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General => The Shed => Topic started by: Justy on April 27, 2009, 19:12:06

Title: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Justy on April 27, 2009, 19:12:06
I have to confess that I have a vague feeling of unease and worry niggling at me.  I am off to Florida in 11 weeks and am wondering if it is a good idea now.   :-\
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: OllieC on April 27, 2009, 19:19:44
We're off to Chicago on Friday, me, wife, 2 young children. No, I'm not worried in the slightest. We were over there when SARS happened too... eat lots of oranges & brassica, you'll be fine.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Digeroo on April 27, 2009, 19:21:36
They seem to be having less severe symptoms in the US.  News said people were just having flu symptoms.  Seems to be in Mexico that they are dieing from it.

I should not worry it will arrive here soon enough if it is coming.  

There is only enough anti flu for 50% of the population so the sooner you get ill the more likely you are to get the stuff.

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Duke Ellington on April 27, 2009, 19:42:04
Thanks for that Digeroo~ I feel much better now !!

Duke :-\
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: lewic on April 27, 2009, 19:47:33
A tad. I don't think the papers would publish it if people started dropping dead here, as they are probably under orders not to start mass hysteria. It would probably rely on word of mouth and internet rumour.

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: cocopops on April 27, 2009, 19:53:03
For a realistic view on the situation go onto the BBC2 website and listen again to the Jeremy Vine show for today. After the first song there is a really level headed doctor from Camb. Uni. who puts the whole thing into prospective.

Maybe the media has had too much grief for all their scaremongering, but it is worth listening to.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Mr Smith on April 27, 2009, 20:12:43
Can't help but smell a rat, we here  there are signs of the recession easing which in my book is Bo-----s and then along comes mad swine disease also from the Americas, ;)
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Digeroo on April 27, 2009, 20:15:49
Seems that the advise from the EU is for Europeans only to visit Mexico or US if it is urgent.  Suggest you keep up to date with the advise from the Foreign Office.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Justy on April 27, 2009, 20:18:56
thanks cocopops - that was very reassuring listening (well upto a point as my mum is diabetic and has emphysema). I think he made a good point when he said we don't know how many people in Mexico have actually had this flu so if it is thousands and thousands and 'only' 100 people have died then it is not really a deadly flu. We also forget that lots of people die every year in this country of 'normal' flu.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: OllieC on April 27, 2009, 20:21:38
Seems that the advise from the EU is for Europeans only to visit Mexico or US if it is urgent.  Suggest you keep up to date with the advise from the Foreign Office.

I can't see where it says this for the USA... can you point me in the right direction?
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Hosta on April 27, 2009, 20:28:00
Yes me !!

Two confirmed cases here, at my local hospital !!

With another 7 people showing symptoms YIKES

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: cocopops on April 27, 2009, 20:36:55
thanks cocopops - that was very reassuring listening (well upto a point as my mum is diabetic and has emphysema). I think he made a good point when he said we don't know how many people in Mexico have actually had this flu so if it is thousands and thousands and 'only' 100 people have died then it is not really a deadly flu. We also forget that lots of people die every year in this country of 'normal' flu.

It is really worth listening to.  My nana died ten years ago from a flu empidemic in the UK.  Not heard of it?, not surprised, just killed older people in nursing homes etc.

I strongly advise anyone that is worried about this situation to listed to the Jeremy Vine show - fear and panic spreads faster than most virus'.

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: caroline7758 on April 27, 2009, 20:41:47
Yes me !!

Two confirmed cases here, at my local hospital !!

With another 7 people showing symptoms YIKES

Yes, but they are recovering well, not dying!
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Moonbeam65 on April 27, 2009, 20:56:50
If the government is that worried about swine fever becoming a pandemic all they have to do is ban everyone from leaving this country to go to the ones that have it and to ban everyone from coming into this country from the country where the main source of the swine fever is .
Anyway there is a big swine problem in parliament so they should sort that out first.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: dtw on April 27, 2009, 21:11:04
Who's been that close to the swine to catch it?  :o
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: DAVIESFOZZIE on April 27, 2009, 21:35:33
Be real about this the only people who have died of this are the unfortunate Mexicans who have no access tofirst class medical care. We in the more advanced in medical terms are in no danger than a severe cold. This is again the media looking for a story guided away from the credit crunch clearly pushed by the Government who will take the credit for nobody dying in the UK and USA.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: RobinOfTheHood on April 27, 2009, 21:40:44
Er, SARS and Bird Flu anyone?

