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General => The Shed => Topic started by: Uncle Joshua on July 13, 2009, 21:35:26

Title: Smoking???
Post by: Uncle Joshua on July 13, 2009, 21:35:26
Silly question......

Does anyone smoke?

I'm a 40 per day man but stopped (I hope) at around 1.20pm today, I have been thinking about trying for a while but always put it off bu I set a date t stop in my mind a few weeks ago to stop this coming Friday but this week is my brothers internment and my brother in laws funeral so I brought it forward thinking that if I can get through  that lot without a cig I should be fine....

Its only 8hrs but thats a few cigs when you smoke 40 a day, my body is crying out for a cigarette but I'm not going to give in, they say your taste improves within a few hours and my god that is so true, I'm having a pnt of bitter and its never tasted so good.  :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: landimad on July 13, 2009, 21:48:14
I have been puffing away for the last forty years and still like to roll my own.
I know that the family want me to give it the heave ho but I have no other vice that can be used in place.
I even when I was in the Navy used a pipe when the need arose.
All I can say is that the day I quit will be a day to remember as the baccy companies will go out of business.
Tried to give it up many years ago without success and will do it eventually. When I do not know. :-[
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: jimtheworzel on July 13, 2009, 22:10:02
i too roll my own  started in 1950 age 10.....  still enjoy a smoke and a good drink
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: tricia on July 13, 2009, 22:11:15
Well done Mick on taking the decision to stop - I stopped about 15 years ago when I couldn't smoke on a flight to Canada, couldn't smoke in my sister's house, then not in my friend's house and it became too cold to go out onto the deck for a quick puff. When I got home after another long-haul flight without a smoke I realised I had hardly smoked in four weeks - and decided I would quit completely. I've never looked back.

 I'm sure we will all be here with encouragement as and when you need it in the coming weeks Mick - so good luck and lots of willpower  :).

Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Bobitybob on July 13, 2009, 22:19:55
Keep it up Mick  ;D I quit some 20 yrs or so ago and I was on 40/50 a day. A tip to help combat the craving is when you get the urge to light up go and get a glass or a cup fill it with water and drink it down fill the cup/glass again and sip it. It gives you something to think about and it helps flush out all the yukkies from your system.
Keeping thumbs crossed
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Hosta on July 13, 2009, 22:36:08
Good for you Mick - You can do it !!   Just take one day at a time.  I remember the first day I went without a ciggy.  It was a constant battle in my head all day, but when I went to bed that night I was so pleased that I hadnt gave in ! 

Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: sambucus on July 13, 2009, 22:47:10
It is a filthy habit & smokers are a huge drain on NHS resources you are well shot of them.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: herring8 on July 13, 2009, 23:02:35
I was a 20-30/day man through my 20s, numerous attempts to quit.  Tried patches, herbal cigarettes - in the end I did it on willpower alone plus using alcohol as a bit of a crutch, it's been 11 years and I've probably had about 5 since and none in the last five years.  I find smoking really disgusting now and can't believe I wasted so much money on them - also I never put any weight on which most people claim to do.  Best of luck - it's worth the fight.

Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Barnowl on July 14, 2009, 16:08:38
It is a filthy habit & smokers are a huge drain on NHS resources you are well shot of them.

I am a smoker and wouldn't disagree that it's a filthy habit and there are plenty of arguments against it and none for,  but I'm a bit tired of the NHS resources argument. The tax raised on cigarettes far outweighs the cost of treating smokers.

Proceeds from tobacco tax £10.5 bn outweigh the estimated costs of smokers to the NHS of £1.7 bn  ( ( )  Even if an updated estimate (using questionable methodology) of a £5bn cost is true, revenues exceed cost. 

This isn't necessarily a good thing but I think we should focus on the genuine and important personal reasons for giving up.

Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: skyblu on July 14, 2009, 16:21:45
how's it going Mick?  I still smoke and keep promising myself that one day soon I'll make the same decision as you. 

