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General => The Shed => Topic started by: Squash64 on October 17, 2009, 22:41:32

Title: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: Squash64 on October 17, 2009, 22:41:32
I wish there was a cut-off time for fireworks, something like 10:00pm maybe. 

It is Diwali today and fireworks have been going off in gardens all around me.  I'm not bothered, and if I went to bed I might be able to sleep through the noise but I pity people with babies and young children.  Also, my dog Graham is really frightened of the noise and is trying to dig his way under the settee.

I've got two tvs on and also a radio to try to cover up the noise.  It will probably go on until at least midnight and I'm fed up.
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: betula on October 17, 2009, 22:44:46
I feel for you and this is something I feel very strongly about.

Dread this time of year  :(

Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: lorna on October 17, 2009, 22:48:01
I know just how you feel Squash64. My King Charles is terrified and although she was prescribed calming tablets would climb on the back of the sofa and try and claw through the wall. I always put her in kennels on 5th November, the kennels are down a country lane and a long way from other properties. Only trouble is they seem to go on for a couple of weeks although not so severe. Last year she seemed a little better but I think that maybe because she is getting a little deaf.
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: jimtheworzel on October 17, 2009, 23:01:20
fireworks should only be on sale 1st nov not the 1st of sept, make it the law mr BROWN!!!
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: jonny211 on October 17, 2009, 23:10:28
I'm currently in West Drayton (at work) and it's Divali central over here, either that or the locals are having more drive-by shootings than usual.
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: macmac on October 17, 2009, 23:24:14
I think fireworks should only available to organised displays,they are going off constantly and although to us it is only annoying when we had our two beautiful golden retrievers the little one Tyson was absolutely terrified ,he had very sensitive hearing and would shake and paw and claw.Ban the awful things.Our local firestation does a splendid display they're the guys to be in charge of explosives :o :o one night annually PLEASE
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: Squash64 on October 17, 2009, 23:29:06
I agree that fireworks should only be used in organised displays and not sold to the public.  Every time there is a festival we have to suffer the noise, and that can be at any time of year.  They are even used for birthdays, weddings etc.

It is now almost 11:30 and they are still going off.   >:(
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: macmac on October 17, 2009, 23:35:31
Squash I sympathise  :( :( :(They haven't started here ...yet....
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: saddad on October 18, 2009, 00:52:54
Been going off all night here... we've been watching the world at war... it adds to the "atmospherics"...  :-X
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: PurpleHeather on October 18, 2009, 07:37:39
There have been campagns for decades to try to stop the sale of these highly dangerous explosives. It gets no where.

I refuse to have anything to do with them but every year, shut up shops manage to open up for a few weeks selling fireworks and people keep on buying 'a few for the kids'.

The fire brigade and A & E are the ones who have to pick up the pieces.

We can not take a bottle of water through security at an air port. We can not smoke a cigarette, pipe or cigar anywhere in case it causes harm.  We can not own a firearm. Yet these explosives are allowed to be bought and kept in our houses. Madness
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: Jeanbean on October 18, 2009, 07:41:45
What has happened to the time when the only night you heard fireworks was on 5th November? I know we older ones keep referring back to the good old 60's but whilst I was growing up in east London during 50's and 60's that would have been the only night that fireworks were heard. I think it all comes down to retailers making profit. The longer they sell the more profit they can make. I have no animals but do think it very unfair on the extended season for letting them off. They are and can be pretty but why can't they make silent ones. :-\ We would all be able to enjoy them then. I also agree with organised dispays only. They can be so dangerous and unpredictable. Do hope that you got some peace Squash KR Jean
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: amphibian on October 18, 2009, 07:59:28
Personally, and I know this is going to be controversial, I am happy with firework legislation as it is.

Most countries have far more relaxed attitudes towards fireworks, the Italians are crazy with them, Diwali in India is terrifying. It's nice that we still cut loose a little, in a society where everything else is legislated upon so heavily.

