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Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: NettleNik on May 08, 2009, 15:56:51

Title: People walking through plot
Post by: NettleNik on May 08, 2009, 15:56:51
Hi! Are there any unspoken rules about walking through other peoples plots? We have several plots to the side of us and the communial water butt is beside our plot on the farside from theirs. Several plot holders walk through our plot rather than going round to get to the water and it is really annoying me - as I have been pegging out our beds and they were walking through them! I'm sure they shouldn't be doing this - it's just laziness and rudeness - it's not as if they lose out on time as it takes just the same to walk via the path! Should I confront these people and ask them to walk around and not through the plot?? ???
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: raisedbedted on May 08, 2009, 16:01:36
Yes definately, you dont want people doing that, compacting your soil, treading any diseases such as club root onto your soil.

Tell them and maybe even put some canes up with string tied between as a visible deterrent.  Communal paths go round plots but any inner ones are private.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: meggzee on May 08, 2009, 16:17:13
You could have words with t'committee and get them to, ahem, "remind" the nice people that what they are doing is NOT NICE! If they were polite they'd ask at the very least.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: sawfish on May 08, 2009, 16:27:37
they sound like ignorant lazy morons to me. Don't they have any common sense or respect for other peoples stuff?

Tell them not to do it again or go for a wander on their beds.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Pesky Wabbit on May 08, 2009, 16:44:41
Or, alternatively use natures way of showing where paths should be laid.

I know its rude to walk across others plots, but, if thats where they walk, put a path down for them, and keep them off the rest of your allotment.

Better still, have a word with them and get them to lay a path down.

Otherwise, put up some serious fencing to prevent them. 

Which is cheaper ?

Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: NettleNik on May 08, 2009, 16:48:25
Thanks for the replies - we have just joined the site so we didn't want to cause any friction, however I think I shall have a word with them all and if they ignore us I shall inform the committee (as we met the chairman day before yesterday and we know who to speak to.) Glad it wasn't just me being prickly! :)

The path is a foot away - so they aren't being put out by keeping to it - I couldn't believe it when they walked through and they then walked back through three allotments to reach theirs! I think I shall have a word with the committee anyway about it - as it is so rude and very blatant.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: saddad on May 08, 2009, 17:39:40
Welcome to A4A Meggzee...

There should be something about it in the rules and bye-laws at the very least..
Only committee are allowed to enter other people's plots without their express permission.  >:(
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Barnowl on May 08, 2009, 18:08:29
It's in our rules: may not set foot on another's plot without permission.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: shirlton on May 08, 2009, 18:11:00
How very rude of them to walk across your plot. We have a wire fence around ours so they can't  get across it (not that they would) and have trained fruit around the inside of the 2 plots. Tone goes mad sometimes cos he has to walk all the way around
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Borlotti on May 08, 2009, 18:11:45
Land mines.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Tee Gee on May 08, 2009, 18:16:53
My guess is; your plot may have been vacant for quite sometime and the route these people take didn't affect anyone in the past.

Having said that I think on seeing the plot being 'worked' they should have had the sense to go the long way round.

I think I wouldn't mention it to any of them and approach the plot secretary about it, meanwhile sticking a hefty obstruction across the walk way to give the hint!

Then hopefully common sense will prevail.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: 1066 on May 08, 2009, 18:20:02
Land mines.

That would be 1 way of clearing an overgwrown plot  ;D

Back on topic, as others have said thats a real no no. Good luck with sorting it out

Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: elvis2003 on May 08, 2009, 18:20:57
was just about to same the same tee gee,couldnt agree more.still,i wouldnt walk across an abandoned lot either,its *inbuilt* in me not to
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Columbus on May 08, 2009, 18:29:06
Hi Nik, Hi all  :)

Its important to establish the boundaries of your plot when you take on one thats been neglected for a while as people will have got into a habit of walking or driving across it. I built an earth bank on the edge of one of my plots to help people keep their cars off it. Some new tenants on our site seem to be doing the same as a large corner of their plot has been eroded over several years. On my number one plot I have now put a chain link fence along one long side, establishing only one point of entry which is through a gate which is locked when I`m not there. I remind any strangers using the path alongside my plot that they are actually on my plot as I pay rent for and maintain that particular path. They always go round the long way after being challenged. On my pumpkin patch I am establishing a hedge of fruit bushes and will probably put in another fence next year.

