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General => The Shed => Topic started by: Carol on October 28, 2008, 20:57:35

Title: Ross and Brand
Post by: Carol on October 28, 2008, 20:57:35
Boy they aren't half making the news just now and not before time.  I cannot stand either of them.  I refuse to watch or listen to Brand but now and then Wossy has an interesting guest on his show on TV and tend to look see whats going on,but really that man cannot conduct an interview without inuendos, crudeness or whatever.  How he has got away with it over the years I just do not know and his annual salary of (forgot the number)  millions is way way over the top.  Fingers crossed here they both get sacked.  It is time the BBC cleaned up their act. 

Rant over. ::)
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: betula on October 28, 2008, 21:01:37
I  stopped watching a long time ago.So juvenile.Hope they get the sack.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: OllieC on October 28, 2008, 21:02:45
Couldn't agree more. I'm no prude, but what they did was disgusting - telling a grandfather that you had sex with his grandaughter, then broadcast the message on tv... astonishingly bad taste.

Brand can be funny, but chooses to act like a pillock. Ross is arrogant and overpaid.

Fire them both, I say, although I'm sure they'll find a suit to take the flack instead.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on October 28, 2008, 21:07:25
and to think Kenny Everett got the sack from the Beeb for making a joke about the wife of the Transport Minister failing her driving test..........
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: valmarg on October 28, 2008, 21:32:17
I just find it amazing that the BBC could employ a tasteless, talentless oik like Brand.  He was sacked from MTV for turning up, the day after the 11th September attrocities dressed as Osama bin Laden, he was also sacked from another radio station for broadcasting pornography.

Ross has a weird obsession with bodily functions, particularly his own, which begs the suggestion ' too much information'.

They are both repulsive, arrogant, and I object to the licence fee tax being used to fund such crap.


Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: star on October 28, 2008, 21:33:31
If Woss and Brand were sacked the BEEB could use their salaries to cut our TV license bills. They earn obscene amounts of money for being...........well obscene.

The license fees are far too high for the rubbish thats on anyway 
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: ACE on October 28, 2008, 22:06:48
10,000 complains from people who never even heard the programme, they have all got worked up from the media frenzy.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Borlotti on October 28, 2008, 22:26:54
I think that they have both 'got out of their pram' and think they can do anything they like.  Let's hope they both get the sack and hopefully get taken to court for obscene phone calls.  I expect alcohol and/or drugs had a lot to do with it and it seemed funny at the time but it is about time they both grew up.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: kenkew on October 28, 2008, 22:32:30
Time both of 'em went and got a proper job and stopped fleecing and 'laughing' at their employers/payers/and people who can't answer back.
 Sack both of them.
 What sort of people need that sort of people?
 Absolute waste of air-space and money.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on October 29, 2008, 07:29:58
Russell Brand - secret love child of Jo Brand and Laurence Lewellen Bowen
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Mr Smith on October 29, 2008, 07:55:48
Find the pair of them are totally disgusting, I would not leave Brand alone with your cat ;)
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: dtw on October 29, 2008, 08:43:37
Georgina Baillie, 23, also threatened that she could make an official complaint to police, but admitted she had slept with Brand.

Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: OllieC on October 29, 2008, 09:34:19
I must admit, I didn't know who Andrew Sachs was until this happened - maybe there's still time for him to relaunch his career?
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: SamLouise on October 29, 2008, 09:37:31
I'm not a fan of either of them, I don't think they're very funny at all (but that's just personal taste) I watch JR on Film 2008 because he's passionate about film and I like that but other than that, I think they're a pair of numpties who fail at comedy because they don't know when to stop.  A joke's not funny when it's being milked for the following twenty minutes.  Having said that, I personally believe this is being blown a little out of proportion!  What they did was wrong, I agree (infact when trying to listen to it on youtube yesterday, it became so boring and embarrassing, I had to turn it off) but for the PM to speak about it, and the media frenzy surrounding it?  Come on, it's a little overboard don't you think?  I don't know how it should be dealt with (especially with the swearing etc) but for them to both be sacked over it I think is a little silly.  Of course I wouldn't mind them both disappearing from the media face of the earth but not this way.  Just my two penneth.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: OllieC on October 29, 2008, 09:40:53
Jonathan Ross always gives Kevin Smith films a slating, which is the main reason I have no respect for him! How can you love film but hate Kevin Smith?
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: hellohelenhere on October 29, 2008, 10:05:15
Other film reviewers have said that they never see Jonathan Ross at film previews - it seems likely that it's all scripted for him by his team!
I hope this does dent his career, he's paid far too much and he's a *terrible* interviewer, I can't watch him.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on October 29, 2008, 10:06:41
would be nice to think we might see the back of Jonathon Ross, but I doubt it's going to happen

