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Allotment Stuff => Locations and Sites => Topic started by: pigeonseed on December 25, 2009, 14:52:21

Title: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on December 25, 2009, 14:52:21
Happy Christmas everyone. I'm just having some peace and quiet while everyone naps upstairs!

Yesterday, Christmas Eve, I got a letter from the council saying my plot wasn't sufficiently cultivated.  :(

I can see why, as it's fairly new, and still being cleared. So it doesn't look its best (especially not in winter!) It's possible that they didn't cross-check with the list of new tenancies. I'm hoping that they'll be reasonable, when back off their Christmas hols.

But still, it's worrying, your allotment is so precious, all the work, all the dreams!
And although I am aware especially in mid-December, it's going to win no Britain in bloom prizes, it is slightly disappointing to be told it looks c***p enough for a letter from the council!

I know the hours and hours of cutting down 6' high brambles, digging out roots like footballs!

Oh well - all we can do is keep digging! (I wish they'd been this zealous with the last tenants, maybe I'd have inherited a grassed over plot instead of Sleeping  Beauty's foforest of thorns!)  ;)

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: mrestofus on December 25, 2009, 15:59:18
well if you  don't get your plot up to snuff. you will not have worry either since you will lose your plot. you better increase your progress,digging and read your contract. Since if you plot is not fixed you might have to have your plot cleaned up at your expense.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Flighty on December 25, 2009, 17:22:52
Pigeonseed thanks, and you!
Don't worry as there's no way that  they can have expected you to have worked on the plot in recent weeks. Contact whoever wrote the letter next week and see what they say then. As you say I'm sure that they'll be reasonable.
I'd also ignore the previous comment as I feel that it's rather unhelpful!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: OllieC on December 25, 2009, 17:24:38
Yeah, you'll get there, pigeonseed, have a good Christmas & ignore the unhelpful post (once you've managed to understand it!).
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pennsylvannia planters on December 25, 2009, 17:41:38
well if you  don't get your plot up to snuff. you will not have worry either since you will lose your plot. you better increase your progress,digging and read your contract. Since if you plot is not fixed you might have to have your plot cleaned up at your expense. ??????????
Don't worry,
When the weather permits, just get started (even if its a small section), and contact the appropiate authorities just to clarify things.
Have a good Christmas.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: macmac on December 25, 2009, 17:48:06
Hi Pigeonseed 'bet they've made a mistake,I'd write to them after Christmas and don't worry  :)
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: saddad on December 25, 2009, 18:12:01
I'm sure it will all be fine Abigail... did you take some "before " photos so you can demonstrate how much progress you have made...
I haven't forgotten your GKH...  :-[
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: mrestofus on December 25, 2009, 19:40:07
the reason I responded pigeonseed is when I had community garden plot years ago. It was spell out in the contract that even if the plot was a mess weeds when you got it. After receiving your plot you had  2 month clear it. As long it was weed free you would no problems with the management.  Half had be cultivate and ready plant after 2 months. It also clearly stated weather was not an excuse for weedy or messy plot.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Squash64 on December 25, 2009, 20:37:33
Happy Christmas to you too Pigeonseed!

It would seem that the Council are being a bit unreasonable and not taking into account that you haven't had your plot very long. As others have said, I would contact them after Christmas and explain the situation.
Good luck!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: elvis2003 on December 25, 2009, 22:46:04
nice christmas pressie pigeonseed!
as everyone else has said,contact whoever wrote the letter and make things clear,good luck and happy christmas
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on December 26, 2009, 13:55:07
Thanks for the support - it's a case of waiting till they're back from their Christmas holidays. I'm sure they mean well. I was there on Christmas eve as well!

mrestofus - I think I have a year to cultivate 75% of it, so I'm within that, though it has been slow progress. But I can't go faster, as I've got some back problems, after I had my baby last year. My back is slowly improving with physio, so the plot will also improve!  :)

It's not snowing or frozen here in Hastings anymore, though today it is raining a lot so it's heavy going on clay soil. I'm planning to go in a few minutes, after a stiff coffee.

I'll look like a clay model of myself when i get back.  ;D

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: lottie lou on December 26, 2009, 14:56:54
75% cultivated within a year isn't much time is it for an overgrown plot?  It has taken me about 4 yrs to do mine and that was mainly couch.  Having said that, there is still a patch never touched.  Wish you all the best with the council and hope your back gets better soon. 

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: elvis2003 on December 26, 2009, 15:07:57
sorry lottie lou,but ive got to disagree with you there,our plot was the worst ive ever seen,brambles taller than us the entire length of it,and we got it done in months.i think if you cant get a plot to 75% in a year,it should go to someone that can,otherwise the land is being wasted.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Sparkly on December 26, 2009, 15:37:46
sorry lottie lou,but ive got to disagree with you there,our plot was the worst ive ever seen,brambles taller than us the entire length of it,and we got it done in months.i think if you cant get a plot to 75% in a year,it should go to someone that can,otherwise the land is being wasted.

Well there are much worse things than brambles - couch grass and bindweed for a start!

"cultivation" is not well defined. Even our committee can't agree on this! Our views range from 'hang the person for one weed' to 'this is permiculture and there is stuff growing so it doesn't matter about all the weeds'.

I can imagine if these decisions are made by an individual at the council they may be very inconsistent year to year and even month to month!

We took on a very bad plot and cleared it within 2 seasons, although the any area we were not working on was fully covered. This was a 10 pole plot.

I have to admit that over the 2 years I hve spent on the committee, my idea of 'cultivation' has become alot stricter. It is very annoying when plots are in a poor state. Saying this, you cannot expect people to work miracles.

I have seen many plots "cleared" within a month just to regrow all the perenials as all the roots were not removed.

It is very easy to judge, and lean towards either side, from a computer monitor. Nobody likes being told they are not doing well enough in maintaining their plot. Many of these people do have plots in a poor state and are just in denial. Others could be victims of councils or committees who have too much time on their hands or are just bullies! Without before and after pictures it is very difficult to comment.

My only advice to the poster is to ensure you cover what you are not working on and take photos to record your progress.

Unfortunately we do live in a world where you have to back yourself up with a 'papertrail' (or in this case a set of pictures).

You will also enjoy the pictures as it is great to look back on your progress.  ;D

Did you not get a verbal warning? On our site all tennants are given a verbal warning first.

Best of luck with your plot.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Unwashed on December 26, 2009, 16:36:07
sorry lottie lou,but ive got to disagree with you there,our plot was the worst ive ever seen,brambles taller than us the entire length of it,and we got it done in months.i think if you cant get a plot to 75% in a year,it should go to someone that can,otherwise the land is being wasted.
I think that's a bit harsh.  If you can't maintain a plot, then sure, it's too big and you have to give some up, but getting on top of weeds takes way more effort than maintaining it, and if you're to do it without weedkiller which is perfectly reasonable, it'll take at least a year - a couple of years on heavy clay.  There'll always be enthusiasts (like me and you) who'll do it in less, but it's not reasonable to expect everyone to have that much time and dedication.  Allotments are hobbies for a lot of us, but first and foremost an allotment is where your average working woman grows fruit and veggies to feed her family, and it rightly takes its place in life's priorities.

Pige, I wouldn't assume your council mean well, it's quite possible that the're vindictive trolls!  Anywho, sending out a letter just before Crimble is totally unreasonable.  Doing anything on a wet clay soil is increadible demoralising hard graft, and terrible for the structure of the soil.  You can't reasonably do anything at all until mid-March.