Its very rude to enter someones plot uninvited and like walking into somebodys garden. Some people on the site are friends and I wouldn`t have issues with them others are almost unknown to me and some are friends or family members of other plot holders. Friends would never walk through my beds anyway and others wouldn`t get that close.

You are right to be assertive at an early stage. Col
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: tonybloke on May 08, 2009, 20:19:22
check your tenancy agreement, it usually says something like " shall not enter upon any other plot without plot holders express permission"
then ask your chairman if other tenants have a copy of said agreement?
I think they are just being rude, and potentially carrying pest and disease or other contaminants onto your plot.
razor wire and machine gun towers usually work!!
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Mr Smith on May 08, 2009, 20:39:46
I think I think it is rude and ignorant, the first time it happens with me a wire fence goes up around the lotty which alreadt sits in my shed, :)
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Uncle Joshua on May 08, 2009, 20:46:46
I wouldn't bother to confront them because it may cause long term problems, stick up a fence!
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: flossy on May 08, 2009, 21:00:41

   I chicken wired my bit where 'herself' cut through to her friend -- as it was quicker !

   Quietly go about your business -- but cut the route off and the message will get

   through !

   floss xxx
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: cornykev on May 08, 2009, 22:00:44
Cheeky barstards,  :o  I'd stick my fork straight through their big toe, or peg down some string lines as if you've planted something and see if they walk on it then, if not what about putting up a notice, going something like the next fecker to walk through my plot will will get my spade round the back of their bleeding heed.  >:(        ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: NettleNik on May 08, 2009, 22:38:41
LOL! That made me laugh CorneyKev! Great suggestions everyone - thanks very much for all your replies! ;D
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: chriscross1966 on May 08, 2009, 23:52:35
Does your site have a policy about these?

Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: shirlton on May 09, 2009, 07:55:30
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: reddyreddy on May 09, 2009, 14:47:41
I agree with flossy and cornykev, put up a fence/chicken wire/anything as an obvious deterrent. I certainly wouldnt create a path for them cheeky beepers!!
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: little pud on May 09, 2009, 17:11:44
well out of order, paths go around the plots, if you have made one or two across your plot for your use then they have no right to walk across them to get to the butts, just have a stern word and tell them to go round or like suggested, put some rope or the like around your plot, thats what I have done around mine even though I dont have the problem with anyone walking across my plots..... >:(
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: amphibian on May 09, 2009, 20:24:35
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: kt. on May 09, 2009, 23:03:29
Put your manure pile there to block access ;)
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: artichoke on May 10, 2009, 10:35:27
I found a stranger on my path in the centre of my plot - it's grass, so looks slightly (but not much) like the boundary paths, and because I thought he had made an honest mistake, said politely but loudly "Excuse me, that's my garden you're walking on," and he apologised and became a good and entertaining friend.

On another site I did have a problem with jay walkers and have set up a row of gooseberry, blackcurrant and goji berry bushes, supplemented with bamboos and strings about waist height, while and clearly visible. It's some time now since I've found strange footprints.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: reddyreddy on May 10, 2009, 14:27:36
PLEASE let us know how you get with this, I for one would LOVE to know!!  ;D
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: NettleNik on May 10, 2009, 15:13:46
Some very wicked suggestions there ;D - I will update - hoping to send OH up there today (I have the lurgy) and see if they repeat it this weekend. Cheeky bleeders! Thanks for all your suggestions - I love the one with the man trap - if only I could! LOL!
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: chriscross1966 on May 10, 2009, 15:34:26
If you like sloe gin why not plant some blackthorn..... natures own barbed wire....

Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: the-goodlife on May 10, 2009, 15:59:06
tell to "GET ORFF YOUR LAND"  or better still buy some land mines off the black market lol!!!. or empty the water but and put it the other side of your plot then they wont be able to walk over your bit.

