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General => The Shed => Topic started by: tim on October 24, 2008, 10:45:09

Title: The Gurkas
Post by: tim on October 24, 2008, 10:45:09

You too!!
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Barnowl on October 24, 2008, 10:57:06
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: luckydog on October 24, 2008, 11:10:40
Me too!!
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Flighty on October 24, 2008, 11:15:29
And me!
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: saddad on October 24, 2008, 11:18:03
Same here.
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Lauren S on October 24, 2008, 11:24:21
I'm in and joined  :)
Title: Re: The Gurkhas
Post by: tim on October 24, 2008, 11:53:00
I ******* when I heard that the Home Office had refused permission to an ex-Gurkha VC to come to UK for medical attention on grounds that "he hadn't shown sufficient commitment to this country." !!!

Quote from my b-in-l.

What I want to know is WHO started the ban & WHY?? We never hear this?
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: manicscousers on October 24, 2008, 12:07:07
done !!!
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: coznbob on October 24, 2008, 12:10:40
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Emagggie on October 24, 2008, 12:12:28
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Moonbeam65 on October 24, 2008, 14:46:22
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: lorna on October 24, 2008, 14:53:35
Done. Hopefully someone will see sense.
Title: Re: The Gurkhas
Post by: tim on October 24, 2008, 17:41:00
Sorry about my spelling slip. Missed the H.
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Kea on October 24, 2008, 18:01:09
Thanks for the link Tim.....Joanna Lumley was highlighting this recently but not the petition at that point.
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Hyacinth on October 24, 2008, 18:05:49
Thanks for the link Tim.....Joanna Lumley was highlighting this recently but not the petition at that point.

I heard that too, so thanks Tim for posting the link to the petition for us to sign up to. Done.
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Fork on October 24, 2008, 18:21:28
Gurkhas win right to settle in UK


Press Assoc. - Tuesday, September 30 03:00 pm

Gurkhas have won their court battle for the right to settle in Britain.


Lawyers for the men who fought alongside British troops in battles over 200 years said: "Today we have seen a tremendous and historic victory for the gallant Gurkha veterans of Nepal.

"This is a victory that restores honour and dignity to deserving soldiers who faithfully served in Her Majesty's armed forces. It is a victory for common sense; a victory for fairness; and a victory for the British sense of what is 'right'."

Six claimants brought a judicial review test case against the Government, challenging what has now been declared an unlawful immigration policy which excluded veteran Gurkhas who retired before 1997 from the United Kingdom.

The Gurkhas in this test case represented approximately 2,000 others who were refused entry to the UK because the Government said they had failed to demonstrate "strong ties" to the UK.

The judge, Mr Justice Blake, made clear that the long military service of these men, their wounds sustained in battle, their conspicuous acts of bravery, their acts of gallantry and their commitment and loyalty to the Crown all point to an unquestionable historic "moral debt of honour" and gratitude which the ordinary people of Britain embrace and celebrate.

Martin Howe, of solicitors Howe and Co, said the case had brought "a torrential outpouring of affection and concern" from the ordinary British public towards the old warriors from the hills of Nepal.

"The bonds of affection and ties of loyalty between the people of this country and the men from the Brigade of Gurkhas, who have unswervingly served this country for 200 years, has never been stronger."

Hundreds of Gurkhas packed the courtroom to hear Mr Justice Blake give his ruling.

They were represented by five claimants, including a wounded Falklands veteran, Lance Corporal Gyanendra Rai, 52, and Gulf War veteran Rifleman Birendra Man Shrestha, 46, along with a Gurkha widow. All had applied to settle in the UK, but were refused entry by British Entry Clearance officers at the British Embassy in Kathmandu and the British High Commissions in Hong Kong and Macau.

Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Fork on October 24, 2008, 18:23:06
The British government has now said it will review all cases of Gurkha ex-soldiers who have been denied the right to live in Britain, This follows the London court case which on Tuesday ruled in favour of a group of retired Gurkhas. So it looks like the Gurkhas will soon win, make sure you support these brave lads and sign the petition
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Fork on October 24, 2008, 18:24:52

Thank you so much for signing the Gurkha Justice petition, and joining our

Already, over 33,000 people have signed: an extraordinary response in support
of an extraordinary group of people. We've had great coverage for the
campaign in the media across the world, and with excellent support from our
UK papers.

We must be clear. We're not looking for a Government "review" of cases of
ex-Gurkhas. We're not looking at a slight amendment in the law, a way of
getting around the High Court's terrific judgement last week.

We demand the full, fundamental change in law that will allow all retired
Gurkhas the right to live here.

In November, I plan to go to Downing Street and present the Gurkha Justice
petition to the Government on your behalf. I want the petition to be so big,
so huge, that they simply can't fail to listen.

To make the biggest possible impact, we really need more people to sign: lots
more. I want this to be one of the biggest petitions ever handed to the
Government, to show our support for the Gurkha cause.

Your support for the campaign is a fantastic boost: thank you so much. But,
if possible, I need to ask you to help in two other ways, to encourage others
to sign.

Firstly, ask all of your friends and colleagues to sign up to the Gurkha
Justice Campaign at - please do forward them this
email, or email or contact them directly yourself.

And secondly, you can now download a petition form for signing from Please download
and print some copies, and ask friends and colleagues who have not signed
on line to sign up. Please do pass it round (some friends of mine have run
street stalls asking people for their signatures - I'm not asking you to
go that far!) and return completed sheets to me at the address on the form
by the end of October.

Finally - thank you again for your support. Together, we can finally right
this wrong.

With warmest good wishes,

Joanna Lumley
for the Gurkha Justice Campaign

Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: tim on October 24, 2008, 18:34:07
I feel like handing in my Kukri.

But the Grandchildren want it!!
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Fork on October 24, 2008, 18:35:55
Just to throw a spanner into the works,so to speak!

This is from another website I use and its the opinion of an old soldier who fought in WW11.

Having served with the Ghurkas myself I totally agree with the petition.

"Quote"Those that serve now can already stay.

It is the prospect of all the families that ever served being allowed to settle here Certainly going back for the last 80 years AND all the extended family. That is many thousands more Asians being allowed in, when we need jobs and homes for our own young people,

Charity begins at home. The bleeding hearts club? Could it be publicity seeking?

The Gurkha's serve in many other nations forces, Being mercenaries,  they sell their service to the highest bidder they can find. There are 3500 serving here and  40,000 serving in other armies!....... But If you are willing for another 20,00 Asians (And many thousands upwards) taking the jobs and homes here?...

It does sound like selling your own young peoples birthright, And what is worse, The prospect of another monstrous tranche of Asians allowed into already the most heavily populated Nation in the Western World ...The UK....Do you know what you are doing? For overcrowding becomes a civil flashpoint  That is street violence for the future.

Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: tim on October 24, 2008, 18:58:50
Point taken. But THEY helped save our Country?

But at long last, someone has come up with the fuller picture - did not know. Thank you. t does tend to knock sentiment on the head?

Must read the small print!

PS Others taking our peoples jobs? This has been happening for decades, by those who are useful NOW but have not contributed before.

Beyond this it gets political & that's not my scene. And all of this is a mere talking point.

Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: cornykev on October 24, 2008, 19:33:11
Done.  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: tim on April 25, 2009, 12:02:46
Seems that we have to/must do it all over again.


