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General => The Shed => Topic started by: nilly71 on November 03, 2008, 15:45:29

Title: Who has a tattoo
Post by: nilly71 on November 03, 2008, 15:45:29
My misses was asking what i wanted for Christmas and as i was watching Miami Ink at the time, so decided a tattoo would be nice.
I have been thinking about it for years, but now have to come up with a design.

An idea:
My eldest son used to call grapes, chups (one of his first words), so i would like grapes in the design.
My youngest son winges a lot, but i don't want that in the design ;D
We used to throw the odd biscuit into his cot when we were having a up cup of tea in the morning :o(it was like feeding time at the zoo :D ) so maybe ?
My baby daughter is called Autumn, so maybe some golden leaves.

Does this sound rubbish so far?

About £100 will be the limit, could i get much for that?

Any pictures of your tattoo's, links or ideas would be appritiated.


Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: debster on November 03, 2008, 15:57:12
depending on how much work you want the tattoo artist to do would add up on the cost, if you have someone to draw it for you then it would reduce the cost because the tattooist could do an outline of the picture and copy it that way that is how i had one of mine done. my brother drew it for me. as for what to have i dont know what to suggest but i will give it some thought
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: ACE on November 03, 2008, 16:15:07,36930.0.html

As you can see we had a discussion in the watershed about tats, there is another link on there but remember it is in the watershed.

Autumn, grapes? adds up to last of the summer wine ;D  but look up the celtic signs for one or the other and incorporate that into the design.
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: OllieC on November 03, 2008, 16:50:56
Did this thread involve getting a couple of W's strategically located?
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: Flunky on November 03, 2008, 16:52:50
Did this thread involve getting a couple of W's strategically located?

i typed that then though better of it. LOL. or WOW.
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: nilly71 on November 03, 2008, 17:05:16
Do you have a picture?

Thanks for the link :o it is a very good design ;D

I don't really want a celtic design as i don't think it will look as good in years to come.

I remember seeing a really old film and the old sailor had a girl/woman on a swing tattoo'd on his leg covering his knee, her legs were on the lower part of his leg so when he moved his lower leg it looked like the lady was moving.

ok, nothing to do with my original idea but it would look good.

Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: debster on November 03, 2008, 17:16:06
no id ont cos i have never asked anyone to take one i have tigger on my shoulder holding a purple heart with a K on it for my daughter Kimberley, i also have the england rugby rose on the base of my spine with my hubbys and mine initials (gonna get our wedding date added at some point)
my daughter has 5 stars one each for her and her cousins, she also has two paw prints that she made her cat walk on a piece of paper to get
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: OllieC on November 03, 2008, 17:18:49
I tell you what though, Google's right in there with it's adverts, isn't it!
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: nilly71 on November 03, 2008, 17:20:15
A footprint of the baby was an idea i had a while ago.
I guess i could have her footprint with some leaves going around it ???

I will add more money to it if it means a better tattoo.

Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: nilly71 on November 03, 2008, 17:27:15
I tell you what though, Google's right in there with it's adverts, isn't it!

Just realised you meant at the top and bottom of this page :o shame they don't have the stuff i'm after :D
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: spinny on November 03, 2008, 17:30:06
Hi all

I Have a number of original and unique tattoos. In some cases I have found an image that I liked, then adapted it to suit myself, in other cases I have had someone draw the image from scratch. In all instances though, I've had a good idea of what I wanted beforehand.
However you decide to do it, once you have the image, it's no problem for the tattooist to produce a transfer from it.
One thing I will say, is that, no matter what anyone else tells you, yes, it does hurt........


Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: Solorn on November 03, 2008, 17:35:19
I have a tribal moon around my belly button. It was done at a time in my life where things were changing and it was very symbolic for me. I don't like lettering as I find they get dull and unreadable after a time so I had the Japanese kanji for Eternity done on the top of my arm for my children, thats how long I will love them for.

I want another one but haven't settled on a design yet. I'm thinking of a triple moon with a raven standing on top because it says so much about who I am.
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: katynewbie on November 03, 2008, 17:37:28

As a person who has worked with the elderly, and as a person who has a tattoo herself, I would caution against any large design. Gravity takes over after a certain age and it don't look pretty!!

Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: nilly71 on November 03, 2008, 17:43:04
What are they?

why a Raven?


As a person who has worked with the elderly, and as a person who has a tattoo herself, I would caution against any large design. Gravity takes over after a certain age and it don't look pretty!!


So don't have any on my belly or bum ;D I work with the elderly also
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: spinny on November 03, 2008, 17:46:51
How do I post some pics and I'll put a couple up?

Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: Hyacinth on November 03, 2008, 17:49:35
What tattoo do you have Katy?
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: davyw1 on November 03, 2008, 18:22:16
I have two eyes tatooed on my bum just incase i get buried face down
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: nilly71 on November 03, 2008, 18:28:25
How do I post some pics and I'll put a couple up?


I think you might have to pay to subscribe to upload pictures to this forum. I use photobucket... ( to host them then just copy the link into your post on here.

Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: spinny on November 03, 2008, 19:24:42
I think you might have to pay to subscribe to upload pictures to this forum. I use photobucket... ( to host them then just copy the link into your post on here.


Ta for that Neil.
Here we go then, I'll have a try: (

Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: Solorn on November 03, 2008, 19:29:58

I want a raven because it's the one animal thats been a constant in my life. Given that I follow an earth based belief I believe that we all have an animal that touches us in some way, the raven is mine. It's also a name I use, and have done since I was about 10, in certain circles of people. Hope that explains it.
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: mike77 on November 03, 2008, 19:30:28
would just like to add if money is an issue you can always get it done in sessions as and when you can afford it! a friend of mine had a piece done over a six month period so dont feel you have to get it rushed! i like the sound of the footprint idea as well.
i wouldn't go as far as to say that they hurt i think it's more about which part of the body you get them done on.....i find them more of an irritating pain a bit like gordon brown :)
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: debster on November 03, 2008, 20:00:24
the one on my shoulder was fine but i have to say the one on my spine hurt at times like hell but would love another one
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: nilly71 on November 03, 2008, 20:21:14
The flag i can understand, but why the game bird?
If your link does not start and end in (http://) then click on the the little picture in the frame above the 2nd smiley and paste your link in between(http://) or use the bottom link in photobucket IMG CODE

I don't want to spend a massive amount but the sessions sound a good idea.

How would i find out what my childrens animals are, or would it be disrespectful to your beliefs?

So debs where's the next one going?

Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on November 03, 2008, 20:45:54
don't be like the boyfriend of my ex-partner's sister (who was a naval type person). He had an enormous galleon tattooed on his leg with a scroll underneath "Homward Bound"
Check that English is at least the second language of you tattooist
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: OllieC on November 03, 2008, 21:00:54
Ah yes, or my mate who got his cellmate to do his on his arm whilst living at Her Majesty's pleasure...

It read "Ride the Lighting" (instead of "Ride the Lightning" for those less well versed in the work of Metallica)...
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on November 03, 2008, 21:06:07
doesn't Sporty Spice have a tattoo in Japanese that she thought said "Woman" but which actually means "Woman (Toilet)"?
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: spinny on November 03, 2008, 21:50:34
The flag i can understand, but why the game bird?


Because I breed them and have done since I was about 11...........

Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: Solorn on November 04, 2008, 10:58:52

Only your children know what their animal guides are. Thats not something I can help with I'm afraid. It will be an animal that symbolizes their inner strengths and personality though. An no, you weren't being disrespectful:) I would rather someone asked me that just made a random guess. Most children know at an early age but we 'grow out of it' as we get older. My kids have an eagle, a shark and giaraffe as their animals.
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: asbean on November 04, 2008, 11:03:49
I tell you what though, Google's right in there with it's adverts, isn't it!

So why is it when I was in Italy the ads at the bottom of the thread were for an ITALIAN adoption agency?
Didn't matter what the subject, all the adverts at the top were English, and "would you like to adopt a child" at the bottom!

 ??? ::) ??? ::) ??? ::)
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: nilly71 on November 04, 2008, 11:05:46
Thanks Solorn, very interesting.

Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: debster on November 04, 2008, 11:58:22
ooh Ollie im currently listening to Metallica,
as for tattoos it has to be something you can live with for ever
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: nilly71 on November 04, 2008, 15:44:48
as for tattoos it has to be something you can live with for ever

Thats why i can't decide what to have  :-\

Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: Sinbad7 on November 04, 2008, 16:04:08
Neil, I think you'll know what to have when the time is right to have it.

Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: nilly71 on November 04, 2008, 20:19:12
Neil, I think you'll know what to have when the time is right to have it.


Sounds like a quote from karate kid ;D

I like so many designs but also want something to do with the kids.

Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: debster on November 04, 2008, 20:34:19
how old are they? if they are old enough why not ask them for ideas or designs?
Title: Re: Who has a tattoo
Post by: nilly71 on November 04, 2008, 21:07:05
Charlie 11
Alfie 8
Autumn 10 months

I will ask them, maybe they can draw me something.
Well the eldest two can have a go  :) i think a footprint or hand print is the way to go for the baby.

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