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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: plot51A on July 03, 2009, 17:39:33

Title: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: plot51A on July 03, 2009, 17:39:33
Having picked 9 courgettes in 7 days from my 2 largest plants, I am already looking at a serious glut situation. Also have 2 other standard courgette plants and 3 patty pans coming along quickly as well to join the others. Why do I always plant too many, never quite trusting they are going to produce like they do?
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: PurpleHeather on July 03, 2009, 17:49:43
Because we all know if just plant one.

It will die.
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: tim on July 03, 2009, 17:52:30
Too many at a time. Continuity is the name of the game.
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Kea on July 03, 2009, 18:04:57
Yeah....I tried planting only one.....and it died!
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: elvis2003 on July 03, 2009, 18:21:21
i have simply accepted that im going to make this mistake each year,although i did put two of ours in a shady area as an experiment,glad to say they not doing too well there,if you know what i mean!
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: manicscousers on July 03, 2009, 18:37:47
I didn't plant any this year and people keep giving me theirs  ;D
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: saddad on July 03, 2009, 19:09:31
Shall we set up a courgette hotline... we have 12...  :-X
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: staris on July 03, 2009, 19:20:54
it's the first time i've grown any and i certainly won't be growing any in my polytunnel next year they completly take over the place   ;D
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Digeroo on July 03, 2009, 19:25:20
Guilty ;D ;D ;D

Normally I have far to many from the garden and now I have the allotment as well.  Do seem to have one of two courgettes?  I might be lieing. :o

Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: shirlton on July 03, 2009, 19:27:07
We only planted 5 this year and at the moments they are behaving. Only had 4 so far. Mind you the bluddy Sharks Fin squash is going hell for leather. I'm sure its gonna grab me one o these times when I go past it. Everyday it has thrown a new side shoot. I just hope that is more delicious than anything we have ever eaten or Saddad watch out ;D
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: amphibian on July 03, 2009, 19:34:32
We only planted 5 this year and at the moments they are behaving. Only had 4 so far. Mind you the bluddy Sharks Fin squash is going hell for leather. I'm sure its gonna grab me one o these times when I go past it. Everyday it has thrown a new side shoot. I just hope that is more delicious than anything we have ever eaten or Saddad watch out ;D

Mine too. It's huge and is swamping the other squash.
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: shirlton on July 03, 2009, 19:37:10
Amphibian, Where did you get yours from?
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: PurpleHeather on July 03, 2009, 21:31:44
I have just been told that a friend's who inherited a house with a large garden,  asked around about what was easy to grow as a vegetable.

She was told that courgettes were the easiest of all.

So she grew from seed and planted 26.
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: saddad on July 03, 2009, 21:49:19
You can always bring a few up to the Ecofest in Derby 19th/20th Sept... we have a produce stall...  ;D
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Squash64 on July 03, 2009, 21:49:54
Shall we set up a courgette hotline... we have 12...  :-X

I have 24 and I need therapy.......
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Borlotti on July 03, 2009, 21:55:51
My neighbours have put a notice on their doors which says 'no free papers or circulars or courgettes'.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Hector on July 03, 2009, 21:56:36
My neighbours have put a notice on their doors which says 'no free papers or circulars or courgettes'.  ;D ;D

 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Theplotthickens on July 03, 2009, 21:58:34
Make a load of pasta sauce with them then, and then freeze it......simples !
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Paulines7 on July 03, 2009, 22:22:06
.....Or, if you live in the Salisbury area, let me know and I will take a few off your hands.  I have been paying £1.99 a kilo from Tesco!!  Mine were planted very late and the plants are only 3 inches tall!
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Digeroo on July 03, 2009, 22:34:31
if you live in the Salisbury area
  That is a bit far are you coming near Swindon at all.
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on July 03, 2009, 22:36:22
SOUP! soup is the answer!
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Duke Ellington on July 03, 2009, 23:37:03

I have 24 and I need therapy.......

