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Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: woodybrown on June 03, 2009, 20:21:17

Title: prawn tails
Post by: woodybrown on June 03, 2009, 20:21:17

Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: davyw1 on June 03, 2009, 20:23:21
I think i would be phoning the Enviromental yesterday
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: woodybrown on June 03, 2009, 20:25:08
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: davyw1 on June 03, 2009, 20:34:48
It has nothing to do with being new to lottie life common sense should tell the person who is doing it that it will atract a lot of vermin and possibly health hazards
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: DenBee on June 03, 2009, 20:36:30
I have heard of using shellfish as fertiliser, but I'm uncertain of any real gain to be had from simply putting raw meat onto the soil.  Though I bet your local foxes are loving it.  :)
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: cornykev on June 03, 2009, 20:59:35
I never heard anything like it, she's so shellfish.    ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on June 04, 2009, 10:15:14
What a waste, the head's the tastiest bit.
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Old bird on June 04, 2009, 11:05:32
Robert - you cannot be serious!

Yuk - with all the googly eyes and whiskery bits?

Old Bird

Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: tonybloke on June 04, 2009, 11:24:47
it sounds like they are using their plot as a waste disposal site. This requires a waste transfer liscence, and also a waste treatment liscence. I hope they have got one when you 'phone the environmental agency on....08708 506506,  or on the 24hr pollution hotline which is     0800 807060 ;)
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on June 04, 2009, 14:08:40
Robert - you cannot be serious!

Yuk - with all the googly eyes and whiskery bits?

Old Bird


Actually, I am. The head's as easy to shell as the rest, though very often I just pull the legs and antennae off and eat the rest.
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Buster54 on June 04, 2009, 17:02:48
I think if it were me I would make time during the week to speak to other Allotment holders and  the site manager,instead of moaning on here to a bunch of self opinionated people who are ready to string her up without even seeing the problem,and as for phoning the Environmental Health why don't we all go around and run her out of town,give the site manager time to do his job,make time to see your allotment neighbours and site manager and raise any problems you have face to face all your gonna do is alienate yourselves to the weekend moaners.
May be that's why she dumped the shrimp heads  :-*
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: elvis2003 on June 05, 2009, 08:47:08
I think if it were me I would make time during the week to speak to other Allotment holders and  the site manager,instead of moaning on here to a bunch of self opinionated people who are ready to string her up without even seeing the problem,and as for phoning the Environmental Health why don't we all go around and run her out of town,give the site manager time to do his job,make time to see your allotment neighbours and site manager and raise any problems you have face to face all your gonna do is alienate yourselves to the weekend moaners.
May be that's why she dumped the shrimp heads  :-*
very well put,sound advice here
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Melbourne12 on June 05, 2009, 08:54:38
I never heard anything like it, she's so shellfish.    ;D ;D ;D

I bet that when they do manage to speak to her, she'll just clam up.  :(
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: little pud on June 05, 2009, 08:57:09
or just go into her shell  :P
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: shirlton on June 05, 2009, 09:16:46
Wot I reckon is that she's putting the remains of the prawns there to attract the cats to her plot so she can put em in her cat cum chicken chow mein ;D
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: betula on June 05, 2009, 09:24:19
I think if it were me I would make time during the week to speak to other Allotment holders and  the site manager,instead of moaning on here to a bunch of self opinionated people who are ready to string her up without even seeing the problem,and as for phoning the Environmental Health why don't we all go around and run her out of town,give the site manager time to do his job,make time to see your allotment neighbours and site manager and raise any problems you have face to face all your gonna do is alienate yourselves to the weekend moaners.
May be that's why she dumped the shrimp heads  :-*

very well put,sound advice here

Well I suppose we have to be opinionated as it is a forum and if none of us had an opinion there would be no forum. :)

Fish heads on an allotment are bad news.