who's Kevin Smith?
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: wilko on October 29, 2008, 10:13:00
I didn't hear the broadcast, but i understand it was pre recorded ! so isn't it the job of the producer to edit such stuff? maybe the blame lies with him or her.
I wouldn't miss either of them, as I listen to neither one of them..........
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: OllieC on October 29, 2008, 10:21:34
who's Kevin Smith?

Clerks, Chasing Amy, Mallrats, Dogma, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks 2, Orange County (the only bad one)...
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: SamLouise on October 29, 2008, 10:24:55
I didn't hear the broadcast, but i understand it was pre recorded ! so isn't it the job of the producer to edit such stuff? maybe the blame lies with him or her.
I wouldn't miss either of them

My thoughts exactly.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on October 29, 2008, 10:37:43
while we're on the subject, i'd quite like to see the back of Graham Norton too. Let me rephrase that  :o
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: flowerofshona2007 on October 29, 2008, 10:40:28
But who in there right mind would have sex with him !!!! only if a bag was placed over his head and he was the last man alive, and then only if my batteries had run out !  ;D
They both need sacking and the idiot who editted it should go with them !
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Mr Smith on October 29, 2008, 11:15:24
Well if we are going on about others I find that little pip squeak 'Jamie Oliver' totally disgusting, the other week he was on TV in a school doing something about school meals and every other word was Effing this and 'Effing that, what is it with usingthis smut all the time I'm no prude but there is a time and a place, moan over :)
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on October 29, 2008, 11:29:55
But who in there right mind would have sex with him !!!! only if a bag was placed over his head and he was the last man alive, and then only if my batteries had run out !  ;D

the good news is, you're probably safe. The bad news is, the human race is doooomed!
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: coznbob on October 29, 2008, 11:42:53
Just on the news that they have been suspended.

Not quite sure what that will mean though, prob. on full pay and wait until the fuss has died down...
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: betula on October 29, 2008, 11:57:48
They are both talented people.They have been allowed to go too far for to long.Hope this will put the brakes on them.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: redimp on October 29, 2008, 12:12:00
I am not a fan of either dues to the nature of their comedy but I do think that this has been blown totally out of proportion but hey,  where there's a bandwagon!!!!!
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: ACE on October 29, 2008, 16:02:22
Well it is doing a good job of taking peoples thoughts away from the real problems that are happening. Negative equity, redundancies, oil prices that are about to rise again.  Business going bust. A childish prank that went wrong, stupid prats yes. But take away the mavericks from entertainment and we'll end up with wiggy and his dancing every night.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: OllieC on October 29, 2008, 16:06:39
Well it is doing a good job of taking peoples thoughts away from the real problems that are happening. Negative equity, redundancies, oil prices that are about to rise again.  Business going bust. A childish prank that went wrong, stupid prats yes. But take away the mavericks from entertainment and we'll end up with wiggy and his dancing every night.

Sometimes I'm so slow... Of course that's why Gordon & chums want to talk about it, saves the awkward questions like "why did you trash our economy?". And the tories want to discuss it as they hate the BBC anyway...
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: thegreatgardener on October 29, 2008, 16:11:37
the latest  news on the subject is that if the they are  fined for the incident they will both be fired.
There time slot will be filled with old blue peter episodes until further notice.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Old bird on October 29, 2008, 16:12:23
I think they certainly went too far with this one - but I think that Jonathon Ross is incredibly funny - he says it as it is normally. But that Russell guy he looks like a dirty layabout with a filthy mouth and I cannot see that he is quick witted or anything - apart from his "celebrity" status what do any of these women see in him?

Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: OllieC on October 29, 2008, 16:16:45
The thing he said on the MTV awards was funny - to the American audience, "I know you're an open minded bunch otherwise you wouldn't have let that retarded cowboy run your country for 8 years".
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: calendula on October 29, 2008, 16:20:16
methinks that the BBC need them both more than they need the beeb and I am sure at least one of them will have a reasonably tight contract so they get paid at least - I find the whole thing a drop in the ocean compared to other worldly matters and as to the the quality return of a licence fee, please don't get me going on that  >:(

it'll pass
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Fork on October 29, 2008, 16:38:32
If they are sacked....and they wont be.....they will only go to another channel.

