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General => The Shed => Topic started by: OllieC on October 31, 2008, 18:18:33

Title: Trick or Treat...
Post by: OllieC on October 31, 2008, 18:18:33
This is what I like to wear when opening the door to trick or treaters...


Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: posie on October 31, 2008, 18:19:17
Excellent! Do me a favour and come and stand sentinel at mine will you?! lol  ;D
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: flowerofshona2007 on October 31, 2008, 18:26:12
There driving my dogs mad !!!!!!!!!!!  >:(
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: posie on October 31, 2008, 18:28:18
All quiet so far...... but then the local youth service hired about 6 coaches and bussed loads of kids up to Thorpe Park's Fright Night today to get as many kids off street as possible.  Am expecting my two to be thoroughly grumpy when they arrive back at 1am!  :o
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: betula on October 31, 2008, 18:36:13
Good pic.

I will not answer the door to kids now.They disturb the dogs and us.

Great idea taking them to a park.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: posie on October 31, 2008, 18:41:52
I think in total there's about 300 young people been taken off the streets of my county from the ages of 7 to 25 - youth service subsidised part of the cost to make it more affordable - only cost a tenner each that's for entry into the theme park and the coach.  Yesterday my two went climbing Pen y Fan mountain in the Brecon Beacons on a trip organised by local police officers.  Probably the only proactive thing my local council have done in years! lol  ;D
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Fork on October 31, 2008, 19:17:29
In Long Eaton The police arranged a free viewing of the latest Bond film to keep as many kids of the streets as possible.

Ive got my "pumkin" out on the wall to invite the kids to delve into the big bag of goodies we've got but only had 6 little horrors so far!
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Borlotti on October 31, 2008, 19:29:29
Have a few sweets and no children so far.  Had a party in Barclays bank with a raffle and coffee and cakes for £1.50 for cancer.  Think they should have a charity do for the bank as have heard they did have to borrow money.  Was a good idea apart from the fact that all the staff were dressed up and took ages to get served, ie pay money in.  Last week they raised £1,600 for cancer research, perhaps next time raise money for the bank.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: katynewbie on October 31, 2008, 19:42:37

It must be sooo scary round here at night, not one so far! Last years total was 3 scruffy oiks wearing bin liners. Funnily enough, I have not got sweets etc in this year!

Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Emagggie on October 31, 2008, 19:56:51
No activity here, too far out for the little darlings ;D
Anyhow, I do not like being held to ransom by small people. If it was done for a charity I might think differently.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: manicscousers on October 31, 2008, 20:38:37
what am I gonna do with all the choclit ?  ;D
only had half a dozen and I bought loads  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: star on October 31, 2008, 20:53:06

I'll pm you my address 8) ;D
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: manicscousers on October 31, 2008, 20:55:10
might not last that long, star  ;D
best run around with your costume on  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Georgie on October 31, 2008, 20:58:13
Anyhow, I do not like being held to ransom by small people.

With the exception of delightful grandchildren of course.   ;D  ;D  ;D

G x
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: grotbag on October 31, 2008, 21:11:24
would rather see the little trick or treaters,than all you women(witches) on your broomsticks. That is scary.;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Georgie on October 31, 2008, 21:14:59
would rather see the little trick or treaters,than all you women(witches) on your broomsticks. That is scary.;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

There's only one reply to that.  Warlocks!   ;D ;D ;D

G x
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Borlotti on October 31, 2008, 21:16:04
I have got a few sweets for well mannered children.  No-one has knocked tonight. Oh well I will eat them myself.  Pleased that fireworks have been very quiet so far this year.  Cat not too bothered as asleep on my lap,  but my poor old dog uses to be so scared he dug up the carpet to hide under it.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Jeannine on October 31, 2008, 21:25:25
I find this so sad, we used to love Halloween in Canada, never any trouble.

 Babes in arms with Mums started at about 5pm, all wonderfully dressed, as the evening progressed the ages progressed,all were accompanied by a parent till about 8.30 or so when we would get some older kids..maybe 12 or 13 of age, but always nice quiet kids.

The streets would be full of children in groups, everyone having fun. We would get about 300 or so.

We only gave sweets, they would not accept money and if we chose not to participate we didn't put the outside light on and the kids didn't knock.

 It was a smashing family night and we decorated the whole of the front of the house.

No children ever came before the 31st  and they never let off fireworks. Even the family pet would come all dressed up!!

