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Produce => Wildlife forum => Topic started by: Plot69 on March 08, 2009, 14:29:29

Title: Spawn anyone?
Post by: Plot69 on March 08, 2009, 14:29:29
My little pond is just one heaving mass of jelly.

Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: froglets on March 08, 2009, 15:53:35
oooooh lucky you.  I have 3 pairs in lurrrrve in my pond but no spawn yet
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: Little Bee on March 08, 2009, 15:57:46
Are you sure you haven't accidentally tipped swell gel in there,the water retaining crystals LOL :o ;D
Have seen a little activity and heard the odd croak but no spawn as yet ::)
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: lavenderlux on March 08, 2009, 16:28:53
The pond on our allotment wildlife area was heaving with frogs this morning and we fully expect to see some spawn within a day or two. 
Last year we had the first frog spawn on 27 February.
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: Plot69 on March 08, 2009, 17:03:50
I may build a small pond down the plot by my shed and transfer some spawn to it. There isn't a lot of surface area left in my little pond for them to lay in, they'll soon be laying upwards.
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: lavenderlux on March 10, 2009, 08:07:39
Three lots of spawn yesterday morning - by yesterday late afternoon another four lots.
Unfortunately the Crows have discovered our pond and are taking the frogs, at least two frogs killed yesterday afternoon by the Crows
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: froglets on March 10, 2009, 09:12:20
Bad news here,  I had to fish a dead frog out from the bottom of my pond and no others to be seen.  Fingers crossed the others are either hiding out of sight at the bottom or will come back in now the dead oe has been removed.
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on March 10, 2009, 16:19:15
You always get dead frogs when they're spawning. The males get a bit overenthusiastic and a few females get suffocated.
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: saddad on March 10, 2009, 16:33:53
First yesterday, loads today...  :)
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: Plot69 on March 10, 2009, 18:39:55
I've got LOADS of frog spawn, always have had. So just out of curiosity, has anyone got any toad spawn or seen any toads?
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: shirlton on March 10, 2009, 18:50:13
Our toadspawn usually comes after the frogs. Had to get a frog off one of the carp yesterday. Bloomin nuisance they are when they do that. I think they just grab hold of anything when they are ruttin
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: Plot69 on March 10, 2009, 19:58:27
I think they just grab hold of anything when they are ruttin

Don't we all  ::)
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: grannyjanny on March 10, 2009, 20:23:22
We went to our local farm supply shop today to get pallets for fencing, while unloading in the carport we saw 2 frogs at it on my door mat. Just wish I had a pond.
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: honeybee on March 10, 2009, 21:34:44
I had a good check in the pond today, but so far nothing, its usually there any time now, so I will just have to keep a watch out.
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: hippydave on March 10, 2009, 21:38:51
got my first spawn today a nice big football sized spawning and there must be 40 pairs and numerous other frogs still waiting to pair so should have a pond full very soon i hope. ;D
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: Baccy Man on March 10, 2009, 22:59:45
Frogs have been spawning on & off for a few weeks. First few of this years tadpoles have emerged & are trying to make a dent in the algae. Newts put in an appearance 3 weeks ago & are currently feasting on the new tadpoles. There are still a few of last years tadpoles although I only see them on warm days they disappear into the murky depths if it's cold. There are at least 3 toads in the garden, no toadspawn yet but 1 very plump toad has taken up residence amongst the reeds in the pond so it probably won't be long now. Strangely I haven't actually seen many frogs this year just clumps of spawn appearing every few days but my neighbours 2 doors down who are never happy unless they are complaining have commented on numerous occasions about the amount of noise emanating from my pond at ungodly hours of the night so I assume the frogs are definitely there. Got a visit yesterday from a friend of mine who works in the Environmental Health department informing me that said neighbours have complained about noise pollution & want my pond filled in which he seemed to find quite amusing, I suggested he tells them if they object to the noise they should move back to Birmingham... well words to that effect anyway.
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: shirlton on March 11, 2009, 08:11:04
Don't send the miserable sods back ere. If they do return then the noise from our pool can be heard all over Brum. BTW  not all us brummies are miserable mate
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: thifasmom on March 11, 2009, 09:31:17
people complain about the most stupid of things ::), why don't they try closing their windows.
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: Mark /\ on March 11, 2009, 22:54:27
Not got any spawn yet. I've had 2 lonely males for about 2 weeks now.

Starting to think I won't get any this year as last year I had 4 lots from 1st march onwards
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: saddad on March 11, 2009, 23:05:34
Anyday now then Mark.... mine was about a fortnight later this year.  :)
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: hopalong on March 11, 2009, 23:43:10
Frogs have been moving around in my pond for a couple of weeks now, but no sign of spawn yet.  Much later than last year. Worked on a friend's garden this afternoon and he had frogs lying on top of each other in his pond, motionless, and no sign of spawn either.
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: saddad on March 12, 2009, 07:39:45
Just "having a rest" Hopalong... go back and check for spawn at the weekend...  ;D
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on March 12, 2009, 08:55:19
people complain about the most stupid of things ::), why don't they try closing their windows.

