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General => The Shed => Topic started by: ACE on November 27, 2009, 08:21:57

Title: Do you think he should go
Post by: ACE on November 27, 2009, 08:21:57
He's a hacker, a curse on everyone who uses the internet. The mental condition did not stop him from being a PITA
who is paying for his legal expenses, I hope it is not coming from public funds. Make him go and face the music and send a message to every other scammer/ hacker/ internet pest. I  want my computor to be safe to use, secure to be able to do everything it is supposed to do. Also I want to read my emails without all the spam that thinks it know what I need because some scrote is tracking my surfing.

What do you think, Do you want a safe and useful device in your home. Or do you feel sorry for the cunning Barsteward.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: betula on November 27, 2009, 08:27:59
He should face trial here.

If it was the other way round it would not be so easy.

The Americans have too much of their own way.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: 1066 on November 27, 2009, 08:31:35
I'm with Betula on this one. I sort of understand what you are saying Ace, but the legislation that is being used in this case is a right shocker.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: ACE on November 27, 2009, 08:39:29
He should face trial here.

If it was the other way round it would not be so easy.

The Americans have too much of their own way.

He would get a smack on the wrists here, too many do-gooders about for him to be punished and really made an example of.  Over there he could get 10 years and that means 10 years.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: Poppy Mole on November 27, 2009, 10:02:53
Send the no-good so & so anywhere except where we pick up the bills.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: tonybloke on November 27, 2009, 10:18:15
He's a hacker, a curse on everyone who uses the internet. The mental condition did not stop him from being a PITA
who is paying for his legal expenses, I hope it is not coming from public funds. Make him go and face the music and send a message to every other scammer/ hacker/ internet pest. I  want my computor to be safe to use, secure to be able to do everything it is supposed to do. Also I want to read my emails without all the spam that thinks it know what I need because some scrote is tracking my surfing.

What do you think, Do you want a safe and useful device in your home. Or do you feel sorry for the cunning Barsteward.
The yanks listen to all of your telephone calls, whether via mobile or fixed line, they also track and filter ALL internet traffic (even this one)
they ain't bloody snow white, far from it!!
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: BarriedaleNick on November 27, 2009, 10:27:54
Persoanally I am with Stephen Fry and Borris Johnson.  The crime was committed here and he should be tried here - but the CPS have showed no interest in putting a case together.  
He could possibly get 70 years in the US with is ridiculous IMO.

The guy is a bit of a freak and was not a malicious hacker - the reason the US are so pissed is that he exposed the fact that half of the PCs he "Hacked" were completely unsecured - no firewalls - no passwords and he never hacked anyones personal computer.

He is totally unregarded in the hacking world - there are thousands of kiddie scirpters out there with more hacking skills who do more damage on a day to day basis than this guy ever did but no one is getting after them because they didnt dare try to get access to army/nasa stuff.  I would be more worried about the virus writers, kiddie scripters, bot armies, russian/chinese mobs etc than this guy.

When the US have got the balls to sign an extradition treaty that is equal in both directions then maybe there would be less of a problem but unitl that day I would tell the US to feck off.

Spam is whole different issue - generally has nothing to do with hackers
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: Digeroo on November 27, 2009, 10:43:05
The crime was committed here he should be tried here.

They are only going after him because he is vulnerable and will not be able to defend himself.  There are bigger sharks in the sea.

Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: Baccy Man on November 27, 2009, 10:47:15
I  want my computor to be safe to use, secure to be able to do everything it is supposed to do. Also I want to read my emails without all the spam that thinks it know what I need because some scrote is tracking my surfing.
Other than credit card/online banking details there is unlikely to be anything on your computer which would interest most hackers although I do currently have a pc in for repair which has been hacked & used for a lot more than that because the owner believes all the rubbish about how you don't need any security software if you use linux.

Spam is unrelated to hacking, most email services filter out the majority of the spam email & if you use firefox there is an addon which blocks the targeted advertising cookies that determine which ads you will see on a website for 90 of the major ad companies although using the NoScript addon to block them is a much better method IMHO.