It was one of our favourite nights of the year, we always dressed up and had scary music and voices coming from the house into the drive when they knocked.

Rules of etiquette were well known and reinforced on the Tv for several days before.

We have had 1 child here about 6 years old all by himself with painted face.

Why on earth should is be so very different, I simply don't understand.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Froglegs on October 31, 2008, 21:30:17
I just tell them to bugger off!!! >:(
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Borlotti on October 31, 2008, 21:34:18
Then Mum appeared and punched you. 
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Jeannine on October 31, 2008, 21:37:21
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Froglegs on October 31, 2008, 21:38:20
Then Mum appeared and punched you. 
Yes... :'(.... :'(.... :'(....and it hurts... :'(
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Lauren S on October 31, 2008, 21:39:57
I can totally agree with Jeannine.

We lived in a small town in Canada and the teachers, firefighters, councillors and parents all volunteered to stand in various positions throughout the town to make sure the kids were all safe. Not once did I ever experience or hear of a *Tricking*.

The costumes were nearly always hand made and very inventive and beautiful. Kids were always polite.

Like Jeannine said, if you didn't want to be disturbed (or ran out of treats) you didn't put on your outside lights.

The other nice thing about having halloween in Canada, there was nothing to do with Christmas in the shops until the 31st had past.

The shops here have had Christmas stuff for sale since AUGUST....

Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Jeannine on October 31, 2008, 21:42:06
Oh Lauren, I am having a cry seems even sadder when I read that someone else misses it. I remember doing the late rounds with my Old English Sheepdog dressed ina Jane Fonda outfit just to have a laugh with the neighbours..and the local pet shops even had  stuff for the dogs is they came in dressed up.

XX Jeannine
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: valmarg on October 31, 2008, 21:51:10
I find 'trick or treat' obnoxious.  The sweet little 'darlings' round here, if you don't give, and the oiks are teenagers rather that young children.  You get eggs thrown all over your car.

It is a night I simply dread.

Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: betula on October 31, 2008, 21:51:48
Sorry ladies.

It always makes me cross to hear people knocking my country in comparison to somewhere else.

If you can't stand the heat................
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Borlotti on October 31, 2008, 22:00:52
Heard on the news that the police are out in south London as gangs are going round with knives celebrating halloween and robbing.  Went to the local shops, neighbours with my granddaughter in a cloak, no mask, about 4 pm and got a few sweets, but don't really agree with this custom.  Only went to people that I know and know me.  Also never give money 'for penny for the guy' as tell the children not to blow themselves up.  Perhaps I am a miserable old age pensioner.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: lorna on October 31, 2008, 22:05:17
I don't really mind them but the dog does go potty and I dare not open the door until the dog is put in the kitchen. I usually have some change ready but Lorna popped round tonight and said not to give them money. She had bought sweets and so I have a little pile of small bags of maltesers and some other sweets. Guess what?? Haven't had one knock at the door. I did hear a lot of voices earlier. Maybe it is because my bungalow still has a ramp, they probably think poor old dear will take ages to get to the door!!!!
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: thifasmom on October 31, 2008, 22:57:31
From what i have read history says the halloween tradition started over here but i have always associated it with America and Canada. when i first came to live here in the early nineties there was never no mention or indication of halloween celebrations, so imagine my surprise when i returned in 2002 to find the celebration of halloween being carried out over here. what i remember being the big autumn celebration was Guy Fawkes night.

but this is only my humble opinion it appears it was greatly reintroduced mainly for commercial reasons but as i said its only my opinion, please correct me if i am wrong.

PS as we don't celebrate it, i simply put out a sign saying Sorry, no trick or treat here. so far its been respected. and i don't understand why money is given i don't even give my kids pocket money so why a stranger, i will though keep a small tin of sweets around for the Christmas season in case of carol singers.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: betula on October 31, 2008, 23:13:13
As I understand it it came from America and I have always thought it pretty senseless.

I don't mind the carol singers so much as they do not come that often.They still start the dogs off which drives me mad.

I am pretty hard on the carol singers,I tell them no,one verse is not enough.They know me now and I get a full rendition.

Wish I could live in the middle of nowhere.I never allowed my kids to go round bothering people and I wish others would do the same. :)
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Suzanne on October 31, 2008, 23:15:11
We don't have trick or treaters as not so many children in the village - also a bit dangerous in the dark there is only two street lights.