They're taking the mickey; a pondful of frogs doesn't produce that much noise.
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: thifasmom on March 12, 2009, 09:43:14
my neighbour has loads over two weeks now, and i aint got any yet :'(, the most i have seen is one young/ half grown frog swimming in one of my ponds. I know they visit because last year we had what look like mating pair but the didn't produce anything. i feel really sad that they aren't breeding in my ponds :'(.
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: Georgie on March 14, 2009, 14:56:42
Remember the little pond I put in a few weeks back?  Look what I found in it this morning.   ;D

G x


Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: OllieC on March 14, 2009, 15:16:00
I suggested he tells them if they object to the noise they should move back to Birmingham... well words to that effect anyway.

Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: betula on March 14, 2009, 15:17:31

How lucky are you?Well done ;D
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: Georgie on March 14, 2009, 17:36:31

How lucky are you?Well done ;D

Thanks.  I knew it was only a matter of time as I'd seen evidence of the frogs around.  I'm just pleased they used the new pond and not the old water feature like last year!   ;D

G x
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: Flighty on March 14, 2009, 17:59:11
Wow Georgie, you must be well pleased!   xx
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: Georgie on March 14, 2009, 18:13:28
Wow Georgie, you must be well pleased!   xx

Yep - over the moon.   ;D  ;D  ;D

G x
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: tonybloke on March 15, 2009, 06:39:05
first spawn this morning, my cue for planting my early spuds!
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: RSJK on March 15, 2009, 15:05:01
  None yesterday but today is another story.......
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: thifasmom on March 15, 2009, 16:46:32
my neighbour has loads over two weeks now, and i ain't got any yet :'(, the most i have seen is one young/ half grown frog swimming in one of my ponds. I know they visit because last year we had what look like mating pair but the didn't produce anything. i feel really sad that they aren't breeding in my ponds :'(.

I HAVE SPAWN I HAVE SPAWN I HAVE SPAWN ( woke up yesterday to find yep you guessed SPAAWWN ;D, can you tell how happy and excited I am, my husband thinks I've gone crazy :-X. here are some piccies, the pic of the proud dad was taken today heard him croaking and calling for more Ladies, and the net is only a reflection its not in the water.


Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: froglets on March 18, 2009, 18:09:04
At last!!!!!   ;D ;D ;D ;D

Frogspawn today.  Am I chuffed or am I chuffed.

Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: Mark /\ on March 18, 2009, 23:59:16
I had a nice surprise this morning I have got my first batch (hopefully) of FROGSPAWN.

Last year I got my first 2 lots of spawn laid on the 1st of March so its a little late this year.

My pond is just starting its 3rd year so 2 years out of 3 is brilliant for frogspawn especially as last year at the beginning of February I doubled the size of my pond and still got spawn a few weeks later.

I just love watching them taddies growing up and  thinking of them eating all those slugs in my garden.

Has any body else noticed if their spawn was laid later this year because of our relatively bad winter compared to other years?.
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: nippie on March 20, 2009, 11:32:09
It was only a week later in my pond.
These pics were taken on the 20th Feb;



Survival of the fittest me thinks!
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: nippie on March 20, 2009, 11:46:44
 ;DI thought I had posted about this before, I've just found the thread;,49220.0.html
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: zigzig on March 22, 2009, 07:41:33
When I was at primary school, we did nature study and a lad brought in some frogs spawn (may be toads) in a big jar.

They turned into tadpoles and the teacher brought in a meatball sized lump of raw mince.

Put it in the jar and the tadpoles ate the lot at a rapid speed.

Now a neighbour has spawn in their pond and I told them I thought you had to feed the tadpoles but he laughed saying that they eat pond weed. Another neighbour said the tadpoles he got the other year all ate each other.

Any experts out there who can shed any light onto the feeding habits, needs and so on ?
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: Robert_Brenchley on March 22, 2009, 09:54:03
They eat algae for a while, then turn carnivorous. They'll be OK. The population will probably diminish by the time they turn into frogs, but that's normal. Maybe one egg in a thousand survives to become an adult frog.
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: nippie on March 22, 2009, 09:59:26
I believe they eat the jelly that they are in in the beginning.
Once hatched I feed mine flaked fish food crumbled very very small.
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: Georgie on March 22, 2009, 15:04:21
I've read that they eat algae and pond weed until they develop their back legs.  That's when they turn carnivorous.

G x
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: hopalong on March 22, 2009, 23:41:52
Just "having a rest" Hopalong... go back and check for spawn at the weekend...  ;D

You were right saddad. They spawned vigorously last weekend.[attachment=1][attachment=2][attachment=3]
Title: Re: Spawn anyone?
Post by: nippie on March 28, 2009, 14:33:24
Those pictures are pornographic  ;D  ;)
Glad you got your spawn in the end   :)
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