I know some pet owners experience difficulties as a result, but I don't think a traditional festival period should be squeezed out because some people experience some seasonal difficulties with something that they chose. To me that seems reactionary, as much so as people demanding dogs be band because some owners can't behave responsibly with them.
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: tomatoada on October 18, 2009, 09:22:22
Squash64   The law is that no fireworks should be set off between 11pm and 7am.   I believe all fireworks have this written on them. 
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: shirlton on October 18, 2009, 09:41:42
We went to bed at 10pm and they were going off then. We thought perhaps someone had got married at Newhall cos they usually have fireworks
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: cornykev on October 18, 2009, 09:47:22
They were going off round here last night, now I know why, I'm sure 10 o clock is the cut off period, maybe thats just week days.  ???   :-\   ???   :-\    ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: tonybloke on October 18, 2009, 10:13:39
those who get annoyed at the noise of fireworks, please spare a thought for all of the families in the world whose peace and quiet is shattered regularly by the noise of guns, bombs, missiles, land-mines etc.
at least the bangs round here don't usually mean another few folk dead.
(rant over)
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: ceres on October 18, 2009, 10:23:14
I wish there was a cut-off time for fireworks, something like 10:00pm maybe. 

There is.  It's 11pm (until 7am) except New Year, Chinese New Year and Diwali when it's 1am and Bonfire Night when it's midnight.  I suspect getting the Police to enforce it might be a different matter though. (
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: Poppy Mole on October 18, 2009, 10:33:48
I live in an area of intence grape & lettuce growing & trust me the noise of the bird scarers going off very loudly at all sorts of time during the day at least means my cats are prepared for fireworks, but I do agree they should now only be sold for organized events as they are so much more powerful than in my childhood.
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: betula on October 18, 2009, 11:15:54
those who get annoyed at the noise of fireworks, please spare a thought for all of the families in the world whose peace and quiet is shattered regularly by the noise of guns, bombs, missiles, land-mines etc.
at least the bangs round here don't usually mean another few folk dead.
(rant over)

Tony,I am sure many of us spare more than a passing thought for these people.

However thankfully we do not have to deal with that problem I fail to see its relevance.

Most of us on here grow veg all the time but is does not mean we are unaware or uncaring about people who are starving in this world.

We had a similar thread this time last year and I got flamed something awful for defending the animals.

The point is to my mind it is cruelty to animals to have these explosives going off for such long periods.It is against the law to cause harm to animals,surely there mental well being is just as important.

I will bow out of this one as I do not want a re run of last year.

The message is still the same.I f you really must have private fire works please keep it short.Even better ,go to an organised event.
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: macmac on October 18, 2009, 12:41:36
Well put Betula !
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: shirlton on October 18, 2009, 12:56:40
Fireworks can be very dangerous and in my opinion should only be used at organized events and then only in the hands of experts.
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: Squash64 on October 18, 2009, 14:24:37
Personally, and I know this is going to be controversial, I am happy with firework legislation as it is.

Most countries have far more relaxed attitudes towards fireworks, the Italians are crazy with them, Diwali in India is terrifying. It's nice that we still cut loose a little, in a society where everything else is legislated upon so heavily.

I know some pet owners experience difficulties as a result, but I don't think a traditional festival period should be squeezed out because some people experience some seasonal difficulties with something that they chose. To me that seems reactionary, as much so as people demanding dogs be band because some owners can't behave responsibly with them.

I have two dogs.  One of them has a habit of going out into the garden and barking for no apparent reason.  As soon as he does this, I call him inside and he comes.  I would not inflict his barking on my neighbours.

It upsets me to think that some people have so little regard for their neighbours that they think it is alright to let off extremely loud fireworks in residential areas until the early hours of the morning.

There is no season for fireworks here in Birmingham.  They are let off for a variety of reasons, both religious and otherwise throughout the year.

