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Photo Gallery => Our Pets => Topic started by: wilko on January 28, 2009, 19:01:40

Title: shocked !!!!
Post by: wilko on January 28, 2009, 19:01:40
I heard something really distressing on the news a couple of nights ago, an old couple were out giving the 12 year old collie cross, her evening constitutional, they called into a Tesco store, as they did most nights, and tied her up outside.  When they came out she was gone. an investigation of CCTV cameras, showed a man running across the car park with the dog, and more cameras showed them running through the town,the dog struggling now.  She was found dead later in a beck, the vet said her injuries were consistant with great a fall, the bastard had thrown her from a bridge.

just must they feel.............. ???  :(
Title: Re: shocked !!!!
Post by: betula on January 28, 2009, 19:03:15
Sick cowards >:(
Title: Re: shocked !!!!
Post by: asbean on January 28, 2009, 19:34:57
I hope they were able to identify him and catch him.  If so they need to throw the book at him, but it won't happen.  Grrrrr. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: shocked !!!!
Post by: mat on January 28, 2009, 19:35:32
I hope they can identify the person involved from the cameras... sick indeed
Title: Re: shocked !!!!
Post by: wilko on January 28, 2009, 19:38:34
they have a 25 year old man in custody, lets see what happens !!!
Title: Re: shocked !!!!
Post by: star on January 28, 2009, 21:01:32
Words fail me. That poor couple :'( :'(

Please keep us updated Wilko, I hope they have the right person and that justice is served.....properly >:(
Title: Re: shocked !!!!
Post by: woodybrown on February 03, 2009, 16:30:26
Id like to offer my services to steal him ,run him till he cant then throw him from a bridge because co urts  do nothing.And were supposed to be a nation of animal very angry better stop now. >:(
Title: Re: shocked !!!!
Post by: Tin Shed on February 03, 2009, 17:42:08
Wish I hadn't read this post :(
Title: Re: shocked !!!!
Post by: Manouche on February 04, 2009, 13:21:22
This is so sad, can't believe the cruelty that goes on in this world.That poor couple must be devastated.My heart goes out to them and their beloved trusting dog.
Title: Re: shocked !!!!
Post by: Emagggie on February 04, 2009, 14:25:09
I can't think for the life of me why anyone would even think of doing this! Surely there was no pleasure to be gained for this warped person. He sounds a danger to animals and humans alike-best put down I think.
Title: Re: shocked !!!!
Post by: Jeannine on February 04, 2009, 14:37:13
I too wish I hadn't read this post, but I sure do hope they throw a huge book at the sick creep who did this.. a library full would not be enough. XX Jeannine
Title: Re: shocked !!!!
Post by: les65 on February 04, 2009, 14:40:41
Title: Re: shocked !!!!
Post by: jesssands on February 04, 2009, 21:51:59
I belong to a dog rescue group. It never ceases to amaze us some stuff that people do do our loved pets. Just when you think you've heard everything, it sinks to a new depth again.

This story was in our local paper this week. Read if you dare. Can't believe its just 20 mins from my home. I will be watching to see what she gets on the 19th. Evil piece of scum.

I snuggle up with my 2 rescues and tell them how lucky they are, the worst that happens to them is that we have to go to work and leave them, every other week. I often think when I'm snuggling with them, that one is probably being ill treated right now somewhere, but we never know where.
Its a very sad world.
Title: Re: shocked !!!!
Post by: lewic on February 08, 2009, 19:07:38
Nooo! Have only just read this. Sick or what. The scary thing is that many of these animal abusers get let off because they have children. Like the woman a couple of years ago who put her kitten in a microwave to punish it for peeing on the floor.  The defence stated that as she was a single parent with two kids it would damage them to be separated from her loving care. WTF?? I think automatic neutering and removal of all children should be par for the course in animal cruelty cases.
Title: Re: shocked !!!!
Post by: kenkew on February 09, 2009, 10:07:43
Let's hope he goes to jail. There's quite a lot of animal lovers in there...some of 'em big lads!
Title: Re: shocked !!!!
Post by: jesssands on February 14, 2009, 15:36:13

found this on my dog rescue forum. its the video footage of the story.

Poor dog and poor elderly owners.
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