Allotments 4 All

General => News => Topic started by: little lurcher on October 08, 2009, 10:54:30

Title: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: little lurcher on October 08, 2009, 10:54:30
ive rented an allotment for the past 16 yrs and the agent whom collects the rent yearly , is abusive , vindictive and downright awful to myself and any persons connected with me , recently he has tried to throw me off the allotment , with no warning or reasons other than i dont like you , he has accused my children of running around the allotments in evenings creating havoc , the only problem i have with that is 1 is 5 yrs old and no allowed out alone!!!! the other is 18 and very disabled , so much so that he is wheelchair bound!!! the allotment is privately rented , PLEASE HELP!!! i have solicitor appointment tomorrow so any legal help and advice is sooooooooooo grateful , thank you tanya
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: elvis2003 on October 08, 2009, 10:59:02
contact the nsalg straight away
this sounds awful,you have my sympathys,is this guy as horrible to any else at the plot,if so,get together to fight this

Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: ceres on October 08, 2009, 11:02:47
Why is he behaving like this?  When did it start?  Is he like this with other plotholders?  Who owns the land?  It's hard to provide any help without the full story.  In the meantime, all I can suggest is that you keep a log of all contact with him - dates/times/what was said etc. etc.
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: little lurcher on October 08, 2009, 11:17:12
he has a personal dislike to my family , i bought the brick buildings on the land over 16 yrs ago , as a kind of independant step away from being in debt to my family , the area is about half an acre and has 2 sets of brick built stables which in past years were a piggery , i too used the yard as a small holding , grew veg , not very well lol , and some chickens, couple of pigs and a couple of calves , i have a holding number there too , the person has a deep resent to any persons not in his cliche , and will bully , he was also a former councillor locally and is well known for his bullying tactics , my son is very disabled so i have always had a pony for him , as helps with his psysio, the pony had also been in family for over 20 yrs and she was put to sleep there , she was replaced by others , some very elderly rejects , he is now denying the ponies are even mine and the police went round yestreday to show the legal passports stating they are mine and he was very rude and STILL denied!!! 1 is approx 40 yrs old a shetland the other is my sons driving pony also a shetland cross , yes they have been used by my friends over the years on my allotment as it is their home and i do not wish for them to be used or stabled away from me , this person has cut fencing , then when sending workman down to repair fencing , he refuses them access!!! he has also bullied other persons on the land threatening to evict them if they dont assist him in getting me off , the last 2 years i personally have not handed him the rent i have given it to a friend whom he does like , now he is saying that i havent paid it!!!! well he has receipts to prove i have , i dont have copies he refuses to give them to me , so yes the yard is in disrepair as he wont allow access to maintain it , the horses have had to be moved as the fencing was taken down to repalce and now we cant get to area to replace and reapir , he is also refusing to accept my rent although i have no formal notice of eviction , he just says f*ck off!! how charming , also done this in front of police liason officer , im in a mess and dont know who to turn to , no one will stick up for me as they will lose therir allotments and they too have livestock there , what do i do x
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: Duke Ellington on October 08, 2009, 11:39:52
What an awful situation~~ did you always pay the rent in cash ? If you paid him using cheques you and your bank would have a record of this? The reciepts should have been given to you as and when you paid him.

Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: macmac on October 08, 2009, 11:43:51
I have no answer although you say he is the agent ,who is the owner would they be more reasonable to deal with if you could locate them.You already have your hands full with your sons without this aggrivation.Good Luck :)
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: Slug_killer on October 08, 2009, 12:00:38
Gather any paper evidence that you have.
 - The purchase documents for the two buildings
 - Any tenancy documents you have
 - Cheque stubs/statements for the rent and any receipts that you do have and going back as far as you can
 - Any proof the animals are yours. Any purchase/vet/feed receipts,
 - if youv'e had repair work done, again receipts.
 - The workmen who came and were refused access, was this done officially, do you have paper evidence of this. Do you have paper evidence that they were turned away (you might still be able to contact the workmen and get statements)
 - As said, keep a diary of all conversations.
 - a statement from  the police liason officer (ie a third party whose testimony will carry weight) of your conversation would also demonstrate his attitude and intentions.

The more you can gather the better, but don't worry about have it all for tomorrow, just a list of what you can get will suffice for now.