But we MUST??
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: saddad on April 25, 2009, 12:04:05
I agree, what a shameful decision...  >:(
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: tonybloke on April 25, 2009, 14:04:25
thanks for the link, Tim.
sometimes I'm ashamed to be british!!!! ;)
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: rosebud on April 25, 2009, 15:55:26
 I have very strong views on this, my brother (no Longer with us) was lived when they were refused he had enormous respect for the Gurkas.
How comes this goverment lets in any old riff raff, pays them for doing s*d all & has the gall to refuse the Gurkas.   They should hang there heads in shame.
It`s time we in this country stood up to this bloody goverment. Load of half wits money grabbing,spongers with there shopping lists for 2nd homes Grrrrr!.
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: tim on April 25, 2009, 16:01:37
I didn't make it clear that - as I understand it - she wants us to sign up even having done so before??

Wouldn't have known had No 1 Son not called this morning.
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: grannyjanny on April 25, 2009, 16:12:57
Thanks Tim. Done. Yet again our government gets it wrong. When will they listen & learn.
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: angle shades on April 25, 2009, 16:50:41
 :)done /shades x
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: asbean on April 25, 2009, 17:14:55
Done it xx
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: mikey on April 25, 2009, 17:56:41
Done again .... this morning when I saw the Newspapers

What a treacherous move .......

If we continue to offend our 'old' friends we will rapidly be alone
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: SPUDLY on April 25, 2009, 17:59:28
Just signed up.
It's about time this bloody government got it's priority's right. Welcomes with open arms, useless sponges from europe who contribute nothing to this country, yet deny people who have put their lives on the line.
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: SamLouise on April 25, 2009, 18:55:15
So they happily give benefits to people who want to blow us up and kill us yet they turn away people who have risked their lives, served for us and been loyal?

We let in all kinds of p-takers who'll probably never do anything for society other than cost money and cause grief, but say no to people who loyally fought for our country and put their lives on the line for generations, its b******s.

We should kick some of the non-productive p-takers out to make room for gurkhas instead!

Its just another one of those backwards, unfair, illogical things that's starting to make the UK a joke of a place.
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: SPUDLY on April 25, 2009, 19:06:50
Amen to that SamLouise, well said.
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: flowerofshona2007 on April 25, 2009, 19:35:04
Done and posted on another web site to !
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Jeanbean on April 25, 2009, 20:46:22
Just signed the petition.What is wrong with our Government? As others have said if you are a lazy good for nothing then you can come and live in our country and reap all the benefits. These men deserve the right to stay. They contributed so much to our nation and continue to do so. It is about time Gordon Brown and his merry men saw sense!
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Suzanne on April 25, 2009, 21:23:57
Signed the petition. Plus happy to support any other protest action. I can't believe we can be so ungrateful as a country.
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: cornykev on April 26, 2009, 18:08:00
I think you just about covered it all Sammy, I'm off to sign up now.  Done.  >:(
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: OllieC on April 27, 2009, 15:18:51
Thanks for posting this Tim, as you say this isn't meant to be about politics. I've made my views on war fairly clear on numerous occasions (IN THE APPROPRIATE POSTS), but these guys fought for my freedom whether I like it or not & I owe them for that.

I'm astonished at some of the comments on here. Why can't people sign it & either stay on topic or shut up? Drivel such as the following is completely unsubstantiated right-wing Daily Mail propaganda & the posters should be ashamed of themselves.

Unless the point you're making is that you're normally racist but you're making an exception for these guys?

Quotes from people that are incorrect and in the wrong thread:
"if you are a lazy good for nothing then you can come and live in our country and reap all the benefits"
"they happily give benefits to people who want to blow us up and kill us"
"useless sponges from europe who contribute nothing to this country"
"How comes this goverment lets in any old riff raff, pays them for doing s*d all"
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Mr Smith on April 28, 2009, 10:43:34
Having worked alongside Gurkha's in the army I have signed petitions on military web sites over this  resettlement programme in the UK, I doubt if the doubters have ever seen a Gurkha in the flesh,  go down into the centre of Folkestone and more than likely you will see a very smart turned out Gurkha in blazer and slacks wearing his regimental tie going about his business, Cheriton in Folkestone is now regenerated and a safe part of town thanks to the settlement of Gurkha families and businesses in that area :) 
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: torquil on April 28, 2009, 11:13:04
just to  say big thanks to Tim done it
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Kendy on April 28, 2009, 12:10:31
Signed up too

OllieC - not sure I see your point 'cos it is about politics.  All those points made are valid and not racist.  I am happy to welcome those who can (or have made) a contribution to this country and those who flee from persecution for protection but not spongers, terrorists or illegal immigrants.