Not worried in the slightest.

I suggest you all switch off your televisions.  :)
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Digeroo on April 27, 2009, 22:04:01
50 million people died in 1918.   
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Justy on April 27, 2009, 22:16:45
Lets not forget 8000 people died in the SARS outbreak.

I fully agree that the media are probably whipping up a storm in a teacup however there is nothing to stop the 1918 pandemic happening again.  With air transport allowing us to travel the world in a few hours viruses can spread much quicker than 100 years ago.  However medical science is much more advanced too with anti-viral drugs and antibiotics to treat secondary infections so I suppose there is more chance to get on top of these things before they become out of control (which is probably what happened with SARS).  Lets hope that the media coverage means that people will be more careful about hygiene.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Justy on April 27, 2009, 22:21:22
This is the latest news from UN who have just upgraded the pandemic alert:

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon earlier warned that the virus "could cause a new influenza pandemic".
"It could be mild in its effect or potentially be severe," he said.
"We don't know yet which way it will go, but we are concerned that in Mexico most of those who died were young and healthy adults."

Just as it was in 1918.   :(
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Digeroo on April 27, 2009, 22:24:59
Young and healthy adults.  Well I'm ok Jack.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: saddad on April 27, 2009, 22:57:11
Flu (Influenza) is a strange one, and the 1918-19 pandemic hit Europe at the end of a major war with food shortages etcetera. As we have access to better health care and are generally better nourished (obese?) it shouldn't be a real problem here...  :-\
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: mike77 on April 27, 2009, 23:50:33
If we listened to everything the media told us we wouldnt ever leave the house! Birdflu was supposed to be the worst thing since the plague and came to nothing? Get on and have a nice holiday just steer clear of the pork ;D
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: SPUDLY on April 28, 2009, 07:35:06
It was the same for me when the mad cow disease was happening, worried me to death, don't know why because i came through it all right. It's just scratching my head on fences and eating grass that's puzzling ;D
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: gardentg44 on April 28, 2009, 08:06:12
May have to stop eating tacos & fajitas ;D ;D
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on April 28, 2009, 09:15:50
well the Government has shown itself to be useless at everything else. Let's see if they can actually do something important right for a change - stopping everyone from dying

if all the young and healthy people die - who's left to pay off all the Debt then?
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: mummybunny on April 28, 2009, 09:22:33
Just caught the end of a story on GMTV and it seems manchester airport have just stopped flights to mexico this morning!! A couple had booked for there honeymoon and couldnt go!
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: tomatoada on April 28, 2009, 09:42:03
I do think that flights to and from Mexico should be very restricted.  Not a panic move.  Just a precaution.  No good waiting to see what happens.  If it proved unnecessary so what.  Better safe than sorry.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on April 28, 2009, 09:52:27
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: reddyreddy on April 28, 2009, 13:45:00
Rhubarb thrasher - hilarious!
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: ACE on April 28, 2009, 14:11:49
I'm worried, because if it gets to a killer stage the government might deem the inhabitants of the Isle of Wight expendable again .

They did not give a (rhymes with duck) about us when there was a SARS scare. they just stuck all the suspected infected lot down here!

I for one will keep my eye on the situation and the first hint of shipping them here, I will organising a blockade at the ferries. I am not going to be treated like shite again.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on April 28, 2009, 14:16:21
by the look of your avatar ACE, I think you've already got it

let's hope we can still joke about it in a month's time, by the way
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Columbus on April 28, 2009, 14:23:28
Hi Justy, Hi all  :)

We are watching the situation with interest as we are booked on a trip to Sandiego, (which is 50 miles from Mexican border)  Disneyland California and Disneyworld Florida etc, etc in July. (Are you off to Disney ??), we will be flying and using trains in the States. I called the insurance company and we seem to be OK for a refund if we can`t go.
We have already ordered a box of surgical masks and alcohol hand wash stuff. Soon I will panic buy some rice and pasta. I`m ok for fruit and veg  ;D

I`m not worried just interested and cautious.