But my pumpkin has been carved and has sat on the front porch all night. Quite proud of it - should do a good job of protecting the house.

I think the basis of Hallow'een starting over here comes from the celtic festival of samhain which marks the end of summer. Christians did a good job of adopting festival/celebration days of other religions to make them more palatable. Interesting to think that the carved pumpkin is a christian convert to keep all the bad spirits away on the eveing prior to All Saints Day.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: anemone on October 31, 2008, 23:19:00
Only one knocked on the door tonight - he was very polite. I was sad there weren't more, but perhaps that's because we were out early evening.

I love seeing the kids all dressed up in the streets having fun, here it's mostly little kids with their parents. Tonight we even saw one group with the adults and their pet dog dressed up, so it does happen here sometimes too :)

Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: grawrc on October 31, 2008, 23:40:24
I don't know where it originated but it was certainly about in Scotland in the 1950's when I was a child, albeit my parents wouldn't let me go out. I had quite a few polite young visitors tonight who told jokes, sang songs or told stories in return for a handful of sweets. My dogs were fine with that, it's the insane Guy Fawkes stuff that winds them up.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Jeannine on November 01, 2008, 01:23:12
Betula, I was NOT knocking this country, I was simply describing a celebration in another place, I said nothing derogatory about the UK as I did so nor did I say one word about here other than a small child came alone to my home  and it made me sad to miss a happier Halloween. I said it made me sad , n  ot mad and I didn't understand.I was not saying it was better or worse.I feel so sorry for the children here who miss all the fun

You have hurt me deeply ..  your remark about the fire which I took as a departure request has struck home very deep and frankly I  think it was cruel. I have given my all to the UK and shared all I have had on this forum .

I came on here to PM someone who was hurting and you have managed to send me to bed  sobbing my heart out and feeling  though I was something bad under a shoe. I cannot even gegin to tell you how bad you have made me feel.

Right now I don't even want to see this forum again incase I read another cruel message the same.

Too choked now..have to go..JeannineXX

Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Mr Smith on November 01, 2008, 05:26:00
 I go to the door with a water pistol and let the little darlings have it, I think that is  a funny trick ;)
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Larkshall on November 01, 2008, 08:44:12
Yes, this halloween nonsense came from America. It was never practised in this country before WW2.

The origin can be read about if you google "All Hallows Day" (1st November).

Strange that these religious festivals are more celebrated (for the wrong reasons) by non believers.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: saddad on November 01, 2008, 08:53:53
We weren't bothered at all this year. I don't mind the little ones doing it with discrete parents close by. I just object to the yobs jumping on the bandwaggon and using it as an excuse to be nasty.  >:(
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Flunky on November 01, 2008, 09:37:57
OMG there are some mardy people here. I think its great. Bit of a party atmosphere round here.

Ollie, good outfit. makes a change from the nurses one i suppose.

Mr Smith, how neighbourly of you. Just make sure you pull up your drawbridge before bed. Maybe electricute the door handle ?

Another thing how can a chat about trick or treat turn into a row ? Jeez.

Looking forward to next week for the fizz bangs, incredibly dangerous but I am looking forward to removing my bubblewrap for one night of the year.  Yay. ::)
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Froglegs on November 01, 2008, 10:03:25

Another thing how can a chat about trick or treat turn into a row ? Jeez.

Seems we all have to walk on egg shells just lately.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: flossy on November 01, 2008, 10:11:00

   Flunky  --  won't you get cold ?   ;Dfloss x

   floss x
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: thifasmom on November 01, 2008, 10:37:49
Yes, this halloween nonsense came from America. It was never practised in this country before WW2.

The origin can be read about if you google "All Hallows Day" (1st November).

Strange that these religious festivals are more celebrated (for the wrong reasons) by non believers.

this is what i found on Wikipedia.... (
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Hyacinth on November 01, 2008, 10:47:42
A very big and special hug to Jeannine today - I'd give her three (((J)))'s but that would be too too tacky, wouldn't it :P ;D

Now then...this from a Religious Tract I found on my doormat this morning...."Hallowe'en is upon us, making light of scary things. Actually it mocks evil things, except that we don't talk about evil any more..."

