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General => The Shed => Topic started by: Admin aka Dan on September 11, 2009, 11:14:49

Title: Global Moderators
Post by: Admin aka Dan on September 11, 2009, 11:14:49

We have a couple of new global moderators, I will be adding more (and if you have volunteered and not been added - please don't be offended!).

Please show your support, and make all our lives as easy as they have been in the past.


Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: betula on September 11, 2009, 11:45:28
I can see that ceres is now a mod as she is now looking very blue :)

Good luck ceres you may need it LOL
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: betula on September 11, 2009, 11:56:50
Dan who is the other moderator please?
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: rosebud on September 11, 2009, 12:15:07
  Good luck Ceres, Thank you Dan, hope this helps you out big time. ;D
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: saddad on September 11, 2009, 12:19:24
I saw "Impressive Marrow" online this morning too...  :-*
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: betula on September 11, 2009, 12:38:14
Well I have had a trawl through the members list and it appears to be Sam Louise.

I will be honest about this.

Sam Louise is someone I do not get along with.She is part of a small group of people with who I have had problems with in the past.

Just so that is out for everyone to know.
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: OllieC on September 11, 2009, 13:05:48
Well I have had a trawl through the members list and it appears to be Sam Louise.

I will be honest about this.

Sam Louise is someone I do not get along with.She is part of a small group of people with who I have had problems with in the past.

Just so that is out for everyone to know.

Oooh, I think I've been told to shut up by her too... I'm sure she'll be professional though!

Hey ho, it's changing round here anyway and I suspect it has to what with certain people who do their best to start an argument at every opportunity... You fight your corner & that's why I like you but you also listen and discuss unlike some of the recent aggression that we've seen from 2 people in particular.
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: betula on September 11, 2009, 13:14:47
If it was as simple as being told to shut up ollie I would not have bothered to submit my post.

I just want to make SURE I am fairly moderated. :)
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: grawrc on September 11, 2009, 13:15:46
Oh dear Ollie! I rather suspect that that might be red flag to the bull(s)! :( :o :o
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: rosebud on September 11, 2009, 14:41:00
Here we go again. Same old same old.
It cannot be as simple as let us all be pleased & enjoy this site can it.
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: ceres on September 11, 2009, 14:49:50
I can't speak for SamLouise but I don't see anything changing around here just because we have some additional mods  There have been a couple of fairly unpleasant situations recently that needed a quick response but Dan has a life (I know, hard to imagine life other than A4A  ;) ) and can't possibly be here 24/7.  We can provide a bit more cover so that if anything like those come up again, they'll get dealt with quickly.

I'm sure there will still be debates and that some of them will get heated.  But mostly they run their course and fizzle out or people kiss and make up or stomp off in a huff.  It's very rare that Dan has to step in and I don't expect that to change.

Anyway, be gentle with us, folks!
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: betula on September 11, 2009, 14:50:34
Well as Sam Louise appears to be your daughter Rosebud I would hardly expect an unbiased reaction from you :)
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: OllieC on September 11, 2009, 14:59:12
In my excitement, I forgot to say...

Thank you to the new mods for taking on the role, thankless as it often is. Good to know that there are a couple more people to stamp out fires when needed.

Something has to change here, before all the good people get fed up & leave. I'm going to start complaining AFTER you screw it up.
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: grawrc on September 11, 2009, 15:08:07
Ceres and SamLouise seem like good choices to me. Both very moderate which works if you are a moderator. ::) ::)
Good luck you two!
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: SamLouise on September 11, 2009, 15:24:09

Just quickly as I'm typing from work and I really shouldn't be!  Have exchanged PMs with Dan but wanted to stick my head in and say thanks for the GL wishes and I will try my best to do what's wanted/needed on A4A :)  

My husband and I are off on an emergency trip to Devon after work today as the M-I-L fell on the stairs and fractured a vertebrae at the beginning of the week.  That in itself is bad enough but she's also in the early stages of Altzheimers and apparently isn't doing too well in hospital! :(

Anyway, if things go belly up on here over the weekend, please don't get mad at any lack of action from me - I won't be around! :)

Congratulations to Ceres also :)
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: rosebud on September 11, 2009, 15:26:27
 Ceres, that was a nice first speech :-* ;D ;D ;D.
I hope Dan, can relax a bit more now.

Good luck to you both.  We know you will both be very good at your moderating.
Have a nice weekend both of you. ;D
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: betula on September 11, 2009, 15:31:53
We will see  >:(
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: carbonel11 on September 11, 2009, 16:11:57
We will see  >:(

Betula checked the old posts , could find Ollie's little disagreement but not yours. May I ask what happened as I would have thought the two of you would get on well checking the general tone of sam louises posts? 
Tell me to butt out if I'm being to nosey ? :)
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: flowerofshona2007 on September 11, 2009, 16:33:01
Congratulations to our new moderators  :D
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: Tee Gee on September 11, 2009, 16:48:09
I'm sure there will still be debates and that some of them will get heated.  But mostly they run their course and fizzle out or people kiss and make up or stomp off in a huff.  It's very rare that Dan has to step in and I don't expect that to change.

I will have been on this forum for four years come April and I concur with the above statement things have always had a way of sorting themselves out.

Question  ???  Does this mean I have to do things in moderation now? ::)

Big Brother is watching ( or should that be sister?)

Seriously though, I would like to say;  good luck to our new moderators and hope that  their services are not called upon very often!
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: Borlotti on September 11, 2009, 16:53:44
Seems a bit odd to me to have a moderator that won't be around and is working.  Anyone got any answers, confused of Enfield.
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: flossy on September 11, 2009, 17:33:00

  Confused of Hatfield here,      ;D

   Just a few questions  ;   when Dan the Man comes on we all sit up straight and stop talking --

   --  and quite rightly !     :)

   If we have moderators who are site members also,  will we get ' moderated ' publicly with a

   ' post',  or will it be a PM ?       :o    And aint it just a bit awkward to be in intimate converse about

    someones melons and then found your out of line !