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: little pud on April 28, 2009, 14:30:08
I have already got the flu (not swine) i hope lol.  ;D
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: RSJK on April 28, 2009, 20:06:52
Whats the betting that MP's are first in queue for vaccination.  I am very worried for my grandchildren and other relatives I do not trust this lot in power to tell us the truth about anything going on.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on April 28, 2009, 20:08:08 (
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Mushy Pea on April 28, 2009, 20:59:34
I was always reminded that worrying wasn't worth it with the following.

If you worry you die....
If you don't worry you die...

So what is the point of worrying?

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Vony on April 29, 2009, 07:07:08
Don't the press enjoy winding us up all the time, so should we all put ourselves into a plastic bubble and hope to survive swine flu, Oh come on get yourself a life.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: ACE on April 29, 2009, 07:38:25

I woke up this morning covered in rashers.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: genlistlass on April 29, 2009, 08:05:32
The only thing that worries me about this is the fact that live virus has been airlifted into the south of England to develop a vaccine! Dont trust those fellas to keep it secure, remember the escape of the .......whatsitsname.... And when they go a get a vaccine (3 weeks) it will take the manufacturers about 4 months to develop enough ....... Think I'll wear a Dettol saturated yashmak rather than trust that lot!

I had my flu jab last autumn and I'm not going anywhere near Mexico and I didn't catch SARS when travelling through the Far East to Australia years ago.

If I get it, I get it. Fate.....

Gen in Northumberland
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on April 29, 2009, 09:36:20
it's been genetically engineered by the CIA especially to get rid of Mexicans. The plan is that all the people got rid of by General Motors etc will be retrained as Gardeners and Home Helps
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Vony on April 29, 2009, 19:05:14
Put into perspective, within a week the Press said tonight the swine flu has DOUBLED!!!  2 to 4
and we have a population of 68 million.

They didn't tell you of course about the 168 patients that died over the last year from ordinary flu virus,
I suppose this wasn't sensationalist enough for them.

Get yourself a life

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: asbean on April 29, 2009, 20:59:52
I phoned NHS Direct for advice and all I got was crackling on the line  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on April 29, 2009, 21:05:41
bad things happen from small beginnings. I bet the Black Death started when some monk woke up and thought he looked a bit spotty
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: tonybloke on April 29, 2009, 21:31:50
it's been genetically engineered by the CIA especially to get rid of Mexicans. The plan is that all the people got rid of by General Motors etc will be retrained as Gardeners and Home Helps
LOL !! :) :) :)
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: DenBee on April 29, 2009, 22:36:27
Not worried as such, but a little more inclined to take it seriously(ish) compared to the avian flu threat.  I work for the NHS, and there are certainly plenty of bulletins being issued and "emergency meetings" going on in my region.  I also heard tell of a suspected case in our local area today.  But that's just scuttlebutt so far.  :)
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: tricia on April 29, 2009, 22:43:56
I live in Paignton but can't get about much at the moment, so I'm not worrying unduly. I'm just hoping the poor lass who has the virus recovers quickly and that the illness doesn't spread to her schoolmates.

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: PurpleHeather on April 30, 2009, 10:30:24
Many of the Americas Natives were wiped out by flu when the Europeans invaded and brought the virus with them. So, possibly they have a genetic problem with it. Assuming the Mexican fatalities are from Native stock, it could explain their death toll. Whilst others seem to be recovering well.

The media has needed another subject to sensationalise about, perhaps them taking the credit crunch off the front page will give the world economies a breather to recover a little.

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: RobinOfTheHood on April 30, 2009, 13:09:50

AS the number of confirmed pork flu cases in the UK soared into single figures, millions of people across Britain were last night wondering who would be the first arsehole to start wearing a facemask.

Online retailers have reported high demand for their utterly useless anti-pork flu kits, consisting of a flimsy surgical mask, some Kendal mintcake, a James Blunt CD, a novelty keyring and a cyanide pill.

Stephen Malley, a trainee accountant from Finsbury Park, said: "I think it's going to be this guy in my office called Geoff. He rides a bicycle to work and eats bananas at his desk. He's a prick."