I don't like to see my dog being terrified of the noise, but if it was only a few times a year I suppose I would cope with it.  I don't want to stop people enjoying themselves, but what about the people who have to suffer the noise?  Don't they count?
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: Squash64 on October 18, 2009, 14:26:57
those who get annoyed at the noise of fireworks, please spare a thought for all of the families in the world whose peace and quiet is shattered regularly by the noise of guns, bombs, missiles, land-mines etc.
at least the bangs round here don't usually mean another few folk dead.
(rant over)

I do feel for all those people you mention but I don't think their situation has anything to do with the misuse of fireworks in England. 
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: cornykev on October 18, 2009, 15:47:06
I feel this thread has run its course and will be moved to admin. Sorry I thought I was a mod for a minute there, day dreaming again.   :-[    :-X :-X :-X       ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: Borlotti on October 18, 2009, 19:09:56
In a recession if people have money to burn, good luck, but don't frighten my cats, or I will stick a firework up your behind.  My grandchildren hate fireworks so we have a bonfire party, without fireworks, soup and sausages etc. and stay in the warm and watch them out the window. I also hate Harqulein so must be getting old.
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: small on October 18, 2009, 19:15:38
I can't stand the things because of the bangs.  We used to keep goats. The milk yield always dipped around November 5th, - we'd put the lights on in the shed and hang around trying to soothe them, but the poor beasts were terrified all the same. Why can't they make ones that shower those beautiful stars in silence?
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: glosterwomble on October 18, 2009, 20:46:07
...We had a similar thread this time last year and I got flamed something awful for defending the animals.

The point is to my mind it is cruelty to animals to have these explosives going off for such long periods.It is against the law to cause harm to animals,surely there mental well being is just as important.

I will bow out of this one as I do not want a re run of last year.

The message is still the same.I f you really must have private fire works please keep it short.Even better ,go to an organised event.

Well put Betula, I am on the animals side. Our small 11year old dog is beside himself with fear when the fireworks go off. They just don't understand what is going on and surely we as humans could be more respectful to an animals worries, and confusion!?
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: lewic on October 18, 2009, 20:52:56
Tonybloke I wholeheartedly agree with you.

However there are some areas which are really dodgy, so we may be talking about completely different scales here! I stayed with a friend in Leeds a few years ago and kids were throwing rockets at passersby in the street and putting fireworks through peoples letterboxes. It was a really nasty atmosphere and cannot be compared to someone's pet losing a few nights sleep.

I think the problem is antisocial behaviour which can occur any time of the year and the police are not doing enough to stop it.

If I had a fearful pet I would try to introduce it to loud/sudden noises gradually to get them used to it. My old cat would sleep through fireworks and not even blink (he must have worked out early on that they werent going to harm him) but would jump to attention if anyone came to the door, before they had even rung the bell!

Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: Flighty on October 18, 2009, 21:09:08
There are lots of whizz-bangs going on here right now!
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: Squash64 on October 18, 2009, 21:18:23

If I had a fearful pet I would try to introduce it to loud/sudden noises gradually to get them used to it.

I did this with both my dogs.  Vera couldn't care less and will happily sit outside in the garden in a thunderstorm.  Graham is more nervous and there was nothing I could do to get him used to fireworks or thunder.  The only time he will have any peace will be if he becomes deaf when he is older.
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: Squash64 on October 18, 2009, 21:20:22
I feel this thread has run its course and will be moved to admin. Sorry I thought I was a mod for a minute there, day dreaming again.   :-[    :-X :-X :-X       ;D ;D ;D

I believed you for a minute then Kev.  :)
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: Sholls on October 18, 2009, 21:38:18
I have to confess, I'm not a firework hater, but I fail to see why 'bangers' exist & why rockets aimed at a domestic market have to be so <insert sweary word> noisy.  ::) Safety issues aside, I don't begrudge anyone the odd sparkler/Catherine wheel/fountain, but domestic rockets? What's the point? You get more bang for your buck at an organised display.

I'm also bemused as to why people set them off during daylight hours,  ::) to me it defeats the purpose. I live 500m from a 'country house'; it takes in US students during the summer and every July 4th, around 18:00 the rockets start... that's approximately 4 hours before sunset. Likewise, at this time of year, many of the local parents will have back garden displays for their 4/5 year olds... before 17:00, in broad daylight.   ???