Too talented Im afraid despite all the crudeness.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Mr Smith on October 29, 2008, 16:44:23
Ha, ha, RB and JR funny I can't stop laughing they are just vulgar, they would not last for two minutes at the same gig with 'Wondering  Walter' ;D
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Hyacinth on October 29, 2008, 16:49:16
I didn't hear the broadcast, but i understand it was pre recorded ! so isn't it the job of the producer to edit such stuff? maybe the blame lies with him or her.

I'm thinking that, yes, this was a pre-recorded  session, and that the reason that it didn''t end up on the cutting-room floor, but was OK'd for general transmission, has to be the responsibility of....whoever?....
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: posie on October 29, 2008, 17:16:09
Hmmm, can't stand Jonathan Ross myself, but I do like Russell Brand up to a point and I thought his book was hilarious.  However what they did was in total bad taste, they do deserve some kind of sanction but surely as it was pre-recorded the prat who let it go on air should face some too.  What I find mildly amusing is that only a handful of complaints were made at the actual time of broadcasting but thousands who made from people who'd heard of it on tv or read it in papers.....hey ho it's a funny old world.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Flunky on October 29, 2008, 17:21:16
I quite like Russel Brand and I think Mr Woss is quite good too. Just my personal opinion. However, it is very very wrong to say things like that to her Grandad. Not good at all.

Andrew Sachs has said he has accepted the apology and that should be the end of it. Nothing to do with anyone else, I know we pay the licence fee but there is a lot worse on the Beeb, a lot worse. 2 complaints on the night (for bad language) and 18,000 since. sounds strange, its 4.5% of Russell Brands audience figure. In my eyes the majority thought it was ok. i suppose it depends on who you ask.

Call me cynical but I bet you what you like, the girl in question will do very well out of all this. If I am being super cynical I would not be surprised if this was a way of getting HER media attention, her and her burlesque group "The Satanic Sl*ts" or maybe next time she goes for a page 3 audition we will know who she is. She doesnt sound too savoury or maybe she does depending on your tastes.

If its ok with Mr Sachs, then its ok by me.

Peace and love people, peace and love.  :-X

Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: giantpumpkins on October 29, 2008, 17:40:13
What I don't understand is why it took so long for the complainers to complain....only two complained after the show but complaints seem to be growing exponentially following since it was highlighted in the media.

To me that suggests the complainers noted the fuss in the media and then liistened to a recording or podcast thus deliberatly offending themselves or, like a vociferous critic on the radio this lunchtime, had not actually heard the broadcast she was complaining about. Hmmmm

The most interesting thing I note from this is that repeated references to Brand believing he is the next Messiah are OK but the national treasure that is Manuel must not be humiliated. How times have changed.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Flunky on October 29, 2008, 17:47:37
What I don't understand is why it took so long for the complainers to complain....only two complained after the show but complaints seem to be growing exponentially following since it was highlighted in the media.

To me that suggests the complainers noted the fuss in the media and then liistened to a recording or podcast thus deliberatly offending themselves or, like a vociferous critic on the radio this lunchtime, had not actually heard the broadcast she was complaining about. Hmmmm

The most interesting thing I note from this is that repeated references to Brand believing he is the next Messiah are OK but the national treasure that is Manuel must not be humiliated. How times have changed.

Faulty Towers (or Flay otters as the sign once read) is genuis. Now come on my little nest of vipers lets get back to the gardening. LOL.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: hopalong on October 29, 2008, 17:59:31


Faulty Towers (or Flay otters as the sign once read) is genuis. Now come on my little nest of vipers lets get back to the gardening. LOL.
Farty Towels was another good one, I thought.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Flunky on October 29, 2008, 18:19:10


Faulty Towers (or Flay otters as the sign once read) is genuis. Now come on my little nest of vipers lets get back to the gardening. LOL.
Farty Towels was another good one, I thought.