I would not stand it for a moment.In fact if nothing was done about it I would remove them myself >:(
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: elvis2003 on June 05, 2009, 09:33:14
Wot I reckon is that she's putting the remains of the prawns there to attract the cats to her plot so she can put em in her cat cum chicken chow mein ;D
:o  :o  :o  :o  :o
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Buster54 on June 05, 2009, 10:01:19
That is exactly my point betula they started of as shrimp heads and tails and now they are fish heads(your words)have you actually seen them did they post any pics  did they find out why no,the post started by attacking this Chinese or oriental female by a couple of plot holders who find the time to pop down on a weekend and leave a couple of polite notes,and then everyone jumps on their band wagon.
We don't know if she is using the plot as a dumping site we don't know if it is for some sort of oriental fertiliser,you cant just make an opinion until you have ALL the facts and Woodybrown are asking all the wrong people.
Any way my plot awaits for the next 6 hours
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Old bird on June 05, 2009, 10:44:18
Personally - apart from the smell - which surely will wear off pretty quickly in the heat and when they dry out - I think that it is a good idea.  They will crisp up and then crack and break down into the soil.  Probably a good source of nutrients in them!  And a good way to get rid of unwanted stuff - except if you happen to have an allotment next door to them.

My plot smells pretty ripe at times when I have seaweed, chicken poo and coffee on that is fresh and beginning to decompose - luckily I have not had any complaints, my neighbours are friendly, chatty and sensible!!

But I do agree some of you are over reacting to something - which basically will not hurt anyone and could do this plot a lot of good. The number of times that a straightforward reaction is "go to environmental health" "sue them" "report them to elf & safety" never approaching the subject directly themselves - just passing the buck - and causing a complete "hullaballou" about pretty much nothing!

It is only an early stage of the blood fish and bone fertilizer that many of us use!

Good luck to the lady and hopefully her neighbours can treat her with respect even though they don't like what she is doing!!

Old Bird

Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: betula on June 05, 2009, 10:56:36
Ann I do not agree.If this person has a regular supply the smell will never go.

On allotments we are all working very close together and you have to consider your neighbours.There is no room for extremes in this environment.

The smell of rotting fish would surely force some people to have to abandon working close by and that is not reasonable or fair.
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: betula on June 05, 2009, 11:03:49

Fish heads,shrimp heads what is the difference.....they all stink :D

Also what is the problem with weekend working only?Some people live in the real world and have to prioritise work and family during the week.

I know of splendid allotments that are only worked at weekends. :(
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Flunky on June 05, 2009, 11:06:16
IMHO I would speak to the lady, ask her why she does it, explain how it affects you and see if there is a compromise you can reach.

To be honest I dont think I would like the smell of rotting fish near my plot but if all  I got was little notes I think they would go on the compost until you came and spoke to me. Nothing like a face to face discussion.

Peace. F.
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: kenkew on June 05, 2009, 11:17:49
 Let's be seeing what the fuss is all about.
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: PlymouthMaid on June 05, 2009, 11:25:52
Could you maybe ask her to bury them instead of leaving them on the surface? I hate the smell of rotting fish but can see how it could be good for the ground although I think it may well attract undesirables to the plot (foxes and gulls as well as environmental health officers). 

Oh and Hello to everybody - have been lurking for a few weeks and not said much yet.
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: cornykev on June 05, 2009, 15:53:04
Welcome to the site PlymouthMaid, where are you from then.  :-X    ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Kea on June 05, 2009, 16:53:30
I would guess Plymouth going by the name! I was there this week and admiring the allotments I could see on the hill behind the station next to a very large park.

