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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: Ninnyscrops. on March 01, 2010, 21:45:23

Title: Sowing today?
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on March 01, 2010, 21:45:23
It's that time on the seed packets  ;D

What are we sowing today or maybe tomorrow  ???

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: grawrc on March 01, 2010, 21:55:09
Well the ground here is still frozen and will be waterlogged when it thaws so probably still confined to windowsills.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on March 01, 2010, 22:16:12
I'm constantly tempted to put some round-seeded peas in, under cover. I think I'll resist for a bit though.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Le-y on March 01, 2010, 22:22:36
I did some today   :-[ the beautiful sun was shining through my kitchen window so egg boxes out, window sill cleared and refilled with soon to be growing yummies (hopefully).

strangely i'm quite nervous this year, my first allotment year and last year was the first year i grew anything

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: GlentoranMark on March 02, 2010, 09:33:22
I put in a half row of beetroot under fleece and cloche last week. This allotment game is new to me so it would be interesting to see how they turn out. If anything, all I'll have wasted is a few seeds.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: detailista on March 02, 2010, 09:48:18
My first proper year this year too :)

I'm going to rehouse my pot plants from home to work to clear my windowsills tomorrow and will be planting as much as I can fit - I can't remember what seeds I've got to start off now but there were quite a few, am especially excited now I know that  if any packets of seeds don't germinate well wilkos offer to refund/replace  ;D

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: BarriedaleNick on March 02, 2010, 09:56:51
Im still on the window sills.  My London clay is next to imposible to sow direct at the moment.
Got some peas in paper tubes ready to go out to the cold frame.  Planted some more chillis last night.  If I am lucky I might get some parsnips in my prepared bed at the weekend.  Putting all my toms on this week - spare room starting to look like Kew Gardens!
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Le-y on March 02, 2010, 10:23:30
see its still far too cold to plant out now woke up this morning to frost again though its a lovely sunny day now!

and i think we're due to get some more snow?
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Digeroo on March 02, 2010, 12:28:44
if any packets of seeds don't germinate well wilkos offer to refund/replace  

I presume that all seeds are replaceable if they fail to germinate.  I am not sure that we send enough back.  I think we often blame out ineptitudes rather than the seeds.

I would like to thank you becuase I had an expensive packet of pink flowered strawberries Flroian and there were only half the stared quantity of seeds.  I had filled 16 pots (hoping for one exta) and in the end only had enough to put a seed in half.  Your remark goaded me into action and I got a replacement packet.  Very pleased -replacement packet has two extra.  

I think we have been spoiled by the last few mild years.  In the past we have had frosts in June and I have seen more while Easters than white Christmas.  I remember having to throw sheets over the runner beans which were right up to the top of the poles one year and praying it would be enough to keep them frost free. 

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Tee Gee on March 02, 2010, 13:10:39
I guess it will be another four weeks or so before I get into sowing seriously.

Took about 70 Chrysant cuttings this morning, so at least I have made a start!
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on March 02, 2010, 13:49:26
It'll be a couple of weeks for me. At present I'm thinking about seed potatoes, not seed seeds.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Busy Bee on March 02, 2010, 13:58:04
Got my potatoes chitting but thats it. Its reassuring to know i'm not the only one who will be leaving it a few weeks yet. My soil is so wet i can't get anywhere near it at the moment. Thought i would leave it until the easter school break at the end of the month.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: ourdai on March 02, 2010, 14:33:06
Canadian beans in loo rolls to grow in a cold greenhouse.   Will plant a couple of potatoes in the greenhouse border, worked well last year.   Toms growing under a blue LED lamp looking good.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Mrs Gumboot on March 02, 2010, 18:14:47
Forcing myself to wait for a few weeks to get toms & a few other bits going on windowsill.

Going to run out of windowsill if I get things going too soon  :)
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: amphibian on March 02, 2010, 18:26:23
I'll wait for spring, it all catches up in the end.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Mr Smith on March 02, 2010, 19:32:51
The ground is still very wet in our area but not really worried, I have my seeds and Broad beans coming on in the cold frame Easter will be early enough for me and lets hope a little bit warmer, :)
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: brownowl23 on March 02, 2010, 20:19:30
went to the lottie yesterday and most of it was like a swamp. Did some work down there tidying and diggin the driest bits.

