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General => The Shed => Topic started by: saddad on March 28, 2009, 19:21:32

Title: Blocking
Post by: saddad on March 28, 2009, 19:21:32
Shame that TGG seems to want to clog up the site as he can't get along with anybody... All of these could be interesting threads, but all at once... are we really to believe he is a "Newbie" and not our previous TGG...  :-\
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: ceres on March 28, 2009, 19:26:10
Have a look here: (

I wondered if Dan had put him on moderation until he's made n civilised posts hence the rash of 'what variety' posts?
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: Al37 on March 28, 2009, 19:28:41
Think your right saddad.
I have resisted the urge to reply as these pests tend to get bored and disappear when they are ignored.
suppose you could compare it to any garden, no matter how good the garden is we always end up with the odd weed ;D
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: saddad on March 28, 2009, 19:30:50
The difference is I quite like, and even encourage some weeds.. Pity he isn't as elusive as my "scarlet pimpernel"  ;D
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: Al37 on March 28, 2009, 19:33:04
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: Flighty on March 28, 2009, 19:40:39
I agree! I usually ignore him so I'll stop replying to his posts and go back to doing that. I hope that everyone else does the same as I'm sure that's the only way he'll get fed up and go elsewhere.
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: plainleaf2 on March 28, 2009, 20:40:12
flighty i will be posting on this forum for many years  to come.  So maybe you and others can be civil instead of acting like small children,yobs, and chavs.
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: saddad on March 28, 2009, 20:43:06
Could someone translate that into proper English for me...  ::)
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: SPUDLY on March 29, 2009, 00:46:10
Being quite new to this site i think i have missed the joke ???
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: lewic on March 29, 2009, 08:50:48
Being quite new to this site i think i have missed the joke

Seems this person has been on various gardening websites posting comments along the lines of "what a rubbish greenhouse youve got, mines better" and "my cabbages are bigger than yours, na na na ner ner".

I suspect they have NPD which is generally incurable as the person will never admit they are in need of help. So perhaps we should feel sorry for him/her.

Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on March 29, 2009, 10:16:06
Narcissistic Personality Disorder? You mean they think they're a daffodil?
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: rosebud on March 29, 2009, 12:07:56
 Please can we just drop this & just ignore. So much easier.
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: Eristic on March 29, 2009, 12:09:46
Narcissistic Personality Disorder? You mean they think they're a daffodil

Not any old daffodil but the tallest, fattest, heaviest daffodil ever created.

Please can we just drop this & just ignore. So much easier.

Why? This is the Shed where humour and pisstaking is all part of the fun. Life is no good without a bit of fun.

I appreciate that it is not politically correct to take the piss out of sick people but it is still entertaining.
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on March 29, 2009, 13:04:44
where would we be if we couldn't have a laugh now and then?

Aberdeen, probably
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: Hyacinth on March 29, 2009, 13:16:03
where would we be if we couldn't have a laugh now and then?

Aberdeen, probably


 ;) ;D ;D ;D

Well g'won peeps, that was funny!!
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: SPUDLY on March 29, 2009, 17:15:37
Thanks Lewic,

I've got the picture now ;)
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: redimp on March 29, 2009, 17:20:20
Please can we just drop this & just ignore. So much easier.
Trouble is Rosebud, those of us who do ignore can never build momentum because nobody notices us ;D
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: nextgridgardener on March 29, 2009, 18:49:52
 redclanger maybe if you had useful info to add to the conversation instead of offtopic prattle. this board would be a better place.
I still can not understand why you and others insist on attacking other posters and posting offtopic on other peoples threads, but I guess that is why you all got banned or left the bbc garden boards. guess you all just can not learn how play nice.

Ps I guess you, also don't understand that those you talk about  on a public message board, can read what you post about them.
psps ttfn
pspps when you attack others. they may respond in kind.
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: lushy86 on March 29, 2009, 18:58:32
Surely if peeps want to have a laugh at that idiot's expense it is up to them.  I've read lots of his threads and they are totally bonkers - but if you don't like it you don't have to join in

So TGG is now  plainleaf, plainleaf2. thegridgardener and now nextgridgardener then!   ::) ::) ::) :P
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: saddad on March 29, 2009, 19:01:27
He clearly has a split personality... and to quote the bard from Salford (John Cooper Clarke) "I hate both of them" or probably all five...  ???
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: rosebud on March 29, 2009, 19:08:44
  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  Yes!!! 5 now , well i give up , as someone PMd , & said have a good laugh , instead of argueing with him. ;D ;D

I also suspect another poster of having a double as well. The way they answer just gives them away!!!!!, you know who you are don`t you. :P
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: Baccy Man on March 29, 2009, 19:11:03
Everyone else can get by with just the one account but trolls eventally realise that people use the ignore button so they create additional accounts so their new posts will be viewed by everyone in the hope of getting a reaction out of the people who had previously chosen to ignore them.