I hope it goes well and Good luck
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: little lurcher on October 08, 2009, 13:41:07
horses have to now legally have a passport , these were shown to the police officer , to which the agent replied " she must have just made them up" both ponies have legal binding markings by way of 1 with a freeze brand the other a microchip!!! must be some kinda clever gal to do that in less than half hour lol!!! yes the farrier whom attends the ponies will help as will the feed merchant , i always paid in cash as he refuses cheques!! the lady i bought the allotment buildings from will also make a statement staing when and how much i paid for it too , the 3 ladies whom have also helped me on the allotment will also make statements , as will the chap who tried to deliver the wood , i just saw someone else whom has a allotment and he is being threatened with eviction as his daughter was working down the allotment , clearing rubbish etc and slept the night in a tent as needed it done in a day and a bit , so rather than go home at 1 am to be back at 5am her and her partner slept in the tent used for her daughter in the summer days , this is the level this man will go to

the land owner is very elderly wants no aggro and is in a residental home
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: little lurcher on October 08, 2009, 13:44:01
i have also taken pics today of the allotments down that lane , showing the disrepair of the other tenants land , HIS is disgracefully overgrown and been allowing flytipping on!!!!

i was also again verbally abused for walking the lane to my fathers , this also leads to ALL the allotments and is a public right of way and where i walk my dogs , im grateful i had a friend with me to witness his behaviour , my dog whom is recovered from surgery and has stitches in her side was frightened by him to and now has opened a wound!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: Paulines7 on October 08, 2009, 13:54:11
This is awful lurcher.   :o   I hope the solicitor can help you tomorrow.  No-one should have to put up with this sort of behaviour from anyone. 
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: little lurcher on October 08, 2009, 14:02:15
im the first person to stand up to him so im told!!! but tbh im scared i will lose my littel piece of sanity , to top all this off i had a heart attack at 38yrs old 4 mths ago !!! he chooses hois toimes to pick on me very carefully , last time we had this my grandfather was dying at mine, and he had a petion set up to get me off , behind my back i add , he was sitting in and drinking my tea etc whilst doing this , i gavce him a letter back then to give to the other tenants to state that the horses were being done at weird times as dealing with grandad and single mum to disabled child was making things hard but any issues to please call at the house and id do what i can , this was never passed on !!!!!!!! so when i was told about the petion i then wrote to all of them and explained why were they doing this when they knew what was going on , i did have 2 replies which i kept stating that no one knew why i wasnt going at mt reg times and that frank had told them i was simply fed up with the animals!!!!!!! im sooooooooooo glad i kept the reply letters!!!
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: twinkletoes on October 08, 2009, 14:13:43
Hi LL - I can hardly believe that this person has been allowed to carry on in this way for so long - he is a positive menace.  I don't know how to put it delicately (to avoid upsetting some) but is he a little mentally unstable?  Perhaps he trying to scare off tenants and run the land down so much he is able to purchase it himself from the elderly owner at substantially reduced sum? I do hope you get some assistance in your battle with this person tomorrow.  I am still trying to work out why the police officer who witnessed this mans attitude and knows how he has been terrorising you has not done anything about it. Keep us posted on how your meeting tomorrow goes.
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: macmac on October 08, 2009, 14:21:11
I've re read this thread and I can tell by your postings how upset you are little lurcher,try and keep calm this revolting individual doesn't have the right to upset you like this and it sounds like you've got all kinds of evidence that will put him in his place.My only other thought does the owner have any relatives who are perhaps party to this agents behavior?Could they be considering developing the land at a later date if they could get it clear?If the owner is quite elderly they might be thinking ahead.meanwhile big hugs  :-* me  and twinkletoes crossed in the postings I see we think on a similar line
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: little lurcher on October 08, 2009, 14:30:43
i asked for the police to give a witness statement and he is more than willing to do so , he was given a formal warning about his aggressive and abusive behaviour yesterday , but more clout will come from going to court , i have to ring police back tomorrow with legal advice to take the matter in whatever direction i wish too , im holding back on the proceeding as i do not wish to get his back up further until i fully have my legal rights set in place , then ....................................... well!!!
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: twinkletoes on October 08, 2009, 14:40:01
Atta girl LL - we can't be with you in body but............. Yep - macmac you are right.....we are thinking along the same lines.....
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: elvis2003 on October 08, 2009, 14:43:43
really good for you,hope tmrw brings good news,we are all rooting for you
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: little lurcher on October 08, 2009, 14:45:37
what made me giggle today was , he is hollering about disrepair and also threatened another person as he hadnt grown enough ????????????? so i took a pic today of his , and .............. omg!!!!!!! how overgrown!!!!!!!!!!! and the corner he is allowing to be used for fly tipping , well well well , another point to put over in court i feel
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: sarah on October 08, 2009, 15:42:48
what a horrid person.  i hope he get what he deserves.
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: Digeroo on October 08, 2009, 15:44:25
All sounds very stressful I hope you get it sorted soon.  