As for planting if it cant go into a seed tray then its got to wait
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: cornykev on March 02, 2010, 20:25:39
I sowed some celeriac yesterday.    ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: worldor on March 03, 2010, 13:43:49
I can't stop
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: chriscross1966 on March 03, 2010, 20:09:45
Canadian beans in loo rolls to grow in a cold greenhouse.   Will plant a couple of potatoes in the greenhouse border, worked well last year.   Toms growing under a blue LED lamp looking good.

Ooh... what sort of blue LED are you using?... do you have any pictures?... I'm interested in trying some onions next year under LED's so anyone doing anythign other than growing naughty plants is someone I want to talk to :D

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: JJ on March 04, 2010, 20:05:19
 hi just put some more demon peppers in ,parsnips,carrots,lettuce,and peas
gowing to sow more at weekend
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on March 04, 2010, 20:07:20
Couldn't get up to the plot today so got busy at home  :)

Unheated props in the greenhouse:

Lettuce - Little Gem - Kings
Lettuce - Little Leprechaun - Kings
Lettuce - Webb's Wonderful - Kings
Artichoke - Green Globe - Mr Fothergill's

Heated prop in spare bedroom:

Aubergine - Calliope - T & M
Aubergine - Snowy - Kings
Aubergine - Violetta Lunga 2 - Franchi
Chilli - Fresno - Johnsons
Chilli - Jalapeno - Johnsons
Chilli - Red Cherry - Johnsons
Sweet Pepper - Dulce Italiano - Franchi
Sweet Pepper - California Wonder - (via Cosmo & Dibs - I think)
Sweet Pepper - Spanish Mixed - Kings
Tomato - Polestar - GrannieAnnie
Tomato - Moneymaker - (via Cosmo & Dibs - I think)
Tomato - Stoner's Exhibition - Kings
Tomato - Yellow Pear - saved by local farmer friend

Here's hoping!

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: grawrc on March 05, 2010, 13:55:02
Absolutely gobsmacked by the diversity. How many of each?
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: calendula on March 05, 2010, 15:29:52
peas, lots of them kelvedon wonder + 6 varieties of aubergines + coriander + basil + lettuce + sweet peas 5 varieties - just the beginning of a frantic few months of sowing, virtually never stop actually  ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: chriscross1966 on March 05, 2010, 15:44:59
Absolutely gobsmacked by the diversity. How many of each?

One of the great things about modules is its easy to sow 5 of this, five of that etc, you can get 8 varieties in a tray and know that each one is in its own seperate little bit of soil..... with four propagators that's 32 different things potentially in the props at once.... which is close to what mine will be in a week or so cos the main tomato/pepper stuff will be going in....

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: sunloving on March 05, 2010, 17:18:23
Today I sowed tomatillo, plum toms and serrano chillies, salsa anyone (in about five months mind!)
x sunloving
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: carosanto on March 05, 2010, 20:24:06
Hi Y'All

Glorious day here, been on lottie in short sleeves! 

Sowed:  Under fleece, carrots and coriander

In drills, rocket and chives, shallots

Under Cloches where I sowed peas last November I am filling in the 50% eaten ones with more Onward, still keeping under cloche of course. (Surprised ANY survied at all in the weather we've had)

Planted out my Autum and Summer fruiting raspberry canes into their final position.

Knackered, but happy.

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: chriscross1966 on March 06, 2010, 14:55:05
Into the propagators went 22 varieties acros 120 modules.
Brussesl Sprout x2, celeriac, red cabbage, leeks, onions x3, oregano, parsley, pepino, calabrese chillis, Doogi (Dooli?), little gem, a sweetcorn viability check, frigitello peppers, kaibi peppers, and some other things I don't remember, plus in big modules just in the greenhouse, 100x meteor peas and 15x sutton broad beans.....

It's got cold again (annoyingly), otherwise I might have been tempted to put a few spuds in big pots too....

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: cleo on March 06, 2010, 15:55:17
Nothing outside -although I dig up another couple of chicory roots for forcing.

Sowed for the propgators--even more tomatoes-why!!! I`ve given up,I want to retire,--oh well maybe the odd one or two for my regular customers or maybe a car boot sale??