So there you have it, from a Man of God no less, hotwired to Imself,  so it must be true. 8)

Bets, no wonder you moved out of Moseley, if you like the quiet life - was I partly to blame I wonder? Back in the late 80s we had street Hallowe'en parties in the Chantry/Church Road area....lots of pumkins, lots of trick'n'treating for the children - and lots of boozin and street jazz for the rest of us. Bloomin riot it was ;D

Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on November 01, 2008, 10:58:41
Don't think we should import this American stuff. We should support our own festivals, like Bonfire night - the great British tradition of setting fire to Roman Catholics
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Hyacinth on November 01, 2008, 11:01:08
And ban all Christmas trees!...bloody German import >:(

Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Hyacinth on November 01, 2008, 11:02:36
...and dump Christianity anorl...

too much influence in Ower Country from them thare foreigners >:(
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: grawrc on November 01, 2008, 11:07:00
And bring back the birch while we're at it .. and public hangings ... or send them to Australia... ;) ;D ;D ;D  mmmm sounds like a plan! ;)
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Hyacinth on November 01, 2008, 11:07:20
And wot about the French and Italians with their 'al dente' veggies ruining our Good Wholesome English cooking?

Everyone knows that frozen sprouts for the traditional  25th December meal should be put on a low light back-end of October...

(and spam....why don't we eat more spam?....seems that I'm well into a tin of it atm...) ::)

Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on November 01, 2008, 11:11:41
my first exposure to trick or treat was from Peanuts, where Linus Van Pelt spends all night in the pumpkin patch awaiting the arrival of The Great Pumpkin (who never shows), and Charlie Brown goes trick or treating and ends up every year with a bag of rocks

and the second exposure was from all those slasher movies, starting with JAMIE LEE CURTIS  ;D
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on November 01, 2008, 11:13:34
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Hyacinth on November 01, 2008, 11:16:37

Cos as soon as he brought his ghastly Foreign ideas over here, we sent him back Ome toot sweet ;D
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on November 01, 2008, 11:20:28
is al dente Italian for "i've broken a tooth on a sprout" :D
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: betula on November 01, 2008, 11:21:12

It was a throw away remark.

I have read it again and I can not see how it was cruel.

I can not help but feel this is an over reaction.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Hyacinth on November 01, 2008, 11:48:48
Bets.... :-[....I really hesitate writing this, cos I know I've the choice of PM'ing you or even mailing you, but no, here goes....

As I read it this morning, Jeannine merely and only wrote about Hallowe'en traditions in the part of Canada in which she lived for x years, isorl. The part of Canada....

Not all of Canada, you understand? Undoubtedly there are city parts which are as crime-ridden and scary as our own (including and never forgetting our Own Dear City)...  :-\

Jeannine is a long-standing member of our Lotties4 community who has been noted, surely, for her sheer bloody kindness? and generosity to all the members here - she's attacked, her friends come to her defense....

Jeannine is English and surely has therefore an equal right to you or me to remark that things in other parts of the world she's lived in are different?

Jeannine, also, is, I understand, coping, and coping remarkably well I'd say, with dismantling her and her husband's lives here to take him back to his roots - to be amongst his family, etc. for the final part of his life...

And she gets 'emotional' when told to "get out of the kitchen"?

Cruel..well it came out that way, but not, I'm sure, by intent...

Uncalled for, yes, because Jeannine was only, but only, telling us how things are done differently where she has lived - so what's wrong with that, please?

Regards, Lishka

Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: rosebud on November 01, 2008, 11:56:35
 I fully agree with Alishka, on this comment.

Hugs & kisses to Jeanine,  :-* :-* :-*

For Gods sake WHAT has happened to A4A, when one or the other has to be so critical & quick to insult , it was never like this.
Pleas let us all be the lovely friends we used to be so much nicer.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Hyacinth on November 01, 2008, 12:10:05

Pleas let us all be the lovely friends we used to be so much nicer.

What we need is another Choklit Tasting/Testing thread 8)

An I'm going to open one in The Watershed toot-sweet  - peeps to judge whether or not the chocs contain sprouts, OK? ;D
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: grawrc on November 01, 2008, 12:31:40
Woohoo! Do i get to be the fat controller??Drat I've lost all my credibility by being nice to folk >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Hyacinth on November 01, 2008, 12:38:31
Woohoo! Do i get to be the fat controller??Drat I've lost all my credibility by being nice to folk >:( >:( >:(

Pleeeeeeease, pleeeeeeeeeeease,pleeeeeeease do 8)

Well folks, we gotta Quality Control Administrator (post girl=me)
we gotta Fat Controller (grawcr) be afraid, be v.v.afraid...