Targeted advertising cookies addon for firefox:
NoScript add on for firefox:
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: ACE on November 27, 2009, 10:49:45
Persoanally I am with Stephen Fry and Borris Johnson.  The crime was committed here and he should be tried here -
That is why this country is going to the dogs. You would rather listen to 2 clowns instead of getting the ball rolling and cleaning up the internet so we can all enjoy it.  70 years serves him right. I have to pay exta costs to stop my computor crashing, to stop people getting to my private details, my enjoyment of the internet is spoiled by the likes of him and every other criminal who wants to interupt my life.
 It will make some of the others think twice before they try a similar stunt. Why should we pay for his punishment, why should we be paying his legal aid. Why should we even be giving him room to breathe.
  The internet could really be a fantastic tool to aid all society, but misfits like him seem hell bent on spoiling it for everyone.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: betula on November 27, 2009, 11:00:41
I agree in the principal but you asked about this one particular guy.

He has mental health issues and he should be dealt with accordingly under British Law. ;D
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: asbean on November 27, 2009, 11:01:14
He didn't spoil it for e veryone, he made the american government "security" havve egg on their faces.  He did that in this country.  End of.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: pennsylvannia planters on November 27, 2009, 11:09:28
The computers he hacked into were in a different country.
So was the crime actually committed in this country? :-\
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: mrestofus on November 27, 2009, 12:03:57
he committed the crime in USA and 70 years are least his troubles. The large guy in next cell will making him his sex toy.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: mrestofus on November 27, 2009, 12:06:11
hacking does have be malicious in the USA to be a crime. Same penalties apply  no matter what the intent is.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: Froglegs on November 27, 2009, 12:22:09
Persoanally I am with Stephen Fry and Borris Johnson.  The crime was committed here and he should be tried here -
That is why this country is going to the dogs. You would rather listen to 2 clowns instead of getting the ball rolling and cleaning up the internet so we can all enjoy it.  70 years serves him right.

Not going ...gone to the dogs,we are to soft in the UK let the yanks have the bugger and let them show us how it should be done.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: Squash64 on November 27, 2009, 13:11:31
No, I do not agree he should go.

He has a recognised medical condition which must have some bearing on the case. 

Hi might be a 'PITA' as ACE so delicately puts it, but that's part of Aspergers. We should have sympathy for him and for his mother, not condemnation.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: BarriedaleNick on November 27, 2009, 13:17:54
Persoanally I am with Stephen Fry and Borris Johnson.  The crime was committed here and he should be tried here -
That is why this country is going to the dogs. You would rather listen to 2 clowns instead of getting the ball rolling and cleaning up the internet so we can all enjoy it.  70 years serves him right. 

Yep I would rather listenen to two intellectually stimulating people who know what they are talking about than the rubbish being spewed forth here.  Clean up the internet??  What on earth are you talking about - anyone with any understanding of the protocols of the internet knows that you cannot stop hackers by handing out prison sentances - modern hackers are anonomous. This will stop noone except maybe the odd kiddie scripter. How on earth does giving him 70 years serves any real purposes - he fessed up - he used his own email address - the guy is an idiot.  Giving him 70 years will not stop bot attacks, will not stop virus writers - it will have virtually nill effect on any sort of hacking.
it may make you feel all warm inside but that does not concern me - the punishment must fit the crime or the law is an ass.   

Have you never comitted a crime - never driven too fast - never had an underage drink?

Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: Obelixx on November 27, 2009, 13:42:24
As I understand it the Pentagon system he hacked did not have firewalls to protect it so the Pentagon is guilty of neglect.  I also understand that the British do not have equal extradition rights when wanting to gain access to US citizens for crimes committed here and the Home Secretary has reduced the right to 3 months for a further appeal to just 7 days.