Emma Bradford, a marketing assistant from Hatfield, said: "My friend Janet is pathetically melodramatic. She wore one during the foot and mouth outbreak in 2001 because she said it really accentuated her eyelashes."

And Roy Hobbs, a retired architect from Stevenage, said: "My wife's friends are all idiots, but I have a feeling it might turn out to be Harriet Harman, just because she's such an arsehole."

Experts warned that despite their uselessness, many arseholes will be tempted to walk around wearing facemasks and thinking they are in a film based on a Michael Crichton novel.

Dr Tom Booker, from Reading University, said: "Of course they're wearing them in Mexico. If I was in Mexico I'd be wearing one regardless. You can almost smell the f**k**g place from here."

He added: "If you've got the cash - and the back muscles - you could try walking around in a scuba suit, with a couple of oxygen tanks strapped to your shoulders.

"But really, the best way to stop pork flu is to get it, takes some pills and watch the telly until you don't have it anymore."
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: xlynettex on April 30, 2009, 13:36:51
a friend of mine came back from holiday on Tuesday from Mexico. went into work yesterday but then received an email last night asking her to not to come into work for the rest of the week because of this swine flu. she is feeling fine. she works for the Local Authorities.  :(

do you think they are over reacting
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Justy on April 30, 2009, 13:56:50
I would rather there was a bit of over reaction now and in 6 months time for us all to be able to say 'ha ha look how we over reacted', than be complacent and dismissive and end up losing our friends and family when we could have taken precautions.

I really don't think that the WHO would be making this up and if they are telling us that there is cause for concern then what is really going on behind the scenes?
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: thifasmom on April 30, 2009, 16:21:03
a friend of mine came back from holiday on Tuesday from Mexico. went into work yesterday but then received an email last night asking her to not to come into work for the rest of the week because of this swine flu. she is feeling fine. she works for the Local Authorities.  :(

do you think they are over reacting

even if they are overreacting i would be like woo hoo! a long weekend for me! ;D
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Hector on April 30, 2009, 16:27:07
Not worried as such, but a little more inclined to take it seriously(ish) compared to the avian flu threat.  I work for the NHS, and there are certainly plenty of bulletins being issued and "emergency meetings" going on in my region.  I also heard tell of a suspected case in our local area today.  But that's just scuttlebutt so far.  :)

I too work for the NHS and suspect that is them covering their butts :) I am cautious and not concerned as
1/ can't stop it getting here
2/ know there are emergency plans in place anyhow for all authorities
3/ antibiotics/care we have available is not necessarily availble to the poor souls in Mexico/USA ( they don't have a national health)
4/ look how well the infected Scots couple are doing...note the press don't emphasise that.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: RobinOfTheHood on April 30, 2009, 20:15:49

THE government has raised its virus alert level to 'pantastic' after it was confirmed that two people in Scotland were hovering close to feeling slightly unwell.

The pair, from one of the dozens of non-descript hell-holes between Edinburgh and Glasgow, were admitted to hospital yesterday when their condition was described as 'critically fuzzy'.

Doctors said they were now 90% certain the couple were suffering from Pork Flu as opposed to a common strain of Scottish Influenza, also known as a bastard hangover. Scottish flu passes easily from bottle to human.

Dr Tom Logan, from the Royal Infirmary of Scotland, said: "Scottish flu is particularly common at this time of year as the weather becomes milder and the days longer, meaning everyone spends even more time in the pub than usual, mainly because they can stand outside all night smoking hundreds of fags."

He added: "I would not be surprised if over the next few days we see thousands of Scottish people coming forward reeking of cheap wine and claiming to have spent the weekend in Mexico City."

A Department of Health spokesman said: "We are almost certainly facing a pandemic and there is now nothing we can do to stop quite a few people being given some pills and told to stay home and watch Murder She Wrote.

"However, we are urging those infected not to watch Grey's Anatomy on Living TV. It won't make their illness any worse, but it will make them much, much worse - as people."