We's Ready to Roll...

(an soddit Ann....nobody signs up, we'll eat the bloody choklits outselves  8))
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: grawrc on November 01, 2008, 13:21:14
say no more. let's get at 'em! 8) 8)
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: rosebud on November 01, 2008, 15:17:01
Me, me , me, i`m in choklit pleeeeeeeeeeeease.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Old Neddy on November 01, 2008, 15:18:27
Mountains out of molehills

Pots calling kettles black.

Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: grawrc on November 01, 2008, 15:38:13
Aha! Welcome to the site. What are your gardening interests?And why old?
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Mr Smith on November 01, 2008, 15:54:46
                And a happy pagan festival to you, if it was left to me I would of put the piss pot over their heads never mind a water pistol,  just keep away from me and do your happy stuff away from me ;) 
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Old Neddy on November 01, 2008, 16:27:25
I've had a plot for 45 years

I am old
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Froglegs on November 01, 2008, 16:45:55
Mountains out of molehills

Pots calling kettles black.

I agree Ned, as betula said it was a throw away remark and should have been(another throw away remark so if you find salt offensive no way was i being cruel critical or quick to insult  ::)) taken with a pinch a salt.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: theothermarg on November 01, 2008, 16:53:42
(((( hugs to jeannine)))) I kinda envy peeps who enjoy these occasions cuz although I am a cheery kind of person I have to admit I hate them and that includes xmas,easter and bonfire night. I do "do" xmas but am glad when it is all over,it means spring is coming. the real wonder is the longest and shortest day
the longest is welcome as the days start to get longer
I was glad that I missed last night as I worked till 7pm and then dashed off to the lotty AGM if I had been home I would have ignored the knocking on the door
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Hyacinth on November 01, 2008, 17:07:29
Theothermarg.....crucial question = DO YOU EAT CHOKLIT and if so, why haven't you signed up to our All-Singing All-Dancing Controlled (by the Estimable Fat Controller) - be afraid, be v.v. afraid youz frivolous folks-- Scientific Experiment?
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: grawrc on November 01, 2008, 18:12:47
specimens will be taken :o :-X molehills will be excavated  8) 8) grumpy chocaphobics and just generally grumpy folk will be fined and denied chocolate >:( >:( The Fat Controller's decision will be final (unless Lish says otherwise of course (grovels) :-* :-*

by order of
The Fat Controller
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: manicscousers on November 01, 2008, 18:18:57
specimens of what ?  ;D
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: pippy on November 01, 2008, 18:25:41
I don't have a problem with Halloween as such, but I do get sickened by all the cheap tat in the supermarkets and people dessing their kids up in lurid orange polyester pumpkin outfits!!

I don't let my kids go out begging for sweets at doors but I do let them carve a pumpkin and don a witches hat and cape and have a few sweets to play with at home.  Parties and competitions are okay too.  It's just all the commercialisation.  Same with Christmas.  It's much more fun to make it yourself if you have time!
It's all done to too much excess in the stores.

Must look at this choclitt stuff  ;D ;D :o
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Old Neddy on November 01, 2008, 18:34:28
Who is anyone to say someone is grumpy?  That's your opinion.

Why excavate mole hills try smashing down the mountains.

I am visiting my daughter and she thought I might enjoy this site but I have to say it appears no different to most of the others.  Self opinionated people with dominating personalities better if it stuck to allotments and news of the day.

Trick and treat subject goes into Choklit, strange for grown-up's.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: grawrc on November 01, 2008, 18:48:18
 :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X ::)
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: manicscousers on November 01, 2008, 18:48:54
ooops  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: grawrc on November 01, 2008, 18:58:45
Old Neddy I am happy to discuss this with you via pm if you wish?
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: OllieC on November 01, 2008, 19:02:41
Hi Neddy - hi & welcome!

To be fair, it's my thread & I do tend to stray off topic now & again as most people know... Plenty on here stick to gardening chat - under edible & non edible headings.... the Shed probably isn't all that different to any other online community, albeit you've not stumbled across the best example of our generally peaceful & chilled approach.

Sorry if you don't like us, but if you try us a bit more hopefully you might change your mind!!
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: cambourne7 on November 01, 2008, 19:07:26
adding my 2 pence worth, i love bonfire night and miss setting fire to things :) dont have a problem with bonfire night as the kids in the village are a pretty well behaved its actualy the idiot older teenagers who we have the issues with here 16 to 20 :(

We had 3 knocks on the door this year.