Last year I paid £150 for a hypnotherapy session to help me quit and at the end of it he demanded that I threw my cigarettes in the bin...I knew it hadn't worked when I sat there and argued the toss with him about it for 10 minutes!

So good luck quitting - it's what most smokers want to do  :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: saddad on July 14, 2009, 16:27:54
Don't forget the back accounting as well Barnowl... smokers die younger so get less pension.. pc.  Both my parents smoked, worked all their lives and got 1 year of state pension between them..  ::)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: pamsdish on July 14, 2009, 16:32:18
I smoked 30/40 a day (depending on work stress) and i stopped with niquitin patches 2003,

since then i have had a few ,but never got addicted again,
 i previously had tried all the different aids, hypno, accupuncture and patches,  but the newer type seemed much better

It is not easy and take advantage of every aid you can , i too used to give all the excuses about how much tax is raised.

It is sad to say though the craving will never totally go away, but take deep breathes ,the urge to light up only really lasts for seconds
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Kendy on July 14, 2009, 16:48:52
Good on you - you know it makes sense.

I have never smoked a single one in my 48 years - guess I'm lucky to not be addicted to them.

My parents and my mother-in-law all smoked and never saw pensionable age
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: OllieC on July 14, 2009, 17:15:29
I smoked from quite a young age... stopped a while ago, then got a totally unrelated cancer in one of me man's bits... might start smoking again!
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: BrianK on July 14, 2009, 17:41:49
I have never smoked. Not even a puff of a cigarette but I am in a family of smokers. Mum, brother and sister all smoked as did my dad before his death of angina.

Of my 8 uncles (either blood or marriage) all but one died of lung cancer from smoking.

And the argument that revenue outweighs the cost to the MHS is absolute twoddle. The NHS spokesperson was as vague as anything. I have seen news reports of loads of different arguments. Indeed how can a real figure be costed when you cannot take into any reasonable way  disability benefits, time lost off work, cost of drugs from prescriptions, ambulance journeys, ... this list is endless.

No matter how much revenue it will ever achieve I don't think one child would swop it for the loss of their parent, or any sibling losing another, or any child.

Smoking is an abomination to mankind.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: tonybloke on July 14, 2009, 18:00:20
go for it mick! (I gave up on jan 1st, with support from patches, and nice folk on here!!) ;) 8)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Borlotti on July 14, 2009, 18:07:17
Best not to start, very hard to give up after 50 years, even the doctor agreed I would find it hard.  Don't smoke indoors but do smoke too much, but am just off to play a tennis match, not allowed to smoke there, so will have a few puffs before I get there.  Better go or will be late, 6.30 start.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: shirlton on July 14, 2009, 18:37:27
I stopped 5 years ago after 40 a day for 40 years. It was bluddy hard but with the aid of the patches I did it. Wish I had never started taking the drug but in 1960 when I left school it was the done thing leave school ------start smoking.
You have to get it into your head that it is a drug just as bad as glue sniffin and all the other stuff, even if the government still choose to ignore the fact so as to fill the tax coffers. We are all here for you Mick so you keep posting on this thread and you will get all the encouragement you need and don't worry if you fall off your horse now and again, just get back up and start again. Good on yer ;D
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: macmac on July 14, 2009, 19:00:21
I smoked for about 15 years 20 a day,I gave up at the millenium not to mark the occasion but because i had rotten flu resulting in a chest infection.I could hardly breathe and began to think that one day i'd have trouble breathing permanently.So i stopped.....didn't miss it ,don't miss it, haven't had a single chest infection since(had them on a regular basis as a smoker).
So best of luck Mick,promise yourself something special with all the money you've saved,and keep posting to let us know how your doing :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: northener on July 14, 2009, 20:14:16
I stopped 4 weeks ago. Using nicorete inhaler when i get the urge just ave a puff on that. To be honest i can't believe how easy its been. This is the 1st time i've tried stopping since the smoking ban came in, not smoking in pubs makes it so much easier. I hated the smoking ban but its done me a favour. Stay positive Mick keep telling yourself and everbody else how easy it is.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: lushy86 on July 14, 2009, 20:23:59
Nice one Mick - I have given up a few times using different methods and been suckered back in by the just the one won't hurt thing! - I hate that I am a smoker and my daughter is so upset with me and nags daily - I'm getting up the courage to do it again as I can really feel the effects now I'm in my forties.  Good luck - I'll be joining you soon  :)