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: caroline7758 on March 06, 2010, 17:18:09
I've sown toms and peppers today and put them in my heated propagator. Also sowed leeks in the greenhouse and sweet peas to replace all the autumn-sown ones I lost to the mice and the frost. Oh, and some herbs- basil, coriander and parsley.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Sparkly on March 06, 2010, 17:54:04
I planted chillies, sweet peppers, a few dwarf cherry toms and sweet peas  ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Deb P on March 07, 2010, 08:42:48
Decided its still too cold to risk spring shallots, so potted the lot up in modules to root in the cold greenhouse. Having a major sowing session today and tomorrow, all the peppers & chillies are going into the heated propagator or the airing cupboard; brassicas & sweet peas in the unheated ones in the kitchen. Might do all the the tomatoes if I have time/space....but there is a lot of them! ::)
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Buckeye Girl on March 07, 2010, 10:57:14

IS IT TIME YET  ? ! ? ! ? !   :-\

Should I , Shouldn't I .....  what ifs .....    It's all a new game to me but I am taking comfort in knowing that others, more experienced than myself, are asking the same questions.   

I live in Bristol so I expect that , climate wise, I have it milder than those up north.   I just can't make up my mind as to whether to get out there and plant the onions and potato now ... or wait a week or two.

 The sun is shining and I see blue sky - very tempting indeed.   Still, I could just get on with doing some more seeds in my cold frame I guess.  It's all going to help things in the end.

Chompin at the bit here.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Sparkly on March 07, 2010, 11:05:02
Maybe I will put the a second lot of onions and garlic in today.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Mortality on March 07, 2010, 11:33:04
I think i'm getting too many frosts yet down here in Devon, they're forecasting frost for the next 4 days  >:(
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: greensausage on March 07, 2010, 12:52:22
Nothing outside yet, but have started various types of Leeks in trays and Onward Peas in loo roll middles in unheated conservatory, various chillies and aubergines in heated propagator and potatoes in tubs (keeping them indoors for now) 
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: ajb on March 07, 2010, 21:09:55
Carrot Mokum F1 in a pot
Potato Mayan Gold, Orla and Pentland dell also in pots, with a dash of optimism

It all has to go into pots as the vegetable garden is in deepest shade until May!
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: star on March 07, 2010, 22:48:00
Potatoes chitting here, but holding back on sowing seeds just yet, I only have a cold greenhouse. Not going to end up with a house full of seedlings.....again!!

So in a couple of weeks I'll get busy :D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: manicscousers on March 08, 2010, 07:46:08
cucumbers today and transplanting tommie seedlings  ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: 1066 on March 08, 2010, 11:38:40
A few bits and bobs indoors like spinach, kohl rabi, artichokes, pak choi, indian mustard and some peas in pots outdoors  ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on March 08, 2010, 12:56:46
Absolutely gobsmacked by the diversity. How many of each?

2 per module x 6 of each of the lettuce varieties.

About 10 seeds each of the others in little margarine tubs in the heated prop, Grawrc.

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: charlie888 on March 08, 2010, 12:59:40
I'm reassured that others haven't gone beyond chitting potatoes yet - after being stuck with a bedroom full of triffid like tomatoes last year because it was still too early to get them outside I'm trying my best to be patient this year!  I've got a week off at Easter so I think I'll launch myself into the new season proper then.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Barkie on March 10, 2010, 15:43:57
I got three 1st early Rocket spuddies in a pot a couple of weeks ago expecting frosts and have been fetching them into a cold hallway overnight. They look chirpy  :)  I planted another four in a bag in a crate this morning.

Seed sowing - I haven't started yet as the various chitting spuds are taking up the space on my window sills. 

Was hoping to remove some rose bush roots to clear ground for the spuds but have had no success  :'(
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: calendula on March 10, 2010, 16:25:19
I got fed up years ago with windowsills full of leaning seedlings and as I have very limited useful space to chit spuds I now use my mobile greenhouse to do this - aka my car  :o  ;D at present full of spuds
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: cornykev on March 10, 2010, 16:54:56
I bet your goes like a rocket Cal.     :P      ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Deb P on March 10, 2010, 17:43:26
Tomatoes all done today,now in the heated propogator, chillies and peppers on top of the hot water tank, brassicas on the windowsill! ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: calendula on March 10, 2010, 18:40:27
I bet your goes like a rocket Cal.     :P      ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D as it happens I did think about rocket spuds this year but i do have some rocket seedlings in there though  ;D rockets to the moon
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on March 10, 2010, 19:06:59
The greenhouse was just so warm today, so under prop lids went


(Sorry for the layout it's from an Excel spreadsheet)

The French and African marigolds sown in the greenhouse on 17th Feb have peeped through and one of the three sunflower seeds sown (just to check viability) is up too :)

There's bubblewrap all around side windows but no heating.

