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Produce => Non Edible Plants => Topic started by: Palustris on September 10, 2004, 21:46:16

Title: Camassia quamash
Post by: Palustris on September 10, 2004, 21:46:16
Have got lots of these in the garden and I know that one splits them in March/April. But having got a 100 new bulbs to plant, I cannot find any advice on when to plant these. Any ideas?
Title: Re:Camassia quamash
Post by: Jesse on September 10, 2004, 22:14:14 ( Plant in Autumn.

Very pretty aren't they.
Title: Re:Camassia quamash
Post by: Palustris on September 11, 2004, 10:42:58
Thank-you. But when is Autumn? Daffodils should be planted now, tulips in late October, both in Autumn. Too early and they may rot and too late and they get damaged in storage. I will plant them now and see what happens. Tis my poor memory, for the life of me I cannot remember when I planted the rest of them in the other areas of the garden.
They are easier to grow than Agapanthus and much tougher too, but very similar in flower.
Title: Re:Camassia quamash
Post by: Jesse on September 11, 2004, 13:08:26
If it's any help they say early autumn so I guess sooner rather than later. I planted all my bulbs this week (tulips, daffodils, crocuses, Scilla Siberica, Camassia cusickii, Dog tooth violet, snowdrops) and all the packs say to plant from August onwards (even the Camassia cusickii) so hopefully they will all be okay, didn't know tulips should go in a bit later, although they are in pots so hopefully will stay a bit dryer than the others.
Title: Re:Camassia quamash
Post by: Lady Cosmos on September 12, 2004, 10:24:35
Planting time for all camassia is the end of September and October.
7-10cm deep, distance 10-20cm.
In the winter put some leaves on top for protecting. Camassia quamash will be perfect in may-june.
Title: Re:Camassia quamash
Post by: Palustris on September 12, 2004, 15:27:52
THank you. I now remember that last time we planted them we potted them up first so that they could be used to fill in gaps.
Title: Re:Camassia quamash
Post by: Mrs Ava on September 12, 2004, 22:39:24
ooooo, very pretty.  I am frequently suprised by bulbs and how many simply stunning and quite fragile looking flowering bulbs there are that are happy in our gardens.

Where are you planting them Eric??
Title: Re:Camassia quamash
Post by: Palustris on September 13, 2004, 18:28:12
The Camassia are to be the bluebells in our New Forest, Snowdrops are to be Leucojum vernale, if I can get the seedlings to grow on to flowering size. The daffodils are Ice Follies, the tulips are Queen of the Night. There are also lots of Galtonia both green and white flowered. If the mice do not eat them we are hoping to get a large number of Crocus thommasinianus in to flower as early as possible. Could look good or disastrous, we shall see.
Title: Re:Camassia quamash
Post by: campanula on September 14, 2004, 18:31:30
um eric, sounds lovely
i am also going to plant camassia in our new 'meadow' this year. i have been popping lots of crocus in around a cherry tree and will also be adding loads of other spring bulbs, especially fritillaries. Then sowing grass and wildflower mix. I am also sowing a number of small hardy annuals which i will plant in spring in our meadow. The first year will mainly be a mix of bulbs and cornfield annuals with a few perennials in but i am also adding stuff like yellow rattle, eyebright and lots of species tulips. especially batalini, linifolia and humilis types. Hoping that next year, i get a lovely meadow area around our cherry having just made a willow tree seat with a chamomile top (although i suspect the chamomile will end up being substituted for turf). In my dreams, this will be perfect whereas in reality, who knows?
worth a go though!
cheers, suzy
have not planted camassia yet, will wait till end of month when i do the grass and flower mix (and hope the timing is OK)
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