Lushy x
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: darren2007 on July 14, 2009, 20:25:36
i tried to stop using patches but dident work iritetted me to hell but just been to docs today and said i wanted to stop so i came away with some tablets called zyban was goin to start taking them tomorrow untill i read all the side affects and things so im goin to give will power another go first
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Mr Smith on July 14, 2009, 20:28:50
To anyone out there it will be the best days work you have ever done in packing the weed in, I tried it once with mi Dads pipe full of twist and never again, good luck, :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: lewic on July 14, 2009, 21:15:07
Agree with Barnowl, smokers pay way more into the governments coffers than they take out, so no need to feel guilty!

I stopped 6 years ago with the help of the late great Allen Carr. His books changed my outlook on the habit, they really should be taught in schools.

A friend of mine who smoked until recently was unluckier than me, she now has emphysema and 15% lung function at the age of 45, and has been told she needs a lung transplant but is not well enough to withstand the operation.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Uncle Joshua on July 14, 2009, 23:11:35
smokers are a huge drain on NHS resources you are well shot of them.

That always amazes me, smokes and drinkers are both blamed for costing the NHS a fortune, but I'm sure both groups over a life time pay in waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy more than they take out.

Its only been 34 hours but the changes are amazing, my taste buds have changed and I'm no longer sure I like coffee, my in laws came round tonight and poped out for a cig and I was sure the house was on fire!! my daughter came down stairs about an hour ago and told my how much my skin had changed.

And, I have £25 in my pot. :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: saddad on July 15, 2009, 08:14:07
Keep it up Mick... another 48 hours and you will be able to pay for all of next years seeds... even at T+M prices...  :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: daileg on July 15, 2009, 08:45:18
ill agree again with barnowl

what i will say Ive tried several times lasted months at a time and still i ended up getting dragged in have tried patches Zyban and the new wonder drug champix first i began to see things with Zyban then my temper and had  a short fuse like you couldn't believe i wanted to kill Someone the one day as he cut me up. Champix the wonder drug leaves you feeling tired as you can never sleep if its not the nightmares sleep issues its the possible other side affects that make you wonder whats worse the drug or the nicotine .
look I'm no hypocrite my dad died of heart attack mu uncle died of angina my mother suffers from emphysema (stopped smoking after 40 years) 40 per day 

Yet i still smoke i smoke because i do i dont care what the costs are the government can put it up and up
the point is until i decide to stop on my terms when i feel it is right the more people that moan and moan will not make it any quicker for me to come to this decision will be on my terms

Will add anyone who has I wish you all the best stay strong and above all never forget your doing it for your self worth and health  ;D
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Hector on July 15, 2009, 08:51:36
smokers are a huge drain on NHS resources you are well shot of them.
That always amazes me, smokes and drinkers are both blamed for costing the NHS a fortune, but I'm sure both groups over a life time pay in waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy more than they take out.

Actually they don't Mick :)

Anyhow, well done you! Not easy kicking the weed :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: OllieC on July 15, 2009, 09:04:47
According to this link the total revenue from tobacco sales in the UK is £10billion a year.
I have in my head a figure of around £90billion for the annual cost of the NHS.

It looks to me like they're  paying about 10% of the budget for the NHS. I don't know if this is proportionate to their extra cost or not...

Of course, many smokers get diseases that are nothing to do with smoking - I would guess my cost to the NHS has been around £4k this year, none of it self-induced!
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: springbok on July 15, 2009, 09:14:23
I gave up Jan this year with the help of the NHS stop smoking service and Champix tablets.  Not had a cigarette since and still have no desire to have one.  In fact I have become one of the worse ex smokers around I think, I HATE the smell and the site of cigarette ends.  I smoked for 20 years, 30 a day.