A general reminder while on the subject of trolls.
As well as the ignore button there is a 'report to moderator' button for any offensive/inappropriate posts & 'report to admin' button for offensive/inappropriate PMs.
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: nextgridgardener on March 29, 2009, 19:13:22
to bad you and others don't know that you are  the idiots.
Your freind cleo on tomato thread even admitted it.
But since you have nothing better to do, then posting off topic and uninteresting prattle.
I challenge you to actually post garden related posts on garden plant related threads. Since I do not beleive; you are  capable of do this simple skill. But I could be wrong but I doubt it; from what I can see from your previous posts you all might want to see a mental health prossional or self commit yourselves.

Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: lushy86 on March 29, 2009, 19:20:30
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

LMAO!!  Barking - woof woof!

 ;D ;D

Rosebud - give us a clue    ???  ;)

Lushy x
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: valmarg on March 29, 2009, 19:25:17
to bad you and others don't know that you are  the idiots.
Your freind cleo on tomato thread even admitted it.
But since you have nothing better to do, then posting off topic and uninteresting prattle.
I challenge you to actually post garden related posts on garden plant related threads. Since I do not beleive; you are  capable of do this simple skill. But I could be wrong but I doubt it; from what I can see from your previous posts you all might want to see a mental health prossional or self commit yourselves.


If in your opinion I'm an idiot, I'm quite happy to be so assessed.

You are a very sad sod.  You enjoy nothing more than upsetting decent honest UK gardeners.

'Since I do not beleive' - learn to spell will you ducky.

I think you are the one in need of seeking the help of a 'mental health prossional'.

If you've got nothing better to do, just sod off.

Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: dtw on March 29, 2009, 19:44:28
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: saddad on March 29, 2009, 20:00:00
A song dedicated to TGG and all his personas...

Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: lushy86 on March 29, 2009, 20:05:42
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Brilliant saddad, thanks for the link......

lushy x
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: RSJK on March 29, 2009, 20:41:12
do you know you could do a spell check on here TGG or are you " 2 fick " to use it
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: posie on March 29, 2009, 21:23:42
Glad I found this thread, it's given me a chuckle after a really lousy week lol!  ;D  Think I might create a new username..........thegoodgraciousmegardener   ;D
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: lolabelle on March 29, 2009, 21:25:30
Sounds good to me ;D
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: Hyacinth on March 29, 2009, 21:27:55
I'm gonna be TheEternalOptimist....

quite sad, really - do I never learn?

Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: posie on March 29, 2009, 21:31:04
Well as I have the nicknames of polly and posie, how about goodgollymisspolly or dozymcposie (cos the painkillers are making me v sleepy!)  ;D
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: lushy86 on March 29, 2009, 21:44:36
I might be BlindBambi - coz I've got no eye deer!  ;D ;D

Lushy x

Maybe we should start a new thread on this??
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: saddad on March 29, 2009, 21:50:56
Then I can be LameBlindBambi ... with still no idea...  ;D
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: Toadspawn on March 29, 2009, 22:00:32
He/she/it has multiple personnalities on the BBC boards asking lots of inane questions, being very critical of answers and getting upset if anyone dares to do the same to him/her/it.
At times it can be quite amusing but mostly annoying and just like a pernicious weed should be drowned in Roundup.
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: Eristic on March 29, 2009, 22:20:15
Ps I guess you, also don't understand that those you talk about  on a public message board, can read what you post about them

Well of course we understand. What would be the point in calling tgg a complete and utter plonker if he couldn't see the message. Mind you seeing the message and getting the message are two different things.

The main point of this thread is to alert new and genuine readers to the fact that the narcissusistic oversized daffodil masquerades under many different names but is still just a stupid kid. The second point is to get the information permanently archived via Google so that the whole world gets the message for ever more that thegreatgardener and his many clones is not a fit person to be employed.

But when all is said and done silly children are a constant source of amusement.
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: Jeannine on March 29, 2009, 22:38:13
Ah Bless... he is here again..poor old soul...and so many names, maybe the memory is as bad as everything else so he has to keep getting new names.

I no longer talk to him direct  but will correct his rubbish comments as some newbies  just might not know what he is.

He has been a busy little boy today.

 As ia said earlier the warm weather brings them all out.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: Jeannine on March 29, 2009, 22:43:23
Bu the way.. arguing on the net is nothing like Special Olympics. I was the Tricity chair of the  board for three cities in Canada with almost 400 athletes and 200+ volunteers in my care, I am a Floor Hockey coach too, there is nothing so great as watching the  win..and it doesn't matter who comes second, they are all happy. When I get back to Canada in 2 weeks I am going back to work with them again.

The picture(not the words of course) made my day

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: ACE on March 29, 2009, 22:54:41
If you really want to be amused try googling . towerlightning, markferon, thegridgardener, thegreatgardener, also as you see he has added a couple more here. Sometimes he even anwers some of his own questions with his different names.