In the heated prop in the spare bedroom two of GrannieAnnie's Polstar toms have come up.

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: manicscousers on March 10, 2010, 19:12:00
celeriac is showing  ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: saddad on March 10, 2010, 19:15:54
Tomatoes all done today,now in the heated propogator, chillies and peppers on top of the hot water tank, brassicas on the windowsill! ;D
Doing many for the sale Deb? I haven't been asked but there will be some left overs..  :)
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: realfood on March 10, 2010, 19:22:20
Down to -6c last night inside my bubble wrap tent inside the greenhouse, so still too early to sow in there I think. Outside ground frozen solid!!
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on March 10, 2010, 21:39:19
Totally agree Realfood, still a tad chilly in your neck of the woods!

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: GrannieAnnie on March 11, 2010, 02:51:16
Held off until yesterday to plant toms indoors on a heat pad to germinate, then out to the cold frame:
                  Sub-Arctic Tom  a determinate, 58 day- new for me this year
                  Stupice Tom- new for me after hearing you guys rave on
                  Cherokee Purple Tom   80 day heirloom beefsteak- new for me
                  Prudens Purple  heirloom
                  Black Krim
                  Polfast  f1 hybrid determinate
                  Anna Russian Tom  65 day indeterminate
                  BetterBoy f1 tom 75 day indeterminate- old seed might not germinate

                  Aubergine:  Dusky hybrid 63 day compact plant- new for me
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Wilder on March 11, 2010, 09:40:06
Seeds sown last week of Jan in warm (big!) windowsill and doing well are
Parsley both flat & curly
Little Gem Lettuce
Lollo Rosso
Unknown seeds (??) but looking like more parsley
purple Basil
Tomatoes (about 6 varieties, will have loads of extras)

A week ago I put 1 X 6 different types of courgette/ squash in individual pots.

INDOORS BUT UNDER a kind a CLOCHE:I put the Chillis (Cayenne and Jalapeno) & peppers yolo wonder & California in a see-through plastic storage box to simulate a heated propagator and some of them are sprouting now.

HOT PRESS: I've put more chillis, 6 Sikkim Cukes (thanks to Mpdjulie!!) and three different varities of Aubergine (Bonica, Danuto & red Egg) in ordinary covered propagators in the Hot press. I take them out each day for a bit of light (I have no clue if that's the right thing to do??)

COLDFRAME ON BALCONY: Jan Outdoors in the coldframe I'm just seeing onions seeds sprouting now and some lettuce Mervillgli de inverno
March Musslebugh leeks and white lisbon spring onions

PATIO against a warm south facing wall: Chitted Colleen first earlies planted last week: Chitted Rockets (thanks to Corinne on Freecycle) going in a bag in same spot today.

Currently chitting desiree and maris peer and have main crop bought already

In raised beds: Planted sets of red baron onions and sturgeon (?) end Feb. Sowed Chanteray red cored, resistafly and autumn Giant Carrots  next to them. Not fleecing or cloching as this is only second year trying this and I want to see what survives.

In the soft fruits patch (first time), 3 types of raspberries, 2 red currants, 2 gooseberries, an Apricot goes in near the existing cherry & plum.

Was going to start the beans & peas but I remember what happened last year, it's way too early and they did better planted out into the soil in May.

I'm sure you can tell at this stage how over eager I am! I'm lucky that I work 3 days a week from home so every coffee break and lunch break is spent in the garden or with the seeds. I badly need a greehouse as my next step but can't afford it at the mo so looking at second hand ones or on freecycle. If anyone hears of anything please send me a message!

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Mortality on March 11, 2010, 09:47:39
Beetroot - Burpee's Golden.

I dont like the red beetroots so hopefully I will like this !!  :P
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: antipodes on March 11, 2010, 14:21:22
It's been so cold I have done nothing except some leeks, brassicas and the aubergines and peppers. Going to do the tomatoes and the herbs this week. Last year my flat was overrun so this year am being more reasonable and also have bought a little coldframe that I still haven't managed to build on the plot! I am still on the spuds and onions for now, especially as it is starting to look more clement here now.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: cleo on March 11, 2010, 14:33:06
 Stupice Tom- new for me after hearing you guys rave on
                  Cherokee Purple Tom   80 day heirloom beefsteak- new for me
                  Prudens Purple  heirloom