Its hard at first, but keep going, you may have a blip or two...but that's pretty natural, as long as you stay focused that you don't want to smoke any more  you should beat the habit... Good luck.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Hector on July 15, 2009, 09:15:33
According to this link the total revenue from tobacco sales in the UK is £10billion a year.
I have in my head a figure of around £90billion for the annual cost of the NHS.

It looks to me like they're  paying about 10% of the budget for the NHS. I don't know if this is proportionate to their extra cost or not...

Of course, many smokers get diseases that are nothing to do with smoking - I would guess my cost to the NHS has been around £4k this year, none of it self-induced!

Are you assuming that all the tax revenue from smoking goes to the NHS....I dont think so!!!.

There are also clinical costs, staffing costs, ex staffing costs such as occupational pensions...etc etc.
I am not knocking smokers. I am just saying its a myth that smoking pays for the NHS treatments.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: betula on July 15, 2009, 09:16:46
I smoke but I do not defend the habit.

Sick of the latest craze of smoking being the new number 1 evil.

People who drive and fly in planes do not seem to worry about the crap they put into the air.

As for cost.Paid in all my life so what the heck.Our government can afford wars and expenses so they can add me to the list.

What I find really funny is people who I have smoked with for years.They give up.Suddenly they have this strange condition that means lots of arm flapping going on and pretend coughs.Give me a break.

Good luck to all who want to give up but please watch out for the arm flapping discease.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: OllieC on July 15, 2009, 09:28:03
According to this link the total revenue from tobacco sales in the UK is £10billion a year.
I have in my head a figure of around £90billion for the annual cost of the NHS.

It looks to me like they're  paying about 10% of the budget for the NHS. I don't know if this is proportionate to their extra cost or not...

Of course, many smokers get diseases that are nothing to do with smoking - I would guess my cost to the NHS has been around £4k this year, none of it self-induced!

Are you assuming that all the tax revenue from smoking goes to the NHS....I dont think so!!!.

There are also clinical costs, staffing costs, ex staffing costs such as occupational pensions...etc etc.
I am not knocking smokers. I am just saying its a myth that smoking pays for the NHS treatments.

Just trying to bring in some numbers - I'm surprised that it's such a low figure, actually - you'd think smokers pay for the whole NHS several times over from some of the smoking industry's propaganda. Smoking related diseases are often very expensive to treat...

I would be interested to know how much obesity costs compared to what fat people pay in extra tax though... smokers get a lot of grief for their addiction compared to other unhealthy lifestyles.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: SamLouise on July 15, 2009, 09:33:00
Good for you Mick, and anybody else who has given up the fags.  Have never been tempted myself but I can appreciate the difficulty of giving up after a period of substantial use.

Anyway, on another board I use, there's some great advice and information from other people who've recently given up and whilst I can't link you because it's a members only (closed registration) site, I can copy paste over some more helpful, encouraging posts if required! :)  Quite a few of them have mentioned about getting the old taste buds in working order and being able to breathe more freely after just a week or two :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Baccy Man on July 15, 2009, 13:19:19
According to this link the total revenue from tobacco sales in the UK is £10billion a year.
I have in my head a figure of around £90billion for the annual cost of the NHS.

It looks to me like they're  paying about 10% of the budget for the NHS. I don't know if this is proportionate to their extra cost or not...

It is usually sugested that the NHS spend less than 5% of the annual budget on smoking related illnesses. The significantly higher £5 billion figure the british heart foundation recently came up with for treating smoking related illnesses is said to be around 5.5% of the NHS budget.

These discussions rarely seem to go anywhere as although it is clear the healthcare costs for any smoking related illnesses could easily be covered by the revenue raised on tobacco products if the government actually allocated that money to the NHS it is harder to quantify the other potential costs involved. Smokers are less likely to be around long enough to collect a pension, they are less likely to need long term treatment for health problems due to old age, they are less likely to require long term residential care etc... on the other hand there is the direct or indirect taxation they will not be paying, loss of earnings etc...Just about anything could be included as a potential cost making it virtually impossible to come up with a figure of what a smoker costs & contributes vs a non smoker.

