount of light would you recommend?

Try to emulate natural growing conditions but as Chriscross has said reducing the hours may do more harm than good.
If I were to use lights I would be looking at only 12-14 hours to start...

I'd leave them as they are now - Chillis will happily flower throughout they year.  I have some over wintered ones with ripe chillis and new flowers at the same time - I m sure yours will be fine..
Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: Glen on March 04, 2010, 08:30:30
Thanks for the advice BarriedaleNick.

Would you recommend that I remove the buds / flowers or leave them on to develop?

Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: BarriedaleNick on March 04, 2010, 09:10:56
I'd say to leave them but I'm sure more knowledgable peeps may have an opinion!
Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: Glen on March 04, 2010, 09:38:45

My reasonsing tells me that if they are flowering then their engergy will be going into producing the flowers and then fuit. However if these were to be removed then would'nt the plant switch its energy back to producing leaf growth - vegative.

I just don't know what to do for the best. ???
Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: chriscross1966 on March 04, 2010, 10:01:34
It's a bit of a problem to know what to do with Chillis once they start flowering too early. If you leave the flowers on and they set fruit then everything the plant makes is going to go into the fruit pretty much, if you take them off the plant might push all its strength into making new flowers.

I don't tend to bother with brand-name fertilizers, I just look at the concentrations of the three biggies and generally use seaweed extract for the trace elements etc. With chillis of course you have to worry about magnesium cos they go through it like a five-year old through sweets compared to other plants. There are specific chilli and pepper fertilisers (indeed I have some at home somewhere but can't remember the name right now off the top of my head).

If it were me I'd give them a light top-dressing of blood fish and bone meal and pot them up into the next size pot with some extra BFB in the compost, assuming they're not in 8" pots already.  Water in with seaweed extract (or whatever you get trace elements from if not chilli fertiliser) and a pinch of epsom salts if you have it. I generally don't get too fussed about magnesium unless I see evidence of chlorosis but  YMMV.

Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: Glen on March 04, 2010, 10:08:02
Thanks Chriscross.

I agree with you it is difficult to know what to do. The BFB sounds like a good possibility. Don't think I want to re pot yet as I have just put them into 9cm pots and was wanting to grow them on a bit before potting into larger pots.

Sorry but as a newbie, whats YMMV?

Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: loulu on March 05, 2010, 10:23:32

Sorry to intrude here, but just about to start some chilli seeds indoors. However, I have West facing windows so will probably need some grow lights to aid growth. I've been reading so much stuff on the net but just getting really confused - can anyone please advise on what type of grow lights to buy, and what kind of rig I need - the cheaper the better I'm afraid  ???
Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: BarriedaleNick on March 05, 2010, 10:45:18
I have my chilli seedlings on a west facing window - they get the Sun in the afternoon and it's light enough for growth albeit moderately slow.  This has worked for the last few years for me - no need for lights.
If you want to use lights you can speed things along.
There have been some discussions about lights,58036.msg594272.html#msg594272 (,58036.msg594272.html#msg594272),56846.msg579308.html#msg579308 (,56846.msg579308.html#msg579308)

but basically if you just want to help em along just go with cheap floro fittings with a grow bulb or at a push a CFL growbulb like this

Everything else would be overkill...
Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: chriscross1966 on March 05, 2010, 10:54:11
Thanks Chriscross.

I agree with you it is difficult to know what to do. The BFB sounds like a good possibility. Don't think I want to re pot yet as I have just put them into 9cm pots and was wanting to grow them on a bit before potting into larger pots.

Sorry but as a newbie, whats YMMV?


Ooh sorry... "Your Mileage Might Vary" In the long ago days of the internet, before the web we used a lot of contractions and acronyms. It's where LOL, ROFL and IMHO come from etc...I'm old enough to remember being wowed by a mates then brand-new 2400 baud modem and wondering what on earth he'd do with all that bandwidth....

Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: loulu on March 05, 2010, 11:05:15
Thanks BarriedaleNick,

Most helpful information! I did a search for 'growlights' on this forum and nothing really came up! The lights look good and reasonably cheap too, I think i'll give it a go. I have grown some herbs on my windowsill and they are long and spindly despite the light coming through. I keep rotating them as they are bending to the light, yesterday half of them looked very sorry for themselves...
Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: BarriedaleNick on March 05, 2010, 11:19:03
Ooh sorry... "Your Mileage Might Vary" In the long ago days of the internet, before the web we used a lot of contractions and acronyms. It's where LOL, ROFL and IMHO come from etc...I'm old enough to remember being wowed by a mates then brand-new 2400 baud modem and wondering what on earth he'd do with all that bandwidth....