There was another which sticks in my incredibly childish mind, bit TOO rude for here though, would not want to offend.  ::)
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: OllieC on October 29, 2008, 18:27:08
I say bring back hanging now. There is nowhere near enough hysteria yet!
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: posie on October 29, 2008, 18:29:18
Russell Brand has resigned.  Shouldn't have done what he did, but at least he did the decent thing I guess.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: kenkew on October 29, 2008, 18:36:24
The airwaves would be a better place without both of them. There's talent out there looking for a slot.....who needs nasty minded plonka's?
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on October 29, 2008, 18:39:50

There was another which sticks in my incredibly childish mind, bit TOO rude for here though, would not want to offend.  ::)

which actually was the only one that was a proper anagram

as it seems suddenly that these overpaid arrogant buffoons can no longer do whatever outrageous things they want without worrying about any consequences, is it too much to hope that we're just seeing the start of the Celebrity Crunch?
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: OllieC on October 29, 2008, 18:42:17

There was another which sticks in my incredibly childish mind, bit TOO rude for here though, would not want to offend.  ::)

which actually was the only one that was a proper anagram

as it seems suddenly that these overpaid arrogant buffoons can no longer do whatever outrageous things they want without worrying about any consequences, is it too much to hope that we're just seeing the start of the Celebrity Crunch?

Ooh, wouldn't that be lovely! I'd keep Stephen Fry though... who else?
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: tim on October 29, 2008, 18:44:06
I didn't see it - & don't want to. But:

1. Agree that it was the Beeb's chap - if anyone actually heard the whole thing - to pack.

2.But nice that these 'comedians' can afford to resign.

3. Sad that 'celebs' - in the endless drug/driving etc scene - are too necessary to our palates too be imprisoned.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Flunky on October 29, 2008, 18:44:45

There was another which sticks in my incredibly childish mind, bit TOO rude for here though, would not want to offend.  ::)

which actually was the only one that was a proper anagram

as it seems suddenly that these overpaid arrogant buffoons can no longer do whatever outrageous things they want without worrying about any consequences, is it too much to hope that we're just seeing the start of the Celebrity Crunch?

Ooh, wouldn't that be lovely! I'd keep Stephen Fry though... who else?

I like Strephen Fry.

The cast of black adder would have to stay. Anything by Perry and Croft. eerr maybe I should be quiet.

P.s Mr Fry films in my local. "the startled duck" AKA The Greyhound.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: taurus on October 29, 2008, 19:01:37
Bring back Parki at least he No's how to speak to people
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Fork on October 29, 2008, 19:10:50
You mean

"Flowery Twats" ;D ;D ;D

I remember that episode,there was only me and my mum in the house watching it at the time and we fell about in hysterics for so long we missed half the show!
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on October 29, 2008, 19:14:53
Stephen Fry is more than a celebrity, because he has Talent. He went to prison in the village where we lived - Pucklechurch. Think that was before it was a women's prison though. We bought our house from 2 lesbian women who worked there, and the couple next door were too. They used to spend all weekend cleaning their cars. I said to my partner once - she's out there again, washing her ******** car! - Who is?     -The butch one, the one that looks like your Mum........ :o oops
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: kenkew on October 29, 2008, 19:36:19
RT. I'm only posting this to block your intention to modify your post.... ;D
Apart from which...(who said witch)...I hear your car hasn't seen a sponge since camels developed humps!
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Lauren S on October 29, 2008, 19:39:44
Casting my mind back to the Shilpa Shetty Big Brother saga, this is exactly the same. A handful of initial complaints, then it went public.......Oh (throws arms in the air) all of a sudden, everyone from Land's End to John O'Groats is offended and complaining.

Noun 1. Bandwagon - a popular trend that attracts growing support; "when they saw how things were going everybody jumped on the bandwagon"

2. Bandwagon - a large ornate wagon for carrying a musical band; "the gaudy bandwagon led the circus parade"
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: OllieC on October 29, 2008, 19:45:15
Will Jonathan Ross go to the National TV awards tonight? I might even bother watching, just in case... I suppose he's nominated for a few things?
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on October 29, 2008, 19:49:27
RT. I'm only posting this to block your intention to modify your post.... ;D
Apart from which...(who said witch)...I hear your car hasn't seen a sponge since camels developed humps!
actually kenkew (and this is true) my car has moss growing on it. Last time I put it in the garage, it failed the MOT, but was declared a Site of Special Scientic Interest (which isn't true)  ;D
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Pesky Wabbit on October 30, 2008, 00:31:29
Russell Brand has resigned.  Shouldn't have done what he did, but at least he did the decent thing I guess.