A cost-benefit analysis of smokers concludes "the objective of raising revenue from smoking is more of a priority than reducing smoking rates" but this is irrelevant too as if everyone gave up smoking tomorrow the government would simply raise taxes elsewhere to compensate for the loss in revenue.

People opinions differ on this subject & nobody seems willing to change their opinion whatever facts are quoted.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Hector on July 15, 2009, 13:29:42
Agree Baccyman but picture may have changed in the 9 years since that report. E.g. There are Smoning Cessation Posts across the UK now ...big push on this in last 5 years that I know of. You are spot on however, when you say that monies from a source such as smoking/alcohol don't necessary ensure matched funding to smoking/alcohol related services. I am going to shut up now, as  I dont want to interfere with Micks post. Last thing for cost benefit analysis buffs  ;)

and ps good for you Mick. Not easy to give up, so hats off to you :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: littlebabybird on July 15, 2009, 13:49:09
how is it going today?
ok i hope
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: ourdai on July 15, 2009, 14:32:25
I gave up 40-50 a day over 20 years ago, I can't believe how much they cost now.

Having tried many times, I failed as a result of the 'one won't hurt' syndrome so I haven't touched anything since.

Don't weaken - the first 3 weeks are the worst but I was still tempted for about
3 Years but it is worth it - honest!
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: shirlton on July 15, 2009, 16:23:51
I smoke but I do not defend the habit.

Sick of the latest craze of smoking being the new number 1 evil.

People who drive and fly in planes do not seem to worry about the crap they put into the air.

As for cost.Paid in all my life so what the heck.Our government can afford wars and expenses so they can add me to the list.

What I find really funny is people who I have smoked with for years.They give up.Suddenly they have this strange condition that means lots of arm flapping going on and pretend coughs.Give me a break.

Good luck to all who want to give up but please watch out for the arm flapping discease.

I'm afraid that I am one of those people who cannot stay around smokers.Smoking left me with COPD and I just can't afford to breathe in the smoke either from fags or bonfires.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: sambucus on July 15, 2009, 16:41:52
...the healthcare costs for any smoking related illnesses could easily be covered by the revenue raised on tobacco products if the government actually allocated that money to the NHS
As you clearly know the revenue raised is not directly used to fund NHS treatment, therefore my earlier comments with regard to the burden placed on British taxpayers to fund NHS treatment for self inflicted health problems of smokers are perfectly valid.

...virtually impossible to come up with a figure of what a smoker costs & contributes vs a non smoker..
Actually it is very simple to quantify, a smoker will always cost more & contribute less than a non smoker.

Baccy Man, you are far worse than 'the average smoker' as you own a website with the sole purpose of advocating people grow tax free tobacco & therefore contribute nothing to the state for the healthcare they will inevitably require. Such websites are in very poor taste & should not be allowed in the public domain.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: saddad on July 15, 2009, 16:59:43
Speaking as a non-smoker and taxpayer for over 25 years... BaccyMan can have a website in the public domain on anything he wants that isn't illegal.  :-X
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: BarriedaleNick on July 15, 2009, 17:33:02
As far as I am concerned Baccyman is perfectly within his rights to own and run any website he wants.  The cultivation of tobacca is perfectly legal and technically you still have to pay duty on smokable tobacco.  There is plenty of sites I find objectional - proanna sites for example - but I dont advocate blanket bans. I'm not a child and I don't need other people to decide what I read and see.

BTW Good luck - keep giving up!
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Baccy Man on July 15, 2009, 19:24:04
Baccy Man, you are far worse than 'the average smoker' as you own a website with the sole purpose of advocating people grow tax free tobacco & therefore contribute nothing to the state for the healthcare they will inevitably require. Such websites are in very poor taste & should not be allowed in the public domain.