I think she should bury them as they will attract vermin.
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Buster54 on June 05, 2009, 18:28:08
Betula stop blowing everything out of proportion fish heads are a dam site bigger than a shrimp head,you don’t know If this person has a regular supply your making it sound like she’s done a deal with the local fish monger, she may have simply taken a few shrimps down to the allotment and cooked them on a Barbecue WE DON'T KNOW. Yes I agree on allotments we are all working very close together and you have to consider your neighbours but I wouldn’t  leave a polite note for my neighbour  saying the smell from  your chickens is  VILE!! And MAKING US FEEL VERY SICK and I am gonna report you.                                                                                                                                           PS.thanks for the eggs                                                                                                                                          I didn’t say there was anything wrong with just going down on a weekend(blown out of proportion again), the point I am making is that you don’t just get a plot in the real world and then start leaving notes for other plot holders telling them what they can and cannot do just because it’s a bit smelly when they don’t even know what their plot neighbours are doing on the plot or how the allotment environment works, what are we supposed to do when it’s time for the annual manure drop cancel it because we don’t want upset anybody because it’s a bit smelly, and as for your comment(on allotments we are all working very close together and you have to consider your neighbours. There is no room for extremes in this environment)sounds more like a dictator speaking, on allotments WE ALL have to compromise as WE ALL do things different from each other from time to time and should raise concerns face to  face before rounding up a posse.
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: OllieC on June 05, 2009, 18:34:49
Buster, are you this Asian lady with a penchant for a bit of shrimp action? You seem to be taking Betula's concerns about people leaving putrid decaying carcasses near other people's food crops a bit personally!
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: lewic on June 05, 2009, 18:40:55
At this stage it might be worth phoning environmental health just for advice, not to report her. If they tell you it is a health risk then it might be easier to persuade her not to do it.

Sounds disgusting to me. I can think of plenty of things that might be good for the soil but I wouldnt want next door!
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Melbourne12 on June 05, 2009, 19:04:59
or just go into her shell  :P

Ha! You're right.  The Environmental Health Stormtroopers will soon winkle her out though!  They've got the mussel for the job, and will oyster off her allotment if they detect anything fishy going on.
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Buster54 on June 05, 2009, 20:06:40
Buster, are you this Asian lady with a penchant for a bit of shrimp action? You seem to be taking Betula's concerns about people leaving putrid decaying carcasses near other people's food crops a bit personally!
Pure and simple I don't like bully's nobody knows the true facts yet everyone wants to stick their 2 penny worth in(putrid decaying carcasses Ha somebody tie me to a chair)(VILE!! And MAKING US FEEL VERY SICK Ha you can move about  love you don't have to stick your nose through the fence and smell it)(The smell of rotting fish Ha look some ones dumped a whale on their plot )I don't believe for one minute that she has covered her entire plot in shrimp heads and tails did woody say they had to leave the site because the smell was so bad NO did they contact the site manager and the plot holder in person NO did they ask other plot holders on the allotment site or on here why someone would use shrimp heads and tails on their plot NO did they post their concerns on here at the weekend NO they waited till Wednesday Ha to see what the witch finder general and all his disciples would say when perhaps no one could be bothered to reply to their polite notes,we will only find out in next week episode of Chinese heads she wins Tails you loose HA
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: davyw1 on June 05, 2009, 20:43:25
 I would take it that this lady being chinese would be putting this waste on the plot from a take away or restraunt who have guide lines for the disposal of food stuff by DEFRA. They have these rules/laws for good reason.
I would have no problem about phoning the Enviromental Health to sort the problem out, apart from the smell just imagine if you for one seconed lost sight of you child/grandchild while down at the allotment and there he/she was quite happily having a take away.

Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: lottie lou on June 05, 2009, 20:48:54
What a load of bl.....dy rascists you are.  Haven't you learnt ANYTHING in the last 40 yrs.  Shirltons comments were not funny - I had to put up with it when I was younger and definitely will not tolerate it at my age now!! 

As pointed out we all do things differently.  May I also point out that we are not now "Asians" but "Orientals".
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: manicscousers on June 05, 2009, 20:49:29
I would take it that this lady being chinese would be putting this waste on the plot from a take away or restraunt who have guide lines for the disposal of food stuff by DEFRA.
:o ::)
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Hector on June 05, 2009, 20:52:01
I am does this mean would I lay out Haggis, c'mon folks, lets not make assumptions!