Meanwhile in America more than 40 people have been confirmed as feeling a bit peaky, including one woman who really had to sit down.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: angle shades on April 30, 2009, 20:33:07
 :) here in Lincoln Boots the Chemists are running out of paper face masks ::) at the mo I'm not worried about swine flu as I have too many other things to worry about ;D/ shades x
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: SPUDLY on April 30, 2009, 20:48:50
I while ago i ordered a pair of work boots from a company, who now send me emails with updates of their offers and new stock. I was shocked the other day to receive an email for their new essential swine flu kit, consisting of a paper coverall, pack of face masks and rubber gloves, all for the attractive price of about £70. I kid you not ::)
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: mrf94 on April 30, 2009, 20:53:38
How come theres nothing about pigs dying?
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: SPUDLY on April 30, 2009, 20:57:43
How come theres nothing about pigs dying?

They are the sensible ones. Their in bed, getting plenty of rest and drinking plenty of fluids and will be up and about in no time. ;D
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: angle shades on April 30, 2009, 21:44:45
 ;D /shadesx
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on April 30, 2009, 21:53:28
what I don't understand is the Government has 35 million Tamiflu treatments, and has just ordered 35 million face masks......and there are 60 million people. Is there something we aren't being told?

PS I always thought Tamiflu was a viral infection caught from listening to too much Country and western music
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Baccy Man on April 30, 2009, 22:37:16
How come theres nothing about pigs dying?

There are up to 400,000 pigs dying in Egypt, none of them have swine flu but they are going to be slaughtered just in case.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Digeroo on April 30, 2009, 23:14:38
Yes but they are not keen on pigs in Egypt so this is a good excuse to get rid of them. 
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: ACE on May 01, 2009, 06:46:37

When we had bird flu they culled the birds.
Now with swine flu they're culling pigs.
What happens with the next outbreak of Asian flu?
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: PurpleHeather on May 01, 2009, 07:08:33

When we had bird flu they culled the birds.
Now with swine flu they're culling pigs.
What happens with the next outbreak of Asian flu?

I think they are re-naming it Wight flu.

 Just for you..
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: pippy on May 01, 2009, 08:06:40
I wonder what the egyptians will do next time someone gets Man Flu ?? ;D ;D :o :o
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on May 01, 2009, 08:31:06

I think they are re-naming it Wight flu.

 Just for you..

Isle of Wight flu is really nasty. It's not fatal, it just makes you wish you were dead
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: flowerofshona2007 on May 01, 2009, 08:37:19
Im slightly concerned as i have foreign language students from all over the world and they all mix at school ! They have loads from Mexico every year and we have not been told that they are on hold until its cleared!
With international travel any virus that is strong enough has the potential to cause a pandemic.
Lets hope no more people die from it and western drugs keep it under control :)
We must remember people have died from this and left families behind.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: RobinOfTheHood on May 01, 2009, 11:20:29
BRITAIN'S small band of pork flu survivors can look forward to a hot, dry summer, the Met Office confirmed last night.

After the densely populated wash-outs of the last two years, experts said Britain's thinned-out herd will enjoy the 'perfect combination' of great weather and very short queues.

A Met Office spokeswoman said: "The roads will be nice and quiet and the beaches will be wonderfully empty.

"You'll also be able to help yourself to some nice salads and a bottle of rosé at the deserted supermarkets and then have your pick of the abandoned soft-tops in the car park."

She added: "The only slight problem we can foresee is the permanent and overwhelming stench of decaying flesh."

Emma Bradford, deputy editor of Good Housekeeping, said: "If all your friends are dead, just heave some corpses into your garden, put sunglasses on them and then prop them up à la Weekend at Bernie's, while hosting a ghoulish and macabre Sunday afternoon barbecue.

"Then you could circulate, topping up everyone's drinks while pretending that they're all laughing at your witty remarks and asking where you got your lovely new sandals.

"And as the afternoon melts into a warm summer evening, why not put on some music, grab that sexy neighbour of yours and drag his lifeless body round the lawn? There really are some wonderful memories just waiting to happen."

Meanwhile the government yesterday launched its pork flu information campaign underlining the fact that despite 2000 years of civilisation the people of Britain still have to be reminded to use a f**k**g hanky.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Columbus on May 01, 2009, 16:05:07
Meanwhile the government yesterday launched its pork flu information campaign underlining the fact that despite 2000 years of civilisation the people of Britain still have to be reminded to use a f**k**g hanky.