Actually I don't own that forum I moderate it, I may have more say in how the site is run than other members do but I also have more responsibilities towards the site.
The primary purpose of the site is actually to provide information on how to grow & process tobacco for those who are interested in the subject whatever the reason they are choosing to grow it. Financial savings are just one of many reasons people may choose to grow tobacco & coincidentally not all members of that forum smoke. I have never & never will encourage anyone to smoke.

If you don't like the content on any website then there is a very simple solution, don't view it.
If you don't like me then there is an ignore button below my avatar pic, press it & you will never see one of my posts here again. I have better things to do than get into petty arguments I am sure you do too.

...the healthcare costs for any smoking related illnesses could easily be covered by the revenue raised on tobacco products if the government actually allocated that money to the NHS
As you clearly know the revenue raised is not directly used to fund NHS treatment, therefore my earlier comments with regard to the burden placed on British taxpayers to fund NHS treatment for self inflicted health problems of smokers are perfectly valid.

...virtually impossible to come up with a figure of what a smoker costs & contributes vs a non smoker..
Actually it is very simple to quantify, a smoker will always cost more & contribute less than a non smoker.

As said earlier these conversations go round in circles, I really don't see any point discussing the subject further. This thread is supposed to be about MickW giving up smoking how about we get back on topic.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: lushy86 on July 15, 2009, 19:40:49
Was going to say the same as you Baccy man this thread is about Mick and his challenge to give up, we should be encouraging him and being supportive.  I've only been back on here for a couple of days and I wonder - Is it me or are there some stroppy postings going on lately?

Lushy x

Lets keep the vibes good!
Good luck Mick
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Uncle Joshua on July 15, 2009, 19:50:50
how is it going today?
ok i hope

Its going well thanks.

I think I'll give up the inhaler, I never know when its empty or full so I don't see the point.

£35 now in the pot.  :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: littlebabybird on July 15, 2009, 20:16:55
well done Mick
its been over a year now for me about 16 months but i have stopped counting the days now
it does get easier and one day you wont even think about lighting up
then you know you have won
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Unwashed on July 15, 2009, 23:10:57
Baccy Man, you are far worse than 'the average smoker' as you own a website with the sole purpose of advocating people grow tax free tobacco & therefore contribute nothing to the state for the healthcare they will inevitably require. Such websites are in very poor taste & should not be allowed in the public domain.
I started smoking a couple of years ago, not least because of the shrill, hysterical hectoring that smokers get.  It's my choice, deal with it.  I'm growing my own this year - tax free - from seed I bought off the internet.  Incidently, home-grown is less addictive and less harmful.

Mick, best of luck quitting if that's what you want to do.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: shirlton on July 16, 2009, 08:24:16
Hope you have another good day today Mick ;D
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: saddad on July 16, 2009, 08:31:33
Hope it goes well... another couple of bags of Multi...  :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: lushy86 on July 16, 2009, 18:09:28
Hows it going today Mick?
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: grannyjanny on July 16, 2009, 18:48:33
Our son-in-law was assaulted 4 years ago & he was in intensive care for 5 weeks, almost died on several occasions. The first things he asked for when he came round was a cigarette & a pint. He will give up when he's ready.
Good luck Mick :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Uncle Joshua on July 16, 2009, 22:55:22
Hows it going today Mick?

It was my brothers internment today (burying his ashes) which I thought would test my willpower but I never once wanted to light up.  :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: tricia on July 16, 2009, 23:09:58
Good on ya, Mick  8).

Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: cornykev on July 17, 2009, 19:08:17
Good luck Mick from a non smoker, if you start to waver Mick count the cash in the pot.       ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Sinbad7 on July 17, 2009, 19:11:53
Good Luck, Mick, it's hard but worth it.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: tonybloke on July 17, 2009, 19:35:35
Hello Sinbad7 !! still a smoke-free zone?
Go for it mick, if I can....................... ;)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Sinbad7 on July 17, 2009, 19:43:54
And if I can, well you can  ;D  ;D  ;D

Hi tonybloke, glad you are still smoke-free. 

