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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: Inky on June 06, 2009, 20:23:02

Title: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: Inky on June 06, 2009, 20:23:02
First the ones I planted in the allotment did nothing, so I tried a load more in a seed tray at home, and again nothing, and I think its a good 4 weeks since I sowed them. 4 different verieties too, could it be that I have chosen difficult verieties, they are the purple haze, pastel tricolours etc, or am I just being unlucky.

Is it to late to try again, would I be better trying a different type? I have been looking at getting some plug plant carrots but they are about £4 for 12 plants. £4 for 12 carrots!?!?! I could buy a bag of 20 for 60p!
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: debster on June 06, 2009, 20:26:15
i grow mine in pots and often the smaller varieties ie round and finger ones they seem to grow well and pretty quickly obviously never get very big but taste good i cant grow them in the ground either
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: caroline7758 on June 06, 2009, 20:35:40
I could never grow them until last year when I sowed them in two dustbins. The bottom two-thirds (at least) was filled with clods of grass and soil I'd dug up, then compost on top. I covered the top with fleece, although supposedly the carrot fly won't fly above 2 ft so shouldn't need it, and got a decent (if small) crop. This year i've got two bins on the go again and they are growing well. I've also sown some in the ground just in case my luck has changed!And it's not too late,in fact sowing late can avoid carrot fly as well- the Guardian magazine today says wait a week or two.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: oliveoyl_25 on June 06, 2009, 20:39:25
I've had fab results with mine (and parsnips)... I dig a narrow trench, fill it with a sharp sand/compost mix, sow the seed and cover with just a couple of mm compost, firm soil lightly, drape a length of cheap fleece onto the soil, and water well.... the fleece stops it all from drying out so quickly in the weather we've been having.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: davyw1 on June 06, 2009, 20:43:20
Its not to late to sow more, my last sowing Autum King will go in next week
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: lewic on June 06, 2009, 20:44:14
Could the seeds have been too dry in the recent weather? The packet I had said to keep them moist, and I have been religious about that, and they are popping up.

The Autumn King packet said sow til June so you are probably OK time-wise. Was warned by several people on our site not to bother with carrots as they dont like clay soil, but was bloody minded enough to try. Lobbed a layer of Levingtons compost on top of the lumpy soil, sowed the seeds then topped it with more compost. Seedlings are starting to grow now, but I think they might turn out rather stunted with lots of rude extremities!
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: laurieuk on June 06, 2009, 20:54:06
I am lucky with good soil,but I do not water. I try and sow when rain is forecast and leave it to nature. I also grow in a container as this avoids any possibilty of carrot fly. I have just been pulling from my container, if you look on my blogspot you will see I sow thick and then I can water and pull as they get bigger.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: Digeroo on June 06, 2009, 21:21:02
I have had brilliant germination at my allotment which has been slug free.  Half a mile away in my garden the number of carrots is much fewer.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: terrier on June 06, 2009, 21:45:55
My soil is quite sandy. I filled a shallow trench with MPCompost and sowed in that and I've not had one germinate, but that was only a week or two before the hot dry spell started, so I've bought some fresh  seed and I'm going to sow them tomorrow, let's hope for better luck.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: Bjerreby on June 07, 2009, 07:11:45
I've tried several times this year to get carrots going, and only when I followed saddad's advice did I get anything....................except that is, one place where I sowed carrots and gave up after 5 weeks, when I sowed parsnips instead, well, I have some carrots peeing up between the parsnips now :o
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: saddad on June 07, 2009, 07:50:00
Now is a great time to try again while the soil is wet from all this rain...  :)
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: amphibian on June 07, 2009, 08:07:27
I've sown autumn king a late as august and got a crop.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: landimad on June 07, 2009, 08:25:46
you are not alone out there in not being able to grow these jewels of nature. I too have had germination problems over the past year. But as always you go back to basics.
Make sure the fertility of the ground is good and you have a fine tilth.
Next choose an easy to grow type like Amsterdam forcing.
Sow long drills and lightly cover them.
Water with a fine rose and in no time they will show their little heads.
I have had a late crop just beginning to show and hope that when I sow more later under glass these too will come up and give the family a taste of what food should be. wholesome and free from any pesticides.
One last thing I work on very heavy clay so I have put down a good thick layer of compost for them to get a good start.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: Digeroo on June 07, 2009, 08:51:41
and in no time they will show their little heads.

and then the slugs will eat them.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: landimad on June 07, 2009, 08:56:54
and in no time they will show their little heads.

and then the slugs will eat them.