Lottie Lou, please don't let this upset you.
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: SPUDLY on June 05, 2009, 21:09:11
I never heard anything like it, she's so shellfish.    ;D ;D ;D

Brilliant  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: dgillings on June 05, 2009, 21:20:32
Shrimp/Prawn waste (head and all) has an NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) content of 2.87 : 9.95 : 0
Shrimp/Prawn heads dried has an NPK content of 7.82 : 4.2 : 0.

The uncooked shell and if it contains it small amount of flesh can happily be composted in decent warm composter for around a year. It is quite possible that this oriental allotmenteer is just using the wonderful (until today) weather to dry out the waste for the compost, or to dig it in as dried waste.  From the information that I've found on the web in just the last five minutes I can see that it is quite common practise in some parts of the world to dig such waste into the ground for the worms or just into the compost.

I must say that I am with Lottie Lou on the few seemingly innocent racist comments that have been made. To assume that anyone of an oriental nature works in or owns a takeaway is disgraceful behaviour in this day and age. And to suggest that they eat cat is equally as childish. I would have though that most people on this site would have been a little more understanding and mature. So far a lot of the comments have been on a par with the sort of thing I hear out of my year 9's...

I would suggest that speculation as to why this shrimp waste is being left about is fine, but any action at this time would be seemingly hasty. Direct conversation should be made with the neighbour in an inquisitive way. It could well be that most of us are missing out on a trick. I've worked in some pretty smelly places before (Pig sty, slaughter house, fishery etc) the smell of fish is really no worse than chicken sh!t and manure - it is just that as gardeners in the UK we are more used to these smells...

Be tolerant and lets hope that we learn something.

Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: saddad on June 05, 2009, 21:25:56
May I also point out that we are not now "Asians" but "Orientals".

Does that make me "Occidental" or was it just a big mistake?  ;D
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on June 05, 2009, 21:27:36
Unless there was a solid layer of shrimp heads I doubt whether there would be anything in the way of a noticeable smell. I've come across plenty of dead animals on the beach, or as roadkill, or rotting on hillsides, and there isn't often a smell, unless it's a dead sheep or cow.

'Occidental' has been used for generations to describe Europeans.
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Buster54 on June 05, 2009, 21:28:23
Shrimp/Prawn waste (head and all) has an NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) content of 2.87 : 9.95 : 0
Shrimp/Prawn heads dried has an NPK content of 7.82 : 4.2 : 0.

The uncooked shell and if it contains it small amount of flesh can happily be composted in decent warm composter for around a year. It is quite possible that this oriental allotmenteer is just using the wonderful (until today) weather to dry out the waste for the compost, or to dig it in as dried waste.  From the information that I've found on the web in just the last five minutes I can see that it is quite common practise in some parts of the world to dig such waste into the ground for the worms or just into the compost.

I must say that I am with Lottie Lou on the few seemingly innocent racist comments that have been made. To assume that anyone of an oriental nature works in or owns a takeaway is disgraceful behaviour in this day and age. And to suggest that they eat cat is equally as childish. I would have though that most people on this site would have been a little more understanding and mature. So far a lot of the comments have been on a par with the sort of thing I hear out of my year 9's...

I would suggest that speculation as to why this shrimp waste is being left about is fine, but any action at this time would be seemingly hasty. Direct conversation should be made with the neighbour in an inquisitive way. It could well be that most of us are missing out on a trick. I've worked in some pretty smelly places before (Pig sty, slaughter house, fishery etc) the smell of fish is really no worse than chicken sh!t and manure - it is just that as gardeners in the UK we are more used to these smells...

Be tolerant and lets hope that we learn something.