How do the council administer your site - through a steward?  Have a word with her if she's reasonable and she should put the council straight.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: elvis2003 on December 26, 2009, 16:59:49
i do expect people to have the   of time to cultivate the size of plot they choose! im sick of people taking on too much land then wasting it,its happened a lot this year,sorry,im just having a moan!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Unwashed on December 26, 2009, 17:29:17
i do expect people to have the   of time to cultivate the size of plot they choose! im sick of people taking on too much land then wasting it,its happened a lot this year,sorry,im just having a moan!
Then stand down and get your perspective back.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: elvis2003 on December 26, 2009, 17:31:10
i do expect people to have the   of time to cultivate the size of plot they choose! im sick of people taking on too much land then wasting it,its happened a lot this year,sorry,im just having a moan!
Then stand down and get your perspective back.
;D blimey unwashed! i clearly said i was just having a moan! now who is being harsh!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Unwashed on December 26, 2009, 18:15:10
Sorry Elvis.  What I mean is, if you're finding that your tenants are annoying you, then you've lost your empathy.  It's hard to get back without a break and you're not serving your tenants well without it.  You'll also make yourself miserable if you carry on like that.  Stand down for a couple of years and mellow out.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: elvis2003 on December 26, 2009, 18:18:50
i assure you you have no need to be concerned about my welfare or the other plotholders,just merely offloading in a place i trust as somewhere i can find likeminded people,i wasnt expecting to be judged!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: reddyreddy on December 26, 2009, 18:29:50
I agree unwashed, it is one thing to maintain your plot but if you want to do things properly, with no weedkiller and digging out roots properly it takes time, it's better to take it slow and do it thoroughly but if you don't keep on top of it then that't another thing.

Re the comments from Mrestofus I think if you look carefully you'll notice that Mrestofus is very similar in posting style to plainleaf2, he who left after making allegations of pornography planting in a respected members inbox.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: cornykev on December 26, 2009, 18:37:20
In the winter months you should never get a letter, I thought GG comment was nuts but it seems there's a few trying to compete.  :( :( :(
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: manicscousers on December 26, 2009, 18:48:42
we've had a few new people take short cuts, weedkiller and rotovating, the rotovators have given up as the weeds just come back tenfold, it looks good for a couple of months then is frightening, take it easy and don't kill yourself, if you try to dig with a bad back, you'll hurt yourself, take care  :-\
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on December 26, 2009, 20:33:30
I know what you mean Elvis2003 - it's no good complaining about the work, if it's too much, then it's too much, and you should take a smaller plot. I am doing okay though, it's definitely a plot I can manage.

The ground I've cleared, I'm keeping weeded and growing lots of crops. And my health is getting steadily better, so in future years it will be much easier.

I would show you a photo but it's so long and narrow, it doesn't photo well! It doesn't look amazing, it's only around a third in crops, 2/3s in a medley of brambles and couch grass.

So I can see the inspector's point! Also either side are plots which are completely unused, taken on at the same time. So the overall effect is depressingly grassy.

But having had an allotment for years, I think that slow but steady works ok. It's not a wasted plot, I promise!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: mrestofus on December 26, 2009, 21:30:13
pigeonseed it is not us you need to impress these facts on it is the council and the inspector.
 ps how big is you plot.
reddy the so called respect member you are referring to insulted the other member and only stoped when she was threatened.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Flighty on December 26, 2009, 22:44:21
Mrestofus why not say that it was you, as plainleaf2, rather than the other member?
Your threats were despicable, and I wonder why you're still allowed to be a member here since you're such an offensive person.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: mrestofus on December 27, 2009, 04:05:12
Flighty because  the issue  has no relevance to this thread.

( Repeated provocation
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on December 27, 2009, 14:37:57
Oh the inspector's on his holidays and has no idea how often I'm planning our conversation!  ;D

There must be lots of people who also received their letters on Christmas Eve, and will all be similarly ranting/raving/gnashing teeth while he munches on his left-over turkey and watches repeats of Only Fools and Horses.  

I know I've got to stop thinking about it, but at the same time I know myself well enough to know I won't stop going over it for the next week!  ::)

I can't remember the size of the plot. It might be 7 rods. But the letter is tucked away upstairs next to sleeping children.

I'm going to try and think of something more positive, like next year's plans.
Thanks again everyone!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: phlips66 on December 27, 2009, 15:03:23
hey pigeonseed
 like some of these posts say get on to the concil after the holidays,i am sure they will take onboard what you say,imust agree winter is a stupid time to be sending out non cultivation letters
 anyway good luck with your plot,and a little at a time and you will get there
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: 1066 on December 28, 2009, 01:29:59

Hi PigeonSeed - and a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!
And nice timing (NOT) Hasting BC !  :-X

I'll look like a clay model of myself when i get back.  ;D

maybe you should send the inspector a photo of you as a clay model! Only joiking !!  ;)  ;D

I haven't done any "work" on my plot for about a month or more now, apart from tidying, I can't do anything else as like your's it's on heavy clay and the ground is soaked. So I've found this time of year very frustrating as I want to get on with work on the plot but basically can't.

Is there any way you could cover some of the offending areas up with tarps / plastic sheeting / cardboard? That's what I've done  :-\

I have a rough 3 year plan, and have been slowly but surely clearing and growing stuff on my plot, I've now clocked up 2 years, and still have an area I will be clearing this year. But then I'm on a self managed site, they know me and can see what I've been up to. I'm sure when you have a talk with the council you will be able to sort something out

I'm going to try and think of something more positive, like next year's plans.

That's the spirit!
Take Care
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on December 28, 2009, 13:52:22
Thanks 1066, it's comforting to know you're also still clearing your plot.

Sorry you're not able to do as much as you'd like - it's boring waiting, isn;t it?

Can you be doing anything else like making any structures? In the main growing season it's hard to find time for stuff like that. Or maybe you've already got all of that sort of thing sorted on your plot.

Inspite of my own advice to take things slowly, I did end up digging too long yesterday and did my back in - not too badly I hope! Lots of stretching today to stop it seizing up (is that how you spell it?)

Is there any way you could cover some of the offending areas up with tarps / plastic sheeting / cardboard

Yes, I think you're right, even if only covering some patches, it would help make a good impression. I can't buy anything, but I wonder if any shops have anything useful they throw out normally...
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Borlotti on December 28, 2009, 14:06:36
I think that because allotments have become popular, Councils are having trouble keeping up with the demand.  Six years ago, when I retired, I got mine with no wait and not many rules and regs, in fact the allotment department in the Council was useless if not non-existant, when someone left.  On our allotment site some plots that have become vacant are being split into smaller plots, which I think is a good idea.  I have a vacant plot next to me and it is not easy to keep a tidy plot with all their seeds blowing onto mine.  I went to my plot yesterday but it was cold and everything was wet so not much point doing any work at this time of the year, but when the weather is better will get digging and OH is keen to get the rotavator (yes, we like it) and motor mower out (I hope).  Some plots are really overgrown and the allotment holders very rarely come, so they are the ones that deserve letters.  Think it is really, really stupid to send out letters before Xmas, do they expect you to dig in the snow.  Joe Swift hasn't been seen on his allotment for ages, so he will get a letter soon, so you are not alone.  My plot is a bit of a mess but 'will try harder next year'.  I think it is a good idea to make sure all the allotments are used but the Council has to use a bit of common sense.  March and April and we will all be digging like mad and planting, don't they realise it gets dark early.  Good luck to you.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: 1066 on December 28, 2009, 14:27:40
Joe Swift hasn't been seen on his allotment for ages, so he will get a letter soon, so you are not alone. 