Been really hard at times and I shout most days now  ;D  ;D
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: shirlton on July 18, 2009, 09:47:38
Its been a few years since I stopped but it only seems like yesterday. I really did not think that I could survive without the cigs. Just goes to show don't it. Keep up the good work MIck. If you can get through stuff like that without givin in then you will get through anything.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: shirlton on July 21, 2009, 10:37:11
How is it going Mike
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Uncle Joshua on July 21, 2009, 11:11:56
Its going very well thanks shirlton, I just bought an 8ft dining table with chairs on ebay with the money I've saved so far.  :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: OllieC on July 21, 2009, 11:20:13
Good work feller... I had a drunken rollie at the weekend & it tasted like sh1t!

Keep it up!
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: saddad on July 21, 2009, 11:34:28
Keep it up Mick!  :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: shirlton on July 21, 2009, 14:45:06
I got a suzuki campervan with the money I saved. It's now our moble shed
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: tonybloke on July 21, 2009, 16:15:39
Good work feller... I had a drunken rollie at the weekend & it tasted like sh1t!

Keep it up!
try a sober one!! ;)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: GRACELAND on July 21, 2009, 16:17:18

Think of The cash saved !!!
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: lushy86 on July 21, 2009, 19:18:56
Brilliant, well done Mick - keep going  :)

Lushy x
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: grannyjanny on July 22, 2009, 07:07:08
Years ago a neighbour bought a time share with the money she saved.
Well done Mick.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: siandc on July 22, 2009, 17:56:37
Chloe saved to have loads of welding done on her (vw) bug and a complete respray when she gave up. I keep trying but just don't have her willpower!
Keep going Mick!
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Uncle Joshua on July 23, 2009, 21:35:52
Thought I'd post a picture of the table we got from the money I saved from not smoking....


Best £99 we ever spent.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Hector on July 23, 2009, 21:41:43
That's stunning! So pleased for you :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: macmac on July 23, 2009, 22:10:50
Well done Mick the OH is trying to give up and struggling :(
When i gave up I bought  a bread maker with the cash saved and it's still turning out lovely loaves in it's 9th year.
Keep it up I'm all for freedom if you want to smoke do it .If you don't give up...
Keep posting there are a lot of us rooting for you :)
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: saddad on July 23, 2009, 23:07:08
That's an impressive table for £99... another weeks not smoking and what will you buy next?  :-\
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: shirlton on July 24, 2009, 07:55:45
Lovely table Mick and all them chairs. Me thinks its time you had a giving up party ;D
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Sinbad7 on July 24, 2009, 21:04:04
Hope you've had a good day today Mick.

Very nice table.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Uncle Joshua on July 24, 2009, 21:09:13
Hope you've had a good day today Mick.

Very nice table.

I've had a very good day thanks Sinbad, I spent most of it tiding the dining room and moving the table round until it looked right.

I'm now saving for a shed to keep our bikes in.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Sinbad7 on July 24, 2009, 21:12:55
Brilliant Mike, well done.

How long before you can get the shed?
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Uncle Joshua on July 24, 2009, 21:21:59
I'm not too sure, I didn't want to pay for a new one but anything half good on Ebay is too far away.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: tricia on July 24, 2009, 21:49:42
A shed? Why not try a 'wanted' notice on Freecycle first Mick? It's amazing what you can get - or get rid of - on Freecycle!

Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: macmac on August 01, 2009, 09:27:51
How's it going Mick? The OH is still struggling :(
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: shirlton on August 01, 2009, 09:30:23
Have you got your shed yet Mick
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: TonyD on August 01, 2009, 10:35:45
i worked on the tobacco transition team for the ontairio govenment. trying to find crops that would give famers the revenue per acre that they got from tobacco. the govenment introduced a quota system. a lot of farmers gave up growing tobacco as their quota got smaller. i was seconded to the us govt. to help the farmers in north carolina when the us brought in the quota system. it quite mistyfied me when i leaned that the us govenment paid to set up farms in mexico to produce tobacco. in the end the whole scheme flopped, because the us and canadian govenments still imported the same tonnage of tobacco from mexico.
the fact is that there are as many acres of tobacco grown in north america as there was grown by the native people before the white man got there, he just made a better job of it.
if the respective govenments were serious about our health would they not stop the imports? i think the double standards of taxes-v-health. health loses.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: lushy86 on August 01, 2009, 12:12:48
Keep going Mick, the table is gorgeous, what a bargain did you get it on ebay?