Ah Im not the only one then!  What can compare to the joy of watching images download from usenet on a 1200 baud modem - flame wars were much slower in those days..
Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: Glen on March 05, 2010, 11:27:35
Ah I see Chriscross.

Hi Loulu - this is my first year starting chilli's under lights. I use three fish tank fluorescents - Life Glo tubes (£17 per tube) mounted onto a piece of MDF and I have made a small light box out of MDF.

This seems to be working well for me and my plants are growing well and it is also cheap to run.

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: loulu on March 05, 2010, 11:38:28
Hi Glen

I had wondered about Aquarium lights because I have a couple spare indoors, but wasn't sure if they would be the right type or not. Hmmm interesting.... of course its got to be cheap to run (as you say) because otherwise its not worth it. I would love to get a successful crop though - last year I tried Chilli's and failed miserably but that's because I hadn't got a clue what I was doing then.  :)
Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: Glen on March 05, 2010, 11:43:45

Yeah I was the same last year - I was not very successful and only got a few chillis.

This year I have started them off under lights in the hope to get them really going before I put them outside in the warmer months and hopefully get a few more chillis. Well thats the plan anyway!  ;D

Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: loulu on March 05, 2010, 17:04:46

Good plan!

I wish I'd started a bit earlier. Just bought myself a heated propagator to start them off - I hear they can take a long time to germinate. I hope not too long!

Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: Glen on March 08, 2010, 09:44:24
Hi Loulu,

It depends on what variety they are. Most of mine were up within the first 2 weeks. However some of the hotter varieties have taken as long as 6 to 7 weeks.

good luck.

Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: loulu on March 08, 2010, 14:15:15
Hi Glen

What varieties are you growing? I am going to try (still waiting for my seeds) Scoth Bonnet, Hungarian Hot Wax, Black Hungarian, Hungarian Carrot, and Cyklon I think that's what I ordered anyway  :)
Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: Glen on March 09, 2010, 11:54:12
Hi Loulu,

I am growing:
Early Jalapeno
NewMex Twilight
NewMex Pinata
Super chilli
Ring of Fire
Red Skin
Piaire Fire - Not been able to get any to germinate yet

I hope these will keep me going through the summer!  ;D
Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: Wilder on March 09, 2010, 12:57:31
I experimented with a warm south facing windowsill and put the seeds in first week of Feb. Even though at night it must get quite cool, if not downright cold, the Cayenne& Jalapeno and Peppers (Yolo Wonder and California) have finally started to sprout. I don't have a heated propagator and the hot press is too full of the aubergine seeds which are far more important so needs must and they are coming up finally after 6 weeks.

The cayenne and Yolo are coming up faster than the jalapeno and Califonia.
Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: loulu on March 09, 2010, 17:09:33
I wish I had a south facing window Wilder!

I have bought a mega cheap heated propagator to try it out. Also bought a thermometer to check out temp in the room I am going to grow them in - temp not too bad actually which surprises me.

I've got several things on the go now - even trying to grow Lavender from seed, not sure if that will work out or not. 

Glen, sounds like you may be stocked up for the summer!!!!

I'm still waiting on my seeds....been a while now. I am getting impatient  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: Vinlander on March 10, 2010, 20:06:15

I have bought a mega cheap heated propagator to try it out.

Be aware that propagators without thermostats can get to drying (or even cooking) temps as soon as we get a normal spring day for this time of year - it's best to keep a max-min thermometer in there and at some point turn the power off during the day (timer switches are cheap and very useful).

In a few weeks time any propagator anywhere (except a north window) can reach cooking temps within an hour of getting direct sun (even ones with a thermostat) - at this point you will wish they had an automatic vent to lift the whole lid! (NB. it can be done).

Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: loulu on March 11, 2010, 07:22:11
Thanks Vinlander,

I didn't know that. Temperatures here have dropped again but I will certainly take measures once the weather improves.

It's not easy this growing from seed business is it?

I am new to this though, so please bear with me  :)

Title: Re: Chilli's under lights
Post by: Jill on March 11, 2010, 09:14:04
I've just germinated cherry bomb, ring of fire and naga jolokia in my airing cupboard.  Took just over a week.  Whipped them out into a south facing room as soon as they'd sprouted so they could green up.
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