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Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: chri55yboy on February 19, 2009, 16:36:07

Title: Howdy
Post by: chri55yboy on February 19, 2009, 16:36:07
Just found the site and signed up and thought I'd say Hi to everyone.
My wife and I are currently awaiting some plans from our local council for the local allotments that are available in our area, all very exciting but on the other hand kind of daunting.  They have said the average plot size is 250sq metres, that sounds huge to me or is that kind of the norm?
Really love the idea of growing our own and the children are excited also and seem extremely to keen to get stuck in when we have picked a plot.
Are there any things to take into consideration when picking a plot?

Great forum, sooooo much to read :)
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: sarah on February 19, 2009, 17:19:58
hi, welcome to the site! . there will be plenty of advice for you here and plenty of encouragement. spend a while having a lookaround at the different boards and you will pick up loads of ideas. while you are waiting for your plot how about making some plans. this is great for the kids too. get them to list all the veg and fruit they would like to grow and then draw up some plans - read up about crop rotation so that you can put the right veg in the right beds.

as for things to look out for when choosing a plot try to get one near to water and bear in mind accessibilty if you want to get stuff onto your plot like wood for beds or manure deliveries etc. 

look up about perrenial weeds and try to get a plot that doesnt have too many of them. (might not get much choice on that though)

 try to avoid shady plots and plots next to very overgrown ones.

ask loads of quesstions we will try an answer as many as poss and post some pictures when you have a plot. good luck   :)
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: shirlton on February 19, 2009, 17:24:34
Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it.
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: saddad on February 19, 2009, 17:26:45
Welcome to the site Chris,  ;D
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: tonybloke on February 19, 2009, 17:52:08
Wotcha!  ;)
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: manicscousers on February 19, 2009, 18:17:00
Hiya, Chris, welcome to the mad house  ;D
nettles grow on fertile soil so don't be put off, try to avoid lots of bindweed or can get rid but it's a long haul  :)
most of all, when you get your plot, enjoy it  ;D
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: james1 on February 19, 2009, 18:58:02
Welcome to a great forum  :) :) :)
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: daileg on February 19, 2009, 19:03:01
welcome enjoy it wouldn't be without mine great for getting away from the world
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: Lauren S on February 19, 2009, 19:14:54
Hello Chris and welcome to A4A from me too  :)

Some great advice has already been mentioned.

Couple of other things to note perhaps, if you have a choice (lucky you).

Find out which way the sun rises/sets.
Where does most of the bad weather/ strong winds come from.
Take a fork with your and test the soil.
Near a water source saves lugging watering cans.
Check for existing plants.. i.e raspberry plants, asperagus etc
Is the plot surrounded by cultivated plots? This will help to reduce weed seeds taking up residence on your plot  ;)

Good luck, hope you get a plot very soon

Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: lorna on February 19, 2009, 19:35:30
Welcome to A4A
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: chri55yboy on February 19, 2009, 19:45:36
Thanks everyone for the very warm welcome and helpful tips already posted :)

We are certainly looking forward to all the "bumph" coming through the post in the next few days and then going out for a good nose around.  The lady at the council did say the available plots nearest our home were overgrown but they do plan to clear them soon but we can get stuck in as soon as we have one.  We never realised it would be so easy to obtain a plot, maybe they are overgrown and vacant for a reason lol.

I'll be sure check back and pick your brains once we have more details and hopefully some pics of the prospective land.

Thanks again
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: Lauren S on February 19, 2009, 20:32:17
Make sure you take loads of photos as you progress  8)
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: Plot69 on February 20, 2009, 11:40:35
They have said the average plot size is 250sq metres, that sounds huge to me or is that kind of the norm?

Welcome Chris.

250sq meters is spot on. That's 1sq yard short of a full 10 rod plot which is standard size for allotments. I've got two that size. I did have three but I didn't have enough freezer space to put everything in  :)
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: caroline7758 on February 20, 2009, 12:30:49
Hi Chris, welcoime to A4A. Belioeve me,one plot is enough! ;D
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: pippy on February 20, 2009, 12:33:51
Hi Chris - welcome to A4all.