Nice choices :)
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: cornykev on March 11, 2010, 14:50:48
When did you sow your celeriac Manics.   ???         ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: manicscousers on March 11, 2010, 15:42:56
When did you sow your celeriac Manics.   ???         ;D ;D ;D
on 28/2, kev..giant an unheated propagator on the windowsill,covered the seed with vermiculite... I'm leaving them to get quite a bit bigger as they're such little tiddlers  ;D
sowed filderkraut cabbage, bunches of silverskin onions, fillbasket sprouts and all yr round cauli
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: caroline7758 on March 11, 2010, 17:23:51
First toms have germinated! (In a heated prop in the kitchen).
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: cornykev on March 11, 2010, 17:30:41
Cheers Manics, I sowed my celeriac on the 1st March in a tray on the window seal and haven't got a sausage showing yet.  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: manicscousers on March 11, 2010, 17:34:54
still time yet,kev  ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on March 11, 2010, 20:59:19
Aubergine - Calliope - up
Tomato - Moneymaker - up

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: 1066 on March 12, 2010, 06:35:26
Amazing! And what a bunch of busy people !
More peas and some Summer Savory, a few Marigolds, pak choi, leeks, and NZ spinach

Think I'll make a start on some salads and herbs this weekend  :) But I need to clear the windowcills for all these seedlings so we'll have to eat the last of pumpkins  (they've been on the window cills all winter)  ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on March 12, 2010, 09:14:56
If Metcheck is on the right lines, the high pressure which caused the cold weather for the last few weeks is moving off to Central Europe. I might put in some early spuds; they won't come to much harm underground.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: electric landlady on March 12, 2010, 12:35:26
I can't stand it any longer!! even though it is still a bit cold I have sowed PSB, green broccoli, chillies and toms all indoors in covered seed trays by the window.

Toms are Gardeners Delight (my old faithful), costaluto fiorentino, roma and 2 left over seeds of Old Ivory Egg (pale yellow plum tomato that did very well last year, very tasty).
Chillies are Aji Crystal, Cayenne, Numex Twilight, Fresno and Bulgarian Carrot.

Really hoping I can keep the brassica seedlings alive this year. Will do leeks next, then sweet peas.

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: manicscousers on March 12, 2010, 13:31:40
giant blue lake leeks, I think, the packet is at the plot  ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: mummybunny on March 12, 2010, 14:20:00

Woohoo First seeds sown.

Toms Moneymaker and gardeners delight
Cauliflower Igloo
Chilli demon red and some freebie ones hopefully a nice surprise

And some lavender blue wonder to go down the lottie in memory of my wonderfull nan. She loved lavender  ;D

So excited here's to a fruitful and vegfull year  ;D

Lucy x
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: calendula on March 13, 2010, 20:57:28
6 more varieties of aubergines
physalis (thanks to one half of manics - didn't get chance last year)  ;D
making a start on the chillis

still so cold though, everything seems so late this year  ::) but will all catch up as always
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: dazem11 on March 14, 2010, 15:21:25
Well we have done Onions,Carrots,Parsnips,radish and beetroot today.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: cornykev on March 14, 2010, 16:07:27
Planted a row of onions and lined up ready to put the rest in this week.    ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Le-y on March 14, 2010, 16:28:01
Well i sort of replanted my peas and broadbeans and my toddler insisted on sowing some carrots so i let him do that.

I've got lettuce, onions and carrots already on the windowsill and am happy to see that the cucumber i sowed a few weeks back is starting to emerge!

  really unsure about planting out my potatoes so i'm holding off for now, i dont trust this nice weather!
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: cornykev on March 14, 2010, 18:10:07
The Sun  8) came back out and I went back to the lottie and planted 5 rows.  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: artichoke on March 14, 2010, 20:08:47
"I might put in some early spuds; they won't come to much harm underground"

I forgot a row of potatoes over the winter and dug some of them up today, expecting smelly mush after snow and frost in East Sussex. Clean and firm and healthy! Not even go ahead!
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Glen on March 14, 2010, 20:28:49
Hi all,

Put some pea's, runner beans, french beans, celery and lemon grass in today.