So you'll be in good company then PigeonSeed  ;D  ;D  ;D

I could be doing structure thingies - but where I want to put my shed, needs some more clearing and levelling, and then the OH to come and help me. To be honest I've been waiting that long I might just buy in some help! I know he's busy, so can't be too hard on him, but I NEED A SHED !
And beathe 2 , 3 , 4 .......

From what I've heard I think as long as the council see some change (positive) then they'll back off. I guess it's a matter of hacking the brambles back, digging up what you can and trying to smother what you can't.
Have you tried freecycle for tarps etc? That might be worth a shot?
I got that black weed supressant stuff (that is reeeallly cheap and doesn't last very long but does work ) last year from Lidl and ESK, and used that all over the place, and did planting holes. Gave me more time to concentrate on other areas while killing the couch off.

Hope you had some nice smellies for Christmas so you can relax and warm that back up !!

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: coznbob on December 28, 2009, 16:19:27
Which plots are you on?

I think the man dealing with Hastings allotments is quite reasonable, Clive someone or other I think, but don't quote me on that. My plots are not 100% cultivated yet, but the big push will come this spring when my youngest goes to school full time.

Trying to think where you can get some covering from.... I've used all sorts on my plot, empty compost bags, can weigh them down with plastic milk bottles filled with water, have used empty bin bags for small areas, carpet and even an old rug, doesn't look pretty, but does the job.

Don't do too much in one go, or you will scupper your back and won't be able to carry on.

Take care, Corinne.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Squash64 on December 28, 2009, 16:26:22
I can't buy anything, but I wonder if any shops have anything useful they throw out normally...

If you have a large supermarket near you it might be possible to get the advertising banners they use.  Once the 'offers' have finished, they get rid of them, usually into a skip.  They are made of strong plastic, about 3ft. wide and of varying lengths.


Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on December 28, 2009, 19:34:15
Have you tried freecycle for tarps etc? That might be worth a shot?
I have! I put a request in today.

I think the man dealing with Hastings allotments is quite reasonable, Clive someone or other
It's him! Glad to hear he's reasonable.    ;D I'm on Pauls Field, what about you, Corinne?

If you have a large supermarket near you it might be possible to get the advertising banners they use.
That's a fantastic idea! Maybe they will let me have some of their Christmas ones.

I think there's a problem though, I have to chop down brambles, and mow long grass, before I can cover with plastic. Otherwise it will look VERY weird! And probably not improved in appearance at all! He might think there's someone trapped under there!  ;D ;D

I've got shears and secateurs, so that's slow, and I always feel I might as well dig it all out with an azada, instead of cutting the grass that's the approach I've taken. There were a couple of people who said they could lend me a petrol strimmer which could cope with brambles but I never saw them again! I never see anyone - I don't know when they go to their plots. Maybe they garden by moonlight?!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: chriscross1966 on December 28, 2009, 20:53:49
Be borrow, steal or rent a petrol brushcutter (not strimmer) or something frightening like an Allen autoscythe (cxomplete with its rather "retro"attitude to health and safety).... Get those brambles knocked down and some weed mulch over it.... you're not letting them grow even more, you're making you're plot massively different to the neighbours.... You can plant pumkins and squashes through the mulch (push some manure in there too if you can) next summer to supress even more, by the time you get to actually breaking it all in  there'll be hardly any weeds left....

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: coznbob on December 28, 2009, 21:43:57
I'm on Fernbank, where's Pauls Field? ??? I haven't a clue where that one is....

The supermarket sign idea is a good one, hadn't thought of that ! ;D
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Digeroo on December 29, 2009, 00:06:01
I must say that I can start to see the difficulties that the plot inspectors have.  On one side there are people desparate to have allotments and on the other people trying their hardest to get a jungle under control.

Hopefully the letters are just seeking evidence that things are in fact moving onward.  So if people see untidy plots they can also be shown letters stating that they are being sorted.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on December 29, 2009, 14:07:19
I'm on Fernbank, where's Pauls Field? ??? I haven't a clue where that one is....

Pauls Field's between houses on Old London Road and Ashburnham Rd, the gate's off Mount Rd, where there's a little row of shops.

What about Fernbank? I see from the HBC allotments page, it's off Old London Rd as well! I never knew it was there!

I see on recent council plans that there should be allotments behind the builder's merchants nearby, but now it's being used as their storage yard!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: emmy1978 on December 29, 2009, 20:02:37
Poor pigeonseed! I would photocopy the recommended jobs for December and January out of an allotment book and send them to the council with your letter! Maybe then they'll see how unreasonable they are being!
Like other posters have said-come March they won't be able to see you-you'll be a blur whizzing around the plot with all there is to do. I can't wait for the growing season.  ;D
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on December 29, 2009, 21:06:06
Oh thank you - I am feeling very impatient.
I've got another phyisio appointment tomorrow morning, I'll ask her how soon she thinks I'll be back to 'normal'.

I called Tesco today about getting plastic banners and they say they're 'not allowed' to give them away. Sainsbury's say call back another time. So there's hope!

I'm going to attack as many brambles as I can with secateurs over the next few days. That's easier on the back than digging, and I can cover the ground afterwards.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: 1066 on December 29, 2009, 21:11:11
Might be a bit left field but what about using estate agent boards, they are plentiful?!

Hope the back is feeling better soon
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on December 29, 2009, 21:17:06
That's a good idea - I've seen people build compost and other storage boxes out of them. I'll give it a go - maybe when they get too tatty to re-use they would give them away.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: 1066 on December 29, 2009, 21:19:02
It's either that or a wander around, I sometimes see them pulled down and proped up by rubbish bins. But they might be a bit heavy to carry, I'm not sure
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: manicscousers on December 29, 2009, 21:29:45
we used thick cardboard under the compost bags, carpet, weed control,etc it helped kill off the minor weeds and stifled any new growth  :)
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Squash64 on December 29, 2009, 21:35:13
One of our plotholders has a fish and chip shop and she brings us as many used potato sacks as we want.  If you are able to get some, they would be good as they are made of 3 layers of thick paper (6 layers if you don't cut the bags)
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: coznbob on December 30, 2009, 10:21:14
Hiya pigeonseed, well you learn something everyday, didn't even know there were allotments up there.

Fernbank is further down Old London Road between it and Bembrook Road.

Hope the physio goes well ;D
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: 1066 on December 31, 2009, 14:55:16
I had to go and look those sites up  :D

Anyway what I've been meaning to post for a couple of days is that Judges postcards (on the Bexhill Road) often have pallets outside with notes on to say help yourself. So if you have transport they might be of use to hold things down ?

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on December 31, 2009, 20:26:48
Judges postcards (on the Bexhill Road) often have pallets outside with notes on to say help yourself.
Ooh! That's useful to know! Thank you!

Hope the physio goes well
Thank you - apparently I should see some improvement within 6 weeks - hooray! I was doing my exercises wrong though, so that was a waste of the last month!  ::)

I cut down a huge patch of brambles and grass today with my secateurs and shears, and brought a tarpaulin to cover it - it looked like a hanky by the time I laid it down! But got to start somewhere!