But he's only resigned so that he can take up his new role as next Doctor Who. :o
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: posie on October 30, 2008, 07:08:20
Lol actually I think he'd make a very good doctor who, although I'm currently thinking James Nesbitt would be best candidate out of all the ones who've been suggested.  :)
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: RobinOfTheHood on October 30, 2008, 11:10:59
PUBLIC outrage at the treatment of Andrew Sachs boiled over last night as Britain reached a new peak of furious incoherence.

News websites struggled to cope as millions of violently confused readers found themselves unable to contain their angry, ill-informed opinions.

A BBC spokesman said: "Britain is obviously trying to tell us something but they need to slow down and do their very best to communicate in whole sentences."

Some of the comments posted on The Times yesterday:

I don't know who these people are or what this is all about but thanks to them I have spent
the entire morning being violently sick on my neighbour's car. It's a bridge too far. Or is it two bridges not too far enough? Bring back Hattie Jacques!
Mrs Margaret, Guildford

How would they like it if someone came into their bedroom in the middle of the night and drenched them in gin and started fondling their legs and then playing with their willy until it made a horrid mess? Not very much, is what I think. Filthy boys. We should kill them with lions.
jstraw, Blackburn

Thankfully I missed this whole sordid episode. When will the BBC do the right thing and repeat in full? I get back from work around six.
Chewbacca, Norwich

But the granddaughter though eh? She's not exactly, you know, is she? I mean come on, let's not forget what this is really all about. Exactly. 
Vote UKIP!
paddingtonbear69, Macclesfield

This reminds me of the time the Dimbleby brothers phoned me up during 'Any Answers' and offered to w*** me into a teapot. I see the BBC hasn't changed one bit.
Andypandy, Taunton
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: RobinOfTheHood on October 30, 2008, 11:38:49
THE Madrid government last night sprang to the defence of Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross hailing them as the new heroes of anti-Spanish racism.

Prime minister José Luis Zapatero said the assault on Andrew Sachs was 'measured' given the actor's portrayal of a halfwit Spaniard who thinks a rat is some kind of Siberian hamster.

Zapatero said Sachs, banned from entering Spain since 1976, was single-handedly responsible for the country's image as a nation of greasy-haired chimpanzees who have to have everything explained to them twice.

A spokesman for the Spanish embassy in London said: "We've been leaving dirty messages on his answerphone for years.

"And every Sunday we camp outside his house and chuck handfuls of paella at his front door."

Spain's biggest newspaper El Pais said: "Señors Ross and Brand are the champions of every waiter who has ever served a table of drunken English tourists who find it amusing to answer all of his questions with 'Qué?' until one of them finally comes out with 'I'm so sorry, he's from Barcelona'."

Meanwhile, as Russell Brand admitted he had been 'caught up in the money', jumped-up researcher Jonathan Ross was last night told to apologise 18 million times over the next three years.

The BBC has also offered Brand's £200,000 salary to the Treasury to help pay down the jaw-droppingly out-of-control national debt that everyone seems to think is irrelevant compared to some swear words on an answering machine.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: ACE on October 30, 2008, 13:06:16
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Some sense at last.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Flunky on October 30, 2008, 14:12:56
AND V FUNNNY TOO !!!!! nice one.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: valmarg on October 30, 2008, 19:17:42
Well, the one person who will have really appreciated this histeria is 'the prince of darkness' mandy.  Its shifted him off the front page of the papers.  His 'bad news' is being well and truly buried.


Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: betula on October 30, 2008, 19:24:34
Ross has been suspended for twelve weeks.He is not daft.No resignation from him. :(
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: kenkew on October 30, 2008, 19:55:47
Well, although it's true to say that the tabloids instigated the recent hype, I for one am happy they did. Even if this dicky duo's desperate attempt at humour had not been aired, the fact remains they insulted someone who isn't in a position to fight back in like manner.
 Had this not have been aired and then made public, then these two t*at heads would have got away with it.
 I wonder how many other people have switched on their answer phones to receive such crappy verbal abuse from these two?
 Millionaires they may be....miniscule brain cells they certainly have!

Sack 'em.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Pesky Wabbit on October 31, 2008, 14:20:02
Well, the one person who will have really appreciated this histeria is 'the prince of darkness' mandy.  Its shifted him off the front page of the papers.  His 'bad news' is being well and truly buried.


Isnt Ozzy Osbourne the 'Prince of Darkness'  ? Is Mandy now taking drugs and going on tour ?
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: valmarg on October 31, 2008, 14:27:07
Sorry Pesky, the mandy I meant was Peter Mandelson, aka the prince of darkness.