Also couldn't wait and put some courgettes, butternut and pumpkin in - will have to wait and see if these take over the back bedroom.  ;D

Chilli's and tom's growing well under lights. Holding off on my potato's as don't trust the frosts yet. Parsnips and carrots to go in tomorrow under cloches.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: JJ on March 14, 2010, 20:47:20
put 5 rows of spuds out, re potted lettuce chillies then stared sowing some more peas, beetroot,carrots and parsnips ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: brownowl23 on March 14, 2010, 21:43:10
Ive sown

tomatoes - country taste and harbinger.
courgette - black beaty and golden yellow
potatoes - sharpes express
and onions cant rememebr variety.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: carosanto on March 14, 2010, 22:32:09

Before getting round to sowing I had two 'orrible jobs to do and these I finished in record time so that I could get sowing - such a gorgeous day, pity to waste it on 'orrible stuff.

Finally got round to re-doing my little raised salad and herb bed.  Sowed rocket, chives, coriander and some lollo rosso lettuce, under a fleece cover.  Then went home and sowed some meteor peas in modules to replace any failures that I am bound to get. 

This coming week, I'll think about potatoes, only think mind, depends on what the weather does as to whether I actually plant any!

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on March 14, 2010, 22:36:36
Planted the British Queen.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: lottie lou on March 14, 2010, 22:41:35
Put in broad bean seeds to replace the ones that never appeared.  I don't think Aquadulce likes me.  Only tried them as they had been highly rated on this site.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Paulines7 on March 15, 2010, 00:22:29
I planted out my broadbeans which had got taller and taller in their jiffy7's.  Some were over a foot tall!  There is talk of a frost tomorrow night so I will have to get the fleece out.

Toms, aubs, cues and peppers are all looking well on the working surface in my utility room.

I sowed some courgette seeds way too early last month and although the plants are only about 7 inches long, there are flower buds appearing.  I will probably transfer them to a pot in the greenhouse and will hopefully have some early ones.
 ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: 1066 on March 15, 2010, 14:43:45
Planted the British Queen.

What did she have to say about that  ;)  BTW what is it?

I started some lettuce off indoors - cos, endive, butterhead, mizuna  :)
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: manicscousers on March 15, 2010, 15:03:16
sowed banana shallots and some romanesco broccoli  ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Mortality on March 15, 2010, 15:16:58
Planted out seed potatoes in the grow bags and the only pea plant that germinated from the first batch.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: cornykev on March 15, 2010, 17:58:39
DON'T MANIC, DON'T MANIC, my celeriacs started to come up.   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: manicscousers on March 15, 2010, 17:59:54
yaaaay, congratulations..mine are getting transplanted on wednesday  ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: saddad on March 15, 2010, 18:21:20
Planted the British Queen.

What did she have to say about that  ;)  BTW what is it?

I started some lettuce off indoors - cos, endive, butterhead, mizuna  :)

British Queen is a potato...
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: plot51A on March 15, 2010, 18:34:15
DON'T MANIC, DON'T MANIC, my celeriacs started to come up.   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

So's mine! (seed courtesy of Manics) They are so miniscule I can't imagine them ever getting big enough to transplant  ;D

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: cornykev on March 15, 2010, 18:36:05
Yes mine are tiny as well.  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: GlentoranMark on March 15, 2010, 18:37:10
1/2 bed of garlic and a row of carrots.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on March 15, 2010, 21:52:59
Datura - stubborn whatsit seed, for me anyway  >:(

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on March 15, 2010, 22:51:41
Carlin Pea, Latvian Pea, Salmon-Flowered Pea and Hatif d'Annonay, all in pots which will sit on my windowsill till they get their heads up.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: pookienoodle on March 16, 2010, 12:59:33
Carlin Pea, Latvian Pea, Salmon-Flowered Pea and Hatif d'Annonay, all in pots which will sit on my windowsill till they get their heads up.

where did you buy your carlin peas please?
As a northern girl now living in South Wales I really miss black peas and would love to grow some.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: mormor on March 16, 2010, 13:08:12
I was out on the plot yesterday (in Denmark) and it was still covered with snow and frozen underneath. Some animals had eaten my six new tulip bulbs, which were sprouting last week. So I enjoy reading that some people can actually get into the earth. I guess I will start sowing things in pots indoors in a week or two?
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: 1066 on March 16, 2010, 13:23:01
I sowed some Hot Thai chillies (great result from last years crop) and some more Lemon Drop Chillies the 1st batch of which didn't germinate  :-\

Will try and get to do some herbs indoors ater this week  :)
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on March 16, 2010, 15:09:48
where did you buy your carlin peas please?
As a northern girl now living in South Wales I really miss black peas and would love to grow some.