I think everyone's advice to chop lots down was a good idea - even though it's not actually ready to plant anything and still needs digging, it looks dramatically different, and so that's not just good for impressing the inspector, but quite good psychologically for me as well. It feels like much faster progress than digging out roots bit by bit.

Thanks for so much good advice!!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: 1066 on January 01, 2010, 01:42:10
good to hear you are making some progress, its important to be able to look back and see the POSITIVE changes  :D

Hope he New Year brings you some respite with your back, a great growing year and that the Council lay off!

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 01, 2010, 13:32:21
Thank you - and I hope this year brings you lots of lovely crops and a shed!

Happy New Year to everyone!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 04, 2010, 15:03:30
I spoke to the man at the council - I don't know what to think.

He didn't seem to think that things like illness were relevant, he said 'the trouble is I've got a waiting list of 200 people' and 'you have a tenancy agreement which says you have to have a certain amount cultivated.'

However he did say that if there was some improvement since his last visit when he goes again on Monday, I would hopefully not get the next stage, which is a notice to quit, sent registered post.  :o :o

He also said that my row of plots are always uncultivated, and change hands often, without anyone ever managing to do anything with them, so that's why mine was so overgrown.

It makes me think that the system is not working - the aim isn't to get as many people to the top of the waiting list as possible, it's to get people growing veg. And if they fail, that's the true waste of a plot. I wonder whether our site should get a load of these plot rotavated so people find it less off-putting. And maybe split them into smaller plots?

I have no idea how to go about that. There's probably a committee or something. I should try and find out. In a week's time, lots of these overgrown plots will become vacant and so it would be the time to do something.

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: 1066 on January 05, 2010, 12:04:33
Pigeonseed that is a bit of a mixed message isn't it!
Do you have Site Reps on your site? Maybe if you do they should be looking at trying to sort out those particular plots? And if not maybe you should become one!!
On our site if the plot is really overgrown they often do a years free rent so as to give the tenant time to clear the land and then get it cultivated.
I would also make sure he is talking about the correct plot and not someone elses!

Hope Monday's inspection goes well and thanks for the positive vibes about the shed!!

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 05, 2010, 12:41:25
I would also make sure he is talking about the correct plot and not someone elses!
Do you know that has also crossed my mind!
I also made a mistake when I first viewed the plots, I turned up on the first day and found someone digging 'my' plot, which was when I realised it wasn't mine!

I'm always envious of people whose sites rotavate or give a discount to overgrown plots. I don't know how to find out if there are site reps. Should I ask the same inspector, do you think he would know?

It would be nice to enable people to successfully keep a plot, and use the land properly.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: jonny211 on January 05, 2010, 12:58:34
I'm always envious of people whose sites rotavate or give a discount to overgrown plots.

Our council have a policy of giving the first part of the year (before the next payment) free so we can spend the rent on weedkiller. However I have thought that this gives people an easy reason to give up after a few weeks - they haven't put any money down so off they go.

I've had my two plots for nearly three years now and I've just about cleared them. I only have a pile of soil and weeds where I made the mistake of dumping grass sods as I cleared, I didn't use weedkiller and have cleared them both by hand... with the odd bit of help from the chickens. It is slow going so I'm suprised they're not a bit more lenient.

Hope it goes well.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: chriscross1966 on January 05, 2010, 13:57:47
It makes me think that the system is not working - the aim isn't to get as many people to the top of the waiting list as possible, it's to get people growing veg. And if they fail, that's the true waste of a plot. I wonder whether our site should get a load of these plot rotavated so people find it less off-putting. And maybe split them into smaller plots?

You're not thinking like a council officer at all then... the aim of those plots is to get as many people off the list as possible, preferably without them rejoining it, so if you've got a few horrendous and offputting plots you're making much better use of them to turn three or even four people per year per plot off the list than you are breaking them down into manageable bits where not only do you lose your valuble list-clearing resource but the people who get these small (manageable from start-up) plots will then be back on the list badgering for a bigger plot too....

Only wish I was joking....

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: 1066 on January 05, 2010, 14:03:43
Pigeonseed - it must be worth asking the inspector, I'm sure there are regular meetings (well not sure how regular!) with the council and other sites, so worth checking out.

ChrisCross - I think your point is very accurately made!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Squash64 on January 05, 2010, 14:14:57
Pigeonseed, reading what you are having to go through makes me so glad that our site is self-managed.

I would hate it if a 'stranger' to the site had the power to evict people without knowing the background to the case.

I'll give you an example of what has happened on our site:-

A plot was looked badly neglected with only a small part of it being cultivated.  
I spotted the elderly plotholder there one day and went to speak to him.  Before I could say anything about his plot, he started telling me that his wife had terminal cancer and that coming to the allotment was the only time he got out of the house.  He needed a place where he could switch off, just for a short time.   I suggested that he gave up half his plot and did his best with the remainder, covering what he couldn't manage so the weeds would be kept down.  He was very happy to do this.

If we had not been self-managed, no doubt this man would have received an official notice to quit letter from the council.

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 05, 2010, 19:03:17
if you've got a few horrendous and offputting plots you're making much better use of them to turn three or even four people per year per plot off the list than you are breaking them down into manageable bits
What an awful thought. I hadn't thought of it like that. Mind you, it's probably easier to let people pootle along, growing veg, than have to issue letters and more letters. It's work for him as well and quite boring - he probably has to listen to lots of begging and excuses (for example me!)

I think I will look into whether there is a site representative or something like that.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: emmy1978 on January 07, 2010, 14:29:01
It sounds as if you definately need one Pigeonseed!  :-\ How long have you had the plot? You said in your op that it's fairly new. It takes a while to get things up to scratch-for my first season I was clearing a space, planting stuff in it and moving on. The plant first, plan later approach!
It meant trying to find a space to build the beds was a problem as something was always in the way, but this can be dealt with over time. They want results and it looks like the pressure is on you to provide them.  :( Bloody councils.  >:(
Only a few weeks now and you can start planting-just cover it all and give yourself a small area at a time to sow and plant in. These will all add up and soon it will look bloody marvellous. All the best x

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 09, 2010, 09:28:51
I got it at the end of April. I know some people would have it all cleared and with raised beds, and greenhouses and fruit trees by now! But as you say, many people, me included, need to take it more slowly. I'm supposed to have 75% in cultivation within 12 months, and that should be okay - as long as the weather improves!

I've read that the city council is under a lot of pressure to build more housing, and have allowed some allotment sites to remain empty - maybe to sell for development (there are two small sites near me on maps, completely overgrown, due for development)

There is a small group of people pressuring them to open unused sites, due to allotment waiting lists, and the council's response is that in order to reduce the waiting list, they will introduce stricter rules about non-cultivation, and enforce them more rigorously.

So Chriscross1966 - I think you could be right, when you said they need to reduce the waiting list urgently!

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: 1066 on January 09, 2010, 16:24:09
well looking at the snow we've had in the last 24 hours I doubt he will be able to do his inspection on Monday!

I didn't know about the closed / abandoned sites!!

good luck anyway
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Mortality on January 09, 2010, 17:25:35

The allotment federation might be able to help you.
The 10 helpful hints made me laugh, considering your situation, rather ironic.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: saddad on January 09, 2010, 17:49:38
I hope he does inspect tomorrow... deep snow is a great leveller...  make sure you have some pics of your lottie around now to back up why you haven't been able to make more progress... these people can have very poor memories once it has thawed out...
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 10, 2010, 20:45:25
make sure you have some pics
Yes I went today - I have really missed being able to garden this week, it's made me quite grumpy! I went in, only the fox's footprints on the whole site apart from mine. And I took some photos of my plot.