You cannot be serious !!! :o....24!!! :o
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: terrier on July 04, 2009, 00:40:42
Well I've not had one yet, There's been a gargantuan battle between the slugs and the courgette plants. I think the courgettes have eventually won, but it was a close run thing. I've now got a lot of very fat slugs wondering where they went wrong and, just to rub salt ( ;) ) into their wounds, I've  put out mounds of bran for them to feast on to protect against further damage. This morning I had one baby courgette, this evening I had two. Long live courgettes :)
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: manicscousers on July 04, 2009, 08:07:45
I used them instead of cucumber in the mustard pickle  ;D
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Digeroo on July 04, 2009, 08:28:36
between the slugs and the courgette

Some varieties are more prone to slug damage than others.  My recommendation for slug resistance is Clarita and Lungo Bianco(but you may not like the pale coloured fruit), worst Bolognese or Magda.  Try growing more than one variety, the seeds last several years. 

Not sure that I should recommend Trieste, it is producing huge numbers of courgettes. :o :o :o

Just picked 11 courgettes, having some fried for breakfast.

  Can we have your recipe?
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Borlotti on July 04, 2009, 09:11:53
Yes please we need a tasty, easy courgette soup recipe please.
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Squash64 on July 04, 2009, 09:24:52
Last year I grew Rugosa Friulana for the first time and really loved it.
It is a very strange-looking yellowish courgette but the texture is much firmer than usual, almost like avocado.

It is slightly slower than other varieties to start producing so I'm also growing Striato d'Italia and Verde Scuro di Milano.

Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Squash64 on July 04, 2009, 09:33:19

I have 24 and I need therapy.......

You cannot be serious !!! :o....24!!! :o

I blame it on Compulsive Seed Sowing.
It's an illness as yet not recognised by the medical profession but only too well-known among gardeners.
When I'm sowing seeds I have to plant too many in case most of them don't grow.  Of course, they all germinate and then there's no turning back. My friend chucks all her surplus on the compost heap but to me, that's like drowning kittens.  :'(
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: caroline7758 on July 04, 2009, 09:36:08
I've given away quite a few plants this year but have to say I was nervous in case the onesI kept didn't survive.Haven't picked any yet but asI haven't been to the plot since Monday there may be some waiting for me!
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Sparkly on July 04, 2009, 09:41:32
I have 4 - 2 x F1 one ball and 2 x a patty pan variety. The one ball produced 3 lemon sized this week and the plants are growing quick now. Has anyone grown this variety before? It was from T&M. They look like lemons!
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: saddad on July 04, 2009, 09:42:43
They round out a bit more at tennis ball shaped..  :)
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: shirlton on July 04, 2009, 09:59:54
I grew some round green ones last year. Won't be growing them again cos they are really prolific and the variety I grew wandered as well
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Paulines7 on July 04, 2009, 10:30:44
if you live in the Salisbury area
  That is a bit far are you coming near Swindon at all.

Unfortunately not, Digeroo, but thank you for the offer.  I am off to Brockenhurst for a few days next week if anyone has any to spare in that area.  What a scrounger I am but I hate the thought of someone having too many and having to throw them away!!
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Digeroo on July 04, 2009, 11:59:29
Certainly will not be throwing them away.  Sell them for 30p each.  Funds my seedoholic habit.  Last resort will be the pigs.

I'm like you Squash64 I can't get rid of them.  One year I lost all except one to mosaic virus.  So I grow lots of different varieties just in case   But most of the variety are resistant now.  The remaining one was a cousa weed.  It took me several year to track down another like it.  Never grown on as good since, regret not savint the seeds.

I have more than 24 plants. :o :o :o and that is not counting the squashes.
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Borlotti on July 04, 2009, 13:25:41
Just found this recipe on my gardening calendar.  Griddled Courgette Flatties.
Boil together: 1kg grated courgettes, 1/2 kg potatoes, 1 kg onions with 3 bay leaves and a pinch of salt and pepper.  Strain the cooked mixture and push through a sieve.  Mix together the mash with 3 beaten eggs.  Shape into flat patties and place on a lightly oiled griddle to brown.  Top with a poached egg.
Might try this, but not sure if you would have to add water to boil the pots etc. and also don't have a griddle but could grill.  Might be a bit difficult to get that mixture through a seive, but not a bad recipe for veggies.  Not sure with 3 eggs in it would need another on top, but maybe worth a try.
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Hyacinth on July 04, 2009, 13:45:34
I used them instead of cucumber in the mustard pickle  ;D

Manics! :-*

Any chance of a recipe which incorporates loads of courgettes and cucumbers? ::)

After a near-death experience with both these last year,  I played safe and nurtured all the plantlets of both, this.....  :o
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Digeroo on July 04, 2009, 14:00:39
also don't have a griddle but could grill.