Kev!  ;D
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: Borlotti on October 19, 2009, 11:18:01
I meant to type Halloween not Harqulein, must have had a senior moment or had too much wine.
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: Squash64 on October 19, 2009, 11:47:38
I meant to type Halloween not Harqulein, must have had a senior moment or had too much wine.

LOL, I did wonder what you meant!
I mis-read it anyway, as 'Harlequin'.
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: lushy86 on October 19, 2009, 12:46:11
I absolutley love fireworks but at the right time in the right place. 

I have two dogs too Betty, the little one - teddy bear does random barking in the garden like your Graham.  This will be the first year with two of them on the 5th and i am dreading it, they are bad enough when someone closes a car door!  The firework 'season' is too long, they should just be available for a few days before the 5th.

Lushy x
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: cleo on October 19, 2009, 13:29:25
There is a large bonfire at the end of my garden and I intend to light it and have fireworks on Nov 7th.

It`s a long way away from any houses,backing onto a field, and I know it`s far away enough not to spook the dogs either side and more importantly my cat.

Jenny will have had another dose of chemo the day before and I am going to make her smile.
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: Slug_killer on October 19, 2009, 14:12:31
I meant to type Halloween not Harqulein, must have had a senior moment or had too much wine.

Do we still have Harqulein/Halloween. I thought it was Trick Or Treat night these days !
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: Squash64 on October 19, 2009, 14:25:26
There is a large bonfire at the end of my garden and I intend to light it and have fireworks on Nov 7th.

It`s a long way away from any houses,backing onto a field, and I know it`s far away enough not to spook the dogs either side and more importantly my cat.

Jenny will have had another dose of chemo the day before and I am going to make her smile.

My best wishes to Jenny - nobody would want to stop something like you are planning to do to cheer her up.  I hope all goes well with her treatment and that she enjoys the bonfire and fireworks. :)

Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: shirlton on October 19, 2009, 16:28:10
I like fireworks but don't see why they have to bang so loud. I like the pretty ones but even they have to bang as well.
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: cornykev on October 19, 2009, 17:06:10
Borlotti, I thought what is she going on about, daft as a brush.  :P       ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: Borlotti on October 19, 2009, 17:36:03
Don't mock your elders and betters, trouble is I can type quicker than my brain.  Get back in your wheelbarrow and remove that big marrow.  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: BarriedaleNick on October 19, 2009, 17:38:07
I like fireworks but don't see why they have to bang so loud. I like the pretty ones but even they have to bang as well.

Actually you can order fireworks by loudness!!  But I think only if you are having it done for you by a professional company - we had a display last year and could order on a scale of 1-5 of loudness.  1 - being more of a fire and light display, 5 - Being sort of Black Sabbath up close.

Personally I don't mind the noise and my cats seem less bothered than me.  I am in London though so used to a loud background but can perfectly understand those that dislike them
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: twinkletoes on October 20, 2009, 13:34:52
Fireworks are far too cheap (even the expensive ones  ::)) and too easily purchased by youngsters whose only intent is to cause disturbances in the immediate vicinity by letting the fireworks off at random intervals in various places. Why is it necessary for domestic-bound fireworks to be soooooo loud? The people that let them off most often stand too close, so close enough to them to hear any whizzes and bangs that accompany the pretty splashes of colour. Why is it necessary for anyone to purchase industrial/display sized fireworks anyway - very few of these people have a garden of a size to accommodate the recommended distance to stand away from these fireworks ......what carnage there would be if one were to explode.........  We profess to be a nation of animal lovers too....when it suits us.... but like the Americans (we have the right to bear arms, and all that)....... so, we have the right to set off fireworks. Yes, please do - but can we respect others and keep to the rules of timing - 5th November between the hours of 7.01am and 11pm. Personally the ones I hate most are the ones that scream and bang and go on forever.
Rant Over  :-[ :-[ (sorry)
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: tomatoada on October 20, 2009, 14:26:53
Thanks for ranting for me.
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: daxzen on October 20, 2009, 15:33:14
jethro tull was louder than black sabbath
Title: Re: Flippin' fireworks!
Post by: daxzen on October 20, 2009, 15:34:34
and dont get me started on wishbone ash
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