I rest my case  :P :P :P
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Tin Shed on June 05, 2009, 21:41:46
To get back to the problem of the shrimp heads - if that happened on our allotments, every fox, rat ansd cat in the neighbourhood would be digging up the plot and making a real mess, probably before the shrimp and fish heads even started to smell!
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: OllieC on June 05, 2009, 22:01:28
Chill out Buster, you'll give yourself a hernia, all that typing without any full stops!
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: lottie lou on June 05, 2009, 22:15:39
Don't you know that cats will NOT eat food that is going off?  In fact I have heard that the best way to find out if your food is "off" (presuming you have lost your sense of smell as well as humour) is to offer it to your cat.  Not sure if this works for non English food though.
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: asbean on June 05, 2009, 22:24:51
I've got a tub of rotting comfrey leaves in my back garden - that stinks high heaven.  We also collect mussel shells to bash into pieces to keep slugs off, maybe shrimp/prawn bits will do on the compost too - never thought of that, and we do eat a lot of them ... ... ... ...
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: lottie lou on June 05, 2009, 22:33:14
Crikey, you must be very rich. Have you seen the price of prawns in the shell?
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: betula on June 05, 2009, 22:41:09
What a load of old codswallop.

Asian,orientals,..........all this PC stuff drives me nuts.

I bet you the lady with the fish heads does work or have connections with a takeaway.Of course all Chinese do not work in takeaways but round here they do and I bet in a lot of other places.Nothing racist about it......just people always keen to jump up and down on the PC band wagon.

The stuff stinks and you can not change facts.I would not tolerate it,at the very least she should dig the stuff in if she is so keen.

Buster don't bother replying,You are giving me such a laugh.Thanks for cheering me up ;D
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: lottie lou on June 05, 2009, 22:49:22
So I take it you only use Growmore or Phostrogen on your plot - the nice clean fertilizers?  Some of my colleagues very expensive perfume makes my stomach turn but I usually smile and compliment their scent.
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: elvis2003 on June 05, 2009, 23:03:39
im apalled by the racist comments displayed on this thread,and have reported them accordingly. shame on those gulity!
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Sinbad7 on June 05, 2009, 23:11:37
I'm missing something here, where are the racist comments?
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: elvis2003 on June 05, 2009, 23:14:08
if you cant see them sinbad,i doubt its worth my pointing em out!
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Sinbad7 on June 05, 2009, 23:18:59
That's true Elvis.

But you and lottie lou must be overly sensitive to have taken such has to wonder  ;D  Guess it takes all sorts especially now the occidentals have been thrown in the pot too  :)
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: lewic on June 05, 2009, 23:26:03
the smell of fish is really no worse than chicken sh!t and manure
I think the point here is that this stuff is not being composted properly, but is just scattered about on the plot.

I wouldnt like it if my neighbours started spreading raw chicken or pig sh!t on their plot either, and I wouldnt dream of leaving piles of fresh humanure about.
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Buster54 on June 05, 2009, 23:47:16
Oh believe me betula the pleasure has been all mine  :-*dgillings said it all

The stuff stinks(statement in the bleeding obvious)

I would not tolerate it(like anyone would care)

Of course all Chinese do not work in takeaways but round here they do(you want to pop into Pizza hut and see an Italian or burger king and see a yank

Night night  ;)
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: PlymouthMaid on June 06, 2009, 00:03:40
I would guess Plymouth going by the name! I was there this week and admiring the allotments I could see on the hill behind the station next to a very large park.

The allotments you saw near the station are exactly where my plot is. How spooky!
Don't know any more about fish heads but many thanks for the welcome from yourself and the poster above (sorry name has vanished from screen).
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: betula on June 06, 2009, 00:10:57
You are a hoot Buster the blood pressure now ;D
Title: Re: prawn tails
Post by: Admin aka Dan on June 06, 2009, 09:22:44
Locking this thread - it is very easy to type something which while not meant to be offensive can be.

We have visitors and members from all walks of life, please remember this when posting.


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