I think that a frying pan would perhaps be another alternative to a griddle pan.
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on July 04, 2009, 14:01:31
Yes please we need a tasty, easy courgette soup recipe please.

ooh dear a RECIPE! a proper recipe is lost in the mists of time! All I do is sweat a large chopped up onion with butter, add chopped up courgette, cook that for a bit, add some stock, pepper and salt, and then liquidise it, and mix in yogurt. I like the Greek yoghurt which give it a tangy lemony taste

if the cougettes are young, no need to peel (actually I never peel them)

had a look for the recipe, couldn't find it. How much courgette you use will probably depend on how desperate you are to get rid - aim for a consistency slightly less than wallpaper paste  ;D Yum Yum, I should be on the telly  ;D
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Borlotti on July 04, 2009, 15:03:59
As long as it doesn't taste like wallpaper paste!!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D  Just off to see if the lovely courgettes have grown since last night.
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: manicscousers on July 04, 2009, 15:09:50
I used them instead of cucumber in the mustard pickle  ;D

Manics! :-*

Any chance of a recipe which incorporates loads of courgettes and cucumbers? ::)

After a near-death experience with both these last year,  I played safe and nurtured all the plantlets of both, this.....  :o
will start a new thread in recipes for you, Hyacinth, nice to see you back  ;D
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on July 04, 2009, 15:21:08
didn't someone have a recipe for marinated courgettes? You had to slice them real thin with a mandolin, which I haven't got
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Doris_Pinks on July 04, 2009, 15:43:01
Yes, slice thinly, drizzle with lemon juice or vinegar and olive oil, top with ground black pepper and shavings of parmesan.

We love courgette cake, freezes well too.

Oh and courgette and brie soup, and.........I could go on......have loads of recipes from gluts over the years! ;D
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on July 04, 2009, 15:47:01
yes of course - courgette cake!
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: shirlton on July 04, 2009, 15:53:58
We don't have a mandolin either. We use the potato peeler. I marinate them in honey, ginger and vinegar
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: pamsdish on July 04, 2009, 16:07:15
The round ones can be hollowed out , then stuff with the innards and grated cheese,top with breadcrumbs for a crispy top and oven bake
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Digeroo on July 04, 2009, 16:33:32
I have a mandolin sliced a piece off my finger the first time I used it, never come off the shelf since.

Made my OH a carrot and courgette cake.  He says it was rather good.  Very quick to make I just threw it all together and shoved it in the oven.  It was supposed to have raisins but the green, yellow and red most attractive.

4 Courgettes (Half yellow) cut small and fried in bit of butter
4 medium carrots cut small also fried
1/2 cup dried cranberries or raisins soaked in 1/2 cup apple juice can also add blackberries instead, but they are not available yet, so have not tried it.
1/2 cup orange juice
2 Cups flour
2 Eggs (V Large)
1/4 Cup Sugar
Teaspoon each of ginger, mixed spice, cinnamon, nutmeg (very spicey try less if you do not like this much spice)
1/4 cup oil.
Teaspoon Baking powder

Mix eggs and sugar, stir in oil.  Fold in flour, spice and Baking powder mix, Add Fruit,  Bake in a bread tin at 200 till its done about 45 mins.

I also made a wheat free/egg free one, delicious but it fell apart. 

Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: amphibian on July 04, 2009, 20:45:46
I'm currently accruing them at a rate of 3-5 a day, and the plants are only young. One plant though, has decided it just can't be bothered producing female flowers.
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Borlotti on July 04, 2009, 21:53:01
I like the sound of Pamsdish, sounds perfect for my fussy veggie daughter and easy to do and I will like it too, love cheese favoured things.  I swear (no I don't) that the courgettes had grown this afternoon, did water them, and had a look before coming home, and they had got bigger.  Can't wait until tomorrow.
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: angle shades on July 04, 2009, 22:00:00
 :D Jamie Oliver's courgette and goats cheese bread, fantastic/ shades x
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Borlotti on July 04, 2009, 22:17:21
I will look that recipe up, this allotment and cooking has certainly taken over my life, not enough hours in the day.
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: angle shades on July 04, 2009, 22:27:51
 :) too right Borlotti, jam making, blanching and freezing, up til all hours ;D / shades x
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Psi (Pronounced 'Si'!) on July 05, 2009, 08:42:22
haha yes! I did 5 - 3 yellow globe and 2 yellow straight and yep, thriving and over producing for me!  Abou to commence giving them away!
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: kbw on July 05, 2009, 20:56:07
Creamy Courgette Soup.

