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Allotment Stuff => The Basics => Topic started by: Dandy_Lion on January 12, 2004, 20:15:49

Title: Seed Potatos
Post by: Dandy_Lion on January 12, 2004, 20:15:49
Hi everyone, I'm sorry that this is basic, but....I have bought some seed potatos and have laid them out in a seed tray to "chit" them. I was fully expecting to put them somwhere dark, but it says put them on a windowsill somewhere cool. It makes sense as you want them to shoot, but as you store potatos in the dark I was thinking that these should be in the dark too. If someone could enlighten me I would be grateful evermore!
Thanks    :-*
Title: Re: Seed Potatos
Post by: Palustris on January 12, 2004, 20:26:11
Simple really. You want the seed potaoes to start growing to which end they need light. You want store potatoes not to grow so you keep them in the dark
Title: Re: Seed Potatos
Post by: Dandy_Lion on January 12, 2004, 20:29:06
Thanks Eric, I did say it was basic!! I was just worried about them all going green!
Ta ta
Title: Re: Seed Potatos
Post by: tim on January 12, 2004, 20:33:52
- thanks for reminding me - must go and check mine - but it's 2 & 3 floors up - so they get forgotten! = Tim

OMG - Anya are 1/2 long!!
Title: Re: Seed Potatos
Post by: cleo on January 13, 2004, 14:50:28

Never worry about even the most basic question because it never is-it merely serves to make us engage in friendly banter.

My seed spuds are in my frost free greenhouse covered with a thickish layer of newspaper-that is because I do not want them to start too soon,in two or three weeks I will expose them to more light.

The fun will start when we get to talking about `rubbing out` ;D

Title: Re: Seed Potatos
Post by: Doris_Pinks on January 13, 2004, 15:51:41
Who are you rubbing out Stephan! ;)

My potatoes arrived today, so after doing a happy dance around the kitchen I have put them into trays, the Anya were a little worrying, Tim, which way up have you put yours?  ;D  DP
Title: Re: Seed Potatos
Post by: rdak on January 13, 2004, 17:55:48
mine arrived today. 1 lot each of early,2nd early and maincrop. There are no shoots on any of them, so does it matter which way up? And should I chit them all now or do I need to delay the maincrop?
Title: Re: Seed Potatos
Post by: tim on January 13, 2004, 18:48:53
DP & rdak - I've given up seeking perfection. I just chuck them in trays and let them sort themselves out! I've never tried to compare yield.

The sprouting end is the one with the 'eyes' - or the most eyes.  Anya & PF tend to have eyes all along!

Think I should have delayed Anya, like Stephan suggests, but it was too late. And if I now cover the shoots, they'll  blanch.

rdak - if you're new to the game, I would tend to go with nature and let them do their thing! Note what happens and modify next year if necessary.

As to rubbing off shoots, again I haven't compared yield, but I just rub off any that are excessive, or the wrong end. = Tim

Title: Re: Seed Potatos
Post by: RSJK on January 13, 2004, 23:56:14
I just tip my seed potatoes into trays, and do not bother to which way up they are, it makes no differance the shoots will find there own way up (have you ever seen a farmer worry about which way up the potatoe falls into the ground.  Myself l do not think you have to worry about rubbing any shoots off aswell, because you will find that more will grow to replace them.Anyway happy gardening.    ::) :o
Title: Re: Seed Potatos
Post by: Mrs Ava on January 14, 2004, 01:53:26
Wow Tim, loads of spuds!  Now I feel inadequate with my little lot!  How long would that sort of amount of tats last you?  For the entire year, I mean, do you have to ever buy tats from the shops?
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