The allotment federation might be able to help you.
The 10 helpful hints made me laugh, considering your situation, rather ironic

I hadn't noticed about the allotment federation. I will check that out.

And yes the helpful hints are a bit annoying, aren't they! Don't do too much clearing at once, nice and slowly...! I expect that's from the old days when they used to be more patient.

I feel quite anxious about this week. Not knowing when he's going to be checking up and what he'll think. I don't want to sit round waiting for the registered post - I'll definitely be phoning him!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: coznbob on January 11, 2010, 12:31:26
75 % in 12 months!

Just trying to fine the new contract that I got last year.

Am sure on mine it was 25% first yr, 50% 2nd and 75% in the 3rd year...

Going to have to dig it out to check, but need to find my car keys first ::)

That seems a little different from mine and am only down the road from you. Same council, different rules? ???
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: brownowl23 on January 11, 2010, 12:57:41
we got ours in march and with twin toddlers access to the site is a ngihtmare. We got a cultivation letter which I appealed against and we got extra time to clear ground. I just wish this d**n snow would go away and then I might have a chance to clear some more.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Unwashed on January 11, 2010, 13:05:20
Brownowl, yours is not the same situation.  Pigeonseed has taken over a derilict plot on heavy clay and she's quite reasonably finding it difficult to get 75% cultivated within the year, and the idiot at the council is threatening her with eviction in the worst winter we've had for a generation.

If I understand you right, your family committments are preventing you from spending sufficient time on the plot.  It's fundamental really:  Use it or lose it.

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: brownowl23 on January 11, 2010, 13:17:33
Brownowl, yours is not the same situation.  Pigeonseed has taken over a derilict plot on heavy clay and she's quite reasonably finding it difficult to get 75% cultivated within the year, and the idiot at the council is threatening her with eviction in the worst winter we've had for a generation.

If I understand you right, your family committments are preventing you from spending sufficient time on the plot.  It's fundamental really:  Use it or lose it.

Actually mine was a weed and bramble  filled plot when I first took it over last March and its on heavy clay, what london soil isnt and yes it was hard work, and no we arent quite all clear yet, but almost.

Any new tenant taking over a plot that hasnt been tended in quite a which has problems, and if it hasnt been tended in a while and all the weeds have dropped seeds it take more than one clearing before your even remotely weed free.

Having a small family does make it hard to have an allotment but im proud to have been able to provide my family with loads of fresh fruit and vegetables from the hard work we have managed to put in.

I doubt anyone has been able to get to their plot to dig in the last few weeks. Ive only been there to harvest. And yes I do feel that any council inthis weather is being unfair threatening to evict.

This is however the second or third time I have been shouted down on this site so clearly its not a place I am welcome. . I shant be posting here again!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 11, 2010, 13:36:18
Brownowl, you are welcome! Please stay. Whenever we talk about the subject of non-cultivation, we seem to veer between sympathy and irritation for people who neglect their plots (for whatever reason).

Unwashed - bit grumpy?  :-\

Thanks for sticking up for me, Unwashed, it's nice. But I can see that people who do clear an overgrown plot in a season feel a bit frustrated when people like me, Brownowl and a million others don't manage it. So having support gives courage, in conjunction with some no nonsense advice to get on with it.

There are these amazing slide shows we see on here, within a year they clear the whole plot, build deep beds, sheds, and by summer their plot is a paradise of flowers and veg in abundance. They even start espaliering fruit trees just to make me feel really inadequate!  ;D

I think there is room for people who are busy/unwell/etc as long as they are moving in the right direction, and we should be patient (of course I would say that because that's me!) Once the plot is all in cultivation, I find it gets easier each year. (I was at my last plot for 7 years)

Am sure on mine it was 25% first yr, 50% 2nd and 75% in the 3rd year... Same council, different rules?
It's their new extra-strict contracts, in an attempt to reduce the waiting list.

Anyway - you know I'm on tenterhooks, wondering when he's going to inspect! Shall I call him?
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: 1066 on January 11, 2010, 13:42:07
Yes Brownowl stick around - often a mixed bag on here but most people are positive and offer constructive advice / criticism 
And Pigeonseed - nicely expressed!

As to call him or not....... what would you have to lose except the cost of the call? A grumpy, wet and cold allotment officer !!
Fingers still crossed
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: brownowl23 on January 11, 2010, 13:52:19
Pidgeon seed thanks for the welcome. I agree those who can spent hours down the lottie do get annoyed with those of us who for whatever reason cant.   :-\ taking over untended plots take time to clear and we put in what time we can.

Im quite chuffed with my progress on my lottie. Ive got most of it cleared although ive got a couple of troublesome plots  that have had chickweed and other very seedy weeds that have returned no sooner as ive dug, which is a tad disheartening, but they wont beat me  >:( .

I hopefully will also have an extra couple of hours 2 days a week from next week when my boys go to preschool. So im  looking forward to more lottie time  :)

as far as food production is concerned ive had loads of strawberries, raspeberries, gooseberries, plums and white currants and have made bucket loads of jam and everyone got a hamper at Xmas this year of home made produce.   ;D
Ive also had  spuds, courgettes by the glut (too many plants)  :o tomatoes, onions, leeks, cauliflowers, broccoli, cabbages  and I harvested fresh brussels sprouts on Xmas Day.  ;D

Oh and I had some rather unsucessful celeriac, need to investigate what I did wrong there.

Allotments are for everyone, not just those who can spend 24/7 there, and this needs to be rememberd when we give each other support.

I hope your inspection goes well today, if it happens as its hard to inspect under snow.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 11, 2010, 13:55:34
The plot sounds great, Brownowl - so much fruit! Whereabouts in London are you? I used to be on one in Wimbledon - very sandy and fine so digging was easy, but watering a nightmare!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: brownowl23 on January 11, 2010, 14:06:02
Im in Sidcup.

We were lucky to have inherited alot of fruit, but we werent expecting 40lb of strawberries alone from the fruit burried under the weeds. At one stage I was picking fruit for 2 hours every other night. I love soft fruit though but feared I may turn into a strawberry or raspberry. I do love the golden raspberries though I didnt realise they existed.

The veg I am eating now ( cabbage broccoli leeks etc)  is part of the plot that we dug when we got our cultivation letter. We did as much as we could even though we appealed on it. the site had a rubbish pile at the entrance so I couldnt get the double buggy on site myself (im only tiny) I had to wait till the weekend so hubby could lift the bugggy and do one wheelies over the rubbish pile to get on site. the paths between the plots arent even wide enough for a wheel barrow so he has to one wheel the buggy all the way. So that restricted our diggin time.

This year I hope the boys can join in with us. Hopefully they wont go for trying to replant the tatties when im diggin them up!

They do like to help water but thier feet end up as wet as the plants as they seem to manage to water inside their wellies. Its great for families to grow thier own veg though even at this age, at least they will grow up knowing where it comes from and what it looks like, unlike some kids these days.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: coznbob on January 11, 2010, 14:16:19
Extra strict contracts! blimey I'd better get my backside in gear. :o

Hope the inspection goes well.

Barnowl, sounds like you have done well... don't be put off by some of the posters on here, some people have more time than others and forget that life isn't the same for everyone.