Does the owner have any family who are responsible for his affairs?  

Perhaps he trying to scare off tenants and run the land down so much he is able to purchase it himself from the elderly owner at substantially reduced sum?

I'm with Twinkeltoes I think he certainly seems that he is up to something.

I think you should befriend the owner.

Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on October 08, 2009, 19:13:31
I know the feeling. I had mega problems with some people on my site a few years ago, beginning when I had a bad go with ME, and couldn't cope well. You need to get all the evidence you can, then get legal advice.
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: fenbunny on October 08, 2009, 21:51:48
In short this creature is harrasing you.He is persuing a course of conduct amounting to harrasment in that he is causing fear,alarm or distress I would also say that he is not doing this lawfully (a statutory defence to harrasment)
When you say he's had an official warning could you please expand on that. via Pm if you wish
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: little lurcher on October 09, 2009, 19:47:24
good news , the solicitor IS taking action and this man wont be allowed to get away with his behaviour , also tonybloke pointed me to a very helpful lady whom knows the man in person

thank you all
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: Digeroo on October 09, 2009, 19:58:02
Glad to hear you are making some progress.  Though looks like you are setting out on a rather stressful journey.

Don't let the b*****d grind you down.
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: lushy86 on October 09, 2009, 20:07:06
OMG LL I've jsut caught up with this, what a terrible situation.  Sounds like you are doing all the right things though so just keep standing up for yourself and don't let this nasty bloke bully you any more.

Good luck

Lushy x
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: macmac on October 09, 2009, 20:10:15
Brilliant little lurcher,keep it up hopefully he'll be got rid of once and for all :)
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: Jeanbean on October 09, 2009, 21:03:09
Just read the thread. How awful that u have had to put up with this sort of treatment for so long. I find it amazing that some people get away with this. Pleased to read that the solicitor is with you. Good luck with getting rid of this nasty person
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: little lurcher on October 09, 2009, 21:55:32
some people i have spoken too including some from here , KNOW this man and know EXACTLY what he is like and im sooooooooooooo pleased to finally have support , ive tried to keep my head down , not antagonise and still he continues , well im very sorry but it stops NOW!!!! no more!!!

so thank you all again xx
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: tonybloke on October 09, 2009, 23:44:07
well done tanya, you got my 'phone number if you need it, rgds, Tonybloke
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: shirlton on October 10, 2009, 08:20:13
Lets hope he soon get his comeuppence
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: elvis2003 on October 10, 2009, 09:15:49
well done lil lurcher,hope he gets what he deserves soon,so glad youve found help and comfort here
(nice one tony)
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: tonybloke on October 10, 2009, 09:37:36
thanks rachel!! ;)
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: little lurcher on October 13, 2009, 11:36:23
well he is still refusing to take my rent so i guess i will have to sit back and wait and see what happens when he gets the letter from lawyer???
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: little lurcher on November 18, 2009, 13:47:44
sorry to drag this back up but those of you whom helped me , could you please help again , he is continuing his vile campaign and i really could do with some support with this matter , thank you
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on November 18, 2009, 17:10:46
Keep a diary and note everything down. That was you've got something you can use if it comes to taking him to court for harassment.
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: lushy86 on November 18, 2009, 17:19:30
Sorry to hear that LL can't believe he is stil at it.  Did anything come of the legal stuff?  I thought you were geting it all sorted.

Lushy x
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: betula on November 18, 2009, 17:21:34
Yes I agree,keep a diary and use the law
Title: Re: please help urgently , legal advice may be needed re allotment
Post by: cambourne7 on November 20, 2009, 16:19:41
... gosh this is bad have any of the other allotment holders joined you in your complaint?

hope things settle down but take care of your heart you dont need the stress!



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