The Ross/Brand item knocked PM and his shady Russian dealings off the front pages.

Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Pesky Wabbit on October 31, 2008, 14:36:48
I'm sure both of them can do 'Paranoid'' very successfully.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: calendula on October 31, 2008, 14:56:57
so many seem to judge this incident from the point of view of whether they like Ross and Brand's products (kind of like voting with your feet) but it is irrelevant whether you like them or not, it still happens - if all wrongs of the world got this kind of media attention and were 'sorted' as quickly wouldn't things be so much better - the broader picture is far more important, in my not so humble opinion  ;)

Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Pesky Wabbit on October 31, 2008, 15:07:42
I wonder what Ross and Brand's contribution to 'Children In Need' will be ?
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on October 31, 2008, 15:21:07
Jonathon Ross has pulled out of presenting the British Comedy Awards. The BBC are taking no chances, and have asked Julian Clary to present it instead
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: SamLouise on October 31, 2008, 15:39:11
It was a hysterical response to something silly.  I imagine that 99% of complainers didn't even hear the item in question so they don't have the right to complain.  I agree it was a stupid and ignorant thing for them both to do but come on!  I was flicking channels the other night when Graham Norton quite blatantly called a fellow celebrity a c**t - how come that was left on air?  Like everyone else, I swear sometimes but I don't expect to hear that on a chat show - and again, I wasn't offended but double standards?
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: twinkletoes on October 31, 2008, 15:53:26
I think the difference in the R&B thing and the language used by Graham Norton is that the person to whom GN was speaking to was probably in front of him. I would assume, therefore that this person is well aware of GN's style of presenting a show and would have been aware that it was very likely that abuse would come forth from GN directed at them and that this would take place with an audience. Andrew Sachs, however, was "picked" on and had not "agreed" to lay himself open to being abused in public and so this "prank" surely cannot be right.   But I agree with you SamLouise, the degree of bad language on the tv has gone way off the scale now and I am not impressed by it.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: betula on October 31, 2008, 15:56:25
I agree with you twinkletoes :)
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: redimp on October 31, 2008, 16:55:49
Well, the one person who will have really appreciated this histeria is 'the prince of darkness' mandy.  Its shifted him off the front page of the papers.  His 'bad news' is being well and truly buried.


Well, it was the self righteous right that put Ross and Brand on the front page - probably to push Osbourne's underhand dealings (not Ozzy btw) off.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: OllieC on October 31, 2008, 17:18:50
I imagine that 99% of complainers didn't even hear the item in question so they don't have the right to complain.

So have I got this right, you're saying I have to see child abuse to find it offensive? I didn't see any Jewish people getting killed in concentration camps, but it happened... again I find it offensive when people deny the Holocaust - am I not allowed to complain if I don't hear them?

Just because this is less serious, doesn't mean it should have a different test of who can be offended. Well, that's what I think anyway!
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: manicscousers on October 31, 2008, 17:26:20
can someone tell me how they would feel if their grandparent was subject to this kind of phone jacking ?
don't care if it's true, they shouldn't've done it  ::)
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Flunky on October 31, 2008, 17:41:09
can someone tell me how they would feel if their grandparent was subject to this kind of phone jacking ?
don't care if it's true, they shouldn't've done it  ::)

funny that. Me and my finer half discussed exactly that. We have an 18 year old daughter. I dont think I would be able to put in a public forum what would happen to that person if they left a message like that on my phone. Suffice to say I would defnately like to discuiss it with them.

I said at the start of this post i dont have a problem with either of them. But to say that to someones grandad is not on. He did however except the apology so its nothing to do with anyone else. I feel they should of been made to donate to a charity of his choice however, as well as a public apology.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Borlotti on October 31, 2008, 19:25:11
The only trouble I find with all this is that when after 3 months Jonathan Ross is back on TV he will be more popular, and make more money.  Anyone got his mobile phone number as I would love to ring him and tell him lies (rude remarks) about his daughter. (ha, ha, why don't we all think it is funny).  Don't suppose he would laugh, probably call the police.  Let's hope he enjoys his party tonight with all the press outside.  What a complete pratt, and let's hope no-none will want to be on his show in January, but I suppose he will just gain more publicity from this and more money.  If you or me did this we would probably be prosecuted or fined or before the courts.  He is a complete and utter prat.  Perhaps we should all stop paying our licence fee.  What about East Enders, on before 9 pm when someone was buried alive, how sick, are they all on drugs or drunk.  Just off to watch Gardners World although not to pleased with Alan Titchmarsh who was doing sex for over 60's in the afternoon (3 pm) , left my granddaughter surprised as I told her Alan was a lovely man who liked gardens. I was told off as she said Nanny, you are so naughty. sex aids at 3 pm. 
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Froglegs on October 31, 2008, 21:36:39
On the day 3 complaints up to over 30,000 now,some people should get a life. ::)
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: valmarg on October 31, 2008, 22:13:42
I wonder what Ross and Brand's contribution to 'Children In Need' will be ?
I for one couldn't give a d**n, as my contribution to children in need will not be so much as a brass farthing.

