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Produce => Edible Plants => Topic started by: starting out on April 23, 2009, 13:24:11

Title: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: starting out on April 23, 2009, 13:24:11
I am becoming increasingly frustrated at the number of seedlings keeling over after I have planted them from a seed tray into a pot. My last lot is my broccoli, I took some out of a seed tray and put into little pots to grow on a bit before I plant them out and they have all now keeled over apart from 2. What am I doing wrong? Its driving me mad.
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: chriscross1966 on April 23, 2009, 13:34:38
It's probably a lot better to start off using modules. They have a number of seperate cells and fit into the same sized things as seed trays. For small seeds put 1 or 2 seeds into each module of a 40 or 60 module packonce the seedling has properly rooted (a couple or more true leaves then push the plug out of the module with a dowel and holding the seedling by a true leaf (don't try to pick it up by the stem) put it into a bigger ot to grow on.... use 24-modules for things like sweetcorn and peas and 15-module for beans. Also it's a good idea to water in with Cheshunt compound when you sow and again when you pot on, it stops damping off running rampant.

Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: thifasmom on April 23, 2009, 13:35:28
are you handling the stem or the seed leaves? the stem at this stage is very easily damaged. try and ease the seedlings out with a pencil or an equivalent shaped tool and support the seedling with the tool while transferring from one area to the next.

are you getting all the roots out? and are you possibly overwatering because they could be damping off due too to much water?
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: Bjerreby on April 23, 2009, 13:37:11
Pricking out i always brutal to seedlings, so you have to be very considerate to them.

I always water them before breaking open the clump to separate them. It helps it to fall apart without tearing at the roots.

Another thing is never to hold the seedlings by their stems. Lift them by holding one of the first seedling leaves. And don't prick out before they have one or two adult leaves forming.

I have a problem with transplanted seedlings toppling over, and I find earthing the stems up a bit extra helps.

Finally, I avoid sowing in trays because it involves disturbing the roots. Where possible, I sow in modules. For larger plants, I use sawn off juice cartons with no bottom; I stuff them with my own sowing compost, and when they are big enough to plant out, the juice carton simply slips off leaving a lovely root clump undisturbed, ready to pt in a hole.

I hope this helps....
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: reddyreddy on April 23, 2009, 13:46:09
I am useless at pricking out too so I sow in biodegradable modules or loo rolls cut in hald and stuffed with compost, this way the whole lot can be planted without disturbing the roots. Good luck!!
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: starting out on April 23, 2009, 13:49:07
Thank you all very much.

Initially we were growing in modules but seemed to lose a lot then too. It appears we have been moving them far to early as we were worried they wouldnt have enough room. We gave up on modules then and tried the seed trays. Again I think we have moved them too soon and have done it completely wrong anyway as I was easing the whole seedling out with a tool and probably holding the stem too before dropping in into another pot. I now realise I probably need to water well then break the clumps up in the seed tray and report the clumps. Not sure how to deal with seedlings that are too close together though so would appreciate any advice there.

Love the juice carton idea and wondering if the small milk carton the nursery uses would be ok to use for germinating and leaving the seedling in this until it has grown and is ready to be planted then doing the same as with the juice carton. I can get loads of these.

So it seems I need to ignore the hubby and his ideas that they need to be repotted so early and just forget about them apart from the general day to day care.

I have also used loo roll tubes for some carrots and planted these out at the weekend and they were great, they never flackered at all and are still going strong. Only problem is I cant get enough tubes :)
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: thifasmom on April 23, 2009, 14:06:26
I have also used loo roll tubes for some carrots and planted these out at the weekend and they were great, they never flackered at all and are still going strong. Only problem is I cant get enough tubes :),48440.0.html (,48440.0.html)
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: starting out on April 23, 2009, 14:14:14
I made a load with newspapers too and these were also planted at the weekend. I dont buy newspapers though so it was just some that I scrounged.  ;D
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: SPUDLY on April 23, 2009, 15:15:58
Try using loo roll tubes for everything you set. If you cannot get enough, ask all family and friends to save them for you. For bigger plants (sweetcorn, runner beans) use newspaper pots. This way you dont disturb the plant, or its roots, and just set the whole thing into the ground. I used seeds trays for everything when i started, and found that when it came time to plant on into bigger pots it stuned the plant for about two weeks until it found its feet again.
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: 1066 on April 23, 2009, 15:46:18
Lots of good advice here. I found transpanting a pain as well, and I think a bit of trial and error went on, and still trying to get it right.
I found using the end of an old teaspoon to poke/ pull the seedlings out of the trays a useful and handy tool!
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on April 23, 2009, 15:47:37
I always let seedlings get well away before I try to move them, and that's most of the battle. Handle them very carefully, by the leaves, and water them into the new pots well.

Where  I have problems is with plants that don't like being disturbed, won't grow a second leaf until the second year, and need something longer-term than seed compost! It's home-made compost for my Trilliums in future.
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: sunloving on April 23, 2009, 20:09:12
what they said but also i find really helps is not watering from above into the cells

so find an old tray at the car boot and place your seedling tray in this and fill the tray with water, or if no time for this direct the water at the partitions of your modules rather than the seedling.
This stops the water flattening the seedling to the soil and letting the fungus spores get at them.

Good luck x sunloving
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: Eristic on April 23, 2009, 21:00:11
Apart from making mistakes, most of you seem to be suffering a bad case of fear and trepidation. The way I bang my seedlings apart and throw into trays it's a wonder anything grows.