Have seen a lot of people come and go on our site, some clear the whole plot, but get disheartened when the weeds start coming through with avengence. That was a harsh lesson for me, just because you manage to clear an area, doesn't nessecarily mean that you can start on the next bit, you still have to maintain the bits that you have done.

Slowly, slowly, catchy monkey is one of my mottos  ;D
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: saddad on January 11, 2010, 15:25:10
Oh and I had some rather unsucessful celeriac, need to investigate what I did wrong there.

Don't worry about it Brownowl, it's a marsh plant so needs to be kept almost constantly damp...

you'd be welcome on our site with the amount you appear to have done so don't let the grumpy ones annoy you... I can do grumpy too some days..  ;D
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 11, 2010, 15:38:25
I can do grumpy too some days.. 
Me too - I was grumpy at the weekend. I think being snowed off the allotment is bad for me (and those who live with me!)

Extra strict contracts! blimey I'd better get my backside in gear.
If you've signed the old contract, I don't think you'll have anything to worry about.

Brownowl - we have problems with paths on our site as well. I think eventually I'll try and get some improvements organised. There's no room for a wheel barrow, people all have electric fences around their plots, and they tend to 'extend' unofficially out into any pathways, making them a bit hard to get through.

Getting to my plot is like that game you get at fetes, where you have to run the hoop round the metal thing without it buzzing. That's not a good analogy as I can;t remember what it's called!  ::)
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: cornykev on January 11, 2010, 17:05:20
I'm glad your staying Brownowl, sounds like your doing a great job, don't worry about the grumpy's, one mention of kids and buggy's on a plot and some people go into grump mode.
 I'm sure if he's man enough he'll apologise.  ;)     ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Mortality on January 11, 2010, 17:22:39
Im in Sidcup.

We were lucky to have inherited alot of fruit, but we werent expecting 40lb of strawberries alone from the fruit burried under the weeds. At one stage I was picking fruit for 2 hours every other night. I love soft fruit though but feared I may turn into a strawberry or raspberry. I do love the golden raspberries though I didnt realise they existed.

The veg I am eating now ( cabbage broccoli leeks etc)  is part of the plot that we dug when we got our cultivation letter. We did as much as we could even though we appealed on it. the site had a rubbish pile at the entrance so I couldnt get the double buggy on site myself (im only tiny) I had to wait till the weekend so hubby could lift the bugggy and do one wheelies over the rubbish pile to get on site. the paths between the plots arent even wide enough for a wheel barrow so he has to one wheel the buggy all the way. So that restricted our diggin time.

This year I hope the boys can join in with us. Hopefully they wont go for trying to replant the tatties when im diggin them up!

They do like to help water but thier feet end up as wet as the plants as they seem to manage to water inside their wellies. Its great for families to grow thier own veg though even at this age, at least they will grow up knowing where it comes from and what it looks like, unlike some kids these days.

Excellent I think youve done really well considering how difficult it can be sometimes to get things done with children in tow.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 11, 2010, 20:47:20
Yes I wouldn't take mine to the allotment, what a nightmare! So much work stopping them trashing veg/injuring themselves (I leave it to you to decide which is worse).

Mine stay at home when I go to the allotment, a bit of peace and quiet as well... sshhh!  ;)

(PS My OH is with them - before anyone alerts social services!  ;D)
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: lottie lou on January 11, 2010, 20:51:40
Thanks for that tip Saddad, I just thought it was the slugs that wrecked my celeriac.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: brownowl23 on January 11, 2010, 21:43:25
Excellent I think youve done really well considering how difficult it can be sometimes to get things done with children in tow.

Thanks it is a challenge with kids in tow but I am up for a challenge. Im sitting here planning my plot for this year and working out what seeds I want to buy. Im also looking on the potato threads to see how to get big tatties. Ive got my tatties ordered just waiting for them to come although I may hit wilkos for some more :)

Ive got my tattie plot dug and carpeted, just waiting for the snow to melt to be able to get down and fertilize it.

saddad I think that lack of water must have been my celeriacs problems if they are a marsh plant. Perhaps I wont bother with them this year.

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: emmy1978 on January 11, 2010, 21:59:23
Good on you Brownowl! I had my first plot when the girls were 7 and 5- it was hard work and a nightmare in the holidays but they got so much out of it-including all the strawbs the thieving little beggars!
It always seems to be the newbies who are given     untended/neglected/nightmare plot who are then beaten around the head with a stick to bring it up to show standards-the other plots on the site have often been tended by the same people for years and look great. It seems with the rise in popularity of allotments that a quick fix is expected when we all know that's just not how it works. Love to you both Pigeonseed and Brownowl-I've been there and it's not nice-especially when you are working your butt off and love it so much. XxX
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: grawrc on January 11, 2010, 22:13:39
Well I'm the one that has to send the letters on our site and boy do I hate it! :( :( I alway try to find out if there's a problem first or to organise some helping hands for folk that take on a ghastly plot. My biggest problem is the folk that don't get back to me or pretend it's not happening.... if there's no communication you can't make things happen!
Not a criticism of you two btw! Some days I love my allotment and others I just wish it didn't swallow up so much of my life. And I'm retired and have no-one to worry about but myself.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: brownowl23 on January 12, 2010, 08:38:10
HI Grawc - it must be frustrating when people dont communicate. The first thing I did when we got our letter was to write back and explain the situation and to write out a plan of action that we hoped we could realistically get done before the next inspection ( weather permitting), we got most of it done.

We have a couple of bits of plot that still need to be tackled before out next inspection due soon so im hoping that i will at least be able to get it carpeted, to stop the weeds so they see im doing something. Even better I hope for some decent enough weather to be able to put my boots on and get digging. After all undug earth is wasted plot.  :o

How did the inspection go pigeonseed.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 12, 2010, 16:02:41
How did the inspection go pigeonseed.
I haven't called him yet - last couple of days pretty hectic at work (plus I chickened out!)
It's still under snow atm anyway. So I don't know if he'll have been.

Well I'm the one that has to send the letters on our site and boy do I hate it!   I alway try to find out if there's a problem first or to organise some helping hands for folk that take on a ghastly plot. My biggest problem is the folk that don't get back to me or pretend it's not happening.... if there's no communication you can't make things happen!
Grawrc - that sounds like a lot of work! I do sympathise. I have emailed and called our inspector twice, so I'm wary of erring the side of over-communication!

I suppose the way you do it, grawrc, being fair, and finding out what's happening first - that's so much more work than the way these people are doing it. Perhaps he can't be bothered. Perhaps his employers have told him not to listen to excuses.

Maybe I should call him... aargh!!!

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: elvis2003 on January 12, 2010, 16:36:24
HI Grawc - it must be frustrating when people dont communicate. The first thing I did when we got our letter was to write back and explain the situation and to write out a plan of action that we hoped we could realistically get done before the next inspection ( weather permitting), we got most of it done.

We have a couple of bits of plot that still need to be tackled before out next inspection due soon so im hoping that i will at least be able to get it carpeted

brownowl,check you are allowed carpets first,as we certainly are not
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 16, 2010, 19:12:18
I called on Thurs and the inspector hadn't made it into work because of the snow! I don't think there'll be inspections till this coming week.

Lovely to be on allotment again today - kind man called Ian in Hastings Sainsbury's saved me two banners and called to tell me they were ready. Weighted down with loads of bricks and rusty bits of iron bar, they have covered another patch!  :)

Thanks for the brilliant suggestion, Betty!

