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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: Mr Smith on August 11, 2009, 16:54:08

Title: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: Mr Smith on August 11, 2009, 16:54:08
Anyone ever had a problem with sweetcorn not producing cobs?,
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: aussiedigger on August 11, 2009, 17:08:32
Yes... last year only about a quarter of my plants actually produced any cobs.  The few cobs we got were very small.  I put it down to all the rain we had and lack of warmth and sunshine.  I am more optimistic this year as the plants are much taller, and just starting to form cobs - fingers all crossed at our house!!
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on August 11, 2009, 19:15:17
I'm not hopeful about mine. Like a lot of things, it was affected by the flood.
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: kt. on August 11, 2009, 19:31:43
Yes, but I put it down to my first year and the allotment not being worked for the previous 3-4 years.  This year I have 2 varieties, one in each plot.  Both have at least 2 cobs per plant that are doing well at the moment.  My plants are nowhere near as tall as some I have seen around our site though.....
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: Mr Smith on August 11, 2009, 19:41:09
The sweetcorn  that is not showing any sign of cobs is some of the best sweetcorn I've seen tall and strong and about thirty odd plants in all, I can understand one or two not showing which I have had in the past but not this many with no cobs, on the other side of the allotment I have another two varieties which should be ready in the next week or so, I do know that sweetcorn if grown close together can cross pollinate but this does not appear to be the case,
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: Deb P on August 11, 2009, 19:51:22
I have made the mistake of only growing one variety this year, Pink Popcorn which I haven't grown before. The plants are about 5' tall and look very healthy, but haven't produced any tassels or cobs yet! ::)
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: manicscousers on August 11, 2009, 20:05:52
our pink popcorn we got from you is the same size(in the poly), sign of cobs here, either  ;D
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: saddad on August 11, 2009, 20:12:56
The giant white is now taller than me.... but no signs of tassels or silks...  :-\
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: 1066 on August 11, 2009, 23:29:24
what variety are you growing Mr Smith? Could it be a problem with the seed? Maybe worth dropping the suppliers an email?
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: Mr Smith on August 12, 2009, 07:43:21
             already done that the seed is from a very well know seed supplier,
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: 1066 on August 12, 2009, 08:43:14
Ah! definitely back to the drawing board then
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: Mr Smith on August 14, 2009, 11:19:46
I've just a response from my seed manufacturer which I'm happy with and hope to receive replacement seeds shortly, :)
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: twave on August 14, 2009, 13:09:07
We grew sweetcorn for the first time this year and just got our first harvest. Only 2 cobs between 5 of us so far but the rest of the plants have 2 or more cobs so looking forward to more.
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: chriscross1966 on August 14, 2009, 13:59:04
Does depend a bit on the variety..... Earlibird has already set adn the cobs are fattening up nicely, I reckoin another week or so and they'll be cropping..... the Blue Hopi popcorn has only just got some silks to go with the tassels that came out (no need to worry about seperating these two varieties in future, the Earlibird ahd finished on silk long before the Hopi put out tassels adn I wouldnt#' be fussed if the cross went the other way anyway.....

Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: betula on August 14, 2009, 14:01:00
Mine are not doing much good,scuse the weeds.They did get bitten by rabbits so that knocked them back.
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: ceres on August 14, 2009, 14:18:27
Picked the first cob yesterday.  Only took one 'cos wasn't sure if they were ready but it was completely delicious so the other 2 or 3 that look about the same are coming home later today.  I think they are Sparrow from Wilkos.
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: betula on August 14, 2009, 14:25:18
Well done ceres,this is my first year with sweet corn. :)
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: ceres on August 14, 2009, 14:29:30
My first year too with the full-sized stuff.  Only grown baby sweetcorn before.   Definitely worth growing, the difference in the taste to shop-bought is amazing. 
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: Flighty on August 14, 2009, 14:57:03
I'm growing Golden Bantam.  I sowed the seeds directly in the ground the first week of June. They're now well over six feet high and most have both tassels and silks/cobs on them.
It's my first year for sweetcorn as well.  8)
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: betula on August 14, 2009, 15:01:39
Mine are Unwins sweet corn F1 hybrid supersweet :)
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: Digeroo on August 14, 2009, 15:23:54
I have grown one batch part in my garden and part in my allotment.  In fact the best ones went in here and I put the extras in the lottie.  Those in the allotment have done brilliantly and are about three times the size of the ones in the garden.  Only difference is that there is much more sun on the allotment, whereas in the garden it is between two houses and so sun goes in and out during the day.

They seem to like lots of manure (can even cope if contaminated), so can use up all the iffy manure.

I got a bit impatient and picked one too soon, very tasty but the kernals not very full.

Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: daxzen on August 14, 2009, 15:30:36
i have never grown corn before

i am not sure when they are ready

i have tassles which are starting to go orangey from cream - any ideas?

Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: Flighty on August 14, 2009, 15:36:42
Dax the male tassels are at the top of the stems. The female silks are at the top of the cobs, which are lower down.
The time beween sowing and picking is approximately 14 weeks, and the silks will have turned chocolate brown. Test for ripeness by pulling part of the sheath back and squeezing a couple of grains. If unripe the liquid is watery, if ripe it's creamy and if it's doughy you've waited too long!
Title: Re: Sweetcorn problem
Post by: daileg on August 14, 2009, 16:16:18
I have about 48 super sweet doing about 6 foot three to four cobs per plant about a third are turning brown and have fattened up again this year
allways worth the wait i have them underplanted with my pumkins growing all through them they seem to tie the plants down  and no need to cane them in and also keeps the water locked in as i have them all planted through a membrane at the house there was about 32 ton of manure earlier in the year was a little worried it might of been too fresh and would not of produced Male flowers hence no cobs but i  must say this must be my best year yet for corn a success story not like the caulis this year
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