I would have a word they should respect the rules and walk around the lazy gits
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: tomatoada on May 10, 2009, 16:37:21
I would go with the obstruction  idea.  Dig a narrow width of ground.  Stick some canes in with cross strings and if they say anything asked if they think it would be a good place for raspberries to grow.  Of course if they say no you have to come up with an alternative but it may give them the idea it is to be cultivated.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on May 10, 2009, 19:03:39
A claymore mine on a tripwire would do the job nicely.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: reddyreddy on May 13, 2009, 12:33:01
any update on this?
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: NettleNik on May 13, 2009, 22:55:31
Hi ReddyReddy! No no update as these plot holders are only up on a weekend (that I've seen so far). But I have got a shed that I'm going to put across part of their walkway!! That should make it clear where the boundary is - putting the shed up at the weekend - weather permitting. Will put screening up when the raised beds are completed (timber coming tomorrow) - so the buggers will have no excuse - and if they do keep on walking on the plot, I shall then have a quiet word to the committee. So I shall do it nicely nicely and not cause WW3 with my allotment neighbours. ;)
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: THE MASTER on May 14, 2009, 03:33:03
i run a simple policy up my allotment
if its grass walk on it, if its dug then do not walk on it
it's as easy as that

and we all understand and get along

i do a full site walk each and everyday
and make mental notes of wots comming up,who is doing wot  and also any weard things that happens.

yes walk onto my plot and have a butchers . but keep to the grass paths. its as simple as that

Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Bjerreby on May 14, 2009, 04:56:19
This all sounds very unappealing to me. I mean, don't people go to allotments partly to socialize with others? Reading this, I am reminded of the Wild West and staking out claims.

How about everyone showing a bit of consideration instead. Take an example from sailors. When we moor alongside and it gets busy,we sometimes end up 3, 4 or even 5 boats abreast, and those on the outside have to cross the others to get ashore. Most people put their own mooring lines ashore (so they don't pull my cleats off the deck), but more importantly, everyone passes over the don't climb through other people's cockpits.

This is standard behaviour among sailors of all north European nations, and it is simply a matter of showing consideration.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: 1066 on May 14, 2009, 07:25:55
This is standard behaviour among sailors of all north European nations, and it is simply a matter of showing consideration.

Your sailing analogy is a good one (have been in the same position), but you at least acknowledge someone and what's going on around you - I think these people weren't.

Everyone on our site has a potter around now and then to see what people are up to, chat with people etc, and I for 1 really like it and I'm sure it will stay that way, but the situation NettleNik describes goes beyond that.

Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on May 14, 2009, 08:36:49
Most people around allotment sites are perfectly decent, but you do get the odd one. Not so long ago someone was going round sawing through committee members' gateposts on my site! There have been a few other unpleasant goings-on as well, but given that we've got 80 or so plots, we're bound to get the occasional nutter.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: chriscross1966 on May 14, 2009, 08:41:54
Most people around allotment sites are perfectly decent, but you do get the odd one. Not so long ago someone was going round sawing through committee members' gateposts on my site! There have been a few other unpleasant goings-on as well, but given that we've got 80 or so plots, we're bound to get the occasional nutter.

Sounds like perfectly reasonable action to direct at some committees I've heard of :D..... our AGM took about 15 minutes and half of that was talking about nothing much of consequence.... my mates got a plot in Wolvercote where the political intrigue would leave Machiavelli's head spinning, their AGM took hours and included a long discussion on various recent and pending legal cases bought by the various plotholders against other plotholders, the committee, the Wolvercote Commoners Association etc etc..... apparently the local WI chucked out Lady Macbeth for not really being tough enough......

Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on May 14, 2009, 08:45:32
Committee members can occasionally be the worst troublemakers around; any voluntary organisation is vulnerable to the empire-builder. I hope we're not that bad though!
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: saddad on May 14, 2009, 09:11:35
Out, Out Damned spot.... (Dogs on a lead only...  ;D )
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Unwashed on May 14, 2009, 12:01:58
i run a simple policy up my allotment
if its grass walk on it, if its dug then do not walk on it
it's as easy as that

and we all understand and get along

i do a full site walk each and everyday
and make mental notes of wots comming up,who is doing wot  and also any weard things that happens.

yes walk onto my plot and have a butchers . but keep to the grass paths. its as simple as that
Don't quite understand.  Are you the site steward or something, and you walk across other people's plots if they have paths that cross them?  My plot neighbours crossing my plot occaisonally to see each other is one thing, but you'd get a flea in your ear if you thought you had a right to inspect daily and cross my plot.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: tomatoada on May 14, 2009, 13:02:37
We have a plot holder who does the same but we are pleased he does it.  He will be there to receive manure for you, order seed pots. etc. from the shop which is on another site, and pass messages on, such  as anyone want some spare plants of e.g. cabbages.  He makes sure the gates are locked at night and  we wonder what we would do without him.  There are one couple who ignore him so he ignores them.   No hassle.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: tim_n on May 14, 2009, 14:49:25
I get plenty of people coming to visit the mad young people...  just because I errected huuuuuge blue boxes when I first took over.  But they look on from the edges, not on the plot.

unfortunately I'm on a plot which was split in half.  I'm furthest away from any one water supply (I've got six all in the same distance except one which I do have to walk between two plots owned by the same person.  Technically it's a community path, technically it's also 'his'.  He doesn't seem to mind.

I only object to whomever it is who is leaving cigarette butts outside my shed.  That is annoying.  I expect it was probably the burglars who broke in and knicked everyones gear.  My shed however only has tesco value tools in it.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: siandc on May 15, 2009, 07:26:42

How about everyone showing a bit of consideration instead. Take an example from sailors. When we moor alongside and it gets busy,we sometimes end up 3, 4 or even 5 boats abreast, and those on the outside have to cross the others to get ashore. Most people put their own mooring lines ashore (so they don't pull my cleats off the deck), but more importantly, everyone passes over the don't climb through other people's cockpits.

At least on an alotment the people have a path to walk round, not 50foot of freezing water!!!
I think there's no excuse and to prove a point I'd have to goto a local fishing shop, buy some line and run it between 2 stakes at either end of the plot about a foot high. "Offenders" will be embarassingly reminded that it's your plot as they kiss the dirt!!! If questioned you're simply marking the boundary of your plot with a string line to ensure a straight line!!! ;)
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Ishard on May 15, 2009, 07:44:44
I think you are lucky thats they just walk through your plot. Last year the elderly guy who only turns his soil over but doesnt plant anything drove his tractor over my plot where my spuds where planted!!!
If he's blind he shouldnt be driving!! GRRRR  >:(

And then a couple who were carrying shed sections to their plot got tired and dropped them on my cabbages!!

OOH I was angry and let them know too!  >:(

Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: reddyreddy on May 15, 2009, 11:19:46

to prove a point I'd have to goto a local fishing shop, buy some line and run it between 2 stakes at either end of the plot about a foot high. "Offenders" will be embarassingly reminded that it's your plot as they kiss the dirt!!! If questioned you're simply marking the boundary of your plot with a string line to ensure a straight line!!! ;)

love it!!
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Unwashed on May 15, 2009, 13:04:04
Mines (
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Fork on May 15, 2009, 13:30:31
On our site there is a "central avenue" that everyone walks up to get to their plots.

There is no need for anyone to walk on anyone elses plots for any reason unless invited for a cuppa or going for a chat.There is defo no reason to walk on the plots of those who are not there....but it happens!
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: shadowdragon on May 15, 2009, 14:37:45
Mines (