This hacker has committed no murder nor grand theft nor endangered lives.  Nor has he destroyed compyer systems or sent out worms and virusese to dusrupt the internet.   He has embarrassed the US authorities but they waited 3 years for a change in extradition law before trying to prosecute him.   Their justice system is not equal or fair and their prison system is barbaric.

I think the man should be tried here and I also think the Americans should take a hike and the Home Secretary should be looking for a new job so we can have someone who will look after the interests of British citizens and not kowtow to the Yanks or anyone else.

Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: lewic on November 27, 2009, 13:56:31
They should drop the case and offer him a job. He has done them a favour by exposing their neligence, and the case is a criminal waste of taxpayers money.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: Borlotti on November 27, 2009, 14:04:06
I agree with Lewic.  And I like Boris. 
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: Baccy Man on November 27, 2009, 14:09:35
As I understand it the Pentagon system he hacked did not have firewalls to protect it so the Pentagon is guilty of neglect.

No passwords either & although hacking may technically be the right term for what he did nothing he did would really be classed as hacking by anyone except the judicial system.
I wonder what happened to the system administrator who allowed those computers to go onto the network without such basic security measures in place or the maintenance engineers who would also be well aware of these things & what about all the other people who have accessed these computers illegally over the years. Why is that only one person (with mental health problems) who was attempting to find answers to various conspiracy theories is the only person that was considered important enough to prosecute. If anyone is prosecuted it should be the idiots responsible for allowing government computers to be connected to the internet with less security measures in place than the average domestic PC would have.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: mrestofus on November 27, 2009, 15:19:25
mental health is not an excuse to for getting out punishment.
he did the crime he will do time and most likely in USA on the uk's dime.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: ACE on November 27, 2009, 15:49:42
[- never driven too fast - never had an underage drink?
Oh yeh, they go hand in hand with breaching national security. I know hacking is different to all the things I mention. But it is him and his  ilk  that take great delight in spoiling it for the rest of us.

But there we go. It seem a lot of people like to sit there and smile at all the crap that is throw at them these days. It is their choice. Only one thing wrong with it, sometimes it gets uncomfortable for them to sit still and they move a fraction off centre. Then the shite gets by them and it hits me. and I don't like it.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: BarriedaleNick on November 27, 2009, 17:13:49
Ace - I would generally agree with your sentiments but I believe in this case the guy is nothing more than a dolt and a fall guy.  Im in IT and hate hackers and virus writers with a vengence - you should see me when soemone sticks a USB pen with confickr on it into one of my PCs - Id give them a few lashes if I though it would make a difference.

In general I believe there should be more legal strength across the board to deter hackers but I sincerely believe that the most sensible way to "clean up the internet" is to educate people and improve tech.  Unfortuantely most big hacks cross international waters (Russia/Ukraine/China) so Im not sure what effect any of this will have.

I may be a bit of a liberal (not lefty! but liberal) but one that likes a nioce big stick just in case!!!

Now if someone can tell me how to gro corriander with out it bolting.....
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: snipsnip on November 27, 2009, 17:14:41
I don't see what mental health issues he has is anything to do with what he did.

 The do gooder Brits coming out with **** like that.  No wonder this country is in such a state.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: ACE on November 27, 2009, 17:21:19
Ace - I would generally agree with your sentiments but I believe in this case the guy is nothing more than a dolt and a fall guy.  Im in IT and hate hackers and virus writers with a vengence - you should see me when soemone sticks a USB pen with confickr on it into one of my PCs - Id give them a few lashes if I though it would make a difference.

In general I believe there should be more legal strength across the board to deter hackers but I sincerely believe that the most sensible way to "clean up the internet" is to educate people and improve tech.  Unfortuantely most big hacks cross international waters (Russia/Ukraine/China) so Im not sure what effect any of this will have.

I may be a bit of a liberal (not lefty! but liberal) but one that likes a nioce big stick just in case!!!