I didn't, I got them in a swap. I should have some spare after the growing season, as I'm growing them for seed this year.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: pookienoodle on March 16, 2010, 17:18:02
where did you buy your carlin peas please?
As a northern girl now living in South Wales I really miss black peas and would love to grow some.

I didn't, I got them in a swap. I should have some spare after the growing season, as I'm growing them for seed this year.

O.K thanks,
I thought I hadn't spotted any in the catalogues,can't even buy the peas themselves in Wales.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: mark_h on March 16, 2010, 18:14:18
Planted Broad Bean - Express,Onion - Setton, Garlic - Solent Wight and Marco.   Within the next week the 1st and 2nd Early potatos will go in along with some peas.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Digeroo on March 16, 2010, 19:41:57
where did you buy your carlin peas please

What is the difference between black peas and grey peas?  Thought Grey peas appears to be spotted yellow.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on March 16, 2010, 21:00:53
'Grey' peas are the old medieval field peas, or varieties which look like them anyway. They tend to have brown speckled seeds. I'm not sure why Carlin Pea is known as the 'black pea'. It's an odd-looking pea by modern standards, mottled brown and looking like a slightly collapsed football.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: . on March 16, 2010, 21:46:06
 Black peas with vinegar On Bury Market    yum     Also good on bonfire night.

You used to be able to get them in petfood stores       (Pigeon Peas  :D )

This site   lists them.

  It might also be  worthwhile  trying the Health food and Asian shops

 Item No.  390144254806  on ebay if you want a big bag.

Really big bag   :o
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: manicscousers on March 17, 2010, 08:12:23
sowing carrots today  ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: pookienoodle on March 17, 2010, 11:52:59
Black peas with vinegar On Bury Market    yum     Also good on bonfire night.

You used to be able to get them in petfood stores       (Pigeon Peas  :D )

This site   lists them.

  It might also be  worthwhile  trying the Health food and Asian shops

the smell of black peas always reminds me of the "wakes" or fairground.
thanks for the links
will I be able to sow the ones from the pet shop and get a crop do you think?
 Item No.  390144254806  on ebay if you want a big bag.

Really big bag   :o
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Deb P on March 17, 2010, 20:22:04
Tomatoes all done today,now in the heated propogator, chillies and peppers on top of the hot water tank, brassicas on the windowsill! ;D
Doing many for the sale Deb? I haven't been asked but there will be some left overs..  :)

Probably, I've sown four of each of about 54 over 200 so far, that's just the toms...... ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: busy_lizzie on March 18, 2010, 17:30:49
Jiust started sowing seeds indoors. So far I have done some pansies, cosmos, love in a mist and today I did autumn calabrese, and golden acre cabbages. Will sow some spinach out of doors at the weekend depending on the weather. So lovely to begin doing things at last. Was quite balmy outside today in the North East. busy_lizzie
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: artichoke on March 18, 2010, 18:21:16
Planted some jerusalem artchokes today.

Asked husband, who was going that way, to buy some for eating at a distant good veg shop, but he thought they didn't look right, so only got 2, plus a packet for planting, which was exactly what I wanted to avoid. £1 per tuber!!!!

The two eating ones he got were PERFECT, and were all I wanted.....but I wanted 10 of them.

Also cleared a row of potatoes I forgot to dig in the autumn, and was astonished at how clean and firm and perfect they were after months underground with snow and prolongued frosts.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: GlentoranMark on March 18, 2010, 20:03:37
Planted some jerusalem artchokes today.

Asked husband, who was going that way, to buy some for eating at a distant good veg shop, but he thought they didn't look right, so only got 2, plus a packet for planting, which was exactly what I wanted to avoid. £1 per tuber!!!!

The two eating ones he got were PERFECT, and were all I wanted.....but I wanted 10 of them.

Also cleared a row of potatoes I forgot to dig in the autumn, and was astonished at how clean and firm and perfect they were after months underground with snow and prolongued frosts.

I put 2 in today as well (see my thread on Recipes) into 2 buckets. From what I read, the roots will multiply so you will have a bumper crop from next year.