Answered door first time to 2 girls dressed as a fairy and a witch with 3 slightly younger boys 2 dressed one in his school uniform and shorts saying he was a WW2 evac child which was cute so they all got sweets.

Answered the door the second time to 4 boys which were all dressed makeup and everything as vampires :)

Answered door third time and this time it was 3 boys one was popping the lip on a can and looking at my garden he had popped some silly string on a plant so he got nothing obviously though i was not going to answer !! his friends all got some sweets. As i was going back in another group 3 girls came around the corner and all got some sweets. And then another group came the other way reaching into my bag ... oh dear only 2 little packets of sweets left so i threw them yelled catch :)

Then all the lights off and hid in the front room with the tv on and a mug of tea :) Bell only rang once more so did not feel 2 bad :)

Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: grawrc on November 01, 2008, 19:10:48
With all the talk  about chocolate I thought trick or treat wasn't too far off topic?? ;) Anyway I've had my metaphorical fingers rapped so I'll try to restrict being the fat controller to the choclit thread. So be afraid ........ >:( >:( ;)
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: simmo116 on November 01, 2008, 19:21:14
we only had afew nocks on our door which is good b'cus only got one bag of sweets ha! bigun went trick n treatin and came back with a bag ful of sweets and 60p so he didnt do to bad. i used to love trick and treatin as akid used to get loads of dosh. we used to go round the pubs and all the drunk ns would throw money at us. them were the days . with haloween bonfire night and carol singin me and my mates used to make a  killin! ;D
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Hyacinth on November 01, 2008, 19:26:42
i love bonfire night and miss setting fire to things :)


 ;D ;D ;D bestest laugh today. Go for it gal 8)

Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Solorn on November 01, 2008, 19:39:40
My husband took me and my children to a lovely place in Glastonbury called Chalice Well. There was old fashioned story telling around the fire, 3 meter tall giants that the children got to help, a Sahmain ceremony, and the atmosphere was wonderful.

There was pumpkin soup, ginger parkin, toffee apples and other simple food. All in all I had an amazing night and so did the kids. Much better than hiding from trick or treaters.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on November 01, 2008, 20:16:59
that sounds the best thing for Halloween, Solorn. I used to go there often when I lived in Bristol
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Froglegs on November 01, 2008, 20:21:53

Trick and treat subject goes into Choklit, strange for grown-up's.
I tried to be a grown up once    ::) did not like it. ;D
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: ACE on November 03, 2008, 09:56:08
To save going through all this crap again next year. Invite them in if you feel the need, (no need to admit it to us)  or do what I do and put a nice pair of wellies outside the front door, make sure they are all sprayed up with sparkly silver spray.

After all there ain't a kid in the land that is going to knock on Gary Glitters door.
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: OllieC on November 03, 2008, 10:26:55
Ha! It's the one day of the year when Garry Glitter gets the last laugh!
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Flunky on November 03, 2008, 10:37:35
                And a happy pagan festival to you, if it was left to me I would of put the piss pot over their heads never mind a water pistol,  just keep away from me and do your happy stuff away from me ;) 

Aaah, what it must be like to be so happy and go lucky all the time. Would you like me to tell you a joke ? i bet you're ticklish. Come, give us a smile, it cant all be bad.  ;D
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: Mrs Ava on November 04, 2008, 00:37:34
Well, we were away for Halloween, half term so down with the family in Devon.  Arrived home on Saturday only to find my car covered in yoghurt.  Bless 'em, as we didn't answer the door, we were 'tricked'.   >:(  I don't mind it, although it can be a touch intimidating if a herd of lads rolls up at the door begging for sweets.  Mine don't go trick or treating so we usually have out own little halloween party indoors.  Much prefer Guy Fawkes - I do love a good bang in the evening.  :P

Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: OllieC on November 04, 2008, 09:13:39
I do love a good bang in the evening.  :P

Sadly, as you get older, it becomes more of a fizzle than an all out explosion...
Title: Re: Trick or Treat...
Post by: asbean on November 04, 2008, 10:30:20
I do love a good bang in the evening.  :P

Sadly, as you get older, it becomes more of a fizzle than an all out explosion...

You speak for yourself - some of us oldies have more spark than you young 'uns  :o 8) :o 8) :o 8) ::) ::) ::)
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