And there are pictures showing people how to wash their hands  ???

When we are travelling later in the year if other people are wearing face masks I`ll be an **** ole (person) wearing a face mask. I`m not worried by germs (although if people don`t know how to wipe and wash maybe I should be)
 .... I`m more worried by crazy people, I wouldn`t want to upset anyone by not wearing a mask.

And ... I wouldn`t want plane crazy  knowing I`d been getting some airmiles, so its a handy disguise.

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: zigzig on May 01, 2009, 19:10:45
I wonder what the egyptians will do next time someone gets Man Flu ?? ;D ;D :o :o

Never mind that. What will they do with tourist flu? It might mean that tourists can go round with out being hassled every 10 yards.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: caroline7758 on May 01, 2009, 21:18:43
I tried to ring the NHS helpline but I couldn't tell what they were saying-there was too much crackling on the line!  ;)
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Baaaaaaaa on May 02, 2009, 03:47:22

I think they are re-naming it Wight flu.

 Just for you..

Isle of Wight flu is really nasty. It's not fatal, it just makes you wish you were dead

And there's no Oinkment available to calm the rashers.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: PurpleHeather on May 02, 2009, 08:47:05
You Tube specials anyone?
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Paulines7 on May 02, 2009, 09:22:15
I tried to ring the NHS helpline but I couldn't tell what they were saying-there was too much crackling on the line!  ;)

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on May 02, 2009, 09:25:28
I see according to the bbc an outbreak of swine flu in the US in 1976 killed 1 person, and the vaccine killed 25
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Manouche on May 02, 2009, 20:48:17
Like Robin of the Hood say's ...switch off your televisions.

I agree.... get out to your gardens and allotments and concentrate on growing all that healthy food.

Life's a lottery enjoy it while you can.

Have a great weekend folks.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: terrier on May 03, 2009, 00:14:38
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Ishard on May 03, 2009, 07:27:53
Just to put the flu into perspective, more people have died by coconuts falling on their heads than as a result of this flu!

So as has already been suggested, go enjoy and keep that tele off. ;D

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Mushy Pea on May 03, 2009, 08:20:15
I like that one Terrier.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: chriscross1966 on May 03, 2009, 11:41:13
One good thing to come out of it (hopefully) will peopel will stop calling a cold "flu"..... I've had influenza and if nothing else I will never call a couple of days lying in bed zonked out on lemsip "flu" again..... I lost six weeks of my life and had to repeat a year of university, the second week I was basically delerious......that's flue.... it's a potentially lethal disease, a bad cold is just an annnoyance.....

On a more serious note it's just an H1N1 strain so lethality/morbidity isn't that high, it kills less than a percent of thoise infected a fair distance removed from the  2.5% that the 1918 pandemic managed.

One thought that proves what a bunch of idiots I live amongst..... I went to the supermarket on Friday as I was off camping that night with some mates.... A stadnard part of my camping equipment these days is a tube of alco-gel hand disinfectant.... except I couldn't get any for love nor money because it's all been bought by people who think they can stop transmission of an airbourne inhaled viral disease by using an antibacterial hand gel.......

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Ishard on May 03, 2009, 11:47:24
Weeeeell actually Chris washing hands is a major way to stop you getting a cold or flu. Ex nurse here ;)
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: chriscross1966 on May 03, 2009, 12:16:22
Weeeeell actually Chris washing hands is a major way to stop you getting a cold or flu. Ex nurse here ;)

Only if you sneeze on them ..... rhinovirus and influenza H1 strains last about 10 seconds on human skin if they're in direct contact, the normal bacteria that live on our skin will see them off..... My prediction for the likely outcome is that we'll see fewer people with food poisoning but it will make not a bit of difference to the flu..... biology graduate here, three months of genetics playing with salmonella, you soon lear to wash your hands properly doing that  :-X
More to the point people are confusing bacteria and viruses again..... I expect they're demanding antibiotics for every little sniffle...


Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Justy on May 03, 2009, 13:04:50
Ok even I admit my little panic is over. Looks like things are getting better in Mexico. Quote from the bbc website: "Globally more than 700 people are known to be infected."  Out of a population of 6 billion. Not sure it is really news anymore. 

Having said that I would still rather the powers that be jump up and overreact than do nothing.  If it had turned out to kill millions of people then we would all be saying why the hell didn't someone do something. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: DenBee on May 03, 2009, 14:12:05
Having said that I would still rather the powers that be jump up and overreact than do nothing.  If it had turned out to kill millions of people then we would all be saying why the hell didn't someone do something. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

I agree - if nothing else, it's good practice for the authorities.  In my region of the NHS, there's been a lot of activity regarding this.  Plus it also gives exta ammunition to our base's infection control lead, who in the past few months, every time she went to a meeting/training session, came back saying "We're overdue for a pandemic - it's going to happen you know".  :D
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: JIS on May 03, 2009, 20:04:36
I'm in hong kong at the moment, office is literally next door to the hotel where the guy died on friday. coming back to the uk and will be on the plot on tuesday - be sure to say hi  ;D

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: chriscross1966 on May 03, 2009, 21:05:03
I'm in hong kong at the moment, office is literally next door to the hotel where the guy died on friday. coming back to the uk and will be on the plot on tuesday - be sure to say hi  ;D


See you there then (

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Baaaaaaaa on May 04, 2009, 02:46:10
Ain't pigs supposed to be intelligent ?

If so why can't they develop their own flu remedy?
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Justy on May 21, 2009, 18:46:31
Swine flu has arrived in my village......

The brother of a girl in my son's class has come home from Mexico with swine flu!  Luckily the girl has not been into school all week since he arrived home and the men in white boiler suits have been and quarantined the whole family.

Apparently the school are sending home a letter tomorrow to say that the health authority have advised no action for the children at the moment.  I am pleased we have half term next week which should hopefully act as a bit of a 'fire break' for any potential spreading.

Still a bit worrying though - especially after my little panicky freak out a few weeks ago!     :(
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: cleo on May 21, 2009, 18:50:39
How many have died in America?-Check that against how many die from bog standard flu every year and it adds some perspective
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Justy on May 21, 2009, 18:58:08
I know, I really do and I am normally a rational, level headed person  :) but it is a bit scary when you know it is as close as your child's class.

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Kea on May 22, 2009, 18:09:29
So apparently the case in my local area is a 'sporadic' one. Which they say means the person in question has not been in contact with anyone known to have swine flu or to have recently travelled to/from Mexico. So it just occurred randomly in the middle of an outbreak of swine flu?
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Justy on July 13, 2009, 15:51:38
Well - I am off to Florida tomorrow and the whole swine flu thing is back in the news. Have to confess to feeling pretty stressed about it (particularly as I have a mum with 'underlying health issues'). Combined with my fear of flying I wish I was staying at home!
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: chriscross1966 on July 13, 2009, 16:03:48
At the moment the morbidity and mortality rates seem to be lower than run-of-the-mill flu (proper influenza, not just a bad cold) and the people it's carrying off are pretty typical for the average flu victim too.... It's flu, it kills people......

Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: BarriedaleNick on July 13, 2009, 16:15:07
Not bothered here.  I work at one of the first schools to shut in the UK with Swine Flu.  Press and cameras everywhere- mass panic - everyone being really sick after taking tamiflu.  In fact the Tamiflu was worse than the swine flu as those that had the flu were better by the time they were officially diagnosed.  

Normal flu deaths are around 12,000 a year so until this mutates again Im not that bothered..
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: labrat on July 14, 2009, 00:45:48
If the media reported seasonal influenza every year the way they have with swine flu they would have everyone in a state of panic and nervous wrecks. As everyone says seasonal influenza kills thousands every year.