Loads of other forums either side of the pond have him sussed and his tiresome ramblings just go on the  ignore button.

I do not find it amusing at all on A4A and just wish you would all ignore him and pm any newbies to make them aware of the situation.

It could be that his keepers have given him a computor to play with and do not realise that he is lacking in the social skills that go with being an internet poster. ( I know, I know, Pot, kettle, black)

Please let it all go an- answered before we all start on each other again when he starts stirring, because that could also be the way  he gets his rocks off.
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: rosebud on March 30, 2009, 22:26:20
 Yes i agree with Ace about this. Lets do it.
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: saddad on March 30, 2009, 22:36:34
Fine by me...  :)
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: redimp on March 30, 2009, 23:09:05
I have been and will continue to do so.

PS for the record, I only have one identity.
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: Pesky Wabbit on March 31, 2009, 04:58:00

I also suspect another poster of having a double as well. The way they answer just gives them away!!!!!, you know who you are don`t you. :P

What ...

you mean ...

surly not ...


Corny and Ace.         Well I never.

Tell me their not ...

No they can't be ...

Really ...

Well, I'm as shocked as the rest of you.  ;D

Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: asbean on March 31, 2009, 09:38:00

 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: ACE on March 31, 2009, 16:29:49
Do you mean when the voices start talking to me I reply in a crafty cockney accent, tell old jokes and drive around in one of these.


Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: redimp on March 31, 2009, 18:11:03
Sussed - just looked on this thread:,50301.msg496801.html#new
Rosebud and tomatoada are one and the same ;D ;)
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: cornykev on March 31, 2009, 19:15:25
Me and the island hill billy the same aaaaaahhhh. I buy a small compact car for the missus to save the planet and the black gang chine redneck drives around in a gas guzzler creating havok and chasing sheep all day in it, then the poor buggers are too tired to say no. :P  ;)  :-*  I reckon its JRP and Ollie.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D   PS I quite like the colour Ace it looks quite nippy. :-X
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: flossy on March 31, 2009, 19:54:44

   Bit arsed about all this, agree with posts about  T,G,G, etc , but   ---- 

   don't you see he brings out the worst in us ?

   The picture of a Downs Syndrome lad runing the race of his life [ can't find the poster ]

   and introduce him on a site with ' that ' person  --  just aint on !

   Sorry upset'

Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: cleo on March 31, 2009, 20:07:42
Aha-I should have looked here then-it`s just that I read a PM and posted

What a thingy-its pathetic really

Why come to a gardening board to cause trouble??-maybe face book would`nt have it??
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: cornykev on March 31, 2009, 20:15:15
I quite like the fella.  :-X      ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: tonybloke on March 31, 2009, 21:29:01
are these 2 the same?,50288.0.html
rosebud and hyacynth?
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: THE MASTER on March 31, 2009, 22:06:44
it is posable to trace a poster. via the IP ADDRESS.

there is more to this site than a normal member can see . there is an admin section than can ID a poster comming from the same computor. inother words a name can be changed but the IP ADDRESS does not change.

im sure the ip addy can be blocked on most sites .
perhaps the adim bods can tell you more on how they do it on A4A
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: posie on March 31, 2009, 22:28:14
Some internet service providers do not provide static ip addresses.  I know this because my brothers one changes each time he logs onto the internet, can't remember who he's with off the top of my head.
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: Baccy Man on March 31, 2009, 22:36:57
Tracing the IP simply takes you back to the ISP not the account holder without a court order no ISP will reveal the identity of an account holder, although a complaint could be lodged with the ISP who may decide the account holder has breached their terms & suspend or close their account.

An IP ban is an ineffective way of banning as the majority of people have a dynamic IP address so a person can simply restart their router and they will get a new IP, thus getting around any IP ban easily. Even if they did have a static IP address there are millions of proxy servers they can use.

Email bans are similarly ineffective as people can just register with an alternate email address.

If people want to make a nuisance of themselves there is rarely a quick solution.
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: runnerbean on March 31, 2009, 22:39:04
I have to agree, m
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: THE MASTER on March 31, 2009, 22:45:19
interesting info Baccy Man
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: Pesky Wabbit on April 01, 2009, 01:29:45
Or could it be Lishka and Hyacinth.  ???

I reckon one is the altered ego of the other, but can't work out which is which.

All i know is that if Lishka is deprived of choclit, she turns into that buckit woman.


Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: hellohelenhere on April 01, 2009, 01:39:52
I'm with ACE and Rosebud and Redclanger, and everyone else who says 'ignore'. He only does it to get attention and wind people up - threads like this are precisely what he's after. Presumably.
We should just report any new manifestations to Dan for banning, click the lovely 'Ignore' button for all the existing IDs, and never mention him otherwise, except to privately warn newbies. That way, no reward for the troll...
Title: Re: Blocking
Post by: THE MASTER on April 01, 2009, 03:39:53
life is to sort to worry about these matters , just get your spade out and Berry your troubles. (pun intended)
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