Can I suggest that anyone struggling with potting on should get some bogoff radish or cabbage seed and use them for practice. Not so many years ago, women earned a living this time of the year pricking out seedlings all day long. Blink and there was another tray done.
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: lewic on April 23, 2009, 21:04:39
Not so many years ago, women earned a living this time of the year pricking out seedlings all day long

Yikes. I am suddenly starting to see the attraction of working in McDonalds. Or standing on a street corner selling my wares. Have to say that pricking out is not my favorite job, and next year I will be buying many more plug plants, as these seem rather more resiliant and less hassle.
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: upnorth on April 23, 2009, 21:11:19
I grow in trays  then re-pot into vending machine clear coffee cups plenty of room for seedling to grow before planting out  no chance of damage to root I get good supply of new cups from work
Regards steve
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: Digeroo on April 23, 2009, 21:24:10
I have some little plug trays which came with some little plants from Tesco.  Had them for years, but would like to buy some more.  They have straight triangular sided and I manage to insert a pointed knife into the plug tray and  gently pull out the plant, it can then be inserted in the pot in which I have poked a hole.  I fiind it possible to move the plant without touching it at all.

What surprises me is how large the seedling can become in such a small amount of soil,

I also have tried more planting the seeds directly into the pots in the first place, if nothing comes up I simply use the pot again for something else, that seems to get the orginal one into action.  

Does anyone know where you can buy plug trays?

Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: Hector on April 23, 2009, 21:30:07

Does anyone know where you can buy plug trays?

I got some recently in B&Q...bright green!
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: Digeroo on April 23, 2009, 21:43:47
Thanks Hector I will give them a try, need to match the shape of the plugs to the shape of the knife blade,
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: Hector on April 23, 2009, 21:47:08
I will take a picture for you, tomorrow after work?
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: George the Pigman on April 23, 2009, 22:09:35
Well I get a lot of problems trying to grow seeds in the ground so I grow most of my veg in seed trays, root trainers or modules. I think you need to let them get a good root system before moving them . If they have that they can withstand any movement more easily. Sow them relatively thinly and transplant when there are getting a bit overcrowded.
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: kt. on April 24, 2009, 00:08:59
Sow seeds in compost without added feed.  The feed can sometimes be too rich for the seed and once it germinates it then dies due to being scorched, (if the seed has not been scorched first).  Then go on to use compost with feed when you transplant the seedlings.  I only found this out this year.  I have hardly lost any seedlings since doing this.

Apart from pricking out too early - are you watering the seedlings from above?  This can sometimes be too much for the plant and rots the stem.  Or it could be the water on the top is not reaching the roots - which will also cause the death of the seedlings.  Try placing the trays of seedlings on a large tray with some water in the bottom for them to soak up.  (This is also a good recovery method for droopy seedlings and plants)
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: PurpleHeather on April 24, 2009, 09:46:43
I think that you are breaking the stems because you have far too many seeds in, then letting then get too big and tangled so can not separate them easily

Practise makes perfect, keep trying:-

Try this with cabbage or cauliflower seeds.

Put some seeds no more than 20 in an ordinary flower pot.

When they are nearly 2 inches tall, lay the flower pot on it's side and slide it off.

Gently separate the contents and plant them up. Use one of those plastic labels instead of your fingers.  See if that works for you
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: starting out on April 24, 2009, 10:21:36
Thats great, I shall try everything that has been suggested.

I agree I am doing it far too early and I am also watering from the top so will have a look for some trays so I can water from the bottom. This may also solve my problem of watering whilst on holiday. If I fill the trays up I will monitor how long the water lasts and see how long my seedlings can be left without need for a neighbour to water them.

Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: Eristic on April 24, 2009, 12:59:34
Here's a quick picture guide of the process.

First take a nice potful of seedlings. Some folk advise waiting for two true leaves to grow but my experience is that any time after the cotyledons have fully opened is fine.


Depot the clump and smack it firmly onto the work surface to loosen the soil ball.


Divide the rootball into sucessively smaller portions until you can easily pull individual plants away.


Never hold a plant by the stem. This image shows a murder in progress.


Hold seedling by a cotyledon. Sometimes they break. If plant is expensive, take more care otherwise plant or reject according to how many you want.


Make holes in receiving compost using a cane or similar object.

Guide plant into hole using stick if needed.

The result. Water well and by tomorrow they will all be standing nice and straight.

After about three days I begin to feed mine according to plant requirements. This amounts to scattering chicken manure pellets in the box.
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: starting out on April 24, 2009, 13:22:25
Eristic thank you very much for the images. I have a tray of broccoli that im going to try it with and I will keep well away from the stems. Hopefully ill have more success now I realise where I have been going wrong.

Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: Hector on April 24, 2009, 20:15:49
Thanks Hector I will give them a try, need to match the shape of the plugs to the shape of the knife blade,

ok, here's the B&Q ones

Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: littlebabybird on April 24, 2009, 20:39:36
ok i know i'm sad but i love pricking out.
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: Twoflower on April 24, 2009, 20:42:35
ok i know i'm sad but i love pricking out.

 me to ;D
Title: Re: How do I plant seedlings without killing them
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on April 24, 2009, 22:48:57
That's pretty much how I do it except that I'd never use seedlings that size! The only difference is that some plants like toms, which root from buried stems, and sweet corn, which needs to be planted deep to stop it falling over, go into the pot first, and I hold them upright while I add compost around them.
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