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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: Digitalis on July 09, 2009, 16:39:34

Title: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: Digitalis on July 09, 2009, 16:39:34

How can I tell when they are edible?
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: daileg on July 09, 2009, 16:44:35
when they have swelled and started to bulge  a little best picked younger rather than older sweater in taste
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: landimad on July 09, 2009, 16:44:59
Looks like you got a couple of beans ready in that pod. But I would wait until more pods are fuller than that.
I have just pulled some off to see how they are doing, and got enough for me and the OH. Kids can wait for em.
Also I am a bit shocked that you have no black fly on yours. You must be very good at keeping them away. Mine are covered and I spray with water most days.
Lucky you for having such lovely beans. :o
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: Kendy on July 09, 2009, 16:48:05
I was wondering when to pick too.  I opened one of mine last night but thought them a bit small but then I have never grown them before.

Does anyone have a pic of the actual bean please for reference.

ps. I've not got black fly either - thought I was getting them but now clear.
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: landimad on July 09, 2009, 16:59:00
Just put these in the pan ready for tonight.
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: Kendy on July 09, 2009, 17:05:31
Hmm don't think mine are quite that big yet - maybe a couple of days......
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: Tee Gee on July 09, 2009, 17:16:40
The only way you can really tell is by opening a pod.

This will give you an idea of how the will look on the plant;


And ths is how they looked when picked, i.e. you can see the ripple on the pod caused by the bean inside.

If it is more pronounced than this the odds are you beans are a bit 'overdone'


To give an idea of size ;as I recall these boards are 3" (75mm) wide

Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: landimad on July 09, 2009, 17:22:40
I am jealous of you. Not a sign of black fly, where am I going wrong?
I spray to get them off and yet them come back for more.
I think I will have to cover them as I do with my cabbages.
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: Digitalis on July 09, 2009, 17:24:09
I have not done anything to deter black fly! Just lucky, I guess!

Can you boil them in water in the microwave? (Just curious!)
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: landimad on July 09, 2009, 17:28:10
Not tried but will have a go.
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: tim on July 09, 2009, 17:48:39
Another view - I like them very young.

1. Not up to TG's standard, but they were 6' tall & got blown down! But no fly.

2. It's the bumps that count.

3. 4 1/2" long. Note the quickest way to pod - unzip them first with a potato peeler.
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: Tee Gee on July 09, 2009, 17:55:42
I am jealous of you.

No need to be its taken me nigh on forty years to master these
Not a sign of black fly, where am I going wrong?
Two things I guess!

Timing I think when I sow and plant out has a bearing on my success.

Plus I am not greedy! five sets of flowers is enough.

If I go for six !!  sods law says I get blackfly.

I spray to get them off and yet them come back for more.
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: tomatoada on July 09, 2009, 18:48:20
A good tip thankyou about the potato peeler.  My  thumb was objecting after shelling several pounds.   I never had such a bumper crop. 
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: shirlton on July 09, 2009, 18:52:33
I just feel the pod. Sometimes they can look very fat but have nowt in em. I think I have perfected the art of broad bean detecting  ;D.We don't like them too big anyway
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: tim on July 09, 2009, 19:27:58
.Oh, of course - a feel as well. So often it's a bubble.
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: Fork on July 09, 2009, 20:21:47
Dont the beans that are ready to be picked hang down?.....or is it my imagination?

Im growing them...but I dont eat them..Yuk!...I grow for a neighbour.

Read somewhere that some people pick them when theyn are very young,not much bigger than pea pods and they eat the whole thing!
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: tim on July 10, 2009, 06:30:38
Probably the tastiest way!

Same like Sugar Snap Peas.
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: aussiedigger on July 10, 2009, 13:20:16

Can you boil them in water in the microwave? (Just curious!)

Yes, you can microwave but you need to be careful you don't overdo them.  An exploded broad bean is a wasted broad bean!

I shell them, put them in a covered pyrex dish with enough water to cover the bottom of the dish and zap them on high for 3 - 4 minutes for two good handfuls of beans.

You might need to experiment with quantities / duration to suit your microwave, how well done you like them and the quantity you are cooking.   
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: Digeroo on July 10, 2009, 13:44:05
Dont the beans that are ready to be picked hang down?.....

Not necessarily.  My masterpiece green long pod hang down, but red flowered always point up.

If the eye on the top of the beans goes dark I think it is too late.

Blackfly - put the beans still in the packet in the freezer for a couple of weeks before sowing.  Even better put packet outside but keep them dry and ensure they get several frosty nights.  I heard it years ago on a gardens question time, has always worked for me.  Loads of broad beans around our allotment site, but only two of my plants have a problem, has not spread to the others.  Have not pinched out many tops.
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: Tee Gee on July 10, 2009, 15:11:38
put the beans still in the packet in the freezer for a couple of weeks before sowing.  Even better put packet outside but keep them dry and ensure they get several frosty nights.

A new one on me  ???

What does it achieve and what is its connection with blackfly?
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: Curryandchips on July 10, 2009, 18:00:13
I like them young too, I just feel the pods for the presence of beans - a bulge - as already mentioned. This time of year it is almost impossible to keep them young, so the more mature ones will end up as broad bean humus - plenty of recipes on google. Chaps at work are amazed at how good it is.

This year is possibly my best year ever for broad beans, a bitter pill for my neighbour since they are his seed heehee. The freezer already has a carrier bag full of shelled beans, and I reckon I will harvest perhaps 5 litres of humus from the remaining pods ... plus seed for next year of course. The humus freezes, so no waste.

I shell them on the plot, so have got pretty nifty with my left thumb, but will consider the potato peeler idea ...
Title: Re: How Do You tell When Broad Beans Are Ripe Enough?
Post by: GrannieAnnie on July 10, 2009, 21:49:46
So is black fly and insect or a disease?

We've never grown broad beans or even eaten them, but you make this red variety sound so yummy and interesting it will be on next years list to grow. Which is the problem with hanging around with you guys!! :-\
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