Besides the Artichoke's I planted 2 Giant Garlic Bulbs, White Onions and Shallots.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on March 18, 2010, 21:48:17
Helipterum Pierrot - up

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: jazzman2 on March 18, 2010, 23:01:47
hi all

all in propagator chives, parsley, thyme and yesterday shallots and garlic outside
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Deb P on March 19, 2010, 10:19:29
Tomatoes, chillies and peppers all up, yesterday sowed some okra (thought I would give it a go!), celery, saladings in trays and lots of flowers and herbs. I plan to try and get the greenhouse ready for moving stuff into it today, some things will be ready to put out in there next week I reckon.... ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: busy_lizzie on March 19, 2010, 11:54:17
We are doing lots of tomato sowing. Sweet Millions, Roma, Marmande, Black Cherry, Golden Cherry and Tigerella. Looking forward to the variety of colours when harvest time comes. busy_lizzie
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on March 19, 2010, 11:59:26
I put my toms in yesterday. Taxi, Harbinger, Clear Pink Early, Prima, Stupice, Buckbee 50 Day, Pipo. If we get a decent summer they might even escape the blight long enough to fruit.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: landimad on March 19, 2010, 17:24:09
with five of the six beds dug over and the Strawbs moved, I have sown cabbage, cauli, carrots, beetroot, and more cabbage.
This should be good for the family.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on March 19, 2010, 18:21:57
With the radio on in the greenhouse (I like to start singing to them early  ;)) and just enough light to sow!

Heated prop:

GERANIUM       TRAILING              SAVED
GERBERA         RED/PINK              SAVED
SAGE               GREEN              MR FOTHERGILL'S

No 1 Greenhouse under prop lids:

DIANTHUS                MIXED                        SAVED
COSMOS                  DWARF MIXED        SAVED
CABBAGE                 PRIMO II                        WILKINSONS
BRUSSELS SPROUT   TRAFALGAR                    T & M

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Digeroo on March 20, 2010, 10:17:03
I sowed some carrots, rhubarb, leeks and parsnips yesterday.  Leeks I sowed last week are already showing signs of having germinated.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on March 20, 2010, 10:38:07
I've just taken a tray of peas to the allotment, creating a space on the windowsill if I get a chance to plant any more. The family are probably going to be around though, and it makes for less friction to wait till they're out!
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on March 23, 2010, 19:26:40
Petunias in one of those tiny 84 plug plant trays, using a white piece of paper to spread the seeds out
and a damp cocktail to stick to pick each one up, 1 per cell  ::), then into the heated prop.

It'll be interesting to see how many germinate, I sowed 67 T & M Tropical Storm and 17 saved seed.

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: lottie lou on March 23, 2010, 20:07:31
Never heard of using a cocktail stick but its a good idea.  I might try it for the carrotts.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: calendula on March 23, 2010, 20:23:54
first lot of broad beans in today - dreadnought + beetroot pronto, spinach, spring onions on a beautiful spring day that has now deteriorated into winds and rain  :(
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Ninnyscrops. on March 23, 2010, 20:29:27
Never heard of using a cocktail stick but its a good idea.  I might try it for the carrotts.

Beats tweezers hands down  ;D just make sure it's damp and twist the seed off into the soil.

Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: james1 on March 24, 2010, 17:05:27
Sown today.

Minicole F1  my first sowing of these took the knock 2 leaves then died.
Giant Marrow   x3  trying to grow this one for the show seeds from medwyns.
Bushbadger marrow   x3
Bushbaby marrow    x3
Butternut F1 squash    x3
Charlestongray watermelon   x3
Antalya melon     x3
Ghostrider pumpkin    x3
Invincible pumpkin      x3

First time growing for these apart minicole. Hope i get 100% germinaton.  ;)
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: manicscousers on March 24, 2010, 17:15:12
nothing, run out of windowsill space until I can get more toms to the heated greenhouse  :)
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: grawrc on March 24, 2010, 18:11:38
toms, chilli, aubergines, peppers, celeriac, French marigold, broccoli, cauliflower, leeks, celery, brussels, parsnip. globe artichokes.. I've got started at last!!

Also planted onion sets (spuds yesterday - hope it's not too soon) and prepared bed for dahlia tubers.
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: Mrs Gumboot on March 24, 2010, 18:22:15
Thanks for the reminder - must do toms   ;D
Title: Re: Sowing today?
Post by: antipodes on March 25, 2010, 13:14:01
Even here in France the spring is very late in starting. However, all but the red onions are now planted, the early spuds are in, and last weekend I sowed the first lot of peas, radishes and carrots.
In the coldframe outdoors I sowed some flowers plus spring onions and leeks.
Indoors I have aubergines, broccoli, red cabbage, peppers and the first round of tomatoes. As for courgettes and so on, they come up so quickly that I won't be doing mine till well into April as I put them outdoors here early May.
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