Starting on Monday 10th November the auction for things that only money can buy will begin on Radio 2.

There will be items on the auction that I would love to buy, but when the people that manage to buy them pay three times OH's  pension it sickens me.

We are pensioners, our annual income is not very much, but the bit that irritates me about the auction is that for 51 weeks of the year we rub along and are quite happy with our lot.  Then along comes the auction that only money can buy, and it makes me dissatisfied with my lot,  When somebody pays £35,000 for something, ie 3 x OH's pension, I do get a bit irritated.

Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: lorna on October 31, 2008, 22:17:49
No I didn't hear it, have never thought much of either of them. However when I saw/heard part which has been reported in the news I still think I have a right to voice an opinion (not that I have!!)
I have signed petitions on this forum that members have posted. In some cases I hadn't heard of the cause but having it pointed out to me gave me the right to act as I thought fit.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: betula on October 31, 2008, 22:20:40
I know exactly what you mean valmarg.

At least the money is going to a good cause.

You know what,I heard yesterday my friend has about 12 months to live.

I am rich.I have my loving ,wonderful husband.Worth all the money in the world to me.It kind of put things in perspective. :)
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: hopalong on November 01, 2008, 10:40:46
Suppressed my prejudices and distaste for Brand today and read his sports column in the Guardian. Have to say that it's brilliant.  Here's the link:

Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Old Neddy on November 01, 2008, 16:31:48
His enduring love for Harry Redknapp says it all about him
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: valmarg on November 01, 2008, 17:38:45
Wasn't is nice to be able to listen to Radio 2 between 10.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. today. ;D  Long may it continue, beyond 12 weeks.

Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Amazin on November 01, 2008, 20:55:48
I've followed developments with some interest. There have been many views expressed regarding Jonathan Ross: whether he is a national treasure or a talentless buffoon, whether he is worth his salary or not, whether his actions were an outrage or a prank that went wrong. These are matters of opinion.
Here's a matter of fact - he broke the law.

And by not firing him, both the BBC Board and the BBC Trust have tacitly condoned that.

I am not a reader of the tabloid press, nor am I jumping on any hysterical bandwagon. I actually heard the show as it was broadcast that night.  Within seconds of that segment starting I was aware that what I was hearing was a criminal offence being committed.
What did I do? I reported it. Why did I do it? Surely if I listened to the show I should have known what to expect? No, I did not expect to be a witness to a criminal act which, had I committed it, would have most likely have led to a prosecution and would certainly have cost me my job.

I considered withholding my licence fee in protest but this is also against the law. The BBC has effectively given me a choice - either fund a crime or commit one. How did licence payers come to be held in such contempt?

I'm reminded that the BBC's big flagship charity bash is coming up soon.
The fact is that making obscene or threatening phone calls is becoming an epidemic among children as a way of intimidating other kids - you've heard of cyber-bullying haven't you? - and is in exactly the same vein as 'happy-slapping'. Some young people's lives are utterly shattered by this. How could the BBC show such double standards by referring to what was done as a prank?

It wasn't funny, it wasn't a prank. It was criminal. Simple.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: grawrc on November 01, 2008, 21:00:27
So agree! So what are we doing?
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: betula on November 01, 2008, 21:08:44
Wasn't is nice to be able to listen to Radio 2 between 10.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. today. ;D  Long may it continue, beyond 12 weeks.


I must admit I was not happy when I heard Chris Evans was going to do drive time.

I did not think he was a good choice.

Have changed my mind now,really enjoy his programmes.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: telboy on November 01, 2008, 21:31:09
I read your comments with interest on this thread.
Hang on though - what's electric soup?  ;D
Come on folks, what about the probs. in the Congo?
Surely the two -  Brand & Wossy are lightweights?
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: simmo116 on November 01, 2008, 21:41:09
who will be replacing wossy on a saturday? cant say i am overly keen on the chap. i agree about the chris evans on drive time i dont mind him but i prefered old johnny walker. hi im new by the way to fourum and to lotties! ;D
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Amazin on November 01, 2008, 21:53:09
Surely the two -  Brand & Wossy are lightweights?