I'll post a photo later, I feel quite pleased with it - I've never used covering before.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Jeannine on January 16, 2010, 23:47:51
Hi, I think you will find that being the New Year these letters go out more or less automatically to any site not up to snuff regardless of how long you have had it. Just plod on and show progress as you are able, and keep a diary and pictures to show progress. Keep in touch with the inspector fella.

I agree with the idea of hiring a machine to chop everything down, it is amazing just how much difference that will make from the inspectors point of view, then straightaway focus on one area and get that tidy, keep cutting down if you have to  or cover it while at the same time enlarge the cultivated part.

Whatever you do..don't lose heart and please don't be put off by the garden wonders of this world that claim they can clear and cultivate a plot overnight, it is not realistic. Take heart from slow steady  progress, you might well be clearing on a very proficient level which will pay off in the long run.

Clearing an overgrown plot is a very difficult job, give yourself a big pat on the back for doing so.

Take care and chin up!!

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 17, 2010, 14:30:01
Thanks Jeannine!

Here are some photos of the plot - it doesn't photo well, due to being a strip about 4m wide and extremely long! So here it is in bits. Camera phone so poor quality I'm afraid!

April 09, when I got it. Green filter on the camera - only noticed when I got indoors afterwards!

soon afterwards - summer 09

Jan 10 - apple tree, and latest addition - supermarket banners, weighted down with debris found on site, another patch is conquered!

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 18, 2010, 15:07:20
Oh My gawd! I just got a horrible shock - an email popped up:

i am afraid that when i inspected the site today there had not been any recent activity as far as i could see ,    a notice to quit will be forwarded to terminate your tenancy in one month.

thankyou for your interest in this matter.
:o :o :o
I called him straight away and said 'I think you must be looking at a different plot.' and turns out, he was! My plot was never in question.

Oh god all the fussing and worrying.  ::)

But it might be that I'm on the wrong plot, because the numbering system might be wrong. And so I might have been cultivating someone else's plot!

Should I be worried or relieve?  :D
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Borlotti on January 18, 2010, 15:16:52
The plot thickens.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Mortality on January 18, 2010, 16:08:46
Oh My gawd! I just got a horrible shock - an email popped up:

i am afraid that when i inspected the site today there had not been any recent activity as far as i could see ,    a notice to quit will be forwarded to terminate your tenancy in one month.

thankyou for your interest in this matter.
:o :o :o
I called him straight away and said 'I think you must be looking at a different plot.' and turns out, he was! My plot was never in question.

Oh god all the fussing and worrying.  ::)

But it might be that I'm on the wrong plot, because the numbering system might be wrong. And so I might have been cultivating someone else's plot!

Should I be worried or relieve?  :D

Oh my...
Better get one of them to show you the right plot or confirm that you have the right one.
I thought the council reps are suppost to show you where your plot is ??
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Old bird on January 18, 2010, 16:27:30
Hope all goes well Pidgeonseed!

What a fairly basic and apalling mistake tho I hope that the plot you are working on is yours!!

Good luck it looks as tho you are making good progress.

Old  Bird

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Trevor_D on January 18, 2010, 16:33:02
How can such a basic mix-up have happened?

OK, I only look after one site, not a whole Borough, but there must be someone on the site who knows one plot from another? When I show someone a new plot I walk round it with them, and if the boundaries are even vaguely uncertain I mark out the corners with stakes. And we have maps up showing who's got which plot.

Good luck!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: chriscross1966 on January 18, 2010, 18:38:39
One of the few rules that we have on our site apart from the council ones (no chickens or other livestock but bees are OK) is that we all have to display our plot number near the front of the plot.... luckily I inherited a really robust metal sign with mine, which is now wired to the gate...... You really would struggle to make a mistake like that on ours.... that siad this is council busybodies we're dealing with......

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: saddad on January 18, 2010, 19:22:35
I'm so pleased for you... and if it isn't your plot what has the tenant been doing ?  :-X
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 18, 2010, 20:05:28
well there are little wooden posts with numbers on at the side of each plot. But which side?
No one showed me round - they sent me a key in the post. I also very rarely see anyone at all on there. And the council workers only work weekdays, so I can't meet him easily to sort it out.

I looked round, and it looked like the numbers were to the right of the plot, as one plotholder had his plot fenced off with string, wrapped round the post, on the right.

So I saw plot 45 and thought - wow brilliant, it's just grassed over! I took it, sent back the contract and went down there - there was a man digging on my plot! He said mine was the one next door - which was all tall brambles.

So to make sure we asked the other couple of plot-holders who were nearby and they said they weren;t sure but they thought the posts were on the left.

So I started battling the brambles. Meanwhile man next door has never been back! Now it looks like that was my plot all along!!!

The council inspector says the posts are on the left until you get to my row of 'back' plots, when they're on the right, then they switch back to the left again!  ::) ::)

Of course they could have mentioned it when they offered me the plot...  ;D

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: cornykev on January 18, 2010, 20:58:02
The crafty bugger saw the brambles and swapped plots, so it looks like he's getting thrown off and he bloody well deserves it, he's nicked the better plot and still can't be bothered with it.  >:(
Somebody should be there with you the day you start, show you your plot and the boundaries, the do's and don'ts and good luck with everything, it seems someone else has been shirking I'd go bloody mad, but that's my way, I'm sure  your a lot more level headed.   :P    ;D ;D ;D   
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 18, 2010, 23:21:46
well to be fair to the man-next-door, the rest of the site has markers on the left, only our little row has them on the right - possibly. So it's not that odd if he thought it was that way round.

But having been fair to him, Now I would also like to complain that he nicked my water tank.  >:( It was on my plot path when we moved in, and he shifted it into his plot and filled it with rubbish and soil!  >:(

Oh! So glad I got that off my chest!  ;D I've been wanting to complain about that all year. But I never see him (well, obviously!)
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: emmy1978 on January 19, 2010, 10:12:37
Graaah! Bloody hell PS! You couldn't write this stuff! It won't be long before there's a reality show about allotments. So glad that there IS a mix-up and you're not getting tufed off. I'm intrigued to know if this chap did indeed nick your plot (or just the water butt) and what the council are going to do to sort it out after giving you so much grief. As kev said-I'd go mad but I too am sure you are much more sensible!
Happy days though-either way you've got a plot!  :D
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: saddad on January 19, 2010, 10:21:50
The Good King Henry can have a proper home then...  ;D
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Old bird on January 19, 2010, 10:26:29
Hang on - I'm more confused now than when I started.  Are you SURE that the plot you are working is yours?  I would ask the council for a copy of the plan which should show chapter and verse!!!!

You shouldn't have kept quiet about your water container - I certainly wouldn't have but then I am a stroppy so and so when riled!!

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: cornykev on January 19, 2010, 17:39:45
Empty the container, claim it back onto your plot and hoist your flag.
But as Old Bird said, check for deffo which ones yours.  ???   :-\
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 19, 2010, 21:03:10
I spoke to the man-from-the-council (let's call him Manf for short) again today, I have definitely been on the wrong plot! Someone took the plot I'm on in October - could have been nasty.

 :o Can you imagine if I'd come one weekend in October and they were digging up my kale!  :o

The Good King Henry can have a proper home then...
You were going to send round social services, saddad! No it will have a good home, I have given you my word!  ;D

Well, now Manf is going to call the person who officially has plot 46 to tell them NOT TO DIG!!!!  as I'm on it, but they can dig plot 47, as it's vacant anyway.