Sweat 1/2 chopped onion and a clove of garlic in 2tbsp oil. Throw in 3 sliced courgettes and enough stock to just cover, and simmer until tender. Liquidize, then return to the pan to reheat stirring in 1 tbsp of soft cheese (Philadelphia or similar) and a handful of chopped herbs ( chives and/or mint work well).
This freezes well too.

Although this is one of our favourites, we still got fed up with it last year and bought the courgette recipe book by Elaine Borish ( no, I'm not on commission!) for a few more ideas - well worth the 6 quid.

Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: NellieB on July 05, 2009, 21:58:45
Hi everyone
The most popular courgette recipe in our house is:  a few (smallish) courgettes fried gently in olive oil, add few cloves chopped garlic, cook for a couple of minutes & let cool down a bit.  Meanwhile, mix black pitted olives (i cut them in half), lots of rocket, and feta cheese ( bit more than half a pack for two peeps) in a large bowl with bit of pepper.  Add the cooked courgettes and garlic, more olive oil if necessary, mix it all up until it's all a bit mashed up, and serve with new potatoes.  It's yummy, I am eating it for dinner every day, and am slowly turning into a courgette... But it's really quick and really tasty.  Probably not quite tasty enough for us to eat the pickings of 12 courgette plants (had a bad year last year), but we're trying....
Is it me, and I know this is the wrong place to ask this, but has anyone ever had so many black fly on courgettes before? I've never seen anything like it and they are on everything, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: siandc on July 06, 2009, 07:48:44
Loads of blackfly, but also, we noticed yesterday the ladybirds and larvae have suddenly apeared en masse and are busy eating their way through!  8)
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Sholls on July 06, 2009, 08:26:20
... bought the courgette recipe book by Elaine Borish ( no, I'm not on commission!) for a few more ideas - well worth the 6 quid.

Out of interest, what proportion of the recipies were veggie? (Online reviews are lacking this info.  :( )
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Digeroo on July 06, 2009, 09:03:55
Try this

They will certainly have loads of veggie recipes.
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Doris_Pinks on July 06, 2009, 09:43:55
:D Jamie Oliver's courgette and goats cheese bread, fantastic/ shades x
Shades, could you point me in the direction of that recipe please! Thanx  :-*
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Duke Ellington on July 06, 2009, 10:16:45
Here is the recipe I posted last year on this web site...any blue cheese can be used and I have tried danish blue cheese and dolcelatte which I now prefer. :) instead of the brie. It really is delicious!!

Courgette And Brie Soup Recipe

·   1 lb Courgettes sliced
·   6 oz Brie
·   2 pt Chicken Stock
·   1/4 pt Cream
·   1 Onion chopped
1.   Add the onion and courgettes to a saucepan and saute in olive oil for a few minutes.
2.   Pour in the chicken stock and stir.
3.   Let it simmer for 30 minutes.
4.   Pour into a food processor, add the Brie cheese and liquidize.
5.   Stir in the cream before serving.

Duke :)
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: kbw on July 06, 2009, 19:25:05
Hi Sholls
The courgette recipe book is mostly vegetarian with a few meaty recipes, but even these could probably be amended to quorn/soya/lentils if you're prepared to experiment.  There aren't any pictures so you have to use your imagination, but the dozen or so recipes I tried last year all came out fine.
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: philipnj on July 06, 2009, 19:31:52
i've planted to many as well i just cant stop
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: angle shades on July 06, 2009, 21:40:08
 :D Hi Doris Pinks,

the courgette and goats cheese bread is from Happy Days with the Naked Chef,

its called Courgette bread in the book page 250!!

I can't find this recipe on his official site only his basic bread recipe which you will need and then you add the other ingredients at certain stages

Let me know if you want the recipe/ shades x
Title: Re: Courgettes - why do we always do it?
Post by: Sholls on July 07, 2009, 09:09:10
Try this

They will certainly have loads of veggie recipes.

Thanks Digeroo, I know the site well. :D

kbw, that's helpful info, thanks.
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