Lushy x
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Uncle Joshua on August 15, 2009, 21:30:02
I thought I'd give you all an update...

I'm still smoke free  :) I used the patches for around ten to twelve days along with my inhalator with one refill but I wasn't sure what the patch was doing for me so stopped using it and switched to using two inhalator refills,  (my doc said I should be on a patch and twelve refills) and I'm now down to one refill per day.

When asked for some reason I tell people its easy but its not, there are times I'd kill for a cig (mainly when the kids wind me up) but then I remind myself how badly smokers smell and how bad it is for your health, I used to spend up to an hour each morning coughing my guts up!! then there's the cost, I used to spend £3650 a year on cigarettes, thats just bloody crazy.  :o

Still no shed.  :(
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: saddad on August 15, 2009, 21:35:19
Splash out and get the shed... I've done GCSE marking every year for 15 years.. about £1,000 pa in today's money, never got anything to remember it ... could have got a great gazebo or tunnel for a wisteria/laburnum/roses...  :-\
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: grannyjanny on August 15, 2009, 22:04:14
Well done Mick. I hope everyone is proud of you. Re kids winding up.  We had tea at our daughters last week. We were all sat at the table the 3 grand children sat together, 14, 11 & 3. After several don't do thats, guess which one said I not winding anyone up mummy.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: Borlotti on August 15, 2009, 23:07:46
I have four packets of patches from the dc. to stop smoking in the cupboard, but am I bit worried that if I put the patches on and need a ciggie, do I die.  I know you will think this is silly but have smoked since 16 now 66 so that is 50 years.  Even the doctor said it would be hard to give up, but if I put the patches on in the morning and still want my early morning ciggie, will it be worse with a patch on.  I think the doctor did say that you had to want to give it up, or the patches would not work.  I don't want to smoke (but I think I will still do) and have the patches, may be double dose, and don't want to smoke with patches on, might make be feel ill).  I know that sound funny, but if I knew that patches would work I may try but if I had the patches on and was desperate for a cigeratte would it make it worse.  Wish I had never started, blame my ex-husband, and never missed it before I had one, and hated it at first, it must be a very strong drug, and I hate drugs, but thought that smoking was cool and OK 50 years ago.
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: lushy86 on August 15, 2009, 23:19:50
Borlotti I totally understand your worries.  I gave on Wednesday for the third time.  I am using patches but also have a nicotine nasal spray for when the craving gets really bad, you can use a combination of things with the patches.  The nasal spray is horrid at first but then it does give you that 'hit' when you need it.  You can also use the inhilator, which is good coz its a bit like smoking a f*g, or gum, lozenges etc.  My mum gave up 3 years ago and smoked for as long as you, she used patches and still sucks the lozenges - her doctors view is that it is better than smoking 20+ fags a day.  The fear of giving up is the hardest bit in some ways but i won't lie it is a very difficult thing to do - I'm gagging for one as I type  ::)

Give it a go, what do you have to loose, you won't die if you have a f*g, you will feel bit dizzy and wierd but thats all.

Good luck

Lushy x
Title: Re: Smoking???
Post by: macmac on August 15, 2009, 23:21:44
Borlotti I really don't have any answers but I understand your frustration,can you phone that no smoking helpline maybe they might have some answers,all I say is if you can do it it doesn't matter how many years you smoked it matters how many you won't.keep posting maybe others might be more constructive. I was lucky enough to give up at the millennium-bad case of flu couldn't breathe- and I've never felt better but that's the easy bit.Rooting for you keep posting love Macmac  :-*
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