And I'm going to get a new contract for plot 46.

Interestingly, it seems our plots were vacant for over 30 years, according to Manf. They were used as a badger distraction, to try and stop them eating other people's parsnips.

No wonder it's a bit overgrown!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: SamLouise on January 19, 2010, 22:41:02
I have been following this thread with great interest and I'm glad to read that it's finally (painfully!) sorting itself out, Pigeonseed.  Well done for persevering and not giving up! :)
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Jeannine on January 20, 2010, 05:28:17
Good for you!! proud of you for  sticking up for yourself .A real feel good end.XX Jeannine
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Mortality on January 20, 2010, 07:55:31
Im glad you got it sorted out finally ;D, that caused wayy to much stress  :(

Its like a plot from a book 'Murder on the Allotments' or something  :P
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: cornykev on January 20, 2010, 19:15:37
Glad you finally got it sorted girl, I thought it was going to be another battle of Hastings.    ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 20, 2010, 22:11:50
Thanks! I couldn't have done it without you!

I won't be happy till the current plot-holder knows though!
But as they have had the plot since Oct, and not been to use it, I suppose they're unlikely to start now.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: brownowl23 on January 20, 2010, 23:17:43
Glad you got it all sorted pigeon seed.

Dh has been given unexpected gardending leve pending redundancy so I think he is at some point very soon going to take his gardening leave literally and get down the lottie.

At least in the lean next few months we will be able to egt the lottie sorted and grow loadsa veg and save money.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: macmac on January 20, 2010, 23:49:36
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 21, 2010, 10:20:18
Dh has been given unexpected gardending leve pending redundancy so I think he is at some point very soon going to take his gardening leave literally and get down the lottie.

Well the gardening leave is nice - but the redundancy could be either nice or nasty, depending on whether he wants it. Is it good news or bad?  :-\
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Old bird on January 21, 2010, 10:35:28
Pigeonseed - glad you have sorted it at last sounds like you really nearly and literally "Lost the plot"!!

It is ridiculous in this day and age that plots cannot be marked clearly (maybe try putting the number at the end and in the middle of your plot) and so this confusion could be avoided!

Anyway - nearly chocks away time - so you will be up and away on yourplot fairly soon!

Good luck and lots of updates please!

Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: brownowl23 on January 21, 2010, 22:57:07
Dh has been given unexpected gardending leve pending redundancy so I think he is at some point very soon going to take his gardening leave literally and get down the lottie.

Well the gardening leave is nice - but the redundancy could be either nice or nasty, depending on whether he wants it. Is it good news or bad?  :-\
Well the redundancy could be a blessing in disguise. his employers dont believe in work life balance- well they believe in the owrk bit but dont believe in a life outside. He been there a while too sso im kind of hoping something will come along quickly - but not too quickly for the lotties sake- so that we still end up with a bit of a nest egg.

That all said its a bit of an unusual company set up and a lawyer friend hasnt seen this situation before so it looks as if selection criteria could be unfair. There is also an alternate role he is not being offered for ssome reason.

Therefore it could all get a bit nasty with lawyers involved but could mean extra compensation.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: emmy1978 on January 22, 2010, 11:40:15
Crazy!! So great you get to keep your plot. I cannot believe after leaving them vacant for 30 years that they came down so heavily on you-not even a season before they started sending out letters????? They've obviously twigged it's a money spinner.  >:(
Hurrah and hurray for you though.  :) :) :) :)

Brownowl-redundancy is such a weird time and the company is rarely very helpful-we found the money saving expert site to be useful and also the CAB were great at telling us what to expect and what our rights were. It was a positive thing for us (after a few hairy months!)  :)
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on January 23, 2010, 14:02:00
Good luck to brownowl and mr brownowl. It will be a hard time of uncertainty, but just bear with it. The allotment will be a great place to escape, if the legal stuff gets stressful.

My new contract (for the plot I've been actually been cultivating) has come, and I've been down there today, and Manf has sprayed yellow numbers on the grass, to show which was which. Sadly he sprayed mine on the bit I dug up today to finish the potato beds!

I think I will put a number on the middle, Old Bird - could avoid problems next time someone new moves in.

I feel like I'm on track, time-wise, which I've never felt before, even on my old plot. There's room for all the early planting on the plot, like potatoes, shallots and onions, and enough time to dig more space for the squash and beans. And potatoes chitting for the first time - never got round to that before.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: plot51A on January 23, 2010, 15:05:44
Have followed your saga over the weeks pigeonseed and so very pleased for you that everything has turned out so well - and that you feel on track for the coming season  an extra bonus  ;D
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Trevor_D on January 23, 2010, 16:51:12
Glad things are sorted now. It sounds as if your site could do with a few more folk prepared to act like you and shake them up a bit!

Now get on and grow some stuff and show them up!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: 1066 on February 08, 2010, 16:18:05
PigeonSeed - been away and just caught up with the saga of Hastings

Anyway - glad you sorted it out in the end, you'll have to be A4A's expert on clearing bramble infested allotments  ;D  :-X   ;)


p.s. you're way ahead of me in prep , well done you  :)
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: pigeonseed on February 14, 2010, 20:54:08
Thanks 1066!

I've signed my new contract for the plot I was actually on.

So I'm all above board I think!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: angle shades on February 14, 2010, 20:59:03
 ;D result / shades x
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: lottie lou on February 14, 2010, 21:35:56
Congrats on getting the whole thing sorted.  Watch that GKH its a thug and comes up everywhere.  As I said I have spent years trying to get rid of it.  However if you need more - let me know in spring.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: coznbob on February 14, 2010, 21:48:34
Just caught up too......

Well done!
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Digeroo on February 14, 2010, 21:58:04
Allotments are supposed to be relaxing.  Hope you can put all this stress behind you and enjoy your allotment.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: Sparkly on February 14, 2010, 22:04:19
Wow what a mess - poor you!

Glad to hear it is sorted.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: fi on February 18, 2010, 16:55:48
i think your letter was upsetting and i hope it works out for you. i cant understand why some allotment committees  send such letters without speaking to the allotment holder first. On our allotments i would rather see a few weeds,than a chemical sprayed toxic soil with nothing but moss growing on it. good luck and i'm sure once the weather permits you will get the rest cleared.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: grawrc on February 18, 2010, 19:14:46
Quote from: fi link=topic= i cant understand why some allotment committees  send such letters without speaking to the allotment holder first.
Usually because the plot holder has not been near their plot to be spoken to , doesn't answer the phone/reply to emails/ respond to letter. Not the case here obviously. Nobody likes to be told their plot isn't up to scratch me included. But committees also have a responsibility to the people who do look after their plots and also to the people on the waiting list.

People are generally pretty bad at handling "confrontation" without getting angry and abusive.
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: 1066 on February 18, 2010, 22:23:53
very accurate observation Grawrc - as you say a lot of people don't know how to manage a situation. Fortunately for PigeonSeed things turned out ok (ish!)
Title: Re: oh dear - my first ever letter!
Post by: gp.girl on April 04, 2010, 18:44:48
If it wasn't so horrible it would be funny  ???

The same thing happened to me last year. The big difference was the second later saying my allotment as  excellent (it isn't) a week later and before we could get round to phoning them  ;D

Big, big, sigh of relief!
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