To much wildlife around for these to get any headway in getting to my plants.
Have had one crop so far and more to come Ihope.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: boltonlad on June 07, 2009, 19:27:38
Been having a read in my greenhouse book and it says you can plant them in their as late as september, as soon as the toms have finished I will be sowing a few lines in.  As well as possibly a few parsnips.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: powerspade on June 07, 2009, 19:45:11
Every autumn right through the winter I collect leaves - stacks of them
In April I take out a V shaped trench and fill it up with riddled leafmould  and that is the medium I use to grow carrots. When ready for harvest the lift out clean and  straight. I grow them in rows about 9 inches apart, to keep the carrot fly out I use a dutch hoe to draw the earth around the collar of the carrots (like mini earthing up as for spuds)
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: caroline7758 on June 07, 2009, 20:34:59
Intersting, Powerspade! How old is the leafmould?
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: telboy on June 07, 2009, 21:26:16
Interesting thread!
I had a wonderful germination this year for once. Two 30' rows full of green showing.
A week later - tops decimated! Effing sky rats I reckoned. Placed, at great effort, two rows of folded chicken wire & the topping didn't stop.
Yes Digeroo - Slugs!!!!!!!!
 :( :(
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: Psi (Pronounced 'Si'!) on June 08, 2009, 11:22:28
I've had limited success in the ground and am thinking of doing them in pots in future, ir possibly make a raised bed for them - my problem is clay soil which the carrots find it hard to penetrate.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: coznbob on June 08, 2009, 12:24:04

Slugs are my nemesis too when it comes to carrots, can get them germinate, but can't keep them.

Have had some sucess with growing them at home in pots, can do night time nasty checks, anything I find gets flung over the fence, but think they are making their way back home... :P.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: Magnolia on June 08, 2009, 12:55:00
thought it was just me.  will try sowing in tubs at home and see how I get on.  Managed tiny ones this way last year.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: landimad on June 08, 2009, 14:08:31
I have mine in raised beds and they are coming along a treat.
But as stated previously the slugs have tried without success due to me putting down a combination of egg shells and soot around the edge of the bed so as they dont get through.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: Inky on June 08, 2009, 16:40:58
right I will have one more go, in pots and im going to try the seed tape stuff, then no thining needed and I will be able to see that they ar eplanted to the right depth etc.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: gibbonm on June 09, 2009, 00:10:51
I had good results this year with pre-germinated seeds.  sowed them on damp kitchen paper covered in cling film to keep them moist.  Put them in a dark place in the house and put them in the ground when a small root showed from each seed.

They all came away for a while.... then the slugs got about half of them.   So I'll do the same thing next year but get more beer traps, copper tape, blue pellets etc etc on guard around them.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: Digeroo on June 09, 2009, 08:24:49
Put mine on the window sill germinated nicely.  I put down organic slug killer before putting the seeds in teh ground.  Also fertized with Blood Fish and bone I do not think the slugs like that very much.  I also have been trying watering in the morning and not in the evening so the soil is dry before night fall.  I have wooden walkways round the carrots and I lift these daily (well often) and kill the slugs.  I do not like doing this but the remains disappear every night so I content myself with feeling that I am feeding something.  Hopefully it is not more slugs.

Better carrots than for a long time this year.  Last year I had an almost complete wipe out. Meanwhile at my slug free world at the allotment the carrots are growing like weeds with no effort required.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: grannyjanny on June 09, 2009, 08:39:08
Digeroo are you troubled with the dreaded carrot fly? It's rife on our site so we've put up some enviromesh.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: Inky on June 17, 2009, 13:28:56
Just thought I would share my joy. My carrots have started growing, over a month since planting them, they have all started popping up. Sure enough when I checked over at the abandoned allotment they have started growing in the bed there too from over 2 months ago! Seems they just took a while to start!
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: Digeroo on June 17, 2009, 13:51:18

Its nice to see something popping up.

But keep an eye out for the slugs.
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: cornykev on June 17, 2009, 15:18:32
Carrot fly normaly get most of mine.     :'(       ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: Mr Smith on June 17, 2009, 15:30:45
This year before I planted any carrots I prepared the ground to a good fine tilth that had not been manured only a little top dressing, I then planted between the rows of carrots several chives and touch wood up to now I have not seen any carrot fly on the ones  I have pulled, :)
Title: Re: arghhh whay cant I grow carrots!!
Post by: davyw1 on June 17, 2009, 15:42:32
This year before I planted any carrots I prepared the ground to a good fine tilth that had not been manured only a little top dressing, I then planted between the rows of carrots several chives and touch wood up to now I have not seen any carrot fly on the ones  I have pulled, :)

Its usualy the case that they turn up after you have pulled them. Hope not tho
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