It is time the government listened to the feelings of it's people.
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: OllieC on April 28, 2009, 12:56:20
You can't contribute to hysteria about immigration & then complain when the government does it's best to keep the figures down. Most immigrants are not terrorists, spongers or whatever, they're people just like you or me or anyone else on here, trying to get a better life, and they deserve to be treated with respect. They are also net contributors to the economy. I'd let them all in, and send some of our career doleys out to where the immigrants come from.

But as I've already said, this is the wrong place to discuss it - the politics begin with the people I quoted above... which is a shame!
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Kendy on April 28, 2009, 14:57:28
Still don't get what you are saying but that's the way it is.  Note I said illegal immigrants
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: bridgehouse on April 28, 2009, 17:31:44

Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: impkin on April 28, 2009, 21:59:17
done that!
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Mr Smith on April 29, 2009, 17:47:21
Great news that commonsense has taken place in the commons today, can't wait to see old fish face Gordy sucking his cheek getting out of this one, ;D
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: hopalong on April 29, 2009, 18:24:41
Good debate and great result in the Commons today. Makes a change to see backbenchers of all parties taking a principled stand.
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: OllieC on April 29, 2009, 18:48:51
Absolutely brilliant news! All credit to the Lib Dems for bothering to stand up for what's right!
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Mr Smith on April 29, 2009, 19:33:20
Must agree I think Nick Clegg was very good,
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: hopalong on April 29, 2009, 19:54:56
Yes, Clegg and the Lib Dems certainly deserve a lot of credit.
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: tonybloke on April 29, 2009, 20:27:59
heard the news on P.M. R4, Woo Woo!! some real democracy in action!! ;)
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: lewic on April 29, 2009, 21:06:28
This government does seem to pick on the soft targets when it comes to immigration.

Does anyone remember dialysis patient Ama Sumani who was thrown out of the UK to die last year despite being a student and no bother to anyone? In the same newspaper, there was also a story about terrorist Abu Qatada stringing out his deportation order on medical grounds. He could obviously afford  better lawyers.

And they wonder why the vile BNP are taking their votes.....
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: SPUDLY on April 29, 2009, 22:13:44
Fantastic. Lets not forget Joanna Lumley. Sterling Job :-*
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: Mr Smith on May 08, 2009, 20:07:48
I have just watched JL in front of the Home affairs select committee on the Gurkha issue and what a star she is, from a personal point of view I embarrassed  to be an Englishman in the way we are treating these proud fighters, :)
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: grannyjanny on May 09, 2009, 08:39:28
How long is it since Ronnie Biggs "came home to die"?
Title: Re: The Gurkas
Post by: CotswoldLass on May 09, 2009, 22:50:37
Tim, and all, haven't been on here at much recently due to law finals year but have supported the Gurkha campaign all the way. My husband is former commanding officer and I have ultimate respect for the Gurkha regiments and what they have done for this country.

I am humbly amazed by the success of the campaign but equally infuriated by the government's squirmingly reprehensible backtracking on what it says it is going to do.

The nature of democracy demands that the government should be accountable to the people who elected it, yet what to we see here but backtracking?

It took Joanna Lumley to finally stick the Immigration Minister on the proverbial pin (like an insect). How apt. Let's see some real justice now for the Gurkhas.

And Tim, bless you, if my husband is away he puts the service Kukri under my bed (but I would rely on the dog and other security first!!) Never, never throw it away. I know you wouldn't.


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