Im tempted to get one for the front gate and video the postman as he walks up the path  ;D
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: carbonel11 on May 15, 2009, 19:43:33
Hi all, I would never walk on someone elses plot unless invited to do so, I thought however that the paths around plots were communal and that was why it was the plot holders responsibility to maintain them in a passable fashion?
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Borlotti on May 15, 2009, 19:56:01
The grass paths cut by the Council around the allotments are communal and no-one has a problem with that.  The path adjoining allotments either side, people don't walk down, firstly one side is very over grown and has blackberries growing along it with can be quite lethal.  I have been cutting this path as the lady has given up due to age and that is why it has got overgrown.  If I am talking, which is quite often, I will walk along someones grass path to speak to them and if I walk on a bed, ask them if it is OK if anything is growing to have a closer look at the plants.  To walk on someones allotment uninvited is a bit like people walking along the street and walking round someones back garden without permission, very rude.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: carbonel11 on May 16, 2009, 08:28:19
Hi Borlotti, I'm  still a bit confused. At our site there are two roads through the site passable by car ect. However some of the plots can only be accessed by passing along the grass paths around other plots. Also the standpipes are situated so that you have to pass along these grass paths. I therefore assumed that they had to be for communal use. Is it possible that different sites have different common agreements of use ?
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: flowerofshona2007 on May 16, 2009, 09:02:13
On our site you do not walk onto someones plot without their permision !
We have a monthly  plot competition and all plots are inspected but we still only walk on the pathways !!
Even if we are visiting a friends plot we ask if we can come aboard  ;D
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Trevor_D on May 16, 2009, 09:09:34
On our site, all the paths around & between plots are communal and it's our responsibility to keep them clear and trimmed. But loads of us have paths within our plots - they are private.

But if - as Secretary - I need to talk to someone I will go onto their plot and no-one (yet) has ever objected. Similarly, if anyone needs to come and see me while I'm working on my plot, they do and I don't object.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Fork on May 16, 2009, 09:17:54
I suppose the size and layout of some allotment sites can cause problems.

I visited one site a couple of months ago and although I did not walk further than the first plot,the rest looked very "undefined"

Our site is small,only 24 plots and very tidy.

The attached picture gives you an idea.The plots go left and right off the central avenue so like I said before,no need to walk on anyone elses plot.

Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Sparkly on May 16, 2009, 09:26:00
On our site there are 2 main walkways that separate the sections between the largest portion of the plots and then there are walkways around the entire perimeter. Plot holders are meant to only stick to these walkways. The paths between individual plots belong to the plot holders are are only meant for the individual plot holder. Our layout is similar to forks, but on a bigger scale. Our neighbours certainly use the paths between the plots around them when fetching water etc, but not paths across actual plots. I would be very annoyed if I found someone doing that. It is just lazy. If people come for a nosey on my plot that is fine, but I would expect them to do this from the communal paths, or at least the paths either side.

If your plot doesn't have a defined edge then define it yourself. Then put a sign up asking them to stay on the paths around your plot.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Borlotti on May 16, 2009, 11:04:02
I will try and explain, the grass paths between allotments are maintained by allotment holders and therefore should not be walked on, in fact one side path belongs to my allotment and the other side to another allotment holder.  That is three allotments side by side, 2 paths in between.  Then we have the wide Council path that goes all round the blocks of allotments, so everyone has access to their plot via a Council path and as the water tanks are on the Council paths no-one has to walk across or alongside allotments.  I suppose it is the way they are laid out.  It is not quicker to get water by cutting across as just go to the end of own allotment onto main path and walk to nearest water tank. 
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Plot69 on May 16, 2009, 11:08:10

Our site is small,only 24 plots and very tidy.

That's a park, not an allotment surely?

It does have one thing in common with our site, baths under every water tap. I just wish the last person to use the bath water would remember to fill them again though.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Fork on May 16, 2009, 12:00:03

Our site is small,only 24 plots and very tidy.

That's a park, not an allotment surely?

It does have one thing in common with our site, baths under every water tap. I just wish the last person to use the bath water would remember to fill them again though.

What irritates me are the people who wash their veg and garden tools in the baths and leave such a mess.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: Plot69 on May 16, 2009, 15:29:01

What irritates me are the people who wash their veg and garden tools in the baths and leave such a mess.

Sorry, guilty as charged! I am the only one that cleans the bath out after me though.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: tonybloke on May 16, 2009, 19:11:26
It's nice when chemical using folk wash their veg and garden tools in the butt, it means us non-chemical users have to throw away a lot of water!! ;)
what if someone with clubroot washed some veg or tools in there, BINGO, everyone has it.
Title: Re: People walking through plot
Post by: ceres on May 16, 2009, 19:53:32
what if someone with clubroot washed some veg or tools in there, BINGO, everyone has it.

That's why on our site you're not allowed to wash tools, veg, boots etc in the tanks.
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