My only concern is that the idiotic, witless politicians are messing around with the regulatory approval system to get a vaccine passed in only 5 days. If that actually happens and they intend to inoculate the whole country then there will be no chance in hell that I will allow anyone to inject me with something so poorly examined (pharmaceutical researcher here). It may sound harsh but the process of regulatory approval must be conducted at a normal pace and in a thorough manner regardless of any deaths that occur in the meantime (swine flu is already beyond containment so increasing number of infections is an inevitability regardless of fast tracking approval).
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: OllieC on July 14, 2009, 10:32:05
Suspected case in my daughter's nursery... Can't do much to avoid it if it is, and anyway it's better to get exposed early on, before the NHS gets overloaded in the winter & before it combines with bird flu.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: caroline7758 on July 14, 2009, 18:05:41
I must admit tobeing more worried nowthan previously, for two reasons:

1. The sister of someone at my place of work has swine flu, so it feels close and
2. Yes, lots of people die of flu every year, but not young people and children-that's scary as a mum.  :(
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: littlebabybird on July 14, 2009, 19:23:23
if you ring your dr (in my part of surrey)for an appointment, with a temp and a sore throat you will be diagnosed with swine flu and the whole family will be quarantined for 1 week.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: SamLouise on August 04, 2009, 11:54:05
The hot line people diagnosed my son with swine flu and gave him a code which we had to take to a hospital in the next town ...

... gets to hospital, cleaner says, "you here for tamiflu?". Affirmative. She points us in the direction of another grey building with two great big guys in black suits standing guard like something out of men in black.
"Please stop. Are you visiting anybody tonight?" Negative. "Are you here for tamiflu?" Affirmative. "We are closed, your next nearest point is Leyton Orient football ground"

So we head off to murderville and get there about 8pm. Pharmacist asks for ID so I show him. I need your son's ID he says. I don't have it, I said. Can't give you the stuff without it, he says. But we have the same surname and I can prove our address which will match your records, I wail. Like to help but I can't, he says. But I've come all the way from ***** (30 odd miles) I bellow. Sorry, nothing I can do, he says. So we b**ger off back home without it.

<insert several nasty frustrated swear words in here>

Edit - and the most annoying thing about it all is how my son doesn't seem to have swine flu at all!
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Busby on August 04, 2009, 12:57:34
We are allowing ourselves to be misused by the pharmaceutical industries which surround us.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: RobinOfTheHood on August 04, 2009, 13:45:28
We are allowing ourselves to be misused by the pharmaceutical industries which surround us.

Very, very true.

My colleague was speaking to his doctor friend at the weekend,who said that no way should he (my colleague) give Tamiflu to his kids, and that he would never give it to his own.

As well as being ineffective, it has lots of side effects, including delerium and in a few cases suicide. Japanese officials banned its use for teenagers in 2007; look up the side effects for yourself before you add to the drug companies' profits, and put your child at more risk. I certainly will not allow my boys to have it if they get the disease.

Of course, the drug companies themselves have produced reports that deny the side effects.... ::)
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: BarriedaleNick on August 04, 2009, 14:21:10
I can tell you from first hand experience that Tamiflu can be horrendous.
I work at a school that was one of the first to close and we had some horrible experiences with tamiflu which everyone was given.
Two workmates fell asleep (sitting upright) in their lunch hours, I crashed my car, mad murderous vivid dreams all round, vomiting, delerium - I had to stop taking them as I couldn't function.

Of course if people were dropping like flies then I might change my mind but as it stands I wont be taking that again. 
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: Unwashed on August 04, 2009, 15:32:16
Two workmates fell asleep (sitting upright) in their lunch hours, I crashed my car, mad murderous vivid dreams all round, vomiting, delerium - I had to stop taking them as I couldn't function.
Did you have flu?
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: RobinOfTheHood on August 04, 2009, 16:08:36
Two workmates fell asleep (sitting upright) in their lunch hours, I crashed my car, mad murderous vivid dreams all round, vomiting, delerium - I had to stop taking them as I couldn't function.
Did you have flu?

You wanna be careful with a name like that. The swine flu police will be knocking on your door soon with a bath full of alcohol gel and a box of tissues.
Title: Re: Is anyone worried about swine flu?
Post by: BarriedaleNick on August 04, 2009, 16:24:36
Two workmates fell asleep (sitting upright) in their lunch hours, I crashed my car, mad murderous vivid dreams all round, vomiting, delerium - I had to stop taking them as I couldn't function.
Did you have flu?

Nope no flu for me but as we were one of the first outbrakes I figure there was a bit of an over reaction.  I think 11 pupils had it in total.
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