It's friday. Rant over. lets go and have a drink, and bore the pants off them down the pub. ;)
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: Borlotti on November 27, 2009, 17:26:20
I can't go, haven't got my old people's fuel payment yet.  I am so poor and sad, not really I don't care. Ace is buying, mine is a double. nicely please.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: ACE on November 27, 2009, 17:36:42
I can't go, haven't got my old people's fuel payment yet.  I am so poor and sad, not really I don't care. Ace is buying, mine is a double. nicely please.

Didn't they tell you, that bicycle riders will not get it this year.  ;)
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: Kea on November 27, 2009, 17:47:29
They should drop the case and offer him a job. He has done them a favour by exposing their neligence, and the case is a criminal waste of taxpayers money.

I agree he has done them a favour.

My son has Asperger's is not a mental condition it is a disability.

They are very naive, there was no malicious intent and they (people with AS) are very honest.....I believe he emailed them and told them he had been in their system.
My son has been in trouble just about every week at Uni due to misunderstandings and he doesn't usually learn from his mistakes another feature of AS.

Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: BarriedaleNick on November 27, 2009, 17:57:35

It's friday. Rant over. lets go and have a drink, and bore the pants off them down the pub. ;)

Too bloody right ACE! Mine's a large one!
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: Borlotti on November 27, 2009, 18:00:42
My bike has got a puncture, is that why I am not getting it.  Very grateful for it anyway.  Anyway Ace you can't get out of buying the drinks.  Think a person with something to do with fastening should go. Off topic.  Thanks Ace for supporting me on granddaughter, thought you would say 'on your bike'.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: snipsnip on November 27, 2009, 18:18:56
If we're getting personal biker with a puncture.  I thought maybe it was time you went too.  Your cat thread was amazing, maybe you should step back and have a good look at what you type first.

I know all those that think you are a great old lady will come rallying round you here but bet there are many that think like me about you. 

I know you don't care and neither do I.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: betula on November 27, 2009, 18:23:01
I think that was a bit harsh snip snip >:(
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: BarriedaleNick on November 27, 2009, 18:29:47
What on earth are you talking about snipsnip.

"If we're getting personal biker with a puncture.  I thought maybe it was time you went too."  What does that mean?  Doesn't make any sense to me.

Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: ACE on November 27, 2009, 18:30:24
If it's handbags at 20 paces. I have the power to lock the thread. So come on ladies We've all said too much today.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: snipsnip on November 27, 2009, 18:34:07
Probably was betula but I am entitled to my opinion without getting a personal attack made on me.

You can see why peeps come and look and get their gardening advice and don't contribute as it always seems to me how certain people gang up on others.

But there you go, guess what ever rocks your boat.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: Unwashed on November 27, 2009, 18:37:41
I think some of us must have started early.  My ignore list is growing very long.

Anywho, where's my drink Ace?  Big glass of Talisker please, and just bring me the water, I don't want you drowning it.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: ACE on November 27, 2009, 18:42:31


You do know what fishes do in that stuff don't you? Dirty little buggers!
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: Unwashed on November 27, 2009, 18:46:43
Dirty little buggers!
I have very catholic tastes.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: BarriedaleNick on November 27, 2009, 18:47:39
Probably was betula but I am entitled to my opinion without getting a personal attack made on me.

Not really snipsnip - this is an internet forum and it was hardly a personal attack  Take the rough and tumble and roll with it.. you say people are talking sh!t and calling them do gooders invites a response.  Dont take offense so easily - it's all banter.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: snipsnip on November 27, 2009, 18:58:04
Couldn't agree with you more barriedalenick, but as a good gardening site it's a shame how the few old faithfuls stick together and come out against a newbie, but as you say that's what you get on an internet forum, I just think it spoils it for many.

Hope I am on your ignore list Unwashed as I would hate to have to get into a discussion of Catholic tastes after yesterdays news.
Title: Re: Do you think he should go
Post by: ACE on November 27, 2009, 18:58:55

I have very catholic tastes.

Whoah. We had better not go there. Lets save it for next fridays argument.
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