By lightweights, do you mean petty criminals?

I do understand your point though, Telboy. Perhaps the events in the Congo merit their own thread, as do many of the other important issues that were knocked off the front pages by this.

However, that's not to say this issue is as trivial as might appear at first glance. It's at least opened up the matter of public funding and its uses in a much bigger way than has perhaps has happened before.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: telboy on November 01, 2008, 22:09:14
True, very true!!!!!!!
But it's trivial sh*t compared with what is happening elsewhere in our wonderful grief stricken world? Innit?
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Paulines7 on November 01, 2008, 23:42:05
who will be replacing wossy on a saturday? cant say i am overly keen on the chap. i agree about the chris evans on drive time i dont mind him but i prefered old johnny walker. hi im new by the way to fourum and to lotties! ;D

Welcome to the forum Simmo116.  You will see that we are a lively lot on here.   ;D ;D
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: grawrc on November 01, 2008, 23:55:28
it's trivial sh*t compared with what is happening elsewhere in our wonderful grief stricken world? Innit?
Like the bank manager used to say in the days when we had bank managers and no big bonuses: look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: valmarg on November 02, 2008, 18:36:24
Well, the one person who will have really appreciated this histeria is 'the prince of darkness' mandy.  Its shifted him off the front page of the papers.  His 'bad news' is being well and truly buried.

valmargell, it was the self righteous right that put Ross and Brand on the front page - probably to push Osbourne's underhand dealings (not Ozzy btw) off.

I can always rely on you RC to take the bait. ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on November 02, 2008, 18:46:13
I wouldn't worry too much. The chances of Lord Voldemort avoiding any more scandal are probably close to zero. Maybe the next one will be a biggie- Gay Sex Outrage with Roman Abramovitch, the entire Chelsea Football Team, and a Minor Member of the Royal Family
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: grawrc on November 02, 2008, 18:54:08
Thank you RT!! I really relish the image of Mandy as Lord Voldemort - just seems to fit! ;D :P
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Rhubarb Thrasher on November 02, 2008, 19:07:41
it doesn't have quite the right ring when you give him is full title - Lord Voldemort of Hartlepool (and Foy). maybe (and Malfoy) sounds better  ;D
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: redimp on November 02, 2008, 20:41:27
Well, the one person who will have really appreciated this histeria is 'the prince of darkness' mandy.  Its shifted him off the front page of the papers.  His 'bad news' is being well and truly buried.

valmargell, it was the self righteous right that put Ross and Brand on the front page - probably to push Osbourne's underhand dealings (not Ozzy btw) off.

I can always rely on you RC to take the bait. ;D ;D ;D


Does that make you a troll then? :-\
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: OllieC on November 02, 2008, 20:47:53
Well, the one person who will have really appreciated this histeria is 'the prince of darkness' mandy.  Its shifted him off the front page of the papers.  His 'bad news' is being well and truly buried.

valmargell, it was the self righteous right that put Ross and Brand on the front page - probably to push Osbourne's underhand dealings (not Ozzy btw) off.

I can always rely on you RC to take the bait. ;D ;D ;D


Does that make you a troll then? :-\

Nope! Cos she only does it to you! Trolls are less specific - this just means you're predictable, brother Red. Nothing wrong with that!
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: valmarg on November 02, 2008, 22:09:19

Does that make you a troll then? :-\

Dunno RC, what's a troll??

Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: ninnyscrops on November 02, 2008, 23:08:06
Now who's knocking Chelsea here - me being fan with red hair! .....and what's that got to do with R & B ;)
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: valmarg on November 03, 2008, 21:43:10
Ooops looked in the OED at the definition of troll.

Don't think that completely describes me.  I'm just a bit mischievous. ;D ;D  Well at my time of life I can afford to be. ;D ;D

Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: Froglegs on November 04, 2008, 11:57:59
Carkson in trouble now ::)
Title: Re: Ross and Brand
Post by: RobinOfTheHood on November 14, 2008, 18:40:10
Cari Mitchell, of English Collective of Prostitutes, meanwhile, said Clarkson's comments were "more serious than the Ross and Brand debacle" because he was "making light of murder".


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