Just to advise you - I thought my plot was HUGE wen I first got it and debated whether I should have gone for a half plot, but within the year it seemend to "shrink" on me - I had plans for it all!  Don't be daunted - you will soon use it all!
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: chri55yboy on February 20, 2009, 12:35:19
250sq meters is spot on. That's 1sq yard short of a full 10 rod plot which is standard size for allotments. I've got two that size. I did have three but I didn't have enough freezer space to put everything in  :)
Thanks, I was beginning to wonder if it would be manageable or not but if it's standard then I'm sure I/We can do it.  Can't wait to get home from work today to see if the postie has been with the plans ::)

I can see I will be learning some new terminologies along the way as well, pardon my ignorance at this stage but what is a "a full 10 rod plot " ???

Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: Plot69 on February 20, 2009, 12:47:03
I can see I will be learning some new terminologies along the way as well, pardon my ignorance at this stage but what is a "a full 10 rod plot " ???

Well, to quote a very famous Granddad... "During the War"

When food was short the government allotted people with areas of land to grow their own food and so help the war effort. Hence the term "Allotment".

They calculated that a 10 rod plot or 300 square yards was just the right size for one man to manage and provide enough veg for his family. A rod is just a now old obsolete English measurement.

As for your ignorance about what a rod is, all my kids are the same when I measure something in feet and inches which are both obsolete now as well.

Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: Deb P on February 20, 2009, 13:08:51
.. my kids are the same when I measure something in feet and inches which are both obsolete now as well.

Not in my head they are not! I was one of the 'transitional kids', taught imperial at primary school, metric at middle school. I still 'think' in imperial, except for babies weights which I 'think' in kilos because that has always been what I have weighed them in....only to have to translate them back into pounds for parents because everyone 'thinks' in pounds for babies weights! Odd eh! ;D

As for poles and rods.........I think however you measure your plot, and think  how enormous you think it is now, it won't seem that big once you get going! Oh dear, you can't grow too many squashes as they take up so much room, or maincrop potatoes, and if only you could fit a bit more .............perhaps that is just me....! ;D
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: tonybloke on February 20, 2009, 14:34:30
A rod is just a now old obsolete English measurement.

Try telling that to the millions of cricket fans around the world!
( length of cricket pitch)
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: Plot69 on February 20, 2009, 16:37:39
Try telling that to the millions of cricket fans around the world!
( length of cricket pitch)

That would be a chain rather than a rod.
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: Plot69 on February 20, 2009, 16:45:12
As for poles and rods.........I think however you measure your plot, and think  how enormous you think it is now, it won't seem that big once you get going! Oh dear, you can't grow too many squashes as they take up so much room, or maincrop potatoes, and if only you could fit a bit more .............perhaps that is just me....! ;D

No, it's not just you. I have two full plots. One half given over to soft fruit. One third approx for potatoes, and I haven't even thought about the 40 foot needed for butternuts...

Deb is right Chris, I'd put my name down for another one if I were you  :o

Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: Manouche on February 21, 2009, 09:29:07
 ;D   Welcome to A4A haven't been here long myself but have received lots of help along the way and lots of laughs.

   Our plot is in Portsmouth, waited over two years and was grateful for a plot measuring 50ft x 26ft.

    Thats the size of them now as we have hundreds of people waiting.

     Can't imagine asking for another one, but if you can do it!

      So go for the one they offer it really will shrink in size, tho saying that we are still eating our onions and just
      finished the potatoes from our small plot.

      Started work on lottie yesterday and felt like a million dollars, have a brilliant time this Summer.
Title: Re: Howdy
Post by: chri55yboy on February 24, 2009, 14:12:37
Well we have been offered a plot on our local Council Run allotment, they have offered 260sq metre plot and I've just found out that our friends have also been offered a plot next to ours and...the lady at the council said that someone else has also applied for a plot.
I mention all this as my wife and I went for a little look (very little look) and all we could see was, well erm wasteland and a couple of derelict plots.  I guess it's positive that others are taking up plots, the council are due to clear them as well, so that will save some work. ;)

I'm hoping that my wife can get up there this week and take some pics but I'm quite keen to get home from work today and see the plans that have arrived :D
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