     No disrespect to newly chosen  --  I congratulate them and wish them all the best, ...............

     .....  and me too ,   ;D

Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: Unwashed on September 11, 2009, 17:45:02
Can someone tell me please where the "Legalise Cannabis" thread has gone.  Oh, and can someone please tell me where my previous question asking where the "Legalise Cannabis" thread had gone has gone?
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: cjb02 on September 11, 2009, 17:53:15
Unwashed, I think you have just been moderated  ;)

And congratulations to the new moderators on their appointment.
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: OllieC on September 11, 2009, 17:53:55
Your question about it went 'cos it was stuck on a thread that needed modding for a different reason (trust me it needed modding - pm me if that doesn't make sense)... Still haven't got an answer about the missing thread though...
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: shirlton on September 11, 2009, 18:04:42
Why not lets wait and see how things work out with the new mods. We wish you both every success in your sometimes very difficult situations.
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: Emagggie on September 11, 2009, 18:16:44
Betula this is cyberspace. Would it not be possible to ignore stuff and people you don't like ? Personally that's what I like about it, you will never have to meet (unless you choose otherwise). Though I have to say I haven't had any bad experiences so maybe I'm talking through my hat. ;)

Good luck to the new mods too.
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: cornykev on September 11, 2009, 18:22:07
Well best of British to the both of you, but  it's easy to have a pop before they've even got started. Betula as far as I can remember we've never had a cross word, but I think four negative posts at anyone is not very nice, well I had my three pennith.   :-X          ;D ;D ;D    :P
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on September 11, 2009, 18:24:41
a board I used to go on, the moderator went crazy and thought he was the Son of God (literally)
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: cornykev on September 11, 2009, 18:30:44
Jesus Christ, we don't want that.    :o :o :o         ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: tim on September 11, 2009, 18:41:36
Applause for the new 5 Star team.

But, being a little simple (goes with age), I can't see that their task need be that great if all of us - well mannered  & reasonable fresh air loving people - as 99% of the time - just think twice before getting riled  & threatening one of the best sites on the net.

 If we have personal problems, there is the Listening Post. If we want to stir things, there are many sites which cater for that sort of approach.

Too simplistic??

Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: shirlton on September 11, 2009, 18:57:56
Hit the nail on the head Tim
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: caroline7758 on September 11, 2009, 19:01:02
Seems a bit odd to me to have a moderator that won't be around and is working.  Anyone got any answers, confused of Enfield.

I've always found it quite hard to get hold of Dan, too. You can't expect mods to be on here 24/7 but at least with 3 there's a better chance of things being seen.
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: Sinbad7 on September 11, 2009, 19:21:58
Congratulation's Ceres and SamLouise.

Well said Tim
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: Fork on September 11, 2009, 19:57:59
a board I used to go on, the moderator went crazy and thought he was the Son of God (literally)

That was probably me  8)

Best wishes to both new moderators.
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: Mr Smith on September 11, 2009, 20:06:58
Congratulations  to the new Mods I hope they keep a fair and moderated view on all posts, I hope that like others that have posted  certain people are kept in tow and don't come on here looking for the  sympathy vote with every other post that we read from them,  
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: lorna on September 11, 2009, 20:14:59
Welcome to both new Moderators.
Couldn't have put it better Tim.
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: saddad on September 11, 2009, 20:19:05
to be in intimate converse about

    someones melons and then found your out of line !

 :-X does that mean my Melon Envy thread will disappear too ?????????  :-*
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: Trevor_D on September 11, 2009, 21:19:35
Personally I have no problems: Ceres, I'm sure you will do the job well; SamLouise, as Dan chose you I'm sure you're the right person for the job too.

We're the problem, not you. If we weren't so wayward, you wouldn't be needed!

Good luck - don't envy you, but you've got my (our?) support....
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on September 11, 2009, 21:36:10
a board I used to go on, the moderator went crazy and thought he was the Son of God (literally)

That was probably me  8)

it wasn't funny I can tell you, seeing someone's mind crumble in front of you. The only other time i've seen anything like it was when a friend watched the boxed set of The Vicar Of Dibley in one go
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: Hyacinth on September 11, 2009, 22:19:39
Quote from: Rhubarb Thrasher
 The only other time i've seen anything like it was when a friend watched the boxed set of The Vicar Of Dibley in one go

 ;D ;D ;D

Back on topic...well-chosen,  Dan,  and I'm sure that having more Mods in place will be a great help to you now that this Site has growed and growed..

And well-written, Tim 8)

(Dunno why the boxes have been reversed but heck, don't care, gonna press 'Post' anyway, just because I can 8))
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: djbrenton on September 11, 2009, 22:37:07
a board I used to go on, the moderator went crazy and thought he was the Son of God (literally)

That was probably me  8)

it wasn't funny I can tell you, seeing someone's mind crumble in front of you. The only other time i've seen anything like it was when a friend watched the boxed set of The Vicar Of Dibley in one go

TBH there mind was probably already on the way out.
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: tonybloke on September 11, 2009, 23:09:55
well i hope the new 'mods' don't have much to do, but congrats and thanks to you both!!
Title: Re: Global Moderators
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on September 12, 2009, 18:26:26
a board I used to go on, the moderator went crazy and thought he was the Son of God (literally)

That was probably me  8)

it wasn't funny I can tell you, seeing someone's mind crumble in front of you. The only other time i've seen anything like it was when a friend watched the boxed set of The Vicar Of Dibley in one go

yes I think it was actually a suicide attempt

TBH there mind was probably already on the way out.
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