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General => Top Tips => Topic started by: Mortality on January 19, 2010, 18:10:11

Title: What gardening mag?
Post by: Mortality on January 19, 2010, 18:10:11
Which ones do you buy?

I bought Kitchen Garden (feb issue) and Gardener's World (jan issue) today.

I liked Kitchen Garden, but not too impressed with Gardener's world  >:(
Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: w00dy on January 19, 2010, 18:42:39
I like Grow your Own once a month and for my weekly fix i normally opt for Amatuer gardener both of which usually have free seeds.

Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: redimp on January 20, 2010, 21:44:00
I've tried Grow It, Grow Your Own, Gardener's World - all once.  I keep buying Kitchen Garden which is far and away the best imo.
Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: mat on January 20, 2010, 21:44:55
me too for Kitchen Garden
Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: sunloving on February 01, 2010, 10:10:44
Im normally to broke for any of them but a couple of years ago discovered that you can buy gardeners world with tesco clubcard points (ten pounds something) so now its basically free.

Its still poncy and makes stupid planters for 70 quid when a trip to wilkies would get you simular for 15 but sometimes has some interesting stuff in and of course free seeds

but check out the websites of all the mags as the majority of the content is free online!!

X sunloving
Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: cornykev on February 07, 2010, 11:25:39
I treated myself to KG yesterday and it has five packets of free seeds and a planner with it, also I noticed one of the A4A members in it, he kept quiet about that one.   :-X      ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: Kea on February 26, 2010, 17:05:29
For vege gardening I like Grow your own over kitchen Garden. I see there are new ones now and they're also very expensive.
Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: Capt Pugwash on March 07, 2010, 20:11:17
Kitchen Garden gets my vote.  I liked it so much compared to the other Mags I subscribed so I don't miss an issue.
Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: Jayb on March 07, 2010, 20:18:25
I do the same deal as Sunloving, £10 odd for the year for Gardeners World- Fab  ;D

Welcome to A4A Capt P.  :)
Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: campanula on March 19, 2010, 23:03:11
after a whole season of garden mags, you may as well stop since they tend to be the same, year in, year out. I feel that they are tedious, patronising and basically puff pieces for the horticultural trade. Don't bother with any of them - you will find better, more erudite, more specialised advice on forums such as this and there is no agenda to try to sell you stuff you don't need and can't afford. Not to mention the unbelievable manicured and perfect gardens on display which are simply framed moments of stage dressing and have no relevance to most real gardeners. If you MUST read something - join a library and look for classic garden writers such as Christopher LLoyd, Graham Stuart Thomas, William Robinson, Graham Rice, Rix and Phillips et al.
Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: chriscross1966 on March 19, 2010, 23:50:09
Whichever hsa the most free seeds on the cover, if they're seeds I actually want.... that way I find I swear less whenever I see an ad for Sarah Raven or some other ripoff merchant trying to sell me carrot or sprin g onion plug plants......
Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: GodfreyRob on March 30, 2010, 17:00:04
Sadly, I just placed a £700 half page ad in the Organic Way (from the Garden Organic people) and no-one seems to have noticed it!

I got a 'free' copy though as an advertiser so its probably the most expensive mag I have ever bought :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: macmac on March 30, 2010, 17:26:23
I treated myself to KG yesterday and it has five packets of free seeds and a planner with it, also I noticed one of the A4A members in it, he kept quiet about that one.   :-X      ;D ;D ;D
I subscribe to Kitchen Garden and I didn't get free seeds :(
We've subscribed for 3-4 years now and while I agree after 12 months it gets repetitive I still enjoy it,probably 'cos I've got a dreadful memory  ;)
p.s. which A4 member ?
Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: nilly71 on March 31, 2010, 08:05:19
Sadly, I just placed a £700 half page ad in the Organic Way (from the Garden Organic people) and no-one seems to have noticed it!

I got a 'free' copy though as an advertiser so its probably the most expensive mag I have ever bought :'( :'( :'(

If you have your own ads already made in different sizes ask the mags for last minute advertising, it's usually a fraction of the price as they need to get rid of the space.

Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: Digeroo on March 31, 2010, 08:13:13
I just placed a £700 half page ad in the Organic Way

perhaps they have not sent it out yet.  I have not seen my copy.
Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: james1 on March 31, 2010, 08:21:43
Since i discovered A4A none......... ;)

When you ask for advice you get an instant reply.
you dont get that with any mag................................. 8)
Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: Vinlander on April 01, 2010, 01:06:10
after a whole season of garden mags, you may as well stop since they tend to be the same, year in, year out. I feel that they are tedious, patronising and basically puff pieces for the horticultural trade. Don't bother with any of them - you will find better, more erudite, more specialised advice on forums such as this and there is no agenda to try to sell you stuff you don't need and can't afford. Not to mention the unbelievable manicured and perfect gardens on display which are simply framed moments of stage dressing and have no relevance to most real gardeners. If you MUST read something - join a library and look for classic garden writers such as Christopher LLoyd, Graham Stuart Thomas, William Robinson, Graham Rice, Rix and Phillips et al.

Grow Your Own Fruit and Vegetables by Lawrence D Hills - best practical gardening book ever written - brilliant terse but clear no-nonsense style.

Represents organic growing at its best - when it was only based on doubt (aka. science) and before it started to get peppered with dogma.

Now available from Faber & Faber print-on-demand by mail order or via larger bookstores.
Title: Re: What gardening mag?
Post by: cornykev on April 01, 2010, 19:22:58
Macmac the only reason I buy the mag, is if its got the seeds I use and they add up to more than the mag, it was the March issue and Tattieman was in there showing you how he grows he's spuds, I think he had four pages worth, there was another thread about it, I just looked and its page 90 and looking at the mag now it looks as the free seeds are only available from tescos, sorry about the language.  ;D ;D ;D
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